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HomeMy WebLinkAbout0548 . . . RESOLUTION NO. 548 f'~lr~~AnA It U~ 0'" }\l] rll~ J~ (.., -, ' . n ~"D'i! '~1'1 ,;, f"1;Y, ,: . . (I""~"' 'II \- \, i ' ~r" ,\\ ~,'. i1;' (;; '\ I~,I) l~, \1 . ~ lli~bh:J ~~u U l A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIN COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE RECLASSIFICATION OF PORTIONS OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ARCADIA BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY EL MONTE AVENUE, ON THE SOUTH BY THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, ON THE EAST BY SECOND AVENUE AND ON THE NORTH BY A LINE PARALLEL TO AND DISTANT 600 FEET NORTHERLY OF LAS TUNAS DRIVE AND LIVE OAK AVENUE EASTERLY OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH LAS TUNAS DRIVE, AND RECOMMENDING REGULATIONS TO BE IMPOSED UNDER ZONE D AS TO THE PROPERTIES TO BE THUS CLASSIFIED. THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DOES DETERMINE AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: . SECTION 1. That pursuant to Division 3 of Part 9 of Chapter 2 of Article IX of the Arcadia Municipal Code, the City Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia on September 22, 1964 adopted Resolution No. 534 whereby on its own motion it instituted proceedings for the purpose of considering and making recommendations concerning the reclassification to some more appropriate zone classification, including Zone D (Architec- tural Overlay), of that portion of the City of Arcadia bounded on the West by El Monte Avenue, on the South by the southerly boundary of the City of Arcadia, on the East by Second Avenue, and on the North by a line parallel to and distant six hundred (600) feet northerly of Las Tunas Drive and Live Oak Avenue easterly of its intersection with Las Tunas Drive, pursuant to which notice was duly published and given and a public hearing duly held on the lOth day of November, 1964, which hearing was dUly continued to December 8, 1964, January 12, 1965, January 26, 1965, ~February 9, 1965, March 23, 1965 and to April 13, 1965, at each of which times all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence. SECTION 2. That the public necessity, convenience and general welfare and good zoning practice justify and require, and this Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Arcadia the recle to Zone PR-3 of that portion of the City of Arcadia,. County ---- ~~ -1- 548 ' . . , , ~ Los Angeles, State of California, known as 2632 South Santa Anita Avenue and more specifically described as follows: Lot 6 of Tract No. 11438 as recorded in Book 234, page 22, of Maps, Records of County Re- corder of Los Angeles County. SECTION 3. That the public necessity, convenience and general welfare and good zoning practice justify and require, and this Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Arcadia the reclassi- fication to Zone PR-l of that portion of the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, known as 2626 South Santa Anita Avenue and more specifically described as follows: Lot 5 of Tract No. 11438 as recorded in Book 234, page 22, of Maps, Records of County Re- corder of Los Angeles County. . SECTION 4. That the public necessity, convenience and general welfare and good zoning practice justify and require, and this Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Arcadia the reclassi- fication to Zone C-l and D of that portion of the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL 1: That portion of Lot No. 68 of the Santa Anita Colony Tract described as follows: . Beginning at a point on the south line of Las Tunas Drive, said point being East a distance of 60.0 feet from the southeast corner of El Monte Avenue and Las Tunas Drive; thence easterly along the south line of Las Tunas Drive a distance of 418.13 feet to a point, said point being the inter- section of the south line of Las Tunas Drive with the west line of the Los Angeles County Flood Control channel; thence southeasterly along said west line to its intersection with the northerly line of Live Oak Avenue; thence southwesterly along the northerly line of Live Oak Avenue to a point, said point being westerly a distance of 60.0 feet from the northeast corner of Live Oak Avenue and El Monte Avenue; thence northerly along a line parallel to and 60.0 feet east of the east line of ,El Monte Avenue to a point on the south line of Las Tunas Drive, said point being the point of beginning; PARCEL 2: Beginning at the intersection of the west line of Santa Anita Avenue and the north line of Lot No. 66, Santa Anita Colony Tract; thence westerly along said north line a distance of 550.0 feet to a point; thence southerly along a line parallel to and 550.0 feet west of the west line of Santa Anita Avenue to a point on the northerly line of Las Tunas Drive; thence southeasterly and easterly along said northerly line to a point of curve at the northwest corner of Las Tunas Drive and Santa Anita Avenue, said curve being concave to the northwest; thence easterly and northerly along the line of said curve a distance of 21.21 feet to a point on the west line of Santa Anita Avenue; thence northerly along said west line to the point of beginning, said point being the intersection of the west line of Santa Anita Avenue and the north line of Lot No. 66 of the Santa Anita Colony Tract; -2- 548 . . . EXCEPTING therefrom those parcels described as follows: a. Commencing at the intersection of the west line of Santa Anita Avenue with the north line of Lot No. 66, Santa Anita Colony Tract; thence South on said west line 235 feet with a uniform depth of 413 feet South 89059'30" West; b. Commencing East on the north line of Lot 66, Santa Anita Colony Tract; thence 525 feet from the northwest corner of said lot; thence East on said north line 137 feet; thence South 0000'15" West 235 feet; thence South 89059'30" West 12 feet; thence North 65017'35" West 137.59 feet; thence North 0000'15" East 177.5 feet to point of beginning; c. Beginning at a point on the west line of Santa Anita Avenue commencing South thereon 14.9 feet from the north line of Lot 69, Santa Anita Colony Tract; thence South on said west line 107.17 feet; thence southwesterly on a curve concave to the northwest, radius equals 15 feet, 21.21 feet; thence South 80005'15" West 59.94 feet; thence north- westerly on a curve concave to the northeast, radius equals 450 feet 77.53 feet; thence North 0059'25" West 120 feet; thence North 82049'44" . East 150 feet to the point of' beginning; PARCEL 3: Those properties bounded on the north 'by Live Oak Avenue, on the west by Double Drive, on the east by.TYl~r Avenue and on the south by a line described as follows: . Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Double Drive and the southerly line of Lot No. 5 of Tract No. 11539; thence easterly along the southerly line of said Lot No. 5 to the southeast corner of said Lot No.5; thence northerly along the easterly line of said Lot No. 5 and its northerly prolongation thereof to its intersection with the northerly line of the 20 foot wide alley south of Live Oak Avenue; thence easterly along said northerly line of said alley to its intersection with the westerly line of Tyler Avenue. That concurrent with said reclassification to Zone C-l and D (Architec- tural Overlay) the following regulations shall be imposed, to wit: . -3- 548 . . . March 23, 1965 ZONE C-l, C-2, C-3 "D" OVERLAY CONDITIONS SUPPLEMENT The following conditions are recommended for approval with the standard conditions herewith attached if a Zone C-l, C-2, or C-3 classification is to be appl ied to the north side of Las Tunas Drive. Setbacks: Provide rear yard bu i1ding setbacks as follows: Properties less than 118 ft. in depth (measured from Las Tunas Drive) - 25 ft. minimum the rear 10 ft. of which shall be landscaped, irrigated, and maintained in perpetuity. . Properties greater than 118 ft. in depth (measured from Las Tunas Drive) - 00 ft. minimum the rear 10 ft. of which shall be landscaped, irrigated, and maintained in perpetuity. Provide a side