HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No. 1 CUP 21-02 832 S. Baldwin Avenue DATE: July 13, 2021 TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission FROM: Lisa L. Flores, Planning & Community Development Administrator By: Vanessa Quiroz, Associate Planner SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 2078 – APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 21-02 WITH A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (“CEQA”) FOR A NEW TATTOO SHOP AT 832 S. BALDWIN AVENUE Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2078 SUMMARY The Applicant, Wang Xin Liu, is requesting approval of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-02 to allow a new tattoo shop (dba: Ants Tattoo) at 832 S. Baldwin Avenue. The tattoo shop will only have one (1) tattoo station. It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2078 (Attachment No. 1) and find this project Categorically Exempt under CEQA and approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-02, subject to the conditions listed in this staff report. BACKGROUND The subject site is a 20,990 square foot, interior lot located along S. Baldwin Avenue between W. Huntington Drive and Fairview Avenue. The site is surrounded by other commercial properties to the north, south, west, and with multi-family zoned properties to the east (rear) - refer to Figure No. 1 below for an aerial view of the site and Attachment No. 2 for an Aerial Photo with Zoning Information and Photos of the subject property. The site is a legal non-conforming lot and is developed with a 4,420 square foot single-story commercial building that has five (5) commercial units that was built in 1949, and a single- family residence at the rear of the parking lot area that was built in 1939 with a detached garage. The single-family residence is currently occupied. As for the commercial units that front S. Baldwin Avenue, they consist of a hair salon, a real estate office, a small take-out restaurant, and a fortune teller. The proposed tattoo business will occupy a 750 Resolution No. 2078 - CUP 21-02 July 13, 2021 Page 2 of 8 square foot unit that was previously occupied by an upholstery repair shop since 1988. The parking lot at the rear has (6) parking spaces and a detached garage that are shared by the commercial units and residential unit. This area is accessed by a narrow driveway next to the commercial building along the south side of the property. Since there are only six parking spaces, each tenant has at least one parking space available to them. By Code, a total of 14 parking spaces are currently required for the commercial uses, however, parking does not have to be brought up into compliance since the uses do not require more parking spaces than the previous uses. Figure No. 1 – Aerial view of the site PROPOSAL Ants Tattoo offers a variety of tattoo artwork and designs to customers. The Applicant is looking to expand his existing tattoo business and open a second location in the City . Their existing business is located in the City of Tustin and has been there for 3 years. The existing location operates at a larger scale with five (5) stations that runs by both appointments and walk-ins. The proposed business will operate at a smaller scale with only one tattoo station that will be used by their existing employees from the other location, to train new employees, and for licensed tattoo artists to rent for a one-day use or short-term use of a couple of days. The business will operate by appointment only from 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM, seven days a week. The layout of the unit will consists of the tattoo station, a waiting area, a check-in area, a restroom, and the rest of the area will be used for consultations – see Figure No. 2 below for the Floor Plan and Attachment No. 3 for the Site Plan and Floor Plan. With the exception of the work proposed to the existing restroom that has to be brought up into N Resolution No. 2078 - CUP 21-02 July 13, 2021 Page 3 of 8 compliance with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), no other additional tenant improvements are proposed. ANALYSIS The City’s Development Code allows tattoo uses in the C-G zone subject to the review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit to ensure that the proposed business is an appropriate use for the property and is compatible with other uses in the surrounding area. The proposed tattoo shop is taking over a vacant tenant space that was