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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 24, 1953
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'Qo,Ul1C,U:Pl!~. (:ity~.
Uai'Ch 24.1?~;' 8',00 p.. 1.1.
TO: ALL CITY Cmn,CI1:J.Il::I~ Jl1IDPLillllUNGCOi,lj,USSI!>IlEi!$
SUI3iJl,;C'.r, PLAlJIIIMG ?<6JltJlB.S.Irm rm~,s
'The C1W PlilJin:1ng Co.uml.silion milt ,in regular D1Bet'~.
,Pl\EsEflTa C0lIlI!ii8si~r8 J.ooereoli, ~14s,e~".l;'ratt anti50rflli80li.
ABSBNT.. Collllli1tisio1'i8rii Berky. D~ver aJIIlKnollP.
OTHEi\SPilESEN!" !.llmsur, ~!i!)kJ.1z:I aJIA.l. ~al1!JY 0
In, thelibaBnce.of. tile chIllrman, cotmlii:ell1onn 'BlI1set' ~ed B8~hairman
'l'~ m1nutes of t.helD8et1ng~f'tlaz:ch lA,. ,l~.53. were apprOvede.ilwritt8l1 end
.~ req~st of Harry C. Ell1att and Ro 1'0 eol;e ~o,:ci1ytde'
~M BastEl~E1l!,e1on~f "'[ist~ {\.~. h81dowr froiD lliet. .nmetin.8 .waS . again,. con..
eideredo Llro ,Pr8t't ~ stat~ tl1i,1t he tboug1rt the diViSi'on .shOuldbe by'l'8-
c,oNedsulldiVieil>>!. '~ eJI...-rateli'tbelll8DYt.illIes lsga1descript1ollS are Used. find
the aIldit1OJia1. effort and c1UmCB of Bl'1'Ol',clUlSElii ~ longlll8tes and 'boUDds de-.
scrl~1ons. .Llr. Ell1att stated .that 11. WQUld I1Put ap'prozLiB:li..~. ~ ~01'Qcorii 8,
BUb!l~Vi,sio~III!lP,~ ur~AndBrsOn tJioU8bt it, ai1liimeoesSB17 ~sJii.p.poti~!)y
'!Jr. Pratt that '~h9 di~~on .~. ~ lot ~lit be i1"ri~'8d* a'i1dt.hat this 'Collllli1sa19n
reclllIIIIIBnd the 8Ul!mission o~ a -r1'aQt m&p. Sa1dlllO't'1on vas seconded'~ ,Ur.BcJ.S8l'
and lost by thefoil~ ~e. .
Ams. COliiDd:sS10118l'S Balser unci lTatt'.
~,S. Co~8,8~~rB ~BQn end 'SoreniiOii
J.nSEl~,a: COlllllli~ere' ~.,ih'lllver '81I.~ '~PP" .
. -. ',":'''' ."...
T,he'6f3!l~~ ,!a~ .~ncteclto eU1im1t' 'tb8 appl1Cat.10~' t.o"the - Ci~y ColU!cil
w1tholtt'rGc,OlIIIIIImlkttiouo' ,
., Tentri.U'ftllll8potpz'oposGd.TIUt I~o.18702.~cats4 no~~ g1'~~ {\vullue IJJld
oastoi'. 6~a' J.n1.~a J\~~. p~ intbe Clty1or.Aro8dJ:~~.~~1f in' -tile City of
Si:erra~.W88 .~ ,~on-,~1IiB~. \1ritten report. collcel'lW:& tile Wa'ter8l1pp;Ly
1mB received. ttol\l tJ1eClty UaIlagoS:'and, tiat~ ~1Ip9r1nt~.. !&ationby LIr.. AJUiereoll..
B8coiideu' byLlr.SOJ'8llsOn and. cerr1edby iroU call'Wtethatthe 1'8'>'
co..........d..+.10n of 'tlieCity U8n8&Bl' and,'\SIl~~~~t -~ 'e.ccept~. and tbat,tbe,
map of tne ,truCt,be recoll!lliellded fo:; d1safll)rOY'U. un:til ouch ~1me as the ~or,
oi'tuatil!r1 is developed. .
Requesta,t' B ii Il. Southwell t'orapprgyal 01' a Ire!,%, YaN' ,of 20 l'efrt on lo't4,
Trac't No. 1:4l3~. loctit8d. at 21 ,Andrea :L~, was' ~l1oilJ,eI:e.4. .~~911' by !.lr.Pl-a't't.
