HomeMy WebLinkAboutComm-18-0937 Folder 4 ..K 1 tr ILA I C.Vr ALUM'1 AIVt,r. IIIVKLN-LI IKI?-N
,utomalic Daylighting Control
roject Name:Warehouse Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-I8-0937
rojeci Address:11700 Goldring Rd. (City:Arcadia 'kip Code:91006
v. Daylight Dimming plus OFF Controls PAF
(This portion of the full daylight test applies to lighting systems that are claiming a PAF for daylight dimming plus OFF controls.
This portion of the full daylight test shall be conducted instead of steps I. thru u.)
Does the system automatically turn OFF the luminaires when full daylight is available?(Yes/No)
Step 4: Partial Daylight Test conducted when daylight between 60% and 95% of (line j).
Daylight illuminance(light level without electric light) measured at Reference Location (fc).
x. Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance= (line w)/(line j). Enter%. 92.6470588235294 2
y. Is Ratio of Daylight illuminance to Ref. illuminance(line x) between 60%and 95%? (Yes/No). Yes
z.Total (daylight+ electric light)illuminance measured at the Reference Location(fc). 09
aa.Total illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line z )/ (line j), Enter°M. 145.58823529411"65
bb. Is Total illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance(line aa)between 100%and 150%7(Yes/No). Yes
PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one):
PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are
FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are Incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N-no) responses in any applicable
Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10-
103(a)3B. Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s)passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED
test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed.
Plans Page Number
Check if Tested Control is Representative of Sample r
2. System Information
Zone Type: Skyllt(Sky), Primary Sidelit(PS),or Secondary Sidelit(SS) PS
.introl Type: Continuous Dimming with more than 10 light levels(C), Stepped Dimming(SD), Switching (SW) C
Design Footcandles: (Enter footcandle(fc)value or"U"if unknown):
3. Sensors and Controls
Control Loop Type: Open Loop (OL), Closed Loop(CL) OL
Sensor Location: Outside(0), Inside Skylight(IS), Near Windows facing out(NW), In Controlled Zone(CZ) NW
Sensor Location is Appropriate to Control Loop Type: (Yes/No) If control loop type is Open Loop(OL): Enter yes(Y) if location = Yes
Outside(0), Inside Skylight(IS),or Near Windows facing out(NW); otherwise,enter no(N).If Control loop type is Closed Loop
(CL): Enter yes(Y) if location = In Controlled Zone(CZ); otherwise,enter no(N).
Control Adjustments are in Appropriate Location (Yes/No): Yes, If Readily Accessible or Yes if in Ceiling less than or equal to 11 ft, Yes
No for all other.
4. Has Documentation Been Provided by the Installer:
Installation Manuals and Calibration Instructions Provided to Building Owner: (Yes/No) Yrs
TPCalifornia Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
.@K I tr ILA I r,tit A5.A r,r I Amur. 111•41(1-/1-1.11-03-/A
,utomatic Daylighting Control
reject Name:Warehouse Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA "Permit Number:COMM-18-0937
reject Address:11700 Goldring Rd. 'City:Arcadia 'Vip Code:91006
Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Yes/No)
Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Page Number)
5. Separate Controls of Luminaires in Daylit Zones:
Are luminaires controlled by automatic daylighting controls only in daylit zones: (Yes/No) Yes
Separately circuited for daylit zones by windows and daylit zones under skylights: (Yes/No) Yes
6. Daylighting Control Device Certification
Daylighting control has been certified in accordance with §110.9: (Yes/No) Yes
Construction Inspection PASS/FAIL. If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 &2 are complete and all Yes/No questions Pass
have a Yes response, the tests PASS; If any responses on this page are incomplete OR there are any No responses, the tests FAIL
PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one):
PASS: If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 &2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes (Y) response, the
tests PASS
FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N -no) responses in any applicable
Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10-
103(a)3B. Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED
test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed.
CAL TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program 0 .t 1
,LK IINILA IItUI'AL,rr.rIAlvt,r. Unt5L/-LII.,.-„
,utoinatic Daylighting Control
roIect Name:Warehouse IIEnforcement Agency:(Try Y OF ARCADIA !Permit Number COMM-l8-0937
roject Address:11700 Goldring Rd. !City:Arcadia ILip Code:91006
2. NA7. Functional Performance Testing - Continuous Dimming Systems:
Power estimation using light meter measurement
complete all tests on page 7&8(No Daylight Test, Full Daylight Test,and Partial Daylight Test) and fill out Pass/Fail section on Page 8.
