HomeMy WebLinkAboutRP Agenda: 08/10/22CITY OF ARCADIA Recreation and Parks Commission Regular Meeting Agenda ..G�LIFUAAj9 A.n•• 5, Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 6:00pm Location: Recreation Conference Room, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may request such modification or accommodation from the Recreation and Community Services at 626.574.5113. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting. F,it : 626-574-5455) o i�1�gJ 48 �Jlupi��'� ° L�T��o#tK b71f1�i9fJDiX Pursuant to the City of Arcadia's Language Access Services Policy, limited -English proficient speakers who require translation services in order to participate in a meeting may request the use of a volunteer or professional translator by contacting the City Clerk's Office at (626) 574-5455 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. QYXPIMA /r nn,if f [J&*am iAh__L)7%WEift*TWv o_=i_V'J�A75T5# iEff),lalKFJ: (FH_it : 626-574-5455), izft�#�T� � �J 72 dllr4#1,10M CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Peter Chu, Commission Member Valerie Cheung, Commission Member Steve Swinney, Commission Member Karen Yu, Commission Member Gregory Vanni, Commission Member ELECTION OF OFFICIALS SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minute time limit per person) Any individual wishing to speak before the Recreation and Parks Commission is limited to five (5) minutes per person, unless waived by the Recreation and Parks Commission. Under the Brown Act, the Recreation and Parks Commission is prohibited from discussing or taking action on any item not listed on the posted agenda. The matter may automatically be referred to staff for appropriate response or action or may be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. REPORTS FROM RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSIONERS Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Recreation and Parks Commission regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Recreation and Community Services Department, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007 during normal business hours. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON 2. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and can be acted on by one roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless members of the Commission, staff, or the public request that a specific item be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and action. a. Regular Meeting Minutes of April 13, 2022 Recommended action: Approve b. Regular Meeting Minutes of May 11, 2022 Recommended action: Approve c. Regular Meeting Minutes of June 8, 2022 Recommended action: Approve 3. REGULAR ITEMS a. Report of Public Works Services Department I. Project Updates Report of Director of Recreation and Community Services I. Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant II. Monthly Reports III. Financial Statements ADJOURNMENT The Recreation and Parks Commission will adjourn this meeting to September 14, 2022, at 6:OOpm in the Recreation and Community Services Department Conference Room, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia. RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, April 13, 2022 RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Chu called the virtual meeting to order at 6:03pm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Vice -Chairperson Cheung ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chu, Cheung, and Fowler EXCUSED: Yu ABSENT: Swinney A motion was made by Chairperson Chu, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, and unanimously carried on roll call vote to excuse Commissioner Yu. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None REPORTS FROM RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSIONERS Vice -Chairperson Cheung reported Little League Opening Ceremonies were amazing. Vice - Chairperson Cheung reported the soccer all-star season has completed just in time for baseball season to start. Chairperson Chu reported the Opening Day Ceremony for Arcadia National Little League was nice and it was great to see Little League President Domingo. Chairperson Chu reported Mr. Domingo complimented Assistant Director Recreation and Community Services (ADRCS) Candice Cheung and the Arcadia Recreation and Community Services Department staff for all their help and hard work they continue to do for the little leagues. Chairperson Chu reported the league is working to adjust the field base plates when the new intermediate league uses the field. Commissioner Fowler reported he had fun at the Opening Day Ceremony for the Santa Anita Little League. Commissioner Fowler commented the investment the City has put into the renovations of the fields and the surrounding park facility at Eisenhower Park is exceptional. He reported Eisenhower Park, including the dog park are always busy. Commissioner Fowler believes the community will continue to benefit from the Parks Master Plan and future renovations throughout the City. Commissioner Fowler reported he plans to go visit Longden Field to see the infield adjustments for the intermediate league. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON No Report 2. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of February 9, 2022 It was moved by Chairperson Chu, seconded by Vice -Chairperson Cheung, and unanimously carried on roll call vote to approve Consent Calendar Item 2.a. AYES: Chu, Cheung, and Fowler 3. REGULAR ITEMS a. Report from Public Works Services Department Project Updates Public Works Services Department Principal Civil Engineer (PWSDPCE) Eddie Chan reported the Arcadia City Council directed the staff to pursue a grant from the Land and Water Conservation Fund. PWSDPCE Chan reported, if the $2.2-million-dollar grant is awarded, it will cover approximately fifty percent of the total project. PWSDPCE Chan reported the application has been submitted and the estimated timeline for a response can be as early as October 2022 and as late as April 2023. Once results are received the staff will move forward accordingly. b. Report of Director of Recreation and Community Services Monthly Reports Assistant Director Recreation Community Services (ADRCS) Candice Cheung reported on many of the senior activities held in the month of March. ADRCS Cheung reported senior Walk 'N Talk program had 14 participants. ADRCS Cheung stated this was the last month for Walk and Talk until fall. The program is going on hiatus in anticipation of the summer heat. ADRCS Cheung reported the Lion Sight Program handed out four vouchers to seniors who met the low income and age requirements. This free program provides a voucher for a free eye exam and free pair of glasses. ADRCS Cheung reported the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) resumed the free tax services this year, assisting 95 individuals. ADRCS Cheung reported Dancing Through the Decades was held on March 11, with 77 in attendance. Participants danced to the great music of Acoustic Alumni while enjoying a delicious meal. ADRCS Cheung continued her report with the annual billiards tournament held on March 22. The tournament took place with 12 participants competing for the win. A "Hall of Fame" is being created in the billiards room to highlight current and past winners. ADRCS Cheung reported on several recreation programs taking place beginning with Adult Basketball and the 925 players that make up the league. ADRCS Cheung reported Kid's Night Out has resumed after a brief break due to COVID-19 with 39 children in attendance. The staff and volunteens played games, created crafts, ate dinner, and watched a movie with the participants. ADRCS Cheung reported the Volunteen Program had 20 volunteens in the month of March, for a total of 202 hours. Volunteens assisted with the After -School Program, Kid's Night Out, preparing for the egg hunts, and Tech Talk. ADRCS Cheung reported on a few of the Department's upcoming events: The Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt and the Egg-Stravaganza Egg Hunt for the kids under 12 will take place in April, on May 7; the Community Bike Ride will take place with a seven and a half mile leisure ride through the City. Vice -Chairperson Cheung asked if pre -registration is required for the bike ride. ADRCS Cheung replied pre -registration is recommended so the event does not get cancelled and the event is open to all, both residents and non-residents. Financial Statements ADRCS Cheung reported the Department financials are within the budgeted percentages for the fiscal year. With the department 75% into the fiscal year, the expenditure percentage is at 61%, with the revenue at 79%. ADRCS Cheung concluded her report stating there is still little to no change in the Park and Recreation Facilities Fund due to the grant application process the City is going through for the Newcastle Park project. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Chu adjourned the meeting at 6:25pm to May 11, 2022, at 6:OOpm in the Recreation and Community Services Conference Room, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia In Peter Chu Chairperson Sara Somogyi Secretary RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, May 11, 2022 RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Chu called the virtual meeting to order at 6:01 pm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairperson Chu ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chu, Cheung, Yu, and Swinney EXCUSED: Fowler A motion was made by Chairperson Chu, seconded by Commissioner Swinney, and unanimously carried on roll call vote to excuse Commissioner Fowler. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None REPORTS FROM RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Yu inquired about summer camps and activities scheduled for the upcoming summer season. Assistant Director Recreation Community Services (ADRCS) Candice Cheung informed she will elaborate on the programming in her report. Vice -Chairperson Cheung reported the Community Bike Ride was great and glad there was a good turnout. Commissioner Swinney - No report. Chairperson Chu reported he shared information about Arcadia's hidden gem, Wilderness Park, with a friend. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON No Report 2. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 13, 2022. Recommended Action: Tabled to next meeting. Insufficient quorum for approval. 3. REGULAR ITEMS a. Report from Public Works Services Department Project Updates Public Works Services Department Street Superintendent (PWSDSS) Dave Thompson reported the Carol Libby Memorial Garden is moving forward with continuing work on the riverbeds, to be followed up with the pathway landscaping. PWSDSS Thompson reported the next mulch give away will take place at the Arcadia Library on Saturday, May 21, 2022, and again on, Saturday, June 11, 2022. PWSDSS Thompson reported Fourth of July festivities will be taking place in the downtown area of First Avenue and Huntington Drive on Saturday, July 2, 2022. The celebration is scheduled to include a firework show, more information will be available soon. PWSDSS Thompson reported summer water conservation is scheduled to start on June 1, 2022. Arcadia residents and businesses will be limited to watering two times a week. Monthly Reports Assistant Director Recreation Community Services (ADRCS) Candice Cheung reported on senior activities held in the month of April. ADRCS Cheung reported the senior Monday Dance held every first and third Monday of the month had a total of 206 participants. ADRCS Cheung reported the Community Center sold 22 bus passes for Arcadia Transit. The Community Center is one of several locations seniors can buy monthly passes. Other locations include the Arcadia Public Library and Arcadia City Hall. ADRCS Cheung reported on the senior seminars held during the month of April. On April 8, a seminar on Credit Card Scams was presented and on, April 28, the ABCs of Diabetes was presented by Methodist Hospital, 66 seniors participated in these seminars. ADRCS Cheung reported 50 seniors attended the Musical Moments program. The Temple City High School Brighter Side Singers performed. ADRCS Cheung reported the Connection monthly publication distributed 900 copies. ADRCS Cheung reported on several recreation programs and activities that took place in April, beginning with Bunny Grams. A total of 95 Bunny Grams were purchased and delivered to Arcadia residents of all ages; non-residents were able to pick them up at the Recreation Office. ADRCS Cheung shared a joyful picture of the Bunny and its crew delivering a Bunny Gram to a senior resident. ADRCS Cheung continued her report with the youth spring camp that took place April 4-8 at Dana Middle School with 285 participants. ADRCS Cheung reported the Teen Flashlight Egg Hunt, held at the Arcadia Par 3 Golf Course, had over 600 participants. ADRCS Cheung reported off -site and virtual classes continue to do well with over 1,500 registrants participating at the various locations as well as virtually. ADRCS Cheung completed her report with a review of the summer camp programs offered through the Recreation Department. These camp programs have been open for registration since early spring and most are full, with extensive waiting lists. Financial Statements ADRCS Cheung reported the Department financials are within the budgeted percentages for the fiscal year. With the department about 75% into the fiscal year, the expenditure percentage is at 67%, with the revenue at 96%. ADRCS Cheung concluded her report stating there is still little to no change in the Park and Recreation Facilities Fund due to the grant application process the City is going through for the Newcastle Park project. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Chu adjourned the meeting at 6:20pm to June 8, 2022, at 6:00pm in the Recreation and Community Services Conference Room, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia Al Peter Chu Chairperson Sara Somogyi Secretary RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2022 RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER — Vice -Chairperson Cheung called the to order at 6:03pm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairperson Fowler ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Cheung, Swinney, and Fowler UNEXCUSED: Chu and Yu SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS Director Recreation Community Services Department (DRCS) Sara Somogyi reported two corrections to the May 11, 2022, Recreation and Parks Commission Minutes. The first correction, under consent calendar, item two, the date should say April 13, 2022. The second correction is on the senior services report, under Coffee with the Mayor. The number in attendance should be 31. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Jason lee, a twenty-year resident, law firm business owner, and frequent park visitor came to observe the Recreation and Parks Commission meeting. REPORTS FROM RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Swinney reported the Denny's restaurant is still fenced off and inquired if there is a plan for the building. DRCS Somogyi informed the commission Denny's Restaurant has fire damage and renovations should be starting soon. Vice -Chairperson Cheung commented when directed to the City's website, hyperlinks are not provided to help guide a user to a specific area. DRCS Somogyi replied the City is working on rectifying the issue to make it more user friendly. Commissioner Fowler reported he took a farewell drive through the City to all the parks. As his term on the Recreation and Parks Commission comes to an end, Commissioner Fowler reported how satisfying it is seeing people out enjoying the parks. The improvements made through his years representing the community have both added to the community and enhanced the visitor's experience. Commissioner Fowler thanked the Commission and staff, stating it has been fun and productive serving these last eight years. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON Mayor Beck reported the Pasadena Humane Society came to the City Council meeting to present information on adopting pets. The Humane Society brought Tofu for a visit, one of the dogs available for adoption. Mayor Beck reported the City Council honored the Arcadia Softball Champions at a recent City Council meeting. Mayor Beck reported the Arcadia Downtown Improvement Association will be having a Patriotic Festival on July 2, in the downtown district area of Arcadia. Mayor Beck reported on several future proposed development projects for the downtown district. These projects are expected to begin soon and continue over the next few years. Included are a Hilton hotel, residential complexes, and mixed -use facilities. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 13,2022. Recommended Action: Tabled to next meeting. Insufficient quorum for approval. Commissioner Fowler has gone on record to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes for April 13, 2022. b. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 11, 2022. Recommended Action: Tabled to next meeting. Insufficient quorum for approval. 3. REGULAR ITEMS a. Recreation Summer Programs and Events DRCS Somogyi introduced Recreation Coordinator (RC) Rubi Ramos -Ruiz to present youth programs and events the department offers. RC Ramos -Ruiz thanked DCRS Somogyi and the Commission, then gave a brief history of her eight years in recreation. RC Ramos -Ruiz began the presentation with an overview of the afterschool program that concluded on May 27. The six elementary schools provided afterschool recreation care throughout the school year for 30 participants at each site. RC Ramos -Ruiz talked about Kid's Night Out, a once -a -month program for kids to have a fun, parent free night out. Participants do crafts, have dinner, play games, and watch a movie. RC Ramos -Ruiz reported on the City sponsored summer programs. Summer Fun n' Play, offered to children ages 5-12 years, is a weekly program where children participate in many activities. These activities include, indoor and outdoor games, crafts, and a special visit from various organizations such as the Arcadia Fire Department, Arcadia Historical Gilb Museum, and the Pasadena Humane Society. RC Ramos -Ruiz continued with the City sponsored Summer Sports Camp taking place weekly, July 18-August 12. Sports camp is a sport themed camp where participants take part in various sports and have an interactive activity come to the camp each week. The first week will be laser tag, a favorite among the children. RC Ramos -Ruiz reported on the Specialty Camps offered by outside contractors. Specialty camp topics range from STEM science, art, and specific sports such as tennis and soccer. RC Ramos -Ruiz continued her with the Volunteen Program offered to youth 13-17 years old. Volunteens go through an application process which includes online application submission, a letter of recommendation, an interview, and a live scan background check. Approved volunteens help throughout the