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Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Charter Review Committee regarding any item on this agenda will be made
available for public inspection at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007 during normal business hours.
Charter Review Committee
Notice of Special Meeting Agenda
Friday, December 10, 2021, 10:00 a.m.
Location: Council Chambers Conference Room, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia
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James Helms, Jr., Chair
Sheng Chang, Vice Chair
Lee Kuo, Committee Member
Anthony Leung, Committee Member
Jagdeep Singh, Committee Member
Li Zhang, Committee Member
1. PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person)
In accordance with the Brown Act, public comments will be limited to addressing the items listed
on this Special Meeting agenda. Under the Brown Act, the Charter Review Committee is
prohibited from discussing or taking action on any item not listed on the posted agenda.
a. Special Meeting Minutes of October 29, 2021
b. Proposed Charter Amendments
No other business than the above will be considered at this meeting.
_____________________________________ Date: December 7, 2021
James Helms, Chair
Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Charter Review Committee regarding any item on this agenda will be made
available for public inspection at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007 during normal business hours.
Friday, October 29, 2021
CALL TO ORDER – Committee Chair James Helms called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. in
the Council Chambers Conference Room
PRESENT: James Helms Jr., Sheng Chang, Sudhir Agrawal, Lee Kuo, Jagdeep
Singh, and Li Zhang
ABSENT: Anthony Leung
It was the consensus of the Committee that Committee Member Anthony Leung be
excused from this meeting.
a. Special Meeting Minutes of October 14, 2021
It was moved by Committee Chair Helms, seconded by Committee Member Agrawal and
carried on roll call vote to approve the October 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes.
AYES: Committee Members Agrawal, Kuo, Singh, Zhang, Chang, and Helms
NOES: None
ABSENT: Committee Member Leung
b. Committee Meeting Schedule
Deputy City Manager Bruckner presented an overview of the Committee’s meeting
schedule, research timeline, and upcoming holiday conflicts. It was the consensus of the
Committee to go dark for the month of November to provide Committee Members
adequate time to review City charter comparisons for the ten charter cities selected by
Committee members, as well as to give staff time to prepare proposed amendments to
the charter for the Committee to review. Based on Committee Member’s availability, the
following schedule was confirmed for the remaining meetings:
Friday, December 10, 2021 at 10 a.m.
Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 10 a.m.
Friday, January 14, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Friday, January 28, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Friday, February 11, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Friday, February 25, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Friday, March 11, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Friday, March 25, 2022 at 10 a.m.
c. Ordinance No. 2352
Deputy City Manager Bruckner provided an overview of Ordinance No. 2352 and the City
Council’s reasoning for transitioning City elections from April to November.
d. Redondo Beach Decision
Deputy City Manager Bruckner provided an overview of the Redondo Beach summary
handout provided by Best Best & Krieger. Assistant City Attorney Maurer explained the
implications of the Redondo Beach decision along with the legal reasoning in the Court’s
e. Charter City Comparisons, Discussion, and Recommendations
Deputy City Manager Bruckner provided a list of California charter cities so that Committee
Members may select several cities to be used as a comparison during the review process
of Arcadia City Charter. It was further explained that staff would provide the Committee
with a summary of proposed changes to the City’s charter, along with comparable
language from the charter cities to review when the Committee returned in December.
It was moved by Committee Chair Helms, seconded by Committee Member Agrawal and
carried on roll call vote to use the cities of Big Bear Lake, Alhambra, Cypress, Irvine,
Mountain View, Newport Beach, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Temple City, and Indian Wells
as comparison.
AYES: Committee Members Agrawal, Kuo, Singh, Zhang, Chang and Helms
NOES: None
ABSENT: Committee Member Leung
Chairperson James Helms adjourned this meeting at 10:59 a.m. to Friday, December 10, 2021
at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers Conference Room.
_____________________________________ By: ________________________________
James Helms, Chairperson Michael Bruckner, Staff Liaison
As Amended
Sheng H. Chang
Sho Tay
Barbara D. Kuhn
Paul P. Cheng
Robert C. Harbicht
Tom Beck
Gary A.
Chandler Mary B.
April A. Verlato
June D. AlfordGene
Dominic Lazzaretto
Michael H.
MillerStephen P. Deitsch
I. Incorporation and Succession ....................................... 1
II. Powers of City .............................................................. 2
III. Form of Government ..................................................... 2
IV. The City Council ........................................................... 3
V. City Clerk .................................................................... 10
VI. City Manager .............................................................. 11
VII. Officers and Employees .............................................. 13
VIII. Boards and Commissions ............................................ 17
IX. Civil Service ................................................................ 21
X. Retirement ................................................................... 24
XI. Elections ...................................................................... 25
XII. Fiscal Administration .................................................. 25
XIII. Franchises .................................................................... 32
XIV. Board of Education ..................................................... 33
XV.XIV. Miscellaneous .............................................................. 35
ARTICLE I - Incorporation and Succession
Section 100. Name and Boundaries
Section 101. Rights and Liabilities of the City
Section 102. Ordinances, Codes, and Other Regulations
Section 103. Officers and Employees
Section 104. Effective Date of Charter
ARTICLE II - Powers of City
Section 200. Powers
Section 201. Intergovernmental Relations
ARTICLE III - Form of Government
Section 300. Form of Government
ARTICLE IV - The City Council
Section 400. City Council
Section 401. Eligibility
Section 402. Compensation
Section 403. Vacancies, Forfeiture of Office.
Filling of Vacancies
Section 404. Mayor - Mayor Pro Tempore
Section 405. Powers Vested in the Council
Section 406. Prohibitions
(a) Holding Other Offices
(b) Interference in Administrative Service
Section 407. Regular Meetings of the Council
Section 408. Special Meetings
Section 409. Adjourned Meetings
Section 410. Quorum
Section 411. Open Meetings. Ralph M. Brown Act
Section 412. Place of Meetings
Section 413. Proceedings
Section 414. Citizen Participation
Section 415. Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions
Section 416. Ordinances. Publication
Section 417. Adoption of Codes by Reference
Section 418. The Arcadia Municipal Code
Section 419. Ordinance. When Effective
Section 420. Publishing of Legal Notices
ARTICLE V - City Clerk
Section 500. City Clerk
Section 501. Continuation of Present City Clerk
Section 502. Eligibility
ARTICLE V - City Clerk (continued)
Section 5013. Vacancies. Forfeiture of Office.
Filling of Vacancies
Section 5034. Compensation
Section 5045. Powers and Duties
ARTICLE VI - City Manager
Section 600. City Manager. Selection and Qualifications
Section 601. City Manager. Powers and Duties
Section 602. City Manager. Meetings
Section 603. Manager Pro Tempore
ARTICLE VII - Officers and Employees
Section 700. Administrative Departments
Section 701. City Attorney. Powers and Duties
Section 702. Finance Office
Section 703. Planning Office
Section 704. Departmental AdministratorsDirectors.
Appointive Powers
Section 705. Personal Financial Interest
Section 706. Administering Oaths
Section 707. Acceptance of Other Office
Section 708. Nepotism
Section 709. Official Bonds
ARTICLE VIII - Boards and Commissions
Section 800. In General
Section 801. Appropriations
Section 802. Appointments. Terms
Section 803. Existing Boards
Section 804. Meetings. Chairmen
Section 805. Compensation. Vacancies
Section 806. Planning Commission
Section 807. General Plan
Section 808. Human Resources Commission.
Powers and Duties
Section 809. Library Board of Trustees. Powers and Duties.
ARTICLE VIII -– Boards and Commissions (continued)
Section 810. Recreation and Parks Commission.
Powers and Duties
ARTICLE IX -– Civil Service
Section 900. Existing Civil Service System
Section 901. Unclassified and Classified Service
Section 902. Appointments from Classified Service Positions
Section 903. Recruitment
Section 904. Suspension. Demotion and Dismissal
Section 905. Political Activities Prohibited
Section 906. Prohibitions. General
ARTICLE X -– Retirement
Section 1000. Public Employees Retirement System
ARTICLE XI -– Elections
Section 1100. General Municipal Elections
Section 1101. Special Municipal Elections
Section 1102. Procedure for Holding Elections
Section 1103. Initiative, Referendum, and Recall
ARTICLE XII -– Fiscal Administration
Section 1200. Fiscal Year
Section 1201. Submission of Budget and Budget Message
Section 1202. Budget
Section 1203. Capital Program
Section 1204. Council Action on Budget
Section 1205. Council Action on Capital Program
Section 1206. Public Records
Section 1207. Amendments After Adoption
Section 1208. Lapse of Appropriations
Section 1209. Tax Limits
Section 1210. Tax Procedure
Section 1211. Bonded Debt Limit
ARTICLE XII -– Fiscal Administration
Section 1212. Contracts on Public Works
Section 1213. Cash Basis Fund
Section 1214. Presentation and Audit of Demands
Section 1215. Registering Warrants
Section 1216. Claims Against the City
Section 1217. Independent Audit
ARTICLE XIII -– Franchises
Section 1300. Granting of Franchises
Section 1301. Terms of Franchise
Section 1302. Eminent Domain
Section 1303. Procedure for Granting Franchises
ARTICLE XIV - Board of Education
Section 1400. Establishment of a Board of Education
Section 1401. Term of Office
Section 1402. Election
Section 1403. Meetings
Section 1404. Board Secretary
Section 1405. General Law Applicable
ARTICLE XV - Miscellaneous
Section 1500. Definitions
Section 1501. Violations
Section 1502. Validity
We, the People of the City of Arcadia, State of California, do
ordain and establish this Charter as the organic law of the City under
the Constitution of the State.
Section 100. NAME AND BOUNDARIES. The City of
Arcadia, hereinafter termed the City, shall continue to be a municipal
corporation under its present name, “City of Arcadia.” The boundaries of
the City shall be as established at the time this Charter takes effect, or as
they may be changed thereafter in the manner authorized by law.
The City shall continue to own, possess, and control all rights and
property of every kind and nature owned, possessed, or controlled by it
at the time this Charter takes effect and shall be subject to all its debts,
obligations, liabilities, and contracts.
REGULATIONS. All ordinances, codes, resolutions, regulations, or
portions thereof, in force at the time this Charter takes effect, and not in
conflict or inconsistent herewith, shall continue in force until they shall
have been duly repealed, amended, changed, or superseded by proper
Section 103. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. Subject to the
provisions of this Charter, the present officers and employees shall
continue to perform the duties of their respective offices and employments
without interruption and for the same compensations and under the same
conditions until the election or appointment and qualification of their
successors and subject to such removal and control as herein provided.
Charter shall take effect upon its approval by the Legislature of the State
of California and any amendment hereto shall be effective when filed
pursuant to the California Constitution..
Section 200. POWERS. The City shall have the power to
make and enforce all laws and regulations in respect to municipal affairs,
subject only to such restrictions and limitations as may be provided in
this Charter and in the Constitution of the state of California. It shall also
have the power to exercise any and all rights, powers, and privileges
heretofore or hereafter established, granted or prescribed by any law of the
State, by this Charter, or by other lawful authority, or which a municipal
corporation might or could exercise under the Constitution of the State
of California. The enumeration in this Charter of any particular power,
duty, or procedure shall not be held to be exclusive of, or any limitation
or restriction upon, this general grant of power. The City shall have the
power and may act pursuant to procedure established by ordinance or
any law of the State.
The City may exercise any of its powers or perform any of its functions
jointly, or in cooperation, by contract or otherwise, with any one or more
cities, counties, states, or civil divisions or agencies thereof, or the
United States or any agency thereof.
Section 300. FORM OF GOVERNMENT. The municipal
government established by this Charter shall be known as the “Council-
Manager” form of government.
Section 400. CITY CO UNCIL. The City Council,
hereinafter termed “Council,” shall consist of five Councilmembers
each representing a respective district within the City and elected to
office from the City at large in the manner provided in this Charter.
The term of office shall be four years. Alternatively, and successively,
three four-year terms shall be filled at one general municipal election and
two four-year terms at the next such election, consistent with the
sequence of terms of Councilmembers existing on the effective date
hereof. The term of a Councilmember shall commence on the first
Tuesday following certification of theirhis election and theyhe
shall serve until theirhis successor qualifies. Any ties in voting shall be
settled by the casting of lots.
Each Councilmember in office at the time this Charter takes
effect shall continue in office until the end of the term for which theyhe
was were elected under the previous charterCharter; an appointed
Councilmember shall continue in office during such time as hereinafter
Section 401. ELIGIBILITY. No person shall be eligible to
hold the office of Councilmember unless that person shall reside in the
City, shall be a resident of the district from which the Councilmember is
elected or appointed, and shall be a registered voter of the City when
nomination papers are issued. A Councilmember who has been elected
or appointed for two consecutive four-year terms, excluding part or all
of any unexpired term, shall not be eligible to hold the office of
Councilmember again until two years after expiration of the second
consecutive term, regardless of redistricting. This section shall apply to
Councilmembers holding office on the effective date of this Charter.
Section 402. COMPENSATION. The members of the City
Council shall receive no other compensation for their services, except as
provided for below:
(a) The members of the City Council shall receive
compensation in the amount of $XXX.XX each month;
(b) Notwithstanding the amount provided for in paragraph (a) of
this section, the compensation received by the members of the City
Council and Mayor shall be automatically increased effective July 1 of
each year, in an amount equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index
(CPI) for the twelve month period immediately preceding July 1. As used
in this section, the CPI shall be the index for All Urban Consumers for the
Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim Metropolitan Area (All items),
provided by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics or other
comparable index as may be developed to take its place;
(c) The members of the City Council and Mayor shall receive
medical, dental, health, and other benefits of employment paid for by the
City, provided these benefits are routinely and customarily available and
paid for by the City to City miscellaneous employees. The members of the
City Council and Mayor shall receive reimbursement and allowance for
travel and for other expenses related to their fulfilling their official duties
and the holding of public office upon the same terms and conditions
applicable to City departmental directors. The sums received pursuant to
this paragraph shall not be included for purposes of determining monthly
compensation under paragraph (a) of this section.Compensation for
Councilmembers is hereby set, and from time to time shall be changed, in
accordance with the schedule applicable to the City of Arcadia set forth in
the provisions of the Government Code relating to salaries of
councilmembers in general law cities. Such compensation may be
increased or decreased by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters
voting on the proposition at any election.
(a) A vacancy shall exist on the Council, and shall be declared
by the Council, if a Councilmember resigns, is legally removed other
than by recall, dies, or forfeits his their office.
(b) A Councilmember shall forfeit his their office if theyhe (1)
lacks at any time while holding office any qualification for election
prescribed by this Charter or by law, (2) violates any provision of this
Charter, (3) is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, (4) without
consent of the Council is absent from all regular Council meetings for
a period of sixty consecutive days and the first regular meeting
thereafter, said period to be computed from the last regular Council
meeting they he attends,
(c)(b) (5) or accepts or retains any other elective public office.
A declaration by the Council of a vacancy resulting from forfeiture of
office shall be subject to judicial review, provided that within two
weeks after such declaration an appropriate action, or proceeding, for
review is filed in a court having jurisdiction of the action or proceeding.
During the pendency of any such action or proceeding, anyone
appointed by the Council to fill such vacancy shall have all the rights,
duties, and powers of a Councilmember, and continue in such office
as provided herein unless and until said court rules the declaration of
the Council invalid and such ruling has become final.
(d)(c) Any vacancy on the Council shall be filled by a majority
vote of the remaining Councilmembers within thirty sixty days after the
vacancy occurs. If more than one vacancy exists, successive
appointments shall be made, and each appointee shall participate in any
succeeding appointment. If the Council fails, for any reason, to fill such
vacancy within said thirty-day period, it shall forthwith call an election
for the earliest possible date to fill such vacancy. A person appointed
by the Council to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next general
municipal election and until theirhis successor qualifies; provided upon
the occurrence of a second vacancy more than one year prior to the
next general municipal election at a time an appointee is holding office,
a special election shall be held forthwith to fill any vacancy and any office
held by an appointee. At said election, Councilmembers shall be elected
to serve for the remainder of the unexpired terms. A Councilmember
elected to fill a vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the
unexpired term.
(e)(d) The Council shall provide by ordinance or resolution for
the continuity of the Council in the event that five vacancies
simultaneously exist on the Council. If less than a quorum of Council
seats are filled, the remaining Councilmembers may meet and take action
to consider, deliberate on, and make appointments until a quorum is
Section 404. MAYOR - MAYOR PRO TEMPORE. By the
affirmative votes of not less than three Councilmembers, the Council
shall elect one of its members as Mayor, and one of its members as
Mayor Pro Tempore, upon the following occasions:
(a) In even-numbered years, at the regular Council meeting held
for the purpose of canvassing the results of the general municipal
election; and
(b) In odd-numbered years, at the second second regular
Council meeting held during the month of AprilDecember; or
(c) Aat such other times as a majority of the Council shall so order. The
Council may, by ordinance or resolution, establish a procedure for the
selection of, or for the succession of, the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem.