previously occupied by an upholstery business. Both uses have the same parking requirement of one (1) parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, which based on the unit size of 750 square feet, equates to four (4) parking spaces. Thus, the change in business will not impact parking as the new business does not require more parking spaces than the previous use. The proposed tattoo shop will only have one station and will operate by appointment only. There are three other existing businesses on the site that operate by appointment only (SLJ Real Estate, Votre Salon, and The Psychic Center). Therefore, the nature of the business will be compatible with the other existing businesses on the site that also have relatively small business operations. The City’s Police Department has reviewed the request and did not have any concerns with the proposed business. In addition, Staff contacted the City of Tustin Police Department and Code Services Division to inquiry about the Applicant’s existing business, and according to their records, there were no reports of crimes, call for services, or code violations for this business. The business will comply with all requirements and protocols required by the Los Angeles County Health Department. Figure No. 2 – Proposed Floor Plan N Resolution No. 2078 - CUP 21-02 July 13, 2021 Page 4 of 8 FINDINGS Section 9107.09.050(B) of the Development Code requires that the Planning Commission may approve a Conditional Use Permit if all of the following findings can be made: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan and is allowed within the applicable zone, subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit, and comply with all other applicable provisions of the Development Code and the Municipal Code. Facts to Support This Finding: The proposed tattoo shop will be consistent with the Arcadia General Plan which allows for a wide-range of commercial uses that serve citywide markets. The site is zoned C-G (General Commercial) which under Development Code Section 9102.03.020, Table 2-8, allows Personal Restricted Services such as the proposed tattoo use, subject to the review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The tattoo business will comply with all other applicable provisions of the Development Code and the Municipal Code. The use will be consistent with the intended commercial use of the property, and will be required to comply with all applicable Los Angeles County Health Department requirements; therefore, approval of a tattoo business will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan, and is consistent with the following General Plan policy: Land Use and Community Design Element Policy LU-6.7: Encourage a balanced distribution of commercial development throughout the City, ensuring that neighborhoods and districts have adequate access to local-serving commercial uses. 2. The design, location, size, and operating characteristics of the proposed activity will be compatible with the existing and future land uses in the vicinity. Facts to Support This Finding: The proposed tattoo shop will occupy a 750 square foot tenant space within an existing commercial building. The proposed tattoo shop does not require any additional parking since it requires the same amount of parking as the previous business. The proposed use will be compatible with the existi ng uses on the site and will have similar operational characteristics as the other businesses on the site. The tattoo shop will only have one tattoo station, and will operate by an appointment only. The business will also close by 8:00 PM, which is earlier than most commercial businesses. Therefore, the proposed tattoo use will not be detrimental to the existing and future land uses in the vicinity. 3. The site is physically suitable in terms of: a. Its design, location, shape, size, and operating characteristics of the proposed use in order to accommodate the use, and all fences, landscaping, loading, parking, spaces, walls, yards, and other features required to adjust the use with the land and uses in the neighborhood; Resolution No. 2078 - CUP 21-02 July 13, 2021 Page 5 of 8 Facts to Support This Finding: The business will occupy an existing unit space that is physically suitable to accommodate the use since the tattoo shop only consist of one tattoo station. Besides upgrading the existing restroom in order to provide an ADA compliant restroom, no other major renovations to the unit or existing building