HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 8, 1955
Council Chamber, City Hall
Arcadia, California
February 8, 1955, 8~OO p.m.
The City Planning Commission met in regular meeting with
Chairman Balser presiding.
PRESJ:N'T: Commissioners Balser, Pratt, Robertson,. Sorenson
and Vachon
ABSENT: Commissioners Acker and Daly
OTH~RS PRESENT: Forbes, Mansur, McGlasson and Talley. Mr.
Nicklin entered the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
The Secretary informed the Chairman that he had received a
phone call from ~ir. Porter of the Los Angeies County Flood Control
District, requesting that the minutes of the meeting of January 25,
1955, be amended to show that Mr. Laverty read a portion of a let-
ter, dated April 21, 1952, wherein the Flood Control District
requested ac'cess to their property through Do'shier Avenue. Mr. Por-
terstated that a written request for such amendment Ylould be
forthcoming. The Ohairman.ordered that approval of the minutes of
January 25 be deleyed pending receipt of such request from the Flood
Control District. .
Pursuant to notice given, a public hearing was held on the ap-
plication of .Ralph r. Merriam and Flora E. Merriam for a zone vari-
ance to allow the construction of medical and professional offices,
including a prOfessional pharmacy on Lots 12 and 13, Tract No.
2828, being located west of 540 "est Huntington Boulevard. A pro-
posed floor plan and elevation of the proposed building wf1:s sub-
mitted with the application. The application was signed by fourteen
property owners in the area favoring the variance.
Mr. Merriam addressed the, Commission stating that no objection
had been encountered during the time the petition had been circu-
lated. He stated that three lots had been purchased for the
purpose of erecting medical and professional offices before such
use had been eliminated from Zone R-3 and that the building had been
completed on one lot only. Also, that the pharmacy would be
strictly a prescription pharmacy rather than a drug store in its
commonly accepted meaning and would allow all services in one area.
Dr. Ambler addressed the Commission and stated that he was a tenant
in the existing building and that he favored the addition to the
facilities including the phannacy. No other person desired to be
heard and the hearing was declared closed.
Mr. Mansur gave a verbal report on the matter, stating that he
favored the granting of the application for the medical offices but
questioned the inclusion of a pharmacy on the ground that it would
encourage other requests for similar commercial variances. A
lengthy discussion was held concerning the inclusion of the phar-
macy and also its location In the building on the grounds that if
located in the central or rear port.ion of the building ratre r than
the front, it mi(;ht tend to confine the business to patients of
the doctors on tne site. Mr. ;\ierriam stated that there would
probably !'lot be enough business from the doc tors on the site to
support such a pbarmacy and that it would need to draw trade from
surrounding areas.
Mr. Robertson stated that the Commission now has under con-
sideration the possible rezoning of Huntington Drive ,to limited
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commercial uses and that the matter of the pharmacy should be con-
sidered in the overall zoning rather than this individual variance.
Motion by Mr. Robertson that the City Attorney be requested to
draw a resolution recommending the granting of the petition for a
zone variance to allow medical and professional offices. but ex-
cluding the requested professional pharmacy use. Said mot ion was
seconded by &~. Vachon and carried by the fpllowing vote:
AYESI Commissioners Balser, Pratt, Robert'son, Sorenson and
I'l"OES: None
ABSENT: Commissione;rs Acker and Daly
The request of Vaughn '~ilson, 431 I.est Foothill Boulevard, to
divide property was reported on by Mr. Sorenson and Mr. Vachon.
This division affected a small triangular parcel to be divided
from Lot 58, 'rract No. 14'656, and sold to the adjoining neighbor on
Lot 57. A report from the City ~ngineer stated that if the appli-
cation were granted, a map prepared by an engineer should be sub-
mitted. Motion by !\Ir. Vachon, seconded by Mr. Sorenson and
carried, that the request to divide that portion of Lot 58, Tract
No. 14656, beginning at the northwest corner of said lot,thenc'e
north 79013'25'" east 20 feet and south 504'33" east 147.05 feet.
thence north 12053'18" west 146.42.feet to beginning be recommended
for approval subject to the filing of a final map prepared by a
registered engineer.