The Mayor shall preside at Council meetings;. He shall be the
chief official of the City for all ceremonial purposes; and. He shall
perform such other duties consistent with his the office as may be
prescribed by the Council. The Mayor Pro Tempore shall perform the
duties of the Mayor during his their absence or disability.
Both the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore shall have a voice and
a vote in all proceedings of the Council.
All powers of the City shall be vested in the Council except as otherwise
provided in this Charter.
Section 406. PROHIBITIONS.
No Councilmember shall hold any other City office or City employment,
and no former Councilmember shall hold any compensated City
office or City employment until two years after leaving the office of
(b) Neither the Council nor any of its members shall interfere
with the execution by the City Manager of his theirthe City Manager’s
powers and duties, or order, directly or indirectly, the appointment by the
City Manager or by any of the departmental officers in the administrative
service of the City, of
any person to an office or employment or theirhis removal therefrom.
Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Council and its members shall deal
with the administrative service under the City Manager solely through the
City Manager, and neither the Council nor any member thereof shall give
orders to any subordinates of the City Manager, either publicly or
The Council shall hold regular meetings at least twice each month at
such times as it shall fix by ordinance or resolution. At any time a regular
meeting falls on a holiday, such meeting shall be held on the day
designated by motion of the City Council.
Section 408. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings may
be called at any time by the Mayor or by three members of the Council
by delivering, personally or by mail, written notice to each
Councilmember and to each local newspaper of general circulation,
radio, and television station requesting notice in writing. Such notice
must be delivered personally or by mail at least twenty-four hours before
the time of such meeting as specified in the notice. The call and notice
shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business
to be transacted. No other business shall be considered at such meeting.
Such written notice may be dispensed with as to any Councilmember
who at or prior to the time the meeting convenes files with the Clerk a
written waiver of notice. Such waiver may be given by telegram. Such
written notice may also be dispensed with as to any Councilmember who
is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes. Notice of special
meetings shall be given in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act,
commencing with Section 54950 of the Government Code
Section 409. ADJOURNED MEETINGS. Any regular,
adjourned regular, special, or adjourned special meeting may be
adjourned to a time and place specified in the order of adjournment. Any
adjourned regular meeting is a regular meeting for all purposes.
Section 410. QUORUM. Subject to other provisions of this
Charter, three Councilmembers shall constitute a quorum to do business,
but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time or compel the attendance
of other councilmembers Councilmembers in such a manner and under
such penalties as the Council may have provided.
ACT. All meetings of the Council shall be open to the public, provided
the Council may adjourn to an executive session as provided by law. The
provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, commencing with Section 54950
of the Government Code, shall apply to all meetings of the Council.
Section 412. PLACE OF MEETINGS. All Council meetings
shall be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, or in a place
to which any meeting may be adjourned. If, by reason of fire, flood,
or other emergency, it shall be unsafe to meet in the Council Chamber,
the meetings may be held for the duration of the emergency at a place
designated by the Mayor, or if he theythe Mayor should fail to act, by
three members of the Council. A Council meeting may be held at, or
adjourned to, a publicly accessible telephonic or electronic location.
Section 413. PROCEEDINGS. The Council shall cause the
City Clerk to keep a correct record of all its proceedings. The Council
may establish rules for the conduct of its proceedings. It may evict any
member or other person for disorderly conduct at any of its meetings.
Each member of the Council shall have the power to administer oaths
and affirmations in any proceeding pending before the Council. The
Council shall have the power to compel the attendance of witnesses, to
examine them under oath, and to compel the production of evidence
before it. Subpoenas shall be issued in the name of the City, signed by
the Mayor, and be attested by the City Clerk. Disobedience of such
subpoenas, or the refusal to testify, shall constitute a misdemeanor; the
Mayor shall report such disobedience to a judge of the Superior Court
for further proceedings under the provisions of the Government Code.
Upon adoption of any ordinance, resolution, or order for
payment of money, or upon the demand of any member, the City Clerk
shall call the roll and shall cause the ayes and noes taken on the question
to be entered in the minutes of the meeting. The electronic casting of ayes
and noes may be conducted in lieu of a roll call vote.
Section 414. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Any citizen,
personally or through counsel, shall have the right to present grievances
at any regular meeting of the Council regarding any matter that is
within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council, or offer suggestions
for the betterment of municipal affairs.
RESOLUTIONS. With the exception of ordinances which take effect
upon adoption, referred to in this Article, no ordinance shall be adopted
by the Council on the day of its introduction, nor within five days
thereafter, nor at any time other than at a regular or adjourned regular
meeting. At the time of its introduction an ordinance shall become a
part of the proceedings of such meeting in the custody of the City Clerk.
At the time of adoption of an ordinance or resolution it shall not be read
in full, unless after the reading of the title thereof, the further reading
thereof is waivedreading in full is requested by unanimous consent of a
majority of the Councilmembers present and voting. In the event that any
ordinance is altered after is introduction, it shall not be finally adopted
except at a meeting held not less than five days after the date upon which
such ordinance was altered. Correction of a typographical or clerical
error shall not constitute an alteration within the meaning of the
foregoing sentence.
Unless otherwise required by this Charter, the affirmative votes
of at least three Councilmembers shall be required for the enactment of
any ordinance or resolution, or for the making or approving of any order
for the payment of money.
All ordinance and resolutions shall be signed by the Mayor and
attested by the City Clerk.
EMERGENCY ORDINANCES. Any ordinance declared by
the Council to be necessary as an emergency measure for preserving the
public peace, health, or safety and containing a statement of the reasons
for its urgency, may be introduced and adopted at one and the same
meeting if it is read in full and passed by at least four affirmative votes
or, if less than four Councilmembers are present, then by unanimous vote
of the Councilmembers present. Reading in full can be waived by the
affirmative vote of four (4) Councilmembers.
Clerk shall cause each ordinance to be published at least once in the
official newspaper within fifteen days after its adoption; provided,
however, that when an ordinance solely pertains to the municipal affairs
of the City, except as otherwise provided by this Charter or by ordinance
of the Council, the City Clerk may post the ordinance in at least three
public places in the City as designated by the Council and posted on the
City’s online presence in lieu of such publication. .
Detailed regulations, pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be published in the
manner required for other ordinances., but not less than three copies
thereof shall be filed for use and examination by the public in the office
of the City Clerk, prior to the adoption thereof. Subsequent amendments
to sections of such code shall be enacted in the same manner as herein
required for the enactment of ordinances. A copyCopies of any adopted
code of regulations shall be made available for inspection in the City
Clerk’s Office or available for purchase at a reasonable price.
Arcadia Municipal Code may be amended, repealed, or added to in
whole or in part by ordinance. Said Code may be rearranged and
renumbered and thereupon adopted by reference in the same manner as
set forth in Section 417, above.
ordinance shall become effective on the thirty-first day after its adoption,
or at any later date specified therein, except the following, which shall
take effect upon adoption:
(a) An ordinance calling or otherwise relating to an election.
(b) An improvement proceeding ordinance adopted under some
law or procedural ordinance.
(c) An ordinance declaring the amount of money necessary to
be raised by taxation, fixing the rate of taxation, levying the annual tax
upon property, or levying any other tax.
(d) An emergency ordinance adopted in the manner provided
for in this Charter.
The publication of legal notices or other matters solely pertaining to the
municipal affairs of the City, except as otherwise provided in this Charter
or by ordinance of the Council, may be accomplished by (1) posting copies
thereof at three or more public places in the City as designated by the
Council and posted on the City’s website or; (2) publishing thereof in the
official newspaper.
The publication of legal notices or other matters that do not solely
pertain to the municipal affairs of the City shall be published in a manner
consistent with applicable law.
The newspaper with which the Council contracts for publication of
legal notices shall be deemed the official newspaper.
event that there is more than one newspaper of general circulation in the
City, the Council, annually, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year,
shall solicit bids and contract for the publication of all legal notices
or other matter required to be published in a newspaper of general
circulation, during the ensuing fiscal year. If there is only one newspaper
of general circulation in the City, then the Council shall have the power
to contract with such newspaper for the publishing of such legal notices
and other matter without soliciting bids therefor. If the City has a contract
with a newspaper of general circulation in the City, it shall be deemed
to be the official newspaper.
If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the City, or if
such a newspaper will not contract with the City at rates which do not
exceed those charged private persons, and the Council has not designated
an official newspaper, then such notices and other matter, and notices
required to be published in the official newspaper, shall be published by
posting copies thereof at three or more public places in the City as
designated by the Council.
No defect or irregularity in proceedings taken under this
section, or failure to designate an official newspaper, shall invalidate
any publication where the same is otherwise in conformity with this
Charter or law.
Section 500. CITY CLERK. There shall be a City Clerk
who shall be elected at-large for a term of four years. The term of the
City Clerk shall commence on the first Tuesday following certification
of their election, and shall serve until their successor qualifies. ,
commencing on the first Tuesday following his election, and who shall
serve until his successor qualifies.
CLERK. The City Clerk in office at the time this Charter takes effect,
or his successor, shall continue in office during the term which
commenced April 16, 1968, and shall serve until his successor qualifies.
Section 5012. ELIGIBILITY. No person shall be eligible to
hold the office of City Clerk unless they arehe is a legally registered
voter and resident of the City. The City Clerk shall engage in no other
business or occupation except as may be permitted by the affirmative
vote of four members of the Council.
FILLING OF VACANCIES. The provisions of Section 403,
subdivisions (a) and (b) hereof, relating to vacancies on the Council,
shall apply to the office of City Clerk in the same manner as they apply
to the office of Councilmember. After declaring a vacancy, the Council by
a majority vote of its members shall fill such vacancy by appointment.
Said appointee shall serve until the expiration of the unexpired term or
until the next municipal election, whichever shall first occur. At said
election a clerk shall be elected to serve for the remainder of any
unexpired term.
Section 5034. COMPENSATION. Compensation for the City
Clerk shall be set by resolution or ordinance.
Section 5045. POWERS AND DUTIES. The City Clerk shall:
(a) Attend all meetings of the Council and be responsible for
the recording and maintaining of a full and true record of all of the
proceedings of the Council. in books that shall bear appropriate titles and
be devoted to such purpose.
(b) Maintain separate booksfiles, in which shall be recorded
respectively all ordinances and resolutions, with the certificate of the
Clerk annexed to each document stating that said document is the original
or a correct copy, and with respect to an ordinance, stating that said
ordinance has been published or posted in accordance with this Charter;
all of said books files shall be properly indexed and open to public
inspection when not in actual use.
(c) Maintain separate booksfiles, in which a record shall be made
of all written contracts and official bonds.
(d) Be the custodian of the seal of the City.
(e) Administer oaths or affirmations, take affidavits and
depositions pertaining to the affairs and business of the City and certify
copies of official records.
(f) Be the City Assessor, if the Council so requires.
(g) Sign all checks, except payroll checks.
(h) Conduct all City elections
(i) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the
QUALIFICATIONS. There shall be a City Manager who shall be the
chief administrative officer of the City. The Council shall appoint, by
not less than four votes, the person who it believes to be best qualified
on the basis of theirhis executive and administrative qualifications, with
special reference to theirhis experience in and his their knowledge of
accepted practice in respect to the duties of the office as set forth in this
The City Manager shall engage in no other business or
occupation except as may be permitted by the affirmative vote of four
members of the Council.
REMOVAL OF CITY MANAGER. The affirmative vote of a
majority of the members of the Council shall be required to remove the
City Manager from office, provided the City Manager shall not be
removed by the Council within 135 days after a councilmanic
Councilmanic election, except by the unanimous vote of the entire
The City Manager shall be responsible to the Council for the proper
administration of all affairs of the City. Without limiting the foregoing
general grant of powers, responsibilities, and duties, the City Manager,
subject to the provisions of this Charter and any regulations adopted
pursuant thereto, shall:
(a) Appoint and remove administrative officers, except those
appointed by the Council; and when he deems it necessary for the good
of the service, suspend or remove any employee.
(b) Direct and supervise the administration of all departments,
offices, and agencies of the City.
(c) Prepare and submit the annual budget and capital program
to the Council, and be responsible for administration of the annual
budget and capital program after its adoption.
(d) Prepare and submit to the Council as of the end of the fiscal
year a comprehensive report on the finances and administrative activities
of the City for the preceding year.
(e) Make such other reports as the Council may require
concerning the operations of City departments, offices, and agencies
subject to his theirthe City Manager’s direction and supervision.
(f) Keep the Council advised of the financial condition and
future needs of the City and make such recommendations as may seem
to him desirable.
(g) Prepare rules and regulations governing the contracting for,
purchasing, storing, distribution, and disposal of, all supplies, materials,
and equipment required by any office department, or agency of the City
government and recommend them to the Council for adoption.
(h) See that all laws, provisions of this Charter, and acts of the
Council, subject to enforcement by him or by officers subject to his
their direction and supervision, are faithfully executed.
(i) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the
Section 602. CITY MANAGER. MEETINGS. The City
Manager shall be accorded a seat at the Council table and at all meetings
of boards and commissions and shall be entitled to participate in their
deliberations, but shall not have a vote.
Section 603. MANAGER PRO TEMPORE. The City
Manager shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Council, one of the
other officers of the City to serve as Manager Pro Tempore during any
temporary absence or disability of the City Manager. During such
absence or disability, the Council may revoke such designation at any
time and appoint another office of the City to serve until the City
Manager shall return of hisor their disability shall cease.
(a) Creation of Departments. The Council may establish City
departments, offices, or agencies in addition to those created by this
Charter and may prescribe the functions of all departments, offices, and
agencies, except that no function assigned by this Charter to a particular
department, office, or agency may be discontinued or, unless this
Charter specifically so provides, assigned to any other.
(b) Direction by City Manager. Except as otherwise provided by
this Charter, all departments, offices, and agencies under the direction
and supervision of the City Manager shall be administered by an officer
appointed by and subject to the direction and supervision of the
Manager. With the consent of the Council, the Manager may serve as the
departmental administrator director of one or more such departments,
offices or agencies or may appoint one person as the departmental
administrator director of two or more of them.
(c) Not inconsistent with this Charter, the Council may provide
for the number, titles, qualifications, powers, duties, and compensation
of all officers and employees.
(d) Merit Principle. All appointments and promotions of City
officers and employees shall be made solely on the basis of merit and
fitness demonstrated by examination of other evidence of competence.
There shall be a City Attorney who shall be appointed and subject to
removal by a majority vote of the entire Council. Under the administrative
direction of the City Manager, he they shall serve as chief legal adviser to
the Council, the City Manager, and all City departments, offices, and
agencies; he they shall represent the City in all legal proceedings and
shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
To become eligible for City Attorney, the person appointed shall
be an attorney-at-law duly licensed as such under the laws of the State
of California, and shall have been engaged in the practice of law for at
least two years prior to his appointment.
Section 702. FINANCE OFFICE. The City Manager shall
appoint an individual responsible for the Finance Office who shall:
(a) Have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of
the City under the direction of the City Manager.
(b) Compile the budget expense and income estimates and supply
data for the capital program as requested by the City Manager.
(c) Maintain a general accounting system for the City government
and each of its offices, departments, and agencies.
(d) Supervise and be responsible for the disbursement of all
moneys and have control of all expenditures to ensure that budget
appropriations are not exceeded; audit all purchase orders before
issuance; audit and approve before payment, all bills, invoices, payrolls,
demands, or charges against the City government and, with the advice of
the City Attorney, when necessary, determine the regularity, legality, and
correctness of such claims, demands, or charges.
(e) Supervise the collection, receipt, and the deposit of all
moneys payable to the City in a depository designated by the Council or
by the City Manager or theirhis designee, if the Council has not acted, and
in compliance with all applicable laws.
(f) Submit to the Council through the City Manager a monthly
statement of all receipts and disbursements in sufficient detail to show
the exact financial condition of the City; and, as of the end of each fiscal
year, submit a complete financial statement and report.
(g) Supervise the keeping of current inventories of all property
of the City by all City departments, offices, and agencies.
(h) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the
TREASURER. There shall be a Treasurer in the Finance Office
who shall be appointed and may be removed by the Director of
Administrative Services subject to the approval of the City Manager. The
Treasurer shall perform those duties required by law, assigned by the
Director of Administrative Services, and those provided by ordinance or
Section 703. PLANNING OFFICE. The City Manager shall
appoint an individual responsible for the Planning Office who shall:
(a) Advise the City Manager on any matter affecting the physical
development of the City.
(b) Formulate and recommend to the City Manager a general
plan and modifications thereof.
(c) Review and make recommendations regarding proposed
Council action implementing the general plan.
(d) Participate in the preparation and revision of the capital
(e) Advise the City Planning Commission in the exercise of its
responsibilities and in connection therewith provide necessary staff
(f) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the
CouncilCity Manager.
APPOINTIVE POWERS. Each departmental administrator directors
shall have the power to appoint, supervise, suspend, or remove such
assistants, deputies, subordinates, and employees as are provided for by
the Council for his their department, subject to approval of the City
Manager and subject to the civil service provisions of this Charter and the
rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.
