HomeMy WebLinkAboutTI-18-1268 Folder 2 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE 1NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics-Phase 2 Enforcement Agency CITY OF ARCADI,\ Permit Number:T1-18.1268 ProjecrAddress:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 AUTOMATIC DAYLIGHTING CONTROL ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT Check boxes for all pages of this NRCA-LTI-03-4 completed and included in this submittal NRCA-LTI-03-A Page 0 1&2 Construction Inspection. This page required for all submittals. 3&q NRCA-LTI-03 A Page Continuous dimming control functional performance test—watt-meter or amp-meter measurement 5&6 NRCA-LTI 03 A Page Stepped Switching/Stepped Dimming functional performance test—watt-meter or amp-meter measurement NRCA-LTI-03-A Page Continuous dimming control functional performance test—light meter power measurement,and default look-up 7&8 table of fraction of rated power versus fraction of rated light output. NRCA-LTI-03-A Page 0 10&li Stepped Switching/Stepped Dimming functional performance test—based on light output 1. NA7.6.1.1 Construction Inspection: 1. Drawing of Daylit Zone(s) must be shown on plans or attached to this form. By checking this box, technician certifies that plans have been attached to thiswebform (- Document Name and Page C's Plans E2.01 Add Control Systems below if sampling method is used in accordance with NA7.6.1.2.If adding,attach a page with names of other controls in sample(only for buildings with>5 daylight control systems,sample group glazing same orientation) Primary Daylight Zone Primary Layagi.• Zone 2. System information Zone Type: Skylit(Sky),Primary Sidelit(PS), or Secondary Sidelit (SS) PS Control Type:Continuous Dimming with more than 10 light levels (C), Stepped Dimming (SD), Switching (SW) C resign Footcandles: (enter number or leave blank): 3. Sensors and Controls ontrol Loop type: Open Loop (OL), Closed Loop (CL) CL -,ensor Location: Outside(0), Inside Skylight(IS), Near Windows facing out (NW), In Controlled Zone(CZ) Sensor Location is Appropriate to Control Loop Type: (Y/N) If control loop type is Open Loop(OL): Enter yes(Y) if location = Yes Outside (0), Inside Skylight(IS), or Near Windows facing out(NW); otherwise, enter no(N). If Control loop type is Closed Loop (CL):Enter yes(Y)if location=In Controlled Zone(CZ);otherwise,enter no(N). Control Ad)ustrnents are in Appropriate Location (Y/N): Yes, If Readily Accessible or Yes if in Ceiling less than or equal to 11 ft, No 'or all other. 4. Has documentation been provided by the installer: Installation Manuals and Calibration Instructions Provided to Building Owner:(Y/N) Yes Location of Light Sensor on Plans:(Y/N) Yes CAL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 1 of CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics-Phase 2 Enfvicenreni Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:TI-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 I oration of Light Sensor on Plans: (Page Number) I 1-1.01 5. Separate Controls of Luminaires in Daylit Zones: Are lurrfnaires controlled by automatic daylighting controls only in daylit zones: (Y/N) Yes ',eparately circuited for daylit zones by windows and daylit zones under skylights: (Y/N) Yes 6. Daylighting control device certification Daylighting control has been certified in accordance with§110.9:(Y/N) Yes onstruction Inspection PASS/FAIL. If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1&2are complete and all Yes/No questions Pass Piave a Yes(Y)response,the tests PASS; If any responses on this page are incomplete OR there are any no(N)responses,the tests FAIL II. PASS/FAIL Evaluation(check one):: a PASS: If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1&2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes(Y)response,the tests PASS FAIL:Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N no)responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section.System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10103(a)38.Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s)passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency.Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. Cf jL TP (al.torniaAdvanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 2 of CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics-Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:TI-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia 'Zip Code:91006 2. NA7. Functional Performance Testing - Continuous Dimming Systems: Power estimation using light meter measurement Complete all tests on page 3&4(No Daylight Test,Full Daylight Test,and Partial Daylight Test)and fill out Pass/Fail section on Page 4. Primary Daylight Zone System Information a Control Loop Type:Open Loop or Closed Loop?(0 or C) C Indicate if Mandatory control -fI(required for skylit zone or primary sidelit zone with installed general lighting power > 120 W); for Control Credit-CC;or Voluntary not for credit-V(M,CC,V) c.If automatic daylighting controls are mandatory,are all general lighting luminaires in daylit zones controlled by automatic daylight Yes controls?(Y/N) d.Documented general lighting design footcandles.If design footcandles not documented leave blank(enter fc) e.Power estimation method.(see line o)Default ratio of power to light(Dfc),cut-sheet ratio of power to light(CSfc)If CSFc-attach Dfc ut-sheet.Enter Dfc or CSfc Step 1: Identify Reference Location (location where minimum daylight Illuminance is measured in zone served by the controlled lighting.) f.Method Used: Illuminance or Distance?(1 or 0) I Override daylight control system and drive electric lights to highest light level for the following: g. Highest light level fc-enter measured controlled electric lighting footcandles(fc) Indicate whether this is Full Output (FO), or Task Tuned (Lumen Maintenance) (TT) - Step 2: No Daylight Test controls enabled & daylight less than 1 fc at reference location Method Used:Night time manual measurement(Night),Night Time Illuminance Logging(Log),Cover Fenestration(CF),Cover Open Loop Night Photosensor(COLP) j.Reference Illuminance(footcandles)as measured at Reference Location(see Step 1).Enter footcandles k.Enter Y if either of the following statements are true:If line h=FO;[Reference Illuminance(line J)]/[Full Output fc(line g)]>70%?or Yes [Reference Illuminance(line j)]/[design footcandles(line d)]>80%?(Y/N) Step 3: Full Daylight Test conducted when daylight > reference illuminance (line j) I.Daylight illuminance(light level with electric lighting turned off) measured at Reference Location (fc) 81 m.Daylight illuminance(line I)greater than Reference Illuminance(line j)? (YIN) Yes n.Fraction controlled wattage turned off.Enter%. 100 o. Fraction of controlled wattage dimmed [1 -( line n)] Enter% Fill out lines p through s only if fraction of controlled wattage turned off (line n) < 1000/0. p.Total(daylight+electric light)illuminance measured at the Reference Location(fc) q. Electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location (fc) [(line p) -(line I)] r. Electric lighting illuminance(line q)divided by Highest Light Level fc(line g).Enter % 155.76923076923077 s.Dimmed luminaire fraction of rated power.Attach manufacturer's cut-sheet or use default graph of rated power to light output.Label applicable control system(column A,B or C)on cut-sheet or graph.Enter fraction of rated power in%. t. System Power Reduction = [1 -(line o) • (line s)I 100 CAL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 3 of CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics-Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lona Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 ii. Is System Power Reduction (line t) > 65%when line h = FO,or> 56%when line h =TT(Y/N) Yes v.With uncontrolled lights also on, no lamps dimmed outside of daylit zone by control (Y/N) �•s w. Dimmed lamps have stable output, no perceptible flicker(Y/N) Yes Step 4: Partial Daylight Test conducted when daylight between 60%and 95%of(line j) x.Daylight illuminance(light level without electric light)measured at Reference Location(fc) 45 y.Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance=(line x)/(line j).Enter%. 86.53846153846155 z.Is Ratio of Daylight Illuminance to Ref.Illuminance(line y)between 60%and 95%?(Y/N) Yes aa.Total(daylight+electric light)illuminance measured at the Reference Location(fc) 68 bb.Total illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance=(line aa)/(line j),Enter% 130.76923076923477 cc.Is Total illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance(line bb)between 100%and 150%? (Y/N) 3.PASS/FAIL Evaluation(check one): f' PASS:All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are positive(Y- yes) r FAIL:Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N no)responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section.System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10103(a)36.Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s)passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI.03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency.Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. I 0 I 1.0 CAS. TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 4 of CEFT1FICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-03-A !Automatic Daylighting Control `Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:TI-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete Documentation Author Name Company Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address City 155 N.Lake Ave Pasadena Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)6140000 CEA/ATT Certification Identification(if Author Signature applicable) ATE•0215 Date of Signature: 05/05/2020 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California. 1.The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct. 2.I am the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance(Field Technician). 3.The construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NAT. 4.I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been posted or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building Field Technician Name Company Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address: City Pasadena 155 N.Lake Ave Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)6140000 All Certification Identification Position with Company(Title) As11699 President field Technician Signatute • Date of Signature 05/05/2020 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California- ].I am the Field Technician,or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2.I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design,construction or installation of features,materials,components.or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement(responsible acceptance person). 