HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 14, 1997 eM I NUT ESe Arcadia City Planning Commission Tuesday, Janullr)' 14, 1997 7:15 p.m..in the Council Chambers Planning Commission proceedings are tape recorded and on file in the office of the Community Developmen1 Division. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia metin regular session on Tuesday, January 14, 1997 at 7:15 p.m.in the Council Chambers of the Arcadia City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Drive, with Cbainnan Jobo Slee1erpresiding. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: Commissioners Bell, Bruckner, Huang, Kalemkiarian, Murphy,Sleeler None SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS None. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON NON"PUBLIC HEARING' MATTERS (5 MINUTE TIME LIMIT PER PERSON) None MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Kalelllkiarian, seconded by Commissioner Bell to read all' resolutions bytiUe only and waive reading in full. The motion passed by voice vote with none dissenting. OTHERS ATIENDING: Councilmember Young City Attorney Michael Miller Communi1y DeVelopmen1 Administra10r Donna BuUer Associa1e Planner James Kasama Secretary Silva Vergel 1. MINUTES of 12/10/96 MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Kalemkiarian, seconded by Commissioner Huang 10 approve the Minu1es of December 10, 1996 as published, ROLL CALL: AYES:. NOES: ABSTAIN: Commissioners Bell, Huang, Kalemkiarian, Murphy, SIee1er None Commissioner Bruckner pcniinute/ll497 . . 2. PUBLIC HEARING TM 52291 408 S.. S:mta Anita Raymond G. Ramuz, Trus1ee Consideration of a 1entative"map 10conven/subdivide an existing l6~uni1 residential apartmen1 into a 16-uni1 residential condominium project. The staff report was presen1ed. In response to a queslion by !he Commission, staff said thaI !hey never filed for recordalion. Some of the requiremenls were differen1 when the uni1S were buill. There were similar condilions regarding safely code bu1 the water service standards were no1 the same a1!he time. The public hearing was opened. Dean Phillips, 1930 S. Brea Canyon, #130, piamond Bar, said his company represenls !he property owner and !hey are in agreement with aU of !he condilions in the staff report. He asked about nre sprinkler requireinen\Sand stated thaI he talked wi!h the Mmn1enance Services Division and ,med 10 compromise wi!h their requirement for meters because if they were to convert each unit it would be .very costly and an e.xtreme economical hardShip. He asked if that condition could be left open unlil they could reach a conlpromi!;e wi!h the Maintenance Services Division. Staff e."Plained thaI the applicant would have 10 comply wi!h !he requirements set.forth by the differen1 departments. The Mam1enance Services Department had el<P1ained !ha1 it would be difficullto moti\'a1e art occupanl10 conserve wa1er during the drought, especially when they are no1 paying for i1 and !hatis why they opted for individual meters on condominiums instead. It was' noted' thaI !he exiSting 1enants would have the frrst right of refusal on an offer 10 purchase the units upon the conversion. P1arming is not particular as far as the type of me1er !hat is used or'!he nre sprinkIers system, as long as i1 satislies !he Maintenance Services Division and the Fire Department requirements. Mr. Miller was concerned wilhapproving wi!h an open-ended conditionbecause once a projecUs approved, it would be difficult 10 revoke !he approval. He suggested continuing the bearing to allow for ample lime to reach a decision because they are currently people residing there and possibly relying on the Planning Commission's actions. It was recommended that this i1em be continued unti1!hePlanningCommission'sFebruaryll!h meeting 10 allow !he applicant to reach a decision wi!h !he Main1enance Services Division. No one. else spoke in favor of or in opposition 10 this item. MOTION .11 was Illoved by Commissioner Bell, seconded by Commissioner Bruckner to continue !he meeting to !he Planning Commission?!; Febniary ll!h meeting: ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Bell, Bruckner, Huang, Kalemkiarian, Mwphy, SIee1er None Arcadia City Planning Commission Page 2 1114/97 . . 3. PUBLIC HEARJl'IlG CUP 97-001 300 E. Huntington Dr. (Arcadia Gateway Center) Probhakar Reddy Consideration of a conditional use permit 10 opera1ea reSlauran1 wi!h seating for 24 persons in !he existing rewl center and amend City Council resolution 5509 to allow more thantwo eating establishmenls with seating for more than 12 peISOns wi1hin !he retail building. The staff report was presented and !he public hearing was opened. Boyce Scolsby, .1412 W. Euclid, Upland, said !here are many available parking spaces. No one else spoke in favor of or in opposition 10 this.i1em. MOTION II was moved by Commissioner Kalemkiarian, seconded by Commissioner Murphy 10 close !he public' hearing. The motion passed by voice vote wilh none dissenting. In response 10 questions by !he Commission, Ms. Butler staled lha1 !he seating for 24 would comply with Code. The seating would have 10 comply with !he Fire Dept. regulations. She indicated lha1 amending !he original CUP would be legitimiZing the existing businesses lhat are !here. Commissioner Kalemkiarian staled !hat he has never seen thisparking 101 full. Ms. Butler replied to a question by Commissioner Kalemkiarian, by saying lha1 !he change should not affect the other IWO existing res\auranls. Commissioner Murphy remarl<ed Ihat it seemed to him lha1 this would be "cleaning up Ihe Code". RESOLUTION NO. 1543 .A resolution of Ihe Planning Commission of Ihe City' of Arcadia, Califomia recommending to !he City Council approvaVdenial of CUP 97-00110 operate a restauran1 a1300 E. Huntington Dr. MOTION .II was moved by Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Huang to approve CUP 97-001 and 10 adop1 Resolution 1543 and to formally affirm !he decision ofJanuary 14, 1997 and !he votes !hereon.. . ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Bell, Bruckner, Huang, Kalemkiarian, Murphy. SIee1er None Arcadia City Planning Commission Page 3 1114/97 . . 4. PUBLIC HEARING MP 97-'001 333 California S\. Vincen1 Tsoi, architect for Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lee Consideration of modifications for a 5-uni1 residential condominiwn project.. The staff report was presen1ed and !he public hearing was opened. Nelson Lee, 876 Vallombrisa Dr., Pasadena, said !hey are in agreemen1 wi!h all of !he conditions in !he staff report. They are simply proposing to replace !he existing 5"units wi!h a betler 5-unit project. In response 10 a qUes\ion by Commissioner Bruckner, S1aff said that !he color scheme would be approved by !he Planning Commission. Ymcen1 Tsoi, all Corpora1e Center Dr., #202, Monterey PaIl<, said he was !he archi1ec1 of !he projec\. The. reques1ed modifications are necesSary due 10 !he narrow wid!h of !he lot and 10 be able to crea1ea feasible project wi!h 5-units. Originally !hey had 6-7 modifications bu1!heywere able 10 reduce it by working wi!h S1aff. They wanted a different design than !he lypica1 Medi1erranean Style and tried 10 add some de1ails 10 crea1e a character. No one else spoke in favor of or in opposition 10 \his i1em. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Bell, seconded by Commissioner BfI!ckner 10 close !he public hearing. The motion passed by voice vole wi!h none dissenting; Commissioner Mwphy expressed concern over !he colors. Even !hough !he modifications seems significan1 on paper, inrea1ity !hey are no\. He !hough1!he front elevation Should be improved because. it seems as if i1 is all garage. He felt;!he facade should be improved. Commissioner Kalemkiarian asked if !hose were aluminwn windows? Staff did not know and !hought!he archi1ec1 woUld be able to reply: MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Kalemkiarian, seconded by Commissioner Bell 10 re-<lpen !he public hearing. The motion passed by voice vole Wi!h none dissenting. Mr. Tsoi responded that !hey are double glazed aluminwnwindows. Staff said that !he narrow diSlancebe1ween!he building and !he appearance from !he street is not uncommon. The Commission felt thaI !he fron1 elevation looked top heavy. Chainnan SIee1er rem3Iked thaI !he window it 100 large facing California Ave. He !hough1!here Should be a visual break up. Commissioner Mwphy suggested having two smaller windows with planters below. Commissioner Bruckner discussed the size of the plants in the front yard. He wanted to be certain.tha1 the \rees that are 10 be planted would be large enough - at leas1 24" box \ree, preferably 36". He suggested having two such trees on either. side of !he entry would help !he appearance. Mr. Tsoi didnol have any problems with'increasing the size of !he trees 1036" boxed tree. Arcadia City Planning CommiSsion Page 4 1/14/97 . . MOTION 11 was moved by Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Kalemkiaiian to close Ibe public hearing. The motion passed by voice vole wilb none dissenting. Staff indicated that Ibe turning radius for Ibe garages comply wilb Code. MOTION 11 was moved by Commissiouer Kalemkiarian, seconded by Commissioner Huang 10 approve MP 97-001 subjec\10 the conditions in Ibestaff report ,,'jib Ibe following additional conditions: 1. That1he elevation facinglbe streel of Ibefront uni1 be enhanced by providing additional.archilectumI features and relief. The revised elevation is to be approved prior to plan check. 2. Tha1lbe trees proposed for the fron1 yard be a11eas1 36 inch box trees. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: CoInmissi6ners Bell, Bruckner, Htiang, Kalemkiarian, Murphy, Sleeter None ChainnanSleeter noted Ibatlbereds a five working day appeal period. Appeals are lobe filed by Wednesday, JanllllI)'.22nd.. NON PUBLIC BEARING ITEM 5. TIME EXTENSION 48 W. Camino Real Ave. and 45 W. Winnie Way Tri1ech Assoc. Request for an extension of a Certificate of Compliance for a 101 line adjus1ment. The staff report was presented. MOTION II was moved by Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner. Huang to grant a one year time extensio~ ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Bell, Bruckner, Huang, Kalemkiarian, Murphy, Stee1er None MATTERS FROM CI1Y'COUNCIL ciTY COUNCIL REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS/STATEMENTS Councilmember Young sununarlzed actions 1aken by Ibe City Council a1lbeIT last meeting. Councilmember Young discussed Ibe receni windstorm and Ibe problems caused by it. City Crew worked diligently to clear up Ibe down trees. The dedication ceremony was held for Dr.,Lojeskiof Ibe Eisenhower Ball Diamond. There were many speakers who look part and a very nice tribute to the late Dr. Lojeski. An:adia City Planning Commission Page 5 1114/97 . . MATIERS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION None MODIFICATION COMMITIEE MEETING ACTIONS Staff presented the actions of the Modification Commillee. MATIERS FROM STAFF I. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS 2. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS None ADJOURNED TO FEBRUARY 11,-1997 An:adia City Planning Commission Page 6 1/14/97