HomeMy WebLinkAboutB00-053-416 r--, Development Services Department 240,West Huntington Drive,Post Office Box 60021 PERMIT NO. BOO-053-416 a.j Arcadia,CA 91066-6021 City of (626)574-5416,Fax(626)447-9173 Permit Type: SFNew Arcadia PROJECT TRACT NO. LOT NO. APPLICATION DATE ISSUED BY PRINT DATE PERMIT STATUS 12803 4/25/2016 SC 13:00 3/22/2017 Issued ADDRESS NO. Dir.Prefix Street Name Street Suffix UNIT BLG ASSESSORS PARCEL NO. GEO CODE 1076 Singing Wood Dr 5769-003-002 OWNER MAILING ADDRESS Leaderwave Management PHONE NO. Inspector#: JOHN EMAIL ADDRESS: Plan Chk#: 16-199 APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS NO. 626 215-7370 Plan#: 32209 PHONE Liu,Yuting 1076 Singing Wood Dr ( ) Arcadia,CA 91006 EMAIL ADDRESS: School Dist#: 733 CONTRACTORIPROFESSIONAL MAILING ADDRESS Homeowner PHONE NO. FAX NO. EMAIL ADDRESS: , License No. Type: Expires: TENANT MAILING ADDRESS PHONE NO. FAX NO. DESCRIPTION SFR New • 6 bed,7 bath, 1 podr mi,lily rm,din rm,kit,wok kit,nook,fam rm,theater,laundry gym,2 car attached Construction Type UOM #of Units Value Construction Type UOM N of Units Value Air Conditioning Res sq ft 8,398.00 $37,371.10 Patio/Porch sq ft 169.00 $3,085.94 Type V Wood Frame Good sq ft 8,398.00 $1,069,401.32 . Sprinkler System sq ft 8,398.00 $27,797.38 . Masonry garage sq ft 528.00 $20,259.36 Sprinkler System sgft 528.00 $1,747.68 OCCUPANCY: Dwellings TOTAL VALUATION: $1,159,663.00 QTY 'UOM DESC AMT AMT PAID ACCT QTY UOM DESC AMT AMT PAID ACCT each Plan review 5,549.70 5,549.70 01-3103 1.00 Flat SWMF 2 1.00 1.00 88-3027 each Energy p/c fee 1,707.60 1,707.60 01-3103 PC Cal Green 554.97 554.97 01-3103 100.00 Cubic yart Grading P/C 850.00 850.00 01-3103 1.00 Flat Bldg Issue Auto 44.35 44.35 01-3104 each Bldg permit 8,538.00 8,538.00 01-3104 1.00 each SF/MF Fire Pkc 255.00 255.00 01-3109 100.00 Cubic yart Grading fee 450.00 450.00 01-31 1 1 1.00 Flat Grading iss fee 44.35 44.35 01-3111 1.00 flat WELO Permit 44.35 44.35 01-3119 625.00 WELO Permit 2 625.00 625.00 01-3119 1.00 flat WELO Plan Cltk 1,700.001,700.00 01-3119 CO1IIPLE1ED 4,138.00 fq-ft Park Rec SFR 08 11,79393.3030 11,793.30 07-3509 . SMIP Res 150.76 150.76 14-2207 1.00 DU sf condo town 1,576.00 1,576.00 156-3116 grn bldg std 47.00 47.00 714-2203 1.00 Flat SWMF Auto 6.25 6.25 88-3027 Total Fees: $33,937.63 Balance Due: $0.00 Paid Today: $24,725.33 This permit/plan review expires by time limitation and becomes null and void if the work authorized by the Receipt#: 116131 permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of issuance or if the permit is not obtained within 180 days from 01-3103 850.00 the date of plan submittal.This permit expires and becomes null and void if any work authorized by this permit 01-3104 8,582.35 is suspended or abandoned for 180 consecutive days or if no progressive work has been verified by a City of 01-3111 494.35 Arcadia building inspector for a period of 180 consecutive days. 01-3119 1,224.32 07-3509 11,793.30 CALLS FOR INSPECTION INSPECTORS'OFFICE HOURS 14-2207 150.76 Requests for inspection should be made at least Monday-Thursday Friday 156-3116 1,576.00 714-2203 47.00 one(1)business day in advance of the inspection 7:30 a.m.to 8:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m.to 8:30 a.m. 88-3027 7.25 by telephone at(626)574-5416 for onsite work. 4:00 p.m.to 5:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m.to 4:30 p.m. (Closed on alternate Fridays) Arbor Care Inc . Arboricultural Consulting & Plant Health Care info@ArborCareInc.net 626-737-4007 DATE: April 21, 2021 TO: City of Arcadia Planning Division 240 W. Huntington Drive, P.O. Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91007 FROM: Michael CranesEpjArbor Care, Inc. Project's Arborist of Record SUBJECT: 1076 Singingwood Dr.: Arborist's Final Evaluation Refer to: Original Protected Tree Report,Dated April.2016 Required pruning of Trees#4 and#6 for Framing, Dated May.2018 Construction of garden wall near Tree#4,Dated May 2018 Pathology Results for Tree#4,Dated June 2018 The construction of the new home, including all hardscape features and landscape installation has been completed. The eight healthy Protected Trees, all located on site (seven native Oaks and one Ash street tree) have been successfully preserved to this point. One native Oak has been added to the right-of-way setback area. I have monitored the significant dripline encroachments throughout the entire project beginning with demolition and grading. All work has been done in a professional manner with respect towards the established Tree Protection Zones and the cultural requirements of the trees. The final grades surrounding the trees are the same as they were prior to construction and the soil is at the proper elevation around the root collars. Pruning of Trees#4 and#6 during framing has shown no adverse effects on the trees and regrowth of the crown appears vigorous and healthy. Wound wood formation appears at the margin of the lagrge canker at the base of Tree#4. It is likely stable and a low to moderate risk. Landscape renovations that were done within the driplines are consistent with proper cultural requirements of native oak trees, which consist of low amounts of irrigation and adequate space near the trunks where leaf litter accumulation is conducive. I believe that the conditions are set to allow the oaks to perform very well, and the sycamores will perform well with supplemental irrigation. Photos are attached with this letter to illustrate the completed landscape. It has been a pleasure working on this project and I feel that all eight of the healthy Protected Trees as well as the newly planted trees will continue to thrive in the new landscape for many years. Sincerely, 4,40„tt C*44; •�111I.all$p:N�IIt (IM.M,ItI-� Michael Cranes ISA Board Certified Master Arborist WE-6643-B ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist#440 PBA.. Pa tel Burica .& Asociates; Iric. . . . STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION :REPORT .. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION means the visual observation of the structural system,for general conformance to the approved plans and specifications,at significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system. Structural- observation does not include or waive:the responsibility for the inspections required by Section 108, 1701 or other sections of the Code:_: PBA.Project#/Name:1140 SII/1076 Sin!ing Wood Dr,Arcadia Date: August 7th,2018 Report No:. 03 Lot(s)/Building:#:Main House .. : Owner/Builder:.Mus-Sol Construction;Inc . Page No.01 of 01 OBSERVED STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS FOUNDATION (WOOD)ROUGH:FRAMING• . COMMENTS/ADD'L DESCRIPTION Rough framing back check D..Hardware&Reinforcement 0 Floor:Sheathing. Most MEP's In. stalled Roof.is loaded and windows installed:• . 0.Roof Sheathing Z.Partial Exterior : .. Interior . .. OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES::. 0 Location as Described D.Key(s)Attached. ®No Deficiencies Observed All observed deficiencies have been:corrected to the best of our knowledge. CONTRACTOR SHALL:CORRECT ALL:OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES. Once all items listed above have been properly addressed,please sign this form and return a copy to Patel Burica&Associates,Inc: Si gnature of Report Recipient —P. . . Mark Travisano roject�Superintendent . Mur=Sol-Construct ion,Inc :. . Signature of Observer : . Ethan Ramberg,:P.E.. : .. : .. Patel:Burica.&Associates,Inc.. - : .. - : . .. Signature of Framing Foreman.. Date . Print Name: - . .. Print Company: 9283 Research Drive • Irvine,Califorhia 92618 80 • Faz 03 •www Tel c 714.352.22 ww.PBAstructural.com .. Protected Tree Report: Tree Survey, Encroachment, Protection and Mitigation P 1076 Singing Wood Drive Arcadia, CA 91006 Prepared For: Mr. Robert Tong Sanyao International, Inc. 255 E. Santa Clara Street, #200 Arcadia CA 91006 Tel: (626) 446-8048 Fax: (626) 446-7090 Email: Sanyao888@aol.com D Prepared By: Michael Crane Arbor Care, Inc. P.O. Box 51122 Pasadena, CA 91115 Tel: (626) 737-4007 Fax: (626) 737-4007 Email: info@arborcareinc.net April 2016