HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved PlansDETAIL IDENFICATION NUMBER SECTION REFERENCE SHEET NUMBER SHEET NUMBER XX AX.X XX AX.X XX AX.X XX AX.X 1 24 3 INTERIOR ELEVATION REFERENCE SHEET NUMBER XX AX.X DETAIL REFERENCE NUMBER SHEET NUMBER XX AX.X DETAIL REFERENCE NUMBER SHEET NUMBER ##WINDOW REFERENCE ##DOOR REFERENCE LX LAUNDRY FIXTURE/ APPLIANCE REFERENCE RESTROOM FIXTURE & ACCESSORIES REFERENCEKX ##GENERAL NOTE REFERENCE KX KITCHEN FIXTURE/ APPLANCE REFERENCE PARKWAY DR.WATERMETEREXIST. CMU BLOCK FENCE/ 4' HCL P.L.P.L. P.L.P.L.P.L.P.L.P.L.P.L.EXIST. CMU BLOCK FENCE/ 6' HEXIST. CMU BLOCK FENCE/ 6' HEXIST. SWIMMING POOL EXIST. 1 STORY HOUSE (3,336 SF)/ 2 CAR GARAGE (496 SF)DEMOLITION EXIST.POOL CABANA (240 SF)PROPOSED POOLCABANA (250 SF)(E)POOL EQ.GAS METERMAIN POWER PANEL/ELECTRIC METER12'-6"18'-0"10'-0"5'-0" (E)WD. FENCE/ 6' H41'-6"34'-5"10'-0" 7'-10"19'-9" 14'-8" 12'-0"20'-0"25'-0"10'-5" 85'146.57'146.66'79.92' GATE ENTRY GATE ENTRY ADD WOOD FENCE ON EXIST. BLOCK WALL/ SEE A-2/ 15 FENCE DETAILSTREET VIEW 1STREET VIEW 2 SHEET NUMBERPROJECT LOCATION:PROPOSED RESIDENTS COVERED PATIOOFARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BY:A-CONTACT: SEAN JIDESIGNER:DATE: 02/02/2020ISSUED 01/10/2021 1. The contractor and/or subcontractors shall visit and review conditions prior to submitting bids. 2. The contractor shall assume sole and complete responsibility for jobsite conditions during construction of this project including safety of all persons and property. This requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. The contractor shall provide public protection as necessary and required by governing city agencies. 3. The work shall conform to the applicable building code and other ordinance codes and regulations listed in the specifications or on the drawings and required by local building authorities. The governing codes, UXOHVDQGUHJXODWLRQVDUHFROOHFWLYHO\UHIHUUHGWRDV³7KH&RGH´7KH contractor shall report any inconsistencies, conflicts or omissions he may GLVFRYHUWRWKHDUFKLWHFWIRULQWHUSUHWDWLRQSULRUWRSHUIRUPLQJWKHZRUN 4. The general contractor shall verify all conditions and dimensions on the job site and report any and all discrepancies and/or unusual conditions to the designer prior to finalizing bids or commencement of any construction. 5. Trade names and manufactures referred to are for quality standards only. Substitutions will be permitted when they have been submitted to and approved by the owner and designer prior to their purchase and incorporation into the work. 6. The contractor shall be responsible for all costs for inspections and/or tests, unless noted otherwise. 7.All ramps shall have a non-slip finish. 8.Do not scale these drawings. Should any dimensional discrepancies be encountered, clarifications shall be obtained from the designer. 