yard setback of not less than sixty (00) ft. when com- mercially zoned property abuts residentially zoned property. Building Height: No building hereafter erected, constructed or established shall exceed two (2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~rl1 ERNEST MAYER, JR. Senior Planner . WP: EM:ss /=----_. .. . . . March 23, 1965 ZONE C-l, C-2, C-3 "D" OVERLAY CONDITIONS 1. Signs: . f. g. h. j. k. /. m. n. 2. Parking: I. a. Any exteriar signs displayed shall pertain anly ta the name af the business ar the use canducted with in the bu i1ding. b. Na ane sign shall exceed an area af fifty (50) square feet in Zane C-1, nar 100 sq. ft. in Zane C-2 ar C-3. c. Signs shall nat praject abave the building raaf line nar mare than ten (10) inches aver publ ic rights-af-way. d. The tatal area af signs an the frant af a building in Zane C-l shall nat exceed ane (1) sq. ft. af sign area far each lineal ft. af building frantage. e. The tatal area af signs an the frant af a building in Zane C-2 ar C-3 sha II nat exceed 2 sq. ft. af sign area far each ane (1) @I. ft. af praperty frantage. K.;., The tatal area af signs an the side ar rear af a building shall be the same as permitted an the frant af a building. Signs shall nat be permitted an trees ar utility pales. Na billbaards ar attractians shall be permitted. Far sale ar lease signs shall nat exceed faur (4) square feet. When signs are illuminated, such illuminatian shall came within ar behind the sign. Signs shall nat cause any glare ar reflectian aF I ight an ather praperty ar bu i1dings. Signs shall be af materials appraved by the Divisian af Building and Safety. Any sign which lawfully existed and was maintained at the time this ordinance became effective may be cantinued al thaugh such structure daes nat canfarm ta the pravisians set farth in the abave rules and regulatians pravided that na structural alteratians are added. All such nan-canfarming signs shall be campletely remaved fram the premises nat later than three years fram the effective date af th is ardinance. a. Area Parking Requirements - Pravide nat less than three (3) square feet af aff-street parking area far each ane (1) square faat af grass f1aar area af building being served (Ratia - Parking ta G. F. A. equals 3: 1). NOTE: having satisfied the ratia requ irement, faur hundred (400)square feet shall be used as a design computational figure to determine the number of parking spaces a lat area will facilitate. The four hundred (400) square feet includes access drives, autamabile spaces and incidental uses such as landscaped areas and unuseable carners. This figure is likewise based upan a parking stall size af nat less than nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet. b. Use Parking Reguirement - The fallawing uses, due to their unique traffic generation characteristics, shall be excepted fram the abave requirement and shall provide off-street parking an the fallowing use basis: USE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED Banks Restaurant and Bar Facilities Offices (Professianal & Business) Offices (Medical & Dental) a spaces per each 1000 sq. ft. af f1aar area. 1 space per each 50 sq. ft. af flaar area. 4 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. of flaar area. a spaces per 1000 sq. ft. af f1aar area. - 1 - . . .. . C-l,C-2,C-3 "D" Conditions Page Two c. Location and Design Factors - Locotion of Off-Street Parking - The space for parking facil ities shall be located an the same lot or site, or on a lot or site contiguous thereto, or within three hundred (300) feet of the building or land use which these facilities will serve. When the required off-street parking facilities are provided on a separate lot from the main building or land use there shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder a covenant to the effect that such owner or owners will continue to maintain such parking space as long as said building or land use is maintained. Setbacks- Off-street parking facilities shall be permitted in required rear yard providing that all other parking requirements such as walls, landscaping, irrigation, etc., are complied with. . Dimensions for Parking Stalls, Access Aisles, Driveways - STALL SIZE: Open and covered parking stalls shall be not less than nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long. AISLE WIDTH (0-450): Parking spaces laid at angles through forty-five (45) degrees to the aisles or driveways shall have a one-way aisle or driveway of not less than sixteen (16) feet. AISLE WIDTH (46-600): Parking spaces laid at angles from forty-six (46) degrees through sixty (60) degrees to the aisle or driveway shall have a one-way aisle or driveway width of not less than twenty (20) feet. AISLE WIDTH (61-900): Porking spaces laid at angles from sixty-one (61) degrees through ninety (90) degrees to the aisle or driveway shall have an aisle or driveway width of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. PARALLEL PARKING: Parallel parking shoJi have twelve (12) foot minimum aisles and ten (10) foot by twenty-four (24) foot parking stall sizes. Circulation - Parking areas having more than one aisle or driveway shall have painted directional signs provided in each aisle or driveway. Automobile parking so arranged as to require the moving of any vehicle on the premises in order to enter or leave any other stall shall be prohibited. Automobile parking so arranged as to require the backing of motor vehicles onto a major or secondary highway sha II be proh ibi ted. Paving - All parking areas shall be paved with a concrete or asphaltic surface to specifications and standards meeting the approval of the Department of Public Works. . Drainage - Drainage of a parking area shall meet the approval of the Department of Public Works. Drainage into a street shall be by means of a conduit beneath the parkway. Marking of Spaces - Each parking space sholl be clearly marked with point or other easily distinguishable material. Either hairpin or single I ine marking will suffice. Wheel Stops - Wheel stops shall be provided for all required parking spaces and shall be constructed of concrete. Landscaping - A minimum of three (3) percent of the interior of a public parking area shall have a complete irrigation system; be well maintained in perpetuity; be reviewable annually by the Building Superintendent of the City of Arcadia. Required planting oreas on the street side of waHs shall not be considered as part of the three (3) percent interior landscaping. - 2 - . . " . C-l, C-2, C-3 "D" Conditions Page Three Where a parking area abuts the buildings on the subject property, the border plantings adjacent to those buildings shall not be considered as part of the interior landscaping. In complying with the three (3) percent landscaping requirement, the planting beds shall be distributed throughout the entire parking area as evenly as possible. Any plot plan showing the entire three (3) percent landscaping in one or two large planting beds, or concentroted on only one portion of the parking area, is not acceptable. Any unused space resulting from the design of the parking spaces shall be used far planting purposes. No planting area or island shall have an average width of less than three (3) feet. The planting areas or islands must be drawn to scale and the plants within clearly located and labeled. All planting areas or islands shall be surrounded by a continuous raised concrete curb. To facil itate the processing of plot plans, a plant I ist should be prepared giving the botanical and common names of the plants to be used, the sizes to be planted, e.g., 1,5, or 15 gallon containers, the quantity of each and when applicable, the spacing shall be shown. The plants should be listed alphabetically and assigned key numbers to be used in locating the plants on the plan. . Irrigation - All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent, below grade (except for sprinkler heads), irrigotion system. All domestic water supply lines to which irrigation systems are connected, shall when necessary be protected by installation of atmospheric