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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1162 . RESOLUTION 1162 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIN GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE AN EATING ESTABLISHMENT AT 400 SOUTH BALDWIN AVENUE (THE WABBIT HUTCH). ~~ WHEREAS, ON May 4, 1981 an application was filed by Joan and Clarence Coles on behalf of the Wabbit Hutch, for an eating establishment, Planning Department Case No. C.U.P. 81-4, on the property commonly known as 400 South Baldwin, (Space 304), more particularly described as follows: Portion of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 4626 in the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Parcel Map Book 50-51 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said matter on May 26, 1981 at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY ARCADIA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: . SECTION 1. That the factual data submitted by the Planning Depart- ment in the attached staff report is true and correct. SECTION 2. This Commission finds that: 1. The granting of a conditional use permit as hereinafter provided will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity 2. This use applied for at the location indicated is properly one for which a conditional Use Permit is authorized. 3. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accomodate said use, including all yards, parking, loading, landscaping and other features required to adjust said use with the land and uses in 4IJ' the neighborhood, 1162 . 4. The site . ment type to carry abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pave- the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. The granting of such conditional use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan. 6, The use applied for will not have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 3. That for the foregoing reasons, subject to approval of the , City Council, this Commission grants a conditional use permit for the operation of an eating establishment upon the following conditions: 1. plans on 2. The file All property shall be improved and maintained in accordance with in the subject Case No. C.U.P. 81-4. conditions of City Council Resolution 4185 shall be complied with. 3. That an additional exit be provided in a location approved by the ... Building Division. 4. That restroom facilities be provided in accordance with Appendix "C" of the Uniform Plumbing Code, and subject to the approval of the Building Division. 5. The application shall not take effect until the have executed a form available at the Planning Department ness and acceptance of the conditions of approval. SECTION 4. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a copy to be forwarded to the City Council of the City of Arcadia. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day following vote: owner and applicant indicating aware- adopted at a of May 1981, regular by the AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Fee, Hegg, Sargis, Brink None Commissioners Hedlund, Kuyper, Soldate ... ATTEST: Chairman /!rr!hd;6d ~ Secretary, 11P2 . . . . ~IA Y 26, 1981 TO: FRO~; : CASE NO. PREPARED BY. GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: ADDRESS: \, REQUEST: EXISTING LAND USE & ZONING: SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: HISTORY ( PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT C.U.P. 81-4 DONNA L. BUTLER ASSOCIATE PLANNER Joan and Clarence Coles, THE WABBIT HUTCH Space 304, 400 South Baldwin 'Santa Anita Fashion Park Conditional Use Permit to operate an eating establishment The site is developed with Santa Anita Fashion Park, zoned C-2 D & H North & East: Developed with the Santa Anita Race Track; zoned R-1 and S-l South: Developed with a Savings & Loan, and multiple-family dwellings, zoned C-O and R-3. West: Developed with a service station and multiple-family dwellings; zoned C-O and R-1. Commercial Sixteen conditional use permits have been granted for eating fac- ilities in Santa Anita Fashion Park; 14 eating facilities are existing (see attached sheet). SPECIAL INFORMATION The proposed restaurant will be located adjacent to Penney's, on the lower level where the billiard shop is, FLOOR AREA: 1,676 square feet C.U.P. 81-4 MAY 26, 1981 Page 1 (, RESTROO~lS : The proposed plans show seating for approxi- mately 44 persons; based on the Uniform Building Code the total occupant load can be 66.5 persons. One restroom is provided. The Building Depart- ment has reviewed the plans and based upon an occupant load of 66 persons, two toilets, one urinal and one lavatory for men and two toilets, and one lavatory for women would be required. These restrooms must be designed to accommodate theehandicapped. ~. , SEATING: . Attached is a letter from Daniel Reed, General Manager of Fashion Park, regarding restroom facilities in Fashion Park. Reduction in the number of restroom facilities can only be made by the City Council under the provision of the existing Building Codes. Miscellaneous: The Uniform Building Code requires another exit a minimum of 33 feet from the existing exit. . ANALYSIS: An eating establishment is a permitted use in a C-2 DH zone with an approved conditional use permit. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the Planning Department has prepared an initial study for the proposed project. Said initial study did not disclose any substan- tial or potentially substantial adverse change in any of the physical conditions within the area affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise and objects of historical or aesthetic significance. Therefore, a Negative Decla- ration has been prepared for this project. Before the Planning Commission takes action on this project, the Commission should "move to approve and file the Negative Declaration and find that the project will no~ have a significant effect on the environment." RECOMMENDATION: . The Planning Department recommends approval of C.U.P. 84-4 subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant shall comply with all conditions of City Council's Resolution 4185. 2. That an additional exit be provided in a location approved by the Building Division. 3. That restroom facilities be provided in accordance with Appendix "C" of the Uniform Plumbing Code, subject to the approval of the Building Division. C.U.P. 81-4 May 26, 1981 Page 2 . . . \, ( 4. This application shall not take effect until the owner and applicant have executed a form available at the Planning Depart- ment indicating awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval. C.U.P. 81.