System Information
a. Control Loop Type: Open Loop or Closed Loop? (0 or C) O
b. Indicate if Mandatory control - M (required for skylit zone or primary sidelit zone with installed general lighting power> 120 W); M
for Control Credit-CC; or Voluntary not for credit-V(M,CC,V)
L. If automatic daylighting controls are mandatory,are all general lighting luminaires in daylit zones controlled by automatic Yes
daylight controls?(Yes/No)
d. General lighting design footcandles. (Enter footcandle(FC)value, or"U" if unknown.)
Power estimation method. (see line q) Default ratio of power to light(Dfc), cut-sheet ratio of power to light(CSfc) If CSFc-
attach cut-sheet. Enter Dfc or CSfc
Step 1: Identify Reference Location
(location where minimum daylight illuminance is measured in zone served by the controlled lighting.)
f. Method Used: Illuminance or Distance? (I or D)
Override daylight control system and drive electric lights to highest light level for the following:
g. Highest light level fc-enter measured controlled electric lighting footcandles(fc)
h. Indicate whether this is Full Output(FO),or Task Tuned (Lumen Maintenance) (TT) FO
Step 2: No Daylight Test controls enabled & daylight less than 1 fc at reference location
i. Method Used: Night time manual measurement(Night), Night Time Illuminance Logging (Log), Cover Fenestration (CF), Cover COLP
Open Loop Photosensor(COLP)
j. Reference Illuminance(footcandles)as measured at Reference Location (see Step 1). Enter footcandles 61
k. Enter Y if either of the following statements are true: If line h = FO; [Reference Illuminance(line j))/ [Full Output fc(line 9)] >
70%?or[Reference Illuminance(line j))/ [design footcandles(line d)) > 80%? (Yes/No)
Step 3: Full Daylight Test conducted when daylight > 150% of reference illuminance (line j)
I. Daylight illuminance(light level with electric lighting turned off) measured at Reference Location (fc)
m. Daylight illuminance(line I)greater than Reference Illuminance(line j)?(Yes/No)
Fill out lines p through t only if electric lighting is turned down or off.
n. Total (daylight + electric light)illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc).
o. Electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location(fc)[(line n) -(line I)]. 5
Electric lighting illuminance(line o)divided by Highest Light Level fc(line g). Enter%. c.29268292662,.,.
q. Dimmed luminaire fraction of rated power.Attach manufacturer's cut-sheet or use default graph of rated power to light output. 3 t
Label applicable control system on cut-sheet or graph. Enter fraction of rated power in%.
r.System Power Reduction= [1-line q]
Is System Power Reduction(line r) > 65%when line h = FO,or > 56%when line h = TT(Yes/No). Yes
t. With uncontrolled lights also on, no lamps dimmed outside of daylit zone by control(Yes/No). Yes
u. Dimmed lamps have stable output, no perceptible flicker(Yes/No). Yes
CAL TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program rt: n c t
I ,i.K I IF II-A I IS Vr ALA-Er I Amur. 11151 S-LIi-V-H
wtomatic Daylighting Control I
roject Name:Warehouse I Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number.COMM-18.0937
roject Addrtss:11700 Goldring Rd. (City:Arcadia IIZip Code:91006
v. Daylight Dimming plus OFF Controls PAF
(This portion of the full daylight test applies to lighting systems that are claiming a PAF for daylight dimming plus OFF controls.
This portion of the full daylight test shall be conducted instead of steps I. thru u.)
Does the system automatically turn OFF the luminaires when full daylight is available?(Yes/No)
Step 4: Partial Daylight Test conducted when daylight between 60% and 95% of (line j).
w. Daylight illuminance(light level without electric light)measured at Reference Location (fc). 53
x. Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line w)/(line j). Enter%. 86.885245901639:4
:s Ratio of Daylight illuminance to Ref. illuminance (line x) between 60%and 95%? (Yes/No). Yes
z.Total(daylight+ electric light) illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc). 89
aa.Total illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line z )/(line j), Enter% 145.90163934426;.;
bb. Is Total illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance(line aa) between 100%and 150%?(Yes/No). yes
PASS/FAIL Evaluation(check one):
f' PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are
positive(Y- yes)
FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N-no) responses in any applicable
Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10-
103(a)3B. Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s)passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED
test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed.