3.The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified In Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4.1 have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. S.I will ensure that a completed,signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted,or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building,and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections.I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Acceptance Person Name Company Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric.Inc Address: 155 N.Lake Ave. City Pasadena Zip Code 91101 Phone (626)6140000 CSLB License 96303r. Position with Company(Title) President Responsible Acceptance Person Signature Date of Signature 05/05/2070 ' AL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 5 of CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 DEMAND RESPONSIVE LIGHTING CONTROL ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT: Demand Responsive Lighting Control: Intent: Test the reduction in lighting power due to the demand responsive lighting control as per Sections 110.9(a), 130.1(e) and 130.5(e). NA7.6.3 Acceptance tests for Demand Responsive Lighting Controls in accordance with Section 130.1(e) 1. Instrumentation to perform test includes, but not limited to: a) Hand-held amperage and voltage meter b) Power meter c) Light Meter 2. Construction inspection: Verify the demand responsive control is capable of receiving a demand response signal directly or indirectly through another device and that it complies with the requirements in Section 130.5(e). If the demand response signal is received from another device (such as an EMCS), that system must itself be capable of '17 receiving a demand response signal from a utility meter or other external source. 130.5(e):Demand responsive controls and equipment shall be capable of receiving and automatically responding to at least one standards based messaging protocol which enables demand response after receiving a demand response signal. Definition: DEMAND RESPONSE SIGNAL is a signal sent by the local utility, Independent System Operator(ISO),or designated curtailment service provider or aggregator, to a customer, indicating a price or a request to modify electricity consumption, for a limited time period. NA7.6.3.2 Functional Test Met 0.1 Use either Method 1 (illuminance measurement)or Method 2 (power input measurement)to perform the functional test. 1: Test building-wide reduction in lighting power to at least 15% below the maximum total lighting power, as calculated on an • area-weighted basis(measured in illuminance or power). However,any single space must not reduce the combined illuminance from daylight and electric light to less than 50%of the design illuminance. ✓ 2: For buildings with up to seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls, all spaces shall be tested. 3: For buildings with more than seven (7)enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls,sampling may be done on additional spaces with similar lighting systems. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive lighting control in the ✓ sample group passes the acceptance test, the remaining building spaces in the sample group also pass. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive lighting control in the sample group fails the acceptance test the rest of the enclosed spaces in that group must be tested. 4: If any tested demand responsive lighting control system fails it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the ✓ test. This is page 1 of 5 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Penult Number:COMM-I 9-0521 Project"Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 A. Method 1: Illuminance Measurement: In each space,select one location for illuminance measurement.The chosen location must not be in a primary or secondary skylit or sidelit area, and when placed at the location,the illuminance meter must not have a direct view of a window or skylight. If this is not possible, perform the lest at a time and location at which daylight illuminance provides less than half of the design illuminance. Mark each location to ensure that the Iluminance meter can be accurately located. Step 1: Full output test a: Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to design full output. Note that the lighting in area, with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at less than full output, or may be off. b: Take one illuminance measurement at a representative location in each space, using an illuminance meter (fc). c: Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control. d: Take one illuminance measurement at the same locations as above, with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition (fc). e: Turn off the electric lighting and measure the daylighting at the same location (if present) (fc) f: Calculate the reduction in illuminance in the demand response condition,compared with the design full output condition. [((line 2S b - line e)- (line d - line e)) /(line b - line e)] g: Note the area of each controlled space (sf) 11000.sst h: The area-weighted reduction must be at least 0.15 (15%) but must not reduce the combined illuminance from electric light and daylight to less than 50% of the design illuminance in any individual space. All spaces in this form will be used to calculate the area-weighted reduction and the combined output will be shown in each of the spaces. i he demand response signal must not reduce the power input of any individual circuit by more than 50% (write Y/N) PJ Step 2: Minimum output test j: Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output, or may be off. k:Take one illuminance measurement at each location, using an illuminance meter (fc). I: Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control. m: Take one illuminance measurement at each location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition (fcl, n: In each space,the illuminance in the demand response condition must not be less than the illuminance in the minimum output condition or 50% of the design illuminance, whichever is less. (write Y/N) EXCEPTION: In daylit spaces, the illuminance in the demand response condition maybe below the minimum output setting, but in the demand response condition the combined illuminance from daylight and electric light must be at least 50%of the design illuminance. • This is page 2 of 5 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive,Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19.0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 B. Method 2: Power Input Measurement: At the lighting circuit panel,select at least one lighting circuit that serves spaces required to meet Section 130.1(b)to measure the reduction in electrical current. Step 1: Full output test a: Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to full output. Note that the lighting in areas with r photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at less than full output, or may be off. b: Take one electric power measurement for each selected circuit (va). c: Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control. r d: Take one electric power measurement at each circuit location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition (va). e: Calculate the reduction in lighting power in the demand response condition, compared with the full output condition [(b-d)/b] f: Note the area of each controlled space (sf) g: Calculate the area-weighted average reduction in electric power in the demand response condition, compared with the full output condition. The area-weighted reduction must be at least 15% (check only y/n).All spaces in this form will be used to F calculate the area weighted reduction and the combined output will be shown in each of the spaces. h: The demand response signal must not reduce the power input of any individual circuit by more than 50%. Step 2: Minimum output test Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the r lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output, or may be off. j: Take one electric power measurement for each selected circuit location (va). k: Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control. r I: Take one electric power measurement at each circuit with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition (va). m: In each space, the electric power input in the demand response condition must not be less than the power input in the minimum light output condition or 50%of the design illuminance power input condition, whichever is less. Evaluation : PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Equipment Testing Requirements responses are positive (Check box for yes) This is page 3 of 5 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics-Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 ProjectAddress:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Tristan Sears Company Name Accolade Electric,Inc. Name Address City 155 N.Lake Ave Pasadena Lip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 CEA/ATT Certification r,fE-0215 Author Signature Identification(if applicable) Date of Signature: 05/05/2020 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct. 2. I am the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance(Field Technician). 3. The construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. field Technician Name Tristan Sears Company Name Accolade Electric,Inc. Address: City 155 N.Lake Ave Pasadena lip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 ATT Certification Position with Company Identification TC-A813899 (Title) President Field Technician Signature :ate of Signature: 05/05/2020 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: 1. I am the Field Technician,or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design,construction or installation of features,materials,components,or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement(responsible acceptance person). 3. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. 1 have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. 