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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 27, 2000 . ~. (i) . MINUTES . Arcadia City Planning Commission Tuesday, June 27, 2000 7:15 p.m. in tbe Council Cbambers Planning Commission proceedings are tape-recorded and on file in the office of the Community Development.Division. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia met in regular session on Tuesday, June 27, 200U at 7: 15 p.1D. in- the Council Chambers of the City of At:cadia, at 240 W. Huntington Drive wit~ Chairman Bruckner presiding. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners H\l!IIlg, Kalemkiarian,Murphy, Sleeter, Bruckner ABSENT: None OTHERS. ATTENDING Community Development,Administrator Donna Butler Assistant Planner Kenneth Phung Secretary SilvaVergei MOTION It was moved by COmn:Ussioner Sleeter, seconded by Commissioner Huang to readal resolutions by title only and waive reading the full body of the resolution. The motion passe( by voice vote with none dissenting. ,SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION"FROM ST AFFREGARDING AGENDA ITEMS None tIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO. WISH TO ADDRESS Till PLM'lNING COMMISSION ON NON-PUBLIC HEARING MATTERS (5 MINUTE LIMIT PEF PERSON) None 1. MINUTES of 5/23(00 & 6/13/00 Minutes of 5/13/00 Commissioner Sleeter thought that the appeal period on page 12 should reflect what was stated at thi meeting. Chairman Pro Tern Huang stated that the appeal period would end May 31 st. Commissioner Murphy agreed. .~ . . Commissioner Huang questioned the word '\manimously" in the last paragraph. on page 8. He did not think that the applicant stated that the ARB "voted unanimously;' to deny the project. Ms. Vergel stated that upon listening to. the tapes, Mr. Sheng did indeed say that the "ARB voted unanimously...". MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Sleeter,. seconded by Commissioner Murphy to approve the Minutes of May 23'd as amended above. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Commissioner Kalemkiarian, Murphy, Sleeter, Huang None Commissioners.Bruckner Minutes of 6/13/00 '. Commissioner Murphy asked that Ms. Vergellisten to the tape with regard to his comments made on Page 3 and 8. He'did not think the record was reflected correctly. MOnON It was'moved by'Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Huang to continue the Minutes to the July lith meeting. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Commissioner Huang, Kalemkiarian,.Murphy, Bruckner None Commissioner Kalemkiarian 2. PUBLICHEARING MP 00-016 & ADR 00-022 515 S. Se<<ondAve. Hsiimtein,Project Investment, LLC Consideration of modifications for a2-unit residential condominium project. The staff report was presented. In response to a question by Commissioner Sleeter, Ms. Butler said this type of a design is not typical; i.e,; with the front door of one of the units facing the alley which created a sense of space. The public hearing. was opened. Robert Tong, Sanyao Int'L, 141 E. Duarte Rd., said they are in agreement with all of the conditionS in the staff report. He explained that there. is a block wall along the alley. Because,he did not want Arcadia City Planning Commission 2 6a7100 .' . . . the project to look boring, with another block wall along the alley, he desIgned the project so that the .front on the second unit would be facing the alley. There is another project being constructed along the alley and he did not wantthem to have the view of trash cans along the alley. No one else spoke in favor of or in opposition to this item. Chairman Bruckner closed the public hearing. Commissioner Sleeter thought that this is a handsome development. He liked the use of the roilnd windows in the front, which he thought was both different and attractive. He thanked Mr. Tong's explanation of the unit facing the alley. This design does seem to provide the opportunity for the appearance of more space Commissioner Murphy did noi: object to the requested modifications. He 'commented thauhe design is similar to others they have seen over lind over. He assumed that this project was already in process before he' expressed his concerns at a previous meeting. He knew that Mr. Tong was going to address his concerns on upcoming new projects. MOTION " It was moved by Commissioner KaIemkiarian, seconded by Commissioner Murphy to approve MP 00-016 &ADR 00-022 subject to the conditions in the staff report. . ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: Coinmissioner Huang, KaIemkiarian; Murphy, Sleeter, Bruckner Noiie Chairman. Bruckner noted that there is a five working day appeal period. Appeals are to be filed by July 6, 2000. 