HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Minutes: 03/18/2021LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES
NOTE: As part of the City of Arcadia's COVID-19 transmission mitigation efforts, and in
accordance with California Executive Order N-25-20 suspending some terms of the Brown Act,
this meeting was conducted virtually by teleconference.
CALL TO ORDER — Chair Barbara Delphey called the meeting to order at 4:36 p.m.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Trustee Miriam Carter
ROLL CALL: Chair Barbara Delphey, Trustees Miriam Carter, Janet HasBrouck, Elizabeth
Renfrew, and Alice Wang; Councilmember Paul Cheng (City Council Liaison);
Director of Library & Museum Services Darlene Bradley (Secretary); Library
Services Managers Roger Hiles and Pat Smith.
Councilmember Cheng reported he had been working with the Herald Christian Center to
organize vaccination clinics at the Community Center, and they had complimented City staff for
being so well organized. Councilmember Cheng added he was now working to secure quantities
of face masks for local schools. Trustee HasBrouck stated she had nothing to report but wondered
when in-person Board meetings would resume. Director Bradley replied in-person meetings will
probably resume with the April meeting. Trustee Carter stated she had enjoyed the Teen "de -
stressing kit" put out by Adult & Teen Services. Trustee Renfrew reported the "pop-up" Friends'
Book Sale was going really well, and on the previous Saturday had sold $128 worth of books.
She asked if the Friends could continue to use the "pop-up" location in front of the building after
the reopening, because of its greater visibility. She added that she had attended the virtual book
discussion and felt it was a good discussion thanks to the supportive staff. Trustee Wang stated
she was sorry to have missed the February Board meeting. Chair Delphey expressed thanks to
the staff in the chat room for their assistance with using eBooks. She added that she had also
visited the City's homeless hub, which she found interesting.
Trustee Renfrew made a motion to excuse Trustee Wang from missing the February 18, 2021
Board meeting. Trustee Carter seconded, and the motion was carried on a voice vote.
AYES: Chair Delphey, Trustees Carter, HasBrouck, Renfrew
NOES: None
Director's Update: Director Bradley reported the Library is tentatively planning to re -open on
May 3 for limited -hours 41 grab -and -go )) service. She has asked Library Managers Hiles and Smith
to work out a schedule that will include open hours on two nights and being opened on Saturdays.
Director Bradley also added the Library has resumed using Unique Management Services to
assist in retrieving long overdue imtems, which has resulted in some patron complaints as well as
some record high lost book and fine payments. Director Bradley also reported the Library ; S
operating budget for FY 21/22 had been turned in. Chair Delphey commented that it sounds like
things are moving in the right direction.
Monthly Statistical Report: February 2021: Chair Delphey stated it looked like circulation
numbers were holding steady, and it was nice to see volunteer hours being reported again.
Monthly Report Narrative: February 2021: Chair Delphey stated it was impressive the staff was
working on making operations more efficient. Director Bradley commented it had been decided to
postpone the collection inventory so staff could focus on getting ready for the re -opening. She
added the library was requesting money to convert to RFID circulation and security technology in
the new budget, and if approved, the data from the RFID conversion could be used as a de -facto
inventory. Trustee HasBrouck asked if the Board could advocate for this with the City Council,
and Director Bradley replied there would be public budget study sessions where public comments
would be possible. Trustee Renfrew asked if the Friends' "pop-up" book sale could be promoted
using the Library's social media accounts, and Director Bradley said it would be done.
Financial Report: February 2021: Director Bradley reported the Library's spending for natural
gas had gone over the budgeted amount, possibly since staff are following COVI D-19 advisories
about hand washing.
COI- 19 Update: Director Bradley reported many of the staff have begun being vaccinated.
Staff Update: Director Bradley stated although most of the Library's openings remain frozen, a
recruitment for a Library Technician position is in progress and she has just received approval to
replace two departing Library Aides.
Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage: Director Bradley reported she believed the Museum would
be re -opening in July. She also reported on the Museum's virtual Transcribe -A -thou, and over 50
letters were transcribed from the Anthony Wilkinson collection.
Staff Reports to the Council: Director Bradley noted $5,000 had been received from the Richard
Seaver '78 Trust for the purchase of new books, and the gift had been formally accepted by the
City Council.
Flyers/Arides/ Posters/Attachmtints: Director Bradley noted the Spring "virtual" reading
program would begin Monday, March 22, and the "Dial -A -Story" program had already begun.
a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of February18, 2021
Recommended action: Approve
Trustee HasBrouck asked that the wording in the minutes for the February meeting concerning
longevity pay be clarified. The motion to approve the consent calendar as corrected was moved
by Trustee HasBrouck, seconded by Trustee Carter, and carried on a voice vote.
AYES- Chair Delphey, Trustees Carter, HasBrouck, Renfrew, and Wang
NOES: None
Chair Delphey adjourned the meeting at 5:37 p.m. to Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. in the
Conference Room of the Library, 20 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia.
Barbara Delphey, thaii
Darlene Bradley, Secretary
Minutes prepared by: Roger Hiles