Except as permitted by the Governmental Code, any City officer or
employee who has a financial interest in any contract with the City or in
the sale of any land, materials, supplies, or services to the City or to a
contractor supplying the City shall make known that interest and shall
refrain from voting upon or otherwise participating in his their capacity
as a City officer or employee in the making of such sale or in the
making or performance of such contract. Any City officer or employee
who willfully conceals such a financial interest or willfully violates the
requirements of this section shall be guilty of malfeasance in office or
position and shall forfeit his their office or position. Violation of this
section with the knowledge, express or implied, of the person or
corporation contracting with or making a sale to the City shall render the
contract or sale voidable by the City Manager or the Council.
Each departmental administrator director and such of hisor their
deputies as theyhe may designate shall have the power to administer
oaths and affirmations in connection with any official business
pertaining to theirhis department.
administrative officer or any employee of the City who shall accept or
retain any elective public office of the City of Arcadia shall be deemed
thereby to have resigned from theirhis office or employment under the
City government.
Section 708. NEPOTISM. The Council shall not appoint to
a salaried position in the City government any person who is a relative
by blood or marriage within the third degree of any member of the
Council, nor shall any administrative officer or other officer having
appointive power appoint any relative of theirs his within such degree
to any such position.
Section 709. OFFICIAL BONDS. The Council shall fix by
ordinance or resolution the amounts and terms of the official bonds of all
officers or employees who are required by ordinance or resolution to
give such bonds. All bonds shall be executed by a responsible corporate
surety, shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney, and shall be
filed with the City Clerk. Premiums on official bonds shall be paid by
the City.
There shall be no personal liability upon, or any right to recover
against, a superior officer, or theirhis bond, for any wrongful act or omission
of his their subordinate, unless such superior officer was a party to, or
conspired in, such wrongful act or omission.
Section 800. IN GENERAL. There shall be the following
boards and commissions which shall have the powers and duties set forth
in this Charter and by ordinance not inconsistent with this Charter:
Planning Commission
Human Resources Commission
Library Board of Trustees
Recreation and Parks Commission
In addition, the Council may create by ordinance such other
boards or commissions as in its judgment are required and may grant to
them such powers and duties as are not inconsistent with the provisions
of this Charter.
Section 801. APPROPRIATIONS. The Council shall
include in its annual budget such appropriations of funds as the Council
shall determine to be sufficient for the efficient and proper functioning
of boards and commissions.
Section 802. APPOINTMENTS. TERMS. The number of
members of boards and commissions shall be specified by the Council.
Except as hereafter provided, each member of each board or commission
shall be appointed for a term of four years and shall serve until his
their successor qualifies; theyhe shall be subject to removal by motion
of the Council adopted by at least three affirmative votes. In the
event an incumbent is removed or otherwise vacates his their office, his
their successor shall be appointed for the unexpired term of said office.
The members thereof shall be appointed from the legally registered voters
of the City, and shall not hold any other City office or employment.
A member who has held office on the same board or commission
for two consecutive four-year terms, excluding part or all of an
unexpired term, shall not be eligible to hold office on such board or
commission until two years after the expiration of the second
consecutive term.
Section 803. EXISTING BOARDS. The members of the
boards and commissions holding office when this Charter takes effect
shall continue to hold office thereafter until their respective terms of
office shall expire and until their successors are appointed and qualify.
As soon as practicable, following the first day of July of every year, each
of such boards and commissions shall organize by electing one of its
members as presiding officer, and another as chairman chairperson pro
tempore, to serve at the pleasure of such board or commission. Each
board or commission shall hold regular meetings as the Council may
require, and such special meetings as otherwise may be necessary. The
provisions of Section 411 hereof, relating to the Ralph M. Brown Act,
shall apply to all meetings of boards and commissions and, subject to the
provisions of said Act, all meetings shall be open to the public.
The affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum of such board
or commission shall be necessary for it to take any action.
The City Manager may designate a City employee for the
recording of minutes for each of such boards and commissions, who
shall keep a record of its proceedings and transactions. Each board or
commission may prescribe its own procedures and rules of operation
which shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk where they shall
be available for public inspection.
members of boards and commissions shall serve without compensation
for their services as such, but may receive reimbursement for necessary
traveling and other expenses incurred on official duty when such
expenditures have received authorization by the Council.
Any vacancies in any board or commission, from whatever
cause arising, shall be filled by appointment by the Council. Upon a
vacancy occurring leaving an unexpired portion of a term, any
appointment to fill such vacancy shall be for the unexpired portion of
such term.
If a member of a board or commission is absent from three
consecutive regular meetings of such board or commission, unless by
permission of such board or commission expressed in its official minutes;
is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude; ceases to be a legally
registered voter of the City; or files or causes to be filed nomination
papers with the City Clerk for elective City office, his their office
shall become vacant and shall be so declared by the Council.
Section 806. PLANNING COMMISSION. There shall be
a City Planning Commission which shall make recommendations to the
City Manager and the Council on all matters affecting the physical
development of the City, shall be consulted on the general plan and the
implementation thereof, and shall perform such other duties as may be
prescribed by the Council.
Section 807. GENERAL PLAN.
(a) Content. The Council shall adopt, and may from time to
time modify, a general plan setting forth in graphic and textual form
policies poli- cies to govern the future physical development of the
City. Such plan may cover the entire City and all of its functions and
services or may consist of a combination of plans governing specific
functions and services or specific geographic areas which together cover
the entire City and all of its functions and services.
(b) Effect. The general plan shall serve as a guide to all future
Council action concerning land use, development regulations, and
expenditures for capital improvements.
(b)(c) Land Use Policies. Land use policies and regulations of
zoning and development standards, including but not limited to policies
contained within the General Plan, are municipal affairs and this Charter
shall prevail over state statutes regulating land use within the City. The
City Council shall have plenary authority over land use policies and
regulation of zoning and development standards.
POWERS AND DUTIES. There shall be a Human Resources
Commission which shall:
(a) Recommend to the Council, after a public hearing thereon,
the adoption, amendment, or repeal of civil service rules and regulations.
(b) Act in an advisory capacity to the Council on problems
concerning personnel administration.
(c)(a) Hear appeals of any person in the Classified Service
relative to any suspension, demotion, or dismissal.
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable
concerning the administration of personnel in the municipal service and
report its findings to the Council and City Manager.
(e)(b) Perform such other Human Resources and personnel related
duties as may be prescribed by the City Council.
(f)(c) Have the authority to issue subpoenas under penalty of
POWERS AND DUTIES. There shall be a Library Board of Trustees
which shall:
(a) Administer and operate the City libraries.
(b) Establish and enforce such by-laws, procedures, and rules of
operation as may be necessary for, and make all purchases and other
contracts in connection with, the administration, government, and
protection of the City libraries and shall designate its own Secretary.
(c) Appoint and remove the Librarian, who shall be the
departmental administratordirector, and pass upon and approve all
proposed appointments and removals by the Librarian.
(d) Subject to the approval of the CouncilAs established by
resolution or ordinance of the City Council, accept money, personal
property, or real estate donated to the City for library purposes.
(e) Subject to the approval of the Council, contract with
schools, county, or other governmental agencies to render or receive
library services or facilities.
POWERS AND DUTIES. There shall be a Recreation and Parks
Commission which shall:
(a) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters
pertaining to community recreation and parks.
(b) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the
To the extent that existing Civil Service ordinances and rules and
regulations of the City are not in conflict with this Charter, they are
continued in full force and effect, and to the extent that they are in
conflict they are hereby repealed.
SERVICE. The Civil Service of the City shall be divided into the
Unclassified and the Classified Service.
(a) The Unclassified Service shall comprise the following
officers and positions:
1. Councilmember.
2. City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, Chief of Police,
and Fire Chief. Assistants, deputies, management and
clerical and stenographic employees authorized for said
departmental administrators directors and designated by
the Council to be in the Unclassified Service.
3. All other departmental administratorsdirectors.
4. City Manager Pro Tempore.
5. Human Resources ManagerAdministrator.
6. The City Librarian.
7. All members of boards and commissions.
8. Positions in any class or grade created for a special or
temporary purpose and for a period of not exceeding
one hundred eighty days in any one calendar year.
9. Persons employed to render professional, scientific,
technical, or expert service of an occasional and
exceptional character.
10. Part-time employees.
(b) The Classified Service shall comprise all positions not
specifically included by this section in the Unclassified Service.
SERVICE POSITIONS. In the event an employee of the City holding
a position in the Classified Service is appointed to a position in the
Unclassified Service, and should thereafter within one year be removed
or resign therefrom, he they shall revert to his former position in the
Classified Service upon the same terms and conditions as if he they
had remained in said position continuously.
Section 903. RECRUITMENT. Examinations of applicants for
positions in the Classified Service shall fairly test the relative capacity of
the applicants to discharge the duties of the positions to which they
seek to be appointed. Applicants must be citizens of the United States.
DISMISSAL. The boards and officers having appointive power are
vested with the right to exercise the disciplinary and removal powers
provided in this section.
An employee holding a position in the Classified Service shall
be subject to suspension without pay for a period not exceeding thirty days
in any one calendar year, to demotion, or to removal from his their
position, but subject in each case to the right of the employee, other than one
serving a probationary period, to a hearing before the Human Resources
Commission in the manner set forth herein.
Such employee shall be entitled to receive upon his their
request, at the office of the board of officer taking such action, a written
statement in which shall be separately stated each of the charges against
him them upon which such suspension, demotion, or removal is based,
a copy of which statement shall be furnished to the City ClerkHuman
Resources for delivery to the Human Resources Commission. Such
statement shall be furnished such employee within two business days
after his their request therefor, which request must be filed in the office
of the City ClerkHuman Resources within ten days after he hasthey have
been notified of such demotion, removal, or suspension. If such
employee is absent from work, theyhe shall be deemed to be so notified
when such notice is mailed to his their last address on file with the City
by registered mail. He They shall have thirty days after receipt of such
statement within which to file with the City ClerkHuman Resources an
answer to such statement of charges should he desire to do so.
In his their answer, or otherwise if no statement of charges has
been made available to him them as required, such employee may request
a hearing by the Human Resources Commission to review such
suspension, demotion, or removal, which hearing shall be called
and held as provided for in the rules and regulations. Within thirty
days from such notification, such answer or request for a hearing shall
be filed in the office of the City Clerk in Human Resources for
delivery to the Human Resources Commission. Hearings may be
conducted informally and the rules of evidence need not apply.
The Human Resources Commission shall make written findings
which shall state as to each charge whether or not such charge is
sustained. Such Commission shall also set forth in writing its conclusions
and recommendations based upon such findings and, within ten days
after concluding the hearing, it shall certify its findings, conclusions, and
recommendations to the City Manager and the parties involved , the officer
from whose action the appeal was taken, and the Council..
The recommendations of the Human Resources Commission
shall be advisory only. The City Manager shall make a final decision
with respect to such recommendations, and his their decision shall be
final and conclusive and no further appeal shall be taken therefrom.
When an appeal is taken to the Human Resources Commission
from an order of dismissal, the vacancy in the position shall be considered
a temporary vacancy pending final action by the Human Resources
Commission and may be filled only by a temporary appointment.
Any City employee, upon becoming a candidate for an elective public
office of the City of Arcadia, shall be required to take and shall be
granted a leave of absence without pay to remain in effect during the
period of time such person is a candidate.
No City employee shall take any part in any political campaign
while in a uniform bearing the insignia or name of the City of Arcadia.
No person shall use the administrative offices and facilities of the City
for the purpose of furthering a political campaign for public office.
(a) No person shall be appointed, removed, favored, or
discriminated against with respect to any City position or office because
of race, sex, political or religious opinions or affiliations.
(b) No person shall willfully make any false statement,
certificate, mark, rating, or report in regard to any test, certification, or
appointment under the personnel provisions of this Charter or the rules
and regulations made thereunder, or in any manner commit or attempt to
commit any fraud preventing the impartial execution of such provisions,
rules, and regulations.
(c) No person who seeks appointment or promotion with
respect to any City position or office shall directly or indirectly give,
render, or pay or offer to give, render, or pay any money, service, or other
valuable thing to any person for or in connection with his their test,
appointment proposed appointment, promotion, or proposed promotion.
(d) In addition to the penalties provided in Section 1501 of this
Charter, any person who by himself themselves or with another
willfully violates any provisions of subdivisions (b) and (c) of this
section shall, upon conviction thereof, be ineligible for a period of five
years for employment in the City service and shall immediately forfeit
his their office or position if he bethey are an officer or employee of the
SYSTEM. Plenary authority and power are hereby vested in the City,
its Council, and its several officers, agents, and employees to do and
perform any act, or exercise any authority granted, permitted, or required
under the provisions of the Public Employees Retirement Law, as it now
exists or hereafter may be amended, to enable the City to continue as a
contracting City under said Retirement system. The Council may
terminate any such contract with the Board of Administration of the
Public Employees Retirement System only under authority granted by
ordinance adopted by a majority vote of the legally registered voters of
the City, voting on such proposition at an election at which such proposal
is presented.
Commencing with the election of November 8, 2022, general municipal
elections for the election of officers and for such purposes as the Council
may prescribe shall be held in the City on the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November in each even-numbered year, except as otherwise
provided by ordinance of the Council. General municipal elections for
the election of officers and for such other purposes as the Council may
prescribe shall be held in the City on the second Tuesday in April in each
even-numbered year.
Other municipal elections shall be known as special municipal elections.
Section 1102. P R O C E D U R E F O R H O L D I N G
ELECTIONS. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance hereafter
enacted, all elections shall be held in accordance with the provisions of
the Elections Code of the State of California, as it exists or is amended,
for the holding of municipal elections, so far as the same are not in
conflict with this Charter.
RECALL. There are hereby reserved to the voters of the City the powers
of the initiative and referendum and of the recall of municipal elective
officers. The provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California,
as it exists or is amended, governing the initiative and referendum and
the recall of municipal officers shall apply so far as the same are not in
conflict with this Charter.
Section 1200. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the City
government shall begin on the first day of July of each year and end on
the thirtieth day of June of the following year. The Council may by
ordinance change the fiscal year.
MESSAGE. On or before the twenty-fifth day of May of each year, or
at such other time as the Council may prescribe, the City Manager
shall submit to the Council a budget for the ensuing fiscal year
and an accompanying message.
The City Manager’s message shall explain the budget both in
fiscal terms and in terms of the work programs. It shall outline the
proposed financial policies of the City for the ensuing fiscal year;
describe the important features of the budget; indicate any major
changes from the current year in financial policies, expenditures, and
revenues together with the reasons for such changes; summarize the
City’s debt position; and include such other material as the City Manager
deems desirable.
Section 1202. BUDGET. The budget shall provide a complete
financial plan of all City funds and activities for the ensuing fiscal year
and, except as required by law or this Charter, shall be in such form as
the City Manager deems desirable or the Council may require. In
organizing the budget the City Manager shall utilize the most feasible
combination of expenditure classification by fund, organization unit,
program, purpose or activity, and object. It shall begin with a clear
general summary of its contents; shall show in detail all estimated
income, indicating the proposed property tax levy, and all proposed
expenditures, including debt service, for the ensuing fiscal year; and
shall be so arranged as to show comparative figures for actual and
estimated income and expenditures of the preceding fiscal year. It shall
indicate in separate sections:
(a) Proposed expenditures for current operations during the
ensuing fiscal year, detailed by offices, departments, and agencies in
terms of their respective work programs, and the method of financing
such expenditures;
(b) Proposed capital expenditures during the ensuing fiscal
year, detailed by offices, departments, and agencies when practicable,
and the proposed method of financing each such capital expenditure; and
(c) Anticipated net surplus or deficit for the ensuing fiscal year
of each utility owned or operated by the City and the proposed method
of its disposition.
The total of proposed expenditures shall not exceed the total of
estimated income plus available reserves.
Section 1203. CAPITAL PROGRAM. As used in this
section, a capital improvement shall mean an improvement with an
estimated cost cost in excess of $30,000 as established by Council
resolution or ordinance.
(a) Submission to Council. The City Manager shall prepare and
submit to the Council a five-year capital program no later than the final
date for submission of the budget.
(b) Contents. The capital program shall include:
1. A clear general summary of its contents;
2. A list of all capital improvements which are proposed to
be undertaken during the five fiscal years next
ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to
the necessity for such improvements.
3. Cost estimates, method of financing, and recommended
time schedules for each such improvement; and
4. The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining
the facilities to be constructed or acquired.
The above information may be revised and extended each year
with regard to capital improvements still pending or in process of
construction or acquisition.
(a) Notice and Hearing. The City Clerk shall publish in the
official newspaper a general summary of the budget and a notice stating:
1. The times and places where copies of the message and
budget are available for inspection by the public, and
2. The time and place, not less than ten days after such
publication, for a public hearing on the budget.
