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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 21, 1948
Counoil Chamber. City Rall,
Aroadia. California,
O~tober 21, 1948, 8:00 P. M.
l'he OU)' Planning Commission met in regular meeting with Chairman Pike
PRESENT: Mr. Anderson, Ingstad, Pike, Pippin, Shaw. Sullivan, nomp, Watson
and Talley.
ABSENT: Mr. Hinton EUld Cornyn.
Motion by L:r. Ingstad, seoonded by Mr. Pippin and oarried that the
minutes of the meeting of Ootober 7th be approved as written and mailed.
t- PIlrsuant to notioe given, a publio hearing was held on the applioation
of John D. Myers and. F. D. Myers for a oha>>ge of zone from Zone R-l to
Zone R-2 on all the lots in 'Eraot No. 14172. looated on Eighth Avenu.e SO\lth
of Norman Avenue. 1l:r. Myers was represented by Attorney Bone. Mr. Myers
submittea a plot plan snowing that he intended to split his lots into sites
having a frontage of 68.67 feet and oonstruot single family houses having
an area of abO\lt 800 square feet. Mr. Wade Williams and 1!l'I.ward Harris spoke
in favor of the Mr. John Ekkens. Viotor Frenoh, Philip Cross and
Clement Standish opposed the petition. Motion by Mr. Shaw that the petition
be reoommended for denial, on the grOUIl.l1 that the petitioner had used the
wrong method. of arriving at his desired result. Said motion was seoonded
~y Mr. Pike and oarried by the folloWing vote:
AlE): Il:r. Anderson, IJ:Igstad, Pike, Pippin and Shaw.
NOES: Mr. Sullivan.
ABSENT: Minton.
Mr. R. Payton and Mr. E. F. Earhart, owners of property on Palm Drive
west of Se-nta An1ta Avenue, addressed the l'Jommieslon relative to d1vidlllg
their property into lots fronting on a private roadway 25 feet in width.
l'hey were inf'ormed that the plan did not meet the requiroments of a sub-
division. and that the Oommission had no 3urisdiotion.
1iI:'. Gra,ydon K. Hofferber requested a oha.nge of setbaok on the southeast
cornel' of santa Anita Avenue and Haven Avenne to 10 or 15 feet on Santa Anita
Avenue, in order to builld a three or four unit apartment. i!otion by Hr.
Sullivan, seoonded by Mr. Pippin and oarried that the request be reOommended
for denial.
l, Motion by Mr. Shaw, seoonded 07 Yr. Ingstad and oarried that, in oase
I of the absenoe of the Chairman, the senior member present shall aot as vioe-
ohairman, I111d shall preside at the meeti1l8'
Motion b7 Mr. Sullivan, seconded bY' Mr. Pippin an'! oarried that the
mellting adjourn.
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Secretars. ~