or pressure type vacuum breakers. At least one hose bibb shall be located each one hundred (100) lineal feet, starting with one hose bibb at the front wall. Hose bibbs, wherever possible, shall be located in planting beds. In no cose sholl hose bibbs be located where they will interfere with pedestrian or vehicular circulation. Loading Requirements - On the same land therewith, every building, structure, or part thereof, erected or occupied for a permitted Zone C-1 ,20r 3 use involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise incidentol to carrying on such activity shall be provided with sufficient space for standing, loading and unloading vehicles to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets and alleys. Such space shall be no less than ten (10) feet by twenty- five (25) feet for every ten thousand (10,000) feet of floor area or outdoor storage area with a fourteen (14) Foot minimum height clearance, but shall not be a part of any area required for use as off-street parking stalls. Additions - Structures which are enlarged in area shall provide parking facilities per the standards set forth herein. . Changes in Use - Whenever the existing use of a structure or lot is changed to another use, parking facilities shall be provided per standards set forth herewith. Mixed Uses - In the event that two (2) or more uses occupy the same building, lot, or parcel of land, the total requirements for off-street parking shall be the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed seporately. Computation of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces - When a Fractional figure is found as a remainder in computations made to determine the amount of required off-street parking, such Fraction shall be construed to be a whole number. 3. Walls: Except for driveway and other entrances, parking lots shall be properly enclosed with an ornamental masonry wall as follows: - 3- ,- . . .. . C-l,C-2,C-3 "D" Conditions Page Four a. Adjacent to Residential Zone - Where such areas front, side, or rear on a street which is a boundary with a residential zone, there shall be a landscaped border not less than five (5) feet in width on the street side, and a sol id masonry wall four (4) feet in height shall be erected between the landscaped area and the paved parking area. Where such areas side or rear directly on a residential zone, a solid masonry wall six (6) feet in height shall be installed on the zone boundary line, said wall to be reduced to three (3) feet in height within any corner cutback area and within the front yard area of the abutting residential zones. Walls adjacent to alleys may be erected on the property line. . b. Adjacent to Non-Residential Zone - Where such areas front, side, or rear on a street which is 0 boundary with a non-residential zone, there shall be a landscaped barder not I ess than five (5) feet in width on the street side, and a sol id masonry wall four (4) feet in height shall be erected between the landscaped area and the paved pork ing area. Community off-street parking lots shall be permitted and the requirements for wolls between separate buildings and uses disposed with provided that a covenant in recordable form by its terms to be for the benefit of, enforceable by, and to be released only by the City, is executed by the owners of all property affected thereby. The covenant sholl state that such joint use of such off-street parking shall be useable by the tenant and owners of the properties proposed to be served by such parking area. NOTE: Woll heights shall be measured from contiguous properties and in no case shall such wall height be more than six (6) inches abave or below the prescribed height when measured from adjacent interior parking lot paving. Ornamental masonry walls shall consist of the use of solid wall materials, e.g., brick, stone, concrete, slump stone, etc., but sholl not mean cinder block, fibre block, or concrete block or similar such materials. 4. Lighting: Lighting shall be hooded and arranged to reflect I ight away from adjoining properties and streets. Light standards shall be a maximum of ten (10) feet in height. The height of the light standards shall be measured from the elevation of the adjacent pavement of the parking lot. 5. Accessory Structural Items: Towers, chimneys, spires, gables, roof structures, etc., shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet above the roof of any building and shall be adequately screened. 6. Heating and Air Conditioning Devices: Such devices sholl be located within the building or if mounted elsewhere shall be screened from public view. . 7. Storage: All permanent and temporary storage of ware and merchandise crates, bottles, trash, garbage and refuse sholl be within the building or screened entirely from public view by a six (6) ft. high decorative masonry wall or other approved screening devices. 8. Noise Requirements: The noise level from any activity shall not exceed at any point on or beyond any property line adjoining a residentially zoned district a maximum level of sixty (60) decibels. No impact type sound shall exceed this value by an amount greater than ten decibels. In the determination of the meter reading the instantaneous deflections at three to five second intervals shall be read until a total of fifty (50) readings have been obtained. These fifty (50) readings shall be averaged to obtain the result. The readings shall be taken at the A, B, and C weighting positions. The reading falling within the range specified for the weighting network shall be used. -4- '- . . . .. " . C-l,C-2,C-3 "0" Conditions Page Five If the noise is not smooth and continuous, the corrections in the following table sha II be appl ied: CORRECTIONAL FACTORS Type of Operation or Character of Noise Correction in Decibels Noise source operates less than 20% of any one-hour period Plus 5 Noise of periodic character such as humming or screeching Minus 5 Night time operation between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. Minus 10 . 7. Plan Review: Prior to the issuance of 0 building permit to qlter, construct, or re- construct any structures, preliminary plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Deportment. Such prel iminary plans sholl be drown to scale and sholl in- clude the following: 1. Adjacent streets and alleys. 2. Sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and parkway trees. 3. Entire ownership of lot being developed. 4. Floor plan layout of structures. 5. Accurate elevations of all building sides. 6. Complete dimensioned parking layout with 011 spaces indicated. 7. Location and method of 011 exterior lighting. 8. Landscape planting layout with 011 plant materials identified. 9. Method of irrigation. 10. Grading and drainage plans. 11. Lacations and sizes of 011 signs to be located on the property. 12 Any other date the Planning Department indicates as necessary to properly evaluate such plans. 