Wednesday, July 14, 2021
CALL TO ORDER — Commission Member Fowler called the meeting to order at 6:00pm in the
Recreation Conference Room.
PRESENT: Cheung, Chu, Fowler, and Swinney
A motion was made by Commissioner Swinney, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, and
unanimously carried on roll call vote to excuse Commissioner Yu.
Commissioner Fowler made a motion to nominate Commissioner Chu as Chairperson, seconded
by Commissioner Swinney and unamously carried. Chairperson Fowler made a motion to
nominate Commissioner Cheung as Vice -Chairperson, seconded by Commissioner Swinney and
unanimously carried. Both Commissioners Chu and Cheung accepted the nominations.
Commissioner Fowler announced the Pasadena POPS concerts are starting this month at the
Arboretum for the summer. Commissioner Fowler noticed the lawn was brown by the handball
courts at Newcastle Park. Deputy Public Works Services Department (DPWSD) Paul Cranmer
stated he would check into the matter and suggested it might be an irrigation issue.
Chairperson Chu reported he is very happy to see people outside exercising and playing tennis.
Mayor Sho Tay announced a reception celebrating the Reorganization of the Arcadia City Council
and the Reopening of Arcadia City Hall will be held on Tuesday, July 20, 2021, from 6-7pm in the
Council Chambers. Mayor Sho Tay stated the City of Arcadia is hosting a Community Forum on
Saturday, August 7, 2021 at 9am at the Arcadia Performing Arts Center. Commissioner Fowler
asked if the forum was about the tiny homes project. Director of Recreation and Community
Services (DRCS) Sara Somogyi stated the City Council has paused the tiny homes project
indefinitely. DRCS Somogyi reported the Forum is designed to provide educational and useful
information on the topic of homelessness in Arcadia. DRCS Somogyi stated all City Department
Heads will give a short presentation and answer questions from the audience. In addition, the
Forum will also be an opportunity for the Arcadia community to share its ideas and concerns
regarding this important issue. DRCS Somogyi stated in-person attendance is limited to the first
900 registrants; however, the City will also be streaming the meeting live on Zoom with another
3,000 spaces available. If you wish to participate in the question and answer portion of the Forum,
you must attend in-person. The Forum will also be presented in English and Manadrin, both in
person and on Zoom.
a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2021
It was moved by Commissioner Swinney, seconded by Commissioner Cheung and
unanimously carried on roll call vote to approve Consent Calendar Item 2.a with the
noted correction in Report from City Council Member Liaison to read: Council Member
Beck stated for the sale of the Par 3 Golf Course to happen and be voted on, there
would have to be a special election which would be very expensive.
AYES: Cheung, Fowler, and Swinney
NOES: None
a. Report from Public Works Services Department
I. Project Updates
DPWSD Cranmer reported at the May 18, 2021 Study Session on the renovation of
Newcastle Park, City Council directed staff to go with Option 1: Go out to bid for a
design/build proposal with a guaranteed maximum price of $3.7 million and negotiate
with the low bidder prior to award of contract beginning 90 days from May 18, with the
option of staff electing to place a Request for Proposal (RFP) at a later date. DPWSD
Cranmer stated to date prices have gone down, so beginning late August the RFP's
will go out to bid. The project will be advertised for one month, and will take
approximately one month for the selection process. DPWSD Cranmer stated the
project will then go to City Council to be awarded. The groundbreaking of the
Newcastle Park project will be January 2022. DRCS Somogyi asked approximately
how long construction would take. DPWSD Cranmer stated construction would take
approximately a year. DPWSD Cranmer feels confident that the Newcastle Renovation
Project will be completed within the $3.7 million budget cost. DPWSD Cranmer
reported the turf at Eisenhower Park is in the process of being replaced from heavy
use over the last year.
b. Report of Director of Recreation and Community Services
DRCS Somogyi congratulated Chairperson Chu and Vice -Chairperson Cheung on
their new appointments to the Commission and is very excited to be working with them.