(b) Further Consideration and Adoption. After the conclusion of
the public hearing, the Council shall further consider the proposed
budget and make any revision thereof that it may deem advisable; and on
or before July 1 it shall adopt the budget. Adoption of the budget
shall constitute appropriations of the amounts specified therein as
expenditures from the funds indicated. If it fails to adopt the budget by
said date, the amounts appropriated for current operation for the current
fiscal year shall be deemed adopted for the ensuing fiscal year on a
month-to-month basis, with all items in it prorated accordingly, until
such time as the Council adopts a budget for the ensuing fiscal year.
(a) Notice and Hearing. The City Clerk shall publish in the
official newspaper a general summary of the capital program and a
notice stating:
1. The times and places where copies of the capital
program are available for inspection by the public, and
2. The time and place, not less than ten days after such
publication, for a public hearing on the capital program.
(b) Adoption. The Council by resolution shall adopt the capital
program with or without amendment after the public hearing.
Section 1206. PUBLIC RECORDS. Copies of the budget and
the capital program as adopted shall be public records and shall be made
available to the public at suitable places in the City.
(a) Supplemental Appropriations. If during the fiscal year the
City Manager certifies that there are available for appropriation
revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget, the Council by
resolution may make supplemental appropriations for the year up to the
amount of such excess.
(b) Reduction of Appropriations. If at any time during the fiscal
year it appears probable to the City Manager that the revenues available
will be insufficient to meet the amount appropriated, he they shall
report to the Council without delay, indicating the estimated amount of
the deficit, any remedial action taken by himthem, and his their
recommendations as to any other steps to be taken. The Council shall
then take such further action as it deems necessary to prevent or
minimize and deficit, and for the purpose it may by resolution reduce
one or more appropriations.
(c) Transfer of Appropriations. At any time during the fiscal
year the City Manager may transfer part or all of any unencumbered
appropriation balance among programs within a department, office or
agency and, upon written request by the City Manager, the Council
may by resolution transfer part of all of any unencumbered
appropriation balance from one department, office, or agency to another.
(d) Limitations; Effective Date. No appropriation for debt service
may be reduced or transferred, and no appropriation may be reduced
below any amount required by law to be appropriated or by more than
the amount of the unencumbered balance thereof. The supplemental
appropriations and reduction or transfer of appropriations authorized by
this section may be made effective immediately upon adoption.
appropriation, except an appropriation for a capital expenditure, shall
lapse at the close of the fiscal year to the extent that it has not been
expended or encumbered. An appropriation for a capital expenditure
shall continue in force until the purpose for which it was made has been
accomplished or abandoned; the purpose of any such appropriation shall
be deemed abandoned if three years pass without any disbursement from
or encumbrance of the appropriation.
Section 1209. TAX LIMITS.
(a) The Council shall not levy a property tax, for municipal
purposes, in excess of One Dollar and Thirty Cents annually on each
One Hundred Dollars of the assessed value of taxable property in the
City, except as otherwise provided in this section, unless authorized by
the affirmative votes of a majority of the voters voting on a proposition
to increase such levy at any election at which the question of such
additional levy for municipal purposes is submitted to the voters. The
number of years that such additional levy is to be made shall be specified
in such proposition.
(b) There shall be levied and collected at the time and in the
same manner as other property taxes for municipal purposes are levied
and collected, as additional taxes, if no other provision for payment
thereof is made:
1. A tax sufficient to meet all liabilities of the City for
principal and interest of all bonds of judgments due and
unpaid, or to become due during the ensuing fiscal year,
which constitute general obligations of the City; and
2. A tax sufficient to meet all obligations of the City to the
Public Employees Retirement System for the retirement
of City employees, due and unpaid or to become due
during the ensuing fiscal year.
Section 1210. TAX PROCEDURE. The procedure for the
assessment, levy, and collection of taxes upon property, taxable for
municipal purposes, may be prescribed by ordinance of the Council.
Section 1211. BONDED DEBT LIMIT. The City shall not
incur an indebtedness evidenced by general obligation bonds which shall
in the aggregate exceed the sum of fifteen percent of the total assessed
value, for purposes of City taxation, of all taxable real and personal
property within the City.
No bonded indebtedness which shall constitute a general
obligation of the City may be created unless authorized by the affirmative
votes of two-thirds of the voters voting on such proposition at any election
at which the question is submitted to the voters and unless in compliance
with the provisions of the State Constitution and of this Charter.
Every contract involving an expenditure of more than Thirty Thousand
Dollars ($30,000)in an amount determined by Council resolution or
ordinance for public works construction or improvement shall be let to
the lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in a
newspaper of general circulation by two (2) insertions, the first of which
shall be at least ten (10) days before the time for opening bids. The
Council may reject any and all bids presented and may readvertise at its
discretion. Such contract may be let without advertising for bids if such
purchase shall be deemed by the Council to be of urgent necessity for the
preservation of life, health, or property and shall be authorized by
resolution passed by at least four (4) affirmative votes of the Council and
containing a declaration of the facts constituting the urgency. The Council
shall have the right to waive any minor informality, technicality,
variance or alteration in a bid. This section shall not apply to work done
by the City with its own personnel if the Council determines that such
work can be performed more economically by City forces than by
contracting for such workthrough a competitive selection process under
such rules as the Council may prescribe. The Council may establish
exceptions to this competitive process requirement, provided that the
Council finds that the exception will be in the best interest of the City.
Section 12153. CASH BASIS FUND. The Council shall
maintain unrestricted cash reserves that are adequate for the purpose of
placing the payment of the operating expenses of the City on a cash
basis. Said reserves shall consist of cash funds from any available sources
in an amount which the Council deems sufficient with which to meet all
lawful demands against the City for the first five months or longer
necessary period of the succeeding fiscal year prior to the receipt of ad
valorem tax revenues.
DEMANDS. Any demand against the City must be in writing and may be
in the form of a bill, invoice, payroll, or formal demand. Each such demand
shall be presented to the individual in charge of the Ffinance Ooffice,
who shall examine the same. If the amount thereof is legally due and
there remains on the books an unexhausted balance of an appropriation
against which the same may be charged, such individual shall approve
such demand and draw a warrant on the Treasurer therefor, payable out
of the proper fund.
The individual in charge of the Ffinance Ooffice shall transmit
such demand, with approval or rejection thereof endorsed thereon, and
warrant, if any, to the City Manager. If a demand is one for an item
included within an approved budget appropriation, it shall require the
approval of the City Manager; otherwise it shall require the approval of
the Council, following the adoption by it of an amendment to the budget
authorizing such payment. Any person dissatisfied with the refusal
of the City Manager to approve any demand, in whole or in part, may
present the same to the Council which, after examining into the matter,
may approve or disapprove the demand in whole or in part.
Section 12175. REGISTERING WARRANTS. Warrants on
the Treasurer which are not paid for lack of funds shall be registered. All
registered warrants shall be paid in the order of their registration when
funds therefor are available and shall bear interest from the date of
registration at such rate as shall be fixed by the Council by resolution.
Section 12186. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY. The Council
by ordinance may provide for conditions precedent to the commencement
of any action or proceeding to bringing suit against the City, its officers,
and employees, except as the subject is preempted by State law.
Section 12197. INDEPENDENT AUDIT. The Council shall
employ, at the beginning of each fiscal year, a certified public accountant
who shall, at such time or times as may be specified by the Council and
at such other times as theyhe shall determine, examine the books,
records, inventories, and reports of all officers and employees who receive,
handle, or disburse public funds and all such other officers,
employees, or departments as the Council may direct. As soon as
practicable after the end of the fiscal year, a final certified audit and report
shall be submitted by such accountant to the Council, one copy thereof
to be submitted by such accountant to the Council, one copy thereof
to be distributed to each member, one to the City Manager, Treasurer,
and City Attorney, respectively, and three additional copies to be placed
on file in the office of the City Clerk where they shall be available for
inspection by the general public.
Section 1300. GRANTING OF FRANCHISES. The Council
may grant a franchise to any person, partnership, corporation, or other
legal entity capable of exercising the privilege conferred, whether
operating under an existing franchise or not, and may prescribe the terms,
conditions, and limitations of such grant, including the compensation to
be paid to the City therefor. The Council may prescribe by ordinance or
resolution the method or procedure for granting franchises, together with
additional terms and conditions for making such grants. In the absence
of such provision the method provided by the general laws of the State
shall apply.
Section 1301. TERMS OF FRANCHISE. No franchise
shall be granted for a longer period than twenty-five years, unless there
be reserved to the City the right to take over at any time the works, plant,
and property constructed under the grant at their physical valuation and
without compensation for franchise or good will.
Section 10321302. EMINENT DOMAIN. No franchise or
grant of a franchise shall in any way or to any extent impair or affect
the right of the City to acquire the property of the possessor thereof by
purchase or condemnation, and nothing therein contained shall be
construed to contract away or to modify or abridge, either for a term or
in perpetuity, the City’s right of eminent domain with respect to the
property of the possessor of any franchise. Every franchise granted
by the City is granted upon the condition, whether expressed in the
grant or not, that such franchise shall not be given any value before
any court or other public authority in any proceeding of any
character in excess of any amount actually paid by the grantee to the
City at the time of the grant.
Section 1303. P R O C E D U R E F O R G R A N T I N G
FRANCHISES. Before granting any franchise, the City Council shall
adopt a resolution declaring its intention to grant same and stating the
name of the proposed grantee, the character of the proposed franchise,
and the terms and conditions upon which it is proposed to be granted.
Such resolution shall fix and set forth the day, hour, and place when and
where any person having an interest in or objecting to the granting of
such franchise may appear before the Council and be heard thereon. Said
resolution shall be published at least once, not less than ten days prior to
said hearing in the official newspaper. After hearing all persons desiring
to be heard, the Council may by ordinance deny or grant the franchise
on the terms and conditions specified in the resolution subject to the
referendum of the people. No ordinance granting a franchise shall be
adopted as an emergency ordinance.
EDUCATION. The control, management, and administration of the
public schools of the City of Arcadia and the territory that is now or may
hereafter be annexed thereto for school purposes, in accordance with the
Constitution and general laws of the State of California, is hereby vested
in a Board of Education consisting of five members who shall be voters
in the school district; said Board is hereby vested with all the powers and
charged with all the duties provided by the laws of the State for city
boards of education.
Section 1401. TERM OF OFFICE. The members of such
Board of Education shall be elected from the school district at large and
shall hold office for the term of four years, and until their successors are
elected and duly qualified.
Section 1402. ELECTION. School board elections shall be
held on the third Tuesday on April of each odd-numbered year. The
members of such Board of Education holding office at the time this
Charter becomes effective shall continue in office for their respective
terms of office and until their respective successors are elected and duly
qualified as herein provided. The officers of the election for members of
the Board of Education shall be compensated for their services as
provided by the general laws of the State governing school elections;
such compensation and any other expense incurred in the conduct of said
election shall be a charge upon the School District and not upon the City.
In the preparation of ballots for the election of members for the
Board of Education, there shall be printed, stamped, or written the name
of each candidate for such office who has filed the required documents
pursuant to the requirements of the general law of the State relating to
the election of Boards of Education.
In all other matters the election for members of the Board of
Education shall be governed by the general law of the State relating to
the election of city boards of education.
Section 1403. MEETINGS. The members of the Board of
Education shall enter upon the discharge of their duties on or before the
second Tuesday in July after their election, and the Board shall meet upon
said day and annually thereafter and organize by electing one of their
number President, one of their number Vice President, and one of their
number Clerk, whose terms of office shall be one year. They shall hold
regular meetings at least once each month, at such time and place as may
be determined by their rules. Special meetings may be called by the
President or by written request of any three members. A majority of the
members shall constitute a quorum. The Board may determine the rules
of its proceedings, and the ayes and noes shall be taken, recorded and
entered on the records of the Board. Any vacancy occurring on the Board
shall be filled by the remaining members of the Board, and if there be no
members, then by the Council.
Section 1404. BOARD SECRETARY. The Board of
Education shall, at the first meeting in each school year, or at such other
time as shall be fixed by resolution of the Board, appoint the
Superintendent of Schools as Secretary to the Board and shall prescribe
the duties of such secretary.
Section 1405. GENERAL LAW APPLICABLE. In all matters
not specifically provided for in this Article, the Board of Education shall
be governed by the provisions of the general law relating to such matters.
Section 1500. DEFINITIONS. Unless the provision or the
context otherwise requires, as used in this Charter:
(a) “Shall” is mandatory, and “may” is permissive.
(b) “City” is the City of Arcadia, and “department,” “board,”
“commission,” “agency,” “officer,” or “employee” is a department
board, commission, agency, officer, or employee, as the case may be, of
the City of Arcadia.
(c) “Council” is the City Council of the City.
(d) “Councilmember” is a member of the Council.
(e) “Departmental administratordirector” is the person in
charge of a City department.
(f) “Government Code” is the California Government Code as
it exists upon adoption of this Charter, or is thereafter amended.
(g) “Municipal Code” is the Arcadia Municipal Code.
(h) “Law” includes ordinance.
(i) “Officer” is a person holding an elected office, a member of a
board of commission, the City Manager, and a departmental administrator
director in charge of a City department or a person acting in his place.
(j) “State” is the State of California.
(k) “Voter” is a legally registered voter.
(l) The masculine, feminine, and neuter genders shall be
interchangeable, as shall be the singular and plural. In particular, the terms
“they,” “their” and “them” are intended to be the singular where the
context so indicates.
Section 1501. VIOLATIONS. A violation of this Charter or
of any ordinance of the City shall constitute a misdemeanor or infraction
as deemed by ordinance of the City and may be prosecuted in the name
of the People of the State of California or may be redressed by civil action
filed by the City Attorney on behalf of the City. The maximum fine or
penalty for any violation of a City ordinance shall be that sum authorized
by State Penal Code provisions applicable to misdemeanors, or a term
of imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or both such fine
and imprisonment.
Section 1502. VALIDITY. If any provision of the Charter, or
the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder of the Charter, and the application of such provision to other
persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.
References are to section or
article numbers and to pages
Subject, section Page
Absence from meetings
Councilmembers, 403(b)(4) ................................................................ 4
members of boards, 805 .................................................................... 19
Appropriation, see Budget
Attorney, City, 701 ................................................................................ 14
annual independent, 1217 ................................................................. 32
by Finance Office, 702(d), 1214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 31
of bills and demands, 1214 ............................................................... 31
Bidding, 1212 ........................................................................................ 30
Boards and Commissions, Art. VIII......................................................... 7
absence of members, 805 .................................................................. 19
action, requisite vote, 804 ................................................................. 18
appointment of members, 802, 805 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 19
appropriations for, 801 ...................................................................... 17
compensation and expenses, 805 ...................................................... 18
creation of other boards, 800 ............................................................ 17
Human Resources Commission, 808 ................................................ 19
Library Board, 809 ............................................................................ 20
meetings, 804 .................................................................................... 18
members, number and qualifications, 802 ........................................ 17
Planning Commission, 806 ............................................................... 19
Recreation and Parks Commission, 810 ........................................... 20
removal of members, 802, 805 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 19
rules and procedures, 804 ................................................................. 18
Subject, section Page
term of office, 802 ................................................................................. 17
number of terms, 802 ........................................................................ 18
vacancy on, 805 ................................................................................ 19
Board of Education, 1400...................................................................... 33
Bonded debt limit, 1211 ............................................................................. 30
fidelity, 709 ....................................................................................... 16
general obligation, 1211 ........................................................................ 30
Boundaries, City, 100 .............................................................................. 1
adoption of, 1204(b) ......................................................................... 27
constitutes appropriation, 1204(b) ................................................ 27
appropriations, 1207, 1208. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 29
lapse of, 1208 ............................................................................... 29
amendment of, 1207 .......................................................................... 28
boards and commissions, 801 ........................................................... 17
budget message, 1201 ....................................................................... 25
capital program, 1203, 1205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 28
contents, 1202 ................................................................................... 26
copies available, 1206 ....................................................................... 28
expenses and income,
Finance Office to estimate, 702(b) ............................................... 14
failure to adopt, 1204(b) ................................................................... 27
limit on expenditures, 1202 ............................................................... 26
manager to prepare and administer, 601(c) ....................................... 12
public hearing, 1204 ......................................................................... 27
summary of, publication, 1204(a) ..................................................... 27
time of adoption, 1204(b) ................................................................. 27
time of submission, 1201 .................................................................. 25
Capital program, 1203 ........................................................................... 26
Council action on, 1205 .................................................................... 28
copies available, 1206 ....................................................................... 28
lapse of appropriations, 1208 ............................................................ 29
participation by Planning Office, 703(d) ........................................... 15
Subject, section Page
Cash Basis Fund, 1213 .......................................................................... 31
Citizen participation at Council meetings, 414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
City, see Attorney, Clerk, Council, etc.
