HomeMy WebLinkAboutUntitled / `: ,, City of Arcadia, CA p , Permit NO. SOLR 20 2013 � ' { Development Services Department ---;),-"';:-.41}'—'' � PT77lt Type Sc r,i t'. , 240 West Huntington,Drive,Post Office Box 60021 � a ` ; '" `, ' aInit A Work',Classification-Solar Residential ., Arcadia,CA 91066-6021 r„ , r (626)574-5416 - Permit Status Issued' ARCAD IA I issue Date:12/02/2020'.I Expiration:12/02/2021 Addr NO. Dir Prefix Street Name Street Suffix Unit City,State,Zip Parcel Number 1019 LEANDRA LN Arcadia,CA 91006-2217 5770027006 , Contacts ABANILLA,ARMANDO AND AURORA TRS Owner SOLAR OPTIMUM INC* Contractor 11 ABANILLA FAMILY TRUST 501 W Glenoaks BLVD#555,Glendale,CA 91202 ii 1019 LEANDRA AVE,ARCADIA,91006 (818)804-3122972228 1, r ..�e;...cnk�k".:•.f is.ws'_w:. o."�.. . ,meq,5'^-ae. •"...,fl.4fl.4w.... .. ..A tat .Za rm k,n .. ..�-%kaaaM.:re ... _, vE Ss es.i. a ...ems. b. oaa,m. 3 ,n Description:ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR SYSTEM 22 MODULES/ Valuation: $ 0.00 Tenant MICROINVERTERS 1 COMBINER BOX 2 Total Sq Feet: 0.00 Plan Check# Plan# I Fees Amount Payments Amount Paid Building Plan Check Fee Residential $100.00 Total Fees $324.72 Distribution Panel $16.48 Cash/Receipt#REC-06197-20 $324.72 Electrical Permit Issuance Fee $47.01 Inverters $77.78 Amount Due: $0.00 Panels $82.45 Solid Waste Management Fee 2 $1.00 Total: $324.72 '''')/ //— CALLS FOR INSPECTIONS Request for inspection by telephone at 626-574-5450. Leave a message requesting the address,timeframe and what inspection item is needed. fizeh-e ec / ,Q( Ce / eA iFyt 4 e/r>� 1-1 This permit/plan review expires by time limitation and becomes null and void if the work authorized by the permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of issuance or if the permit is not obtained within 180 days from the date of plan submittal.This permit expires and becomes null and void if any work authorized by this permit is suspended or abandoned for 180 consecutive days or if no progressive work has been verified by a City of Arcadia building inspector for a period of 180 consecutive days. . COR1PLETDE December 02, 2020 Issued By: Date December 02,2020 Page 1 of 1 Of ARC VIFORAr 7 PERMIT/PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION -54 its , Development Services Department,240 West Huntington Drive,Post Office Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066-6021, (626) 574-5416,Fax(626) 447-9173 City of Arcadia LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑ I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following: Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000,of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code,and my license is in full force and effect. ❑ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' License Class License No. Exp. Date compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the Signature of Contractor performance of the work for which this permit is issued. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ❑ I have and will maintain workers'compensation insurance,as required by Section ❑ I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit License Law for the following reason(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions is issued.My workers'compensation insurance carrier and policy numbers are: Code.Any city or county which requires a permit to construct,alter,improve, Carrier demolish,or repair any structure,prior to its issuance,also required the applicant Policy Number for such permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors License Law(Chapter 9(commencing with Section (This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars or less) 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)or that he or she is exempt there from and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of 0 I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' penalty of not more than five hundred dollars($500)): compensation Laws of California,and agree that if I should become subject to the workers'compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,I shall ❑I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole forthwith comply with those provisions. compensation,will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Section 7044,Business and Professions Code:The Contractors License Date Signature Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, or who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own