13 Final plans sholl be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plans. . The Planning Commission sholl reserve the right, without necessity of further notice, to make modification of any of the foregoing conditions, if such modification will achieve substantially the some results and will in no way be detrimental to adjacent properties or improvements than will strict compliance with said conditions. - 5 - . . . . . SECTION 5. That the public necessity, convenience and general welfare and good zoning practice justify and require, and this Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Arcadia the reclassification to Zone C~M and D of that portion of the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL 1: That portion of Lots No. 68 and 69 of the Santa Anita 8010ny Tract bounded on the north by Las Tunas Drive; on the south by Live Oak Avenue; on the east by the intersection of Las Tunas Drive and Live Oak Avenue; and on the west by the east line of the Los Angeles County Flood Control Channel, said east line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of Las Tunas Drive, said point being easterly 559.10 feet from the southeast corner of El Monte Avenue and Las Tunas Drive; thence southeasterly to a point on the northerly line of Live Oak Avenue; PARCEL 2: Those properties south of Live Oak Avenue and east of El Monte Avenue, further described as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Tract No. 13935 as recorded in Book 285, pages 13 and 14, of Maps, Records of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County; and Those properties south of Live Oak Avenue and west of Double Drive further described as Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Tract No. 12049 as re- corded in Book 224, page 21, of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County Recorder and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Tract No. 10260 as recorded in Book 219, page 20, of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County Re- corder, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Tract No. 10898 as recorded in Book 189, pages 42 and 43, of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County Recorder. That concurrent with said reclassification to Zone C-M and D (Architectural Overlay) the following regulations shall be imposed, to wit: 548 : . . . March 23, 1965 ZONE C-M "0" OVERLAY CONDITIONS 1. Building Height: No building hereafter erected, constructed, or established shall exceed three (3) stories or th irty-five (35) feet in height. 2. Doors and Windows: Doors and windows on the street side of a building, except doors and windows used exclusively for light and ventilation and opening directly into rooms used exclusively for business offices and/or commercial retail uses, shall not comprise more than ten percent (10%) of the area of the street side of the building. No rooms on the street side of any building sholl be used for storage, display or manufacturing purposes if more than ten perceni (10%) of the area of the street side of the building consists of doors or windows. No door for transporting materials or equipment into or out of the building may face a dedicated street unless it is set back at least fifty (50) feet from the street. 3. Signs: . a, b. c. d, e. f. g. h. i. j. k. I. Signs sholl contain only such subject matter which refers to the nome of the establishment or to the goods and services sold on the premises on which the sign is located. No one sign shall exceed on area of one hundred (100) square feet. The maximum height of signs sholl not exceed twenty-five (25) feet. The total area of signs on the property sholl not exceed two (2) square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of building frontage. Billboards and roof signs sholl not be permitted. Attra<::tion boards sholl not be permitted. Signs sholl not be permitted on telephone or Edison Company poles or trees. Signs sholl not project more than twelve (12) inches over publ ic right-of-way. For sole or lease signs sholl not exceed four (4) square feet. Moving signs or signs with any moving ports sholl not be permitted; and blinker, flashing, travelling, or moving lights or signs sholl not be permitted. Signs sholl not couse any glare or reflection or I ight on other property or buildings. All signs which become non-conforming os a result of adoption of these regulations shall be completely removed from the premises within a three year period from the effective date of these regulations. 4. Roof Structures: Towers, chimneys, spires, gables, and flog poles sholl not exceed 0 height of ten (10) feet above the roof of the main portion of the building. Mechanical equipment shall likewise be governed by the some height limit and sholl in addition be entirely screened in 0 manner approved by the Planning Department. . 5. Parking: a. Commercial Uses (Offices, Retail Sales) Area Parking Requirements - Not less than three (3) square feet of off-street ' parking area sholl be provided for each one (1) square foot of gross floor area of building being served. (Ratio-Parking to G.F.A. - 3:1). Four hundred (400) square feet shall be used as a design computational figure to determine the nlJmber of parking spaces a lot area will facilitate. The ~our hundred (400) square feet shall include access drives, automobile spaces and incidental uses such os landscaped areas and unuseable corners. - 1 - . . . C-:M "0" Conditions Page Two Use Parking Requirements - That the following uses, due to their unique traffic generation characteristics, shall be excepted from the above requirement 'and shall provide off-street parking on the following use basis: USE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED Restaurant and Bar Facilities Offices (Professional & Business) Offices (Medical & Dental) Public Buildings 1 space per each 50 sq. ft. of floor area. 4 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. of floor a rea. 8 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. af floor a rea. To be determined by Planning Department at time of plan approva I. b. Monufacturing Uses - Provide one parking space for each 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area contained within a building. c. Commercial and Manufacturing Uses - When the two uses of a building are combined, the parking requirement shall be the sum of uses computed separately. . d. Location and Design Factors- Location of Off-Street Parking - The space for parking facilities shall be located on the same lot ar site, or on a lot or site contiguous thereto, or within four hundred (400) feet of the building or land use which these facilities will serve. When the required off-street parking facilities are provided on a separate lot from the main building or land use, there sholl be recorded in the office of the County Recorder a cavenant to the effect that such awner or owners will continue to maintain such parking space as long as said building or land use is maintained. Setbacks - Off-street parking facilities shall be permitted in required rear yard providing that all other parking requirements such as walls, landscaping, and irrigation are complied with. . Dimensians far Parking Stalls, Access Aisles, and Driveways - STALL SIZE: Open and covered parking stalls shall be not less thon nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long far cO"1mercial uses and not less than eight (8) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long for manufacturing uses. AISLE WIDTH (0 - 450): Parking spaces laid at angles thraugh forty-five (45) degrees to the oisles or driveways shall have a one-way aisle or drivewoy of not less than sixteen (16) feet. AISLE WIDTH (46 - 600): Porking spaces laid out at angles from forty-six (46) degrees through sixty (60) degrees to the aisle or driveway shall have a one way aisle or driveway width of not less than twenty (20) feet. AISLE WIDTH (61 - 900); Parking spaces laid out at angles from sixty-one (61) degrees through ninety (90) degrees to the aisle or driveway, shall have an aisle or driveway width of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. PARALLEL PARKING: Parallel parking shall have twelve foot minimum aisles and ten (10) foot by twenty-four (24) foot parking stall sizes. Circulation - Parking areas having more than one aisle ar driveway shall have painted directional signs provided in each aisle or driveway. Automobile park- ing so arranged as to require the moving of ony vehicle on the premises in order to enter or leave any other stall shall be prohibited. Automobile parking so arranged as ta require the backing of motor vehicles onto a major or secondary highway shalf be prohibited. - 2 - . .' . C-M "D" Conditions Page Th ree Paving - All parking areas shall be paved with a concrete or ospholtic surface to specifications ond standards meeting the opprovol of the Deportment of Public Works. Drainage - Drainage of a parking area shall meet the approval of the Department of Public Works. Drainage into 0 street shall be by means of a conduit beneath the parkway. Marking of Spaces - Each parking space shall be clearly marked with paint or other easily distinguishable material. Either hairpin or single line marking will suffi ce. Wheel Stops - Wheel stops