Plans Page Ni:mbe,
Check if Tested Control is Representative of Sample
2. System Information
Zone Type: Skylit(Sky), Primary Sidelit(PS),or Secondary Sidelit(SS) PS
i:ont.ol Type: Continuous Dimming with more than 10 light levels(C), Stepped Dimming (SD), Switching (SW) C
Design Footcandles: (Enter footcandle(fc) value or"U"if unknown):
3. Sensors and Controls
Control Loop Type: Open Loop(OL), Closed Loop (CL) OI
Sensor Location: Outside(0), Inside Skylight (IS), Near Windows facing out(NW), In Controlled Zone(CZ) NW
Sensor Location is Appropriate to Control Loop Type: (Yes/No) If control loop type is Open Loop(OL): Enter yes(Y) if location = Yes
Outside(0), Inside Skylight(IS),or Near Windows facing out(NW); otherwise, enter no(N).If Control loop type is Closed Loop
(CL): Enter yes(Y) if location = In Controlled Zone(CZ); otherwise,enter no(N).
Control Adjustments are in Appropriate Location (Yes/No): Yes, If Readily Accessible or Yes if in Ceiling less than or equal to 11 ft, Yes
No for all other.
4. Has Documentation Been Provided by the Installer:
Installation Manuals and Calibration Instructions Provided to Building Owner: (Yes/No) Yes
Controlsalifornia Trainingdanced ProgramLighting
r.K1IrILA Vr ALLr,r I AnLr. Ilene„-L11 v3-11
,utomatic Daylighting Control
reject Name:Warehouse ([Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA (Permit Number:COMM-1k-0937
reject Address:11700 Goldring Rd. (City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006
:,cation of Light Sensor on Plans: (Yes/No)
Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Page Number)
5. Separate Controls of Luminaires in Daylit Zones:
Are luminaires controlled by automatic daylighting controls only in daylit zones: (Yes/No)
Separately circuited for daylit zones by windows and daylit zones under skylights: (Yes/No) ,
6. Daylighting Control Device Certification
Daylighting control has been certified in accordance with§110.9: (Yes/No) Yes
Construction Inspection PASS/FAIL. If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 &2 are complete and all Yes/No questions Pass
have a Yes response, the tests PASS; If any responses on this page are incomplete OR there are any No responses,the tests FAIL
PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one):
PASS: If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 &2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes(Y)response, the
tests PASS
FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N- no) responses in any applicable
Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10-
103(a)3B. Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s)passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED
test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed.
CALGTP CControlsalifornia AdvancedTrainingProgram Lighting
rte: :..
_LK'It'ILA Ir.yr ALLr.r I nlv<.r. 'Iry KLN-LII-W-H
,utomatic Daylighling Control
roject Name:Warehouse 'Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number COMM-IR-0937
reject Address:11700 Goldring Rd. 'City:Arcadia kip('ode:91006
2. NA7. Functional Performance Testing - Continuous Dimming Systems:
Power estimation using light meter measurement
- Complete all tests on page 7&8(No Daylight Test, Full Daylight Test, and Partial Daylight Test) and fill out Pass/Fail section on Page 8.
System Information
a. Control Loop Type: Open Loop or Closed Loop? (0 or C) 0
b. Indicate if Mandatory control-M(required for skylit zone or primary sidelit zone with installed general lighting power> 120 W); M
for Control Credit-CC; or Voluntary not for credit-V(M,CC,V)
c. If automatic daylighting controls are mandatory, are all general lighting luminaires in daylit zones controlled by automatic Yes
daylight controls?(Yes/No)
d. General lighting design footcandles. (Enter footcandle(FC) value, or"U"if unknown.)
e. Power estimation method. (see line q) Default ratio of power to light(Dfc), cut-sheet ratio of power to light(CSfc) If CSFc- Inc
attach cut-sheet. Enter Dfc or CSfc
Step 1: Identify Reference Location
(location where minimum daylight illuminance is measured in zone served by the controlled lighting.)