are required to accommodate the use. A tattoo shop is a type of business that is typically located within multi-tenant commercial center with small tenant spaces that consists of a variety of service based businesses that are compatible to one another. No additional parking is required for the new business. Therefore, the unit and site are suitable for the proposed use. b. Streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to accommodate public and emergency vehicle (e.g., fire and medical) access. Facts to Support This Finding: The site is located along S. Baldwin Avenue between W. Huntington Drive and Fairview Avenue. These streets are designated with the capacity to accommodate both public and emergency vehicles. The streets are adequate in width and pavement type to carry emergency vehicles and traffic generated by the proposed and existing uses on the site. c. Public protection services (e.g., fire protection, police protection, etc.). Facts to Support This Finding: The Fire and Police Departments have reviewed the application and determined that no additional improvements are needed to provide adequate protection services to the subject site. d. The provision of utilities (e.g., potable water, schools, solid waste collection and disposal, storm drainage, wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal, etc.). Facts to Support This Finding: The subject unit is located within an existing commercial building which is adequately serviced by existing utilities. Therefore, no impact to utilities or the City’s infrastructure are anticipated. 4. The measure of site suitability shall be required to ensure that the type, density, and intensity of use being proposed will not adversely affect the public convenience, health, interest, safety, or general welfare, constitute a nuisance, or be materially injurious to the improvements, persons, property, or uses in the vicinity and zone in which the property is located. Facts to Support This Finding: The proposed tattoo use will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare, or the surrounding properties. The size and nature of the proposed use will be compatible with the other existing uses in the commercial building and it is a relatively small operation since it will only have one customer at a time and it will close by 8:00 PM, which is earlier than most commercial business es. No additional parking is required since the use has the same parking requirement as the previous business. The business shall be subject to all of the regulations and requirements of the Los Angeles County Health Department requirements. The Resolution No. 2078 - CUP 21-02 July 13, 2021 Page 6 of 8 Arcadia Police Department reviewed the application and had no concerns. Therefore, the site is suitable for the proposed use. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT It has been determined that the project qualifies as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption per the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Class 1, Section 15301of the CEQA Guidelines for the use of an existing facility - refer to Attachment No. 4 for the Preliminary Exemption Assessment. PUBLIC COMMENTS/NOTICE Public hearing notices for this item were mailed to the owners of those properties that are located within 300 feet of the subject property and published in the Arcadia Weekly on July 1, 2021. As of July 9, 2021, staff did not receive any public comments on this project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2078 approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-02 for a new tattoo business and find that the project is Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality A ct (CEQA), subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The use approved by CUP 21-02 shall be limited to a tattoo shop with one (1) station, and it shall be operated and maintained in a manner that is consistent with the approved plans, and may be subject to periodic inspections to ensure that the business is operated per the approval. 2. The operating hours shall be limited to 1 1:00 AM to 8:00 PM, seven days a week. Any changes to the hours of operation shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning Commission. 3. Any tattoo artist operating as a self-proprietor and who is not under the employment of the tattoo business shall be required to obtain a business license with the City of Arcadia before commencing any work in the tattoo shop. 4. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, health code compliance, emergency equipment, environmental regulation compliance, and parking and site design shall be complied with by the property owner/applicant to the satisfaction of the Building Official, City Engineer, Planning & Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshall, and Public Works Services Director, or their respective designees. The changes to the existing facility may be subject to building permits after having fully detailed plans submitted for plan check review and approval by the aforementioned City officials. Resolution No. 2078 - CUP 21-02 July 13, 2021 Page 7 of 8 5. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of approval for CUP 21-02 shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of any approvals, which could result in termination of this CUP. 6. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Applicant must defend, indemnify, and hold City, any departments, agencies, divisions, boards, and/or commissions of the City, and its elected officials, officers, contractors serving as City officials, agents, employees, and attorneys of the City (“Indemnitees”) harmless from liability for damages and/or claims, actions, or proceedings for damages for personal injuries, including death, and claims for property damage, and with respect to all other actions and liabilities for damages caused or alleged to have been caused by reason of the Applicant’s activities in connection with Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-02 (“Project”) on the Project site, and which may arise from the direct or indirect operations of the Applicant or those of the Applicant’s contractors, agents, tenants, employees or any other persons acting on Applicant’s behalf, which relate to the development and/or construction of the Project. This indemnity provision applies to all damages and claims, actions, or proceedings for damages, as described above, regardless of whether the City prepared, supplied, or approved the plans, specifications, or other documents for the Project. In the event of any legal action challenging the validity, applicability, or interpretation of any provision of this approval, or any other supporting document relating to the Project, the City will promptly notify the Applicant of the claim, action, or proceedings and will fully cooperate in the defense of the matter. Once notified, the Applicant must indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnitees, and each of them, with respect to all liability, costs and expenses incurred by, and/or awarded against, the City or any of the Indemnitees in relation to such action. Within 15 days’ notice from the City of any such action, Applicant shall provide to City a cash deposit to cover legal fees, costs, and expenses incurred by City in connection with defense of any legal action in an initial amount to be reasonably determined by the City Attorney. City may draw funds from the deposit for such fees, costs, and expenses. Within 5 business days of each and every notice from City that the deposit has fallen below the initial amount, Applicant shall replenish the deposit each and every time in order for City’s legal team to continue working on the matter. City shall only refund to Developer any unexpended funds from the deposit within 30 days of: (i) a final, non-appealable decision by a court of competent jurisdiction resolving the legal action; or (ii) full and complete settlement of legal action. The City shall have the right to select legal counsel of its choice that the Applicant re asonably approves. The parties hereby agree to cooperate in defending such action. The City will not voluntarily assist in any such third-party challenge(s) or take any position adverse to the Applicant in connection with such third-party challenge(s). In consideration for approval of the Project, this condition shall remain in effect if the entitlement(s) related to this Project is rescinded or revoked, whether or not at the request of the Applicant. 