HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings & Action Form SANTA ANITA VILLAGE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Findings and Action Report -1- Date: 3-18-21 File No. 1297 Project Address: 943 Balboa Dr. Arcadia 91007 Association Name: Santa Anita Village Applicant Name: John Sheng Property Owner(s) Name: Zhongming Lin Project Description: Remodel and 1st and second story additions, Prairie Style First floor 2217 SF, Second story 935 SF Total SF =3,152 SF, FAR 35% Lot Coverage 2,766SF = 30% (35% allowable) ADU not considered. FINDINGS Only check those that are apply and provide a written explanation for each NOTE: Development Department please confirm calculations for: Remodel and FAR calculations. The proposed project is consistent with the Forms and Mass Guidelines. Explanation: The first story wings tend to dominate but are allowed to remain as is since ,if this qualifies a remodel,, they are existing . Otherwise this design meets the forms and mass guidelines. The FAR is maximized. The second story is smaller than the first and meets the minimum standard for the first story anchoring the second story. The neighborhood is predominately one story but this proposed home sits between the only other two story interior homes on the block. The proposed project is consistent with the Frontage Conditions Guidelines. Explanation: The home does not have greater height than the two flanking two story homes. The appearance of bulk is greater but the on site relationship to the neighborhood meets the guidelines for frontage conditions. The used brick accents will be change to be compatible with the architectural style by using concrete instead. See Landscaping section for condition. Garages and Driveways Guidelines. Explanation: The garage and driveway are existing and will remain as built. The proposed project is, consistent with the Architectural Styles Guidelines. Explanation: Prairie is the intended style of this project. Prairie elements can be seen on all 4 elevations therefore this section is given a “yes”. SANTA ANITA VILLAGE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Findings and Action Report -2- The proposed project is consistent with the Height, Bulk, and Scale Guidelines. Explanation: The height is not more than the two adjacent neighbors. The visual Scale and bulk, while somewhat greater, meet the minimum standards for this Section of the Guidelines. The proposed project is consistent with the Roofline Guidelines. Explanation: The roof pitch is consistent with the pitches found for the selected architectural style. The selected roof is Boral Saxony 900 slate Appalachian Blend Tan. The proposed project is consistent with the Entries Guidelines. Explanation: The design of the existing entry is to remain with the addition of sidelites. It has been moved slightly forward. It will be a simple entry like others in the neighborhood. The proposed project is consistent with the Windows and Doors Guidelines. Explanation: The casement style windows are Expresso colored vinyl with SDL architectural grids. The door is compatible with the architectural style. The porch will be concrete. The proposed project is consistent with the Articulation Guidelines. Explanation: Enough articulation is provided on all four elevations to meet this. Guideline. The proposed project is consistent with the Facade Details Guidelines. Explanation: A continuous sill wrapped around all four elevations is featured as a unifying Prairie detail. The brick veneer on the front elevation wraps around all four corners of the front façade to the nearest inside corner. All four elevations are visually consistent with the architectural style. The proposed project is consistent with the Colors and Materials Guidelines. Explanation: Prairie homes have natural muted earth colors. The colors selected are earth tones that blend with each other. SANTA ANITA VILLAGE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Findings and Action Report -3- The proposed project is consistent with the Accessory Lighting Guidelines. Explanation: The proposed light fixture on the materials board is consistent with the guidelines. The proposed project is consistent with the Additions, Alterations, and Accessory Buildings/Structures Guidelines. Explanation: This project represents a complete change from the style of the original home. The switch to Prairie style has been achieved on all 4 elevations. The exception is the retention of red used brick in the landscaping plan. See the Landscaping section for the condition to remedy this issue. The proposed project  is,  is not consistent with the Hillside Properties Guidelines. Explanation: NA The proposed project is consistent with the Fences, Walls, Gates, and Hedges Guidelines. Explanation: The existing fences, walls and gates are to be kept as part of this remodeling/ second story addition application. The proposed project is not consistent with the Impervious Coverage and Landscape Areas Guidelines. Explanation: The Landscape plan exhibits red used brick elements. This conflicts with the pale tan color of the prairie style house and colors. As a condition of approval the applicant has agreed to replace all the used brick elements w ith concrete SANTA ANITA VILLAGE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Findings and Action Report -4- ACTION Pursuant to City’s Development Code Section 9107.20.050, a Site Plan and Design Review in the Homeowners Association Areas may be approved only if it is foun d that the proposed development is consistent with the City’s adopted Design Guidelines. APPROVED WITH CONDITION To replace the red used brick in the front landscape plan with concrete. Date of ARB Meeting: MARCH 18, 2021 7PM TELECONFERENCE ARB Members Rendering the Above Decision: AYES: Michael Lee, Jerry Shen, Laurie Thompson ABSTAIN: Thanh Lim There is a ten (10) day appeal period for this application. To file an appeal, a completed Appeal Application form must be submitted to the City’s Planning Division along with a $600.00 appeal fee by 5 p.m. on_March 28, 2021 You will be notified if an appeal is filed. You may visit the City’s website at www.ArcadiaCA.gov/noticesanddecisions to view this document. If you have any questions regarding the above decision, please contact the ARB Chairperson at Laurie229@gmail.com or 626-447-5092 Thank you. cc: City of Arcadia, Planning Division City Clerk