f. Method Used: Illuminance or Distance?(I or D) 1
Override daylight control system and drive electric lights to highest light level for the following:
g. Highest light level fc-enter measured controlled electric lighting footcandles(fc) y8
Ii. Indicate whether this is Full Output(FO),or Task Tuned (Lumen Maintenance) (TT) FO
Step 2: No Daylight Test controls enabled & daylight less than 1 fc at reference location
i. Method Used: Night time manual measurement(Night), Night Time Illuminance Logging (Log), Cover Fenestration (CF),Cover COLP
Open Loop Photosensor(COLP)
j. Reference Illuminance(footcandles) as measured at Reference Location (see Step 1). Enter footcandles
k. Enter r if either of the following statements are true: If line h = FO; [Reference Illuminance(line j))/[Full Output fc(line g)] >
70%?or [Reference Illuminance(line j)]/ [design footcandles (line d)] > 80%? (Yes/No)
Step 3: Full Daylight Test conducted when daylight > 150% of reference illuminance (line j)
I. Daylight illuminance (light level with electric lighting turned off) measured at Reference Location(fc)
m. Daylight illuminance(line I)greater than Reference Illuminance(line j)?(Yes/No)
Fill out lines p through t only if electric lighting is turned down or off.
n. Total(daylight+ electric light) illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc). ,t
o. Electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location(fc) [(line n) - (line I)]. 8
P. Electric lighting illuminance(line o)divided by Highest Light Level fc(line g). Enter%. 20.454545454545,5.
q. Dimmed luminaire fraction of rated power.Attach manufacturer's cut-sheet or use default graph of rated power to light output. 30
Label applicable control system on cut-sheet or graph. Enter fraction of rated power in%.
r. System Power Reduction = [1 -line q) 70
s. Is System Power Reduction (line r) > 65% when line h = FO, or > 56%when line h =TT(Yes/No). Yes
t. With uncontrolled lights also on, no lamps dimmed outside of daylit zone by control (Yes/No). Yes
unilm d lamps have stable output, no perceptible flicker(Yes/No). Yes
CALTP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
.LK I It ILA I It VM At.l..t.r I Aivl.r. IIIV KLN-LII-V1-A
,utomatic Daylighting Control
reject Name:Warehouse 'Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA I Permit Number:COMM-Ill-0937
reject Address:11700 Goldring Rd. 'City:Arcadia 'Zip Code:91006
. Daylight Dimming plus OFF Controls PAF
(This portion of the full daylight test applies to lighting systems that are claiming a PAF for daylight dimming plus OFF controls.
This portion of the full daylight test shall be conducted instead of steps I. thru u.)
Does the system automatically turn OFF the luminaires when full daylight is available?(Yes/No)
Step 4: Partial Daylight Test conducted when daylight between 60% and 95% of(line j).
w. Daylight illuminance(light level without electric light) measured at Reference Location (fc). 59
x. Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line w)/(line j). Enter%. 00.769230769230"7
y. Is Ratio of Daylight illuminance to Ref. illuminance(line x) between 60%and 95%?(Yes/No). Yes
z.Total(daylight + electric light) illuminance measured at the Reference Location(fc). 91
aa. Total illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line z )/ (line j), Enter% 10
bb. is Total illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance(line aa)between 100%and 150%?(Yes/No). Yes
PASS/FAIL Evaluation(check one):
PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are
FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N- no)responses in any applicable
Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10-
103(a)38. Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED
test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed.
C,••_ TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
.LKairILA Ir jr AIA,L'r1wtvl,r, urvKLH-LII-DJ-H
.utonnatic Daylighting Control
roject Name:Warehouse pEnforceinent Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-I8-0937
roject Address:11700 Goldring Rd. City:Arcadia kip Code:91006
- I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete.
Oocumentatlon Author Name Company Name
Gary Logan Perception Industries,In:.
Address City
6285 E.Spring St.Suite 591 Long Beach
Zip Code
CEA/ATT Certification Identification(ii Author Signature
• 13685
o Signature: rj _ .4%. .........
I certify the following under penally of perjury,under the laws of the State of Ci ro oia:
1.The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct.
2.I am the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance(Field Technician).
