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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0102 J- . ... . . RESOLUTION NO.102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLAlmING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THE DENIAL OF AN APPLICATI ON FOR CHA.NGE OF ZONE FROM ZONE R-2 TO ZONE R-3 A:FF~TING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN SAID CITY. WHEREAS, there was tiled w1th this Collllll1ss10n the pet1t1on of Ernest A. Christopher and others as owners of parts ot Lot 59, Santa. An1ta Tract as shown 1n Book 34, Pages 41 - 42 Miscellaneous RecoMs of Los Angeles County, being propert1es located on the East Bide of Second Avenue extend1ng w1th vary1ng depths frolll Ca1iforn1a Street Southerly 586.5 ft, as in said petit10n more part1cularl1' described} and WHEREAS, after due not1ce as required by law publ1c hearings were duly held on the matter by and before th1a Comm1ssion on January 27, 1953, and February 24, 1953, at wh1ch t1mes all 1nter- . ested persons were given a full opportunity to be heard and to present evldence; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Planning Collllll1ss1on of the C1ty of Arcad1a does hereby f1nd, determine and resolve as follows: SECTION 1. That though many people favored the reclassif1- cation, there were numerous protests wr1tten and oral to the pro- posed reclass1fication, said protests based 1n part on the add1tional population resulting to the area from requested re- olassifioation. resultant 1ncrease of vehlculal' traffic and the lessen1ng of owner 1nterest with consequent deoline in upkeep and appearance of the area. There was evidence that property has not been developed to the extent presently permitted; that the subject property if reclassif1ed would be a small area surrounded on three sides by R-2 propert1es; further, that muoh R-3 property not far devoted distant from subject property is stillAto R-l and R-2 uses. . SECTION 2. That the property is well suited for the pur- poses for wh1ch 1t 1s presently zoned; that ne1ther the pub11c necess1 ty, publ1c convenience nor the general welfare require the rec1assificat1on of the subjeot property; that the reclassificat10n of the subject property to R-3 would be inharmonious w1th the R-2 -1- 102 . . effe~tive date of the requested reclassification the owne~ tender . to the City of Arcad1e. a grant of easement for street and alley purposes ~ove~1ng the Southerly five (5) feet of subject property. SECTION 3. Thst there is no front line setbaok restr1ct. ing cOllllllArc1al development of subjeot property; that upon recb.s81fl- cation to Zone R-3, ~ front line setback ~f sixty (60) feet will become applicable thereto; thut the recommendation cODtalned in Sect10n 2 here1nbefore is dependent upon the modification of said sixty (60) feet front line setback to a front line setbRck of twenty-five (25) feet; that it is hereby recommended that concurrent with the granting of the requested reclassification the city COlmcl1 establish a front line setback of 25 feet affe~tlng subJe~t p~operty. SE~TION 4. The Secretary shall ~ertlfy to the adoption of thts Resolution, and shell cause a copy of the same to be for- . wal~ed to the City Council of the ~ity of ~~cadla. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the forego~g Resolution wes adopt- ed by the City Planning Commission 'lot a l'ee;ula.r meeting held on the 24th day of MArch, 1953, by the ro11owi~g vote: AYES: COmmissioners Anderson, Balser, Pratt and Sorenson NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Berky. Danver and Knopp fh~... . FT' ~;.:h~- -2-