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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1342 . PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1342 A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 87-15 FOR THE STORAGE AND SALE OF USED EXOTIC CARS AT 134 LA PORTE STREET. WHEREAS, on June 25, 1987 an application was filed by James E. Williams for the storage and sale of used exotic cars, Plannin9 Department Case No. C.U.P. 87-15, on property commonly known as 134 La Porte Street, more particulary described as follows: Lots 27 and 28 of Block 81 of the Arcadia Santa Anita Tract as per map recorded in Book 15, pages 89 and 90 of Miscellaneous Records as recorded in the office of the Los Angeles County Recorder. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on July 28, 1987, at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Sect i on 1. That the factual data submi tted by the Pl anni ng Department in the attached report is true and correct. Section 2. This Commission finds: 1. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. 2. That the use applied for at the location indicated is proper use for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. 3. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use. All yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping and other features are adequate to adjust said use with the land and uses in the neighborhood. 4. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. That the granting of such Conditional Use Pennit wi 11 not ad~'ersely . affect the comprehensive General Plan. . . 6. That the use applied for will not have a substantial adverse impact on the environment. Section 3. That for the foregoing reasons this Commission grants <I Conditional Use Permit for the storage and sale of used exotic cars upon the following conditions: 1. All vehicles other than vehicles for employees and customers shall be parked and stored within the building at all times. 2. A commercial garage shall be prohibited unless a separate conditional use permit is approved for such use. 3. Maintenance and repair of vehicles shall only be permitted for those vehicles being stored and sold on the premises. Vehicles that are sold shall not be returned to the subject site for maintenance or repair. 4. The property shall comply with the sign regulations for thE! M-l zone. 5. Vehicles parked on the premises shall not display any signs or advertising. This shall include balloons, banners and flags. 6. Inoperative vehicles shall be stored within the building. . 7. Fire protection shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Fire Department which shall include the following: A. Mechanical ventilation of exhaust gas shall have automatic operation with CD monitoring devices. B. Landscaping shall be removed from in front of sprinklE~r system Fire Department connection and a 3'-0" square pad of concrete shall be placed in front of said connection. C. Property shall comply with requirements of Article 29, 79 and 80 of the Uniform Fire Code. 8. Existing meter in alley to be abandoned and relocated to La Porte Street at applicant's expense. Any change in water service shall be installed by the Arcadia Water Department at the developer's expense. 9. Signs for the proposed business shall be subject to Architectural Design Review. 10. The site shall be maintained as per the plans on file in the Planning Department. . -2- 1342 . . ~ 11. That C.U.P. 87-15 shall not take effect until the owner and applicant have executed a form available at the Planning Department indicating awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval. 12. Noncompliance with the provisions and conditions of this Conditional Use Permit shall constitute grounds for the immediate suspension or revocation of said Permit. Section 4. The decision, findings and conditions contained in this Resolution reflect the Commission's action of July 28, 1987 and the following vote: AYES: NOES: Commissioners Amato, Clark, Hedlund, Papay, Szany None Section 5. and shall cause a Arcadi a. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was adopted at a re~lular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11th the day of August, 1987 by the following vote: The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Re5,0lution copy to be forwarded to the City Council of the City of AYES: NOES: Com~issioners Amato, Clark, Hedlund, Papay, Szany None ATTEST: Cnalrman, Plann' Ci ty of Arcadi sion ---- Secretary, Planning Commission City of Arcadia -3- 1342 . July 28, 1987 TO: ARCADIA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT WILFRED E. WONG, ASSOCIATE PLANNER COND IT I ONAL USE PERM IT 87- 15 CASE NO.: GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: James E. Williams LOCATION: 134 La Porte Street REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit for the storage and sale of used exotic cars. Also, general maintenance of said vehicles. . LOT AREA: 16,000 square feet (.36 acre) . FRONT AGE: 100 feet on La Porte Street EXISTING LAND USE &. ZONING: Developed with an 8,100 square foot industrial building; zoned M- I SURROUNDiNG LAND USE &. ZONING: North: Industrial and nonconforming residential; zoned M- 1 South: Industrial and nonconforming residential; zoned M-l East: Nonconforming residential; zoned M-l West: Industrial; zoned M-l GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: I ndustri 61 . . PROPOSAL AND ANAL VSIS The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit for the sale of uselj exotic cars as well as the general maintenance of said vehicles. The applicant has been storing his personal car collection within the building, which is permitted in the M-l zone. Since the applicant wishes to obtain a business license for the sale and maintenance of his cars a conditional use permit is required. The building was recently constructed and complies with all M-l zoninfl regulations for an industrial building. Seventeen parking spaces are provided, 15 spaces are situated at the rear of the lot accessible by a 20'-0. wide alley. . It is the Planning Department's opinion that the subject property would not be appropriate for the operation of the typical car lot, which includes outdoor storage and the servicing of vehicles. There is limited outdoor area which could create a parking problem in the area. Employees, patrons and patrons returning vehicles for servicing would all be competing for street parking. Also, the parking lot is situated behind the building with the only access from a 20'-0. wide alley, which could create a situation where patrons would park in the alley and block through traffic. A business should be able to accommodate its parking and storage needs on the property. . The applicant has stated in his application that the proposed use of the property would be for the storage of his high end exotic car collection find other allied vehicles used in connection therewith. Also, the occasiona'l sale of said exotic cars and vehicles. No mechanical repair work will bl~ done on the site, only general maintenance. If the business could be limited in its operation the Planning Department would be in favor of the request Restrictions would be necessary for tM storage of vehicles and the garage operation. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the Planning Department has prepared an initial study for the proposed project. Said initial study did not disclose any substantial or potentially substantial adverse change in any of the physical conditions within the area affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise and objects of historical or aesthetic significance. Therefore, a Negatl'le Declaration has been prepared for this project . c.up 87-15 7/28/87 puge 2 . RECOMMENDA T I ON The Planning Department recommends approval of C.U.P. 67-15 subject to the following conditions: 1. All vehi c 1 es other than vehi c 1 es for emp 1 oyees and customers shall be par1<ed and stored within the building at all times. 