S,econded by 1.\ ,andciirriild.,that ~@"O'9lIl ~ rB,corlUnOtld.,Cl !UI' be~ in sub-.
stantial co,~11liln~vd~h too llon1.ri8. o'rd1iI8I1co.,
Req\,lest ot~.G,~Fl1n_t. 'PIls!'9t'0t' th~ First a~1'>t1sicIiUrch; to insta.U ,a neon
sign 6n' thej,l' pto'p~J'Jiy titF?-rstA"i'eIlUe OJI,i1 Fo~~' AVDnuewas conG1dered. Tbtl,
Bign to 'be Q feat, 'by Uii:lchee. 't1f&h(; inch w:hit.11 :J!l1ol,l },41ttertr on 0110 oidll om,y,.
:Ei:uiillg }'ir'1It Ayezwe~ tllld iio't to ,b6 l~g.litild ~er,il.lh,OP ()"cJ,Q~~ J'. JJ., j'ive .,r()V~H""
ty owtlers, e.ast andnurth, 01' the cfuuo~li. uignBdaa favgril1!s thu llign'. l;r. !'r"yt
stnttldil~1;,~not ~.h~n~I1,8ignfJ B1.WUld.'bea11OWed 1n ~s.iaeni~,
andmadf! a, ~1on t.tJat t1'ie ,"_quest. be de,med.. For lack, .ar ,11 eeconil. tho ,Q)tioJl
''iIaa~itt.~. UatloD. trj-lJro SOl'&ll8Oll,se\l!)JIli,eclby! ~; end W'....1-us11
o,arriild. ~ raU oa1.1 vGt;ethat tno.reJti1eSt ,be.. reco~ ,1:~li' apP!O'oIfi,J" ~bjeot t.o
cOllll3lJ.unce, with iheoon'.I.1tio_~ sp~c~i'ied: 1n the,..e~lI8sto
~" li:e~sllliti'lf!l! ~or 'Tl'nct l~~ .:1.3439" l~cs:~eC! ,on qte~ Ii~.~!l:E!:t .~s't 01' ,
llaYt'J:ower AveJ1liej Ws,et:bm1tted. sho\7ing 1:2: feet '!tuture' ,street" dsdi:c!ltiC!i1 j,rt
lots; end, 6. MOtionby' 'Mr.. .Pmt.. seccuidildoyMr.., Soreniioii ~ .corried thb.t
{~~ al>Pl'ov.~'~ reco~~.' " . .
1\e-quest ,ot J~ it. .\78d:SIVOrth.26!+ 'PSIII8ia Floa.d'. fC?r pe.rmi.ss1on::to srect Il'
garage cif 1120 8quare feet Was coneidered. LlOUciii by Mr. ~tatt. seconded by
I,fr. S,o,"'lJlSOI1 '!lncl. caz:risd that :th~ reqllsl!tbe recommeJ1dedfor. ap~i"Oval ,as be1llg
in: subS'tantial co~lianc~ with th!J ,zorW:g,o~'!I'1cs, ,~, ,s.!ibjeCt ~o' compl,f.!lnce
with the vil.riliJics jlrovisions of' :tbeBuU~ <;:.odil.
:REiquest of Bob O~ tor apprilV8l 01' a 8: .foot :3 1iich reilJ" yiU'li ,on lot 12,
~~lt13, ~an.ta~t8: ]r~,.19catedat 4;' [I1tllo 'Stteet,inZone R';'3.'Wa8 cOn-
ei4erllli. !~ption by l!r," Prat:t" sscoJ1de4 by Mr. ,5~l'e~n: <;JIll c~4edby roll call
VOte tbat,tlie ,request ,be te'cOlimsended for approvtil: asbeiDg ,incubstantial COlD-'
llence with the zOD:1.JSgordinil.nce"cond1tioileJi,upon. the' '0_1' iled:.i.cflt1Dg'tbe
~e1; 'th~e feet of the north .thiirty feEit. o'f lot; 1.3 liB. ail easamieJit to b8 USed
~, ~#~iJ)nal~Cfjll!s!!pace on lot 121 to be reoorded for iihe bemifit
of; .lot 121 :andthat t,lle llu11digg pepartome~ be ~unUehedwith 11 policy.of t"itle.
ilislU'ence shOwing euah eae&rMlrlt.