The request of Charlotte L. Sutton to divide property at 303
East Longden Avenue was reported on by hw. Sorenson and h~. Vachon.
They reported that the measurements to an existing dwelling shown
on the map do not correspond to actual conditions on the prC:l'!lerty.
A report from the City Jilngineer stated that if the requested divi-
sion were allowed a final map prepared by an engineer should be
submitted. a sewer lateral to the new lot should be provided and a
recreation fee of $25.00 paid. Motion by Mr. Sorenson, seconded by
hw. Vachon and carried, that the matter be held for further investi-
ga tion as to the location of the existing dwelling.
Tentative map of fract No. 21455, located on Third Avenue
north of Longden Avenue was considered. A report from the City
Engineer called attention to Lots 7, 8 and 9 being shown as 71 feet
in width, that a two-foot lot should be provided at the northerly
end of Third Avenue and dedicated to the City and that improve-
ments should be as required by ordinance. A report from the Plan-
ning Consultant stated that the tract complied with the street
plan adopted by the City and that the lots conformed in size and
area to other lots in the vicinity. Motion by Mr. Robertson,
seconded by Mr. Vachon and carried, that tentat~ve map of Tract No.
21455 be reoommended for approval, including Lot 7. 8 and 9, which
conform to the majority of lots in the surrounding area and subject
to the recommendation of the City Engineer
Tentative map of Tract No. 21200, located on Coyle Avenue east
of Third Avenue was considered. A report from the City Engineer
called attention to the fact that all lots shown had frontages less
than that required but had area in excess of 7500 square f&et and
would have a width of from 60 to 75 feet at the building line.
Also that the ,approved plan of streets showed Coyle Avenue to ex-
tend through to Fifth Avenue. He recommended that if the 50-foot
wide street is approved, a 5-foot planting and sidewalk easement
be required along with standard improvements and fees. A report
from the Planning Consultant stated that in his opinion a require-
ment to extend Coyle Avenue into Fifth Avenue would injure two
parcels of property now facIng Fifth Avenue and would be an unneces-
sary expense in the development of this tract.
The 110-foot wide parcel of iand on the south side of Coyle
Avenue and west of this tract was discussed especially as to the
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possibility of a future request for lot split and also the neces-
sity of acquiring a 5-foot easement for planting ~nd sidewalk pur-
poses. It was suggested to Mrs. SUtton, Subdivider, that a
portion of the nO-foot 10,t, preferably 20 feet wide, be acquired
and added to the lots in the present tract and that the above
mentioned easement be acquired. Motion by I\Ir. Robertson, seconded
by Mr. Pratt and carried, that the tentative map as submitted be
held for reconsideration at the next meeting.
Tentative map of Tract No. 21454, located west of Sixth Avenue
and south of Leda Lane was considered. A communication from Alfred
Allen, Subdivider. pointed out that while Lots 2 and 3 had unusually
small frontages, the subdivision provided for the construction of
five new dwellings with access through a public street and that
such dwellings could now be constructed on the same parcel of
ground without public access. A report from the City Engineer sug-
gested the possibility of rearranging lot lines to provide more
frontage for Lots 2 and 3. Also that if the tract were approved,
a 5-foot planting and sidewalk easement should be provided along
both sides of the street and that standard improvements and fees
would be required.