2. A commercial garage shall be prohibited unless a separate conditional use permit is approved for such use. 3. Maintenance and repair of vehicles shall only be permitted for those vehicles being stored and sold on the premises. Vehicles that are sold shall not be returned to the subject site for maintenance or repair. 4. The property shall comply with the sign regulations for the M-l zone. . 5. Vehicles par1<ed on the premises shall not display any sign:s or advertising. This sholl include balloons, banners and flags. . 6. Inoperative vehicles shall be stored within the building, 7. Fire protection shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Fire Department which shall include the following: A. Mechanical ventilation of exhaust gas shall have automatic operation with CO monitoring devices. 8. Landscaping shall be removed from in front of sprinkler system Fire Department connection and a 3'-0. square pad of concrete shall be placed in front of said connection. C. Property shall comply with requirements of Article :29, 79 and 80 of the Uniform Fire Code. 6. Existing meter in alley to be abandoned and relocated to La Porte Street at applicant's expense. Any change in water service shall be installed by the Arcadia Water Department at the developer's expense. . C.U.P 87-15 7/213/87 Ptlge 3 . 9. Signs for the proposed business shall be sUbject to Architectural Design Review 1 Q. The site shall be maintained 6S per the plans on file in the Planning Department. 11. That C.U.P. 87-15 shall not take effect until the owner and app I i cant have executed a form available at the Planni ng Department indicating awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approl/al. 12. Noncompliance with the provisions and conditions of this Conditional Use Permit shall constitute grounds for the immediate suspension or revocation of said Permit. FINDINGS AND MOTIONS AJ!p-rol/al . If the Planning Commission intends to take action to approve this project, the Commission should mOl/e to approl/e and file the Negatil/e Declaratilln and find that the project will not hal/e a significant effect on the enl/ironment and direct staff to prepare the appropriate resolution incorporating the specific findings and conditions of approval set forth in the staff report (or as modified by the Commission). . Denial I If the Plenning Commission intends to take action to deny this project, the Commission should move to deny and direct staff to prepare an appropriate resolution incorporating the Commission's decision and findings in support of that deci si on. . C.U.P87-15 7/28/87 Page 4 " ,~ . l! ~ . 'J ~ ..., . -=z,;H @~ '3" fS\'l~~ f3\~~ . 'V! _~I "'~~~~~ , ~ , I~... ... '" "",:, - . - ,-- - .... " 0 - , - ~ 13 .~- ~ . '- - - :::... ~~ 5C '0 5 .- S'''-<o ~.; "" ~ ~ ?~;~ rS.ll"ll 5 ~.'l , . =-... - . ,. 0 ., ,I'l"",> IAL ". .' :c " '0 9 , .n 0.3 vAt:."'N-r o ~. ., 0 or,"!.: .... ~\ ~l -r'1 l'PD~ n l"-lOVS~ , (liS) &1Il..D1 N6 r. :~~) (....'1. ('/2~.1 ,'/4.!f,,' ,.: 5~ :;.: LA PO,c-r E t~O..J'it'T''iZ'A.L. L J ~ o r' r ,;'0.,9/ .,;,:- /":S,J,) (' ..~ so .... ~o ~--.-; ~ '!>o ""0 "'0 (//4.1 (liS) 1/2G/ (/3"'; , (/42) (.48,) t/s2) n:]o MI6t-lDv -r~14 10 0 0 . ~ ~~j ~(O ?~~ p~ ?":> '24 '2~ , --- "1.1. B. ~7,.,2 I 1 ~ \ 0 . ~ol- M :so 50 ~ .. 