I\equest ,of Herbert' A.. MOlino for 11., chango ot s-etback f~m' 59 fest to 40
t~,et ~11 l!o't42, ''l'i'aot:~lo. ,3430., lo,cat:ed all t'l"io :nolrtihei~.ot Dual-t~'!\otui e~
of.Bal,~ R~e~e, :wa.s'reflilrredto llr. Sorenson and Ur'. UIilS8r' to uVU,stigat8
lJo9d r:eport~,
,ReqUest ,01' l&Irtiil H. OrmBl,yto alvidepr9per!t;y'IXtJii8 f1.e&f; J:iUnt~g!;9n
Dnve was, referred Pi'idlt, and ,Mr.. Knopp .t,o ~st.igate Bndre~ort,
.. risquea:!' ,of r~ph\'[. ~un:t,h,f.or a1>PJ1l~. of !:l' real' iarU ot 2.3 'test 6 inches,
.at' J:8ClJ: lioidseA~iie. was co:ruj1d~l'ed. 'lAotion 1?1 Mr. :So~~~01l.8IilcOndea by
Mr. Pratt and clirfl;ed by roll cllll vo'te :tnatIl,llPI'9voi;. ~ l'e~~Dli..ed as, ~g:in
rnibBtoliUal .compliance'With thezozifn6' ol'lllii&nc;e. ' ,
'" ~. }D.liP13 of' 'l~8~C? ~WJ~ ?~9 1MB'l. .lCjcal.ed sOuth at Longden :Avenue
,.end west; of 'S1.1ttA ^v~. ~I',e iBli~~~ll!i, J'~r appJ'!lv:aJ,. ,1Jot"ioll, by!.li! ,Pratt,
seconded,b;r 'Llr.50reDson and. clllTieci by ,l'o]J. ,O.~l~~ VlJt;G, ~~tf~ app.:ova], be
,rocommended., 81lbJQctto i~roV~S lleing, 'instilll.ed'tO thElaat,18tact~Il, o,f th~
Ci:tyj,;ngi!1~r ~lt, ~.he' \7~~1' Superintendent"
Communication trom'theQltYUanager, 'submi~tscl.: t~rs~::.~~.ul.atioll!l
City COlman that thePltlilri1ile ColmDi:sSion 'institute ,procee~s 'for. the a,()n81de~
at,~l,l'!lJld '1l9seib1.e lllD8~ ~f'Ord1nanceNo. 760:to excludet~ raising of,
'pouJ,try. ~hel' t~ d()~st.~.IlQ.OOks, as 11,:use permiesiblli in 'ZoneR-]:. . !.IoUon
by 1lr,. Pratt, S8QQllcled by Mr.- soronso.n'!JI!d' ~ed,by roll call vOte toot :the
City Attorney be tnstructed i;oprepare t,he ,.ce,BIl8J7 do~B ~o iniUa'te
procieed1rige tOI' t,liecOJUl1dem1.On .aDd poi1Si~e llDISl1dment o~: 9rdlno.ncl} 110.169
to eliminate t~l'aie1Qg of poUlt'ryiiiid "SiDBll ae~lIIIII8rCIi%.l~as1B 'as
'Il ~lle permisei14f! in 'z.CinllR~:L1 o1so to list' a: 'tillIS, 11m1t on what cO~i!:tj.tIltIlS
t.he c:.eBBati9Do' ~f:~ ~J1oollcinto~g '~~, and ll\IgEest1i1e;that' thriie'lIIODthil, except
1'01' ~,aeona1 ~!!,bl! e,e:t B.!I' t.he t~. . ,
MOtiozi 'by. 1~.PI' 'aeCOli~ by i.lro 5~~el1son 'UJ1!io.lIJ'p.ed that the mliu:Ites
of themaenng ~.f' f~bnWY 2..1953.' be ,~od' to 'recoJ;'Q the, ,t:~~kul~ 9-
~~ioner Denv,8~' ~ 'SJ"Bli~l!d8 three, lIIOnth leave ot, absence: f~om"hi:s !l~ies as,
~lAnning C0mm18~91111~.0!1,~~COUDt 01"i1lDeBBo
TheC'1ty. A\tornsl1 pTeB~e~ llomirtlad '!;hl! {~~l!;l of Re801lltiOil No~ 103 '
recomril'lndi'1& tl!l6,gtiilitiDS of the appUoat;.on.o;' JI!l~ P. ~et!,raoq~9~.~ ~baJlee'
01' ,t~,,~' c..~ t~ ~~R-3 on lot ,1:4, ll1oc~ ,2, 'J:~ jiG'. 4mt ~o.c~~
~~,115. '~o~, ~,~~,~"'UCl, :~? 'recor1lDiind3il&, achlmge of Setback ~ 60 feet .
to 2S feet. ~~e~ 'to ~Q' d8clil;s.t:101l0t't.!!& aOllth ; t'!s't oftbe lotfOrallet
.~urpoBOB.~~1on .b8, :~o SOI'8I18CIJl. ~nded..lIY .ur.,_'Pr~t ami csrriOdtb&itthe I
re8dirig of ~c .bqd1 oi'tlie riso~lltlOllbe ,Waived. ~i~I1' JJf}Jr. ~"eeconded
by ~"llo1~ en~'o~ed that :~lilBolutioD, !lo. lOlbij Bllopt'ed.
.. !2..