shall be provided for all required parking spaces and shall be constructed of concrete. . Landscaping - A minimum of two percent of the interior of every public parking area sholl be landscaped with plant material and sholl have a complete irrigation system; shall be well maintained in perpetuity and shall be reviewed annually by the Building Superintendent. Required planting areas on the street side of walls shall not be considered as part of the two percent interior landscaping. Where a parking area abuts the buildings on the subject property, the border plantings adjacent to those buildings shall not be considered os part of the interior landscoping. In complying with the two percent landscaping requirement, the planting beds shall be distributed throughout the entire parking area as evenly as possible. Any plot plan showing the entire two percent landscaping in one or two large planting beds, or concentrated on only one portion of the parking areo is not occeptable. , Any unused spoce resulting from the design of the parking spoces sholl be used for plonting purposes. No planting area or islond shall have an average width of less than three (3) feet. The plonting areas or islands must be drawn to scale and the plants within clearly located and labeled. All planting areas or islands shall be surrounded by a continuous raised concrete curb. To facilitate the plot plans, a plant list should be prepared giving the botonicol and common nomes of the plonts to be used, the sizes to be planted, i.e., 1, 5, or 15 gallon containers, the quontity of each and when possible and applicable, the spacing shall be shown. The plants should be listed alphabetically and ossigned key numbers to be used in locoting the plants on the plan. Except os stated below, it shall be required thot the plant material include trees with a ground cover and shrubs beneath. Ground cover alone is not acceptoble. A combination of ground cover and shrubs are acceptable in places where there is a problem of overheod space for trees, however, wherever possible, trees are required. All plant material shall be evergreen. Plants selected for the design will be checked for suitability in regard to eventual size and spread, susceptibility to diseoses and pests, ond adaptability to existing soil and climotic conditions. A local londscape architect or nurserymon is a suitable source for plant material information. . Irrigation - All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent, below grade (except for sprinkler heods) irrigation system. All domestic water supply I ines to wh ich irrigation systems are connected, shall when necessary be protected by instollation of atmospheric or pressure type vacuum breakers. At least one hose bibb shall be located each one hundred (100) I ineal feet, starting with one hose bibb at the front wall. Hose bibbs, wherever possible, shall be located in planting beds. In no case shall hose bibbs be located where they will interfere with pedestrian or vehicular circulation. - 3 - . . . C~M "0" Conditions Page Four Loading Requirements - One the same land therewith, every building, structure, ar part thereof, erected or occupied for a permitted Zone C-M use involving the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials 'or merchandise incidental to carrying on such activity shall be provided with sufficient space for standing, loading and unloading vehicles ta avoid undue interference with the public use of streets and alleys. Such space shall be no less than ten (10) feet by twenty- five (25) feet for every ten thausand (10,000) feet of floor area or outdoor storage area with a fourteen (14) foot minimum height clearance, but shall not be a part of any area required for use os off-street parking stalls. Additions - Structures which are enlarged in area shall provide parking facil ities per the standard Zone C-M requ irements. Changes in Use - Whenever the existing use of a structure or lot is changed to another use, parking facilities shall be provided per standard Zone C-M requ irements. . Computation of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces - When a fractional figure is found as a remainder in computations mode to determine the amount of required off-street parking, such fraction shall be construed to be a whole number. 6. Screen Walls: All parking, loading and outside storage areas shall be screened by ornamental masonry walls as follows: a. Adjacent to Residential Zone - Where such areas front, side, or rear on a street which is a boundary with a residential zone, there shall be a landscaped border not less than five (5) feet in width on the street side, and a solid masonry wall four (4) feet in height shall be erected between the landscaped area and the paved pork ing area. Where such areas side or rear directly on a residential zone, a solid masonry wall six (6) feet in height shall be installed on the zone boundary line,said wall to be reduced to three (3) feet in height within any corner cutback area and within the front yard area of the abutting residential zones. Wall adjacent to alleys may be erected on the property line. . b. Adjacent to Non-Residential Zone - Where such areas front, side, or rear on a street which is a boundary with a non-residential zone, there shall be a landscaped border not less than five (5) feet in width on the street side, and o solid masonry wall four (4) feet in height shall be erected between the land- scaped area and the paved parking area. Community off-street parking lots shall be permitted and the requirements for walls between separate buildings and uses disposed with provided that a cov- enant in recordable form by its terms to be for the benefit of, enforceable by, and to be released only by the City, is executed by the owners of all property affected thereby. The covenant shall state that such joint use of such off- street parking shall be useable by the tenant and owners of the properties proposed to be served by such parking area. NOTE: Wall heights shall be measured from contiguous properties and in no case shall such wall height be more than six (6) inches above or below the prescribed height when measured from adjacent interior parking lot paving. Ornamental Masonry Wall shall consist of the use of solid wall materials, e.g., brick, stone, concrete, slump stone, etc., but shall not mean cinder block, fiber block or concrete block or similar such materials. All landscape planting and irrigation adjacent to walls shall be installed and main- tained subject to the requirements of the preceeding section. - 4 - . . . C-M "0" Conditions Page Five 7. Lighting: Building, landscaping and parking lot lighting sh'all be hooded and arranged to reflect light away from adjoining properties and streets. Light standards sholl be 0 maximum of ten (10) feet in height. The height of all I ight standards sholl be measured from the elevation of the adjacent pavement of the parking lot. B. Curbs, Gutters, and Sidewalks: Curbs, gutters, and full width sidewalks shall be constructed the full length of each parcel of property prior to or concurrent with the erection or improvement of any structure on the respective parcel of land unless such curb, gutter or sidewalk is existing and is in good condition. 9. Manufacturing Operations: All industrial and manufacturing operations sholl be conducted entirely within a building and shall be subject to the regulations of Part 6 (Commercial and Industrial Zones), Division 6 (M-l Planned Industriol District), Title 3 (Performance Standards) of the Arcadia Municipol Code. . 10. Storage: All permanent and temporary storage of refuse, merchandise crates, bottles, trash, and garbage shall be entirely screened from view by 6 ft. high decorative masonry walls or other approved screening material. 11. Coverage: Not over fifty (SO) percent of the land area sholl be covered by structures. 12. Plan Review: Prior to the issuance of 0 building permit to alter, construct, or re- construct any structures, preliminary plans sholl be submitted to and approved by the Planning Deportment. Such preliminary plans shall be drawn to scale and shalJ in- clude the following: . 