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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 27, 2001 , . MINUTES . (I)" Arcadia City Planning Commission Tuesday, Marcb 27,2001 7:15 p.m. in tbe Council Cbambers Planning Commission proceedings are tape-recorded and on file in the office of the Community Development Division. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia met in regular session on Tuesday, March.27, 2001 at 7:15 p.m in the Council Chambers of the City of Arcadia, at 240 W. Huntington Drive with Chairman Pro T em Kalemkiarian presiding. RoLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Bruckner, Huang, Kalemkiarian, ABSENT: Commissioner Murphy and Olson MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Huang, seconded hy Commissioner Bruckner ~o excuse Commissioners Murphy and Olson from tonight's meeting. The motion passed by voice vote with none dissenting. OTHERS ATTENDING Community Development Administrator Donna Butler Associate Planner Jim K8""ma Assistant Planner Kenneth Phung Assistant Planner Candyce Burnett Secretary Silva Vergel SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS Ms. Butler said that,the following items were distributed: )> Photos relating to the GP 01-001 )> Attachment relating to CUP 01-00.6 MOTION It Was moved by Commissioner Bruckner, seconded by Commissioner Huang to read all resolutions by title only and waive reading the full body ofthe.resolution. the motion passed by voice vote with none dissenting. -' Commissioner Olson' arrived at 7:20 p.rn. , . . -. ~ TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON.NON-PUBLIC HEARING MATIERS (5 MlNUfE LIMIT PERPERSON) Feranando Sola, 1120 Greenfield, inquired about tree removal procedures. Ms. Butler explained that the only trees preserved in the City are oak trees. In the homeoviner association areas, ,in addition to oak trees, other trees are also protected. But, in the rest of the City only oak.treesare protected. Trees located in the public right-of-way may only be removed by Public Works Dept. Mr. Sola said that a neighbor just removed a sequoia tree with a 15" diameter. It is a shame that this tree was not protected. He hoped that the City would have stricter rules. I. MINUTES of 2/27/0 1 This item was continued since there was no quorum. 2. CONTilIlUED PUBLIC HEARING CUP 01-006 651 W. Duarte Rd. Huang Ke Consideration of a conditional use permit to operate acoIilputer atcadefrom 11 :00 a..m. to 1:00 a;m., 7-days a week. RESOLlJTION NO. 1634 A resolution of the Planning ConUnission, of the City of Arcadia, granting CUP 01-006 to operate a computer arcade from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., 7-days a week at 651 W. Duarte Rd. The staff report was presented Staff indicated that no additional opposition letters or phone calls were received since the previous meeting. Commissioner Huang inquired a.Qout the applicant's willingness to offer free classes to the community. That issue was not addressed in their business plan. ' The public hearing was opened. Mark Nelson, 31423 S. CoastHwy, Long Beach, attomeyfor the applicant was present.. He said that the applicant is willing to offer free classes on Tuesdays to senior citizens and at any time to City Employees. If the Planning ConUnission wishes, they could add this as a condition of approval. Technology is rapidly changing. What is purchased as the latest system today is outdated in six months. Most people cannot afford to update their computers constantly and keep up with technology. Consequently, what they buy now will be outdated soon. So, they will not have the latest technology available to them but Digit Century .Will be updating both their software and hardware constantly to keep up with the change~. Each one of the computers will cost approximately $5,000 including both hardware and,software. Arcadia City PWming COwmission 2 3/27/01 . . .. ~ He went on to say that their training courses will be offered from 7:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. They will offer a variety of classes ranging from Microsoft applications, graphic design and animation, programming, computer assembling and certificate programs. Their instructors will be professors from surrounding colleges and ones that are already engaged in teaching in other similar type establishments. They have contacted several of these instructors and they have expressed interest in teaching and signing a contract wi:t!1 them. They will be offering the fastest internet service available. They will always have four employees on site. lit response to questions by Commissioner Huang, Mr. Nelson said