HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved PlansNEW PRICER FACE: N W*E S RECEIVED SCOPE OF WORK; SEP D•9 2021 Planning Services City of ArcaAR c ly Reface price sign from old ARCO conventional pricer to APPROVED new ARCO L.E.D. pricer REFACING ONLY! Nov 3 o 2021 planning Services City of Arcadia Pa SITE PLAN: m S i W Loagden Ave v W Lon,lon Ave A w TO 1111" 625 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 m B SITE: amar 111 elm, wftsm Las Tuna ;OF ARCO 7 T �I �..r >ill' �. 4 Arcadia, EA 0 (-I• CO 16, r�Ar F r�- 00 0 O �Q ?J I— V Lr) U (V L 'D Q a6x� &NMMY SN 1 SIGN AREA CALCULATION NO DESCRIPTION IILLUM. STATUS AREA . TOTAL 1 IDENTIFICATION SIGN I YES REFACE 60.0 1 60.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL NEW SIGNAGE: N W*E S RECEIVED SCOPE OF WORK; SEP D•9 2021 Planning Services City of ArcaAR c ly Reface price sign from old ARCO conventional pricer to APPROVED new ARCO L.E.D. pricer REFACING ONLY! Nov 3 o 2021 planning Services City of Arcadia Pa SITE PLAN: m S i W Loagden Ave v W Lon,lon Ave A w TO 1111" 625 Las Tunas Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 m B SITE: amar 111 elm, wftsm Las Tuna ;OF ARCO 7 T �I �..r >ill' �. 4 Arcadia, EA 0 (-I• CO 16, r�Ar F r�- 00 0 O �Q ?J I— V Lr) U (V L 'D Q a6x� &NMMY SN 1 EXISTING: PROPOSED: fi f f 111 &r E. Soft *301 ARCO L � 00 0 v ON O � ¢ ¢ in ci � v Lo a N L W_ SN 2 ITEM 1: 1 P FACE PART 1ATYLED01 ITEM 2: 1 P FACE PART IATYLED01 ITEM 3: 1 P FACE PART IATYLEDOAO PARTS COMPONENT LIST: ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY 1 IATYLED0284 1' x 4'(1) PRODUCT LED R/F 2 2 IATYLED0285 1' x 4'(1) PRODUCT LED R/F 2 3 IATYLED0286 1' x 4'(1) PRODUCT LED R/F 2 4 IATYLED0287 1' x 4'(1) PRODUCT LED R/F 2 5 1MPWM06W1-SS (12) PRODUCT LED PRICE LINE SET 12 6 1ARPWM0661-SS (4) PRODUCT LED PRICE LINE SET 4 7 ITEM 4: 1 P FACE PART NUMBER: IATYLED0287 NIGHT ILLUMINATION VIEW AS SEEN INSTALLED FOR DECORATION REFERENCE ONLY ITEM 5: LED PART NUMBER 1 ARPWM06W 1 -SS ITEM 6: LED PART NUMBER 1 ARPWM06GI -SS Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphics are compliant with all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the party obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installotion is provided by SignResource, we will make every effort to confirm the signage provided is compliant at the time of installation. 11141 A#Sign-Resource IDENTITY GR OUP 6135 Olsthct 8Nd • Ma"wd, U 90210 800.423.4283 • Fax 323.560.7143 Website: BWB.eltfnresourcexam I REVISION HISTORY: I GENERAL NOTES I I.TOLERANCE ( UNLESS NOTED) • GRAPHICS +/-1/B' • FACE SIZE+ 1/16"'A" •CABINET +/-1/B' • VINYL OVERLAP+ 1/8'+/ 1/16' -ALL COP/ LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING DISTANCE 29 TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PMS COLOR CALUIUT INDICATES USE OF SPRAYTAT MIM SYSTEM 4. NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT IN S. Ali ELECTRICAL SIGNS TO COMPLY WITH UL 48 FORMED REPLACEMENT FACES WITH 4 PRODUCT TWO TIER LED PRICE LINE �: ormbre DOMCHE JM.SANCHEZ ARCO BP TWO TIER - VARIOUS Wh: VARIOUS 09/19/2019 LT ED0224-KIT B DETAIL B SECTION A -A DETAILA ALUMINUM ANGLE WITH FOAM STRIP POLYCARBONATE 5/8" (sidesOnly)FACE 1 RIVET I DETAIL A DETAIL B A — PWM LEWS FRONT VIEW LED PART# 0 Z) 1 ARPWM06W 1 -SS Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphics are compliant vrith all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the party obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installation is provided by SignResource, we will make every effort to confirm the signage provided is compliant at the time of installation. 