1. Adjacent streets and alleys. 2. Sidewalks, curbs, gutters and parkway trees. 3. Entire ownership of lot being developed. 4. Floor plan layout of structures. 5: Accurate elevations of 011 building sides. 6. Completely dimensioned parking layout and circulation plan for the entire aforedescribed area. 7. Location and method of all exterior lighting. B. Landscape planting layout with 011 plant materials identified. 9. Method of i rri tag ion. 10. Grading and drainage plan. 11. Locations and sizes of 011 signs to be located on the property. 12. Any other data the Planning Deportment indicates os necessary to properly evaluate such plans. The Planning Commission or City Council may modify any of the aforegoing conditions if such modification will not adversely affect property or improvements in the vicinity and if such modification will equally accomplish substantially the some results os will the adherence to the foregoing conditions. - 5 - . . . SECTION 6. That the public necessity, convenience and general welfare and good zoning practice justify and re- quire, and this Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Arcadia the reclassification to Zone C-O and D of that portion of the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as follows: . Beginning at the northeast corner of El Monte Avenue and Las Tunas Drive; thence northerly along the east line of El Monte Avenue a distance of 100.0 feet; thence easterly along a line parallel to and 100.0 feet north of the north line of Las Tunas Drive a distance of 3l7.0~reet to a point, said point being on the west line of Lot No. 27, Tract No. 13540; thence northerly along the west line of said Lot No. 27 a distance of 17.5 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot No. 27; thence easterly along the north line of Lots 27 and 28 of Tract No. 13540, a distance of 127.83 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot No. 28; thence southerly along the east line of said Lot No. 28 a distance of 118.92 feet to a point on the north line of Las Tunas Drive; thence westerly along the north line of Las Tunas Drive a distance of 463.19 feet to the point of beginning, said point being the northeast corner of El Monte Avenue and Las Tunas Drive. That COncurrent with said reclassification to Zone C-O and D (Architectural Overlay) the following regulations shall be im- posed, to wit: . 548 . TO: FROM: . . March 23, 1965 PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: "D" OVERLAY CONDITIONS - ZONE C-O PROPERTIES LIVE OAK STUDY AREA The attached "D" overlay conditions are oppropriate for Zone C-O classified properties regardless of their location within the City of Arcadia. Listed below are conditions which are designated to supplement the basic regulations and are consequently tailored to the specific problems extant in the Live Oak Study Area. (Any property within the study area which the Commission decides is appropriate for the C-O zone classification). The conditions have been reviewed by the live Oak Study Committee and are recom- mended for approval. . 1. Setbacks: . WP:EM:ss ~ a. Santa Anita - There shall be a minimum setback of 20 ft. maintained from Santa An i to Avenue. Las Tunas Drive - There shall be a minimum setback of 10 ft. maintained from Las Tunas Drive. Congregational Church - A minimum 35 ft. setback shall be maintained from the Congregational Church property line. Residential development- A minimum 60 ft. setback shall be maintained from any properties zoned or utilized for residential purposes. b. Setback Landscaping - Setbacks on Santa Anita Avenue and Las Tunas Drive shall be landscaped. A ten foot landscaped buffer strip shall be required adjacent to the church property and ony property zoned or being utilized for residential purposes. Such landscoping sholl be irrigated and be re- viewable by the City of Arcadia Building Superintendent. Building Height: No building hereafter erected, constructed or established shall exceed two (2) stories or thirty-five (35) feet in height. ~A~~~ Senior Planner c. . ~ . . . March 23, 1965 ZONE C-O "D" OVERLAY CONDITIONS 1. Signs: All signs an the subject properties shall be governed by the fallowing. a. One sign identifying the name and address of building. Such sign shall not exceed one (1) square foot of sign area far each two (2) I ineal feet of building frontage on the major street. Such sign shall be mounted flat against the building and shall not project above the building roof line. b. One name plate per each office occupancy, not exceeding three (3) sq. ft. containing only the name and occupation of the occupant. c. One sign not exceeding four (4) sq. ft.advertising space within the building or the total property for sale, lease, or rent. d. Illuminated signs sholl be lighted from within and shall not cause glare or reflection on any other properties or buildings. e. No moving signs or signs having moving, blinking or flashing lights sha II be perm i tted . . f. No attraction boards shall be permitted. 2. Roof Structures: Towers, chimneys, spires, gables, and flog poles shall not exceed a height of ten (10) feet above the roof of the main portion of the building. Mechanical equipment shall likewise be governed by the same height limit and shall in addition be entirely screened in a manner approved by the Planning Department. 3. Park ing: a, Use Parking Requirements- USE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED Banks Offices (Professional & Business) Offices (Medical & Dental) 8 spaces per each 1000 sq. ft. of floor area. 4 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. of floor area. 8 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. of floor area. b. Location and Design Factors - . Location of Off-Street Parking - The space for parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or site, or on a lot or site contiguous thereto, or within four hundred (400) feet of the building or land use which these facilities will serve. When re- quired off-street parking facilities are provided on a separate lot from the main building or land use, there shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder a covenant to the effect that such owner or owners will continue to maintain such parking space as long as said building or land use is maintained. Setbacks - Off-street parking facilities shall be permitted in required rear yard . providing that all other parking requirements such as walls, landscaping, and irrigation are compl ied with. Circulation - Parking areas having more than one aisle or driveway shall have painted directional signs provided in each aisle or driveway. Automobile park- ing so arranged as to require the moving of any vehicle on the premises in order to enter or leave any other stall shall be prohibited. Automobile parking so arranged as to require the backing of motor vehicles onto a major secondary highway shall be prohibited. - 1 - .' . . . C-O "D" Conditions Page Two Dimensions for Parking Stalls, Access Aisles, and Driveways - STALL SIZE: Open and covered parking stalls shall be not less than nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long for commercial uses and not less than eight (8) feet wide and twenty (20) feet long for manufacturing uses. AISLE WIDTH (0 - 450): Parking spaces laid at angles through forty-five (45) degrees to the aisles or driveways shall have a one-way aisle or driveway of not less than sixteen (16) feet. AISLE WIDTH (46 - 600): Parking spaces laid out at angles from forty-six (46) degrees through sixty (60) degrees to the aisle or driveway sholl have 0 one way aisle or driveway width of not less than twenty (20) feet. AISLE WIDTH (61 - 900): Parking spaces laid out at angles from sixty-one (61) degrees through ninety (90) degrees to the oisle or driveway, sholl hove on aisle or driveway width of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. PARALLEL PARKING: Parallel Parking sholl hove twelve foot minimum aisles and ten (10) foot by twenty.four (24) foot parking stoll sizes. . Paving - All parking areas sholl be paved