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I-IHEREAS, the public hearing before this Co~ssion on the zan- ,
'I ..,
ing of the Central Area was continued to February 9, 1964, at which t~me
said matter was further considered and all persons given full opportunity
to be heard; and,
vffiEREAS, it was the intention of the City Planning Co~asion
to have a plan review in each Gl.f the zones in the Central Area and this
item was omitted from Zone C-l regulations in Resolution No. 3727; and,
WHEREAS, to make this correction, City Council Resolution
No. 3727 should be amended;
SECTION 1. That this Commission does recommend to the City
Council of the City of Arcadia that Section 2 of Resolution No. 3727 be
amended to read as follows:
SECTION 2. That in order to promote and insure the purposes,
aims and objectives of the Central Area Plan and foster the harmonious
development thereof, and to prevent obnoxious, unsightly and undesirable
buildings and structures that will be detrimental to properties and im-
provements in the area, it is necessary that the following regulations
be imposed with respect to that property classified in Zones C-l (Limited
Commercial) and D (Architectural Overlay) by said Ordinance No. 1266, to
I. Plan Review: Prior to the issuance of a bUilding permit
to alter, construct, or reconstruct any structures, preliminary plans shall
be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department. Such preliminary
plans shall be drawn to scale and shall include the following:
lAI Adjacent streets and alleys,
B Sidewalks, curbs, gutters and parkway trees,
C Entire ovmership of lot being developed,
D Floor plan layout of structures,
Accurate elevations of all building sides,
Completely dimensioned parking layout with all spaces
Location and method of all exterior lighting,
Landscape planting layout with all plant materials
Method of irrigation,
Grading and drainage plan,
Locations and sizes of all signs to be located on the
Any other data the Planning Department indicates as
necessary to properly evaluate such plans.
Design Factors:
Building Height, Bulk and Area - No building hereafter
erected shall exceed a height of three (3) stories or
thirty-five (35) feet, except as provided in Division 6
of Part 7 or in Division 2 of Part 8 of Chapter 2, Ar-
ticle 9, of the Arcadia Municipal Code.
Setbacks - Front Yards, None; Side Yards, None; Rear
Yards, Twenty (20) feet.
Signs -
a. Signs shall contain only such subJect matter which
refers to the name of the establishment or to the
goods and services sold on the premises on which the
sign is located.
b. No one sign shall exceed an area of fifty (50) square
c. Signs shall not proJect above the building roof line.
d. The total area of signs on the property shall not ex-
ceed one (1) square foot of sign area for each lineal
foot of building frontage. The total area of signs
on the side or rear of the buildings shall be the
same as permitted on the front of the building.
e. Billboards shall not be permitted.
f. Attraction boards shall not be permitted.
g. Signs shall not be permitted on telephone or Edison
Company poles or trees.
h. Signs shall not proJect more than ten (10) inches over
public right-of-ways.
i. For sale or lease signs shall not exceed four (4)
square feet.
J. Moving sign or signs with any moving parts shall not
be permitted and blinker, flashing, travelling or
moving lights or Signs shall not be permitted.
k. Signs shall not cause any glare or reflection or light
on other property or buildings.
1. When signs are illuminated, such illumination shall
come from within or behind the sign.
m. All signs which become non-conforming as a result of
adoption of these regulations shall be completely re-
moved from the premises within a three (3) year period
from the effective date of these regulations.
n. In addition to conforming with the above rules, the
Building Superintendent prior to the issuance of a
permit shall submit all sign plan proposals to the
Planning Department for approval. The plan shall show
the size and position of all proposed signs on the
building and by word description indicate the colors,
materials and method of illumination, and identifica-
tion of the company constructing and installing the sign.