school year and summer with the many programs offered by the City. Some of these programs include the Summer Fun n' Play, Fall Festival, Snow Festival, Easter Egg hunts, Summer Concerts and Moves, and many more. RC Ramos -Ruiz reported the Presidential Award will be offered in the 2022/2023 school year to volunteers who meet a required number of volunteer hours. Teens can earn a signed certificate from the President of the United States along with a pin to recognize their achievement. This program is beneficial to teens and can be added to college applications. RC Ramos -Ruiz completed her presentation with the after -school youth sport programs offered to 3'd through 8th grade participants. These include girls' volleyball in fall, girls' and boys' basketball in winter, and co-ed volleyball for middle school in the spring. b. Report of Public Works Services Department Project Updates Public Works Services Department Street Superintendent (PWSDSS) Dave Thompson reported a free mulch give a way is taking place on Saturday, June 11. PWSDSS Thompson informed the Commission the specially treated mulch is provided by a company to meet regulated standards of safety. PWSDSS Thompson reported twenty lights were replaced at the Bonita Park baseball field. c. Report of Director of Recreation and Community Services DRCS Somogyi thanked Commissioner Randy Fowler for his years of service on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Commissioner Fowler is completing his second eight -year term. DRCS Somogyi complimented his dedication to the community and his instrumental part in representing both the Commission and the community in the formation of the current Recreation and Parks Master Plan. Monthly Reports DRCS Somogyi reported on the senior programming for the month of May. DRCS Somogyi reported the senior nutrition program is still operating under modified conditions with an average of 65 diners per day. DRCS Somogyi reported table tennis operates Monday through Friday on the patio behind the Community Center, with a participation of 59 players for the month. The Monday dance had 201 participants. DRCS Somogyi reported the seniors are happy to see Coffee with the Mayor back, 31 people attended. DRCS Somogyi reported there were two special events for the seniors in May, a Cinco de Mayo Luncheon with 102 in attendance and Bingo with 77 in attendance. DRCS Somogyi reported on several recreation programs and activities that took place in May, beginning with Adult Basketball and the 825 players that make up the league. DCRS Somogyi reported the After School program finished on May 27 and summer programs have begun. DRCS Somogyi reported merit badge classes continue virtually as Wilderness Park is still closed due to storm damage. DRCS Somogyi reported the Summer Concerts in the Park are starting soon with a full line up of some old-time favorites and new to the schedule musicians including Arcadia's very own, Arcadia Alumni Band. II. Financial Statements DRCS Somogyi reported the Department financials are within the budgeted percentages for the fiscal year. With the department approximately 85% into the fiscal year, the expenditure percentage is at 67%, with the revenue at 96%. DRCS Somogyi reported the revenue percentage will increase a bit more over the next few weeks as the department has been preparing for summer programming. DRCS Somogyi reported there is still little to no change in the Park and Recreation Facilities Fund. DRCS Somogyi reported the department should be hearing regarding the grant that was applied for to offset the cost of the Newcastle Park project. DCRS Somogyi continued her report with some insight on upcoming plans for the new fiscal year, including a new concession stand at Bonita Park and shaded bleachers at three locations. DRCS Somogyi reported the City is talking with the County of Los Angeles to try and work together to improve the walking perimeter of the Arcadia County Park facility. This is in the early stages and is projected for the next, 2023/2024 fiscal year if everything works out. ADJOURNMENT Vice -Chairperson Cheung adjourned the meeting at 7:03pm to July 13, 2022, at 6:OOpm in the Recreation and Community Services Conference Room, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia 0 Peter Chu Chairperson Sara Somogyi Secretary STAFF REPORT Recreation and Community Services Department DATE: August 10, 2022 TO: Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Recreation and Parks Commission FROM: Sara Somogyi, Director of Recreation and Community Services Z SUBJECT: PROGRAMS & ACTIVITIES — July 2022 SENIOR SERVICES DIVISION Arcadia Senior Services play an integral part in the wellness of the senior community. The multitude of programs, services, and activities offered supports the healthy and independent lifestyle of the participants. A brief description with program attendance is listed below. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ATTENDANCE Gift The gift shop provides a venue for senior crafters to sell their 120 Visitors Shop creations and allows the community to purchase one -of -a -kind Monthly Revenue items at a great price. $192 Information & This program assists seniors and their families with issues that Referral Intakes affect their quality of life by providing information and referral that 11 address their daily living concerns. Billiard Room Three pool tables are available Monday through Friday from 347 7:30am-4:30pm for seniors to enjoy and make new friends. Blood Pressure Free blood pressure check is available for our senior patrons Check every month on Tuesdays, from 10am-1lam in the Community 18 Center billiard room. Senior Nutrition A nutritious meal is provided Monday -Friday for senior citizens. 1,251 Program For many seniors, this is the only hot meal they have daily. Average/Day 66 Exercise plays a vital role in health and wellness. Classes Classes include line dance, cardio plus, Zumba. These courses 1792 contribute to bone density improvement, increased muscle strength, flexibility, the reduction of stress, and improved cardio. Table Summer Table Tennis is available Monday -Friday, from 8:30am- Tennis 3:30pm. Seniors could drop in and play to gain exercise and 65 socialization. The Lions Sight program is offered in conjunction with the Arcadia Lions Club. The program offers low-income seniors with Lions Sight free vision care. Prospective clients are screened by senior 2 services staff that make the necessary arrangements for the service. Mahjong is a game of Chinese origin usually played by four Mahjong people with 144 tiles that are drawn and discarded until a player 92 secures a winning hand. Mahjong meets every Friday at 1 pm. Monday Monday Dance is held the 1, 3, and 5 Monday of every month. Dance This program provides a good element for senior participants 79 and has a good ratio of male and female dancers. Dial A Ride Monthly Dial A Ride bus passes are sold at the Community Center and Bus Passes can also be mailed to seniors. Bus passes are $5 per month. 18 Legal The Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles Organization Assistance is available once a month at the Community Center to provide 4 seniors with legal insight. Notary Notary services are limited to three signatures or thirty minutes Services per appointment every 2 and 4 Tuesday of each month. 6 Coffee with the On the third Tuesday of the month, Seniors listen and chat with Mayor the Mayor about City issues and topics of personal interest. 55 Weekly Movie New movie releases or classic movies are shown on a theater 44 size screen eve Wednesdayfor free. Patriotic On Friday July 1, seniors enjoyed the yearly patriotic picnic Picnic event. There were games, prizes, lunch, refreshments, music, 110 and fun. Support services include registering members for trips, signing Meeting: 70 Arcadia up new members, and handling the club's correspondence. A Passes Sold: 74 Travelers Club monthly club meeting is held at the Community Center to discuss Passengers: 163 future trips and provide a social gathering. Total: 307 Cumulative Total for senior services and senior programs 4,321 Connection Total number of monthly newsletters distributed this month. 1,800 JULY HIGHLIGHT On Friday July 1, seniors enjoyed the yearly patriotic picnic event. There were games, prizes, lunch, refreshments, music, and fun. RECREATION SERVICES DIVISION The Recreation Services Division is responsible for providing programs and activities which meet the recreational needs of the community. A diverse selection of programs is offered for youth, adults, and families to provide the opportunity for positive recreation experiences and to promote health and wellness. A brief description and attendance totals for the programs and services are listed below. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION ATTENDANCE Adult Basketball There are 30 Adult Basketball teams participating in the spring 805 Sunday league at the Dana Gym. On July 7, 717 individuals enjoyed the Smokin Cobras Band and 222 watched the movie Mulan. On July 14, 766 individuals enjoyed Concerts and the Susie Hansen Latin Band and 206 watched the movie Clifford Movies in the the Big Red Dog. On July 21, 527 individuals enjoyed the Alumni 3,641 Park Acoustic Band and 186 watched the movie Sing 2. On July 28, 675 enjoyed the Forever Rod Band and 342 watched the movie Secret Life of Pets 2. The Summer Fun and Play Program provides children from ages Summer Fun 5-12 to enjoy a week of activities The program began June 6 and July CG 689 and Play