9. Unless otherwise noted on these drawings or in the specifications as being N.I.C or existing, all items, materials, etc.., and the installation of same are a part of the contract defined by these drawing specifications. 10. The building and its facilities shall be accessible and functional to the physically handicapped. 11. Details are intended to show the intent of the design. Minor modifications may be required to suit the field dimensions or conditions and such modification shall be included as part of the work of the contract. 12. All interior wall dimensions are to the face of the stud unless otherwise noted. 13.All exterior wall dimensions are to face of concrete block or two face of stud unless otherwise noted. 14. The contractor shall provide solid blocking, unless noted otherwise as required for nailing of all interior and exterior trims, finishes, and shall provide for all the necessary Framing and bracing for the installation of N.I.C. equipment indicated. 15.Provide metal trim or casing at all edges of plaster or drywall where it terminates or meets any other material, except floors. 16.The contractor shall verify location and size of all floor, roof, and wall openings with all applicable drawings. 17.Keep piping as close to walls and as high to underside of roof framing as possible. 18.Where larger studs or furring are required to cover ducts, piping conduit, etc., the larger stud or furrring shall extend the full length of the surface involved. 19. The contractor shall verify inserts and embedded items with all applicable drawings before pouring concrete. 20.All exterior expose Metals (Trims, railing, frames, moldings, Etc.) shall be painted, unless noted otherwise. 21.All exterior wall openings, flashing, coping, and expansion joints shall be weatherproof. 22.All roof drains shall be located at the lowest point of the roof taking into consideration the camber of beams and deflection of cantilevers. Contractor shall verify that positive drainage exists from all points on roof prior to installing deck. 23. Glazing Notes: A) All fixed and operable windows from 0 to 50 square feet in area shall KDYHó´PLQLPXPJODVVJULSDQGó´PLQLPXPJODVVHGJHFOHDUDQFHV B) All fixed and operable windows over fifty square feet in area shall have ó´PLQLPXPJODVVJULSDQGó´PLQLPXPJODVVHGJHFOHDUDQFHV & *OD]LQJLQDOXPLQXPGRRUVVKDOOKDYHó´PLQLPXPJODVVJULSDQGó´ minimum glass edge clearance. D) All window and door glazing shall have continuous glazing rabbet and glass retainer and resilient setting material. 5*''6+0&': AC. T.-ACOUSTIC TILE AFF-ABOVE FINISH FLOOR ALT-ALTERNATE ALUM-ALUMINUM ANCH-ANCHOR APPROX-APPROXIMATELY ARCH-ARCHITECT/ ARCHITECTURAL BR.CS.-BRICK COURSE BLDG-BUILDING BLK-BLOCK B.M.-BENCH MARK BM-BEAM B.N.-BULL NOSE BNT-BENT BMT-BOTTOM C.B-CATCH BASIN CEM-CEMENT CERT.T.-CERAMIC TILE C.J-CONTROL JOINT CLR.-CLEAR CLG-CEILING CMU-CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT COL-COLUMN COMP.-COMPOSITION CONC.-CONCRETE CONSTR.-CONSTRUCTIO CONT.-CONTINUOUS CONTR.-CONTRACTOR CTR.