employees,provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for WARNING: Failure to secure Workers'Compensation coverage is unlawful, sale.If,however,the building or improvement is'sold within one(1)year of and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one completion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he or she hundred thousand dollars($100,000),in addition to the cost of compensation, did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest, and attorney's fees. ❑I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project(Section 7044,Business and Professions Code:The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY who builds or improves thereon,and who contracts for such projects with a I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency contractor(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractors License Law). for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Section 3097, Civil Code). 0 I am exempt under Section 7044,Business and Professions Code,for this reason: Lender's Name Date Signature Lender's Address IMPORTANT: APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL FOR A PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH ON THIS APPLICATION AND THE FOLLOWING: 1. The City's approved plans and permit inspection card must remain on the job site for use by City inspection personnel. 2. Final inspection of the work authorized by this permit is required.A Certificate of Occupancy must be obtained prior to use and occupancy of new buildings and structures. 3. Per South Coast Air Quality Management District(AQMD)regulations,renovation and remodeling work that results in the removal,stripping,or altering of asbestos containing materials requires an asbestos survey and removal prior to disturbing the asbestos.Please contact AQMD at(909)396-2000 for further information. Name Title PRINT NAME I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct and that I am the owner or duly authorized agent of the owner. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State Laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Arcadia to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature Date _ __ AFFIDAVIT SELF-CERTIFICATION_ FOR'COMPLIANCE OF SMOKE ALARMS AND CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS Property Address: 0 r Permit Number ci :f& - acs.- t3 Brief Job Description:._ P 61, (. Sw car- • • Number of smoke alarms installed Number of.carbon:monoxide alarms:installed: - - When alterations, repairs or additions requiring.a permit occur,or sleeping rooms are created, Smokealarms shall be installed in. each sleeping room, and outside each separate sleeping area in theimmediate vicinity of:the bedrooms; and on each additional:story of the • .g, dweliin including.batements and habitable attics:as required by Section A314:of the 2013 California Residential Code (CRC).and California Health and Safety Code Section 13113.7. For dwellings or sleeping units containing fuel:burning appliances or having attached garages, carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed outside each separate. sleeping area in: the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms; and .on each additional story sof 'the dwelling; :including basements as required by Section R315of the of the 2010 California Residential Code(CRC). MUM-purpose alarms(combination carbon monoxide and smoke:alarms)may be used: All alarmsshall comply with requirements for listing and approval by the Office of the'State Fire .Marshall. htto://osfm.fire.ca.oov/licenslnalistinas/licenseiistlna :bml searchcotest.ohn: • As owner of the above referenced property,I hereby certify that'the`smoke alarms and carbon : monoxide alarms have been installed:in accordance with the manufacturer'sinstructions and in • compliance with the code sections referencedabove: I declareunder penalty of perjury that the foregoing Is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed On (Date) " , at Arcadia, California._ Owner's Name (printedltyped): :.:Au /LA Ain Signature of Owner;: f� � �. . rpt This affidavit must be returned to the City of Arcadia inspector priorto final inspection \ CONTRACTOR / RRM NAAIEANDAD KESS: Solar Optimum,Inc. i ‹� Address: I -9 614 W.Colorado St., �O Glendale,CA 91204 s e / r ., li ‘94s Phone Number: / �% o) c2 (818)745-1475 \l /" 4�`4 9� 9� Licit 97228,Class C-10 r r) , )ks,, /• :vim ��� _ `` .. ., .. �� / ---,.., ,-,,,:. ,., SOLAR/% \ !