5. I will ensure that a completed,signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted,or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building,and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Acceptance Company Name Person Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address: City 155 N.Lake Ave Pasadena lip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 (SLB License Position with Company 9630 36 (Title) President Responsible Acceptance Person ire .late 01 Signature: 05/05/2020 This is page 4 of 5 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-O4-A Di rand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-I9-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 This is page 5 of 5 { CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-.A .yusematic Daylighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics-Phase 3 Enforcement Agency CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 AUTOMATIC DAYLIGHTING CONTROL ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT Check boxes for all pages of this NRCA-LTI-03-A completed and included in this submittal NRCA-LTI-03-A Page CI 1&2 Construction Inspection. This page required for all submittals. 3&4 NRCA-LTI-03 A Page Continuous dimming control functional performance test—watt-meter or amp-meter measurement NRCA-LTI-03-A Page 5&6 Stepped Switching/Stepped Dimming functional performance test—watt-meter or amp-meter measurement NRCA-LTI-03-A Page Continuous dimming control functional performance test—light meter power measurement,and default look-up 7&8 table of fraction of rated power versus fraction of rated light output. NRCA-LTI-03-A Page 0 10&11 Stepped Switching/Stepped Dimming functional performance test—based on light output 1. NA7.6.1.1 Construction Inspection: 1. Drawing of Daylit Zone(s) must be shown on plans or attached to this form. By checking this box, technician certifies that plans have been attached to this webform r Document Name and Page u's Plans E2.01 Add Control Systems below if sampling method is used in accordance with NA7.6.1.2.If adding,attach a page with names of other controls in sample(only for buildings with>5 daylight control systems,sample group glazing same orientation) Primary Daylight Zone Primary Daylight Zone 2. System information Zone Type:Skylit(Sky),Primary Sidelit(PS), or Secondary Sidelit (5S) PS Control Type:Continuous Dimming with more than 10 light levels (C), Stepped Dimming (SD), Switching (SW) C Design Footcandles:(rote, number or leave blank): 3. Sensors and Controls Control Loop Type: Open Loop Mt), Closed Loop (CL) CL Sensor Location: Outside(0), Inside Skylight(IS), Near Windows facing out (NW), In Controlled Zone(CZ) CZ Sensor Location is Appropriate to Control Loop Type: (Y/N) If control loop type is Open Loop (OL): Enter yes (Y) if location = '•es Outside (0), Inside Skylight(IS), or Near Windows facing out(NW); otherwise, enter no(N). If Control loop type is Closed Loop (CL):Enter yes(Y)if location=In Controlled Zone(CZ);otherwise,enter no(N). Control Adjustments are in Appropriate Location (Y/N): Yes, If Readily Accessible or Yes if in Ceiling less than or equal to 11 ft, No es for all other. 4. Has documentation been provided by the installer: Installation Manuals and Calibration Instructions Provided to Building Owner:(Y/N) Yes vocation of Light Sensor on Plans: (y/r4 Yes CCS. TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 1 of CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-03-A .Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics-Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-I9-0521 Project'Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 ILocation of Light Sensor on Plans: (Page Number) L I E2.01 5. Separate Controls of Luminaires in Daylit Zones: Are luminaires controlled by automatic daylighting controls only in daylit zones: (V/N) Yes Separately circuited for daylit zones by windows and daylit zones under skylights: (YIN) Yes 6. Daylighting control device certification Daylighting control has been certified in accordance with§110.9:(Y/N) Yes Construction Inspection PASS/FAIL. If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1&2are complete and all Yes/No questions Pass have a Yes(Y)response,the tests PASS; If any responses on this page are incomplete OR there are any no(N)responses,the tests FAIL II. PASS/FAIL Evaluation(check one):: a PASS:If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1&2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes(Y)response,the tests PASS FAIL:Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are Incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N no)responses in any applicable Functional C Performance Testing Requirements section.System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10103(a)3B.Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s)passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency.Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. CAL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Trolling Program This is page 2 of CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics-Phase 3 Enforcement Agency-('MMS OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Codc:91006 2. NA7. Functional Performance Testing - Continuous Dimming Systems: Power estimation using light meter measurement (.ornplete all tests on page 3&4(No Daylight Test,Full Daylight Test,and Partial Daylight Test)and fill out Pass/Fail section on Page 4. Primary Daylight Zone System Information a.Control Loop Type:Open Loop or Closed Loop?(0 or C) C b.Indicate if Mandatory control -M(required for skylit zone or primary sidelit zone with installed general lighting power > 120 W); M for Control Credit -CC; or Voluntary not for credit -V(M, CC, V) c.If automatic daylighting controls are mandatory,are all general lighting luminaires in daylit zones controlled by automatic daylight Yes controls?(Y/N) d.Documented general lighting design footcandles.If design footcandles not documented leave blank(enter fc) e.Power estimation method.(see line o)Default ratio of power to light(Dfc),cut-sheet ratio of power to light(CSfc)If CSFc-attach Dfc cut-sheet.Enter Dfc or CSfc Step 1: Identify Reference Location (location where minimum daylight illuminance is measured in zone served by the controlled lighting.) f.Method Used: Illuminance or Distance?(I or D) I Override daylight control system and drive electric lights to highest light level for the following: g. Highest light level fc -enter measured controlled electric lighting footcandles (fc) 52 h.Indicate whether this is Full Output (FO), or Task Tuned (Lumen Maintenance) (TT) 10 Step 2: No Daylight Test controls enabled & daylight less than 1 fc at reference location i.Method Used:Night time manual measurement(Night),Night Time Illuminance Logging(Log),Cover Fenestration(CF),Cover Open Loop fright Photosensor(COLP) j.Reference Illuminance(footcandles)as measured at Reference Location(see Step 1).Enter footcandles 52 k.Enter Y if either of the following statements are true:If line h=FO;[Reference Illuminance(line j)]/[Full Output fc(line g))> 70./0 or Yes [Reference Illuminance(line j)]/(design footcandles(line d))>80°i?(Y/N) Step 3: Full Daylight Test conducted when daylight > reference illuminance (line j) Daylight illuminance(light level with electric lighting turned off) measured at Reference Location (fc) 81 m.Daylight illuminance(line I)greater than Reference Illuminance(line j)? (Y/N) Fraction controlled wattage turned off.Enter%. o. Fraction of controlled wattage dimmed [1 - ( line n)] Enter Fill out lines p through s only if fraction of controlled wattage turned off (line n) < 1000/0. p.Total(daylight+electric light)illuminance measured at the Reference Location(fc) q. Electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location (fc) [(line p) - (line I)] • r. Electric lighting illuminance(line q)divided by Highest Light Level fc(line g).Enter % s.Dimmed luminaire fraction of rated power.Attach manufacturer's cut-sheet or use default graph of rated power to light output.Label applicable control system(column A,B or C)on cut-sheet or graph.Enter fraction of rated power in 0/0. t. System Power Reduction = (1 -(line o) , (line 5)) 100 CAL.&TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 3 of CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name:Olenair Logistics-Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:(1I V Of ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City Arcadia Zip Code:91006 u. Is System Power Reduction(line t) > 65%when line h = FO,or > 56%when line h =TT(Y/N) Yes v. With uncontrolled lights also on, no lamps dimmed outside of daylit zone by control (Y/N) Yes w. Dimmed lamps have stable output, no perceptible flicker (Y/N) Step 4: Partial Daylight Test conducted when daylight between 60%and 95%of(line j) x.Daylight illuminance(light level without electric light)measured at Reference Location(fc) :5 y.Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance=(line x)/(line j).Enter%. 86.53846153846155 z.Is Ratio of Daylight illuminance to Ref.illuminance(line y)between 60%and 95%7(Y/N) Yes aa.Total(daylight+electric light)illuminance measured at the Reference Location(fc) 68 ;;tai Illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance=(line aa)/(line j),Enter% 130.76923076923077 cc.Is Total illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance(line bb)between 10004 and 150%? (Y/N) Yes 3.PASS/FAIL Evaluation(check one): PASS:All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are positive(Y- yes) r FAIL:Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative(N no)responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section.System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10103(a)3B.Fix problem(s)and retest until the system(s)passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency.Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. CALG TP CaltorniaAdvanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 4 of i CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 • Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete Documentation Author Name Company Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address City 155 N.Lake Ave. Pasadena Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 CIA/ATT Certification Identification(d Author Signature applicable) ATI 071', Date of Signature: 05/0S/2020 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: 1.The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct. 2.1 ant the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance(Field Technician). 