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I I J ; -'1 i 3li j ~I & .. ~l ~ i ! ! } f :J: ~. a~ ~I ~I! ~I ~.'; 'j. g,:, f..a. ~ . j <'-'",,1> 'i C::1 ! ~.:"'~ ~ ~ y . . .. . File No. C..U.P. 87-15 CALIFORNIA ENV1RONMENTAL QUALITY ACT NEGATIVE DECLARATION CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA A. Description of project: A corditional use permit for the storaee am sale of used exotic cars. Also, general maintenance of said vehicles. B. Location of project: 134 La Porte Street C. Name of applicant or sponsor: James E. Williams D. Finding: This project will have no Significant effect upon the environment within the meaning of the California Enviro~lental Quality Act of 1970 for the reasons set forth in the attclched Initial Study. E. Mitigation measures, if any, included in the project to C1void potentially significant effects: Date: ,-_hOl~ l~ I Icte,7 Date Posted: Associate Plarmer Title . . . . File No. C:.U.P. 87-15 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM A. BACKGROUND 1. James E. Williams Name of Proponent 2. 260 \ohispering Pine Sumo:d.t Address and Phone Number of Proponent Arcadia, CA 91006 (818) 359-1114 B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attacbed sheets.) to !!!!,!!. NUl thl plrOPO'Ial ~..\lh. 1". .. Unatabl...rth cond.ltiona or in chanq... 1" 1I_1.."U:' ."batr""tl"'..? b. Oiltuptlonl, dilpll".-nu, com- P&cuon at oYarco...dnq of 1';1.. lOll? ill ~ .!!2. .L -L -L L L -L L L ..L ./ ..L L ~ L L ./ L .L" ,... IU.YlliIl .!!2. .L L L' L L c. o.a"<;1l 1n tOpolJUphy or ';lJ;'(lund ...the. ,eh.t hatIlU.' h. Su.blt&ntialC'ed.l.lct:r.onlnthe alIQlltltCltw.t....oUJ.rool....vdhbl. tor pllbUc: ".UI' Iu.ppUU' L hpOlWCI at people (u: Pnlpetty to watlr rllatltd ha...rd.. I"ob ... flood.l."'9' 4. Plant I.1h. W111 the prop"_1 I'.."lt In: !II. Clun\ll in the d1vu'l1ty ot Ip4IC1", orn~tot aoy .peel.. otpllntl Iinclud.i.rI\lt,..... .hr1Jll..qr....cro;.. IIJ.C:l'oUor. 'and aq"at1c plannl ~ b. RedllClCIOft at tne at all)' \lftlqlll. tara or Il>lknqlrld '1'1"1.. otplanu? d. Thl d..CtIlCUon, 0:0"1"11\<;' or lllOlh~lC:Ulon at any unlq"l qaolo<;o1c o..phy.Icd h.t"....? .. MY inc...... ll!...ll!.do.....'t... .ro.ion at loth, oi'tll....... 0.. off the Ut01 t. OIan.,.. HI .~h"u.lon. "'.pg.ltlon oT...o.ion..,llch....ylllOdltydl. chann"lot . rlvlr or .trlUlo. c. Intn":h~C1;lon ot n... .peel.. at plane. lnto an '1"'. 01' ....uh; 1n . b.rri.r to the ftonul uplenhlulMtnt ofuletin.,.p'cl..? 5. A,nu..l Lit.. ""1.11 tl\e pn>~d ""lilt In. 'iI. t..-po.ure or p.opl. 01' prop.n.)' to q.oloq\eh,UlI""'1 .uc::h.., Land.lld.l. mudelid'l, .,rollnd hilur., or '."'11a.. n......<111 .. Ch.n.,. in. the dlv.nity of , at numb<Jn of uy 'ptcl., otlnilllll Ibi..d..1Illdan,--1.1nc1udin'l' ...phl.., U.n .ndl".Uti.", MnthicoC"9anh... .1lI.cte 0.. 1I1e..oflunl\? 1,~. WHltnep..opo..l....ultln' .. Sub,t.nti.i .11' ""u.ion. Or 4.t.uorllt1on Of 'IIllblent I1TQUlIl1ty1 b. Th. cTutlOn of ob,.cuonl\l)h odo...? ..../ b. bduouon ot tn. 1I11C.rI oC u'/ uniQWI, ......Ot.ndlln., of ll'Ii....b1 -"" c, Alt.T.tionof41rllOv8IlI.nt, :~~~~~n o~ l~::~:~.:~~~~r olo~:ilY Ot n<j~onill11y? 3, ~. W111 tnO!propoulrulI1t1n1 .t. CII.n.,.. Incurrence or tII. COllrl' at dlnret.~on ot"lt.r _.,...,nt,In h,,'h e. I...tTOdllcti.... ot..._ .pee1.. at anl.aai.1nto.n.r.',or...,U1tin ab.rrl.rtoth.1U9Z:lt1QllOrlllQve- _nt. ot anlallloJ ~ L d. Olttlrionuon to .IlUtUlq wUd11f. habitAt? I, Hoi... Wll1 th. propo..1 c..u1t In' .. Inez:..... in .xllttinq !lOU' l..,,,bl -L ..c' b. CII.,,,;..1...lhIorpt1onr.t,,,,. drllllI4q.p.t.t.I:l\.,.or th. r..U and ~Ount ot ,,~rt.c. ...te.. r'omott? b. tX~lIn ot people to ..v.... noi.. i.v.le? c. Alteraelon. to tne C(lur.. or no.. ot flood ? ~~m:c:n:':11f;~t :~l;l:~:JPZ:OPClUl 8. Land U... tlll1 WI" propo..l r..1l1t. 111 'i"'i'iii"itant1al altez:.t.1on of th. pr...ntoz:plann"dl.nd\ll.of.llar..? t. b.ollrc... WiU t.h. propo,.i ""\l1.t ~n. -=- --- d. Ctl...n"..inu......ollnt.of.urf.c. ..ater In any ...tllr body? It. O~'C"h..r9' lnto w.t...... c.. Inany.lter.tlon",t'urfllc""lIt"r <{lIalny. inei...dU"7 !:lilt. noe HlI'llted to tCllllp.r.tll.... d1..01v...:IoxY'1.nor t.....b~dlty~ t. Alterlt~on ot tll. dl....c;lon or n,tI.,t no.. ot "ro....~d ...tat.] .. Ener..... In ehe nee oC II" cf .n,,cute.,' .