�, PROPERTY UNE ,,y / OPTIMUM KVZ `� / Signature with Seal 8"Overhang \ < / _ ir ���-- P r..,,._, .7. Solar Individual j // � \\ / Permit Package jj } AURORA\ /�� , / ABANILLA ':-- --,-;-,--_,;-.7:-.7: . , , / -� — r ti 7.26 KW Grid Tied I ,o Photovoltaic System j 1019 / LEANDRA LN, ARCADIA, / CA 91006 / Rev Description Date N / (E)UTILITY METER / (N)225A MAIN SERVICE PANEL �' 9 7 I '- DATE DRAWN 11.10.2020 / (N)100A 10 COMBINER BOX DRAWN BY FIN-S / s SCALE AS INDICATED - - - - - - — — — — — — — J SCALE:1/16"=1'-0' SHEET 74'-6" \ 01® SOLAR A-2 f Y.: • SOLAR OPTIMUM STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS for SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM FOR ABANILLA RESIDENCE AT 1019 LEANDRA LN, ARCADIA, CA 91006 ov OFESS/0 "cpoUR Roy<<nyc C69263 u, Exp.06/30/22 41- 9 0.4 ?'(t 9?F CIVIL co' 0 . \F fa, Solar Optimum, Inc., 614 W. Colorado St., Glendale, CA 91204 Tel: (818)745=1475 V: 6 • - ' - • . . . - • .. . • . PROJECT: ABANILLA RES - PAGE: I CLIENT: DESIGN BY: • . JOB.NO.: . 1-------BATE71 . REVIEW BY.: WiirdrAtrigilyiiiiilfoltEigirRitre/BiiilditiRBEC-edWASCE17/116AIBC12018f/LCBC.f20.19M INPUT DATA Exposure category(9,C or D) C . , .is mid I Importance factor,pg 77,(0.87,1.0 or 1.15) I = 1.00 'Category II Basic wind speed(IBC Tab 1609;3.1V39) V = 110 mph , Topographic factor(Sec.,pg 26&45) KA = i :Flat -c w .. ' Building height to eave he = 18 ft • 111111111' Building height to ridge h,- = 28.5 ft Building length L = 77 •ft , B 1- Building width B = 74 ;ft Effective area of components A = 11 _____:ft2 . . • . • . • • DESIGN SUMMARY Max horizontal force normal to building length,L,face = 39.01 kips Max horizontal force normal to building length,B,face = 17.02 kips • Max total horizontal torsional load = 323.20 ft-kips . - Max total upward force - = 53.65 kips - - - ANALYSIS Velocity pressure • cli,=0.00256 Kh lcd Kd V2 I = 24.38 psf • where: qh=velocity pressure at mean roof height,h.(Eq.6-15,page 27) Kh=velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height,h,(Tab.6-3,Case 1,pg 79) = 0.93 Kd=wind directionality factor.(Tab 6-4,for building,page 80) = L0.65 : h=mean roof height = 23.25 ft <60 ft,[Satisfactory] <Min(L,B),[Satisfactory] Design pressures for MWFRS • p=qh[(G Co)-(G Chi)] . _L. . _ where: p=pressure in appropriate zone.(Eq.6-18,page 28). Pmin=L o. psf(Sec. & _ _ G;6.product of gust effect factor and external pressure coefficient see table below.(Fig.6-10,page 53&54) G;1=product of gust effectfactor and internal pressure coefficient.(Fig.6-5,Enclosed Building,page 47) = i- 016 or ri-1118 a=width of edge strips,Fig 6-10,note 9,page 54, MAX[MIN(0.1B,0.4h),0.04B,3] = 4.00 ft Net Pressures(psf),Basic Load Cases - • • Net Pressures(psf),Torsional Load Cases • ' . Roof angle 0 = 27.70 Roof an le 0 = 0.00 Roof angle 0 = .27.70 SurfaceNet Pressure with " Net Pressure with Surface Net Pressure with G C . . • P f (+GCp i) (-GCpi) .P 1 (+GCpi) ( G C I-GC0) • P (+GCp I)-(-GCpj) 1 0.55 . - 9.10 1787 0.40 5.36 14.14 1T 0.55 227. 4.47:- 2 0.00 -4.32 4.46 -0.69 -21.21 -12.43 2T 0.00 -1.08 1.12 3 -0.44 -15.15 -6.38 -0.37 -13.41 -4.63 3T -0.44 -3.79 -1.59 4 -0.38 -13.75 -4.97 -0.29 -11.46 -2.68 4T . -0.38 -3.44 -1.24 1E 0.72 13.05 21.83 0.61 10.48 19.26 - Roof•angle 0 =. 0.00 : 2E -0.04 -5.32 3.46 -1.07 -30.48 -21.70 Surface Net Preisure-with 3E -0.57 -18.21 -9.43 -0.53 -17.31 -8.53 . G Cf f . (+GCp i) (-GCp ) 4E -0.52 -16.99 -8.21 -0.43 -14.87 -6.10 1T 0.40 1.34 3.54 5 -0.45 -15.36 -6.58 -0.45 -15.36 -6.58 2T -0.69 -5.30 -3.11 6 -0.45 - -15.36 -6.58 -0.45 -15.36. -6.58 3T -0.37 -3.35 -1.16 4T -0.29 -2.86 -0.67. . 3E 3 2 ° k 22 2E \ i i-2 ZONE 2/3 BOUNDARY 3 2E 3T 3E 3 33 2 2T 3E , \ 2T / 6 4 '''' 4E 4 2T4 i ST•'44- 4 \4T 4E-.,...4... I I I 1 I 1 .-,\\\\k\u,. 4."......•••'"\\ %Ilk,Wi‘' • ' e 1 V - V 5 - .,;.' IT , -..- A 7.-----------1E 1 5 , 1E 1 5 -"--- 1E 1 REFERENCE CORNER-- 4 REFERENCE CORNER-• 111 REFERENCE CORNER a REFERENCE CORNER- a o 0,4 WIND DIRECTION o Ok. WIND DIRECTION C''''WIND DIRECTION WIND DIRECTION Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Transverse Direction Longitudinal Direction Basic.Load Cases - - Torsional Load Cases . . . . . . . . . . . • • .. .. .. Ni l auoj -1- • m .. . . nl Zauoj 1n L auoj 1n O 6 i . L)to NO co O O r)c0 uO co to co ri Nr Iauoj Tri O U r• "'n 4° N t? V to N.-7't0 N OP _L J. CL r r�i • C n1 N In. N N Z O "- •co O .