3.The construction or installation identified on Nils Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4.1 have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been posted or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building. .rid Technician Name Company Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address: City 155 N.Lake Ave. Pasadena /gr Code Phone 91101 (626)614.0000 ATT Certfcation Identification Position with Company(Title) TC President id Technician Signature Date of Signature. 05/05/2020 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California. 1.I am the Field Technician,or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee in my agent and I have reviewed the Information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2.I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design,construction or installation of features.materials,components,or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement(responsible acceptance person). 3.The Information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation Identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified In Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4.1 have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and Is posted or made available with the building pernllt(s) issued for the building 5.1 will ensure that a completed,signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted,or made available with the building permn(s)Issued for the budding,and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be Included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Acceptance Person Name Company flame Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc Address. 155 N lake Ave City Pasadena /i1'Code 91101 Phone (626)6140000 10 License 96'i Position with Company(Title) President ,Ponsible Acceptance Person Signator Date of Signature: 05/05/2020 CAL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 5 of CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE JNRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control ,_ • Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Pennit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 Enforcement Agency Use: Checked by/Date LIGHTING CONTROL ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT Automatic Shut-off Controls: Automatic Time Switch Control and Occupant Sensor Intent: Lights are turned off or set to a lower level when not needed per Section 110.9(a) & 130.1(c). A. Construction Inspection Fill out Section A to cover spaces 1 through 3 that are functionally tested under Section B. Instruments needed to perform tests include, but are not limited to: hand-held amperage meter, power meter, or light meter 1:Automatic Time Switch Controls Construction Inspection—confirm for all listed in Section B a. All automatic time switch controls are programmed for(check all): IF Weekdays r Weekend P Holidays b. Document for the owner automatic time switch programming (check all): 1W Weekday settings r Weekend settings F Holidays settings F Set-up settings r Preference program setting r Verify the correct time and date is properly set in the time switch W Verify the battery is installed and energized r Override time limit is no more than 2 hours M Occupant Sensors and Automatic Time Switch Controls have been certified to the Energy Commission in accordance with the applicable provision in Section 110.9 of the Standards, and model numbers for all such controls are listed on the Commission database as Certified Appliance and Control Devices 2.Occupancy Sensor Construction Inspection—confirm for all listed in Section B F Occupancy sensors are not located within 4 feet of any HVAC diffuser Ultrasonic occupancy sensors do not emit audible sound 5 feet from source This is page 1 of 15 'tI . 'F CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control , Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia 'Permit Code:91006 B. Functional Testing of Lighting Controls For every space in the building, conduct functional tests 1 through 5 below if applicable. If there are several geometrically similar spaces that use the same lighting controls, test only one space and list in the cells below which"untested spaces"are represented by that tested space. EXCEPTION: For buildings with up to seven (7) occupancy sensors, all occupancy sensors shall be tested. (NA7.6.2.3) Representative Spaces Selected Tested space/room name: Break Room Space Type (office, corridor, etc) Break Room Untested areas/rooms Confirm compliance for all control system types (1-5) present in each space: 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls Step 1:Simulate occupied condition IIT a. All lights can be turned on and off by their respective area control switch b. Verify the switch only operates lighting in the ceiling-height partitioned area in which the switch is located. Step 2: Simulate unoccupied condition a.All lighting, including emergency and egress lighting,turns off. Exempt lighting may remain on per Section 130.1(c)1 and 130.1(a)1. b. Manual override switch controls only the lights in the selected ceiling height partitioned space where the override switch is located and the lights remain on no longer than 2 hours (unless serving public areas and override switch is captive key type). Step 3: System returned to initial operating conditions 2. Occupancy Sensors Step 1:Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn off within a maximum of 20 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(b) b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on' from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. Step 2:Simulate an occupied condition a. Status indicator or annunciator operates correctly b. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn on immediately upon an occupied condition OR sensor indicates space is 'occupied' and lights may be turned on manually COAL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 2 of 15 z. �'a CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control , Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:TI-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 Step 3: System returned to initial operating conditions p 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor Step 1: Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights go to partial off state within a maximum of 20 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) r b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on' from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. For library book stacks or warehouse aisle, activity beyond the stack or aisle shall not activate the lighting in the aisle or stack. r c. In the partial off state, lighting shall consume no more than 50%of installed lighting power, or: No more than 60%of installed lighting power for metal halide or high pressure sodium lighting in warehouses. No more than 60%of installed lighting power for corridors and stairwells in which the installed lighting power is 80% or less of the value allowed under the Area Category Method. lig Light level may be used as a proxy for lighting power when measurements are taken Step 2:Simulate an occupied condition The occupant sensing controls shall turn lights fully ON in each separately controlled areas, Immediately upon an occupied condition 4. Partial On Occupancy Sensors Step 1.-Simulate an occupied condition.Verify partial on operation. a. Immediately upon an occupied condition, the first stage activates between 50 to 70% of the lighting automatically. b. After the first stage occurs, manual switches allow an occupant to activate the alternate set of lights, activate 100%of the lighting power, and manually deactivate all of the lights. Step 2.Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Both stages (automatic on and manual on) lights turn off within a maximum of 20 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on' from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. CSL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 3 of 15 { t t . CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control • Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 5. Additional test for Occupancy Sensors Serving Small Zones in Office Spaces Larger than 250 ft', to Qualify for a Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) Step 0:First,complete Functional Test 2(above)for each controlled zone. Step 1:Verify area served and compare actual PAF with claimed PAF. Refer to Functional Test 2. a. Area served by controlled lighting ft2 b. Enter PAF corresponding to controlled area from line (a) above (<125 ft2 for PAF=0.4, 126-250 ft2 for PAF=0.3, 251-500 ft2 for PAF=0.2). c. Enter PAF claimed for occupant sensor control in this space from the Certificate of Compliance. d. The PAF corresponding to the controlled area (line b), is greater than or equal to 1111 the PAF claimed in the compliance documentation (line c). e. Sensors shall not trigger in response to movement in adjacent walkways or OE workspaces f. All steps are conducted in Functional Test 2 'Occupancy Sensor(On Off Control)' and all answers are Yes. IF CSL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 4 of 15 4 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control . Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 C. Testing Results 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls (all answers must be Yes). 2. Occupancy Sensor (On Off Control) (all answers must be Yes). 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor(all answers must be Yes). For warehouses, library book stacks, corridors, stairwells in nonresidential buildings must also be accompanied by passing Test 1 or Test 2. 