(D) parking-
a. Area Parking Requirements - Not less than three (3)
square feet of off-street parking area shall be pro-
vided for each one (1) square foot of gross floor
area of building being served. (Ratio-Parking to
G.F.A. - 3:1). Four hundred (400) square feet shall
be used as a design computational figure to determine
the number of parking spaces a lot area will facili-
tate. The four hundred (400) square feet shall in-
clude access drives, automobile spaces and incidental
uses such as landscaped areas and unuseable corners.
b. Use parking Requirements - That the following uses,
due to their unique traffic generation characteris-
tics, shall be excepted from the above requirement
and shall provide off-street parking on the following
use basis:
Banks & Savings and Loan
Restaurant and Bar Facilities
1 space per each 200 sq.
floor area.
ft. of
1 space per each 50 sq. ft. of
floor area.
1 space per each sleeping unit,
plus 1 space for each 3 employees
4 spaces per 1000 sq. ft.of floor area.
S spaces per 1000 sq.ft.of floor area.
To be determined by Planning Dept.
at time of plan preparation.
Location of Off-Street Parking - The space for park-
ing facilities shall be located on the same lot or
site, or on a lot or site contiguous thereto, or
within four hundred (400) feet of the building or
land use which these facilities will serve. When the
required off-street parking facilities are provided
on a separate lot from the main building or land use,
there shall be recorded in the office of the County
Recorder a covenant to the effect that such owner or
owners.will continue to maintain such parking space
as long as said building or land use is maintained.
Setbacks - Off-street parking facilities shall be
permitted in required rear yard providing that all
other parking requirements such as walls, landscaping,
and irrigation are complied with.
Dimensions for parking Stalls - Access Aisles - Drive-
ways - STALL SIZE: Open and covered parking stalls
shall be not less than nine (9) feet wide and twenty
(20) feet long.
AISLE WIDTH (0-450): Parking spaces laid at angles
through forty-five (45) degrees to the aisles or
driveways shall have a one-way aisle or driveway of
not less than sixteen (16) feet.
AISLE WIDTH (46-600): Parking spaces laid out at angles
from forty-six (46) degrees through sixty (60) degrees
to the aisle or driveway shall have a one way aisle
or driveway width of not less than twenty (20) feet.
AISLE WIDTH (61-900): Parking spaces laid out at angles
from sixty-one (61) degrees through ninety (90) degrees
to the aisle or driveway, shall have an aisle or drive-
way width of not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
PARALLEL PARKING: Parallel parking shall have twelve
foot minimum aisles and ten (10) foot by twenty-four
(24) foot parking stall sizes.
Offices (Professional & Business)
Offices (Medical & Dental)
Public Buildings
Circulation - Parking areas having more than one aisle
or driveway shall have painted directional siGns pro-
vided in each aisle or driveway. Automobile parking
so arranged as to require the moving of any vehicle
on the premises in order to enter or leave any other
stall shall be prohibited. Automobile parking so ar-
ranged as to require the backing of motor vehicles
onto a major or secondary highway shall be prohibited.
Paving - All parking areas shall be paved with a con-
crete or asphaltic surface to specifications and stand-
ards meeting the approval of the Department of Public Works.
Drainage - Drainage of a parking area shall meet the
approval of the Department of Public Works. Draina~
into a street shall be by means of a conduit beneath
the parkway'.
Marking of Spaces - Each parking space shall be clearly
marked with paint or other easily distinguishable mater-
ial. Either hairpin or single line marking will suffice.
v.rheel Stops - \'Iheel stops shall be provided for all re-
quired parking spaces and shall be constructed of concrete.
ivalls - Except for driveway and other entrances, parking
lots shall be properly enclosed with an ornamental
masonry wall as follows:
ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL ZONE: vfuere such areas front,
side, or rear on a street which is a boundary with a
residential zone, there shall be a landscaped border
not less than five (5) feet in width on the street side,
and a solid masonry wall four (4) feet in height shall
be erected between the landscaped area and the paved
parking area.