3.The construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements Indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and
conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified In Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.
4.I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been
posted or made available with the building permit(s)Issued for the building.
field Technician Name Company Name
Gary Logan Perception Industries,Inc.
Address: City
6285 E.Spring St.Suite 591 Long Beach
Zip Code
90808 Phone
ATT Certification Identification Position with Company(Title)
Vice President
Field Technician Signature
7 /2..." \*.i."----
Date of Signature:
I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California:
1.I am the Field Technician,or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance.
2.I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design,construction or installation of features,materials,components,or
manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement(responsible acceptance person).
3.The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or Installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans
and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.
4.I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s)
issued for the building.
5.I will ensure that a completed,signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted,or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building,and made available to the enforcement agency for all
applicable Inspections.I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be Included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy.
Responsible Acceptance Person Name Company Name
Gary Logan Perception Industries,Inc.
Address: City
6285 E.Spring St.Suite 591 Long Beach
Zip Code
90808 Phone
CSLB License Position with Company(Title)
1017642 Vice President
Responsible Acceptance Pry ;nature
7 ).
Date of Signature:
CSL TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
'Outdoor Lighting Control
Project Name:Warehouse �forcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-18-0937 I
'Project Address•11 700 Goldring Rd. (City:Arcadia 'Zip Code:91006 I
Enforcement Agency Use: Checked by/Date
NA7.8.1 and NA7.8.2 Motion Sensor:
A. Construction Inspection
1. Motion Sensor Construction Inspection
1 Motion sensor has been located to minimize false signals.
F Sensor is not triggered by motion outside of controlled area.
Desired motion sensor coverage is not blocked by obstruction that could adversely
F affect performance.
B. Functional testing
1. Simulate motion in area under lights controlled by the motion sensor. Verify and document the following:
17 Status indicator operates correctly.
Lights controlled by motion sensors turn on immediately upon entry into the area lit
17 by the controlled lights near the motion sensor.
17 Signal sensitivity is adequate to achieve desired control.
2. Simulate no motion in area with lighting controlled by the sensor. Verify and document the following:
Lights controlled by the sensor reduce light output within a maximum of 20 minutes
F from the start of an unoccupied condition.
F The sensor does not trigger a false"on"from movement outside of the controlled
17 Signal sensitivity is adequate to achieve desired control.
NA7.8.3 and NA7.8.4 Photocontrol:
C. Construction Inspection
1. Verify and document the following:
r The photocontrol is installed.
ID. Functional testing
CAL TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
This is page 1 of 6
(Outdoor Lighting Control
Project Name:Warehouse Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA NPermit Number.COMM-18-0937
(Project Address.11700 Goldring Rd. IICity:Arcadia 'kip Code:91006
1. Verify and document the following:
✓ During daytime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned off.
✓ During nighttime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned on.
NA7.8.5 and NA7.8.6 Astronomical Time-Switch Control:
E. Construction Inspection
1. Prior to Functional Testing, confirm and document the following:
✓ Verify the astronomical time-switch control is installed.
Verify the astronomical time-switch control is programmed with acceptable ON
F schedule and OFF schedule.
Demonstrate and document for the time switch programming including ON schedule
17 and OFF schedule, for weekday, weekend, and holidays (if applicable).
• Verify the correct time and date are properly set in the control.
F. Functional Testing
1. Outdoor Lighting Daytime Shut-off Controls
F During daytime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned off.
During nighttime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned on in accordance
F7 with the astronomical schedule.
During nighttime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned off in
F accordance with the programmed schedule.
NA7.8.7 and NA7.8.8 Part-Night Outdoor Lighting Control:
G. Construction Inspection
1. Prior to Functional Testing for time based control type, confirm and document the following:
✓ Verify the part-night outdoor lighting control is installed.
✓ Verify the control is programmed with acceptable schedules.
r Demonstrate and document for the lighting control programming including both ON
schedule and OFF schedule, for weekday, weekend, and holidays (if applicable).
✓ Verify the correct time and date is properly set in the control.