A report from the Planning Consultant stated that while the
subdivision did not meet the requirements of the ordinance, in his
opinion it was preferable to the construction of additional houses
wit~out the filing ofa subdivision map. Communications from
A. R. Patten, 510 Leda Lane. and R. F. Woods, 516 Leda Lane, urged
the approval of the subdiviSion on the ground that it would require
the removal of old sheds and would be an improvement in the neigh-
Motion by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Pratt and carried,
that tentative map of Tract No. 21454 be recommended for approval
subject to the following conditions:
1. ~hat Lots 1, 4 and 5 be reduced in area to 7500 square
feet or more;
2. That lot lines be adjusted to provide more width in Lots
2 and 3;
3. That a 5-foot planting and sidewalk easement be provided
on both sides of the street;
4. That all improvements and fees required by the subdivision
ordinance be provided;
5. That the map as revised be submitted to the Subdivision
Committee for approval before submission to the City
The Commission considered a decision in the matter of the pro-
posed change of zone on Duarte Road between First Avenue and Second
Avenue to Zones R-2, C-O or C-l. Communication from G. L. Robbins,
requesting a copy of the Planning Consultant's recommendation and
requesting permission of property owners to meet with the Commis-
sion to consider the matter was read. A ~opy of the Planning Con-
sultiant's recommendation had previously geen furnished Mr. Robbins.
A lengthy discussion was held on the matter. All Commissioners
agreed that, there was not need for as much C-O Zone as the area
would provide and that there had been no need shown for Zone C-l.
It was mentioned that possibly in the future need could be shown
for Zone C-2 on this property but that at the present t1me there
appeared to be sufficient vacant property and vacant bulldi'lgs now
zoned C-2.
Motion by Mr. Pratt that th,: City Attorney be reqU?3t:,~ to pre-
pare a reso:ution ~ecomn:ending t}:lat no change be made at tb;. present
t1me in the zoning on Duarte Road between First Avenue .snd S':lcond
AvenUe. Said motion was seconded by b~. Sorenson and carried by
the following vote:
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. ." . t
. .
AYESI Commissioners Balser, Pratt, Robertson, Sorenson and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Acker and Daly
The Commission considered a decision in the matter of the nro-
posed change of zone on Huntington Boulevard between Mlch.illinda
Avenue and Holly Avenue from Zone R-"& to Zones C-O or C-l. A com-
munication from A. Ii. Haubelt, 630 \'vest'Huntington Boulevard, was
read. He pointed out that in his opinion the need far a general
rezaning of this are~ had not been shawn and that any zaning to
C-O or C-l wauld be detrimental to the present residential develop-
ment. A report from the Planning Cansultant called attention to
the fact that aut .of a total of 60 parcels of ground, .only .12 .of
the .owners appeared before the Cammissian and that .of the ones wha
appeared, there was strang oppasition ta any rezoning. It was the
cansensus .of the Commission that there had been na need shown far
any extensive rezaning and that any change at the present time
would be premature. Mo.tion by Mr. Robertsan, seconded by Mr.
Sorenson and carried, that the City Attorney be instructed to pre-
pare a resolutien recemmending that na change in the zaning of
Huntington Boulevard be made at this tlme.
~e Cemmissien considered a decision in the matter .of a re-
quest of the Los Angeles County Flood Cantrol District ta .open
Doshier Avenue east from Highland Oaks Drive. A communicat.ion from
the City Engineer transmitted information received from Mr. Laventy
of the Flood Control District, stating that the tatal amount .of
space availa~le for filling in the Santa Anita Wash amounted to
abaut 1,000,000 cubic yards of which abaut 200,000 cubic yards
would be served through the Doshier Avenue extensien. Repar ts
from the C'1ty Engine,er and Planning, C,onsultant, dated Nov.ember 23,
1954, were reread and considered.