boundaries, 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
name of, 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
powers, 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
vested in Council, 405 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
City Council, Art. IV, see Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Civil Service, Art. IX, see Employees ................................................... 21
Claims against the City, 1216 ............................................................... 31
Classified service, see Employees
Clerk, City, Art. V ................................................................................. 10
Code, Arcadia Municipal, 418 ................................................................ 9
Codes, adoption by reference, 417 .......................................................... 8
Commissions, see Boards and Commissions
boards and commissions, 805 ........................................................... 18
City Clerk, 504 ................................................................................. 11
City Council, 402 ................................................................................ 3
employees, 700(c) ............................................................................. 14
Conflict of Interest, 705 ........................................................................ 16
for publishing legal notices, 420 ......................................................... 9
illegal interest in, 705 ....................................................................... 16
public works, 1212 ............................................................................ 30
Council, see also Councilmembers
appointments by
attorney, 701 ................................................................................. 14
manager, 600 ................................................................................ 11
members of boards and commissions, 802 ................................... 17
demands, approval of 1214 ............................................................... 31
Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore, 404. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
members, number of, 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
adjourned, 409 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
citizen participation, 414 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
compelling attendance of councilmembers, 410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
disorderly conduct, 413 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Subject, section Page
emergency meetings (special), 408, 412 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7
executive session, 411 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
holidays, 407 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
open meetings, 411 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
place of, 412 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
quorum, 410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Ralph M. Brown Act, 411 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
record of, 413. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
regular meetings, 407 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
rules, 413 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
special meeting, 408 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
time and frequency, 407 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
powers of City vested in, 405 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
removal of member, 403 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
rules, 413 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
vacancy, 403. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
declaration of, judicial review, 403(b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
filling, 403(c)(d). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5
Council-Manager form of Government, 300 ........................................... 2
Councilmembers, see also Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
absence from meetings, 403(b)(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
attendance at meetings, compelled, 410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
compensation, 402 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
contracts, illegal interest, 705 ........................................................... 16
elected at large, 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
election, tie vote, 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
eligibility for office, 401 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
forfeiture of office, 403(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
holding City office or employment, 406(a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
holding other public office, 403(b)(5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
interference in administrative matters, 406(b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
removal, resignation, 403. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
term of office, 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
number of terms, 401. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Subject, section Page
Debt, bonded, 1211 .................................................................................... 30
Definitions, 1500 ................................................................................... 35
Demands, payment, 1214 ...................................................................... 31
Departmental administratordirector
appointed by Manager, 601(a) .......................................................... 12
contracts, illegal interest in, 705 ....................................................... 16
defined, 1500(e) ................................................................................ 35
direction of by manager, 700(b) ........................................................ 13
holding elective office, 707 .............................................................. 16
Manager as, 700(b) ........................................................................... 13
power to appoint, suspend
and remove employees, 704, 904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 22
to give oaths, 706 ......................................................................... 16
Departments, 700 .................................................................................. 13
City Attorney, 701 ............................................................................. 14
City Clerk, 500 ................................................................................. 10
City Manager, 600 ............................................................................ 11
creation of, 700(a) ............................................................................. 13
Finance, 702 ...................................................................................... 14
Library, 809 ....................................................................................... 20
Planning, 703 .................................................................................... 15
Disciplinary action, see Employees
Discrimination, prohibited, 906(a) ........................................................ 24
bonded indebtedness, 1211 ................................................................... 30
Council vacancies, 403(c) ................................................................... 4
general municipal, 1100 ........................................................................ 25
initiative, referendum and recall, 1103 ................................................ 25
Mayor, 404 .......................................................................................... 5
procedure for holding, 1102 .................................................................. 25
special municipal, 1101 ......................................................................... 25
tax limits, 1209(a) ............................................................................. 29
Subject, section Page
tie vote, 400 ........................................................................................ 3
meeting of Council (special meeting), 408, 412 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7
ordinance, 415, 419(d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 9
public works contracts, 1212 ............................................................ 30
applicants, 903 .................................................................................. 22
appointment, removal, etc., 601(a), 704 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 15
904, 906 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 24
classified - unclassified positions
listed, 901 ..................................................................................... 21
transfer between, 902 .................................................................... 22
compensation, 700(c) ........................................................................ 14
disciplinary action, 601(a), 904, 906(d). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 22, 24
discrimination, 906(a) ....................................................................... 24
holding elective office, 707 ............................................................... 16
interest in contracts, 705 ................................................................... 16
merit principle, 700(d) ...................................................................... 14
political activity, 905 ......................................................................... 23
prohibited actions
generally, 906................................................................................ 24
penalties, 906(d) ........................................................................... 24
political, 905 ................................................................................. 23
removal and suspension, 601(a), 904. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 22
retirement, 1000 ................................................................................ 24
testing, exams, 903, 906(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 24
vacancy, filling, 904 .......................................................................... 23
Finance Office, 702 ............................................................................... 14
audit of demands, 1214 ..................................................................... 31
Financial report
annual, 601(d) ................................................................................... 12
monthly, 702(f) ................................................................................. 15
Fines, Charter and ordinance violation, 1501 ....................................... 36
Subject, section Page
Fiscal administration, Art. XII ............................................................... 25
Fiscal year, 1200 ................................................................................... 25
Form of government, 300 ........................................................................ 2
Franchises, Art. XIII ............................................................................... 32
General Plan, 703(b), 806, 807 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 19
Holiday, Council meeting on, 407 .......................................................... 6
Human Resources Commission, see also Boards and Commissions
hearing, 904 ...................................................................................... 22
powers and duties, 808, 904. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 22
Illegal interest in contract, 705 .............................................................. 16
Initiative, 1103 ............................................................................................ 25
Interference in administrative service, 406(b) ......................................... 5
Intergovernmental relations, 201 ............................................................. 2
Legal notices, publication, 420 ............................................................... 9
Librarian, 809(c) ................................................................................... 20
Library Board, 809 ................................................................................ 20
Manager, City, Art. VI ............................................................................. 11
appointment and removal, 600 .......................................................... 11
Subject, section Page
budget message, 1201 ....................................................................... 25
demands, approval of, 1214 .............................................................. 31
direction and supervision of departments, 700(b) ............................. 13
Manager Pro Tempore, 603 ............................................................... 13
outside employment, 600 .................................................................. 12
powers and duties, 601, 700(b), 904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13, 23
reduction of appropriations, 1207(b) ................................................ 28
Mayor - Mayor Pro Tempore, 404 .......................................................... 5
Meetings, see Council, Boards and Commissions
Merit principle, 700(d) .......................................................................... 14
Misdemeanor, violation of Charter or ordinance, 1501 ......................... 36
Money, order for payment, 415, 1214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 31
Municipal Code, 418 ............................................................................... 9
Nepotism, 708 ....................................................................................... 16
Newspaper, official, 420 .......................................................................... 9
Oaths, administering of
City Clerk, 505(e) ............................................................................. 11
Councilmembers, 413 ......................................................................... 7
departmental administratorsdirectors, 706 ........................................ 16
Officers, see also Departmental administrator director defined, 1500(i)
............................................................................................................... 35
adoption of, 415 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
recording vote, 413 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
adoption of codes by reference, 417 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
effective, when , 419 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
emergency, 415 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
publication, 416 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
signature of Mayor and City Clerk, 415 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Subject, section Page
Parks, see Recreation
Penalty, violation of Charter, 403(b), 705 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 16
906(d), 1501 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 36
violation of ordinance, 1501 ............................................................. 36
Pensions, see Retirement
Planning Commission, see also Boards and Commissions, 806 ........... 19
Planning Office, 703 ............................................................................. 15
Police, Chief of, 901(a)(2) .................................................................... 21
Political activities, prohibitions, 905 ..................................................... 23
Publication of legal notices, 420 ............................................................. 9
Public accountant, audit by, 1217 ......................................................... 32
Public Works contracts, 1212 ................................................................ 30
Commissions, 804 ............................................................................. 18
Council, 410 ........................................................................................ 6
ordinances and resolutions, 415 ...................................................... 8
Ralph M. Brown Act. 411 ............................................................................ 7
Recall, 1103 ................................................................................................. 25
Recreation and Parks Commission, see also Boards and
Commissions, 810 ............................................................................. 20
Referendum, 1103....................................................................................... 25
adoption, 415 ...................................................................................... 8
recording vote, 413 ............................................................................. 7
Retirement systems, 1000 ...................................................................... 24
Revolving fund, see Cash Basis Fund
Subject, section Page
Salaries, see Compensation
Seal, City, 505(d) ................................................................................... 11
Subpoenas, 413 ........................................................................................ 7
Taxes, property, 1209, 1210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 30
Term of office
Boards and Commissions, 802 .......................................................... 17
Clerk, 500 ......................................................................................... 10
Councilmembers, 400 ......................................................................... 3
Treasurer, 702, 1214 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 31
Violations of Charter, 403(b), 705 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 16
906(d), 1501 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 36
Violation of ordinance, 1501 ................................................................. 36
Warrants, unpaid, 1215 .......................................................................... 31
Witnesses, 413 ......................................................................................... 7
(Amended to May 12, 1998)
November 6, 1956 January 15, 1957
February 2, 1965 March 31, 1965
November 5, 1968 January 16, 1969
September 15, 1992 October 22, 1992
April 9, 1996 May 16, 1996
April 14, 1998 May 12, 1998
November 8, 2022 DATE
Arcadia, California
Charter Item Arcadia Alhambra Big Bear Lake
We, the People of the City of Arcadia, State of California, do ordain and
establish this Charter as the organic law of the City under the Constitution of
the State.
Council Term Limits
The term of office shall be four years. Alternatively, and successively, three
four-year terms shall be filled at one general municipal election and two
four-year terms at the next such election, consistent with the sequence of
terms of Councilmembers existing on the effective date hereof.
Members of the council shall hold office for a term of four years from and
after the first day of December following their election and until their
successors are elected and qualified. The election for the offices of
councilperson of the first district, councilperson of the second district, and
council-person of the fifth district shall take place in the year 1974, and
every fourth year thereafter. The election for the offices of councilperson of
the third district and councilperson of the fourth district shall take place in
the year 1976, and every fourth year there-after. In the case of the
incumbents holding any of the foregoing offices whose terms of office expire
in the year 1973 or in the year 1975, all such terms of office shall be
extended until their successors are elected and qualified. [Article III. Sec.11]
The term of office shall be four years. Alternatively, and successively, three
four-year terms shall be filled at one general municipal election and two
four-year terms at the next such election, consistent with the sequence of
terms of Council member existing on the effective date hereof. [Article IV.
Sec. 400]
Charter Item Arcadia
We, the People of the City of Arcadia, State of California, do ordain and
establish this Charter as the organic law of the City under the Constitution of
the State.
Council Term Limits
The term of office shall be four years. Alternatively, and successively, three
four-year terms shall be filled at one general municipal election and two
four-year terms at the next such election, consistent with the sequence of
terms of Councilmembers existing on the effective date hereof.
Cypress Irvine
We, the People of the City of Cypress, State of California, do ordain and
establish this Charter as the organic law of the City under the Constitution of
the State of California.
We, the People of the City of Irvine, State of California, do ordain and
establish this Charter as the organic law of the City of Irvine under the
Constitution of the State of California.
The term of office shall be four years. Except as provided by an ordinance
that is consistent with the general laws of the State, alternatively, and
successively, three four-year terms shall be filled at one general municipal
election and two four-year terms at the next such election, consistent with
the sequence of terms of Councilmen existing on the effective date hereof.
The term of a Councilman shall commence on the first Tuesday following his
election and he shall serve until his successor qualifies. Any ties in voting
shall be settled by the casting of lots. [Article Iv. Sec. 400]
The term of office for a Council member shall be four (4) years. Alternatively,
and successively, two (2) four-year terms shall be filled at one general
municipal election and two (2) four-year terms at the next such election,
consistent with the sequence of terms of Council members existing on the
effective date hereof. Any person who serves two (2) full terms as a member
of the City Council shall not be eligible to serve again as a member of the
City Council. If a Council member serves a partial term in excess of two (2)
years, it shall be considered a full term for the purpose of this provision.
[Article IV. Sec. 400]
Charter Item Arcadia
We, the People of the City of Arcadia, State of California, do ordain and
establish this Charter as the organic law of the City under the Constitution of
the State.
Council Term Limits
The term of office shall be four years. Alternatively, and successively, three
four-year terms shall be filled at one general municipal election and two
four-year terms at the next such election, consistent with the sequence of
terms of Councilmembers existing on the effective date hereof.
Mountain View Newport Beach
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the members of the council
shall hold office for a term of four (4) years from and after the first meeting
in January following their election and continuing until their respective
successors qualify.
Ties among candidates for any office shall be settled by the drawing of lots.
No person shall be eligible to serve as a member of the city council for more
than two successive four-year elective terms. Any person appointed or
elected to the city council to fill an unexpired term of not more than two
years in length shall, however, be eligible to serve two successive four-year
elective terms upon the expiration of the unexpired term for which that
person was appointed or elected. [Article V. Sec. 500]
The elective officers of the City shall consist of a City Council of seven
members. Candidates for City Council shall be nominated from and by the
electors of each of the seven districts referred to in Article X of this Charter
and one shall be elected from each of such districts by the voters of the City
at large at the times and in the manner provided in this Charter. Ties in
voting among candidates for office shall be settled by the casting of lots.
Alternatively, and successively, four four-year terms shall be filled at one
general municipal election and three four-year terms at the next such
election, consistent with the sequence of terms of Council members existing
on the effective date of this amendment.
The term of office shall be four years. The term of each City Council member
shall commence on the date of the City Council meeting, following his or her
election, at which the council receives the certification of election results
from the City Clerk.[Article IV. Sec.400]
Charter Item Arcadia
We, the People of the City of Arcadia, State of California, do ordain and
establish this Charter as the organic law of the City under the Constitution of
the State.
Council Term Limits
The term of office shall be four years. Alternatively, and successively, three
four-year terms shall be filled at one general municipal election and two
four-year terms at the next such election, consistent with the sequence of
terms of Councilmembers existing on the effective date hereof.
Pasadena Santa Monica
We, the people of the City of Santa Monica, State of California, do ordain
and establish this Charter as the organic law of said City under the
Constitution of said State.
A.There shall be a City Council consisting of a Mayor and seven
Councilmembers. The seven Councilmembers shall be nominated and
elected by district as provided in this Charter. Except as provided in
subsection B, the term of office of the Mayor and Councilmembers shall be
four years. B.Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Charter, in order to transition to new election dates starting in 2018, the
terms of office of the Mayor and Councilmembers elected in 2015 shall
expire in December 2020 and the terms of office of Councilmembers elected
in the year 2017 shall expire in December 2022. C.Beginning in the year
2020, the terms of office of the Mayor and Councilmembers elected from
Districts 1, 2, 4, and 6 shall commence in the year 2020 and in each fourth
anniversary of the year 2020, and the terms of office of the Councilmembers
elected from Districts 3, 5, and 7 shall commence in the year 2022 and in
each fourth anniversary of the year 2022. The terms of office of the Mayor
and Councilmembers shall commence at the time of the City's organizational
meeting held on the fifth Monday following the statewide general election
and until their respective successors are elected and have duly qualified.
[Article IV. Sec.401]
The City Council shall consist of seven members elected from the City at
large, at the times and in the manner in this Charter provided, and who shall
serve for a term of four years.
The term of all members shall commence on the first Tuesday following such
election and each member shall serve until the member’s successor is
elected and qualified. Any ties in voting shall be settled by the casting of
No person shall serve
more than three terms as a member of the City Council whether consecutive
or not. For purposes of this section, a partial term of more than two years
shall count as one term.
These term limits shall apply to appointed terms as well as elected terms.
These term limits shall apply prospectively only to those terms of office that
begin on or after the election at which this Charter amendment is adopted.
[Article VI. Sec. 600]
Charter Item Arcadia
We, the People of the City of Arcadia, State of California, do ordain and
establish this Charter as the organic law of the City under the Constitution of
the State.
Council Term Limits
The term of office shall be four years. Alternatively, and successively, three
four-year terms shall be filled at one general municipal election and two
four-year terms at the next such election, consistent with the sequence of
terms of Councilmembers existing on the effective date hereof.
Temple City
We, the people of the city of Temple City, county of Los Angeles, state of
California, do ordain and establish this charter as the organic law of said city
under and by virtue of the constitution of the said state.
The elective officers of this city shall be five (5) members of the city council,
each of whom shall hold the office of council member.
Elective officers of the city shall be elected for four year terms by the
registered qualified voters of the city, on an at large basis, at
general or special municipal elections, held for that purpose. [Article V. Sec.
Charter Item Arcadia Alhambra Big Bear Lake
Council Compensation
Compensation for Councilmembers is hereby set, and from time to time
shall be changed, in accordance with the schedule applicable to the City of
Arcadia set forth in the provisions of the Government Code relating to
salaries of councilmembers in general law cities. Such compensation may be
increased or decreased by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters
voting on the proposition at any election.
