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Section 9102.01.160 – Mixed-Use Objective Development Standards
A. Purpose. The purpose of these design standards is to provide the public, building and design professionals,
and decision-makers with objective development standards for mixed-use development in the City. The intent
is to provide clear design direction that enhances an area’s unique character and sense of place, respects
existing neighborhood compatibility and privacy, and ensures a high-quality living environment.
B. Background. In 2017, the Governor signed into law multiple housing bills, including Senate Bill 35 and SB
330 which provide for streamlined, ministerial approval processes for eligible multifamily and mixed-use
residential development, subject to certain conditions which may include affordability requirements, and
consistent with objective zoning and design standards.
C. Applicability. The provisions of this chapter apply to all newly constructed residential projects, in all zones,
that qualify for streamlined, ministerial processing per the Housing Accountability Act (HAA), and which meet
the definition of “housing development projects” under California Government Code §69988.5(h)(2). These
include mixed-use projects with up to two-thirds of the project dedicated to residential square footage. Eligible
residential projects shall comply with all objective development standards, City policies, thresholds of
significance, zoning regulations, and design standards.
1. Modification. Residential projects seeking a modification(s) to any development standards set
forth in the Arcadia Development Code shall not be eligible for streamlined, ministerial processing
per SB 35.
2. Waiver on Objective Development Standards. Up to three (3) objective development standards
from all of the individual sub-items under each category may be waived for any eligible mixed-use
residential project without the requirement for an additional application. The applicant must provide
an explanation as to why the development standard is not applicable or cannot be achieved. The
waiver is subject to review and approval by the Director or designee. These decisions are not
3. Conflicting Standards. Projects must meet objective standards in this Division, in addition to all
pertinent sections of the Arcadia Development Code and the California Building Code (CBC). If
there is any conflict between these objective standards and existing City and/or State
requirements, the more restrictive objective standard applicable to the project shall apply.
4. Severability. In the event that a development standard is found to be unenforceable, invalid or
unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect
the validity of the remaining portions of this Division, and all other development standards will
remain enforceable.
D. Site and Building Design.
1. Site Design.
a. Existing mature trees shall be preserved and incorporated into development proposals.
b. Decks and balconies shall be recessed and/or incorporated into the massing of the building,
rather than protruding out of the building, to enhance privacy.
c. Where applicable, active commercial uses, including retail, restaurant, and personal
services shall be located on the ground floor fronting the sidewalk.
d. Where applicable, private amenities, such as plazas and open space shall be located in the
interior of the site or otherwise away from the street.
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2. Building Form, Massing, and Articulation. Building form, massing and façade articulation
facilitates the distinction of individual units, or groups of units, through varied heights, projections,
setbacks, and recesses. Materials and colors emphasize changes and hierarchy in building form.
a. Massing. For projects over two stories in height, portions of the upper stories shall be
recessed at least two feet from the front façade to reduce the overall massing of the building
at the pedestrian level.
b. Wall Plane Variation. All exterior walls must have a minimum two-foot variation in depth at
least every 40 feet of wall length to provide relief along the wall plane. In addition, all walls
must include at least two of the following features: windows, trellises, arcades, balconies,
different exterior material, or awnings.
c. Four-sided Architecture. Buildings shall be designed and articulated with details,
articulation, materials, and elements on all sides. The street-facing façade(s) shall feature
additional elements or materials. Entirely blank walls are not allowed along any façade.
3. Setbacks Facing Primary Street. Setbacks facing the primary street shall be landscaped and/or
be publicly accessible except where used for outdoor dining (subject to a separate permit). These
setbacks shall contain at least two public amenities per 50 linear feet such as benches, shade
structures, public art pieces, planters, or other design element.
4. Ground Floor Character.
a. Ground Floor Transparency. Exterior walls facing a public street must include windows
and doors for at least 50 percent of the building wall area. Parking garages are not required
to meet this requirement.
b. Weather Protection. Awnings or similar weather protection elements may be fixed or
5. Corner Buildings. Corner buildings greater than 30 feet in height shall include at least one of the
following features:
a. A to building entrance should be located within 40 linear feet of the corner of the building.
b. A different material application and window arrangement from the rest of the building façade
for the corner of the building.
c. At the building corner, there must be a break in the building wall or it must be stepped back
to break-up the straight plane.
6. Building and Unit Entries.
a. Street-Facing Entry. Mixed-use buildings located within 20 feet of the primary street right-
of-way shall provide a ground-level primary building entry directly from the public sidewalk.
Primary building entries shall provide one or more of the following:
i. Entry flanked by columns, decorative fixtures, or other similar elements.
ii. Entry recessed within a large arch or cased decorative opening.
iii. Entry emphasized by a change in roofline of at least 12 inches, a tower, or a break
in the wall façade.
iv. Entry covered by a large portico projecting at least 6 feet from the wall façade.
v. Entry covered by an awning.
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vi. Entry accessed from a common open space area such as a landscaped courtyard,
plaza, or paseo.
b. Entry designs greater than one story are not allowed.
c. Every building shall contain at least one primary building entrance that does not require
access through a parking garage.
d. Corinthian columns are prohibited.
7. Roofs. Roofs must consist of a single style and slope throughout the project.
8. Parapets.
a. Parapets shall be capped with precast treatment, continuous banding, or projecting
cornices, dentils, or similar edge treatment.
b. Parapet material shall match the immediately adjacent building façade.
9. Windows. Window materials, color, and style shall be the same on all elevations.
a. Windows shall be recessed at least two inches from the face of the exterior wall.
b. When utilized, functional and decorative shutters shall be at least one-half the width of the
window (for paired shutters), or a matching width (for a single shutter).
c. Architectural window detailing, such as sills, trim, and/or awnings shall be provided.
d. A single window style and material shall be used throughout the development to provide a
coordinated appearance.
