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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1186 ~, ; ,; ;:",", . . PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 1186 A ~~SOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMI3SION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA MAKING A FINDING OF FACT AND DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82-3 FOR A VIDEO GAME FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT CENTER AT 524 SOUTH FIRST AVENUE. WHEREAS, on January 4, 1982, an application was filed by Norman R. Jones and David G. Powell'to operate a video game family entertainment center, Planning Department Case No. C.U.P. 82-3, on the property commonly known as 524 South First Avenue, more particularly described as follows: Lot 1 and the southerly 51 feet of Lot 2, Block 63~, Tract No. 866, in the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per Map recorded in Book 16, Pages 198 and 199, inclusive, of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder. . WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on January 26, 1982, at which time all interested persons were given full oppor- tunity to be heard and to present evidence; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the factual data submitted by the Planning Department in the attached report is true and correct. Section 2. That the Planning Commission hereby makes the following findings of fact: 1. That the proposed video game entertainment center will generate an increase in vehicular traffic which cannot be accommodated on the subject site. 2. That there is i~sufficient on-site parking for the proposed use. Section 3. Based on the foregoing findings of fact, the Planning Commisisonlhereby denies the application for Conditional Use Permit 82-3. , Section 4. The)Secretary shall certify to the adoption I of this Resolution and ~hall cause a copy to be forwarded to the City Council of the\City of Arcadia. j I \ { , ,I ,{ - 1 - . 1186 .f; . I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 9th day of February, 1982 by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Hed:~nd, Kuype~, Hegg, Soldate NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Jahnke, Fee, Sargis ABSTAIN: None !J1~'M,Jdd~ Chairman ATTEST: . 1LJ1;JJ/J~I/tJ!d Secretary . - 2 - 1186 . . . " ,-, .. JANUARY 26, 1982 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA PLANNING DEPARTMENT FROM: CASE NO.: P~EPARED BY: C.U.P. 82-3 DONNA L. BUTLER ASSOCIATE PLANNER GENERAL INFORMATION , APPLICANTS: LOCATION: ~EQUEST: Norman R. Jones and David G. Powell 524 South First Avenue Conditional Use Permit for a Video Game Entertainment Center EXrSTING LAND USE & ZONING: The site is developed with 3 commercial uses; a tailor, a catering business and a thrift store (Bargain Box); zoned C-2. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZO~ING: Commercial uses & mortuary; zoned C-2 Commercial uses; zoned C-2 Mixed residential uses; zoned PR-3 and R-3 Commercial uses; zoned C-2H North: South: East: West: LOT AREA: 1},635 square feet 1.31 acres) FRONTAGE: 101 Feet on First Avenue 135 Feet on Fano Street GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial SPECIAL INFORMATION Building The applicant is proposing to occupy 5,400 square feet of the existing bu'i1<iing, which is presendy occupied by the Bar- gain Box Thrift Shop. The interior space will be divided as follows: Game Room 2 offices Community Room Staff Room Storage Room 2400 square feet 500 square feet 480 square feet 980 square feet 610 square feet Page 1 . . . , " , .. There are two existing toilets. The Building Department has inspected the premises and noted some items which should be corrected (see attached report from R. H. Franta). Thf' Building Department also indicated that because the applic,,ctt is pYvposir.g some remoG.o;.i,.g (adding office space a~~ community room), the restrooms must be made to comply with the handicapped requirements and a second exit will