Where such areas side or rear directly on a residential
zone, a solid masonry wall six (6) feet in height shall
be installed on the zone boundary line, said wall to be
reduced to three (3) feet in height within any corner
cutback area and within the front yard area of the abut-
ting residential zones. Wall adjacent to alleys may be
erected on the property line.
side, or rear on a street which is a boundary with a non-
residential zone, there shall be a landscaped border not
less than five (5) feet in width on the street side, and
a solid masonry wall four (4) feet in height shall be
erected between the landscaped area and the paved parking
area. A wall not less than four and one-half (4~) feet
in height shall be erected on all property lines not
abutting a street.
Community off-street parking lots shall be permitted
and the requirement for walls between separate buildings
and uses disposed with provided that a covenant in
recordable form by its terms to be for the benefit of,
enforceable by, and to be released only by the City, is
executed by the owners of all property affected thereby.
The covenant shall state that such Joint use of such
off-street parking shall be useable by the tenant and
owners of the properties proposed to be served by such
parking area.
NOTE: Wall heights shall be measured from contiguous
properties and in no case shall such wall height be more
than six (6) inches above or below the prescribed height
when measured from adJacent interior parking lot paving.
Ofu~AMENTAL MASONRY WALL shall consist of the use of
solid wall materials, e.g. brick, stone, concrete, slump
stone, etc., but shall not mean cinder block, fibre
bloclc or concrete block or similar such materials.
1. Lighting - Lighting shall be hooded and arranged to reflect
light away from adjoining properties and streets. Light
standards shall be a maximum of ten (10) feet in heieht.
m. Landscaping - A minimum of two per cent of the interior
of ever! public parking area shall be landscaped with plant
material and shall have a complete irrigation systcm; shall
be well maintained in perpetuity and shall be reviewed
annually by the Building Superintendent.
Required planting areas on the street side of walls shall
not be considered as part of the two per cent interior
~lliere a parking area abuts the buildings on the subject
property, the border plantings adJacent to those buildings
shall not be considered as part of the interior landscaping.
In complying with the two per cent landscaping requirement,
the planting beds shall be distributed throughout the en-
tire parking area as evenly as possible.
Any plot plan showing the entire two per cent landscaping
in one or two large planting beds, or concentrated on only
one portion of the parking area is not acceptable.
Any unused space resulting from the design of the parking
spaces shall be used for planting purposes.
No planting area or island shall have an average width of
less than three (3) feet. The planting areas or islands
must be drawn to scale and the plants within clearly lo-
cated and labeled. All planting areas or islands shall be
surrounded by a continuous raised concrete curb.
To facilitate the plot plans, a plant list should be pre-
pared giving the botanical and common names of the plants
to be used, the sizes to be planted, i.e., 1, 5 or 15 gal-
lon containers, the quantity of each and when Possible and
applicable, the spacing shall be shown. The plants should
be listed alphabetically and assigned key numbers to be
used in locating the plants on the plan.
Except as stated below, it shall be required that the plant
material include trees with a ground cover and shrubs be-
neath. Ground cover alone is not acceptable. A combination
of ground cover and shrubs are acceptable in places where
there is a problem of overhead space for trees; however,
wherever possible, trees are required. All plant material
shall be evergreen. Plants selected for the design will be
checked for suitability in regard to eventual size and
spread, susceptibility to diseases and pests, and adapta-
bility to existing soil and climatic conditions. A local
landscape architect or nurser~nan is a suitable source
for plant material information.
n. Ir.rigation - All landscaped areas shall be provided with
a permanent, below grade (except for sprinkler heads,)
irrigation system. All domestic water supply lines to which
irrigation systems are connected, shall when necessary be
protected by installation of atmospheric or pressure type
vacuum breakers. At least one hose bibb shall be located
each one hundred (100) lineal feet, starting with one hose
bibb at the front wall. Hose bibbs, wherever possible, shall
be located in planting beds. In no case shall hose bibbs
be located where they will interfere with pedestrian or
vehicular circulation.