-4 May 26, 1981 Page 3 . . . ( ADDENDU~I C.U.P. 81--4 EXISTING EATING FACILITIES EATING ESTABLISHMENTS Ardella's Pizza Orange Saloon Yogurt Place Cable Car Cookie Bob's Big Boy Belly Buster English Fish & Chips RESTAURANTS Kaplan's Restaurant in Broadway Restaurant in J. C. Penney Restaurant in Buffu~'s Don Ricardo's David Copperfield Magic Pan * C.U.P. NO. SEATING CAPACITY AS PER C.U.P. APPLICATION C.U.P. 76-14 C. U. P. 74-5 C. U . P. 76- 25 C.U.P. 77-9 C.U.P. 74-4* C.U.P. 78-18 C.U.P. 76-4* 12 44 16 .10 170 12 48 C.U.P. 74-81' C.U.P.74-91,* C.U.P. 75-51' C.U.P. 74-61<* C.U.P. 74-201' C.U.P. 74-211, C.U.P. 74-3" 326 125 124 125 162 197 140 Restroom Facilities comply with Code ** Restrooms located adjacent to restaurant in the store. . ~-i\ .' , ""~~ , , ~^"""-': ;< "~' ,<.~ ~,.O ..t~";;-'''T.V''. TO: FROM: SUBJECT: . . ( memO'8,anJum Date ~1ay 11, 1981 Donna Butler Rudy Fran ta Wabbit Hutch Restaurant Based on Table 33-A, U.B.C., the occupant load is calculated to be 66.5 people, 63 patrons and 3.5 employees. This occupant load would require another exit to be located at least 33 feet from the existing exit. lI.ppendix "C" of the U.P.C. requires restroom facili- ties for men and women. The number of required fix- tures is determined by the number of occupants. Based on an occupant load of 63, 2 toilets, I urinal and I lavatory for men and 2 toilets and I lavatory for women is required. The restrooms must also be designed to accommodate the handicapped. / ') ~~ --- -:;.:'" -- ~~~nta RF/sj . . . '. c cSftlltfl.i1/ldfl l',ay 4, 1981 City of Arcadia Building and Safety Department 240 W. Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91006 Dear Sir(s)' r would like to point out the availability of public restrooms in Santa Anita Fashion Park. We have, for our shoppers convenience, located restrooms on each level of the mall. In addition, each Department Store has public restrooms, with J. C. Penney's particularly convenient. There are also restrooms in all our dinner type restaurants. Each fast food type restaurant, of which "the Wabbit Hutch" is included, has a restroom for its employees. It is hoped that "the ~labbit Hutch" will be allowed to construct their store along the same parameters as these other businesses have had. Sincerely, W ( '/ A/{{A A/", Daniel L. Reed General Manager DLR:cli 231 Fashion Park, 400 So, Baldwin Avenue, Arcadia, California 91006. Phone (2131 445-3116 li-'- !i:0- i-~ r 1 ::\ ~ D.Il T-"r-J ~ . I . u--~<~; oUt I' ,01 )~':=1J ',I III I, !-""~'~!<, L-,I ,il . I" II , .--h"" '---- ""'-~ L_ , f.-- " , 1-- 5'" I' 'I pg~-,"!:!'- r I", I -, --I, e I ~ '" ~'" ,- '~~W\,'~ ,'cp ['I -I~ 'in-,' liU u c-lLJJ I ,,",--,-- , ,U:L I r;:; ~ ',~!. -- ~.;....--<: l !" -'T"'~~ II - ,I-'I! 4,;-,,--,,--,., i"'ji I ~o I i@/"Iil': €.~ I ~ 1:Wi ~ ,j ,...1 -~~~I'- ~ ~I r,:;-" I ~ r'l '-I~~I_I \ ;-J~J ~ ~ i\' 'r-"l" :TIf~) '~I"'D",: I I'" 0 :bt:.. m~q~ ~' ;J ,17 d."jl [T~ " ""';-~9_1 :p , ':' I.:.:....... r ""', :::.J c:.2!'~ [}~' -hJ ' gE" r,4, -~~I 11)= l ~ J=J~~_LI I .. . 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( ( File No. C//p"..g/-4 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT NEGATIVE DECLARATION CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA A. Description of project: ~_ /Z) ~2::PA?;z;" AU ~~//.... p?JJJf& I.V7'UP.l ff" B. Location of project: 40? . 