be <€quired. The Fire Department has also reviewed the plans and noted that an additional exit will be required. PARKING & LANDSCAPING The existing retail uses contain 2,460 square feet of gross floor area. The proposed video game center contains 5,400 square feet of gross floor area (total area 7,860 square feet). Based on'the parking ratio of 5 parking spaces per 1001 square feet of gross floor area 4e parking spaces would be required, based on the tot8l building area. If you were to base the parking requirements on the square footage of the game area alone (2,400 square feet) and the area of the two retail stores (2460 square feet), 25 parking spa~es would be required. The applicants' plans show 10 parking spaces and a 2' landscaped buffer adjacent to the easterly property line. No trash enclosure is shown on the plans. The plans could be redesigned for 11 parking spaces which comply with code and also provide a trash enclosure. There are a total of 8 on-street parking spaces on First Avenue and Fano Street adjacent to the building. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMAtION , The applicants are initially proposing to have 55 - 60 games. They anticipate eventually expanding the game area to 3000 square feet. The applicants have advised staff that the proposed hours of oper- ation are 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. One of the applicants, David Powell, is Manager of "Pinball Plus", a video game center in La Crescenta. Based upon data obtained at this location and submitted by the app1tcants, the peak hours of operation are between 8:00 p.m. and lO:OO p,~" and the busiest days are Friday and Saturday. " The applicants have advised that there will be two attendants present during peak operating hours and one attendant present during the remainder of the operating hours. C.U.P. 82-3 1/26/82 Page 2 I ! . . . - - ANALYSIS A video game entertainment center is a permitted use in a C-2 zone with an approved cond.itional use permit. Based on p~rsonal observation (~8e attached sheet) of thesetyp~. of uses, it is staff's opinion that video &ame centers, if managed pro- perly, can provide a positive recreational facility for all age groups. The ~nlY concern staff has the subject .location is that rhe park ng will not be sufficient for a video game center. Planning staff noticed during its inspection of the Starc1'U'1.ser and Pinball Plus video centers (see Attachment "A") that the m/lljt>rity of persons in these facilities were high school age persons and young adults, all of driving age. The applicants' graph 1 indicates that during the peak hour of 9:00 p.m., 73% of the machines are in use. If the proposed center has 60 machines, 44 ! of these machines could be in useJ resulting in a minimum of 44 persons in the center. If this center's ~atrons are'similar in age to those at the Starcruiser and Pinball Plus, the demand for parking will be greater than the number of spaces which can be provided on the premises. This could result in extensive on-street parking which might encroach into the adjoining residential neighborhood. Attached for your iDformation is the application for C.U.P. 82-3, supplemental information provided by the applicant, and some letters from property owners within the area. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the ~lanning Department has prepared an initial study for the proposed project. S.aid initial study did not disclose any substantial or potentially substantial adverse change in any of the physical condi- tions within the area ?ffected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise, and objects of historical or aesthetic significafice. Jherefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project. , Before the Planning Commission or the City Council take action on this project, they should "move to approve and file the Negative Dec- laration and find that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment". RECOMMENDATION It is the Planning