with a concrete or asphaltic surface to specifications and standards meeting the approval of the Department of Public Works. Drainage - Drainage of 0 parking area sholl meet the opproval of the Deportment of Public Works. Drainage into 0 s!reet shall be by means of a conduit beneath the parkway. Marking of Spaces - Each parking space sholl be clearly marked with paint or other easily distinguishable material. Either hairpin or single line marking will suffice. Wheel Stops - Wheel stops sholl be provided for all required parking spaces and shall be constructed of concrete. . Landscaping - A minimum of two percent of the interior of every publ ic parking area sholl be landscaped with plant material and shall have a complete irrigation system; shall be well maintained in perpetuity and shall be reviewed annually by the Building Superintendent. Required planting areas on the street side of walls shall not be considered as part of the two percent interior landscaping. Where a parking area abuts the buildings on the subject property, the border plantings adjacent to those buildings shall not be considered as part of the interior landscaping. In complying with the two percent landscaping requirement, the planting beds shall be distributed throughout the entire parking orea as evenly as possible. Any plot plan showing the entire two percent landscaping in one or two large planting beds, or concentroted on only one portion of the porking area is not acceptable. Any unused space resulting from the design of the porking spoces sholl be used for planting purposes. No planting area or island shall have an average width of less than three (3) feet. The planting areas or islands must be drawn to scale and the plants within clearly located and labeled. All planting areas or islands shall be surrounded by a continuous raised concrete curb. To focilitote the plot pions, 0 pldnt list should be prepored giving the botanical and common nomes of the plants to be used, the sizes to be planted, i. e., 1, 5 or 15 gallon containers, the quantity of each and when possible ond applicable, the spacing shall be shown. The plants should be listed alphabetically and assigned key numbers to be used in locating the plants on the plan. - 2 - -' . . . C-O "0" Conditions Page Three . Except as stated below, it shall be required that the plant material include trees with a ground cover and shrubs beneath. Ground cover alone is not acceptable. A combination of ground cover and shrubs are acceptable in places where there is a problem of overhead space for trees; however, wherever possible, trees are required. All plant material shall be evergreen. Plants selected for the design will be checked for suitability in regard to eventual size and spread, susceptibility to diseases and pests, and adaptabil ity to existing soil and cl imatic conditions, A local landscape architect or nurseryman is a suitable source of plant material information. Irrigation - All landscaped areas shall be provided with a permanent, below grade (except for sprinkler heads) irrigation system. All domestic.water supply lines to which irrigation systems are connected, shall when necessary be protected, by installation of atmospheric or pressure type vacuum breakers. At least one hose bibb shall be located each one hundred (100) lineal feet, starting with one hose bibb at the front wall. Hose bibbs, wherever possible, shall be located in planting beds. In no case shall hose bibbs be located where they will interfere with pedestrian or vehicular circulation. Additions - Structures which are enlarged in area shall provide parking facilities per the standards set forth herein. Changes in Use - Whenever the existing use of a structure or lot is changed to another use, parking facilities shall be provided per standards set forth herein. Mixed Uses - In the event that two (2) or more uses occupy the same building, lot or parcel of land, the total requirements for off-street parking shall be the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately. Computation of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces - When a fractional figure is found as a remainder in computations made to determine the amount of required off-street parking, such fractian shall be construed to be a whole number. 4. Screen Walls: All parking, loading and outside storage areas shall be screened by ornamental masonry walls as follows: . a. Adjacent to Residential Zone - Where such areas frant, side, or rear on a street which is a boundary with a residential zane, there shall be a landscaped border not less than five (5) feet in width on the street side, and a solid masonry wall four (4) feet in height shall be erected between the landscaped area and the paved park ing area. Where such areas side or rear directly on a residential zone, a sol id masonry wall six (6) feet in height shall be installed on the zone boundary line, said wall to be reduced to three (3) feet in height within any corner cutback area and within the front yard area of the abutting residential zones. Wall adjacent to alleys may be erected on the property line. b. Adjacent to Non-Residential Zone - Where such areas front, s ide, or rear on a street which is a boundary with a non-residential zone, there shall be a landscaped border not less than five (5) feet in width on the street side, and a solid masonry wall four (4) feet in height shall be erected between the land- scaped area and the paved parking area. Community off-street parking lots shall be permitted and the requirements for walls between separate buildings and uses disposed with provided that a cov- enant in recordable form by its terms to be for the benefit of, enforceable by, and to be released only by the City, is executed by the owners af all property affected thereby. The covenant shall state that such joint use of such off- street parking shall be useable by the tenant and owners of the properties roposed to be served by such parking area. - 3- .' . . . C-O "D" Conditions Page Four NOTE: Wall heights shall be measured from contiguous properties and in no case shall such wall height be more than six (6) inches above or below the prescribed height when measured from adjacent interior parking lot paving. Ornamental Masonry Wall shall consist of the use of "olid wall materials, e.g., brick, stone, concrete, slump stone, etc., but shall not mean cinder block, fiber block or concrete block or sir'li1ar such materials. All landscape planting and irrigation adjacent to walls shall be installed and main- tained subject to the requirements of the proceeding section. 5. Lighting: Building, landscaping and parking lot lighting shall be hooded and arranged to reflect light away from adjoining properties and streets. Light standards shall be 0 maximum of ten (10) feet in height. The height of 011 light standards sholl be measured from the elevation of the adjacent pavement of the pork ing lot. . 6. Curbs, Gutters, and Sidewalks: Curbs, gutters, and full width sidewalks sholl be constructed the full length of each parcel of property prior to or concurrent with the erection or improvement of any structure on the respective parcel of land unless such curb, gutter, or sidewalk is existing and is in good condition. 7. Utilities: All utilities shall be installed underground. 8. Plan Review: Priar to the issuance of a building permit to alter, construct, or re- construct any structure, preliminary plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Deportment. Such preliminary pions shall be drawn to scale and shall in- clude the following: . 1. Adjacent streets and alleys. 2. Sidewalks, curbs, gutters and parkway trees. 3. Entire ownership of lot being developed. 4. Floor plan layout of structures. 5. Accurate elevations of oil building sides. 6, Completely dimensioned parking layout and circulation plan for the entire aforedescribed area. 7. location and method af all exterior lighting. 8. landscape planting layout with all plant materials identified. 9. Method of irrigation. 10. Grading and drainoge plan. 11. Locations and sizes of all signs to be located on the property. 