- N - N >to • . .. .0 C)O4.. CD .CO CO MN •00 U O m 01 mu) - O ml N In p N . C :c ^ O N N O O CO O R N l auoj N m O V M to°. O(�Oea. . . . 1 U p • C 7 C7 V N c7 tri r N o T- .-O 2 N1 I auoj 1N o a y 'M w C d 1. _L 1_ e e �- oO�M(Oo OCON� O O H OOO MO O(oM O nI N In Oa.' O i n op O'O coO CD 1-,-co O M 0. J d U u) -O V.ccoo O:CO M.(0 O.M M J .. - • -. N Urn N a LO § (9 O O CO Nr• :N o f`N6 E _ C) N M CM 19 N o.c0 ! C ' UO i .- N . N .O d co . .. 01 CD CO cn O) e U V��OO O.(OM O,i 01... 9 N O�0...O O N N O(OO M MN nl . . .0 • aA„ • C O' CO '7 N�ap.-�to fV r to�N • M O.O M a-M M���r-�'�. .. • .1 � .Z ch J J _ e, e C •[i - WN .ul iir .o . • '3 O O.'CV 0 U ! rNM V'WNM,cr ILI W • tco,a 4 (9 ' �M . Toi ci i N N N .Zf? CO e e ' N N 04 MV�� �.T � M UN. O _ONto .- N C . mN y CV OD'0 M (9 °„ . aN, c0N o aa CN� p . C ~ �'rN(��,cO0�„,.o,�NnN� V 'N V • D. ' (70 • �'N . C) ^ Oto NN N0O N Q �- NM O N O op,z) OO 'O Nci cO. N, p0 N M 0 t U O V NI` (O rs.T- t OaOOto 0r70)O01O cfA8 U O N • °N 0 nui •• • � c?NN § O (A(V �N io77 io7O i- - . opNoc <- � 1 . C w N p .i 0) Y.i C • CO 0 • CO co 4i oo W N'Cj OV N�g oopp ao CD N-Nr c) .tN aO• ' F d U oD uoo r-to m oopp OO)N V V oO O N J V.. O. u _ . CO O_ o.'N LIDr•O CM N CO N N co C d (�' CV Oi co r o'L'7(V r O M(V C O �.. O.O N D e T 9 It v ' v O ` a O o ` co (LIQ U y ... C 'N ' .O w o o '_ - N t8 ` r- . d co C4 g) cl� C� C1 U d ANN V Nt 'R CO M MCO • II N E a N F i-44r co O O O N 'O OMM co.co V sr sr.64 p. O U r- _>_> as to co m to m m.m m .o w 6 II ` Cj U la �. C w.. o .. .. • V.. t c..NMVWWWW W to C ,_NMVWWWWF-I-F-I-~ C Q H O rNM'cf c. IE = .-N MV'‘-NM V' N Ua II CO w H o o . ti . t • • • PROJECT [ABANILLA RES' -- �" l "_ PAGE: r _ _- CLIENT: f[ _ DESIGN BY: JOB NO.: DATE: , . ' REVIEW BY: I Wlnd[Analkits laBillidln vnith h>301ft,4Based on ASCE 711611113CT20;181KCBC120;19n( INPUT DATA __ Exposure category(B,C or D) C �� Importance factor(0.87,1.0 or 1.15) I = 1.00 +Category:ll,page 77 = -- : Basic wind speed(IBC Tab 1609.3.1\130 V = 90 ,mph- Topographic factor(sec. Krt = 1 'Flat,page 26&-45 Building height to roof H = 157 ;ft = Parapet height Hp = 4 ft - - Building length L = 300 -ft .__-------- Building Building width B = 180 +ft - B .. L Natural frequency(Sec.6.2 8 n1 = 0.95541,Hz,(1/T) 'r . Effective area of mullion AM = 55 ,ft2 - Effective area of panel Ao = 27 ;ft2 DESIGN SUMMARY Max building horizontal force normal to building length,L,face • = 1194.9 kips Max overturning moment at wind normal to building length,L,face. = 180021.1 ft-kips Max building horizontal force normal to building length,B,face - = 636.0 kips - Max overturning moment at wind normal to building length,B,face = 159648.2 ft-.,kips Max building upward force = . 1334.7 kips . • Max building torsion force = 40327.6 ft-kips . :ANALYSIS • - Velocity pressures q==0.00256 K=KZ Kd 1.12 I • . . . where: qz=velocity pressure at height,z.(Eq.6-15,page 27) - pmin=1. 10 - psf(Sec. Kz=velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height,z.(Tab.6-3,Case'2,page 79) Ka=wind directionality factor. (Tab.6-4,for building,page 80) = I 0.85 'z=height above ground - ' - Z(ft) 0=15. 20 25 - • 30 • • -40 - 50 60 . • 70 ' • 80' 90 • 100 -120 . K0 0.85 0.90 0.94 0.98 1.04 1.09 1.13 1.17 1.21 1.24 1.26 1.31 - q0(psf) 14.98 15.86 16.57 17.27 18.33 19.21 19.92 20.62 21.33 21.86 22.21 23.09 Z(ft) 140 160 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 . Kc 1.36 - 1.39 1.39 .1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 ' Ch(psf) 23.97. • 24.50 . 24.53 . 24.53 24.53. 24.53 , . 24.53 ; - 24.53 .. 24.53• , 24.53 • , . . • Design pressures for MWFRS • p=q G CP-qh(G Cp,) ' where: p=pressure on surface for rigid building with all h.(Eq.6-17,page 28). q=q=for windward wall at height z above the ground,see table above. • G Cp.;=Internal pressure coefficient. (Fig.6-5,Enclosed Building,page 47). = 0.18_ or- -0.18. qh=q=value-at mean roof height,h,for leeward wall,side walls,and roof. • C,=external pressure coefficient,see right down tables. • ' G=gust effect factor(Sec.'&,Page 26) . 0.925 1+1.7/;4g2QQ2- Rz /Z = 0.17 Z= 94.2 Q= 0.84 l : I+1.7g,/, J ' jar 11,<1.0 Znlin = - 15 g Q= 3.4. LZ = 617 • 1+1.7gQ/,Q • =0.854 c= . 0.2 g R= 4.18 - Q= 0.05 0.925 , for 11121.0 - - 1+1.7ga, ' Rh = . 0.135 Ra = 0.119 -RL= 0.023 - g,ac, _Distance N 1 = 5.84 Rn = 0.046 . R = 0.090 1„ 1 1. 1 A _ g,cC, � II.I a,�v h=_ 157 g v= 3.4 VZ= 100.8_ •-iI 1 T'- 1 . • Fig.6-6 foe<10°,page 48 WIND PLAN Roof h/13' Distance' • Cp • g•cc, "GC . Mall To L Face 0.89 80.5 . -1.01 ° WillM - To L Face: 0.89 161 - -0.74 -_ - • .