HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09a - Regular Meeting Minutes of February 21, 2023 1 02-21-2023
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Cheng called the Study Session to order at 6:05 p.m.
PRESENT: Cao, Kwan, Wang, Verlato, and Cheng
PUBLIC COMMENTS - No one appeared.
a. Report, discussion, and direction concerning potential mixed-use development at 325
N. Santa Anita Avenue.
Reece Pettersen, a representative from Trammel Crow Residential, appeared and provided a
PowerPoint presentation. Discussion ensued to obtain more information about the proposed
project with no action being requested or taken.
The Study Session ended at 6:42 p.m.
Regular Meeting
City Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m.
1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Cheng called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. INVOCATION – Reverend Eva Thai-Erwin, Church of the Good Shepherd
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Council Member Cao
PRESENT: Cao, Kwan, Wang, Verlato, and Cheng
City Attorney Maurer reported that, prior to the Regular Meeting, the City Council met in Study
Session and received a presentation from a developer regarding a potential mixed-use project at
325 N. Santa Anita Avenue, and that the Study Session ended at 6:42 p.m.
City Manager Lazzaretto reported that the recognition for the Arcadia High School Constitution
Team, related to item 7.a., will be rescheduled to a future City Council Meeting; he indicated that
a letter in opposition and a petition by four neighbors in support of the project to the project at
1225 Oaklawn (Public Hearing item 8.b.), were received and distributed to City Council prior to
the meeting.
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Helen Romero-Shaw, Public Affairs Manager with the Southern California Gas Company,
appeared and provided information regarding the current increase in natural gas bills; she
indicated that rates are coming down and the California Public Utilities Commission approved the
Accelerated Public Climate Credit that will be applied to upcoming bills; she provided options to
aid in lowering heating cost during these cold months and shared assistance programs for income
qualified customers, bill assistance and forgiveness, home improvement assistance, and level
paying options, all available on the Southern California Gas Company website.
a. Presentation of Mayor’s Certificates to the Arcadia High School Constitution Team for
placing first at the Southern California regional competition.
This item was moved to the March 7, 2023, City Council Meeting.
a. Direct the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner to abate nuisances upon
those properties located in the City of Arcadia and approve the annual Weed
Abatement Property List.
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action: Approve
City Manager Lazzaretto presented the Staff Report.
Mayor Cheng opened the public hearing.
No one appeared.
Mayor Cheng closed the public hearing.
It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Verlato, seconded by Council Member Cao, and carried on a
roll call vote to confirm the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner’s Weed Abatement
Charges and order the County Auditor to enter the amounts of the assessment against the subject
properties as they appear on the current assessment roll.
AYES: Verlato, Cao, Kwan, Wang and Cheng
NOES: None
b. Resolution No. 7477 approving Appeal No. 22-06, overturning the Planning
Commission’s denial of a new, two-story, cape cod style single-family home with a
categorical exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) at
1225 Oaklawn Road.
CEQA: Exempt
Recommended Action: Adopt
Planning Services Manager Graham presented the Staff Report.
Mayor Cheng opened the public hearing and requested that any speakers in opposition state what
could be changed about the project to alleviate their concerns.
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Susan Hou, the Appellant and owner of 1225 Oaklawn, appeared and shared that she has been
living in Arcadia for 30 years and would like to enjoy her new home.
Johnny Hou, the Appellant’s son, appeared and indicated that his parents migrated from Taiwan
and worked hard for their home, and he would like his parents to have a larger home that they
may enjoy with their grandchildren.
Philip Chan, the project architect for the Appellant, appeared and made a presentation on the
project. He commented on similar styled homes that have been approved on the same street; he
indicated that they have changed the style and layout of the home to meet the requests of the
Santa Anita Oaks Architectural Review Board (ARB) and came up with the traditional Cape Cod
style that has been presented.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Verlato’s question about the Appellant’s desire for a two-story
home, Mr. Hou explained that his parents wanted to maintain a large back yard space and chose
a two-story design over a larger one-story layout.
Sara Etemadi, legal counsel for the Appellant, indicated that her clients have exceeded the design
requirements and requests from the ARB in terms of the home’s setback, visually reducing the
dominance of the second story, and shrinking the maximum allowable floor area ratio by changing
the design of the project.
Dr. Shirley Chi, an Arcadia resident, appeared and noted that the appellant’s home is owned by
800 Hampton LLC., which is an investment entity; she indicated that she would be in support of
the project if the second story was set back more.
Jill Hisey, an Arcadia resident, appeared and noted that the subject project has started
encroaching on the easement behind the property. She indicated her concerns that the second
story will overlook her property and reduce her privacy and enjoyment of her backyard.