Each councilperson shall receive a salary of fifty dollars per month,
excepting the mayor, whose salary shall be seventy- five dollars per month;
provided, that such salaries may be changed by a majority vote of the
qualified electors at any general municipal election. Except where such
power to fix is otherwise given by this Charter, the council shall fix by
ordinance the salary of all other officers herein created by ordinance whose
salaries are not herein fixed or otherwise provided for. [Article III. Sec.18]
Compensation for Council member is hereby set, and from time to time shall
be changes, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Code
relating to salaries of Council members in general law cities. Such
compensation may be increased or decreased other than as set forth above
by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters voting on the proposition
at any election. [Article III. Sec. 385]
Charter Item Arcadia
Council Compensation
Compensation for Councilmembers is hereby set, and from time to time
shall be changed, in accordance with the schedule applicable to the City of
Arcadia set forth in the provisions of the Government Code relating to
salaries of councilmembers in general law cities. Such compensation may be
increased or decreased by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters
voting on the proposition at any election.
Cypress Irvine
Compensation for Councilmen is hereby set, and from time to time shall be
changed, in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Government Code
establishing salaries of Councilmen in general law cities, as the same may
from time to time be amended. Such compensation may be increased or
decreased by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters voting on the
Proposition at any election. [Article IV. Sec. 402]
Compensation for Council member is hereby set, and from time to time shall
be changed, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Code
relating to salaries of Council members in general law cities. Such
compensation may be increased or decreased other than as set forth above
by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters voting on the proposition
at any election. [Article IV. Sec. 402]
Charter Item Arcadia
Council Compensation
Compensation for Councilmembers is hereby set, and from time to time
shall be changed, in accordance with the schedule applicable to the City of
Arcadia set forth in the provisions of the Government Code relating to
salaries of councilmembers in general law cities. Such compensation may be
increased or decreased by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters
voting on the proposition at any election.
Mountain View Newport Beach
Each member of the city council shall receive as salary, each month, that
sum which has been established by the electorate as of November 4, 2014,
as the baseline salary amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per month
with automatic annual adjustments based on the lesser of the San Francisco
Bay Area Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners or the average cost-
of-living adjustment granted to the miscellaneous city employee bargaining
groups and not to exceed five percent (5%) per year. The mayor shall receive
as salary, each month, that amount as calculated for a councilmember
above, plus an additional twenty-five percent (25%) of said sum. Any
amounts paid to a councilmember for retirement, health and welfare, and
federal Social Security benefits shall not be included for purposes of
determining salary pursuant to this section provided the same benefits are
available and paid by the city for its employees. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the city council shall have no power to increase its salary by
ordinance, resolution or motion. If a member of the city council, or mayor,
does not attend all regular meetings of the city council called on order of the
city council and held during the month, that person's salary for such month
shall be reduced by the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25) for each regular
meeting not attended unless that person is absent with the consent of the
mayor or for official city business. [Article V. Sec. 503]
The members of the City Council shall receive as compensation for their
services in the amount of $1,227.35 per month, which amount shall
reimburse the City Councilmember for expenditures imposed upon him or
her in serving as a City Councilmember. The Mayor shall receive as
compensation an additional amount of $513.96 per month to reimburse the
Mayor for the additional expenses incurred in serving in that capacity. In
addition, each member of the City Council shall receive reimbursement on
order of the City Council for Council authorized traveling expenses when on
official duty. The compensation set forth in this Section shall be adjusted
each July 1 in accordance with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), Los
Angeles-Riverside-Orange County region, or five percent (5%) whichever
amount is lesser. Absence of a Councilmember from all regular and special
meetings of the Council during any calendar month shall render such
Councilmember ineligible to receive compensation for such calendar month.
[Article IV.402]
Charter Item Arcadia
Council Compensation
Compensation for Councilmembers is hereby set, and from time to time
shall be changed, in accordance with the schedule applicable to the City of
Arcadia set forth in the provisions of the Government Code relating to
salaries of councilmembers in general law cities. Such compensation may be
increased or decreased by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters
voting on the proposition at any election.
Pasadena Santa Monica
The City Council may take no action on the recommendation, or it may, by
ordinance, adjust the compensation paid to members of the City Council by
an amount not to exceed the recommendations of the Committee. No
action which increases the compensation of City Council in excess of the
level recommended by the Committee may be taken without a vote of the
people. Any ordinance adopted pursuant to a recommendation of the
Committee shall be adopted by a 2/3 majority vote and shall be subject to
referendum as provided in this Charter. Once compensation has been
initially established as provided in this section, no increase in the annual
compensation shall be greater than five percent for each calendar year
following the operative date of the most recent change for the
compensation. No more than one ordinance establishing the compensation
of City Council members may be adopted in any two calendar year period.
Any compensation and benefits fixed as a result of this Section shall
constitute full compensation for the services of the City Council member and
the maximum benefits provided to the City Council member by the City.
Until such time as the City Council adopts an ordinance as provided herein,
Councilmembers shall continue to receive the compensation in effect as of
the effective date of the Section. [Article IV. Sec.405]
(a) The members of the City Council shall receive compensation in the
amount of $750.00 each month. The Mayor shall receive compensation in
the amount of $900.00 per month;
(b) Notwithstanding the amount provided for in paragraph (a) of this
section, the compensation received by the members of the City Council and
Mayor shall be automatically increased effective July 1 of each year, in an
amount equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the
twelve month period immediately preceding July 1. As used in this section,
the CPI shall be the index for All Urban Consumers for the Los Angeles, Long
Beach, Anaheim Metropolitan Area (All items), provided by the United
States Bureau of Labor Statistics or other comparable index as may be
developed to take its place;
(c) The members of the City Council and Mayor shall receive medical,
dental, health, and other benefits of employment paid for by the City,
provided these benefits are routinely and customarily available and paid for
by the City to City miscellaneous employees. The members of the City
Council and Mayor shall receive reimbursement and allowance for travel
and for other expenses related to their fulfilling their official duties and the
holding of public office upon the same terms and conditions applicable to
City departmental directors. The sums received pursuant to this paragraph
shall not be included for purposes of determining monthly compensation
under paragraph (a) of this section. [Article VI. Sec. 602]
Charter Item Arcadia
Council Compensation
Compensation for Councilmembers is hereby set, and from time to time
shall be changed, in accordance with the schedule applicable to the City of
Arcadia set forth in the provisions of the Government Code relating to
salaries of councilmembers in general law cities. Such compensation may be
increased or decreased by an affirmative vote of a majority of the voters
voting on the proposition at any election.
Temple City
Compensation of council members, other than reimbursement for expenses,
may be established in the manner and amount as provided by general law,
relating to council member salaries in general law cities in this state. [Article
Vi. Sec. 605]
Charter Item Arcadia Alhambra Big Bear Lake
Council Reorganization
By the affirmative votes of not less than three Councilmembers, the Council
shall elect one of its members as Mayor, and one of its members as Mayor
Pro Tempore, upon the following occasions:
(a) In even-numbered years, at the regular Council meeting held for the
purpose of canvassing the results of the general municipal election; and
(b) In odd-numbered years, at the second regular Council meeting held
during the month of April; or
(c) At such other times as a majority of the Council shall so order.
The office of Mayor and Councilperson of Public Affairs shall be routinely
rotated by councilmanic district for a term of nine months each as provided
for herein. [Article v. Sec. 28b]
Code Adoption
Detailed regulations, pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be published in the manner
required for other ordinances, but not less than three copies thereof shall
be filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk,
prior to the adoption thereof. Subsequent amendments to sections of such
code shall be enacted in the same manner as herein required for the
enactment of ordinances. Copies of any adopted code of regulations shall be
made available for purchase at a reasonable price.
The council shall cause all ordinances to be properly classified and indexed
and kept at the City Hall, in a form readily accessible to all persons
interested therein, and may from time to time cause the Charter of the city
and the ordinances in force, either together or separately, to be published in
book form. [Article VI. Sec. 57]
Detailed regulations pertaining to any subject, when arranged as
acomprehensive code, may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be posted or published in
the manner required for the enactment of ordinances. Any or all ordinances
of the City may be compiled, consolidated, revised, indexed, including such
restatement and substantive changes as is necessary in the interest of
clarity, and arranged as a comprehensive ordinance code. Such ordinance
code may be adopted by reference as provided herein. Copies of any
adopted code of regulations shall be made available for purchase at a
reasonable price. [Article IV. Sec. 407]
Charter Item Arcadia
Council Reorganization
By the affirmative votes of not less than three Councilmembers, the Council
shall elect one of its members as Mayor, and one of its members as Mayor
Pro Tempore, upon the following occasions:
(a) In even-numbered years, at the regular Council meeting held for the
purpose of canvassing the results of the general municipal election; and
(b) In odd-numbered years, at the second regular Council meeting held
during the month of April; or
(c) At such other times as a majority of the Council shall so order.
Code Adoption
Detailed regulations, pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be published in the manner
required for other ordinances, but not less than three copies thereof shall
be filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk,
prior to the adoption thereof. Subsequent amendments to sections of such
code shall be enacted in the same manner as herein required for the
enactment of ordinances. Copies of any adopted code of regulations shall be
made available for purchase at a reasonable price.
Cypress Irvine
By the affirmative votes of not less than three Councilmen, the Council shall
elect one of its members as Mayor and one of its members as Mayor Pro
Tempore, upon the following occasions:
(a) In even-numbered years, at the Council meeting held for the purpose of
canvassing the results of the general municipal election; and
(b) In odd-numbered years, at the first regular Council meeting held at least
one year after the Council meeting held for the purpose of canvassing the
results of the last general municipal election; and
(c) At such other times as a majority of the Council shall so order. [ Article
IV. Sec. 404]
The City Council, hereinafter termed "Council," shall consist of a Mayor and
four (4) Council members elected to office from the City at large in the
manner provided in this Charter.
The Mayor shall serve a term of two (2) years. Any person who serves two
(2) full terms as Mayor shall not be eligible to serve again as Mayor. If a
Mayor serves a partial term in excess of one (1) year, it shall be considered a
full term for the purpose of this provision. Other than as set forth herein,
eligibility for office, compensation, vacancies and the filling of vacancies
shall be the same for the office of Mayor as provided for the office of
Council member by this Charter. The Mayor, in addition to serving as the
presiding officer of the Council, shall have all of the rights, powers and
duties of a Council member and shall be a member of the Council. [Articel
IV. Sec. 400]
Detailed regulations, pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be published in the manner
required for the enactment of ordinances. Copies of any adopted code of
regulations shall be made available for purchase at a reasonable price.
[Article IV. Sec. 418]
Detailed regulations pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code, may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be posted or published in
the manner required for the enactment of ordinances. Any or all ordinances
of the City may be compiled, consolidated, revised, indexed, including such
restatement and substantive change as is necessary in the interest of clarity,
and arranged as a comprehensive ordinance code. Such ordinance code may
be adopted by reference as provided herein. Copies of any adopted code of
regulations shall be made available for purchase at a reasonable price.
[Article IV. Sec. 409]
Charter Item Arcadia
Council Reorganization
By the affirmative votes of not less than three Councilmembers, the Council
shall elect one of its members as Mayor, and one of its members as Mayor
Pro Tempore, upon the following occasions:
(a) In even-numbered years, at the regular Council meeting held for the
purpose of canvassing the results of the general municipal election; and
(b) In odd-numbered years, at the second regular Council meeting held
during the month of April; or
(c) At such other times as a majority of the Council shall so order.
Code Adoption
Detailed regulations, pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be published in the manner
required for other ordinances, but not less than three copies thereof shall
be filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk,
prior to the adoption thereof. Subsequent amendments to sections of such
code shall be enacted in the same manner as herein required for the
enactment of ordinances. Copies of any adopted code of regulations shall be
made available for purchase at a reasonable price.
Mountain View Newport Beach
The council shall meet and elect one of its members as its presiding officer,
who shall have the title of mayor. The mayor shall have a voice and vote in
all its proceedings. The mayor shall be the official head of the city for all
ceremonial purposes. The mayor shall perform such other duties consistent
with the mayoral office as may be prescribed by this Charter or as may be
imposed by the council. The mayor shall serve in such capacity at the
pleasure of the council.The selection of mayor shall occur annually. If
possible, the selection shall be made at the first meeting in January or, at
the council's discretion, at such other meeting to accommodate the needs of
the council.
(b)Vice mayor. At the time set for selection of mayor, the council shall also
designate one of its members as vice mayor who shall serve in such capacity
at the pleasure of the council. The vice mayor shall perform the duties of the
mayor during the mayor's absence or disability. [Article V. Sec. 505]
On the date of any meeting of the City Council at which time the Council
receives the certification of the results of any general or special municipal
election at which any member of Council is elected, the City Council shall,
after swearing and qualifying any newly elected member, elect one of its
members as its presiding officer, who shall have the title of Mayor. The
Mayor shall have a voice and vote in all its proceedings. The Mayor shall
have the primary but not exclusive responsibility for interpreting the
policies, programs and needs of the City government to the people, and, as
occasion requires, the Mayor may inform the people of any change in policy
or program. The Mayor shall perform such other duties consistent with the
office as may be prescribed by this Charter or as may be imposed by the City
Council. The Mayor shall serve in such capacity at the pleasure of the City
Council. [Article Iv. Sec.404]
With the sole exception of ordinances which take effect upon adoption
referred to in this article, no ordinance shall be adopted by the council on
the day of its introduction, nor within five days thereafter nor at any time
other than at a regular or adjourned regular meeting nor until such
ordinance shall have been published as required in this Charter. At the time
of introduction or adoption of an ordinance or resolution it shall be read in
full, unless after the reading of the title thereof, the further reading thereof
is waived by unanimous consent of the councilmembers present. In the
event that any ordinance is altered after its introduction, the same shall not
be finally adopted except at a regular or adjourned regular meeting, held
not less than five days after the date upon which such ordinance was so
altered. The correction of typographical or clerical errors shall not constitute
the making of an alteration within the meaning of the foregoing sentence.
No order for the payment of money shall be adopted or made at any other
than a regular or adjourned regular meeting.
Any ordinance declared by the council to be necessary as an emergency
measure for preserving the public peace, health or safety, and containing a
statement of the reasons for its urgency, may be introduced and adopted at
one and the same meeting if passed by at least five affirmative votes.
[Article V. 514]
With the sole exception of ordinances which take effect upon adoption,
referred to in this Article, no ordinance shall be adopted by the City Council
on the day of its introduction, nor within five days thereafter. At the time of
its introduction an ordinance shall become a part of the proceedings of such
meeting in the custody of the City Clerk. At the time of adoption of an
ordinance it shall be read in full, unless after the reading of the title thereof,
the further reading thereof is waived by unanimous consent of the
Councilmembers present. In the event that any ordinance is altered after its
introduction, the same shall not be finally adopted except at a meeting held
not less than five days after the date upon which such ordinance was so
altered. The correction of typographical or clerical errors shall not constitute
the making of an alteration within the meaning of the foregoing sentence.
Unless a higher vote is required by other provisions of this Charter, the
affirmative votes of at least four members of the City Council shall be
required for the enactment of any ordinance or resolution, or for the
making or approving of any order for the payment of money. All ordinances
and resolutions shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.
Any ordinance declared by the City Council to be necessary as an emergency
measure for preserving the public peace, health or safety, and containing a
statement of the reasons for its urgency, may be introduced and adopted at
one and the same meeting if passed by at least five affirmative votes.
[Article IV. Sec.412]
Charter Item Arcadia
Council Reorganization
By the affirmative votes of not less than three Councilmembers, the Council
shall elect one of its members as Mayor, and one of its members as Mayor
Pro Tempore, upon the following occasions:
(a) In even-numbered years, at the regular Council meeting held for the
purpose of canvassing the results of the general municipal election; and
(b) In odd-numbered years, at the second regular Council meeting held
during the month of April; or
(c) At such other times as a majority of the Council shall so order.
Code Adoption
Detailed regulations, pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be published in the manner
required for other ordinances, but not less than three copies thereof shall
be filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk,
prior to the adoption thereof. Subsequent amendments to sections of such
code shall be enacted in the same manner as herein required for the
enactment of ordinances. Copies of any adopted code of regulations shall be
made available for purchase at a reasonable price.
Pasadena Santa Monica
The Mayor shall be nominated and elected by the voters of the City at large
for a term of four years, except as provided in Section 401 (B). The Mayor
shall be a voting member of the City Council and shall preside at meetings of
the City Council. The Mayor shall act as chief executive of the City in
performing all acts required to be performed under the laws of the State of
California and this Charter. The Mayor shall be recognized as the official
head of the City for all ceremonial purposes, by the Courts for the purpose
of serving civil process and by the Governor of the State for military
purposes. The Mayor shall have a voice and vote in all proceedings of the
City Council and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by
this Charter or as may be imposed by the City Council consistent with his or
her office. [Article IV. Sec. 406]
(a) On the first Tuesday following any general or special municipal
election at which City Councilmembers are elected, the City Council shall
meet and shall elect one of its members as its presiding officer, who shall
have the title of Mayor. The Mayor shall have a voice and vote in all its
proceedings. The Mayor shall be the official head of the City for all
ceremonial purposes. The Mayor shall perform such other duties as may be
prescribed by this Charter or as may be imposed by the City Council
consistent with the Mayor’s office. The Mayor shall serve in such capacity at
the pleasure of The City Council.