Department's oplnlon that a video game center, if managed properly, would not be detrimental to a neighborhood or inconsis- tent with other commercial businesses. However, because of the insuff- icient parking at the proposed location, staff recommends denial of C.U.P. 82-3. C.U.P. 82-3 1/26/82 Page 3 ;, If the Commission determines that this is an appropriate use, the Plan- ning Department would recommend the following conditions of approval: 1. Conditions as outlined in the attached report from R. H. Franta. of the Building Division. shall be complied with to the satis- faction of ;:;,,, ~hief Building 0fficia!.. 2. Fire safety shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. . 3. That the parking area shall be improved and said plans for improve- ment shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to said improvements being made. 4. That a trash enclosure be provided as per Section 9263.6.6 of the Arcadia Municipal Code. S. That the 2 I landscaped 5-t.U,p adjacent to the easterly property line be landscaped and irrigated and said plans be submitted to the Planning Department for its review and approval prior to in- stallation. . 8. 9. . 6. That the hours of operation be limited as follows: 11:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday 11:00 a.m., to ~2:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 7. That a modification be granted for 10 parking spaces in lieu of 40 parking spaces required by Code. That this conditional use permit shall become null and void if any transfer is made of the,rights of this conditional use permit, by outright t~ansfer, operation of law, forfeiture or any other means whatsoever, unless, the applicant herein first applies for and is granted permission to make such transfer by the Planning Commission. Should such permission be requested, the Planning Commission may impose additional conditions of approval as it deems necessary which shall be adhered to by the transferee, or may deny such transfer. That this conditional usi permit shall be reviewed annually by the Planning Department, at which time conditions may be added or modified as deemed necessary. 10. That adequate bike racks shall be provided and that plans for the location and installation of such racks shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval, prior to said racks being installed. C.U.P. 82-3 1/26/82 Page 4 . . . ~ 11. That the, rules and regulations as noted in the applicants' sup- plemental material shall be posted and clearly visible on the premises, enforced at all times. ' 12. That a minimum of two attendants shall be on duty during the peak hours of opera~icn. 13. That C.U.P. 82-3 shall not take effect until the owner and appli- cant have e~ecc~~d ~ form available At,the Planning Department indicating awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval. \ C.U.P. 82-3 1/26/82 Page 5 . . . . , ATTACHMENT "A'" Planning DivisiOn staff inspected Pinball Plus in La Crescenta and the Starcruiser in Pasadena and noted the following: "inball Plu:: This facility is located in a small neighborhood center which contains a 7-11 Store and thre2 other miner uses. There are a total of 19parking spaces. The faci1ity had 56 machines and one attendant. Rules and regulations were posted on the window adjacent to the door.- There were 8 persons playing machines - all young adults. Unspected 12:30 p.m., 1/l9/82) The Starcruiser This facility is located on Colorado Boulevard and surrounded by commercial uses. This facility had'100 machines and one atten- dant (it appears that during peak hours they have at least two attendants). Rules and regulations were posted in the entry. There were 30t persons playing machines; only four were children, the remainder were persons of driving age. (Inspecte~ 3:30 p.m., 1/20/82) Both facilities were clean and well maintained, and Planning staff did not observe any persons loitering on the premises. The Poli~e Department also inspected both sites; a copy of their report