12. Any ather data the Plann ing Department indicates as necessary to properly evaluate such plan. The Planning Commission or City Council may modify any of the aforegoing conditians if such modification will not adversely affect property or improvements in the vicinity and if such modification will equolly accomplish substontially tl,e same results as will the adherence to the foregoing conditions. -4:- . . . SECTION 7. That the public necessity, convenience and general welfare and good zoning practice justify and require, and this Commission hereby recommends to the City Council of the City of Arcadia the reclassification to Zone R-l of that portion of the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, de- scribed as follows: . Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Las. Tunas Drive, said point being easterly a distance of 544.16 feet from the northeast corner of El Monte Avenue and Las Tunas Drive~ said point also being the southwest corner of Lot No. 30, Tract No. 13540; thence northerly along the westerly line of said Lot No. 30 a distance of 118.92 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot No. 30; thence easterly along the north line of Lots No. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of said Tract No. 13540 a distance of 559.20 feet to a point on the east line of said Tract No. 13540, said point being the north- east corner of Lot No. 35 of said Tract No. 13540; thence northerly along the east line of said Tract No. 13540 a distance of 294.68 feet to a point on the south line of Tract No. 13186, said point also being the northeast corner of Lot No. 13, Tract No. 13540; thence easterly along the south line of said Tract No. l3l86--a: distance of 525 feet to a point, said point being 550.0 feet west of the west line of Santa Anita Avenue; thence southerly on-a line parallel to and 550.0 feet west of the west line of Santa Anita Avenue to a point on the northerly line of Las Tunas Drive; thence northwesterly and westerly along the northerly line of Las Tunas Drive to the point of beginning, said point being the southwest corner of Lot No. 30, Tract No. 13540. SECTION 8. That the balance of the property bounded and described as specified in Section 1 hereof should be and remain in its present zone reclassifications. SECTION 9. That this Commission further recommends to said ~ City Council that a median strip be constructed on Live Oak Avenue in front of all properties zoned R-l and C-O. SECTION 10. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a copy hereof to be forwarded to the City Council of the City of Arcadia. 548 . . . " . . I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Planning Commission held on the 27th day of April I 1965, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Hanson, Kuyper, Parker, Turner and Norton NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINING: Commissioners . ATTF;ST: SeCl:'etary . 548 . . . March 23, 1965 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: LIVE OAK STUDY COMMITTEE SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE LIVE OAK AREA On May 26, 1964, the Planning Commission received a variance request proposing to develop a community shopping center on vacant property in the Live Oak Area. The request, because of its magnitude and likely effects upon the surrounding area, caused attention to be focused on the need for a comprehensive study of the entire Live Oak Business District. . To this end the Planning Department prepared and presented the Live Oak Study to the Commission emboding its recommendations, The Commission then placed the study in the hands of the Live Oak Study Committee, appointed by the Chairman, for the specific purpose of making a more detailed analysis of the area and presenting recommendations to the full Commission. The Live Oak Study Committee held eight meetings. Three of these meetings were with property owners from the areas affected. The study area for the purposes of analysis was divided into Study Areas A, B, C, D, and E. Briefly the area between Santa Anita Avenue and Second Avenue was designated Area "A." The properties on the south side of the street between the same intersections were designated Area "B." The south side of Live Oak Avenue between Santa Anita Avenue and EI Monte Avenue was labeled Area "C." The area commonly known os the "triangle" between Las Tunas ond Live Oak wos designated as Area "D." The remaining property in the study areo on the north side of Los Tunas Drive between Santa Anita and EI Monte Avenue was designated Area "E." With respect to the above stated study areas, the Live Oak Study Committee makes the following recommendations: AREA "A" . The public hearing was closed on Area "A" with the exception of the northeast corner of Santa Anita and Live Oak Avenues. The carner was held open to study the parking problem of the Pie King Restaurant. The reason that the public hearing was closed on the balance of the area was due to the recent study of the area and the general satis- faction of the Commission with the development trends. The Committee recommends that the residential zoning on lots commonly known as 2632 and 2626 Santa Anita Avenue be augmented with a "P" zone. The specific zoning of which would be PR-3 and PR-1 re- spectively. \ ~~ - 1 - . . . Recommendations for Live Oak Areo March 23, 1965 P<lge Two AREA "B" It is recommended that Area "B" be rezoned from C-2 to C-1 & D. Zone C-1 is more compatible with the neighborhood retail character of this area. Due to recent changes in the zone C-l regulations this category more nearly approximates the functional classification of this shopping complex. The "D" regulations would help in the al- leviation of some of the problems and upgrade future development. AREA "C" After thorough study, Area "C" is recommended to remain substantially in its present zoning classification. The Committee would request th<lt the entire south side of Live Oak Avenue between Santa Anita and EI Monte Avenue (including the property zoned M-1) be placed in zone C-M & D. The "D" regulations for this area would provide what the Committee feels is the proper framework for future development in the area. In addition, protection would be given to the residential zones to the south heretofore not provided. . AREA "D" It is recommended that Area "D" be rezoned as follows: (1) The area east of the Arcadia Wash be rezoned from C-2 to C-M & D. (2) The area west of the Arcadia Wash be rezoned from C-2 to C-1 & D. It is proposed that the PR-1 zone along EI Monte Avenue remain as 0 buffer for the residential properties ocross EI Monte Avenue. The placement of "D" regulations on property in this area would again provide for the proper future development in this location and would allow for the compatible adjustment of C-M zoning to existing and proposed use classifications. It was determined that C-M zoning wos proper for the eastern part of the triongle because of its location and present development characteristics. C-1 zoning on the western part of the triangle is compatible with the present development and would allow for a less intensive use classification near the residentiol development to the west. AREA "E" . With respect to Area "E" the Committee would like to present several alternotive proposols for study by the full Commission. This orea hos a wide ronge of development possibilities since the majority of the land is vocant. - 2 - . , . . . ~ . . Recommendations for live Oak Area March 23, 1965 Page Three Of the many possibilities, the'Committee feels that part of the large vacant property at the northwest corner of Santa Anita and Las Tunas should be developed residentially and the balance for commercial purposes. Further, the Committee would recommend the small lots fronting on Las Tunas from EI Monte Avenue to the westerly I ine of the large vacant property be placed in a residential category. Copies of the development proposals are attached to this report for your study. LIVE OAK STUDY COMMITTEE CARL F. HANSON, Chairman ~W}~~ ERNEST MAYER, JR. Secretary CFH,EM:ss - 3 -