(b) Mayor Pro Tempore. The City Council shall also designate one of its
members as Mayor Pro Tempore. The Mayor Pro Tempore shall perform the
duties of the Mayor during the Mayor’s absence or disability. [Article VI.
Sec. 604]
The City Council may cause to be classified and codified under appropriate
headings the ordinances of the City. Notwithstanding any other provisions
of this Article, the City Council may adopt and thereafter amend a code of
laws, rules or regulations by reference, in the manner prescribed by the
Government Code as now or hereafter amended. [Section V. 511]
Any and all ordinances of the City which have been enacted and published in
the manner required at the time of their adoption, and which have not been
repealed, may be compiled, consolidated, revised, indexed, and arranged as
a comprehensive ordinance code, and such code may be adopted by
reference by the passage of an ordinance for such purpose. Such code need
not be published in the manner required for other ordinances, but not less
than three copies thereof shall be filed, for use and examination by the
public, in the office of the City Clerk, prior to the adoption thereof.
Subsequent amendments to sections of the code shall be enacted in the
same manner as herein required for the amendment of ordinances
Detailed regulations pertaining to any subject, such as the construction of
buildings, plumbing, wiring or other subjects which require extensive
regulations, after having been arranged as a comprehensive code, may
likewise be adopted by reference in the manner hereinabove provided.
[Article VI. Section 618]
Charter Item Arcadia
Council Reorganization
By the affirmative votes of not less than three Councilmembers, the Council
shall elect one of its members as Mayor, and one of its members as Mayor
Pro Tempore, upon the following occasions:
(a) In even-numbered years, at the regular Council meeting held for the
purpose of canvassing the results of the general municipal election; and
(b) In odd-numbered years, at the second regular Council meeting held
during the month of April; or
(c) At such other times as a majority of the Council shall so order.
Code Adoption
Detailed regulations, pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be published in the manner
required for other ordinances, but not less than three copies thereof shall
be filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk,
prior to the adoption thereof. Subsequent amendments to sections of such
code shall be enacted in the same manner as herein required for the
enactment of ordinances. Copies of any adopted code of regulations shall be
made available for purchase at a reasonable price.
Temple City
By the affirmative votes of not less than three (3) members, the city council
shall choose one of its members as mayor, and one of its members as mayor
pro tempore, upon the following occasions:
A. In even numbered years, at the regular council meeting held for the
purpose of canvassing the results of the general municipal
election; and
B. In odd numbered years, at the first regular council meeting held during
the month of March; or
C. At such other times as a majority of the council shall so order. The council
member chosen as mayor shall, in addition to the performance of this duties
as a council member, preside at all city council meetings, represent the city
as the ceremonial head of city government, and perform such other acts as
may be required of him, as directed by the city council, consistent with this
charter, ordinance of the city or other applicable law. In the case of the
absence or disability of the mayor, the mayor pro tempore shall act in his
place and stead. [Article VI. Section 601]
G. Codification. Any and all ordinances of the city may be compiled,
consolidated, or recompiled and/or reconsolidated, and indexed and
arranged in a comprehensive municipal ordinance code. Such code may be
adopted by ordinance, by reference. Such code, if adopted by reference,
need not be published in the manner required for other ordinances,
provided that:
1. Not less than three (3) copies thereof shall be on file in the office of the
city clerk, available for examination by members of the public, prior to the
adoption thereof; and
2. That the final adoption of such code shall not take place until a public
hearing is held before the city council to allow interested persons to express
their views on such proposed code; and
3. That notice of such public hearing is given by publication in an
adjudicated newspaper at least ten (10) days in advance of such hearing.
Detailed regulations pertaining to any subject, such as building regulations,
when arranged in a comprehensive code, including maps, charts or
diagrams, may also be adopted by reference in the manner provided in this
section. Amendments to such code shall be enacted only by ordinance and,
if no adoption by reference is involved, the procedure set forth in this sub-
paragraph shall not apply to such adoption. [Article VI. Section 606]
Charter Item Arcadia Alhambra Big Bear Lake
Publishing Legal Notices
In the event that there is more than one newspaper of general circulation in
the City, the Council, annually, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year,
shall solicit bids and contract for the publication of all legal notices or other
matter required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation,
during the ensuing fiscal year. If there is only one newspaper of general
circulation in the City, then the Council shall have the power to contract
with such newspaper for the publishing of such legal notices and other
matter without soliciting bids therefor. If the City has a contract with a
newspaper of general circulation in the City, it shall be deemed to be the
official newspaper. 9 If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the
City, or if such a newspaper will not contract with the City at rates which do
not exceed those charged private persons, and the Council has not
designated an official newspaper, then such notices and other matter, and
notices required to be published in the official newspaper, shall be
published by posting copies thereof at three or more public places in the
City as designated by the Council. No defect or irregularity in proceedings
taken under this section, or failure to designate an official newspaper, shall
invalidate any publication where the same is otherwise in conformity with
this Charter or law.
All resolutions and ordinances shall be signed by the mayor and attested by
the city clerk and before taking effect, all ordinances or a summary thereof
shall be published at least once in a newspaper published in said city, or
posted in at least three public places therein for a period of ten days.
[Article VI. Sec. 51]
The City Clerk shall cause each ordinance to be posted in at least three
public places in the City in lieu of publication unless publication is requested
by the City Council or otherwise required by law. [ Article VI. Sec. 408]
Charter Item Arcadia
Publishing Legal Notices
In the event that there is more than one newspaper of general circulation in
the City, the Council, annually, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year,
shall solicit bids and contract for the publication of all legal notices or other
matter required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation,
during the ensuing fiscal year. If there is only one newspaper of general
circulation in the City, then the Council shall have the power to contract
with such newspaper for the publishing of such legal notices and other
matter without soliciting bids therefor. If the City has a contract with a
newspaper of general circulation in the City, it shall be deemed to be the
official newspaper. 9 If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the
City, or if such a newspaper will not contract with the City at rates which do
not exceed those charged private persons, and the Council has not
designated an official newspaper, then such notices and other matter, and
notices required to be published in the official newspaper, shall be
published by posting copies thereof at three or more public places in the
City as designated by the Council. No defect or irregularity in proceedings
taken under this section, or failure to designate an official newspaper, shall
invalidate any publication where the same is otherwise in conformity with
this Charter or law.
Cypress Irvine
Except as provided otherwise in this Charter or by ordinance of the Council,
may be accomplished by (1) posting copies thereof at three or more public
places in the City as designated by the Council and posted on the City’s
website; (2) publishing thereof in the official newspaper; or (3) a
combination of (1) and (2).
The publication of legal notices or other matters that do not solely pertain
to the municipal affairs of the City shall be published in a manner consistent
with applicable law.
The newspaper with which the Council contracts for the publication of legal
notices shall be deemed to be the official newspaper.
No defect or irregularity in proceedings taken under this section, or, shall
invalidate any publication where the same is otherwise in conformity with
this Charter or law. [Article IV. Sec. 420]
Charter Item Arcadia
Publishing Legal Notices
In the event that there is more than one newspaper of general circulation in
the City, the Council, annually, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year,
shall solicit bids and contract for the publication of all legal notices or other
matter required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation,
during the ensuing fiscal year. If there is only one newspaper of general
circulation in the City, then the Council shall have the power to contract
with such newspaper for the publishing of such legal notices and other
matter without soliciting bids therefor. If the City has a contract with a
newspaper of general circulation in the City, it shall be deemed to be the
official newspaper. 9 If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the
City, or if such a newspaper will not contract with the City at rates which do
not exceed those charged private persons, and the Council has not
designated an official newspaper, then such notices and other matter, and
notices required to be published in the official newspaper, shall be
published by posting copies thereof at three or more public places in the
City as designated by the Council. No defect or irregularity in proceedings
taken under this section, or failure to designate an official newspaper, shall
invalidate any publication where the same is otherwise in conformity with
this Charter or law.
Mountain View Newport Beach
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the city clerk shall cause each
proposed ordinance, other than an emergency ordinance or an ordinance
which takes effect upon adoption, to be published at least once in the
official newspaper at least two (2) days prior to its adoption; or, as an
alternative method of publication, the council may order copies of any
proposed ordinance to be posted at least two (2) days prior to its adoption
in three (3) prominent places in the city and cause a single publication in the
official newspaper of a notice setting forth the title of the ordinance, the
date of its introduction, and a list of the places where copies of the
proposed ordinance are posted. [Article V. Sec. 522]
Detailed regulations pertaining to any subject, when arranged as a
comprehensive code, may be adopted by reference by the passage of an
ordinance for such purpose. Such code need not be posted or published in
the manner required for the enactment of ordinances. Any or all ordinances
of the City may be compiled, consolidated, revised, indexed, including such
restatement and substantive changes as is necessary in the interest of
clarity, and arranged as a comprehensive ordinance code. Such ordinance
code may be adopted by reference as provided herein. Copies of any
adopted code of regulations shall be made available for purchase at a
reasonable price. [Article IV. Sec. 409]
The City Council shall at the same time the Mayor is elected also designate
one of its members as Mayor Pro Tempore, who shall serve in such capacity
at the pleasure of the City Council. The Mayor Pro Tempore shall perform
the duties of the Mayor during the Mayor’s absence or disability. [Article IV.
Sec. 414]
Charter Item Arcadia
Publishing Legal Notices
In the event that there is more than one newspaper of general circulation in
the City, the Council, annually, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year,
shall solicit bids and contract for the publication of all legal notices or other
matter required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation,
during the ensuing fiscal year. If there is only one newspaper of general
circulation in the City, then the Council shall have the power to contract
with such newspaper for the publishing of such legal notices and other
matter without soliciting bids therefor. If the City has a contract with a
newspaper of general circulation in the City, it shall be deemed to be the
official newspaper. 9 If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the
City, or if such a newspaper will not contract with the City at rates which do
not exceed those charged private persons, and the Council has not
designated an official newspaper, then such notices and other matter, and
notices required to be published in the official newspaper, shall be
published by posting copies thereof at three or more public places in the
City as designated by the Council. No defect or irregularity in proceedings
taken under this section, or failure to designate an official newspaper, shall
invalidate any publication where the same is otherwise in conformity with
this Charter or law.
Pasadena Santa Monica
All ordinances adopted under this Charter shall be published by the City
Clerk at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and until
such publication no ordinance shall take effect. Land use zones may be
established (a) by legal description; (b) by reference to a map or plat
referred to in such ordinance and published as part thereof, or (c) by
reference to a map or plat on file with the City Clerk provided the ordinance
designates the area in relation to the names of the public streets within the
area depicted and incorporates such map or plat by reference. As an
alternative to publications as specified herein, after adoption, the title and
summary, as approved by the City Council, may be published in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City. [Article V. Sec. 508]
In the event that there is more than one newspaper of general circulation
published in the City, the City Council annually, prior to the beginning of
each fiscal year, shall publish a notice inviting bids and contract for the
publication of all legal notices or other matter required to be published, in a
newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in said City,
during the ensuing fiscal year. In the event there is only one newspaper of
general circulation published in the City, then the City Council shall have the
power to contract with such newspaper for the printing and publishing of
such legal notices without being required to advertise for bids therefor. The
newspaper with which any such contract is made shall be designated the
official newspaper for the publication of such notices or other matter for the
period of such contract.
In no case shall the contract prices for such publication exceed the
customary rates charged by such newspaper for the publication of legal
notices of a private character.
In the event there is no official newspaper designated by the City Council,
then all legal notices or other matter may be published by posting copies
thereof in at least three public places in the City.
No defect or irregularity in proceedings taken under this section, or failure
to designate an official newspaper, shall invalidate any publication where
the same is otherwise in conformity with this Charter or law or ordinance.
[Article VI. Sec. 609]
Charter Item Arcadia
Publishing Legal Notices
In the event that there is more than one newspaper of general circulation in
the City, the Council, annually, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year,
shall solicit bids and contract for the publication of all legal notices or other
matter required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation,
during the ensuing fiscal year. If there is only one newspaper of general
circulation in the City, then the Council shall have the power to contract
with such newspaper for the publishing of such legal notices and other
matter without soliciting bids therefor. If the City has a contract with a
newspaper of general circulation in the City, it shall be deemed to be the
official newspaper. 9 If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the
City, or if such a newspaper will not contract with the City at rates which do
not exceed those charged private persons, and the Council has not
designated an official newspaper, then such notices and other matter, and
notices required to be published in the official newspaper, shall be
published by posting copies thereof at three or more public places in the
City as designated by the Council. No defect or irregularity in proceedings
taken under this section, or failure to designate an official newspaper, shall
invalidate any publication where the same is otherwise in conformity with
this Charter or law.
Temple City
Charter Item Arcadia Alhambra Big Bear Lake
HR Commission
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Library Donations
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Charter Item Arcadia
HR Commission
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Library Donations
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Cypress Irvine
Charter Item Arcadia
HR Commission
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Library Donations
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Mountain View Newport Beach
There shall be a Board of Library Trustees consisting of five members which
shall have the power and duty to:
(a) Have charge of the administration of City libraries and make and
enforce such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be necessary therefore
(b) Designate its own secretary.
(c) Consider the annual budget for library purposes during the process of
its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City
Council and City Manager.
(d) Purchase and acquire books, journals, maps, publications and other
supplies peculiar to the needs of the library, subject, however, to the
limitations of the budget for such purposes. The expenditure and
disbursement of funds for such purchases shall be made and approved as
elsewhere in this Charter provided.
(e) Approve or disapprove the appointment, suspension or removal of the
Librarian, who shall be the department head.
(f) Accept money, personal property or real estate donated to the City for
library purposes, subject to the approval of the City Council.
(g) Contract with schools, county or other governmental agencies to
render or receive library services or facilities subject to the approval of the
City Council. [Article VII. Sec.708]
Charter Item Arcadia
HR Commission
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Library Donations
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Pasadena Santa Monica
The City Council shall establish a personnel system. [Article VIII. Sec. 801]Personnel Board. Powers and duties.
The Personnel Board shall have power and be required to:
(a) After a public hearing thereon, recommend to the City Council the
adoption, amendment or repeal of Civil Service rules and regulations;
(b) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning
the administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its
findings to the City Council, City Manager, and the Personnel Director;
(c) Hear appeals of any officer or employee in the classified service who
is suspended, demoted or removed, and report in writing to the appointing
authority, City Manager, and City Council, its findings, conclusions, and
recommendations; and
(d) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and the Personnel
Director on personnel administration. [Article X. Sec. 1012]
Library Board.
There shall be a Library Board consisting of five members to be appointed
by the City Council from the residents of the City and no member of said
Board shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government.
[Article X. Sec. 1009]
Library Board. Powers and duties.
The Library Board shall have charge of the administration of the Santa
Monica Public Library, and shall have power and be required to:
(a) Make and enforce such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be
necessary for the administration, government and protection of the City
Library; and
(b) Accept money, personal property or real estate donated to the
Library Board of the Santa Monica Public Library or its predecessor. [Article
X. Sec. 1010]
Charter Item Arcadia
HR Commission
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Library Donations
There shall be a Human Resources Commission which shall:
(d) Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the
administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings
to the Council and City Manager.
(e) Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council.
Temple City
Charter Item Arcadia Alhambra Big Bear Lake
General municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other
purposes as the Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the
second Tuesday in April in each even-numbered year.
General municipal elections shall be held in said city on the Tuesday
following the first Monday in November of each even- numbered year,
commencing on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November, 1974,
at which shall be elected the elective officers provided for by this Charter,
including members of the board of education, and all such officers shall take
office on the first day of December next succeeding the day of their
respective election at 12 o'clock noon. [Article XVII. Sec. 104]
General municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other
purposes as the Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years except
as otherwise provided by ordinance of the City Council. [Article IX. Sec. 900]
Capital Program
As used in this section, a capital improvement shall mean an improvement
with an estimated cost in excess of $30,000.
Charter Item Arcadia
General municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other
purposes as the Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the
second Tuesday in April in each even-numbered year.
Capital Program
As used in this section, a capital improvement shall mean an improvement
with an estimated cost in excess of $30,000.
Cypress Irvine
General municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other
purposes as the Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the day
designated by the Legislature for general municipal elections in general law
cities. [Article IX. Sec. 900]
Commencing with the general municipal election in 1992, general municipal
elections for the election of officers and for such other purposes as the
Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the first Tuesday after the
first Monday in November of even-numbered years, except as otherwise
provided by ordinance of the City Council. [Article IX. Sec. 900]
Capital Program. As used in this section a capital improvement shall mean
an improvement with an estimated cost in excess of $10,000 and a probable
life in excess of ten years, or such other improvement as may be specified by
the Council.
(a) The Manager shall prepare and submit to the Council a five-year capital
program at least one month prior to the final date for submission of the
budget or such other time as the Council may prescribe.