-- - g'cc°� ELEVATION MI g"oc o To L Face 0.89 180 -0.66 ' • f f f f f I . MN . To L Face " 0.89 :180 • . g,GC 0 - ' Roof• h i L Distance Cp q G Cp Figure for Gable,Hip Roof,page 48 To B Face 0.54 80.5 -0.91 ' Fig.6-6,page 48 To B Face 0.54 161 -0.89 • Wall - • Direction L/B Cp • To B Face 0.54 300 • -0.51 Windward Wall All -All 0.80 To B Face . 0.54. • . . 300 . . . • Leeward Wall To L Dir 0.60 -0.50 - Leeward Wall To B Dir 1.67 -0.37 .. Side Wall.-- -. All - All• . •. 4.70 - .. J . S. . • (cont'd) Hence,MWFRS Net Pressures are given by following tables(Sec.,Page 28) . P(psf)with P(psf)with • Surface z(ft) GC,,, -GCPI Surface z(ft) GCPI -GCp, - 0-15 5.81 14.65 Side Wall All -19.08 I -10.24 20 6.42 15.25 • 25 6.90 15.73 • • 30 7.38 16.21 Normal to L Face P(psf)with Normal_to B Face P(psf)with . 40 8.10 16.93 Surface . z(ft) GCp, -GC,Surface z(ft) GCp, -GC,,, ' 50 8.70 17.54 Leeward All -14.89 I -6.06 Leeward All -12.10 I -3.26. 60 9.18 18.02 70 9.67 18.50 m 80 10.15 . 18.98 Normal to L Face P(psf)with Normal to B Face P(psf)with - 5 90 10.51 19.34 Surface Dist.(ft) GCpI -GC,,, Surface Dist.(ft) GCpI -GCpI m 100' . 10.75 19.58 0-80.5 -25.58 -16.75 0-80.5 -23.48 -14.65 v 120 11.35 20.18 Roof 161 -19.96 -11.13 Roof• 161 -22.96 -14.13 140 11.95 20.79 180 -18.19 • -9.36 300 -15.20 -6.36 160 • 12.31 21.15 . 161 12.34 21.17 P. 0.75 Psy 0.75 P. 0.563P,. ' . P. P"` - i i i I l l I I I I I I a' - _2 2 • J - = 0.75 Pr _ ._ 1 I i 0.75 P. -0.75Pi 0.75P�y i i I - I I'I Pyr 0.563 Piy CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 CASE 4 • . Figure 6-9,page 54 • Base Forces Normal to L Face Normal to B Face Wind with Angle• ASCE-7 Case 1 -Case 2 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4- ' • Visase (kips) 1195 896 636 ' 477 1373 . 762 " Mg.. (ft-kips) 180021 135016 159648 119736 254752 135466 Fig.6-9 • . MT (ft-kips) 0 40328 0 12879 0 39941 Page 52 Fupward (Rips) 965 724 815 611 1335 711 . - • - Vmin (kips) 483 483 290 290 580 • 563• Min.wind iFUp,min (Rips) 540 540 540 540 540 540: .' Sec. • Design pressures for components and cladding . p=q(G Cp)-g1(G co • where: p=pressure on component for building with h>60 ft.(Eq.6-23,page 29). Pmin° 10:00.. psf(Sec.,pg 21) . . q=q�for windward wall.at height z above the ground,see table above. . . . •. qh=qz value at mean"roof height,h,for leeward wall,side walls,and,roof. • .- ° °-- . G Cpl=internal pressure coefficient.:(Fig.6-5) 0.18 "or -0.18 1 • - I . a=Zone width=MAX[MIN(0.1 B,0.1L),3]= 18.0 ft,(Fig 6-17 note 8,pg 65) :. G Ci,=external pressure coefficient. (Fig.6-17,page 65) t 1 • Wall Actual Effective Zone 4 - Zone 5 Comp. Area(te) GCp •.-GCp /" "GCp - GCp. I : Mullion 55 0.81 -0.84 ' 0.81 -1.55 y f. • Panel 27 0.87 . -0.88 0.87- -1.73 WALL ELEVATION Mullion Pressure(psf) Panel Pressure(psi) . i(ft) Zone 4 'Zone 5. . Zone 4 ' . Zone 5 - • 1 Positive Negative Positive' .Negative Positive Negative Positive. Negative . D-15 14.77 -24.96 14.77" 42.41 15.76 26.04 15.76• 46.75 . 20 15.64 -24.96 16.69 -42.41 :16.69 " "-26.04 16.69 -46.75 - . • -25 16.33 -24.96 17.43 -42.41 17.43- -26.04 17.43 -46.75 ' 30 17.03 -24.96 18.17 -42.41 18.17 . -26.04 18.17 - -46.75 • 40 18.07 - -24.96 19.28 -42.41 19.28 " -26.04 19.28 -46.75 50: 18.94 -24.96 20.21 42.41 20.21 -26.04 20.21 -46.75 60 19.63 -24.96 20.95 -42.41 20.95 -26.04 20.95 -46.75 • • 70 20.33 =24.96 21'.69 -42.41 21.69 -26.04 21.69 -46.75 80 21.02 -24.96 22.44 -42.41 22.44 -26.04 22.44 -46.75 . 90 21.54 -24.96 22.99 -42.41 22.99 -26.04 22.99 -46.75 • 100 21.89 -24.96 23.36 -42.41 23.36' -26.04 23.36 -46.75 120 22.76 -24.96 24.29 -42.41 24.29 -26.04 24.29 -46.75 140 23.63 -24.96 25.22 -42.41 25.22' -26.04 25.22 -46.75 •_ 160 24.15 -24.96 25.77 -42.41 25.77 -26.04 25.77 -46.75 161 24.18 -24.96 25.81 -42.41 25.81 -26.04 25.81 -46.75 - Components and Cladding o Components and Cladding o w w co O to A A W 03 N N D m O to A A W c o Al N — � a M O O + N W A En 001 V COOCO00 0 y m 0) O -• N W O (On CO V m tN0 O O y ((D R,N- N N N N N N N N Al in IJ 63 1J 6 o 666666 6 o (Ol 01 W 7.1 v Oppl m t0 O W 90 OD L) 8 O N t0 (80 01 - NN.W O O N co O f-. co A 001 (00 - U O V O'O n .tea ▪ z V'. b I. k k I. I. b -b.o ci n n 0 0 0 N N o co t4 pf (T fT cc -4I m O W O mO.m Cl V 0 N (n O c,', (n m 0 •=3 ton g N e O O N a, (OD N W -, V m O O P N l 1L y tn t51 t, 6, t, to N t bl t, bl v 40 6 o J^ ' N 0 0 N Al W. N V CO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ro 1J 0 8 8 to C m 8 al m W N t0'(0 (0 N W W W CO W -• A 0 66 -4 N N n 0 W to W 0 — to to to W O —-W W w O O N to CO to O V to CO O op : .. c Zone 2 N Mg o I Io " 0 1 N N N tl > N - N N Zone 2 N 8 0 0. i ABANILLA,RES 1019 LEANDRA LN, ARCADIA, CA 91006 LOAD CRITERIA SOLAR WEIGHT OF MODULE : 42.95 LB Q PTI M U M MODULE LENGTH 5:47 FT . . . MODULE WIDTH 3:25 FT MODULE AREA 17.78 FTA2 UNIT WT OF MODULE 2.42 PSF: AVG RACKING WT 0.3'PSF . TOTAL AVG WT(MODULE+RACKING) 2.72 PSF . . NO:OF:MODULE 22 CONNECTION POINT.TRIB LENGTH 6 FT CONNECTION POINT TRIB WIDTH . 