-:' b, S\llI.e.ntu1 <Ilpleuonot any nOIl...n_lbhnICut.l ....ourcd q. eh"'n"" In t.n" qll.nt~ty ot 'l'round ...tltre, "Ltnor tnn>.....h direct. .ddltl0Nl or "'It.l\d".".h, or th..ouqh int.rcept.lon or Iny ~lItt( ,,-un oreXcl!.vatlon.l -1- o . . . Aillt 01 Uc..t. Dec.s the proposal 11\\101"5. rl._ or..n ""plenoll or tile "'lIL.... at h.'&"010"1 ,..blt4nCIU Ilnc1\!dlnq, but nl;>t Umlted. to. 011. penu;:ld..., clleIlH:al, or ud.huonf in ella annt or 011\ &<:<:ldo"t or upset <:Olldltlon.~ 11. ~~U~:~~~~n. W~:~t~~:\Ii~~~I:~n:~~;~ Otilt_ell rate or tllehU2lilll pQp"h. tlonol.nar..7 ". :~t:~~~~ "~~;~n~~" o~r~~::~ :t!act d"".nd. IOJ:'addlt1cnall\oulll\q1 U. Tunl:tOnauon/CuculauolI. Will the prope.... .....ult ~n' l2. .. ~.,,"r'lt10n ot substantial addl. uon.-l "<lI!!euh.. :IO""'"nt~ D. ~H.<:t....n ..X1SUllq .....r~ln<l racdHhl' or delll.lld tel' "'" park.n'll c. !Iu.b.t.n~1.1 IlIIplll:'t upon ."uu,,,, tUn~X1rt..t1on .....Ufll.l d. "hernlen, to ptn.llt pattern. of c)reul.Uon Or IIlOUSMnt or people ."d/dr'loo,h1 II. ..lcllr.tlOnl to...terborne, taU or dt tnlf1e~ ". f. ll'lere... 1n tr.rUe h...rda to -'O~oa:' v.hiel..., bieyc:hsu Or p.ct.,Ubna1 PubliC: Sen'i~.. W111 thll propcgll'.lpofl.OI'I'.sulttna,..nt.l ..rvle.. In&nyof th.fo11_in; ar...' .. rln pI'Ot.eUOfl'1 b. poU.:. Pl'OUCU0ll1 c. lenoobl d. ,ulll 01' OWl' ncn.u01l.l1 fseil1U." e. KAll1t;~....e. of p@l1e t.eth. u... lnel~lft9 roa01l1 f. ather 90v.~nta1..",ie..~ l~. ~. 'nu tn. rssult in: I. U.eot lubnantial &IIOunuof 'ualD...n.rvy1 b. gub.tanU..llncl'...... ind....."d \l9onelll.tinqsolll'c..of.nlll''JY.Or nqulU tI'I. d....-..l~t of n... SOlll'c..otanarqy) li. Util1U... lUll tJlll pl'opl)llal nt.un J:ii""'i"1ieitor 11_ .y.u".... 0" lub.t,lntu], ..ltor.tione to tne (011_- In'illlUl1U.,, .. '~I'or n..tul'dq"~ b. CPlllllUJIJ.c4ttOna .y.t....: c. W,lurl d. lIP.ror ..ptiC unk",1 .. Si\.orlll....ur <l.l'41...&q.' t. S<::,l1d...a.u iUlddbpoun 17. Hu.'lIanliulth. Wllithepropoul nelll~ 1n, .. Cf..uonof....Y ....Ltnn"ul'd01' poun1:'hl II..1thhu..rd luellldin'l lunt.o,Jh...lthl1 b. t:.)(pctsur. of p.opl. to potentul>th.".rd.] Date f6l lli ~ 1!2. / / 1 / -.L / I L .L L ..L. .L L L .L L L ~ L .../ -./ -./ ../ L 1&. .....therie.. lilll the p<<>po"'.1 ~..dt In tn. OOltrIlCtiono!.t.ny s".nle vl.IU 01' vie"opan to the public. or "Ill tt.. propoul telUlt In the <:r,..tlon of ..n j,e.ltl'leUe..lly off.n.lve uteOp.lln to pUOh<: 11'1""'" 19. ~." ~Ill tl:e propoul ""lilt In.n u'P4et upon thl .:juallw 01' qUollntity Qf ,UUtinq nerOoltlona! oppllrtunitlUl ill. .:!!!. ~ L L 20. "rCl'IeolOQH:d/I\UtQI'IC.l. .I1U tho! VrePOIII re.ult ~n 4n 4lt"Uti.on 01 II; .i.;niheolnt arenee-log.ea10r nUtorIC4111te. ItrIlCt\Jr... ob'lle: orbulldln9? 21. rind.n I ~! 51 n.Hc.ncI. .. 0<11: a p"o eet .~....e t . potentl"l to JI<Jr.dl tlllqllal1:y of th.. envircn_nt. S\ltI.tantully r.duee thl h.lHUt ot.. Ulh 01' "'UlIl1!e sPleu., caUl' I. tllh or ...UdHre poplllation to drop bel"'" 5elf-III.:oIln1nq le.....h. thr..u"n to "llmtn.t" . pl.nt or sn"",,,l co1tll!l"nlt~. redllce tll. nUllllllr 01' u'.tnet tne Cln'l. of. urlor.lldoln<Jlnd phntor .11(...1 o..el1l!Ll.natl illlPOrunt .....l!lPl..o! triO lThSlor plrloda of C..Iifol'nl. hi. tory 01' prehutory] b. DOes tn. proJeCt n..... thl tOeeltllv.lltort-terlll, totlt.dlI4dVlllt4'l1 otlon'J-tel'lllenVlro"'-ntAl'l0e111 (.\ &l\ol't.-tenlll.l!lPlet on th.. envlron...nt 11011' ...tach oeeul'l III. bu.t. d.hllltU. Pll'1od of tl_..hJ,.l. lon9-t'l'1IIlrnp.cta ..Ul .ndul'I ...Ul.nto tn.tutllr..l ./ .L L c. DO.. the pl' ."",..:t. ...niell In 1rtd~vLdll.lll' 111l1lted. ltllt l; con'id.r&Ol.1 \A proJ..:t ....1' lS1p4C1t on t..o 01' _r. ..p.rlt. ...,ourc.. ..her. the u''P1et OJ! '.eII r..Ollrc.1.1 nhtivell' ._n. bllt..".,c. the ot tit. toul of tno.. lIlp.,en on tII. O"Viro,.,..,.,t U .i9nI.Uc.nt.