4. Partial On Occupant Sensor for PAF (all answers must be Yes). r 5. Occupant Sensor serving small zones for PAF(all answers must be Yes). Also must pass Test 2. r Representative Spaces Selected Tested space/room name: Restroom Space Type (office, corridor, etc) Restroom Untested areas/rooms Confirm compliance for all control system types (1-5) present in each space: 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls Step 1:Simulate occupied condition a. All lights can be turned on and off by their respective area control switch r b. Verify the switch only operates lighting in the ceiling-height partitioned area in which the switch is located. Step 2:Simulate unoccupied condition a.All lighting, including emergency and egress lighting,turns off. Exempt lighting may remain on per Section 130.1(c)1 and 130.1(a)1. b. Manual override switch controls only the lights in the selected ceiling height partitioned space where the override switch is located and the lights remain on no longer than 2 hours (unless serving public areas and override switch is captive key type). r Step 3: System returned to initial operating conditions 2. Occupancy Sensors Step 1:Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn off within a maximum of 20 minutes CAS. TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 5 of 15 • 1.- 4 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control . Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:TI-18.1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(b) w b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on' from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. Step 2:Simulate an occupied condition a. Status indicator or annunciator operates correctly F b. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn on immediately upon an occupied condition OR sensor indicates space is 'occupied' and lights may be turned on manually Step 3: FE System returned to initial operating conditions 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor Step 1: Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights go to partial off state within a maximum of 20 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on'from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. For library book stacks or warehouse aisle, activity beyond the stack or aisle shall not activate the lighting in the aisle or stack. c. In the partial off state, lighting shall consume no more than 50% of installed lighting power, or: No more than 60%of installed lighting power for metal halide or high pressure sodium lighting in warehouses. No more than 60%of installed lighting power for corridors and stairwells in which the installed lighting power is 80%or less of the value allowed under the Area Category Method. 115 Light level may be used as a proxy for lighting power when measurements are taken Step 2:Simulate an occupied condition The occupant sensing controls shall turn lights fully ON in each separately controlled areas, Immediately upon an occupied condition 4. Partial On Occupancy Sensors Step 1.-Simulate an occupied condition.Verify partial on operation. a. Immediately upon an occupied condition, the first stage activates between 50 to 70% of the lighting automatically. b. After the first stage occurs, manual switches allow an occupant to activate the alternate set of lights, activate 100% of the lighting power, and manually deactivate all of the lights. Step 2.Simulate an unoccupied condition t t C; 4J_ TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 6 of 15 I CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control . Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 a. Both stages (automatic on and manual on) lights turn off within a maximum of 20 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) r b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false'on'from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. r (AL TP CaliforniaAdvanoedLighting Contrds Training Program This is page 7 of 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:911106 5. Additional test for Occupancy Sensors Serving Small Zones in Office Spaces Larger than 250 ft', to Qualify for a Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) Step 0:First,complete Functional Test 2(above)for each controlled zone. Step 1:Verify area served and compare actual PAF with claimed PAF.Refer to Functional Test 2. a. Area served by controlled lighting ft2 b. Enter PAF corresponding to controlled area from line (a) above (<125 ft2 for PAF=0.4, 126-250 ft2 for PAF=0.3, 251-500 ft2 for PAF=0.2). c. Enter PAF claimed for occupant sensor control in this space from the Certificate of Compliance. d.The PAF corresponding to the controlled area (line b), is greater than or equal to the PAF claimed in the compliance documentation (line c). 1; e. Sensors shall not trigger in response to movement in adjacent walkways or Pr workspaces f. All steps are conducted in Functional Test 2 'Occupancy Sensor (On Off Control)' and all answers are Yes. CALGTP CaliforniaAdvancedLighting Controls Training Program This is page 8 of 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control . Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:TI-18.1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 C. Testing Results 1 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls (all answers must be Yes). r i 1 2. Occupancy Sensor (On Off Control) (all answers must be Yes). p 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor(all answers must be Yes). For warehouses, library book stacks, corridors, stairwells in nonresidential buildings must also be W accompanied by passing Test 1 or Test 2. IF 4. Partial On Occupant Sensor for PAF (all answers must be Yes). 5. Occupant Sensor serving small zones for PAF (all answers must be Yes). Also must in pass Test 2. Representative Spaces Selected Tested space/room name: Restroom Space Type (office, corridor, etc) Restroom Untested areas/rooms Confirm compliance for all control system types (1-5) present in each space: 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls Step 1: Simulate occupied condition a. All lights can be turned on and off by their respective area control switch r b. Verify the switch only operates lighting in the ceiling-height partitioned area in PC which the switch is located. Step 2:Simulate unoccupied condition a.All lighting, including emergency and egress lighting,turns off. Exempt lighting may remain on per Section 130.1(c)1 and 130.1(a)1. b. Manual override switch controls only the lights in the selected ceiling height partitioned space where the override switch is located and the lights remain on no longer than 2 hours (unless serving public areas and override switch is captive key r type). Step 3: r System returned to initial operating conditions 2. Occupancy Sensors Step 1:Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn off within a maximum of 20 minutes CAL r�n California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 9 of 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control . Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(b) I Ir' b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on' from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. '' Step 2:Simulate an occupied condition a. Status indicator or annunciator operates correctly r' b. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn on immediately upon an occupied condition OR sensor indicates space is 'occupied' and lights may be turned on manually p' Step 3: h System returned to initial operating conditions 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor Step 1:Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights go to partial off state within a maximum of 20 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) r b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on' from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. For library book stacks or warehouse aisle, activity beyond the stack or aisle shall not activate the lighting in Pthe aisle or stack. c. In the partial off state, lighting shall consume no more than 50% of installed lighting power, or: No more than 60%of installed lighting power for metal halide or high pressure sodium lighting in warehouses. No more than 60%of installed lighting power for corridors and stairwells in which the installed lighting power is 80%or less of the value allowed under the Area Category Method. Light level maybe used as a proxyfor lighting t- g g g power when measurements are taken Step 2:Simulate an occupied condition The occupant sensing controls shall turn lights fully ON in each separately controlled areas, Immediately upon an occupied condition r 4. Partial On Occupancy Sensors Step 1.-Simulate an occupied condition.Verify partial on operation. a. Immediately upon an occupied condition, the first stage activates between 50 to 70% of the lighting automatically. r b. After the first stage occurs, manual switches allow an occupant to activate the alternate set of lights, activate 100% of the lighting power, and manually deactivate all of the lights. r Step 2.Simulate an unoccupied condition t t J_ , . T P California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 10 of 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control . Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:TI-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 a. Both stages (automatic on and manual on) lights turn off within a maximum of 20 I r minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) 11 b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on'from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. r CAL TP Cabtornia Advanced Lighting Controls Training Pragrem This is page 11 of 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control . Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18.1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 5. Additional test for Occupancy Sensors Serving Small Zones in Office Spaces Larger than 250 ft', to Qualify for a Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) Step 0:First,complete Functional Test 2(above)for each controlled zone. Step 1:Verify area served and compare actual PAF with claimed PAF.Refer to Functional Test 2. a. Area served by controlled lighting ft2 b. Enter PAF corresponding to controlled area from line (a) above (<125 ft2 for PAF=0.4, 126-250 ft2 for PAF=0.3, 251-500 ft2 for PAF=0.2). c. Enter PAF claimed for occupant sensor control in this space from the Certificate of Compliance. d. The PAF corresponding to the controlled area (line b), is greater than or equal to the PAF claimed in the compliance documentation (line c). r e. Sensors shall not trigger in response to movement in adjacent walkways or workspaces r f. All steps are conducted in Functional Test 2 'Occupancy Sensor (On Off Control)' and all answers are Yes. r CAL TP CafibrillaAdvancedLighting Controls Raining Program This is page 12 of 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18.1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 C. Testing Results 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls (all answers must be Yes). r 2. Occupancy Sensor (On Off Control) (all answers must be Yes). 