11'41 10 Won 115/8" FORMING TRIM SIZE ARE PRODUCT (OPY WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND O,SignResource ED L]'f 1'I'Y GROUT' 6135 District Bbd • Maywood, CA 902]0 800.423.4283 • Fax 323.560 7143 website: w» w.signresource.wra 111,4311113 1 1 SECOND SURFACE DECORATION Weiphh and Meosmes requirememswry by Saba, County and Munitipalify. It is me rxpondbillry Of the Mamr to aanhrm NO Ihase groph is ate canpliam wNh all hal RepulaNans, SmNces and Ordinances, Corny onry must be anfrmed by He party obtaining the permit. Si neesuorze knot liable for mshtmpmlo8on f hal Weights and Measures ieguiremems or I anymla ohwpesd may occur abortion on has hoer placed. If pan Ging and imtalhNon is pounded by SignRewune, as roll makee Aft to 'ad. Ne avage mooed is compliantot thefimeot iosallahon. GENERAL NOTES I TOLERANCE ( UNLESS NOTED) SIDE VIEW •GRAPHICS+/-1/0'•FACE SIZE +1/16"-W' •CABINET +/- I/B' • VINYL OVERLAP + 1/8'+/ 1A 6- • ALL COPY LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING DISTANCE 25' TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PALS COLOR CALIOI T INDICATES USE OF SPRAYIATMIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WITHOUF ECN. 5. ALL ELECTRICAL SIGNS TO COMPLYWRN UL 40 11 4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE axon: mon JM.SAN(HEZ ARCO BP TWO TIER - VARIOUS DETAIL B SECTION A -A DETAIL A DETAIL A ALUMINUM ANGLE WITH FOAM STRIPPOLY (Sides only) `FACE DETAIL B PAlll UW31 FRONT VIEW LED PART# (1 Z) 1 ARPWM06W 1 -SS Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphicsare compliant with all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the parry obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installation is provided by SignResource, we will make every effort to confirm the signage provided is compliant at the time of installation. PRODUCTCOPY OSign-Resource WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND I o c .v T T T v c 11 o 1 P Tylmlmdod 6135 District BNE • M. v .d. U 90270 600.4d3.4283•fix 323.S60.]i <3 Web23 283 F 323. 60,714 REVISION HISTORY - nn nn Of I D 1M.S annwxms®1mN SECOND SURFACE DECORATION 1 I WeigHis and Measoles repuiremenKwry by 9ote, County and Muniupoliry. It is Ate sapomihiliry of Are myoma m meorm Ihot 10 1/f and Amp lues. mmpplionYwHh all local ReOolofio s, StaNe I15/B° andining 9persit.ornrymusk ableby Ae rry FORMING rhmininp Atepmmit.SigWeightsan not liable a AREA TRIM SIZE anymmpmloAon oft may ow and Heorder as own annul any rowandoof thongers thatmayroar Nteotdmhosham plamd. if prow and ioWloAR) is agra d by w agd is s sonsp ai will moYaereq eflml Nmnfilm Me sigrmAa Wow ad ismmplirnl of hit. irstahokDa GENERAL NOTES IJOLERANCE (UNLESS NOTED) SIDE VIEW • GRAPHICS +/-1/r-FACE SIZE +1/16"-'/i -CABINET +/-1/8' • VINYLOVERIAP+1/11'+/1/16' •ALLCOPY IEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING DISTANCE 25' TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PMS COLOR CALIOUT INDICATES USE OF SPRAYIATMIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVIATION OR NATERIMSUBSTTCUTION WOHOUT ECN, 5. ALL ELECTRICALS iNSTO COMPLYWNN UL 48 1' X 4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE arm, meaxn JM.SANCHEZ ARCO BP TWO TIER - VARIOUS DETAIL B SECTION A -A DETAIL A 5/8" ALUMINUM ANGLE WITH FOAM STRIP POLYCARBONATE SIB" (sides only) `FACE DETAIL A DETAIL B PWM LEWS FRONT VIEW LED PART# (1 Z) 1 ARPWM06W 1 -SS Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphics are compliant with all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the party obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installation is provided by SignResource, we will make every eftori to confirm the signage provided is compliant at the time of installation. 1/4" FORMING AREA PRODUCTCOPYSig72Resource WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND # 1 D o-, r l r v G 11 o u r 6135 DIs[H[a BNtl • A.101, C 90270 ������� 0 BWnbsi .9363•Fix 323.560.7143 2n Website'283-F 3232 60. o REVISION HISTORY: pC�C��oa� A 09 019 -KMNN ��1M.5 HYIAdaF5m11UN SECOND SURFACE DECORATION 3/d Weighh and Meosurn leguii¢ments wry by $mle, County and theseopli Itis thelaponsihiliry of the mmamelkroMirm taol IM1ew gmphiaomwm IiantwiM all loml RegukNws, 5mmes 115/B" and Odinonros. Com ianry muslbe ronli.dby the't' Fan inii g the palmic. 'pnRemmw is not liable for TRIM SIZE miimlpemAan7;IN,aghhadNaamm lepuilemenna any de change mm may =I ohm He order has baso plowd. 0 p raRtag and imtallalwn is p owed by Si nRmna,.aM11 maYz eerymmyy elfml m confirm the sippoge Paw d is mmpliant at •„ $efimeot installation. GENERAL NOTES SIDE VIEW -GRAPHICS+Na4 NOTED) •GRAPHIC$+/ -1/E' FACE Siff + 1/Id'%' -CABIN ET+/ -1/8' • VINYLOW KAP +1/B'+/lp6' • ALL COPY LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING DISTANCE 251050' UNIESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. HIS COLOR CAIIOUT INDICATES USE Of SPRAYIATMIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSITFUTION WITHOUT ECN. 5. ALL ELECTRICAL SIGNS TO COMPLY WITH UL 48 1' X 4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE OmINp m -la Maw, amaoeo DOMCHE JM.SANCHEZ ARCO BP TWO TIER - VARIOUS M2 1RIOUS 09/19/2019 W* Pat LED0286 B DETAIL B SECTION A -A DETAIL A ALUMINUM ANGLE WITH FOAM STRIP POLY (Sideslonly) FACE —�— RIVET DETAIL A DETAIL B FRONT VIEW LED PART# (4) 1 ARPWM06G 1 -SS PWM LEWS Please Note: Weights and Measures requirements vary by State, County and Municipality. It is the responsibility of the customer to confirm that these graphics are compliant with all local Regulations, Statues and Ordinances. Compliancy must be confirmed by the porty obtaining the permit. SignResource is not liable for misinterpretation of local Weights and Measures requirements or any rule changes that may occur after the order has been placed. If permitting and installation is provided by SignResource, we will make every effortto confirm the signage provided is compliant Tithe time of installation. 