HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlansNEW PRICER FACE: N W*E S SCOPE OF WORK: Reface price sign from old ARCO conventional pricer to new ARCO L.E.D. pricer REFACING ONLY! M RECEIVED=, D ¢ m SEP V9 2021 Planning Services City of Arcadia 11�)Ic C:1Iy SITE PLAN: 625 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 JOB SITE: Wt on gden Ave Las Tune W twe Oak Ave r 1 ■ axe w W N,a. sowe ARCO L1`�- 00 0 a(3\ o�Q Q tn N >` h0 Q NONAGE &1MNARY SN 1 SIGN AREA CALCULATION NO DESCRIPTION ILLU61. ISTATUS MEA TY. TOTAL IDENTIFICATION SIGN REFACE 60.0 1 60.0 2 3 4 5 7 TOTAL NEW SIGNAGE: 0. Sq. R. N W*E S SCOPE OF WORK: Reface price sign from old ARCO conventional pricer to new ARCO L.E.D. pricer REFACING ONLY! M RECEIVED=, D ¢ m SEP V9 2021 Planning Services City of Arcadia 11�)Ic C:1Iy SITE PLAN: 625 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 JOB SITE: Wt on gden Ave Las Tune W twe Oak Ave r 1 ■ axe w W N,a. sowe ARCO L1`�- 00 0 a(3\ o�Q Q tn N >` h0 Q NONAGE &1MNARY SN 1 67M �l 167 PROPOSED: ARCO _. . • z _ . L0 u - ` � CASH gasoline CREDIT i FM: 01 lus � ' `unleaded plus � 1 � i `- unleaded _ gasoline 3 1 p remium s � unleaded � .. r premium diesel � � I ITEM 1: 1 P FACE PART IATYLED09 ITEM 2: 1 P FACE PART 1 ATYLEDW ITEM 3: 1 P FACE PART 1 ATYLEDOi PARTS COMPONENT LIST: ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 1 1ATYLED0284 1' x 4'(1) PRODUCT LED R/F 2 2 IATYLED0285 1' x 4'(1) PRODUCT LED R/F 2 3 IATYLED0286 1' x 4'(1) PRODUCT LED R/F 2 4 IATYLED0287 1' x 4'(1) PRODUCT LED R/F 2 5 IARPWM06WI-SS (12) PRODUCT LED PRICE LINE SET 12 6 IARPWIY10601-SS (4) PRODUCT LED PRICE LINE SET 4 7 ITEM 4: 1P FACE PART NUMB IATYLED0287 NIGHT ILLUMINATION VIEW AS SEEN INSTALLED FOR DECORATION REFERENCE ONLY ITEM 5: LED PART NUMBER 1 ARPWM06WI -SS ITEM 6: LED PART NUMBER IARPWM06G1-SS Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphics are compliant with all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the parry obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installation is provided by SignResource, we will make every effort to confirm the signage provided is compliant at the time of installation. A#SignResource IDENTITY GROUP 6135 District BIM • Maywood, U 90370 800.423.4283 • Fax 323.560.1143 Website: wvrwsignresource.com I REVISION HISTORY: I GENERAL NOTES I I TOLERANCE ( UNLESS NOTED) •GRAPHICS+/-I/r • FACE SIZE +1/16"'/" -CABINET+/-IA' - VINYL OVERIAP+ 1/8'+/ 06' -ALL COPY LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING DISTANCE 25' TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PMS COLOR CALLOW INDICATES USE OF SPRAYLAT MIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WHHOUT RN. 5. ALL ELECTRICAL SIGNS TO COMPLY WITH UL 46 FORMED REPLACEMENT FACES WITH 4 PRODUCT TWO TIER LED PRICE LINE ARCO BP TWO TIER - VARIOUS DETAIL B SECTION A -A DETAIL A ALUMINUM ANGLE WITH FOAM STRIP POLYCARBONATE 5/8" (sides only) FACE RIVET J DETAIL A DETAIL B R _ PWM LEO'S FRONT VIEW LED PART# (1 Z) 1 ARPWM06W 1 -SS 1011/4" FORMING TRIM SIZE — ARE Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphics are compliant with all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the party obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installation is provided by SignResource, we will make every effort to confirm the signage provided is compliant at the time of installation. 11,'41 PRODUCTCOPY WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND aMhodd (@do Wain 0�irl,r)Resource CILOUI' 6135 District Blvd • Maywood CA 90270 800.423-4283 • Fax 323.560]143 Website: www.fign resource.com I REVISION HISTORY: SECOND SURFACE DECORATION Weights and Measures :equan mems wry Ly Sente, Gunny and Municipality. It is the tessonsdiliry of the mstmer to wnfirw tat these graphic are mm bort with all local Regulators, States and Ordtnancs,. Lnmylwaw must he wnfitmed by the sorry abloining Poe permit. 