} d. Doe. tile prO]'Ct h.v. envlronaentll .fUOts "'"iell ...111 c:au.a. .1Ib.t..nUal .dll..... ethcu on hwun blin;.. l1t.lte.. dir.ctly 01' IndirICUyl ..../ L C. DISCUSUON or EIIlVIltONlCPT.u. EV"'LUATIOIf D.D!1'tlU'l.ltlATION lto b.. cCIIIIPl.ud by the t.IIad "<Jeneyl On tile Da.u of thi. lnlti..l evaluatiOn, ~ find the propo..d prO)eet ,;OUUI ~O't nlve .. &1<J111Hcant eHect on Ule .nvl.ronm.nt. .nd . ~EGAT%Vl: OEC'LAI\A'l'IOM ...ill be prep.llred. CJI hnd tl'l.t .ltnOIl:;lll tl'l.. ;>:,opo,.d pro)let .;ould nlv,,, SI'lnl!lc.nte!flctolltn..nvltOn..nt. tn.r."'.llnot D...lin,f1C.ntef!IICt.ln_t.h1.le...b.c"uleth.mltlq.tlOn,ddldto the prolect. A ~EG.\Tlvt: ClECLAJlATtON WILt. IE PREP"II.!D. CJI find tile propo..d proJect MAt h,I..... uqnltle.nt othet onth.environ_nt. .ndolnE,WIIIOIlI(tlM'''Lll'li'AC"TP.EPOIl'l' Lit required. -2- . . . . File No. c.Li; t:l-I'7 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM A. Applicant's Name. James E. Williams AddrellS I 260 Whispering Pines Summit, Arcadia, CA 91006 B. Prcperty Address (Locat1on): 134 La Porte Arcadia, CA 91006 C. General Plan Desiqnat1on: Storage garaqe O. ZOne Classification: C-M/C-2 It. Proposed Use (State exactly what use is intended for the property. i.".. type.. acti ri ties. 8IIIployment I : Private garage for storage of Applicant's exotic car collection and occasional used car sales of said hiqh-end exotic cars (Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc.) F. Square Footage of Site: 16,000 G. Square Footage of Existing Buildings: n/a 1. To Remain. 2. '1'0 Be RalIloWd: H. Square Foota9'8 of New Buildings: 7,000 approximately I. Square Footage of Buildings to be Used for: 1. eca.rcial Activities: 5,000 2. Industr1al Activities: 3. Residential Activities: NUIIIbe r of Ul1i ts I CI\ a separate sheet, describe the following: 1. The environmental setting of the project site as it exists. 2. The proposed alterations to the project site. 3. The use and development of the surrounding properties. -1- . J. 1. The project site has been developed and a very tastefully designed pre-fabricated/brick structure is standing ,:m the site. The existing structure consists of a business office and reception area and a large garage entrance facing La Porte street. The surrounding area is both landscaped and paved. (See: Architect's plot plan and 3x5 photograph below. 2. There are no proposed alterations to the project sit,,,. 3. The surrounding properties are either industrial or commercial buildings mixed within old residential wooden framed structures. The use of the property in the surrounding neighborhood seems to be changing from single family residential to light industrial/commercial use. . . ...... ~. ---- . -. ~ .. .. . . . . Environmental Information Form K. ateck the appropriate answers to the followinq questions I 1. will the proposed project result in a substantial alteration of qround contours and/or alteration of existinq drainaqe pattern? 2. Will the proposed project result in a chanqe in qroundwater quality and/or quantity? 3. Will the proposed project result in an increase in noise, vibration, dust, dirt, smoke, fumes, odor or solid waste? 4. Will the proposed project result in the use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? S. Will the proposed project result in a substantial increase in demand for municipal services and/or enerqy consumption, ExPlain in detail any "YES" answers to the above questions on a4d1t1onal sheeta. L. Pl'OVide any additional information which would elaborats on the potential environmental consequences resultant fram the proposed project. !!!. 1!2. x - ....lL 2... - .Ji. x M. Certification: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above 8Illd in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this ~1itial evaluation to the best of lffi ability, and that the facts, statelllSl\ts 8l1d informatiOll presented are true and correct to the best of lffi knowledqe and belief. Date. June 9, 1987 ~ -2-