-CENTER DET.-DETAIL DF-DRINKING FOUNTAIN DIA.-DIAMETER DIM-DIMENSION D.O. -DOOR OPENING DS-DOWNSPOUT DWG-DRAWING EIFS-EXT. INSULATION & FINISH SYSTEM ZEL-ELEVATION (SEA LEVEL) ELEC.-ELECTRICAL ELEV.-ELEVATION EXP-EXPANSION E.J.-EXPANSION JOINT EXT-EXTERIOR F.D.-FLOOR DRAIN F.E.-FIRE EXTINGUISHER FIN-FINISH FLR-FLOOR FDN-FOUNDATION FOM-FACE OF MASONRY FPHB-FROST PROOF HOSE BIBB FURR-FURRING FVC-FIRE VALVE CABINET GA.-GAUGE GALV.-GALVANIZED GEN-GENERAL GRFC-GLASS FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE GRFG-GLASS FIBER REINFORCED GYPSUM-GLASS/GLAZING G.S-GRAVEL STOP GYP.BD.-GYPSUM BOARD HDWE-HARDWARE-HOSE BIBB- HOLLOW METAL-HYDRANT I.D.-INSIDE DIAMETER INSUL-INSULATION JT-JOINT LAV-LAVATORY LG.-LONG LLH-LONG LEG HORIZONTAL LLV-LONG LEG VERTICAL L.P.-LOW POINT/LIGHT PANEL LT- LIGHT MAR-MARBLE MAS-MASONRY MAX-MAXIMUM MECH.-MECHANICAL MTL--METAL MFR-MANZA MH-MANHOLE MIN.-MINIMUM MISC.-MISCELLANEOUS NIC-NOT IN CONTRACT NO-NUMBER O/A-OVERALL O/C-ON CENTER O.D.-OUTSIDE DIAMETER OH-OVERHELD O/O-OUT TO OUT OPNG-OPENING PC-PIECE PL-PLATE PLAS-PLASTER PLBG-PLUMBING NUMBER PLYWD-PLYWOOD POL-POLISHED PROJ-PROJECT PTD-PAINTED R-RADIUS RAILG R.D.-ROOF DRAIN RE-INF.-REINFORCEMENT/ REINFORCED REQD.-REQUIRED RM-ROOM R.O.-ROUGH OPENING S-SNK SHT.-SHEET S.M.-SHEET METAL SQ.-SQUARE SPM.-SINGLE PLY MEMBRANE S.S-SLOP/SERVICE SINK S.STL-STAINLESS STEEL STD-STANDARD STRUCT.-STRUCTURAL SUPSP-SUSPENDED T/-TOP OF T.D.-TRENCH TERR-TERRAZZO TYP-TYPICAL VCT-VINYL COMPOSITION TILE W.C.-WATER CLOSET WD-WOOD WF-WEIGHT WWF-WELDED WIRE FABRIC #22.+%#$.'$7+.&+0)%1&' 8+%+0+6;/#2 SITE2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE 2019 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE 2019 CITY OF ARCADIA AMENDMENTS PROJECT ADDRESS: 870 MONTE VERDE DR. ARCADIA, CA 91007 OWNER:YOUYANG LUO APN: 5776013010 SITE AREA:12,083 SF. ZONING:R-0 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B EXISTING DWELLING: 3,336 SF. EXISTING GARAGE : 496 SF. EXISTING POOL CABANA TO DEMOLITION :240 SF PROPOSED COVERED PATIO:250 SF TOTAL AREA:3,336 + 496 + 250 =4,082 SF. HEIGHT OF BUILDING: 14'-6" ARCHITECTURE DESIGN MAPLE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 1249 S DIAMOND BAR BLVD. #35 DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 PHONE: 818-424 7403 FAX: 626-461 0573 8 DEMOLITION EXISTING POOL CABANA PROPOSED COVERED PATIO ON BACKYARD PER INSPECTOR REQUIRE, (E) FENCE NEED BUILD TO MAX. 6' HIGH ARCHITECTURAL A -1 COVER SHEET/ SITE PLAN A -2 FLOOR PLAN/ ROOF PLAN/ ELEVATION/ SECTION/ DETAIL 5%12'1(914- 7 6 COVER SHEET/ SITE PLAN1 )'0'4#.016'5 #$$4'8+#6+105 241,'%6&#6# 4'('4'0%'5;/$1.5 9 5%#.'065 * NO OAK ON THIS PROPERTY 1 %1057.6#065 2 3 4 5 241215'&5+6'2.#010 5%#.'