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor (all answers must be Yes). For warehouses, library book stacks, corridors, stairwells in nonresidential buildings must also be accompanied bypassingTestr p 1 or Test 2. 4. Partial On Occupant Sensor for PAF (all answers must be Yes). r 5. Occupant Sensor serving small zones for PAF(all answers must be Yes). Also must pass Test 2. r D. Evaluation : PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Equipment Testing Requirements responses are positive. CA1.. TP ng' 1„° This is page 13 of 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:T1-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Company Name Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address City 155 N LAKE AVE PASADENA Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 CEA/ATT Certification ATE-0215 Author Signature Identification (if applicable) Date of Signature: 05/05/2020 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct. 2. I am the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance(Field Technician). 3. The construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. Field Technician Name Company Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric, Inc. Address: City 155 N LAKE AVE PASADENA Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 ATT Certification TC 813899 Position with Company Identification (Title) PRESIDENT Field Technician Signature Date of Signature: 05/05/2020 RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: 1. I am the Field Technician,or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design,construction or installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement(responsible acceptance person). 3. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building. 5. I will ensure that a completed,signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted,or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Acceptance Company Name Person Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address: City 155 N LAKE AVE PASADENA Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 CSLB License 963036 Position with Company(Title) PRESIDENT Responsible Acceptance Person Signature 'R. Date of Signature: 05/05/2020 CAL TP Califon a'vanced Lighting Confrols Training Program This is page 14 of 15 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI.02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 2 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:TI-18-1268 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 This is page 15 of 15 CERTIFILATE OF ACCEPTANCE fNRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 LIGHTING CONTROL ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT Automatic Shut-off Controls: Automatic Time Switch Control and Occupant Sensor Intent: Lights are turned off or set to a lower level when not needed per Section 110.9(a) & 130.1(c). A. Construction Inspection Fill out Section A to cover spaces 1 through 3 that are functionally tested under Section B. Instruments needed to perform tests include, but are not limited to: hand-held amperage meter, power meter, or light meter 1:Automatic Time Switch Controls Construction Inspection—confirm for all listed in Section B a. All automatic time switch controls are programmed for(check all): R Weekdays Ig Weekend R Holidays b. Document for the owner automatic time switch programming (check all): W Weekday settings If Weekend settings W Holidays settings W Set-up settings • Preference program setting F Verify the correct time and date is properly set in the time switch • Verify the battery is installed and energized R Override time limit is no more than 2 hours W Occupant Sensors and Automatic Time Switch Controls have been certified to the Energy Commission in accordance with the applicable provision in Section 110.9 of the Standards, and model numbers for all such controls are listed on the Commission database as Certified Appliance and Control Devices 2.Occupancy Sensor Construction Inspection—confirm for all listed in Section B ✓ Occupancy sensors are not located within four feet of any HVAC diffuser ✓ Ultrasonic occupancy sensors do not emit audible sound 5 feet from source This is page 1 of 11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 B. Functional Testing of Lighting Controls For every space in the building, conduct functional tests 1 through 5 below if applicable. If there are several geometrically similar spaces that use the same lighting controls, test only one space and list in the cells below which"untested spaces"are represented by that tested space. EXCEPTION: For buildings with up to seven (7) occupancy sensors, all occupancy sensors shall be tested. (NA7.6.2.3) Representative Spaces Selected Tested/space/room name: Warehouse Work Space 1 Space Type (office, corridor, etc) Open Untested areas/rooms 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls Step 1: Simulate occupied condition a. All lights can be turned on and off by their respective area control switch b. Verify the switch only operates lighting in the ceiling-height partitioned area in which the switch is located. Step 2:Simulate unoccupied condition a.All lighting, including emergency and egress lighting, turns off. Exempt lighting may remain on per Section 130.1(c)1 and 130.1(a)1. b. Manual override switch allows only the lights in the selected ceiling height partitioned space where the override switch is located and remain on no longer than 2 hours (unless serving public areas and override switch is captive key type). Step 3: System returned to initial operating conditions PF 2. Occupancy Sensors Step 1:Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn off within a maximum of 3U minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(b) r b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on'from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation r Step 2:Simulate unoccupied condition a. Status indicator or annunciator operates correctly r b. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn on immediately upon an occupied condition OR sensor indicates space is 'occupied' and lights may be turned on manually r Step 3: System returned to initial operating conditions r CAGTP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 2of11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor Step 1:Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights go to partial off state within a maximum of 30 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) r b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on'from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. For library book stacks or warehouse aisle, activity beyond the stack or aisle shall not activate the lighting in the aisle or stack. r c. In the partial off state, lighting shall consume no more than 50% of installed lighting power, or: No more than 60% of installed lighting power for metal halide or high pressure sodium lighting in warehouses. No more than 60% of installed lighting power for corridors and stairwells in which the installed lighting power is 80 percent or less of the value allowed under the Area Category Method. Light level may be used as a proxy for lighting power when measurements are taken Step 2:Simulate an occupied condition The occupant sensing controls shall turn lights fully ON in each separately controlled areas, Immediately upon an occupied condition r 4. Partial On Occupancy Sensors Step 1.-Simulate an occupied condition.Verify partial on operation. a. Immediately upon an occupied condition, the first stage activates between 30 to 70% of the lighting automatically. r b. After the first stage occurs, manual switches allow an occupant to activate the alternate set of lights, activate 100%of the lighting power, and manually deactivate all of the lights. If' Step 2.Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Both stages (automatic on and manual on) lights turn off within a maximum of 30 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on'from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation CAL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 3of11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 5. Additional test for Occupancy Sensors Serving Small Zones in Office Spaces Larger than 250 Square Feet, to Qualify for a Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) Step 0:First,complete Functional Test 2(above)for each controlled zone Step 1:Verify area served and compare actual PAF with claimed PAF.Refer to Functional Test 2. a. Area served by controlled lighting (square feet) b. Enter PAF corresponding to controlled area from line (a) above (<125sf for PAF=0.4, 126-250sf for PAF=0.3, 251-500sf for PAF=0.2). c. Enter PAF claimed for occupant sensor control in this space from the Certificate of Compliance d. The PAF corresponding to the controlled area (line b), is less than or equal to the PAF claimed in the compliance documentation (line c) r e. Sensors shall not trigger in response to movement in adjacent walkways or workspaces pl f. All steps are conducted in Functional Test 2 'Occupancy Sensor (On Off Control)' and all answers are Yes (Y) ,AL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 4 of 11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 C. Testing Results 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls (all answers must be Y). 2. Occupancy Sensor(On Off Control) (all answers must be Y). 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor(all answers must be Y). For warehouses, library book stacks, corridors, stairwells in nonresidential buildings must also be accompanied by passing Test 1 or Test 2. 4. Partial On Occupant Sensor for PAF (all answers must be Y). 