will end the week of August 8. The children enjoy a variety of HR 735 games, crafts, and a weekly demonstration from outside Total 1,424 organizations. Sports Camp is offered in the summer for four consecutive weeks from July 18 through August 12. Children ages 5-12 participate in July Sports Camp a variety of sport activities including basketball, soccer, volleyball, SC WK1 189 and many others. An interactive activity is also brought to the site SC WK2 172 each week, the first week was laser tag, a favorite for the children. Total 361 Merit Badge Merit Badge Classes are offered both virtually and in person to Classes Scouts to earn badges that help them reach the goal of Eagle Scout 62 rank. The Volunteen Program provides teenagers ages 13-17 with Volunteen valuable volunteer experiences which will help prepare them for 32 Volunteens Program college and future jobs. During the month of June, Volunteens 1,018 hours assisted with the Summer Fun and Play Program. Community The Arcadia Community Center offers a wide range of classes for Center Classes all ages. Some classes offered at this location include Zumba, 2,373 gymnastics, sewing, and chess. MEC Classes Some classes offered at this location include guzheng, karate, and 250 line dancing. Dana Gym This AUSD joint use facility is used to offer more classes to the Classes community. Classes offered at this location include Total Body 732 Workout, volleyball, youth basketball classes, and badminton. Off -Site & Virtual Other classes that are offered at off -site locations or virtually Classes including multiple tennis courts, art classes, and music classes. 1,202 Community The Arcadia Community Center is available for rent to Arcadia civic Center Rentals and non-profit organizations for activities and programs. 250 Cumulative Total for recreation classes and youth programs 11,132 TOTAL for Recreation and Senior Services 15,453 SUMMER CONCERT AND MOVIE SERIES 2022 The City's 2022 free summer concert & movie series has begun, every Thursday from June 23 through August 4, 2022. Concerts will begin at 6:30pm and movies at dusk. Kids can enjoy the fun zone area with plenty of games, crafts, and activities while parents relax or dance to the music. August 4 Upstream Caribbean Luca PG Arcadia's 119th Birthday National Night Out WILDERNESS PARK — CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE DUE TO STORM DAMAGE. MERIT BADGE CLASSES Virtual DATE CLASS NAME REGISTRANTS X PRICE FEES July 16, 2022 Citizenship in the Society 24x$20 $480 July 16, 2022 First Aid 11 x$20 $220 July 30, 2022 Family Life 16x$20 $320 July 30, 2022 Cooking 11 x$20 $220 Total $1,240 WEEKEND WILDERNESS PARK CLOSED - PUBLIC USE WILDERNESS PARK CLOSED Communitv Center Rentals DATE ORGANIZATION PARTICIPANTS FEES July 17, 2022 Association of Thai in 250 $931 Southern California Total 250 $931 Normal % Expended Personnel Related: 96.58% Supplies & Services: 100.00% RECREATION DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT June 2022 ACCOUNT BUDGET EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGE 5501 Administration $ 749,440 $ 796,212 106.24 % 5502 Community Center $ 311,449 $ 316,409 101.59 % 5503 Dana Gym $ 218,575 $ 254,286 116.34 % 5504 Fee & Charge $ 435,375 $ 561,352 128.94 % 5505 Nature $ 151,680 $ 93,934 61.93 % 5506 Recreation/Fields $ 121,325 $ 115,319 95.05 % 5507 Senior Citizens $ 498,663 $ 375,353 75.27 % 5508 Camp $ 230,176 $ 117,302 50.96 % 5510 Youth Programs $ 471,823 $ 335,278 71.06 % 5520 Museum Education Center $ 49,729 $ 52,368 105.31 % Total Report $3,238,235 $3,017,813 93.19 % ACCOUNT BUDGET REVENUE PERCENTAGE 5502 Community Center Rentals $ 34,100 $ 2,865 8.40 % 5503 Dana Gym $ 147,200 $ 226,702 154.01 % 5504 Fee & Charge Classes/ Activities $ 371,400 $ 674,416 181.59 % 5505 Nature $ 66,700 $ 25,436 38.13 % 5506 Recreation/Fields $ 61,000 $ 36,584 59.97 % 5507 Senior Citizen Classes/ Activities $ 127,000 $ 96,235 75.78 % 5508 Day and Sports Camps $ 190,500 $ 118,091 61.99 % 5510 Youth Programs $ 71,900 $ 42,334 58.88 % 5520 Museum Education Center $ 19,000 $ 29,798 156.83 % Total Report $1,088,800 $ 1,252,461 115.03 % Park and Recreation Facilities Fund FY20-21 FY21-22 FY21-22 Actual Actual as of 5/31 /2022 Budget Beginning Fund Balance $6,200,900 $7,981,649 $7,452,000 Estimated Revenue: Dwelling Unit Fees $622,346 $570,485 $1,200,000 Grant Revenues $837,750 0 0 Interest Earnings $69,401 $31,198 $71,500 Total Revenues $1,529,497 $601,683 $1,271,500 Estimated Funds Available $7,730,397 $8,583,332 $8,723,500 Proposed Expenditures: General Fund Overhead $31,300 $31,900 $31,900 Capital Projects $247,079 $9,962 $4,081,000 Total Expenditures $278,379 $41,862 $4,112,900 Ending Fund Balance $7,452,018 $8,541,470 $4,610,600 Net Change in Fund Balance $1,251,118 $559,821