žÄ 8+'98+'9 Cond. Approved 4-16-21 9 - - (4" CONC. SLAB W/ #4 @16" O.C. E.W SATURATE THE SOIL 18" DEEP) 10'-0"3'-0"CONC. STEPS1'-2" 7"5'-0"7'-6"7'-6"5'-0"7'-3"12"W x 18" D W/ (2)#4 @ TOP & BOTT. TYP.6x6 WD. POSTW/ 'CB'6x6 WD. POSTW/ 'CB'6x6 WD. P OST W/ 'CB'6x6 WD. P OST W/ 'CB'6x6 WD. P OST W/ 'CB'4'-3"6x6 WD. P OST W/ 'CB'6x6 WD. P OST W/ 'CB'6x6 WD. P OST W/ 'CB' 2x8 R.R. @16" O.C. 2x8 R.R. @16" O.C.2x8 R.R. @16" O.C.2x8 R.R. @16" O.C.4x4 K.P. 4x4 K.P. ROOF BM. 3-1/2"x11-7/8" PSL ROOF BM. 3-1/2"x11-7/8" PSL ROOF BM. 3-1/2"x11-7/8" PSL 6"x 6"4x10 D.F.11 - - 10 12 - - 13 - - 1/2" THK. PLYWOOD SHEATH'S STRUC. I, INDEX 32/16 W/ 10D @ 6", 6", 12" O.C. BLOCKED, SEE PLYWOOD LAYOUT AT DETAIL 14/A-2 TYP. - - 6"x 6" 6"x 6"6"x 6" 6"x 6" 6"x 6" 6"x 6"6"x 6"7"7"7'-6"2'-10"CONC. SLAB 12 4 12 4 CONC. STEPS FINISH GRADE CONC. ROOF TILE, MATCH E. HOUSE1'-2"7'-6"2'-10"RIDGE WD. POST/ TYP. CONC. SLAB 12 4 12 4 CONC. STEPS FINISH GRADE CONC. ROOF TILE, MATCH E. HOUSE - - 4:124:12 4:124:124:12 4:121'-6"RIDGEHIPH I P H I P HIP 8 - - 7 FINISH GRADE CONC. STEPS CONC. SLAB 7'-6"1'-0"2'-3"12 4 12 4 ROOF BEAM R.R WD. POST CONC. FOOTING NATURAL SOIL 22 GA. GALV. EDGE FLSHG. OVER 12" STARTER STRIP 2X FASCIA RAFTER, SEE STRUCT. 2X6 BLKG. ROOF TILE OVER UNDERLAYMENT AND PLYWD. SHTHG. MATCH(E) UNDERLAYMENT (SEE GENERAL NOTES) ROOF SHEATHING PER FRAMING PLAN B.N. OF PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO BLOCK 12" MIN INVERTED CAP SHEATHING @ TRANSITION CONC. RIDGE TILE CEMENT GROUT FILL FRAMING MEMBERS 8" M I N . L A P 2X NAILER CONTINUOUS UNDERLAYMENT 0/2X NAILER ROOF SHEATHING PER FRAMING PLAN ROOF TILE OVER UNDERLAYMENT AND PLYWD. SHTHG. MATCH(E) RAFTER, SEE STRUCT. COLUMN BASE/ SIMPSON STRONG-TIE G90 1" AIR W/ DRY PACK 18" MIN.2-#4 CONT. (T&B)NATURAL GRADE OR COMPACTED FILL #4 DOWEL @16" O.C. 3" CLR CONC. SLAB REMAIN #4 CONT. CONT. FOOTING/ PER PLAN 2-#4 CONT. (T&B) 18" 3 1 4 2 2 1 2x RAFTER, SEE PLAN FOR SIZE & SPACING 2 4x WOOD BN. SEE PLAN 3 ROOF SHEATH'G, SEE PLAN 4 SIMPSON H2.5 @ EA. SIDE 3 1 5 1 BM., SEE PLAN 2 HIP BM., SEE PLAN 3 POST, SEE PLAN 4 SIMPSON "HW" SKEWED 5 SIMPSON ST12 EA. SIDE OF POST TO BM.(E) CMU FENCE/ 4'-0"(N) WOOD FENCEMAX. 6'-0"2x4 PT WOOD/ TYP. #8x1-5/8" COATED EXTERIOR SCREW/ TYP. WOOD FENCE PICKET ‘* GALVANIZED STEEL LINE FENCE POST/ @8' O.C 12G/ PIPE GRIP TIE/ TYP.8" MINFINISH GRADE (E) FOOTING CONC. ANCHORS/ TYP. WOOD FENCE PICKET/ TYP. CONC. ANCHORS/ TYP. ‘* GALVANIZED STEEL LINE FENCE POST/ @8' O.C 12G/ PIPE GRIP TIE/ TYP. (E) CMU WALL (E) CMU WALL 2x4 PT WOOD/ TYP. #8x1-5/8" COATED EXTERIOR SCREW/ TYP. SHEET NUMBERPROJECT LOCATION:PROPOSED RESIDENTS COVERED PATIOOFARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BY:A-CONTACT: SEAN JIDESIGNER:DATE: 02/02/2020ISSUED 01/10/2021 PROPOSED COVERED PATIO FL/ EL/ DET.2 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 EAVE DETAIL (SCALE: N.T.S)RIDGE DETAIL (SCALE: N.T.S)CONC. FOOTING DETAIL (SCALE: N.T.S) ROOF RAFTER TO BEAM DETAIL (SCALE: N.T.S)BEAM TO POST (SCALE: N.T.S)CONNECTION DETAIL (SCALE: N.T.S) 14ROOF PLYWOOD DIAPHRAGM LAYOUT (SCALE: N.T.S) CONNECTION DETAIL (SCALE: N.T.S)15FENCE WALL DETAIL (SCALE: N.T.S) SECTION PLAN VIEW