(b) The capital program shall include:
1. A clear general summary of its contents;
2. A list of all capital improvements which are proposed to be undertaken
during the five fiscal years next ensuing, with appropriate supporting
information as to the necessity for such improvements;
3. Cost estimate, method of financing and recommended time schedules for
each such improvement; and
4. The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to
be constructed or acquired.
The above information may be revised and extended each year with. [Article
X. Sec. 1003]
Charter Item Arcadia
General municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other
purposes as the Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the
second Tuesday in April in each even-numbered year.
Capital Program
As used in this section, a capital improvement shall mean an improvement
with an estimated cost in excess of $30,000.
Mountain View Newport Beach
General municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other
purposes as the council may prescribe, shall be held in said city on the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year,
commencing with the year 1994. [Article XIII. Sec. 1300]
Commencing with the election of November 2, 1982, General Municipal
elections for the election of officers and for such other purposes as the City
Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the first Tuesday after the
First Monday of November in each even-numbered year, and consolidated
with the Statewide general election in the manner provided in the California
Elections Code. [Article X. Sec.1000]
A fund for capital improvement generally is hereby created, to be known as
the “Capital Improvement Fund.” The City Council may create by ordinance
a special fund or funds for a special capital improvement purpose. The City
Council may transfer to any such fund any unencumbered surplus funds
remaining on hand in the City at any time.
Once created, such fund shall remain inviolate for the purpose for which it
was created; if for capital improvement generally, then for any such
purposes, and if for a special capital improvement, then for such purpose
only, unless the use of such fund for some other capital improvement
purpose is authorized by the affirmative votes of a majority of the electors
voting on such proposition at a general or special election at which such
proposition is submitted.
If the purpose for which any special capital improvement fund has been
created has been accomplished, the City Council may transfer any
unexpended or unencumbered surplus remaining in such fund to the fund
for capital improvement generally, established by this Charter. [ArticleXI.
Charter Item Arcadia
General municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other
purposes as the Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the
second Tuesday in April in each even-numbered year.
Capital Program
As used in this section, a capital improvement shall mean an improvement
with an estimated cost in excess of $30,000.
Pasadena Santa Monica
Beginning in the year 2020, a City primary election shall be held in each even
year, coinciding with the statewide primary election, in those districts of the
City wherein the terms of office of Councilmembers expire in that year or on
a citywide basis when the term of office of the Mayor expires in such year,
for the purpose of nominating candidates to be voted on at the general
municipal election and for such other purposes as the City Council may
prescribe. [Article XII. Sec, 1202]
General Municipal Elections for the filling of elective office shall be held in
said City on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November in each
even numbered year commencing with the year 1984.
For those elected officers whose terms are to expire in April 1985, those
terms shall expire in November 1984. For those elected officers whose terms
are scheduled to expire in April 1987, those terms shall expire in November
1986. The elections to fill said office shall be held on the election days
established pursuant to this Article. The terms of the officers elected in
November of even numbered years shall begin on the first Tuesday
following their elections.
The provisions of this Section shall take effect and control over any other
provisions of this Charter in conflict with this Section. [Article IX. Section
There is created a special fund known as the "Capital Project Fund" which
shall be used to account for financial resources which are to be expended
only for the acquisition, construction, replacement or repair of municipal
improvements, as defined in California Government Code 43601 as of July 1,
1971, or for payments of principal and interest on funds borrowed for such
purposes. The Capital Project Fund shall receive monies as designated by the
Charter or City Council from time to time. Expenditures and transfers from
the fund, other than for specific municipal improvements projects as defined
above, shall be authorized only upon a majority vote of the people. [Article
I. Sec.104]
The City Council by ordinance may create capital expenditure funds. The City
Council may transfer to any such fund any unencumbered surplus funds
remaining on hand in the City at any time, or any other funds which the City
Council may lawfully raise. [Article XV. Sec. 1511]
Charter Item Arcadia
General municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other
purposes as the Council may prescribe shall be held in the City on the
second Tuesday in April in each even-numbered year.
Capital Program
As used in this section, a capital improvement shall mean an improvement
with an estimated cost in excess of $30,000.
Temple City
General municipal elections shall be conducted on the first Tuesday after
the first Monday in March of even-numbered years, commencing in March
of 2020 and as more fully set forth in Elections Code section 2601. [Article V.
Sec. 501]
Charter Item Arcadia Alhambra Big Bear Lake
Public Works Contracts
Every contract involving an expenditure of more than Thirty Thousand
Dollars ($30,000) for public works construction or improvement shall be let
to the lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in a newspaper
of general circulation by two (2) insertions, the first of which shall be at least
ten (10) days before the time for opening bids.
When the expenditure required for a public project exceeds the minimum
amount specified in the general law of the State of California as requiring
bidding, or the amount set by ordinance of the City Council, whichever is
greater, such expenditure shall be contracted for and let to the lowest
responsible bidder after notice. [Article XIX. Sec. 135]
Every project involving an expenditure of more than Four Thousand Dollars
(or such other amount as may be prescribed by ordinance) for the
construction of public works shall be let by the Council by contract to the
lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in the official
newspaper by one or more insertions, the first of which shall be at least ten
days before the time for opening bids. [Article X. Sec.10004]
Charter Item Arcadia
Public Works Contracts
Every contract involving an expenditure of more than Thirty Thousand
Dollars ($30,000) for public works construction or improvement shall be let
to the lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in a newspaper
of general circulation by two (2) insertions, the first of which shall be at least
ten (10) days before the time for opening bids.
Cypress Irvine
Unless subject to an exception set forth in another subparagraph of Section
1012, every project involving an expenditure of more than Three Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars (or such other amount as may be prescribed by
ordinance) for the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of
public works shall be let by the Council by contract to the lowest responsible
bidder after notice by publication occurs at least once in a manner
consistent with Section 420. If publication under this Section 1012 occurs
more insertions, than once, then the first publication shall be occur at least
ten days before the time for opening bids [Article X. Sec. 1012]
Every project involving an expenditure of more than Four Thousand Dollars
(or such other amount as may be prescribed by ordinance) for the
construction of public works shall be let by the Council by contract to the
lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in the official
newspaper by one or more insertions, the first of which shall be at least ten
days before the time for opening bids. The Council may reject any and all
bids presented and may readvertise in its discretion. [Article X. Sec. 1004]
Charter Item Arcadia
Public Works Contracts
Every contract involving an expenditure of more than Thirty Thousand
Dollars ($30,000) for public works construction or improvement shall be let
to the lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in a newspaper
of general circulation by two (2) insertions, the first of which shall be at least
ten (10) days before the time for opening bids.
Mountain View Newport Beach
Every project involving an expenditure of public monies of more than fifteen
thousand dollars ($15,000) appropriately indexed to 1978 dollars for the
construction or improvement of public buildings, works, drains, sewers, utilities,
parts, playgrounds, and streets (exclusive of projects for resurfacing, maintenance
and repair of streets) shall be let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder after
notice by publication in the official newspaper by one or more insertions, the first of
which shall be at least seven days before the time for opening bids. [Section XI.
Every project for the construction or improvement of public buildings,
works, streets, drains, sewers, utilities, parks or playgrounds, and every
purchase of supplies or materials for any such project, when the total
expenditures required for the project exceed One Hundred and Twenty
Thousand Dollars ($120,000.00), or such lesser amount as may be
established by ordinance, shall be let by the City Council by contract to the
lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in the official
newspaper by one or more insertions, the first of which shall be at least ten
(10) days before the time for opening bids. This formal bid dollar amount
shall be adjusted annually pursuant to an index specified by City Council
resolution. Projects for the maintenance or repair of such facilities are
excepted from the requirements of this paragraph if the City Council
determines that such work can be performed more economically by a City
department than by contracting for the doing of such work. [Article XI. Sec.
Charter Item Arcadia
Public Works Contracts
Every contract involving an expenditure of more than Thirty Thousand
Dollars ($30,000) for public works construction or improvement shall be let
to the lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in a newspaper
of general circulation by two (2) insertions, the first of which shall be at least
ten (10) days before the time for opening bids.
Pasadena Santa Monica
The respective officers in charge of water and power utilities operated by
the City may contract for the sale of the products, commodities, and
services of their departments in accordance with forms and regulations
approved by the City Manager and City Attorney, and at rates fixed by the
City Council. [Article X. Sec. 1006]
The City Council shall, by ordinance, adopt procedures and requirements for
the purchase of supplies and equipment; for the provision of personal
services, including without limitation, professional consultant agreements in
excess of $50,000; and for the award of bids for public works projects. Such
an ordinance should preserve public confidence in the integrity and
openness of the City contracting process, protect public funds, and insure
that the City obtains materials or service of appropriate quality. To the
extent permitted by law, the City Council shall adopt procedures which
encourage the award of City contracts to disadvantaged or minority
Pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by the City Council, the personal
services agreements subject to the dollar requirements of this Section may
be adjusted by an amount no greater than the cumulative percentage
increase in the Consumer Price Index as measured from the operative date
of the last such adjustment, provided that such adjustments shall occur only
once in any five year period. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) shall be the CPI
for All Urban Consumers for the Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim
Metropolitan Area (All Items), provided by the United States Bureau of
Labor Statistics or other comparable index determined to be appropriate by
the City Council. [Article VI. Sec. 617]
Charter Item Arcadia
Public Works Contracts
Every contract involving an expenditure of more than Thirty Thousand
Dollars ($30,000) for public works construction or improvement shall be let
to the lowest responsible bidder after notice by publication in a newspaper
of general circulation by two (2) insertions, the first of which shall be at least
ten (10) days before the time for opening bids.
Temple City
Except as otherwise herein provided, the city shall contract for the
construction or reconstruction of
any public building, works, streets, drain, sewer, utility, park or playground
(hereinafter "public project") in the time and manner and in
accordance with general law. [Article VI. Sec. 607E]
Charter Item Arcadia Alhambra Big Bear Lake
Board of Education
The control, management, and administration of the public schools of the
City of Arcadia and the territory that is now or may hereafter be annexed
thereto for school purposes, in accordance with the Constitution and
general laws of the State of California, is hereby vested in a Board of
Education consisting of five members who shall be voters in the school
district; said Board is hereby vested with all the powers and charged with all
the duties provided by the laws of the State for city boards of education.
Five members of the board of education shall be elected officials of the
unified school district, of which the City of Alhambra is a part. All school
board members shall be elected at the general municipal election on a
general ticket from the unified school district at large. The five members of
the board of education must have the residence qualifications specified in
Section 86 of Article XIV of this Charter. [Article III. Sec. 7]
Charter Item Arcadia
Board of Education
The control, management, and administration of the public schools of the
City of Arcadia and the territory that is now or may hereafter be annexed
thereto for school purposes, in accordance with the Constitution and
general laws of the State of California, is hereby vested in a Board of
Education consisting of five members who shall be voters in the school
district; said Board is hereby vested with all the powers and charged with all
the duties provided by the laws of the State for city boards of education.
Cypress Irvine
Charter Item Arcadia
Board of Education
The control, management, and administration of the public schools of the
City of Arcadia and the territory that is now or may hereafter be annexed
thereto for school purposes, in accordance with the Constitution and
general laws of the State of California, is hereby vested in a Board of
Education consisting of five members who shall be voters in the school
district; said Board is hereby vested with all the powers and charged with all
the duties provided by the laws of the State for city boards of education.
Mountain View Newport Beach
The organization, government and administration of the Public school
system of the City of Mountain View shall not be affected by the adoption of
this Charter, but shall continue in existence as is now or hereafter prescribed
by the Education Code of the State of California. [Article rticle XIV. Section
Charter Item Arcadia
Board of Education
The control, management, and administration of the public schools of the
City of Arcadia and the territory that is now or may hereafter be annexed
thereto for school purposes, in accordance with the Constitution and
general laws of the State of California, is hereby vested in a Board of
Education consisting of five members who shall be voters in the school
district; said Board is hereby vested with all the powers and charged with all
the duties provided by the laws of the State for city boards of education.
Pasadena Santa Monica
The control, management, and administration of the public elementary and
secondary schools of the City of Pasadena and such territory that is now or
may hereafter be annexed thereto for school purposes, in accordance with
the Constitution and general laws of the State of California, is hereby vested
in a Board of Education consisting of seven members nominated and elected
by geographic sub-district as provided in this Charter. The Board of
Education is hereby vested with all the powers and charged with all the
duties provided under state law for city boards of education. [Article VII.
900 Number and term.
The Board of Education shall consist of seven members elected from the
School District at large, at the times and in the manner in this Charter
provided, and who shall serve a term of four years.
The terms of all members shall commence on the first Tuesday following
such election and each member shall serve until the member’s successor is
elected and qualified. Any ties in voting shall be settled by the casting of
In the event such change becomes effective, for those elected members of
the Board of Education whose terms are scheduled to expire in April 1985,
those terms shall expire in November 1984. For those elected officers whose
terms are scheduled to expire in April 1987, those terms shall expire in
November 1986. The terms of the officers elected in November of even
numbered years shall begin on the first Tuesday following their election.
[Article IX]
Charter Item Arcadia
Board of Education
The control, management, and administration of the public schools of the
City of Arcadia and the territory that is now or may hereafter be annexed
thereto for school purposes, in accordance with the Constitution and
general laws of the State of California, is hereby vested in a Board of
Education consisting of five members who shall be voters in the school
district; said Board is hereby vested with all the powers and charged with all
the duties provided by the laws of the State for city boards of education.
Temple City
Effect Of Charter On School Districts.
The adoption of this charter shall not have the effect of creating any new
school district nor shall the adoption of this charter have
any effect upon the existence, the boundaries or manner of operation of
any school district located within the boundaries of the city,
wholly or partially, as of the effective date of this charter. Each such present
school district shall continue in existence subject, in all
respects, to the provisions of the constitution and the laws of the state of
California, as the same now exist or hereafter may be
amended. [Article X. Sec. 1000]
Application Of State Law.
The manner, the time, tenure and terms of office, with reference to the
members of boards of education of such school districts, their
qualifications, compensation and removal and the number which shall
constitute any one of such boards, shall continue to be
prescribed by the constitution and the laws of the state of California, as the
same now exist or may hereafter be amended. [Article X. Sec. 1001]
Monthly Pay Regular Pay Information Provided byArcadia Mayor 500.00$ 6,000.00$ Arcadia Mayor Pro Tem 500.00$ 6,000.00$ Arcadia Councilmembers 500.00$ 6,000.00$ Big Bear Mayor 500.00$ 6,000.00$ GCC ‐ https://publicpay.ca.gov/Reports/Cities/Cities.aspxBig Bear Vice Mayor 500.00$ 6,000.00$ Big Bear Councilmembers 500.00$ 6,000.00$ Alhambra Mayor 993.00$ 11,916.00$ Provided by CityAlhambra Vice Mayor 917.00$ 11,004.00$ Alhambra Councilmembers 917.00$ 11,004.00$ Cypress Mayor 818.50$ 9,822.00$ City Compensation report Provided by CityCypress Vice Mayor818.50$ 9,822.00$ Cypress Councilmembers 818.50$ 9,822.00$ Irvine Mayor 880.00$ 10,560.00$ Provided by CityIrvine Vice Mayor 880.00$ 10,560.00$ Irvine Councilmembers 880.00$ 10,560.00$ Mountain View Mayor 1,423.17$ 17,078.00$ GCC ‐ https://publicpay.ca.gov/Reports/Cities/Cities.aspxMountain View Vice Mayor 1,152.58$ 13,831.00$ Mountian View Councilmembers 1,152.58$ 13,831.00$ Newport Beach Mayor1,784.08$ 21,409.00$ GCC ‐ https://publicpay.ca.gov/Reports/Cities/Cities.aspxNewport Beach Vice Mayor1,428.92$ 17,147.00$ Newport Beach Councilmembers1,428.92$ 17,147.00$ Pasadena Mayor 2,489.31$ 29,871.72$ Provided by CityPasadena Vice Mayor1,659.67$ 19,916.04$ Adjust yearly Pasadena Councilmember1,659.67$ 19,916.04$ Santa Monica Mayor 1,570.17$ 18,842.00$ GCC ‐ https://publicpay.ca.gov/Reports/Cities/Cities.aspxSanta Monica Vice Mayor 1,325.83$ 15,910.00$ Santa Monical Councilmembers 1,316.67$ 15,800.00$ Temple City Mayor 720.00$ 8,640.00$ Provided by CityTemple City Mayor Pro Tem 720.00$ 8,640.00$ This amount does not include the stipend individual councilmembers receive for serving on regional boardsTemple City Councilmembers 720.00$ 8,640.00$ Indian Wells Mayor 1,725.33$ 20,704.00$ GCC ‐ https://publicpay.ca.gov/Reports/Cities/Cities.aspxIndian Wells Mayor Pro Tem 1,437.75$ 17,253.00$ Indian Wells Councilmembers 1,150.25$ 13,803.00$ Average Mayor 1,218.51$ 14,622.07$ Average Mayor Pro Tem 1,030.93$ 12,371.19$ Average City Council Member 1,003.96$ 12,047.55$