5-Y 7TH /3::vO.L J/-U, . ~ ..804 C. Name of applicant or sponsor: ~AU .#c::cAelaY=<"/y-Ps " D. Finding: This project will have no significant effect upon the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 for the reasons set forth in the attached Initial Study. E. Mitigation measures, if any, included in the project to avoid potentially significant effects: Date: ..?~ ~ /5P5/ ~ / ' /// ~ 111~A Slgnature l A~/A7P ~L/~ Title Date Posted: . . . '. ( File No. r:;.- ~ ~ -...,/ A. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM ."U=", ,_ g:~Jd~d Ci/.-J..-Jt..l..L_ - ~ ~~ ~ Address: ,/.:;:'-5' , ~,// 7/)",... d~ ,yJ2j4_~c.._ 7/ -:?:;Jc. ~ ~ ' ~ ~..e~.u'J ~ 9/oo? (>:dz_L:ia~2:i.-Ju",,~. /?~j B. Property Address (Location): , 10-/- -Y<JC) ~~/'~. , e., C. General Plan Designation: c'?J~~/A/ D. Zone Classification: t:'- Z /J H E. Proposed Use (State exactly what use is intended for the property, i.e.. type, activities, employment): ~ /dd ~ ,- X7Y'"j /- /~~~.L...hl--L ~ - ..J ......,....1:. R-=- --.., 5~ /??""1.-1 / /. z,....J//.t' ~n.... ""yYU_ ,.4'.-=4'';-;-/i:;I- ..nA> ~ :u",/. F. of Site: /,;{?,; .A.~. ~, ...../ :? of Existing Buildings: Square Footage G. Square Footage /tf?,! ~ t5'../~. 2. To Be Removed: 1. To Remain: H. Square Footage of New Buildings: ~ - . - - ~ C /7P~"'~A ) ~ ~. 1./. / I. Square Footage of Buildings to be Used for: 1. Commercial Activities: ~~~/''''J j ~J<P../.._",:.r.><y- ,-;77Z.-a-L./_ 2. Industrial Activities: ~~,.... 3. Residential Activities: ~~~ Number of Units: '#;7 ~-:';r;,u ~. On a separate sheet, describe the following: 1. . 'Z..J pA'. ....., /7.......,y ~ vv C/ '?7L..(~. The environmental setting of the project site as it exists. 2. The proposed alterations to the project site. ~~ 3. The use and development of the surrounding properties. dl7? c:; -1- . . . / ( Environmental Information Form K. Check the appropriate answers to the following questions: 1. Will the proposed project result in a substantial alteration of ground contours and/or alteration of existing drainage pattern? 2. Will the proposed project result in a change in groundwater quality and/or quantity? 3. will the proposed project result in an increase in noise, vibration, dust, dirt, smoke, fumes, odor or solid waste? 4. Will the proposed project result in ~~e use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? 5. will the proposed project result in a substantial increase in demand for municipal services and/or energy consumption: Yes No ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Explain in detail any "YES" answers to the above questions on additional sheets. L. Provide any additional information which would elaborate on the potential environmental consequences resultant from the proposed project. M. Certification: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for ~~is initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: .,,:,~- ~-.! / 9 -~ &&.J '/ ~ Signature ,:f;:pf-cant ff?~~~ -2- ( File No. C:-O.P AI-4 . ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent ~/ .4,,/.0 O~ ~d~5 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent /~:? hf4.-:?/ L:-.41y f4"/&-A~4;Z ..01, ;;/77~ , t2/~/ ~70-..I?