2. Prior to Functional Testing for occupancy-based control type, verify and document the following:
CAL TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
This is page 2 of 6
'Outdoor Lighting Control
'Project Name:Warehouse IIEnforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA IPetmit Number:COMM-18-0937
'Project Address:11700 Goldring Rd. IICity:Arcadia kip Code:91006 I
r Sensor has been located to minimize false signals.
r Sensor is not triggered by motion outside of adjacent area.
r Desired sensor coverage is not blocked by obstructions that could adversely affect
H. Functional Testing
1. For time-based control type, verify and document the following:
✓ During daytime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned off.
r During nighttime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned on in accordance
with the ON schedule.
r During nighttime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned off or reduced in
light level in accordance with the OFF schedule.
2. For occupancy-based control type, verify and document the following:
Step 1: Simulate motion in area under lights controlled by the sensor.
✓ Status indicator operates correctly.
r Lights controlled by sensors turn on immediately upon entry into the area lit by the
controlled lights near the motion sensor.
✓ Signal sensitivity is adequate to achieve desired control.
Step 2: Simulate no occupancy in areas with lighting controlled by the sensor.
r Lights controlled by the sensor are off or reduces light output within a maximum of
20 minutes from the start of an unoccupied condition.
r The sensor does not trigger a false"on"from movement outside of the controlled
r Signal sensitivity is adequate to achieve desired control.
NA7.8.9 and NA7.8.10 Automatic Scheduling Control:
I. Construction Inspection
1. Prior to Functional Testing, confirm and document the following:
Verify the automatic scheduling control is installed.
Verify the control is programmed with acceptable schedules.
Demonstrate and document for the lighting control programming including both ON
schedule and OFF schedule, for weekday, weekend, and holidays (if applicable).
CAL TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
This is page 3 of 6
`Outdoor Lighting Control
'Project Name:Warehouse ''Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number.COMM-18-0937
'Project Address.11700 Goldring Rd. IlCity:Arcadia IIZip Code:91006
I17 I Verify the correct time and date is properly set in the control.
J. Functional Testing
1. Verify and document the following:
During daytime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned off.
During nighttime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned on in accordance
with the ON schedule.
During nighttime simulation, all controlled outdoor lights are turned off in
accordance with the OFF schedule.
CAL TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
This is page 4 of 6
(Outdoor Lighting Control
'Project Name Warehouse IlEnforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA 'Penna Number('OMM-18-0937 J
'Project r\ddress.11700 Goldring Rd. (City.Arcadia IF/q)Code 91006 I
I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete.
Documentation Author Company Name
Name Gary Logan Perception Industries,Inc.
Address y
• 6285 E.Spring St.Suite 591 Cit Long Beach
Zip Code
90808 Phone
CEA/ATT Certification TC-A9 t 36 Author Signature
Identification (if
i ite of Signature:
I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California:
1.The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct.
2.I am the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance(Field Technician).
3.The construction or Installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and
specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference
Nonresidential Appendix NA7.
4.I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or Installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and
signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building.
Field Technician Name Company Name
Gary Logan Perception Industries, Inc.
Address: City
6285 E.Spring St.Suite 591 Long Beach
Zip Code
90808 Phone
ATT Certification Position with Company
Identification TC-A813685 (Title) p y Vice President
Field Technician Signature
; C:::: %..
Date of Signature: 04/22/2021
I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California:
1. I am the Field Technician,or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this
Certificate of Acceptance.
2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code In the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design,construction
or installation of features, materials,components, or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the
declarations in this statement(responsible acceptance person).
3.The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance
complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable
acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.
4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and
is posted or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building.
5.I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted,or made available with the building permit(s)Issued for the
building,and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections.I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is
required to be Included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy.
Responsible Acceptance Company Name
Person Name Gary Logan Perception Industries, Inc.
Address: City
6285 E.Spring St.Suite 591 Long Beach
Zip Code
90808 Phone
CSLB License 1 17642 Position with Company
(Title) Vice President
Responsible Acceptance Per n Signature
Date of 3iynature:
CSL TP California Advanced Lighting
Controls Training Program
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(Outdoor Lighting Control
(Project Name:Warehouse I NRCA-LTO-02-A- (Permit Number COMM-18.0977
IProjoct Address:11700 Goldring Rd. IICiry:Arcadia
kip Code:91006 I
Controlsalifornia Trainingdanced Program
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