5. Occupant Sensor serving small zones for PAF (all answers must be Y). Also must pass Test 2 Representative Spaces Selected Tested/space/room name: Warehouse Workspace 3 Space Type (office, corridor, etc) Open Untested areas/rooms 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls Step 1:Simulate occupied condition a. All lights can be turned on and off by their respective area control switch b. Verify the switch only operates lighting in the ceiling-height partitioned area in which the switch is located. Step 2:Simulate unoccupied condition a.All lighting, including emergency and egress lighting,turns off. Exempt lighting may remain on per Section 130.1(c)1 and 130.1(a)1. b. Manual override switch allows only the lights in the selected ceiling height partitioned space where the override switch is located and remain on no longer than IF 2 hours (unless serving public areas and override switch is captive key type). Step 3: System returned to initial operating conditions 2. Occupancy Sensors Step 1:Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn off within a maximum of 30 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(b) b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false'on'from movement in an area I r CA L -rr California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 5 of 11 CERTIFR ATE OF ACCEPTANCE NBCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glena r Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation I r Step 2:Simulate unoccupied condition I a. Status indicator or annunciator operates correctly r b. Lights controlled by occupancy sensors turn on immediately upon an occupied condition OR sensor indicates space is 'occupied' and lights may be turned on manually r Step 3: System returned to initial operating conditions r 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor Step 1:Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Lights go to partial off state within a maximum of 30 minutes from start of an r unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on' from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation. For library book stacks or warehouse aisle, activity beyond the stack or aisle shall not activate the lighting in the aisle or stack. c. In the partial off state, lighting shall consume no more than 50% of installed lighting power, or: No more than 60% of installed lighting power for metal halide or high pressure sodium lighting in warehouses. No more than 60% of installed lighting power for corridors and stairwells in which the installed lighting power is 80 percent or less of the value allowed under the Area Category Method. Light level may be used as a proxy for lighting power when measurements are taken r Step 2:Simulate an occupied condition The occupant sensing controls shall turn lights fully ON in each separately controlled areas, Immediately upon an occupied condition r 4. Partial On Occupancy Sensors Step 1.-Simulate an occupied condition.Verify partial on operation. a. Immediately upon an occupied condition, the first stage activates between 30 to 70% of the lighting automatically. r b. After the first stage occurs, manual switches allow an occupant to activate the alternate set of lights, activate 100% of the lighting power, and manually deactivate all of the lights. r Step 2.Simulate an unoccupied condition a. Both stages (automatic on and manual on) lights turn off within a maximum of 30 minutes from start of an unoccupied condition per Standard Section 110.9(a) r b. The occupant sensor does not trigger a false 'on' from movement in an area adjacent to the controlled space or from HVAC operation CAL TP Caoitoroia Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 6 of 11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-052I Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 This is page 7 of 11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 5. Additional test for Occupancy Sensors Serving Small Zones in Office Spaces Larger than 250 Square Feet, to Qualify for a Power Adjustment Factor (PAF) Step 0:First,complete Functional Test 2(above)for each controlled zone Step 1:Verify area served and compare actual PAF with claimed PAF.Refer to Functional Test 2. a. Area served by controlled lighting (square feet) b. Enter PAF corresponding to controlled area from line (a) above (<125sf for PAF=0.4, 126-250sf for PAF=0.3, 251-500sf for PAF=0.2). c. Enter PAF claimed for occupant sensor control in this space from the Certificate of Compliance d. The PAF corresponding to the controlled area (line b), is less than or equal to the PAF claimed in the compliance documentation (line c) e. Sensors shall not trigger in response to movement in adjacent walkways or Of workspaces f. All steps are conducted in Functional Test 2 'Occupancy Sensor(On Off Control)' and all answers are Yes (Y) This is page 8of11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE INRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 C. Testing Results 1. Automatic Time Switch Controls (all answers must be Y). 2. Occupancy Sensor (On Off Control) (all answers must be Y). r 3. Partial Off Occupancy Sensor(all answers must be Y). For warehouses, library book stacks, corridors, stairwells in nonresidential buildings must also be accompanied by passing Test 1 or Test 2. r 4. Partial On Occupant Sensor for PAF (all answers must be Y). r 5. Occupant Sensor serving small zones for PAF(all answers must be Y). Also must pass Test 2 D. Evaluation : r✓ PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Equipment Testing Requirements responses are positive (Y-yes) CAL TP CalitornlaAdvanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 9 of 11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-I9-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Company Name Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address City 155 N.Lake Ave 8th Floor Pasadena Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 CEA/ATT Certification Author Signature Identification(if ATE-0215 applicable) 4‹:3 Date of Signature: 05/05/2020 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct. 2. I am the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance(Field Technician). 3. The construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. Field Technician Name Company Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric, Inc. Address: City 155 N.Lake Ave 8th Floor Pasadena Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 ATT Certification TC-A813899 Position with Company President Identification (Title) Field Technician Signature 4.(7\ Date of Signature: RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury,under the laws of the State of California: 1. 1 am the Field Technician,or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design,construction or installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement(responsible acceptance person). 3. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency,and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. 1 have confirmed that the Certificate(s)of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building. 5. I will ensure that a completed,signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted,or made available with the building permit(s)issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections.I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Acceptance Company Name Person Name Tristan Sears Accolade Electric,Inc. Address: City 155 N.Lake Ave 8th Floor Pasadena Zip Code Phone 91101 (626)614-0000 CSLB License 963036 Position with Company(Title) President Responsible Acceptance Person Si Date of Signature: 05/05/2020 CAL TP California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program This is page 10 of 11 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-02-A Lighting Control Project Name:Glenair Logistics—Phase 3 Enforcement Agency:CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number:COMM-19-0521 Project Address:12359 Lower Azusa Rd City:Arcadia Zip Code:91006 This is page 11 of 11 P.O. Box 63304 1:111 Los Angeles, CA 90063 Tel: (800) 791-2136 NATIONAL INSPECTION&TESTING Fax: (888)808-1317 24 Hrs.: (310)930-5515 office@nationallab.us SPECIAL/DEPUTY INSPECTION REPORT Job No. Date 02-07-2020 Time TYPE OF ✓ Reinforced concrete ❑Structural Steel Assembly 0 Quality Control INSPECTION Post Tensioned Concrete A High Strength Bolts 0 Epoxy REQUIRED Reinforced Masonry Fire Proofing 0 Other Building Department Job Address City of Arcadia 12359 Lower Azusa Rd Job Name permit No h Glenair Logistics- BLDG 2 1I-18-1268 Owner Address Glenair Inc. Contractor George C Hopkins Construction Address Sub-Contractor Engineer Grossman & Speer Associates Inspector(s)Name Architect Mario Cordero Nathan Batte, A/A TESTS PERFORMED TYPE OF SAMPLE SLUMP QUANTITY IN SET ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON SAMPLES SUMMARY-LOCATIONS OF WORK INSPECTED,TEST SAMPLES TAKEN,WORK REJECTED,JOB PROBLEMS,PROGRESS, REMARKS,ETC. Verified proper placement and consolidation of 3000 psi concrete for pad footings. Concrete was supplied by National Ready Mix Concrete Co. w/approved mix design # S62244. Total of 70 cubic yards were placed and cast one set of samples for testing TERMS-BILLING AT 4 AND 8 HOURS MINIMUMS.WITH 2 HOUR CHARGE FOR CANCELLATIONS,SHOULD NIT BE REQUIRED TO INSTITUTE LEGAL ACTION FOR THE COLLECTION OF A DEBT INCURRED AS A RESULT OF ACCEPTANCE OF THIS SERVICE TICKET NIT WILL BE ENTITLED TO ATTORNEYS FEES AND COST INCURRED IN SAID SUITE. THIS FIELD REPORT PRESENTS A SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING BY NATIONAL INSPECTION&TESTING PERSONNEL OR SUB-CONTRACTORS OUR WORK DOES NOT INCLUDE SUPERVISION OR DIRECTION OF THE ACTUAL WORK OF THE CONTRACTOR,HIS EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS.THE CONTRACTOR IS INFORMED THAT NEITHER THE PRESENCE OF OUR FIELD REPRESENTATIVE NOR THE OBSERVATION AND TESTING BY OUR FIRM SHALL EXCUSE THE CONTRACTOR IN ANY WAY OF DEFECTS DISCOVERED IN THE CONTRACTORS WORK IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT OUR FIRM WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR JOB OR SITE SAFETY ON THIS PROJECT. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE❑ PAGE 1 OF 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ALL OF THE ABO REPORTED WORK UNL OTHERWISE NOTED.I HAVE FOUND THIS TIME IN TIME OUT REG.HOURS O.T.HOURS TRAVEL TIME WORK 0 C'I Y' TH THE APPR• II 'LANS SPECIFICATIONS,AND APPLICABLE SECTIO,:. 1 • ERNING BUI�•]QeJ.•WS. 7:00 1,nn B PJl inspections based on a minimum of 4 hours and hours-8 minimum.in ad ''on any' ext ding d roan will 8 hour minimum Overtime IA' er 8- arid%Half,Sun s Double Time. • "".