Mr. Rabertsan stated that in his opinion it wauld be paar
planning to allow a truck raute through this highly develaped and
well cared for residential area. Mr. Pratt stated that he felt
the granting of this request would not bekeepplg gaed faith wIth
the subdivider because the future dedicatian of Doshier Avenue had
been requested primarily for access to a future recreational area
and that if the Flood Cantrol District required more access to its
property, it should .have been included in the candemnation of the
praperty. It was the consensus of .opinion .of the Commissien that
the City desired ta caeperate in every way with the Flaad Central
District but that it had nat been shown that any great saving .of
time or .of expense wauld be made by allawing this access and that
passibly the widening .of the existing one-way raad on the Floed
Centrol property south from Elkins Avenue could be done at a rea-
senable figure not much in excess .of the cost of opening Doshier
Motian by Mr. Pratt that the request of the Flood Contral
District to open Doshier Avenue be recommended far denial. Said
matian was seconded by Mr. Sorensan and carried by the fallawing
vo te:
Cammissianers Balser,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Acker and Daly
Pratt, Robinson, Sarensen and
The Commissian cansidered the county area west .of Baldwin
Avenue and what area might be favared for annexation if and when
such annexation 1s requested. A :'eport from the Planning Con-
sultant stated that it wauld be desirable to have the frontage on
the west side ot Baldwin Avenue annexed to the citYi that a proper
line for the future westerly city baundary would be a line 660 feet
west .of the center line of Baldwin Avenue and that there were very
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few land uses in this area that might cause future problems. It
was the consensus ot opinion that annexation of the territory might
be desirable to ~ive control of zoning, building and l~d use prob-
lems. The City Attorney explained the annexation procedure ~hich
would be required in this populated area. The matter was held for
further consideration and the Chairman requested that copies of'
the Planning Consu~tant's report be submitted to each Commissioner.
The Planning Consultant submitted a draf't of a proposed
architectural design zone which might be added to the zoning ordi-
nance to control the design of' buildings in certain selected areas.
The matter was briefly discussed and the Chairman requested that
copies be furnished to each Commissioner f'or further study.
The request of D. C. Wheeler, 228 East Sycamore Avenue to
divide property was referred to ~r. Pratt and &w. Robertson for
investigation and report.
Mr. Joe Earll addressed the Commission stating that he repre-
sented ~ames Slemons, owner of , property at the northwest corner of'
Duarte Road and Second Avenue, who desired to establish some busi-
ness use. He was instructed that he should ap~ly for a zone vari-
ance with a particular use in mind.
~. Odie Finley and M. W. Finley addressed t~e Commission
relative to Tract No. 20642, located. south of Foothill Boule.vard
and east of San Carlos Road, which had been recommended for approval
by the Commission and denied by the City Council with the request
that more access be provided to the tract. They stated that
everything reasonably possible had been done but that suitable
access could not be secured. The Chairman requested that the mat-
ter be placed on the agenda for the next lIBeting for further con-
sideration, that the Commission be supplied with a copy of the
Council minutes with reference ~o the matter, also a copy ot the
report submitted by the Saf'ety Committee concerning the tract, and
that the City Engineer be requested to submit a report giving
positive recommendations ot how additional access should be pro-
Mr. Pratt suggested that possibly some way should be arranged
to prOVide better liason between the Planning Commission and the
City Council, so that the Council would be better informed on the
reasons back ot recommendations made by the Commission. 'fhe Chair_
man stated that he would discuss the matter with Councilman Camp-
The Planning Consultant stated that he would submit a report
on possible rezoning of Live Oak Avenue within the next 30 days.
The Planning Consultant reoorted that two pending senate bills
should have the consideration of the Commission. Bill No. 277,
Which would probably make illegal the ~25.00 per lot recreation fee
and Bill No. 281 which would limit requirements for street improve-
ment to that required by the tract only. He stated that a meeting
wO'.lld be held in Oakland on February 23 and 24 and that any reoom-
mendations should be madeto Senator Breed and Senator Gibson prior
to .that time. Motion by Mr. Robertson, aecended by Mr.. Pratt and
carried, that the City Attor~ey be requestedt.o draft letters to
the abovo named senators, exp~esBing the opposition of this Com-
mission to the proposed bills,s'.4ch letters to be submitted to
Chairman Ha:i.sar fc.r signatu:!',::~
i'hm:'<: :~"'!:'lg;).1) furth;"r bll~i;j 188, the meeting adjour:::ec:.
iYv'v VJ\Q..J~
LMT:acb Secretary v
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