2.75 FT CONN POINT TRIB.AREA 16.5 FTA2 LOAD PER CONN PT LOAD 45 LB ROOF SLOPE 20.00 DEGREE SLIING FORCE 15.32 LB. LOAD*SIN(ROOF SLOPE) LOAD ON EXISTING ROOF 1) ROOFING 6.00 PSF 2).5/8"PLYWOOD 1.8 PSF 4)INSULATION 1.5 PSF. 5) MISC 1.5�PSF. TOTAL DL . ; 10:80 PSF ROOF AREA 5698:00 SF TOTAL ROOF:WT 61:54 KIP WALL WT 3.62 KIP TOTAL BUILDING DL 65:-16 KIP EACH MODULE AREA ' 17.78 TOTAL AREA OF MODULE . 391.11 SF TOTAL MODULE WT 1:08 KIP ADDITIONAL DL ADDED TO EXISTING BUILDING 1.65 % LATERAL LOAD ANALYSIS COMMENTS SINCE TOTAL ADDED DL TO THE BUILDING IS LESS THAN 10%, PER CBC 2010 EXISTING LATERAL RESISTING ELEMENTS WILL NOT BE AFFECTED . VERTICAL LOAD ANALYSIS COMMENTS PER CBC SECTION 1607.9.1.1 EXCEPTION 2, THE ROOF LL CAN BE PERMITTED TO BE RATIONALLY REDUCED TO 10 PSF AT THE AREA OCCUPIED BY THE SOLAR MODULES THEREFORE, DESIGN LOAD BY ADDING SOLAR MODULE OF 2.75 PSF IS LESS THAN WITHOUT MODULES AND HENCE EXISTING FRAMING WILL THEREFORE BE OK. ABANILLA RES 1019 LEANDRA LN, ARCADIA, CA 91006 CONNECTION DESIGN 0.:: . SOLAR OPTIMUM VELOCITY PRESSURE,qh 124.38 PSF (SEE WIND LOAD CALC) A) LATERAL FORCE Fh FOR ROOFTOP STRUCTURES(FOR ONE CONN POINT) (ONE.SCREW PER CONN POINT) HORIZONTAL WIND FORCE, Fh=qh*Gcr*Af ASCE 7-10, Eq. 29.5-2 WIDTH OF BUILDING, B. _ 74 : . FT MEAN HEIGHT OF BLDG, H: . 23.25 . FT CONNECTION POINT TRIB..LENGTH, I: - 6 •FT CONNECTION POINT PROJECTED HEIGHT 0.94: . FT. [2.75'SIN(ROOF SLOPE)] VERTICAL PROJECTED AREA,Af . 5.64 . FT"2 Gcr 1..9 IF(B*H*0.1>Af,1.9) ASCE 7-10,Eq:29.5-2 WIND LATERAL FORCE,Fh 261.36 LB SLIDING FORCE 15.32 DESIGN LATERAL FORCE. 276.69 B)VERTICAL FORCE Fv FOR ROOFTOP STRUCTURES ((FOR ONE CONN POINT) VERTICAL WIND FORCE, Fv=qh*Gcr*Ar ASCE 7-10, Eq. 29.5-3 WIDTH OF BUILDING, B 74 . FT LENGTH OF.BLDG, L 77 FT CONNECTION POINT.TRIB LENGTH, I. 6 FT CONNECTION POINT TRIB WIDTH,w 2.58:.- FT. [2.75'COS(ROOF SLOPE)] . HORIZONTAL PROJECTED AREA,Ar .15.51 . FT^2 Gcr 1.5 IF(B*L*0.1>Ar,1.5) ASCE 7-10, Eq. 29.5-3 WIND VERTICAL FORCE, Fv :5.67.03 LB DESIGN WITHDRAWL FORCE 567.03 ABANILLA RES 1019 LEANDRA LN, ARCADIA, CA 91006 CONNECTION DESIGN 'k SOLAR OPTIMUM DESIGN LATERAL FORCE 276.688 USE LAG SCREW 5/16". INCH CAPACITY PER ONE SCREW, Zii. 320 LB (NDS 2018 REFERENCE DESIGN VALUE,SEE ATTACHED) DESIGN CAPACITY, Z11 425.6 'LB DESIGN IS.GOOD DESIGN WITHDRAWL.FORCE. 567.029 USE LAG SCREW 5/16 INCH WITHDRAWL CAPACITY 227 LB (NDS 2018 REFERENCE DESIGN VALUE,SEE ATTACHED) DESIGN WITHDRAWL CAPACITY .1056.69 LB DESIGN IS GOOD (COMBINED WIND SHEAR/UPLIFT 0.29 . 0.423 I. 0.71 I: < 1.0 DESIGN IS:GOODJ (UPLIFT) (SHEAR) USE 5/16" DIA X 3 1/2"LAG SCREW PER CONNECTION POINT { 26•,•i , Z y r � DESIGN VALES"�` w E " s'I. • (J/-223 - .. .-.,,-.:.r �- Table 9.2A Lag Screw Withdrawal DesignValues1 raffia"- -', == (W) - ; y,F1 :. �. :� r--4.. :Y'.a`.Cr':i: ':: r. Tabulated withdrawal design values(W)are in pounds per inch of thread penetration into side .t.... %:. ->.2t =.-" Lengthof thread peneiratimembernot include the lengthof the to wain O "'' - ' ' 5• f1`'''` on m main shall pered.tip lsee App. ;,; .. 4. _ r , Y • Specific •j r 11�5 , t• . y5� ce. Gravity Lag Screw Unthreaded Shank Diameter,D2 1``5 -i • G 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 5/8"' • .3/4" 7/8" a�-� - 0.55 260 307 ' 352 395 437 516 592 664 73 r = '%">VI ': • - y -211 1!.:;:ai•41-.:0f5•4�:....i r? ... .4L..7:-r •;266.!. .. 305:.- .3 -.1n '4,4---.P .'7--...11 -.:-4.1 ..;= `: ° : :._r� 378"i 44T SLS.'.. ,.57 •:,; . ,. mac.; ., - ''= 0.45 192. s-0 ._ a-'-• • r ., 260 x: fit • 1 �� �+,•a k 227 292 323 382 438 _4_92 543`1.4 y,a r `-a J' •a•Y N. ,' {. ':4,' d .Q.'.1.§.11.!: +• ' :t ,f r r 4v ,a_ ..• _ ..,,.• zws.tis_ sr rr. '` tel'::ti� sv >:;�: ..: .. ,: :19x'. :218''.'.:....7.--.24 5. i. ;': •• ;1';',,,:':?- -10. .:.�. �,�.7,�� 0.35 132 156 179 200 222 262 300 337 373•' :,i - '-'','-'2-:'::::-.51::.4-5&.4'? .: Y�' r5 ' 'Mutated withdrawal design values(W)for lag screw connections shall be multiplied by all applicable adjustment factors(see•• y, a<•.