5iggPResamen a not liable for mis n erpwtfian of luwl Weiph6 and Mewsuaes requirenrom ar any tb changes One mayaaw order the order has Baan Placed. If penin and irrindla it is panned by Si nRewuwe, wa will move essry effort tmarven the signage p oW ad is mmpliont at the fin of iwallafwn. GENERAL NOTES IJOUIEIRSIDE VIEW -GRAPHICS - FAC) •GRAPHICS+/-I/B' • FACE SIZE + 1/16"-4' • CABINET +/-1/B" • VINYL OVERLAP+ 1/r+/ 1/16" .ALL COPY LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING DISTANCE 25' TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PMS COLOR CALIM INDICATES USE OF SPRAYIATMIX SVSr BA 4, NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT EON. S. ALL EIEaRICALSIGNS TO COMPLY WITH UL 46 1' X 4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE u " ARCO BP TWO TIER - VARIOUS amw: Wle: VARIOUS 09/19/2019 PER IATYLED0284 B DETAIL B SECTION A -A DETAIL A ALUMINUM ANGLE WITH FOAM STRIP POLY 5/8" (sides only) FACE RIVET DETAIL A DETAIL B A �___ d'_:VNITE PWM LED S FRONT VIEW LED PART# 0 Z) 1 ARPWM06W 1 -SS PRODUCTCOPYSigt2Resource WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND L D N: 'r 1 'r v (; 11 o IT r 6135 District Blvd - Maywood, CA 90270 ufl������ NWebolt..2 .sl4x323.rce. 43 2n 00.423.4283 -l. 323.560 n on n REVISION HISTORY: pC�WUM 09 0 9 KMm � P.M.S mnsmxoa x Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphics are compliant with all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the parry obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installation is provided by SignResource, we will make every effort to confirm the signage provided is compliant at the time of installation. GENERAL NOTES SIDE VIEW IJOLERANa(UNLESS NOTED) -GRAPHICS +/-1/E" • FACE SIZE + I/I6" -ff •CARINA+/ -1/B' • VINYL OVERLAP + 1/B'+/ 1/I6' • ALL COPY BEL INLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING DISTANCE 25'TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PMS COLOR CALLOW INDICATES USE OF SPRAYI MIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVMIION OR NATERIALSUBSTDUaON WDHOUT ECN. 5. ALL ELECTRICAL SIGNS ED COMPLY WITH Ut 48 1' X 4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE ARCO BP TWO TIER -VARIOUS quart, art: VARIOUS 09/19/201', IATYLED0286 B 3/� o Weights and Meosuas lequirementswry U/ Srote, (wnryard Mumsgoophi. It isthoesponsibilityo!the cRegul ro, 10 1/4" a 115/8 StoaxIM1ot and OimpM1iaam cmn Ilam real b lual ReguloN H e eq and 0ldinomes. ComppHomy must 6e ronRlmed by Me FORMING party obtertag $a PmmD. SignResoum isnot IiaW" Fe AREA TRIM SIZE mRintmpmMnon of lawl Weights and Meaft aquimmems of artymk shongm the may a they hos npbwd. is w If pelmitdng and ito amlam is sionagd bYSlggnResourte, xswili mokeereryry eAoRro mldlm Hasignage plmdded Is mmprantat He He installation. Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphics are compliant with all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the parry obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installation is provided by SignResource, we will make every effort to confirm the signage provided is compliant at the time of installation. GENERAL NOTES SIDE VIEW IJOLERANa(UNLESS NOTED) -GRAPHICS +/-1/E" • FACE SIZE + I/I6" -ff •CARINA+/ -1/B' • VINYL OVERLAP + 1/B'+/ 1/I6' • ALL COPY BEL INLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING DISTANCE 25'TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PMS COLOR CALLOW INDICATES USE OF SPRAYI MIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVMIION OR NATERIALSUBSTDUaON WDHOUT ECN. 5. ALL ELECTRICAL SIGNS ED COMPLY WITH Ut 48 1' X 4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE ARCO BP TWO TIER -VARIOUS quart, art: VARIOUS 09/19/201', IATYLED0286 B ALUMINUM ANGLE WITH FOAM STRIP POLY (sidesonly) FACE DETAIL A DETAIL B METHOD OF SALE:O�IW71'1'Resource -- WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND r c a o l l' 21/4" � 6135 District BW • May ori, CA 90270 800.423.:2 .Slax333.rce. 1m3 Website:283 Fanresourze.mm �CA2 u REVISION HISTORY: 0414/21 w1L usual®n urwrtory 1F. D. GP. PRODUCT COPY: ""INITIAL INITIAL DRAWING RELEASE WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND 21/2" PARTS LIST: 48" FORMING AREA/TRIM SIZE 3/4" MA RI LLIST AQP FACE DETAIL B DETAIL A SECOND SURFACE DECORATION gasoline 1DY 11 5/B " CREDIT CASH FORMING TRIM SIZE SECTION A -A FRONT VIEW REFERENCE FILE: ATYFD I I X48AO I SIDE VIEW I GENERAL NOTES I 1.TOIERANCE ( UNLESS NOTED) •GRAPHICS+/-IY8' • THESE +1116"/' -CABINET +I. I/r • VINYLOVERIAP+ 1/8"+/1/16' • ALL COPY LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2 VIENNA DISTANCE 25' TO 57 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PMS COLOR CALLOUT INDICATES USE OF SPRAYIAT MIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVIATION ORMATERIALSURSTITUTION WITHOUT ECN. S. ALL ELECTRICAL SIGNS TO COMPLY NTH UL 40 V x 4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE DOMCHE GUS ARCO I MA2TP 42292 CA