_?9C> B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) . C. C1l.llfjl. l~ t<;>poqraphy or 'l'tO\lnol '"thc. tel,.l hat"...? !!! ~ .... ill. ~ l!2. ., Sulltt.nt1,,1 uductlon '^ the ",olllltol wltU othe........ Iv,lhbh L ,/ ~or publ' c ...ota r ."ppl.el? ,/ <- tOpo."l.. ^. p..oplf'or IIt"?fItty lO".le. relue'" I......d. ...,,11 .. iL HOCldll1'l? ,/ ., ~. Will ", prop<)ul tlt.ult 1,,: " O.M,,' '^ the <!lv,"ruty " .p..'''.... /" " "umber ". ,^, opec..' ^, plant. / (lnC:lllol,nq tr..... ."rub., 'lUI., c:ropa, .lc",t1o.. '^' ..q....tic pl'lItll1 ./ -, ~d\leljo" of '"' nl,Ulb.u ,. ,^, unique. ute " I"danqered IP'-"." ,/ - ,. phntl1 / " Il\trodllct1o" "' "- IP'C'" ". planu lnto '" Ir"I, " .elult '" , ,/ barn... " ", ",,,:1'\,( repl<enhh_M. "' '''HUIIQ 'P":1u? ,/ .. MI'....1 L,l.. IIDI ", propo...l r"lult ln' Chi "g. '^ '" div"nity " op.."le., "' nlllftbeu " '", 'p,,,I.. " ."l....h ,/ (blrdo, I.nd .'Il..h In,,ludlnq reptll.., ,/ n... .", .ndUuh, benth!.c orq.n....., - .n..ctl "' "'lcror.u...11 ,/ -, ~.du"uotI ot ,.. nuabec. ". ,", W\lqu.., .au " .nd."qered .plel... "... " ..n..l.7 ,/ " Introduction of "- .pe"ie. 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Ln dltu.OIl, d.pOIIltio" or .roe.Uln ..hie" ..1' ...".elly the 9. bpoe"... 01 peop)1 or pro".:-"y to q.oloqlC "..arda au".. II ..rt"q".".., 1.n4lhdel,.u4.llld.l,qroundf..luu, or .1aJ.h.r 1'1......01.1 a. !!!. 11111 U,. p~.1 111, a. Sllbet4t1tUI air 1.luI01'1e or "'-tecloutlot1 of .....hnt .1r q".Uty? b. T". c:r..tIOllOf obll~lOt1abll -" e. ...a....uonor.u__nt, ooohtllr.or tl_r.tllrl. or illY c:touq. in, uth.r toe.lly 0I'r..lo.....lly7 ). !!!!,!. 11111 tll. pn""",,,ll ....qlt In' .. o...",q.. 11> CVZI'II>U or u.e ..""rl' of41nC"tlOflol...t,r_........t'.1I h.... ...t,...l b. OI111,e. III ab.or-ptIOtl,..t'", 41'.ln.q.p'tt.l'n., ort".,..t. U1d .-..ntol.....l.c...t'l'rUJ>OtH e. Ut'rlll_' to t". COUI''' or flow of flood ...U"", d. Chu,. 11l d1, -.nt of ."ct&CI "Il.r In 11I1' ...t... body1 .. DL'Ch,rq. Into '''cf.c:. "et'I". or In Illy .h.r.tlon or '"l'he. ...t.1' q\l.l1ty, Inell1dlnq b"t not L1.altlllto t........tllU. OU.Oh'R oltJ"'le" or lUrbl4tt}"1 . t. Uurlllon of thldlr.ct.lonor Ute of flow of ,n>W14 ...teu? '.O'.....,.lnt".qllllltltyolqrOOll\d", ut1wlr t.bro...,lI ,Ul'set .ddlt1o..a or..l~....h.ortllrouoqlllllt'rc:.ptIDfl. of &1\)' "flll'.r l>)' C'\ltJI or ."'''..V.tIO...., -1- . . . lO, !E. ~ ~ v ,/ Jt!" 0/ ~ -.r L .../ ,/ U.I'; ot t:p,e,. :)00>, t..., propo..1 '''''01..,. tUk o,.n ..otouan or the r.l..... ot Iluarclou '\lb.t"'~1 IUICh.dll'9. bllt not II_Hed to, 011, pelt.leld.., ch..u"h or r.dl.U....1 III tn. "Unt of III u,c1dent or "p.n. condltlona? 11, ~:Il ~~~~ ~n. w ~; ~ t ~~~II~~~~~':;n: ~~;: or 'l'tl:lOoit.h ..t~ ot the h......' pclP"!'- tl<'" ot 11\ .t.,? 11. ::~~~~~ h:~~~n~~'o~t~~:~; :ff.n d.....o:I for addll1o.ul nOllll"'l' 11. Tr.....\?Ort.t1on/Clrcululon. 10Il11 tlI.propo..1 r""lt In' ... c....ul1on ot Iu.bHlnU.1 .d41- Uo.ul...hlC>.11.r_...._nt1 b. Lthcu on uUt1nq ~rh"'l '.ciUuu or d.-no:! lor 11_ patln"'!l e. Sub.l....U.l 1_,..<< llpoIl u:Ut1n'l trlll.port.ticn .y.t"" d. Alter.non. \0 PUle"t p.ttarn. of cttl;"\,ll.Uon of __..t ot people Uld/or 9QOd., e, Alteration. to ..urbot.... "U or aa tutUd l. Iftcr.... tn 't.fhe h,..rd, to 110\0.. ..ahu'l... blcyo:llH' or ped..trJ.n.1 U. l'utllIo: hrvlo:... IflU tll. propoul n.v. ..10 .U...:t 'llpon. or r","lt .n . n.1'd torn_or Ilt.r.dqo...........nt..1 ..rvlc..ln.nyotth.toU......lnq u....: ill. Tlr.prot.euon' ./ L -v' 1>. 