7. Approval of CUP 21-02 shall not be in effect unless the Property Owner and Applicant have executed and filed the Acceptance Form with the City on or before 30 calendar Resolution No. 2078 - CUP 21-02 July 13, 2021 Page 8 of 8 days after the Planning Commission has adopted the Resolution. The Acceptance Form to the Development Services Department is to indicate awarene ss and acceptance of the conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval If the Planning Commission intends to approve this proposal, the Commission should approve a motion to approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-02, stating that the proposal satisfies the requisite findings, and adopt ing the attached Resolution No. 2078 that incorporates the requisite environmental and Conditional Use Permit findings and the conditions of approval as presented in this staff report, or as modified by the Commission. Denial If the Planning Commission intends to deny this proposal, the Commission should approve a motion to deny Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 21-02, stating that the finding(s) of the proposal does not satisfy with reasons based on the record, and direct staff to prepare a resolution for adoption at the next meeting that incorporates the Commission’s decision and specific findings. If any Planning Commissioner or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the July 13, 2021 hearing, please contact Associate Planner, Vanessa Quiroz, at (626) 574-5422, or by email at vquiroz@ArcadiaCA.gov. Approved: Lisa L. Flores Planning & Community Development Administrator Attachment No. 1: Resolution No. 2078 Attachment No. 2: Aerial Photo and Zoning Information and Photos of the Subject Property Attachment No. 3: Site Plan and Floor Plan Attachment No. 4: Preliminary Exemption Assessment Attachment No. 1 Resolution No. 2078 Attachment No. 1 Attachment No. 2 Aerial Photo with Zoning Information and Photos of the Subject Property and the Surrounding Properties Attachment No. 2 Overlays Selected parcel highlighted Parcel location within City of Arcadia N/A Property Owner(s): Lot Area (sq ft): Year Built: Main Structure / Unit (sq. ft.): C-G Number of Units: C Property Characteristics 1949 4,420 1 GERSHMAN,ALICE Q TR ALICE Q OBER TRUST Site Address:830 S BALDWIN AVE Parcel Number: 5778-001-017 N/A Zoning: General Plan: N/A Downtown Overlay: Downtown Parking Overlay: Architectural Design Overlay:N/A N/A N/A N/A Residential Flex Overlay: N/A N/A N/A N/A Special Height Overlay: N/A Parking Overlay: Racetrack Event Overlay: This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. Report generated 27-Jun-2021 Page 1 of 1 20,990 The commercial units on the subject site. The parking lot on the subject site. The residential unit and detached garage on the subject site. An adjacent commercial property north of the subject site. A commercial property north of the subject site. An adjacent commercial property south of the subject site. A commercial property across the street (west) of the subject site. A legal non-conforming commercial property across the street (west) of the subject site. A commercial property across the street (west) of the subject site. A commercial property across the street (west) of the subject site. A multifamily development to the east (rear) of the subject site. Attachment No. 3 Site Plan and Floor Plan Attachment No. 3 Of SheetsPROJECT:OWNER:ARIETY L.J & ASSOCIATE DESIGN V Revisions By 6710 N. ROSEMEAD BL. SAN GABRIEL CA 91775 TEL: 626-833-0035 Date 1/4/2021 Scale Checked 1/16"=1'-0" LIFU JUDrawn A - 1ENGINEER:SITE PLANANTS TATTOO832 S. BALDWIN AVEARCADIA, CA 91007TEL: 626-592-73104. RESTROOM WALLS WITHIN 2-FT. OF THE FRONT AND SIDES OF URINALS AND WATER CLOSETS SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH, HARD NON-ABSORBENT SURFACE SUCH AS CONCRETE, TILE OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL AND EXTEND UPWARD ONTO THE WALLS AT LEAST SIX(6) INCHES. 3. RESTROOM FLOORS SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH, HARD NON-ABSORBENT SURFACE SUCH AS CONCRETE, TILE OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL THE LOCAL CODES, LAWS, AND WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CODES. 1. ALL WORK, INCLUDING MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP, SHALL CONFORM TO TO A HEIGHT OF 4-FT. THE DOOR OF LOWER 10" IS SMOOTH, & PLANE SURFACE 7. POST SIGN PER CBC WHEN THE BUILDING IS OCCUPIED" "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN UNLOCKED (RAISED CHARACTERS AND BRAILLE) EXIT SIGNS ARE REQUIRED ON THE WALL 8. TACTILE EXIT SIGNS: TACTILE ADJACENT TO THE LATCH SIDE AT 48" - 60" TO THE BASE LINE OF TEXT. EXTERIOR LANDING, WITH VERTICAL SURFACES NOT MORE THAN 1/4 INCHES IN 9. THRESHOLD HEIGHT TO NOT EXCEED 1/2 INCHES IN HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR AND HEIGHT. EFFORT WITH NO TWISTING OR GRASPING OF HARDWARE REQUIRED, AND WITH 10. DOOR TO HAVE LEVER TYPE HARDWARE