DRCS Somogyi welcomed Mayor Sho Tay as the new liaison to the Recreation and
Parks Commission.
I. DRCS Somogyi reported on Senior Services. On Friday, April 2, 41 seniors
attended the Drive -In Bingo at the Community Center and on Friday, June 11,
32 seniors attended. Everyone received games sheets, highlighters, hand
sanitizer and a snack and a few lucky winters drove away with a gift card. On
Wednesday, May 5, 120 seniors drove through the Arcadia Community Center
to pick up a traditional Latin meal for Cinco De Mayo and were greeted by staff
wearing sombreros. During the last few months, the Arcadia Police and Fire
Departments assisted with distributing free coffee and treats to 197 seniors
who drove through the Community Center. Seniors are enjoying the free virtual
presentations offered by Arcadia Methodist Hospital, the Gilb Museum of
Arcadia Heritage, and City of Hope. Presentations offered by the Gilb Museum
were; Santa Anita Depot and Who Was Who in Arcadia. Presentations offered
by Methodist Hospital were: COVID-19 Update, Psoriatic Arthritis and
Psoriasis; Foods That Boost Immunity and Stroke Awareness. Presentations
offered by City of Hope were: Cancer Myths, Breast Cancer, and Lung Cancer.
Total in attendance via zoom was over 2,000.
DRCS Somogyi reported on Recreation Services. On the week of April 5, a
city-wide scavenger huint that took place to find Pip the Peacock throughout
Arcadia. Although the annual Egg Hunt was cancelled this year due to COVID-
19, staff put together Spring Grams for purchase. For $20, the Bunny delivered
a basket to special "peeps" at any Arcadia address or those outside of Arcadia
had the option of picking up their gram from the Bunny at the Community
Center. A total of 98 grams were purchased. On the week of April 5, a city-wide
scavenger hunt took place to find Pip the Peacock throughout Arcadia. 63
Arcadia residents were tasked to solve four daily clues that would lead them to
Pip, where they would then take a picture and submit it to the Recreation
Department for a chance to win prizes. Spring Camp took place in April at the
Dana Gym and was full at 151 campers enjoying fun group activites, arts &
crafts, and fitness. Summer Day Camp at Wilderness Park has over 1,500
campers ages 5-12 enrolled, enjoying a variety of fun modified summer
activities. Fun `N Play held at Longley Way this summer has over 1,100 youth
enrolled and they enjoy a variety of activities such as fitness, arts & crafts,
group games, brain games, and trivia. Virtual Merit Badge classes have been
the most popular over the last year with over 200 Scouts trying to reach their
goal of being an Eagle Scout. In person, virtual and off-site classes are offered
to the community for all ages and include enrichment, sports, and fitness and
over 4,500 adults and children registered. Two summer concerts and movies
will held in August: Cold Duck and The Croods: A New Age on August 5. The
Answer and Raya and The Last Dragon on August 12.
II. Financial Statements
DRCS Somogyi referenced the May Financial Statement. Total expenditures
through May 2021 are $1,839,779 that is 66.5% of the budgeted amount for
this fiscal year. The total fiscal year revenue as of May 2021 is $464,306 that
is 62.0% of the budgeted amount. DRCS Somogyi referenced the May 2021
Park & Recreation Facilities Fund, with an account balance of $6,788,916.
DCRS Somogyi asked the Commission if they would like to continue the Recreation and Parks
Commission meetings monthly or every other month, to ease back into it. After discussion, it was
moved by Commissioner Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Swinney and unanimously carried
on roll call vote to skip the August meeting of the Recreation and Parks Commission and resume
regular monthly meetings beginning September 8, 2021.
Chairperson Chu adjourned the meeting at 6:45pm to September 8, 2021, at 6:OOpm in the
Recreation and Community Services Department Conference Room, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia.
Pete r:Chu
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Sara Somogyi