10'/4" 115/8" FORMING AREA TRIM SIZE PROOUCTCOPYSigiZResource WHITE COPY ON GREEN TRANSLUCENT BACKGROUND # T � T; v r T 'r ) (; IT o o n 6135 DIstrIR 6NE • Maywood, CA 90270 :d 800.423.4263 •Fav 323.560J143 Website 283-F. 323.560.c"m �j REVISION HISTORY- A 10Am 9 SECOND SURFACE DECORATION Wphb aid Meomres repuiremennwry by Sete, County and Mumdare II isthe rewaahiliryafthem, bcaHrm Hot Nose Brophia om can liam ynH aC real RedoHriorn, Starnes and Ordinances, coral Iraq mus, be mdirmed by He parry obeinrog Hepaeit. Si nRanueels not liable For misenlaprelalional tical Wephts and Memores mpuiremenn ar any mM aba 1pa Hm may scar are He odor Fas bean pHcad. If pamiHlg and insNlMbn is Tended 4 Sirlborruae, near malseer�reerryy e8on romrHrm He siBreBe provided ismmplionl of HeNmeaf inrtalayen. GENERAL NOTES SIDE VIEW TOaRAXCS+/1/8'-E (UNLESS ACT •GRAPNI[S+/�1/B" • fACE SRE + I/16"'/" -CABINET +/-1/B' •VINYL OVERIAP+ 1/B"+/ 1/16" •ALL COW LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. ALL DISTANCE 25' TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PAW (DIOR CALLOUT INDICATES USE OF SPRAYIAT MIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT ECN. 5. ALL ELECTRICALSENS TO COMPLY WITH U148 1' X 4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE DOMCHE JM.SANCHEZ ARCO BP TWO TIER - VARIOUS 5/8" ALUMINUM ANGLE WITHFOAM STRIP POLY (sides)I nly) FACE —� RIVET DETAIL A DETAIL B METHOD OF SALE:0�1rgnResource WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND " r Z T, Y c R o l E' 6135 District 01W • Maywood, f 90320 ��� u IMI u 000.423.4203. Fax 323.560.2143 Website: y .signresourte.com 21/4" � REVISION HISTORY: Rn 4gWrtgur uvwrtgn 04 4 1 J.F. D. P. PRODUCT COPY: --N INITIAL DRAWING RELEASE WHITE COPY ON BLUE OPAQUE BACKGROUND v iz /r' p1m)H I M9 1/; I PARTS LIST: DETAIL B DETAIL AMIX SECOND SURFACE DECORATION 01/411 11 5/8" CREDIT gasoline CASH FORMING TRIM SIZE AREA 11 SECTION A -A FRONT VIEW REFERENCE FILE: ATYFDI IX48AOI SIDE VIEW GENERAL NOTES 1.TOLERANCE ( UNLESS NOTED) -GRAPHICS +/-l/r • FACE SIZE+ IA6"/." -CABINET +/-1/B' • VINYLOVENIAP + 1/0'+/ 1/16' •ALL COP/ LEVEL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 2. VIEWING 019ANCE 25' TO 50' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. PNS COLOR LALLOUT INDICATES USE OF SPRAYIAT MIX SYSTEM 4. NO DEVIATION OR MATERIAL SUBSTITUTION WITHOUT ECN. 5. ALL ELECTRICAL SIGNS TO COMPLYWOH UL48 BWmN 1'x4' APPROX. FORMED REPLACEMENT FACE WLR: 04118 OWIBR IIf51GM WD: uwn D4mger DOMCHE GUS P ARCO RtIIW: MAZTP 42292 CA wR: MR: 42292 04/14/2021 All signs shall be UL listed all signs will have a minimum of four screws per letter and all cabinets will have a minimum of eight screws. Wall Sign attachments stucco exterior wall Drytt exterior wall wood framed walls Concrete exterior walls metal framed walls Stucco —>: concrp*p---- .+-i stucco wo1 E wd wag '/1/4 r i C:OnL76r9 K sews ' AcA 50hVcb oOCGa[ Wal Sh1[7f I Sign homey ' Sign harm -► ? Sign home Typical 1/4x 31/2' logs TYPicai 2.inch long star lead Typlcd 1/4' Hitt) self topping screws set In per drilled e)panding concrete anchors screws ttiru drytt to metol holes, to wood studs set In per drilled holes, to WON studs concrete walls