that they would. be offering free classes to senior citizens on Tuesdays. They will also offer free classes to City Employees. They would offer tl3ese serviees upon opening. Although, his clients are young in age, they are quite experienced and have taken relevant courses. They will be hiring a security guard to be available from 9 p.m. to Closing. Steven Rabe, 848 W. Huntington, wondered if there ~ould be a conflict between when the training courses would be taking place and when the video 'game activities would take place? How could they conduct classes when someone would be playing games? He asked' what kind of classes and softWare. would be offered? Who will be.teaching the classes? Mr. Nelson, said that the game arcade portion would not be o~red until 1:00 p.m. which would not interfere with the classes. He summarized the programs that would be offered. He said their instructors would be ones that are already engaged in other computer schools in the area. The applicant has attended computer schools and does have proper training. In answer to a question by Commissioner Huang, Mr. Nelson said that their advertising could include information on free classes to the senior citizens in the community. . Ed Bailey, 130 Ilene Dr., thought that 1 :00 a.m. was ~oo late for young adults to stay out. That time would be acceptable for adults but not for young students. GeraldMies, 1037 Louise, said this sounds like a good idea but was not sure that an arcade would be compatible with education. and computer support. He visits a store that is located next to the video arcade location at the comer of Duarte Rd. and Second Ave. twice a week. He has witnessed many young adults hanging out there and he feared that would happen here also. This could be very intimidating to seniors and he was not sure that they would visit them if that would be the case. He also thought that 1 :00 a.rn. is entirely iruipI1ropriate. HethoughHhat they shouid close at 10:00 p.rn. Chris Chao, 108 Crystal Court, thought that the. hours of operation are very important considering that the center is in a residential area. He was not opposed to the training portion of tl3e business but the training is only a small portion of the day. The gaming portion is much longer. He wondered what type ofan audience the applicant is' trying to attract? In rebuttal, Mr. Nelson said this would not be a typical video arcade. The people attending here are going to be sophisticated computer users and well educated. The nature of the machines are entirely different than a video game arcade. There would not be any hand guns. All the computers are operated with the keyboard as opposed to weapon mechanisms. The games are sophisticated strategy type games. There would be no blood in their games. The rewards ate mental. There would be no tickets or stuffed an;mal~ as rewards. '; They would have a security guard to address safety concerns. He thought that parents should guide their children on inappropriate behavior. Arcadia City Planning Coljllnission 3 3127101 . . -, ~ Chairman ProTern Kalemkiarian closed the public hearing. In response to a question by Commissioner Olson, staff said that children under 18 have a curfew of 10:00 p.rn. The Police Dept. bas visited the other location,on Baldwin on two occasions because they were operating beyond their allowed closing time of 1:00 a,rn. But there have been no noted problems. Commissioner Olson did not object to the hours of operation. This is the wave of the future. This sounds like an exciting new business. He was pleased with their willingness to be involved in the community. Ms. ButIermade a con-ection'on the resolution with regard to public hearing dates. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Bruckner, seconded by CoIllJli1ssioner Olson to approve CUP 01-006 and adopt Reso. 1634 slibject to the conditions listed in the staff report. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Bruckner, Huang, Olson, Kalemliiarian None Commissioner Murphy Chairman Pro Tern Kalemkiarian..noted that there is a five working-day appeal period after the.adoption of the resolution Appeals are to be,filedby ApriiJ'd. 3.PUBLICHEARINGGP 01-001 1012-1026 S. First Ave. Hank Jong Consideration of a Generjll Plan amenment to change the General Plan designation from Single- Family Residential (O-6du/ac) to Multiple-Family Residential (12 dulac). RESOLUTION NO. 1637 A resolution of the Planning Commission, of the City of Arcadia, recommending approval ofGP 01-001 to change the General Plan designation from Single_Family Residential (0-6 dulac) to MultiplecFamilyResidential (12 dulac) at 1012-1026 