OPERABLE WITH ONE HAND AND SINGLE NO MORE THAN 5 POUNDS EFFORT. ELONGATED OPEN-FRONT TYPE. 5. WATER CLOSEDS MUST ELONGATED BOWL TYPE. WATER CLOSET SEATS MUST BE a) THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC). b) THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (CEC). c) THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (CMC). d) THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (CPC). e) THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE. 11. A PRIMARY ENTRANCE TO THE BUILDING AND THE PRIMARY PATH OF TRAVEL TO THE ALTERED AREA MUST BE SHOWN TO COMPLY WITH ALL ACCESSIBILITY FEATURES. POINT FROM THE TOP & AT 1/3 POINT FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE W/H SPILL HOT WATER AWAY FROM EXTERIOR WALL 6 INCH TO SOIL. 6. WATER HEAT SHALL BE STRAPPED FOR SEISMIC LATERAL LOAD AT 1/3 RESPECTIVELY VENT GOES THROUGH THE ROOF TOP TO OUTSIDE RELEASE 2. CURRENT CODES f) THE 2019 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY STANDARDS. ACCESSIBILITY DOOR DETAILS THIS PROJECT'S ALL DOORS MUST BE USED THE LEVER TYPE OF HARDWARE 5 LB. MAX. EFFORT TO OPERATE INTERIOR DOORS. 5 LB. MAX. EFFORT TO OPERATE EXTERIOR DOORS. 15 LB. MAX. EFFORT TO OPERATE FIRE DOORS. 3'-0" MIN .6 - 8" MIN.INSTALL OPERATING HARDWARE 34" TO 44" ABOVE FLOOR ACCESSIBLE DOOR OPERATING HARDWARE THRESHOLDS @DOORWAYS PUSH/PULLS LEVERS PANIC BARS SMOOTH SURFACES @DOORS MINIMUM CLEARANCES @DOORS 10" HIGH SMOOTH SURFACE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE "PUSH" SIDE OF THE DOOR PUSH HINGED DOOR 32" MIN. 32" 32" ALLOW CLEARANCE FOR PULL HANDLES ON DOOR FOLDING DOOR SLIDING DOOR 24"MAX.MIN. MIN. DOOR FLOOR 2 1 1/2" max. @ 1:2 SLOPE 1/4" max. PICTORIAL SIGNAGE (b) display conditions (a) symbol proportions These diagrams illustrate the specific requirements of these regulations and are intended only as an aid for building design and construction 5 4 EXITTACTILE EXIT SIGN6 48" - 60"TO BASELINE OF TEXTGROUND SURFACE FINISH BUSINESS NAME: JOB ADDRESS: ANTS TATTOO 832 S BALDWIN AVE ARCADIA, CA 91007 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORY: TYP OF BUSINESS: FLOOR AREA:740 S.F. V-B 1 OCCUPANCY TYPE:B SPRINKLERED:NO 1. CHANGE USE FROM UPHOLSTERY SERVICE SHOP TO A TATTOO SERVICE PARLOR. 2. REMODEL THE (E) RESTROOM TO MEET "ADA" STANDARD. TATTOO SERVICE #832 ￿6) #834 #836 #838 #840 3. KEEP ALL OTHER EQUIPMENTS.CEILINGDRY WALL CEILING ROOMSSEMI GLOSS ENAMEL PAINT SEE NOTE 1 WASHABLE SMOOTH "T" BAR CEILING PANEL "USG" GYPSUM, WHITE VINYL 2x4 OR 2x2 ACOUSTIC CLG PANEL CERAMIC TILE (SMOOTH, NON-SLIP) HARD WOOD FLOOR VINYL TILE 12"x12" SHEET VINYL FLOOR (CONTINUE) EXISTING CONC. FL. METAL FLOOR (FOR WALK-IN FREEZER)WALLSEMI GLOSS ENAMEL PAINT SEE NOTE #1 WASHABLE SMOOTH CEREMIC TILE TO CEILING FLOORQUARRY TILE (SMOOTH, NON-SLIP) "USA" DRY WALL (GYPSUM BD.) WITH PAINT COVED BASEQUARRY TILE 6"H.(SMOOTH) "USA" CERAMIC TILE 6"H. (CONTINUE)1) wall and ceillings all areas shall be durable, smooth, and nonabsorbent, with a light colored (light colored is defined as having a light reflectance value of 70% or greater) easily cleanable, washable finish.NOTEFINISH SCHEDULE SERVICE HALLRESTROOM.WAITING RMRECEPTIONCEREMIC TILE 4'H (SHOWER RM TILE 80"H) SIDEWALK 0 48'-8"5'-4"20'-0"63'-5"12'-6" OCCUPANCY LOAD:740 S.F. 100 S.F.= 7 OCC.11'-0"45'-6"PL PL PL PL Attachment No. 4 Preliminary Exemption Assessment Attachment No. 4 Preliminary Exemption Assessment FORM “A” PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT 1. Name or description of project: CUP 21-02 Conditional Use Permit to allow a new tattoo shop with one station. 2. Project Location – Identify street address and cross streets or attach a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15’ or 7 1/2’ topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 832 S. Baldwin Ave – The business is located at 3. Entity or person undertaking project: A. B. Other (Private) (1) Name Wang Xin Liu (2) Address 17292 McFadden Ave, Unit J Tustin, CA 92780 4. Staff Determination: The Lead Agency’s Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the Lead Agency's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. The project is a Ministerial Project. c. The project is an Emergency Project. d. The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 15301 – Class 1 (Use of an existing facility) f. The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: g. The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: March 28, 2021 Staff: Vanessa Quiroz, Associate Planner