In response to Mayor Cheng’s inquiry, Ms. Hisey stated that she would like the Appellant to
reinstall the fence around the easement area and not encroach on their property. She also noted
that the subject property has been vacant for 2 years.
Karen Jacobson, an Arcadia resident, appeared and indicated that she would be in support of the
project if the second story was set back further.
Kevin Lai, Managing Director of CaliLand Engineering, Inc. and retained by Dr. Chi, appeared
and stated that the two-story proposed project is not compatible with the neighborhood. He asked
the City Council to vote in opposition of the project and proposed the Appellant build a single-
story dwelling.
Pete Olsen, an Arcadia resident and former president of the Homeowners Association and
member on the ARB, appeared and explained he is in support of the Planning Commission’s
decision to deny the project.
David Sullivan, an Arcadia resident, appeared and shared his opposition to the project. Mr.
Sullivan indicated that the proposed home is not harmonious with neighboring homes and urged
the City Council to concur with the decision of the Planning Commission.
Tom Walker, an Arcadia resident and member of the Santa Anita Oaks ARB, appeared and noted
his opposition to the project due to the incompatibility of the project and the existing neighborhood.
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In response to an inquiry from City Manager Lazzaretto regarding the ARB’s discussion of the
project, Mr. Walker indicated that there was a split on the ARB, but the Board ultimately approved
the project with stipulated conditions.
Annette Wheat, an Arcadia resident and current President of the Santa Anita Oaks Homeowners
Association, appeared and explained her opposition to the project.
Public comment concluded and Mayor Cheng invited the Appellant to respond to any of the
questions or concerns raised by the various speakers.
In response to Mayor Cheng, Philip Chan noted that the homeowner has been willing to make
changes to the design and remains such with any additional feedback from the City Council.
In response to Mayor Pro Tem Verlato’s comments, Mr. Chan explained that he has repeatedly
redesigned this project to meet guidelines and the requested changes from the ARB; and he
indicated that he hopes to find a happy medium for the property owners and the neighborhood.
In response to Council Member Kwan, Ms. Hou explained that she would prefer a 2-story home
rather than a larger single story. She also noted that the property is owned by an LLC as they had
a previous home under an LLC, and when they decided to sell that home they had to do a 1031
Exchange; therefore the home was put under the LLC.
Mayor Cheng closed the public hearing.
After City Council discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Cao and seconded by
Council Member Kwan to table the public hearing for 42 days to allow the property owner time to
work with the ARB on finding acceptable compromises and to bring back the item on the first City
Council meeting in April. The motion passed on the following roll call vote:
AYES: Cao, Verlato, Kwan, Wang, and Cheng
NOES: None
City Attorney Maurer noted that with City Council’s action on this item tonight, it serves as a
continuation of the item. He noted that since the Public Hearing was closed at this meeting, the
Mayor can choose to reopen the Public Hearing at the April 4, 2023, City Council Meeting, if
desired, or not.
c. Resolution No. 7479 updating the City’s Business License fees to reflect the changes
in the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) for 2023.
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action Adopt
Acting Business License Officer Smith presented the Staff Report.
Mayor Cheng opened the public hearing.
No one appeared.
Mayor Cheng closed the public hearing.
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A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Verlato, seconded by Council Member Wang, and carried
on a roll call vote to adopt Resolution No. 7479 to update the City’s Business License fees to
reflect the changes in the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) for 2023.
AYES: Verlato, Wang, Cao, Kwan, and Cheng
NOES: None
Jeff Free, an Arcadia resident, appeared and requested that the City require landlords to obtain
a license similar to a business license; he expressed that this solution may help mitigate issues
between tenants and landlords as landlords will be held to higher standards by holding a license
to manage housing.
Ringo Suen, an Arcadia resident, appeared and spoke about traffic issues at the local elementary,
middle, and high schools.
the City Council related to meetings attended at City expense [AB 1234]).
Council Member Cao announced that he attended the Arcadia Police Department Area
Commander event; California Asian & Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus; the Planning
Commission Meeting; FBI Educational Briefing on Foreign Malign Influence; the swearing in
ceremony for State Senator Susan Rubio; and the Memorial Concert for Monterey Park and Half
Moon Bay shooting victims held by Council Member Wang.
Council Member Kwan announced that she attended the Foothill Gold Line JPA Meeting; Arcadia
Lions Club Student Speaker Contest; and Downtown Improvement Association, where the 2023
annual budget was approved. She indicated that she had a meeting with a resident regarding an
issue they were having with their roofing contractor, and advised the resident that City Inspectors
only review the safety of the work and the work itself, not the contractual agreement; and she also
noted that she attended the FBI educational briefing on Foreign Malign Influence.