S. First Ave. to the City Council. , The staff report was presented'. Ms. Butler explained that the properties are zoned R-2 and could be developed with apartments. The general plan amendment allows the owner to subdivide and sellas condominiums. Staff said that modifications have already been granted to develop the two most southerly lots with a 6- unit project. The applicant did notify the owners of the two northerly properties but they did n()t. .' , The public hearing was opened. Arcadia City Planning ColJllnissioo 4 3/27/01 . . . -, ~ Hank Jong, 11823 Slauson, Santa Fe Springs, confirmed sending letters to the property owners to the north but they never responded. The properties have been zoned R-2 since 1954. The owner has a right to develop and sell the properties as R-2. . Sonja Williams, 130 Greenfield, ()bjected to the way the City caters to the developer instead of existing homeowners. The City needs to be more proactive in preservingsingle-fami1y homes instead of appealing to the developer. The area is zoned R-1 even if these lots are not. The Planning Commission needs tOckeep the interest of most of the homeowners in the area in mind. The new owners of the homes on Crystal Ct. do notwant condominium units backing up to their properties. The traffic; patterns will be negatively impacted. Dana Jr. High is only Y. a mile away. Cars back up to Duarte Rd. during school drop off arid pick up times. There are children walking to school. This will cause problems for the owners along First.Ave. Two residents along Greenfield have already lost their privacy and now they will have these new condos built 10' from their property lines. Since the church sold their parking lot, on Sundays, First Ave. is parked with all the churchgoerS arid on weekdays the daycare uses First Ave. as parking; She suggested rezoning the property as R-1. This is definiteJy undesirable and unacceptable. Condominiums should be along Huntington Dr. and Duarte Rd. and not on First Ave. She also submitted a petition signed by 110 interested parties against the proposal. Jack Munson, 120 Greenfield, said they have already lost their privacy as a result of the million dollar mansions that have been built on Crystal Ct. The Planning Commission is disregarding the needs of the long time residents and caving in to developers flashing their money. There is no couSiderationfor residents. He reminded'the Planning Commission that these developers are not City residents. When Crystal Ct. was being buili,he' talked with the contractor and asked to have provisions be made so they could keep some privacy and the contractor did not care. He has seen nothing but disregard for owners. This situation bas gotten out of band. Although, he doesiiot reside atthis10cation he is very cOncerned for his tenants who will lose their privacy. How could they consider this as a buffer or a transition? This is unacceptable. Chairman Pro TemKalemkiarian said that it is very likely that the homes on Crystal Ct. were developed under the old R-1 code. The new regulations have been designed to eliminate mansionization. Robert Toben, 1110 Greenfield, said they moved in their home many years ago because they liked the neighborhood. This is a "Community of Homes" and the Planning Commission needs to remember that. All of the neighb9rs are here tonight to voice their opposition and their discontent. He said that undoubtedly they will construct 2-story homes. As an engineer, he did not believe that theycouid properly support them and felt that could be a seismic hazard. Erica Williams, 130 Greenfield, said that there is inconsistency with the General Plan and the Zoning. Changes should be made t().the zoning to make it consistent with the GP and not as how it has been presented tonight. The reasons for approval stated ill the staff report are weak. It is a poor aTgUD3ent to amend the GP when the area is predominantly single-family. There are no similar situations along Duarte R(l. Most of the homes in the area are single-story. They should down zoning. She felt an emergency moratorium should be adopted to study this inconsistency. They should not allow spot zoning nor should it have been recommended by staff This promotes and fosters poor planning. She was able to find at least 6-7 inconsistencies south of Duarte Rd. arid north of Live Oak. She questioned the Env. Checklist and asked staff to review the Geological and Noise sections. Arcadia City Planning CoQllnission 5 3127101 ' . . LoUise Sola, 1120 Greenfield, said that First Ave. is extremely busy street, with the middle school down the street, they should consider the traffic, bothfoot and