1'011e11 pcot.etlCO\l e. 5Ch001l1 d. I'.r', orftMr r..::I'..U.....1 ho:U1th., L ,/ -/ .. ", ot p\l!lllo hcJll- tiN.lncl1.Ml.lll<lroa4lJ t. ou..r ,0000.~nt.l .."le..' 15. ~. Wl11 the pl'GpOailll r..ult in, ill. 0.. ot .l2b.unU.l .-oUllt. of t..d or 'MI''7)'1 / l>. Sul>.t...t1.11ncl'....1nd....n<l l:p01l..hU,." .oure.. ot .n.I''N. or lIt"fUll" tM d.....lop..nt of n_ .-.rcq ot .n.r,,, /" U. uU1JUu. '1111 dl. propo..l unItt u;-;-;;;;a for 10_ .V.t.... Or .1Ib.t...th1 .ll....n_. to th. to11__ 1nq"til1U.., .. ''''''rorn.tlll'.l,..., v b. C-.u>lclt.1.... .yn..., ...< 0/ ,/ / /" 0:. "..t.l'1 4. S_.r 01' ..pUe l...k., ., 'tora v.t.r dr.1nl9" t. So114 v..u &n4 dhpo.J11 n. II~ nullh. '1111 th. propoe.l r'.\lJlllI' .. Cr..t1CO\ ot .ny h..h.h h".1'4 or POt.oUIl hul1.h huud tuclLl41nq ....ulh..lthIJ ./ /" b. exr.o-u... ot ,.""h to pot.nthl hI..lthh....r4l1 Date '-' ff h~3/ ,. . -2- ( ,",",.. Will th. prope...t r.'lIlt In the obstruCUono' ..ny .c.nlc vln..orvl...o,.ntoUl.pllbllc.or"th. <!.n.i.... sll" open to pUblic vhv1 !!! ~.!:!.2. .... ,", lleerUll.on. lUll the propo...l r"lIll In ..10 ...p...:t Llf'On the quJ11t'f Or 1li..nll.tyol.",I.t1n'l ner..t10nl1 opportunlt.el? /" 10, ~~=~;~q~~:~~~I~~O~~C:~t.r~~~~ ~~ .. ~I~r, fl<'~M ..rchlOlOqIC..1 Or Il.,;,'on,," ,;t., ItI'Uo:tUI'., ob)'''l Orl>ull<1ln...' I 1:. ""n<latorvrln<llnq.otSlqnttl"."".. .. Does tn. prol.Ct II...... tile potentl.l todeq..j"tll.qll.l1tyl>"t. .ut>.t."tlel1vr.duo:.tlle'\J.blt.tot. fhll or "'11<1111. .peel.... c.",.e. fhll or "'11'-:11 re popul..Uon to drop bel.... ..1f-~'"uIMnq I.v.h, tll.r..t.,n to ..I""'n~'.. pl..ntor .nL..l =-unity. ro.duo:e :he n\lH>er or rutrlo:t th. r.n'le of . r~r.. or end.nq.r.d pL..nt or .ni...l or ell.,n.t.. IlI'IpOrt.nt .",",,1.. or tll. ,"",)Or p"nod' of C.lllornu hlltorv orprelll.tory' / b. Oofo. tll. pro}."th..... U'lI1 pounthl to."lIiev".lIort-t.r.. to the di..dv..nt.'l. of lonq-t....... .nvll'.......nt..1 qo..h? III ,hort-t"rlllllp.."tOfttll..nvlr_nt 11 on" ..".,,11 oecuu In . or...!. d..flnlt.IIII penodot ttae...IIU. I"n"-te..... U'P.ctl ....11 endure ..ell into t.1l... rutuu., / c. DOn the pro)."t ".p."t. Indlvldu..llyli.alt.d.b'llt c"", conud"r&t>le? (A project ".y on t...o or _r. ...p....t. re.our".. ...her. t.he 1......ct On reIOur"" " r.l..Uv.Ly ...11, but...hIIr. thel!ftect of tn" toul of U.o.elllp.o:t. on the ."V"O",-I\t I. .Iqlllflc.nt..l / d. Doe.theprol.etll..v..enviro.....nt.J e! "hlCh ...1110:.,,1' .1Ib.t..nt.i.1 ..H..ell onl'lu...n b11ln".. .1t.hIIr ,hr.o:tly or Indu..o:tlv1 / C. DI5CUSSlot.'OftIlVIJIONKENTIILI:VllI.U.\TlCll D. DETl:ltMlN"Tl~ r.tobll"OIIPI.t.dby tlM Le.d"9.n<:)'1 On .t7 bUll ot tIllI inithl .velu.tio." 16 I find trl. propo..d proj.ct COULD !\lOT l'I.v. . .19nltiC.nt IIft.o:t Cn tl'l.'l\vlr_..t. .nd . NEGATIVE IlI:Ct.loJ.kTION ...ill be pnp..nd. 01 Ilnd thn ..1t.ho\09h tll.. pl'opo..d proj.ct cou14 h..... .. sl.qnUic.nt .rr."t cn th. .nVlron..nt. th.n ...111 not. b.. 11<1nlll"...t .ft."t In tilt. cu. b.c..ue the aIl19.U_'"h.d.h..lh.vebll.n..dd.dtO tI'l. proJ.ct. "NEC.\TlVE DECUIlATIOH WILL IE ,u:,a.uD. o I find th. prOpO..d prO)Kt MIll' 1'1"", . 119n1He...t art~ on tn. .nvir_nt., .n<! .10 rltVIJIONMENTIlL IIG'IlC'l' IU:I'OIt'f 11 UqUlr.d. (Signature)