�-- € ; :; 'Bible 73.1). �' 2 interpolation is permitted = y - •� "'7r ." r , y Table 9.3A Lag Screw Design Values (Z)for Single Shear(two member)' '•`-'• 1 "_. '=• ' V� Y F, � with both members of identical species ----- rt • Side Lag z�-} y ' 3 r,,_ y Member Screw �� = �1% Thiclmess Diameter 0=0.55 G-0.50 f3=0.45 01=0.40 ••t �C s; `s r e, k 1) ZII Zg Z,, . Zl z1 Z, ZIL Zi Z11 Z., Z., Zi Z1 Za: Zm. 'Z4`Ct�1 ; ' r- '7,--4r; inches inches lbs. . lbs. lbs, lbs. lbs. lbs: lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs•,:.Ji- i . i '�:"4 1/4 230 180 . 180 170 220 170 170 160 210 ' I60 160 150 200 150 150 140:5 C , • 4 Kk . '' . 'W-. VA. ` ?c0 3' jljlR,4__IT , ,14:(;190 . : 8. ,` 0"i n,�s r._ti ` ,r:31.1�: 3/8 420_300. 300 280 400 270 290 250- 380 '240 270 220 X360 .210 250 191 FZr� �, cr`- •;_-,-,,• ,-...1,;:s--,-,,- 7.‘77,R3;-...-K. •0.390..r `•r 'r� '40% •0'' 8.0'0,..296"!59RQx cr.:--°•,'.�4.2:-.•;14n1..''M...i;,,,����• a,l �,a.t. e,: ;�'�1 c . /2 710 420' 500 380 660 380 460 340 610 340 420 310 550• ' 310 380 280'8� is „ ti /2 + '� �° - 1-1 k3/ 1320 'i . 660•+1240100.47:0415:01.82 ' 7i���0.0. 571j,;n+.2Ek Sft,.Q•sii.;,1Yran=` -• � 660 880 0 590 1160 500 750 500 1080 420 680 420.E�� 4 r -2 ,`,� ': 1a. �. i4Na fo ' :(0247446504.(6 0•%1529. ':•�40,9 = .;-fib- 7 u ;46� !wkli `i4 -,fir`- '6 1 2170 770 1370 770 2060 680 1290 680 1890. 570 I180. 570 1690 480. 1090 480; ' � rj t1 1F f - .�:z irg w .c` �'I4x23.00.;;1,1O 5611�!r:,r721l .-.,*:.::.64744.0F:.64 -., . fi1 J440 :•:61t W-,ikf Iia, ;"-��-Ti ,'- f�Y}I 1-1/4 2880 860 2000 .860 2630 750 1860 750 2370 640 1720 640 2110 540. 1590 544F;',. .4,-5-1__'- , z .; 1 Z 1/4 230 180 180 170 220 . I70 170 160 210 160 160 150 200 150 150 1 S,r 4. 1 ' ':-` , t• r..-i' Eil.,. T.. itr,d5D,,3204O-.:•Z4Q°.f221, ' F220=`;220,20 i.'.290':204-=x.}2 0 V'-1-Ts ,. , -� 3/8 420 300 300 280 400 290 290 260 380 270 270 240 360 250 250_ 220. ` h /,16' .",'37 :igi '..,400 370 .55017.1:.•880.'.:880:r.340, '52U;!-.356.,....35-(vi. 310:490,. 330:;J 33,ff 1' z ;�•t 1 1/2 750 520 520 460 710 480 480 430 680 440 450 400' 640 390 420 350�1• F t s 2-1/2 '....p/0)'::::'lI c;7b0`;'Wfb :•,630).20 ..630..:;,'73tr,,--'60'I'io60-.,560'.,••:680 500 •10001 51 '1393 _, -°;4 �. ; • .,� 3/4 1680 870 1090 770 1570 800 1020 700 1440 720 950 630 1320 650 860. 560� -"' :1,0i-T.-;,14...341. 21011' ,1�Osdr:140l '-.94t1' 1450°1000'• 1280 860'••1810" 000-••1170-' 780,'1660 770;• A•� +'�f * r t 1 2560 1280 1660 1140 2390 1130 1530 .1050 2220. 950 1390 950 2050 800 1260 800 k t-.1/8"; 3080r 1354.1950•.1350.: 880.; 1.180 1800• 1180 2690 ID10•: 1650.'1010 2490 840,',k'1tJg�• 11 ;.. 14/4 3650 1440 2270 1440 3430 1250 2100 1250 3210 1060 1920 1060 2990 910 1760 910 ' • ,., -^ I Thbulated lateral design values(Z)for lag screw connections shall be multiplied by all: applicable factors ANSI/AF&PP`19 1-4.-,J-•-� .-:`,-.._'•$J. `.. i .. Padjustment ( 2 Tabulated lateral design values(Z)are for"full diameter"lag screws(see Reference 6)inserted in side grain with lag screw ands Pei'fi` and with the following lag screw bending yield strengths(Fop F,,=70,000 psi for D=1/4",Fly=60,000 psi for D=5/16",F,=� I I.. r - 'b =r�4 _. _ ._ P..,,r_:;,,,,...-:L...-3,-,-.1,. =f �.i ` 1q. .. =- --=t.' t~ _.1 x r -. s• E.a- v �_� ...+ S. iN1c•3T1- a cf ' .R ;.. t 4r S AMERICAN WOOD COUNCIL ='- ) t-i 1 '',„-- � � ,; PERMIT/PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION • • .. . , . o Devel pment Services Department, 240 West Huntington Drive,Post Office Box 60021 '41X Arcadia, CA 91066-6021, (626) 574-5416, Fax (626) 447-9173 u_ .. ONLINE PERMIT/P• LAN REVIEW APPLICATION cITv or ARCADIA Job.Site Address: (0l 01 Leath LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION: WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION 9 . I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that-l: licensed under provisions of I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following: Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000,of:Division 3:ofthe Business and Professions Code;and my license is in full force and effect;. I have and will maintain a certificate of:consent to self-insure for workers' License Class .c710. . License No. 972228 Exp. Date 05.18.2 compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for.the �� P • performance ofthe-work forwhichthis permit is issued. .Ugfrtfa vi ' z -z� • v OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATIO I have and will maintain workers'compensation insurance,as required by Section N •X 3700 of the Labor Code;for the performance of the work for which this permit I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury thati am exempt from the Contractors is issued.My workers'compensation insurance carrier and policy numbers are: - License Law for the following reason(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions : Code.Any city or county which requires.a permit to construct, alter, improve, Carrier State.:Comp Insurance . demolish,or repairany structure,prior to its issuance,also required,the applicant 9013440 for such permit to file a signed statement that he or:she is•licensedpursuant to the Policy Number • provisions of the Contractors License Law(Chapter 9(commencing with Section (This;section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred•dollars or less) , 7000).of Division 3 of the Business and'Professions Code) or that he or she ii : ' exempt there.from and:.the basis:for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Q I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,i.shall, ' Section 7031.5-by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers'. penalty of not more than five hundred dollars(5500)): - compensation Laws of.California.and agree that if 1_should become subject-to the - workers'compensation:provisions.of Section 3700 of the Labor Code:I shall D I, as owner of the property, or my employees.with wages as their sole forthwith co•mply with those provisions. compensation,will do the work,and the structure is not intended or Offered for• . 12.02.2020 • .sale(Section 7044, Business and Professions Code:The Contractors License Date Signature �: . q0 e Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, or who does such work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided.that such improvements are not intended or offered for WARNING: Failure to secure'Workers'Compensation coverage is unlawful, 'Sale.If,however;the building or improvement is sold within one(1)year of - and.shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and.civil fines up to.one : completion;the owner-builder will have the burden Of proving that he or she hundred thousand dollars($100,000),in addition to the cost of compensation, did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). damages as provided:for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest; and • . • attorney's fees. : - 0 I, as.owner of the property, ain exclusively contracting with licensed • • - contractors to construct the project (Section 7044, Business and Professions . • ' Code:The Contractors License Law does not apply to'an owner of property CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: . who builds or improves thereon,.and.who contracts for such:projects with a i hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a.construction lending agency : ,• contractor(s)licensed:pursuant to the Contractors License Law).. for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Section 3097, • Civil Code). 0 I am exempt under Section 7044;Business and Professions Code,efor this reason: Lender's Name • • Date .. Signature - Lender's Address- IMPORTANT: APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL•FOR A PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS SET FORTH ON THIS APPLICATION AND THE FOLLOWING: .. • 1. The City's approved plans and permit inspection card must remain on the job site for use by.City inspection personnel. ' .2. Final inspection of the work authorized by this permit is required.A Certificate of Occupancy must be.obtained prior to use and occupancy of new buildings and structures. 3. Per South Coast Air Quality Management District(AQMD)regulations,renovation and remodeling work that results in the removal,stripping,or altering of asbestos containing materials requires an asbestos survey and removal prior to disturbing the asbestos. Please contact AQMD at(909)396=2000 for : further information. dame.• Charles Buckley Title Inspections Supervisor . . . PRINT NAME . • I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct and that I am the owner or duly authorized agent of the owner: I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State Laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Arcadia to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. tgnatnre CYtiFl t' aCh.138_i4' Date 12.02.2020..