City Manager Lazzaretto clarified the issue that Council Member Kwan raised regarding the
contract between the resident and his roofing contractor. He indicated that the City only inspects
what is put in by a contractor to ensure that it meets our code requirements, not the materials that
the contractor and client have agreed upon or other items that go beyond code requirements. He
encouraged property owners to have written contracts in place that specifically detail expectations
so there are no misunderstandings.
Council Member Wang announced that she met with a jewelry store business owner that is
interested in opening a store in the Shops at Arcadia; the Police Department Meet Your Area
Commander event; the swearing in ceremony for Senator Susan Rubio; the Arcadia Chamber of
Commerce monthly meeting; the Arcadia Library Board of Trustees meeting; the FBI educational
briefing on Foreign Malign Influence; the grand opening of a famous restaurant in City of Industry;
North American University Alumni Association press conference for the First Vocal Competition;
and, on February 19, she held a Memorial Concert for Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay mass
shooting victims.
Mayor Pro Tem Verlato announced that she attended the Arcadia Lions Club Speaker Contest;
the Arcadia Police Department’s Meet Your Area Commander event; she announced that she
met with Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, Monrovia Mayor Becky Shevlin, and the President of
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the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) to receive a $2 million check issued
to the SGVCOG to fund workforce development including job skills training as well as support for
the tiny home sites. She attended Mahjong at the Arcadia Community Center and the Memorial
Concert for Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay shooting victims held by Council Member Wang.
She announced that opening day for Arcadia Little League was upcoming; she indicated that she
received an email from the California League of Cities regarding the Tax Payers Protection and
Government Accountability Act and requested support from two Council Members to bring a
resolution in support of this measure at a future Council meeting. Mayor Cheng and Council
Member Cao concurred with her request. Mayor Pro Tem Verlato also requested support from
two Council Members to bring to a future agenda a resolution to designate January 28 as the
Stand Against Hate Action Day. The City Council unanimously concurred. Finally, she spoke
about the incident at the Arcadia High School earlier that day and asked the Police Chief to give
a brief update on that event.
Police Chief Nakamura announced that the Arcadia Police Department received a call that
someone was going to go on campus with a gun; the school district was notified, and the school
was placed on lockdown. Through social media, it was learned that other cities had received the
same call without any corresponding acts of gun violence. Arcadia Police responded in
accordance with department protocols and the Chief urged parents to familiarize themselves with
the lockdown and evacuation procedures of the schools, and to cooperate with law enforcement
and not descend on the scene.
Council Member Wang thanked Police Chief Nakamura and the Arcadia Police Department for
their quick action and response to the threat at Arcadia High School.
Council Member Cao thanked the Arcadia Police Department and Police Chief Nakamura for their
sacrifices in protecting the City.
Mayor Cheng attended the Police Department Meet Your Area Commander event; he thanked
City Staff and Lieutenant Davis, who is his Area Commander, for his dedication to the City; he
attended the FBI educational briefing on Foreign Malign Influence and thanked all of the City
Council for attending.
City Manager Lazzaretto indicated that since the City Council no longer needs to make a motion
to read all resolutions by title based on the new City Charter, it is the City Council’s discretion to
read the full Consent Calendar titles, as there is no legal obligation to do so. The City Council
unanimously concurred to bypass the full reading of the Consent Calendar.
a. Special Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2023, and Regular Meeting Minutes of
February 7, 2023.
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action: Approve
b. Building Forward Grant Fund Resolutions for the Family Restroom Project at the
Arcadia Public Library.
Resolution No. 7481 authorizing the grant application, acceptance, and execution of
the grant funds from the State of California Budget Act of 2021 (SB 129).
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action: Adopt
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Resolution No. 7482 amending the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program
Budget, authorizing a supplemental budget appropriation for the Family Restroom
Project in the amount of $90,000, offset by a reduction in the Capital Outlay Reserve
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action: Adopt
c. Resolution No. 7483 adopting a list of public places to meet the publication
requirements for ordinances, legal notices, and other public notices of the Arcadia City
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action: Adopt
d. Professional Services Agreement with Dr. Angelica Loza-Gomez, M.D., PC., to
provide Medical Director Services for the Fire Department in the amount of $30,000.
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action: Approve
e. Contract with Carrier Corporation for the removal and installation of a new hot water
boiler at lower City Hall in the amount of $91,145.
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action: Approve
f. Contract with Crosstown Electrical & Data, Inc. for extraordinary traffic signal
maintenance services in the amount of $85,500.
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommended Action: Approve
It was moved by Council Member Kwan, seconded by Council Member Cao, and carried on a roll
call vote to approve Consent Calendar Items 11.a through 11.f.
AYES: Kwan, Cao, Wang, Verlato and Cheng
NOES: None
The City Council adjourned at 10:43 p.m. in memory of Arcadia Historical Society Board Member
Connie Russell, to Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Conference Room.
Rachelle Arellano
Deputy City Clerk