car, that would be generated. Chairman Pro Tern Kalemkiarian said that a "Negative Declaration" was prepared for this project. Ms. Butler said that said document was advertised and is available for review in Planning. Jane Bailey, 130 Ilene, said that it is ridiculous'to have condominiums here. Arcadia has approved and allowed tacky homes and businesses. Their neighborhood is very well maintained and attractive. It is very difficult to go down First Ave. to get to her street. She felt sorry for the new homeowners along Crystal Ct. who have purchased million dollar homes that will now have condominiums next to them Francis Chang, 108 Crystal Ct., said he purchased his home and moved here because of the excellent public school system. Undoubtedly, these new'units will affect the schools. The city may think that they would be getting additional. tax dollars from these homes ~ut they will be spending it on building new schools. Gerald Mies, 1037 LouiSe, said that traffic in south Arcadia is lousy along Santa Anita, Duarte and all the side streets. He did not think they should deviate from the City's Master Plan. He was against a muhiple-family development. here. Currently" the homes there are all single-family but they will soon have two-story monstrosities toweringandJooking over their properties. There is a parking problem and there are cars parked all along First Ave. and the side streets from the church. . In rebuttal, Mr. Jong, reiterated the property owner's right to develop his property. They will have to comply with Building Codes that address seismic issues. This process is to make the zoning consistent with the GP.. Noone else spoke in favor of or in opposition to thisitem Chairman Pro Tern KaJemkiarian closed the public hearing. For the benefit of the audience, he said that the Plannihg Commission is only an advisory body. The City Council will have the final decision on this issue. A public hearing would be scheduled before them and he urged the audience to attend. Ms. Butler explained the density'requirements in R-2. She,said that GPbecameeffective ill.the 1970's in California. Prior to that cities did not have GP. She said that Planning Commission could recolIlli1end approval of tile GP as presented or recommend that the property be.rezoned. As a "Charter City", the GP and zoning do not have to be consistent. There are other inconsistencies in the city and each will be dealt when issues arise or as time permits. Bruckner felt that the deve~opment would be consistent with the surrounding area. He thought that condominiums would be appropriate. Commissioner Huang said that the GP amendment is a mechanism to make corrections and this is a proper use of said mechanism He thought the location was appropriate for what is being proposed. MOTION ". ; Ar<:alIia City Plonning ~sion 6 3mlOl . . . ยท It was moved by Commissioner Bruckner, seconded by Commissioner Huang to recommend approval ofGP 01-001 to the City Council and adopt Reso. 1637 subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Bruckner, Huang, Olson, Kalemkiarian None Commissioner Murphy 4. PUBLIC HEARING TM 53330 810 S. Second Ave. and 202-221E. Duarte Rd. Hank Jong Consideration of a tentative map for a 2-from-l lot split and a 5-unit residential condominium project. The staff report was presented And the public hearing was opened. Hank Jong, 11823 Slauson, Santa Fe Springs, said they are in agreement with all of the conditions in the staff report. . No one else spoke in favor of or in opposition to this item Chairman Pro Tern Kalemkiarian closed the public hearing, MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Bruckner, seconded by Commissioner Olson to approve TM 53330 subject to the conditions listed in the staffreport. ROLL CALL: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: C\?mmissioners Bruckner,.Huang, Olson, Kalemkiarian None Commissioner Murphy Chairman Pro Tern Kalemkiarian'noted that there is a ten-day appeal period. Appeals are to be filed by April 9th. 5. PUBLic HEARING TPM 01-004 11819 E. Goldring Rd. Mr. G.F. Montemayor on behalf of Weld Em., Inc. Consideration of a tentative parcel map to convert and subdivide an existing 7-unit industrial building into industrial. condominiums. " . The staffreport was'presented. and the public hearing was opened. Artadia City PlalllliDg C_ission 'i 3127101 .' . . .. ~ G.F. Monteymayor, 1360 Valley Vista, Diamond Bar, said they are in agreement with all of the conditions in the staff report. Three of the units are occupied and there are four vacancies. No one else spoke in favor of or. in opposition to this item. CbairmanPro Tern Kalemkiarian closed the public hearing: Staff said that when the project was constructed it complied with code. It is possible that they do not comply with the handicap requirements. They could request a modification. for parking. Ms. Butler said they may be deficient by one parking space if they were to comply with the handicap parking. The parkway standards have not changed since the construction of this building. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Kalemkiarian, seconded by'Commissioner I3ruckner to approve TPM 01-004 subject to the conditions listedin.the staff report; AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Bruckner, Huang, Olson, Kalemkiarian None Commissioner Murphy Chairman Pro Tem"I<alemkiarian noted that thereis,a ten-day appeal period. Appeals are to be filed by April 9th. 6. PUBLIC HEARING MP01-002 380 W. NorrnanAve. Josh Hoang Hua Consideration of a 30'-0" westerly street side yard setback 'in lieu of 40'-0" special setbac required along Holly Ave. for a new dwelling. THIS PUBLIC HEARING HASBEEN CONTINUED TO 4/24/01 MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Bruckner, seconded by Commissioner Huang to continue the public hearing to the Planning Commission's April 24tb meeting. 7. PUBLIC HEARING'MP 01-003 & ADR 01-004 45-51 Bonita Ave. Tom Lee ,Consideration of modifications for a 5-unit residential condominium project. The staff report was presented and the public hearing was opened. Arcadia City Planning eo.6mission 8 3127101 . . . Eiit!Van Wec6.e~ 1959 Quiet Ranch Rd., Fallbrook, representing the property owner, said they are in agreement with all of the conditions in the staff report. He described the condition of the site and said the project would fit in. Commissioner Bruckner said that this is a very nice project and,he was appreciative of the architect's efforts of not placing the garage on the street side. No one else spoke in favor of or in opposition to thisitem. Chairman Pro Tern Kalemkiarian'closed the public hearing. MOTION It was moved by Commissioner Huang, seconded by Commissioner Olson to approve MP 01- 003 & ADR 01-004 subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Bruckner, Huang, Olson, Kalemkiarian None Commissioner Murphy Chairman Pro Tern Kalemkiarian noted that there is a five working-day appeal period. Appeals are to be filed by April 3 rd. 8. PUBLIC HEARING MP 01-004& ADR 01-005 1029 Sunset Blvd, Michael Hsiao ConSideration of modifications for a,S-unitresiaential condominium project. The staff report was presented and the public hearing was opened. Michael Hsiao, 425'N. Chapel Ave., Alhambra, said they are in agreement with all of the conditions in the staff report. No one else spoke in favor of or in, opposition to this item Chairman Pro Tern Kalemkiarian closed the public hearing. MOTION " It was moved by eomInissioner Olson, Seconded by Commissioner Bruckner to approve MP 01- 004 & ADR 01-005 subject to the conditions listed in the staffreport. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Bruckner, Huang, Olson, Kalemkiarian None Commissioner Murphy Chairman Pro'FemI)alemkiarian noted that there is a five working-day appeal period. Appeals are to be f1!ed by April 3rd. . Arcadia City'Planning COIJffiiSSiOD 9 3/27101 . . . ., ~ 9. PUBLICHEARlNGTA2001-001 Consideration of a text amendment amending Section 9275.1.51 by deleting Crematories from the list of permitted uses subject to the conditional use permit process. The staff report was presented. and the public hearing was opened. Rulong Chen, 119 EI.Dorado was in favor ofthis text amendment. No one else spoke in favor of or in opposition to this item. Chairman Pro TemKalemkiarian closed the public hearing. MOTION It 'was moved by Commissioner Bruckner, seconded by Commissioner Olson to recommend apptoval ofTA 2001-001 to the City CounciL AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Bruckner, Huang, Olson, Kalemkiariari None CommismonerMurphy MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL None MATIERS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION In response to a question by Commissioner Olson, Ms. Butler said that the church on First Ave. is legal non-conforming. MODIFICATION COMMITIEE MEETING ACTIONS Commissioner Olson recapped the actions taken by mod Commissioner. MA TIERS FROM STAFF I. CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS 2. uPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Ms. Butler said that Westfield bad resubmitted their project. Public hearings will be held before the Planning Commission and City Council. .' g Commission ADJOURNMENT Arcadia City Planning Coalmission 10 3n.7101 , '.