3. PUBLIC HEARING CUP 00-009 639 W. Duarte Rd. Rachel Chung Consideration of a conditional usepennit for a 2,094 sqdt. restaurant with seating for. S9 pa~ons, operating from II :00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., 7-days a week. RESOLUTION NO. 1607 A resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia, California, denying CUP 00-009 for arestauraIit at 639 W. Duarte Rd. The staff report was presented and the public hearing was opened. Gary Wang, Monterey Patk, was representing Rachel Chang, the applicant. He explained that the center is presently run down, under parked and many of the units are vacant. To him, it would make good economical sense to bring as many tenants and customers to the center as possible. He submitted his own report of when cerfuin uses were approved. He cited that Gymboree was granted ArCadia City Planning Commission 3 6/27/00 " a CUP With a deficiency OfS!king spaces. He said they are OnlY'dlient by 12 parking spaces. How could one request with a major parking deficiency be approved and one that is relatively minor be denied? The staff report also indicates that the 22,OOO-sq. ft. building which was previously occupied by the 99t Only store is currently vacant. The center is not doing very well With many vacancies. This center needs occupants to bring in more people there and to revitalize it. No one else spoke in favor of or in opposition to this item. Chairman Bruckner closed the public hearing. Staff noted they did not include an incorrect survey which was subrnitted by the applicant in the staff report. However, staff has visited the site. The subject property is currently'in escrow. The owner has approached the City and has indicated Iris desire to revitalize this center by bringing the entire center and the parking up to code and to remodel the f~ade. They are in the process of taking staff's recommendations and improving the center. Valuable parking spaces will be gained by redesigning the center. They Will be taking out the storage area in the rear. Ms. Butler explained the parking requirements for schools and retail uses and said that it would not be a fair comparison. When the 99t Only store was located in the center, the parking was utilized much more and was more intense. There is plenty of parking now because a major portion of the bililding'is not occupied. The99t Only store bad a major impac~ on the parking. Commissioner Sleeter said that following the logic of the staff report, it appears to him that anyone requesting to corne into this center would be denied until and unless the 22,OOO-sq. ft. building was occupied. Commissioner Kalernkiarian couldnotsee.any reasons to deny the request based on what the owner in escrow might oi'might not do in the future. He thought that the parking. is striped strangely. Ms. Butler responded that a general retail use would not be an issue, whereas, restaiJrantuses would impact the center because more parking is required. Discussion ensued regarding the current parking and usage during peak: periods and the different uses' that are currently in the center. . Ms. Butler said that there is plenty of parking at the site now. She said that if the Planning Commission approves this request, a resolution adopting the CUP would need to be prepared and brought back at their next meeting for adoption. She explained that when. the site is redeveloped, they are.suggesting relocation of the westei'1y driveway. . Staff said that the new property owner has plans on redeveloping' the center. There. connection With this request and.the new revitalization. Commissioner Kalemkiarian needed to havemore information to deny the request. Commissioner Huang said that he has'visited this center and has never seen a parking problem even . when the major tenant was still there. Arcadia City Planning Conunission 4 6n.7100 .' Chairman Bruckner asked tha~ survey be conducted at peak time _ the assumption that the 22,000-sq. ft. vacant site is occupied. He asked that both a resolution for approval and denial be prepared. Commissioner Murphy could not see how they could deny tbis request. Here is someone who wants to come into this center and improve it. The Planning Commission cannot deny it because there is currently a vacancy in the major retail building. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Sleeter to approve CUP .00-009 subject to the conditions listed in the staff report and direct staff to prepare the appropriate resolution for adoption at the Planning Commission's next meeting. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: Commissioner Huang, Kalemkiarian, Murphy, .sleeter, Bruckner None '. Chairman Bruckner noted that there is a five working day appeal period after the adOption of the resolution, Appeals are to be filed by July 19,2000. 11ATTERSFROM CITY COUNCIL None MATTERS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman. Bruckner said that Santa -Anita Race Track was the topic of conversation on National Public Radio. . Commissioner Sleeter said that.he sawa report on Channel 7 ABC news regarding the same issue. Ms. Butler said that the L.A Conservancy held a news conference on the front lawn of the City Hall. They are trying to promote. interest on the site. They held meetings with the race track and it appears that they feh they were not a success. They are concerned with the preservation of the exterior facade. MODIFICATION COMMITTEE.MEETING ACTIONS Commissioner Murphy recapped the actions taken by the Modification Committee. MATTERS FROM STAFF 1. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS 2. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Arcadia City Planning Commission s 611.7/00 .~ . . Ms. Butler informed the Planniilg Commission of upcoming agenda items and City Council's recent actions. ADJOURNMENT 8:00 p.rn. ~ Secretary, Arcadia P g Commission Arcadia City Planning CQm111issiOn 6 6f271OO