10. Materials and Colors.
a. Colors and Materials. No more than three exterior paint colors and three façade materials
shall be used. Glossy and/or reflective colors and materials are prohibited.
b. Restriction on Materials Where Visible from Public Right-of-Way. Bare concrete
masonry unit blocks and slumpstone are prohibited on any area of the development visible
from a public right-of-way.
c. Material Transitions. Changes or transitions in façade treatment, such as veneers or
textured materials, shall wrap around the corners of the building and extend at least 6 feet
beyond the corners, or terminate at the nearest window or door.
d. Architectural Consistency. Affordable units and market rate units within the same
development shall be constructed of the same materials and details such that the units are
not distinguishable from one another.
E. Vehicular Parking and Access. Vehicular parking and access shall comply with the provisions of Chapter
17.38, Parking and Loading, of the Arcadia Development Code.
1. Enhanced Paving for Entry Driveways. The first 15 feet of the primary vehicular driveway,
starting from the property line, shall use colored, stamped, or textured concrete, pavers, or
permeable paving treatments such as grass-crete. The enhanced paving shall be applied
throughout the driveway to break up the appearance of the concrete.
2. Projects with Controlled Entrances. Projects with controlled entrances, including vehicular
access gates to parking areas, shall accommodate at minimum the length of one vehicle (20 feet)
entering the site without queuing into the street or public sidewalk.
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3. Parking Structure Location. Parking structures and garages shall not be located adjacent to the
primary street frontage. See Section 9102.01.150.J, Parking Structure Design.
F. Pedestrian Circulation and Access.
1. Pedestrian Walkways. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided according to the following
a. Walkway Width. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided with a minimum width of four feet.
b. Materials. Pedestrian walkways shall be constructed of firm, stable and slip-resistant
materials such as poured-in-place concrete (including stamped and textured concrete),
concrete pavers, or permeable pavers.
2. Walkways Adjacent to Driveways. Clear, safe pedestrian access shall be provided from parking
areas to building entrances within pedestrian walkways. When all unit entries face a driveway,
pedestrian walkways shall be located parallel to the driveway to minimize the need for pedestrians
to cross drive aisles.
3. Through-Lot Connections. Through lots located more than 300 feet from an intersecting street
or pedestrian walkway shall provide a publicly accessible sidewalk or pedestrian walkway
connecting the two streets.
G. Common and Private Open Space. Common and private open spaces shall be provided as required by the
underlying zone in Division 2, Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards, of the Arcadia
Development Code.
1. Common Open Space. Projects providing common open space shall satisfy the requirements
below with passive or active recreation amenities as defined below. An applicant may provide
common open space through an amenity not on this list if it is readily accessible by all residents
for recreation and social purposes.
a. Passive Recreation Amenities. Picnic/barbeque area, open courtyard, dog park/dog run,
rooftop deck, fire pit area, or other outdoor gathering spaces.
b. Active Recreation Amenities. Athletic gyms or courts (e.g. basketball, tennis, bocce ball),
swimming pool or spa, playground.
c. Common Open Space Requirements. Common open space shall be located and
arranged to allow visibility into the space from pedestrian walkways on the interior of the
2. Private Open Space. When roof decks are proposed, landscape planters such as planter boxes,
potted plants, and/or boxed trees, shall be located along the edges of the roof deck to provide a
screening buffer.
3. Mixed Use Developments. Where a project includes both residential and commercial uses, the
open space provided for residents must be secured and accessible only from the residential area
of the project. Publicly accessible open space such as plazas and courtyards does not count as
open space for the residential uses.
H. Landscaping. Landscaping shall be utilized for all outdoor areas that are not specifically used for parking,
driveways, walkways, patios, or open space. Projects shall utilize native California and drought-tolerant plants
selected from the City’s Residential Landscaping Guide.
I. Parking Structure Design.
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1. Semi-subterranean parking structures are not allowed. A parking structure shall be considered
semi-subterranean if the parking garage/structure is partially underground.
2. Materials and Colors. The parking structure shall utilize the same colors and materials as the
residential building of residential portion of the building.
3. Orientation. Parking structure and garage entries shall face away from the primary street where
possible. Where a parking garage is proposed, it shall be wrapped with residential units along
street frontages to allow for continuation of the street scene. No garage shall face the primary
street, unless it is the only point of access or a secondary access is necessary.
4. Parking separation. For mixed-use projects, parking for residents shall be separated from
commercial and guest parking. This may be achieved through the implementation of a gate within
a parking structure.
5. Access. Where applicable, alleys shall be utilized to provide access to parking and service areas.
J. Fences and Walls. Site walls shall be constructed to match the primary building colors and materials. Fences
and walls shall be constructed of materials such as wood, vinyl, wrought iron, brick, and stone. Chain link is
prohibited. Refer to the Arcadia Development Code for additional regulations associated with fences and
1. Both sides of all perimeter walls and fences shall be architecturally treated. Walls shall be finished
with a trim cap. Walls shall be finished and designed to complement the surrounding development.
2. Where fences and walls of different materials or finishes intersect, a natural transition or break
(such as a column or pilaster) shall be provided.
K. Lighting. Outdoor light fixtures, including pole lights, wall-mounted lights and bollards shall be fully shielded
and downward-facing in order to minimize glare and light trespass within and beyond the project site.
L. Vents and Exhaust. All wall-mounted utility elements shall be located to ensure they are concealed from
public view. All flashings, sheet metal vents, exhaust fans/ventilators, and meter boxes shall be painted to
match the building wall material and/or color.
M. Rooftop Equipment. Rooftop equipment that is not able to be concealed within the architecture of the building
shall be screened from view behind a parapet wall or through the use of screens. Screens must have the
same façade treatment as the structure.