is attached., C.V.P. 82-3 1/26/82 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: . . memot,a.nJu"" Date l-21-82 Donna Butler, olannin~ Deoartment RECEIVED JMj 21 1982 C. D. Mitchell, Chief of Police cnp - 520 S. ~irst CITY OF ARCADIA PLANNING DEPT. On 1-20-82, l:45 PM Chief Mitchell and I visited the location, Starcruiser, l252 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena. This was a Wednesday, and during school hours. There were 25 people inside the location of which five were juveniles. This particular location,has no visibility from the outside. This may be the reason for the young ones hanging out there. Two more juveniles were entering the location when we were leaving. On 1-2u-82, 7 :05 "11 Chief Mitchell and I visited the locat~on, Pinball Plus, 3~lO Poothill Blvd. La Cresenta. This location has a glass front and Was open to public view. There was a family in the location as well as 15 other young peoole. Nothing else was observed at either location that would bed@trimental to the ooeration of the location in Arcadia. C. D. Mitchell Chief of Police bY~~~V.. Neal R. Jo~son Captain " , . . . . , ~ J .9) (5"V 0 OFFICE ~~ EA77^'1H9d. (117) '" t'.)f1a/SHJ ' $1) (S"'- '" .0 /.'/&/ (I',) (li'!) I"I;S- ':l~~ "'~ .~ S0 so so 0.0 \~~ ,- ,:0..' . ELDOIWlO , . SO:; ';1 7 I~~ 50 5,) 50 ~0 ~- "$<)) (.#) 0 \II. ,., :'A~ C.2 " (,/~/, (114) (/,U) rlJ'~/ 0 @ oil I ~~ '" '" (/14) 0 0 0 '" . C'2 H~~' -') -;=:- - -{- 0~ 0 PJ., '~H'!. '" '" ,., 0 \3 0 .r. ~ ,n ~~ "'..CR17JA/W '!i ' ~ 0 0 ~,... '21 i . . ....,.. , ~W.IfElfClIi/:. ~~ or, oil Cl::l. PH-3' "'11- 3'" \n \J') 50 :'0 1417 -..: ,l5 50 SO SO SO :: 0 N SO SO IJI7 r--~ ;~:-. t- ~.):i6' SO ~,'; 50 ~1ffP,CIAL :\ <<-P. '.3- r-.3~ ~'" <<~ ,CQg. Ii", dj~i' , of) @ 13 /4 1"'. u "- "'l'\,.. . . ~ ~ ,~ ^ '" I'/< 3H~ - ~~ . ~' ~ ~~ , ~ ~~.n ~~'" f'i;\~ O. 0 0 ,," ~"~ .,1 ~ ~ cc;.fH/!KOA,1- ~ J" il J 5"/) !,<r~ ,:\\ c- .2 ~ t'.5~) ~"' (" ' 51..'" (/ 4~.O (/.11/ (1'}5.1 0 ~C IJI.~ \: "I ~ 5Q 50 '" -.__4.i.._~ ::> z ~ FANO STREET < .. .) 5,) .1';17 gj 13, 'c '\..~ .'.) ~..; 1:00/ (S~/ 9 nn:'IC,/c , ;:- , ""' ~~a:Mt'1~Sl (1r(J.! I'/M) rlJ'd) rlN) >i- t.. r//G/ 0 " ,~ "l 0 0 - ,.'1 1)\ ~. rO 0 0 ~ 125 )/ !,'; ~ ~" 0 ~H 'j '" WG .~ '" "'~O'O :", ) '" f1IV(J(1. ~ II": " 0 0 .~ /'.!2J.1 J'll.{l Ul -@ '-'- '" "25 C-2 !,. 0 0 135 .~ '" t:J:::FVCZ!! '" ",?K;CWHEP.C/AL iIP'i~tJ) <II 4r~ f;>.. ".... ~;Ii! '" ~~'" "'~ '" 3- 0 so 14117 '-,- " ,3, !>O so 5C' 50 I; '" N '''J..,SJ :41.7 I~~~o" ~ :;.) 50 5,) 50 ,31-1 '" (tW~A/. '2 ~oIl .r, 3 I ~ L" o.J~"" I ~~ " "" -~ 19$- 4-" "... '-~ B ~., c-z <f) ~ 0 0 ~ ~ :9. ~ ~'" N'O' ~@) ~." ~~~~AL.r. ('-2 H ~ ~~ .11". 1" = 100' l(~ COP82-:3 LAND USE & ZONING SCALE NORTH ," . 1 ~Itr -' r . ~~~ ~~'= ~~~ . , . -"} ...._::.:~, l ~l 'j I. ,T....'.....,.. ';1 "...., " ~.~! ~~ ..'~- I ..,.' . .. k_ ..~,_.._ ::{-;:~~: ::~.~~ ,. :;J -- : " .4 ~. .' ~..,.... ~~'!' I~' --~ : i 1 '-. , -.....~ ~ '. i ! I ~-..! ., '.-::: ~ '... 'l" .c..oo.~. If. ""jD ~H -q ~ ' a en...) '"1:", ~~ I oU t ...,~ ! ~:i J ~U ~~I ~, '" '" ... - z ~ o , '-8 1lW:: . z"'J -<-t ~~i cl5s;!j lZlll '. TO: memotanJu,m Date January 12, 1982 Donna Butler FROM: R. H. Franta SUBJECT: 524 South First Inspection of the subject property revealed the following items: 1. 2. :Y. 4. S. . 6. 7. Fire separation missing between garage and store., lnadequate ventilation. Roof leaks. lncorrect door swing for egress. Improper lacking device on doors (panic hardware required). Carport added without permit (quite old). The above items should be corrected. Broken rain gutter and hole in stucco. The diagram submitted for C.U.P. shows some proposed remodeling. Therefore the restrooms must be made to comply with handicapped requirements and a second exit, per code, must be provided. . . ., . ~~ l-(.-tr.t,. RalfCT AT TO DATI ~ PLEA5E REPLY TO .. -'-~ ~ - '. ~~::;.....\ :,..'~:';-~:~i;.~~::,,,.~..;t~.~.;;:'V _. . ~10---" -/()4c:. SIGNBl -- .~" . iIICU........ 'AlTS 1 AND 3 WITM CARlON INTACT, ' ,AIT 3 WIU II RlTU_ WITH IlS'I.T, .