- Z nr� I INSPECTOR • Concrete 8012943 ICC SPECIALTY NO AGENCY National Ready Mixed Concrete Company 1830 South Milliken Ave,Ontario,CA Telephone: (909)657-4000 Project Information Mix No.: S62244 Description: 1 3000PSI PU PL Client: B.O.C.Construction Submittal No: 34515 Project: Glenair Date: 02/04/2020 Address: 12359 Lower Azusa Rd.,Arcadia Usage: Canopy Foundations Compressive Strength: 3 000 psi at 28 Days w/cm Ratio : 0.50 5.65 Gal/Sack Plant: Irwd-Glnd-SnVy-VNys-Vernon Equiv.Cem.Factor: 6.20 Sacks/CY Slump : 4.00± 1.00in Concrete Mix Proportions Note:All aggregate weights are saturated surface dry(SSD)weights and the moisture content of the aggregates at the time of batching must be considered when determining the total water in the mix. Materials Source Quantity Spec. (fN) Gray. Volume CEMENTIIN-Type II/V National Cement 583 lb 3.15 2.96 35.0 Gal Water 292.1 lb 1.00 4.68 45% 1"x#4 United Rock,Irw 1421 lb 2.65 8.59 10% 3/8"x#8 United Rock,Irw 316 lb 2.65 1.91 45% W/C SAND United Rock,Irw 1421 lb 2.65 8.59 3.00 oz/cwt WR-91 Type A Euclid Chemicals 17.50 oz/yd3 0.00 0.02 Non Air Entrained Air 0.27 149.4 lb/ft3 Plastic Unit Weight Total 4033 lb 27.0 ft3 Proposed Aggregate Gradations 2" 1" 1/2 1" 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" #4 #8 # 16 #30 #50 # 100 #200 FM 1"x#4 100 100 98 63 14 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.32 3/8"x#8 100 100 100 100 100 85 16 3 0 0 0 0 0 5.96 W/C SAND 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 86 70 49 22 7 2 2.71 Combined Gradings 100 100 99 83 61 55 45 39 32 22 10 3 1 5.11 Optional Products: Remarks: Un EXCEPTIONS TAKEN g MAKE REVISIONS NOTED 0 INFORMATION RECORDED REVISE AND RESUBMIT 0 REVIEW DF THESE SKIP DRAMIINOS IS ONLY FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE 'Mi H THE DESIGN CONCEPT OF THE PROJECT AND GENERAL CONPUANCE WITH THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ANY AC.lION SHOWN IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANS AND SPFCWFlCAIIONS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DIMENSIONS WHICH S-4ALL BE CONFIRMED AND CORRELATED AT THE JOB SITE. FABRICAr,ON PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION. COORDINATION OF HIS WORK WITH THAT OF ALL OTHER TRADES AND THE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF HIS WORK GROSSMAN$SPQRAISOCIATES,INC. STRIJCTINILaODIEERS GLENDALE.CM/ORNIA DATE: 2/5/2020 BY' j491.414;:e1/44:1(0 No.CO52450 National Rea Mixed Concrete is a supplier of materials o 410::d5' pp nly.National does not engage in engineering,laboratory f services,architecture,or general contracting.National does not assume any responsibility for design,engineering, selection of mixtures for specific use,required quantities,or placement practices of the purchaser. To conpiy with ASTM C94,(Section 14.4)Testing agaay shall send leg results to:1851 East Huntington Dr.Duane,CA 91010 Renato Kich,RCE#C052450 DELIVERY TICKET WEIGHED AT: WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE CONTROL NUMBER NATIONAL READY MIXED CONCRETE CO. No. 1 08671 ; SOLD TO: SHIP TO: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: DATE LOAD LEAVE PLANT ARRIVE JOB START POUR FINISH POUR LEAVE JOB ARRIVE PLANT PLANT NUMBER TICKET NUMBER CPU# P.O./JOB # UNLOADING TIME TIME ALLOWED DELAY TIME TRUCK# DRIVER DRIVER ID# LOAD # LOAD SIZE YARDS ORDERED YARDS DELIVERED USAGE NOTICE: PROPOSITION 65 WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE Excessive Water is Detrimental to Concrete Performance. WARNING:Chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer,birth THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following described commodity Water Added By Request/Authorized by defects,or other reproductive harm may be found in various products that was weighed, measured,or counted by a weighmaster, I -gals.added to full load gals.added to 2/3 load you have purchased from National Ready Mixed Concrete Company.Please whose signature is on this certificate,who is a recognized read and follow directions carefully and use extreme care when handling or g g gals.added to 1/3 load total water added / using such products.Please read additional information contained in item authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 I R7 on back of this notice. (commencing with section 12700) of Division 5 of the ON SITE ADDITIONS:ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS CONCRETE CONCRETE IS A PERISHABLE COMMODITY and BECOMES the PROPERTY of California Business and Professions Code,administered by WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH.ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S RISK. the PURCHASER UPON BATCHING at the PLANT. ANY CHANGES or the Division of Measurement Standards of the California CANCELLATION of ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE TELEPHONED to the Department of Food and Agriculture. DELAY EXPLANATION OFFICE BEFORE LOADING STARTS. Seller is not responsible for reactive aggregate,nor the consequences thereof 1.JOB NOT READY 6.TRUCK BROKE DOWN 2.SLOW POUR 7 AC such as popping, cracking and/or checking. Moreover, Seller is not ,DEPUTY 3.TRUCK AHEAD ON JOB 8.CITATION repsonsible for discoloring of concrete or color quality. QUANTITY CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE SALES TAX TICKET TOTAL ATTENTION: SUB TOTAL NOTICE:READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON THE OTHER SIDE WHICH IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE. THE SIGNATURE OF THE DELAY CHARGES UNDERSIGNED INDICATES THAT HE HAS READ THE HEALTH WARNING X NOTICE ON THIS PAGE AND AGREES WITH THE TERMS ON THE FRONT AND CUSTOMER/CUSTOMER'S AGENT REAR OF THIS DOCUMENT. • ADDITIONAL CHARGES IN COMPLIANCE WITH AB574 READY MIXED CONCRETE MAY CYLINDER TAKEN? ❑YES J NO 4 MINUTES PER YARD FREE UNLOADING TIME ALLOWED. CONTAIN RECYCLED MATERIALS. ADDITIONAL UNLOADING TIME CHARGED AT CURRENT GRAND TOTAL: A$25 Service Charge will be collected on all returned checks. PREVAILING RATES. TARGET WEIGHTS ACTUAL WEIGHTS • • • By signing below,the driver identified on the face of this delivery ticket certifies that the times recorded by the driver are true and correct under penalty of perjury. (11 1111 til III 111111111111111 II1I 0140 • 2 . 646 Driver's Signature 1. NOTICES TO PROPERTY OWNER • If bills are not paid in full for the labor,services,equipment,or materials furnished or to be furnished,a mechanics lien leading to the loss,through court foreclosure proceedings,of all or part of your property being so improved may be placed against the property even though you have paid your contractor in full.You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by(1)requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor,or(2)any other method or device that is appropriate under the circumstances. 2. ALL INVOICES ARE DUE AND PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT The following terms shall apply to the account: Net due on receipt of invoice.The account becomes delinquent if any invoice is not paid in full within 30 days of invoice date. 3. In the event this account becomes delinquent,the customer and or guarantor(s)agree;a)A Late Payment Charge will be paid at the rate of 10% per annum from the date of delinquency on the unpaid balance until paid in full;b)this account is a commercial account;c)Any collection action necessary or other litigation concerning this account or purchases under it shall be filed in the Los Angeles County Superior Court;and d)In the event legal action is taken to collect this account,reasonable attorney fees and costs will be paid by the CUSTOMER. 4. Failure to meet payment terms, time being of the essence,constitutes a material breach of this agreement.Immediately upon breach,SELLER is authorized to place CUSTOMER on C.O.D.status and/or terminate sales to CUSTOMER without further notice. 5. LIABILITY Seller shall not be liable for any delays or for any failure to manufacture,ship,supply or deliver products resulting from strikes, labor disputes, breakdowns,war,civil disobedience,floods,acts of God,carrier's delay or defaults,or regulations of any governmental authority,or any act beyond reasonable control of seller. 6. LIMITATIONS AND DISCLAIMER OR WARRANTIES SELLER MAKES NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE.IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY AMOUNT EXCEEDING THE NET PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT SHIPPED. 7. WARNING Contains Portland Cement,wear rubber boots and gloves. Prolonged contact may cause burns.Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged contact with skin.In case of contact with the skin or eyes,flush thoroughly with water.If irritation persists,get medical attention.Keep children away:This warning should be conveyed to all persons who may purchase,use or come in contact with cement and cement mixtures. 8. PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE AND AGREEMENT FOR INDEMNIFICATION Seller and Seller's representative are of the opinion that the size and weight of Seller's truck may possibly cause damage to the premises to which the ready mixed concrete is to be delivered and/or adjacent property if material in this load was placed where you desire it.It is our wish to help in any way we can,but in order to place the material as requested by you we must,prior to unloading,have a signed release releasing Seller and its agent and employees from any responsibility from any damage that may occur to the premises and/or adjacent property,building,sidewalks, driveways,curbs,underground pipe and electrical lines,etc.The document submitted to you by our representative also provides that you indemnify Seller and its agents and employees from any claims for damages that may be asserted against Seller or Seller's agents or employees in connection with the placement of material as you direct,including attorney's fees and costs incurred by Seller in defending any action relating to same. Owner-Agent: Date: Plant#130 Santa Clarita Plant#135 Van Nuys Plant#142 Irvine Plant#142 Canoga Park 2750 Ruether Ave. 15203 Oxnard St. 16282 Construction Cir. E. 6969 Deering Ave. Santa Clarita,CA 91351 Van Nuys,CA 91411 Irvine,CA 92606 Canoga Park,CA 91303 661-252-8181 818-374-6003 949-552-5566 818-884-0893 Plant#133 Glendale Plant#136 South Gate Plant#140 Irwindale Plant#144 Vernon 4549 Brazil St. 4988 E. Firestone Blvd. 2620 Avenida Barbosa 2626 26th St. Los Angeles, CA 90039 South Gate,CA 90280 Irwindale,CA 91706 Vernon,CA 90058 818-243-4243 323-564-1866 626-303-7755 323-923-4466 Plant#134 Moorpark Plant#138 Artesia Plant#141 Sun Valley 13950 Princeton Ave. 11725 Artesia Blvd. 9010 Norris Ave. Moorpark,CA 93020 Artesia,CA 90701 Sun Valley,CA 91352 805-529-1673 562-865-6211 818-768-0050