o. Loading Requirements - On the same land therewith, every
building, structure, or part thereof, erected or occupied
for a permitted Zone C-l use involving the receipt or dis-
tribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise inci-
dental to carrying on such activity shall be provided with
sufficient space for standing, loading and unloading vehicles
to avoid cmdue interference with the public use of streets
and alley~;. Such s.pace shall be no less than ten (10) feet
by twenty.five (25) feet for every ten thousand (10,000) feet
of floor area or outdoor storage area with a fourteen (lL~)
foot mininlum height clearance, but shall not be a part of
any area required for use as off-street parking stalls.
p. Additions - structures which are Enlarged in area sr~ll
provide parking facilities per the standard Zone C-l
q. Changes in Use - ~fuenever the existing use of a struc-
ture or lot is changed to another use, parking facili-
ties shall be provided per standard Zone C-l requirements.
r. ~lixed Uses - In the event that two (2) or more uses
occupy the same building, lot or parcel of land, the
total requirements for off-street parking shall be
the sum of the requirements of the various uses com-
puted separately.
s. Com utation of Re uired Off-Street Parkin~ Spaces -
W en a rac ~ona gure s oun as a rema n er in
computations made to determine the amount of required
off-street parking, such fraction shall be construed
to be a whole number.
t. Accessory Structural Items - Towers, chimneys, spires,
gables, roof structures, etc. shall not exceed a height
of ten (10) feet above the roof of any building and
shall be adequately screened.
u. Storage - All permanent and temporary storage of ware
and merchandise crates, bottles, trash, garbage and
refuse shall be within the building.
v. Modifications - The Planning Commission shall reserve
the right wi thout necessity of further notice, to malce
minor modification of any of the foregoing conditions.
Underground Utilities,- All utilities on the site for direct
service to the use thereon shall be installed underground
except as otherwise approved by the Council by precise plan
of design. The owner or developer is responsible for com-
plying with the requirements of this Section and shull make
the necessary arrangements as required by the serving utility
companies for the installation of such facilities.
SECTION 2. That Section 3 of Resolution No. 3727 be amended
by adding a new part (E) to read as follows:
(E) Underground Utilities - All utilities on the site for direct
service to the use thereon shall be installed underground
except as otherwise approved by the Council by precise plan
of design. The owner or developer is responsible for com-
plying with the requirements of this Section and shall make
the necessary arrangements as required by the serving utility
companies for the installation of such facilities.
SECTION 3. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this
resolution and shall cause a copy of the same to be forwarded to the City
Council of the City of Arcadia.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was adopted at
a regular meeting of the City Planning Commission held on the 23rd day
of February,,1965, by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioners Ferguson, Golisch, Parker, Turner and Kuyper
NOES: None
ABSENT: Co~ssioners Hanson and Norton
~s/ W. E. KUYPER
. :
, ,
, ,
II. Design Factors:
~ f
Banks & Savings and Loan
Building Height, Bulk and Area - No building hereafter
erected shall exceed a height of t~e~torie~ or
thirty-five (35) feet,. ;I~U..+-"" ...:.. V...........-.. -(
Setbacks - Front Yards, None; Side Yards, None; Rear ~
Yards, Twenty (20) feet. ~
Signs - 1
a. Signs shall contain only such subject matter which
refers to the name of the establishment or to the
goods and services sold on the premises on which
the sign is located. _~
b. No one sign shall exceed an area of OR9 k~a
.f.;I.e6) square feet. ~.~. '\ ".s ..I........'f lot .'\. e....i....A"
c. T~~ ';'=~'i';" l:~~~!~ U~ "~/!,W:l' "'!.f'~ HU~ ;r,......ei ,( .
tilL ~.y-flv... (33) feet. ","-"'- &. .,..., I...~....- t.I'1".
d. The total a~a of signs on the property sh~ll not
exceed ".W ~!)square f.~t of sign area for each
lineal foot of property frontage ~ ,,-I.., <&-... ... ~f"',,' -
, .....1'J'....... ,...,~ -1''' c.. 10-,'1./1...
e. Billboards shall not be permitted..,. ... or..... ....... '~
Attraction boards shall not be permitted..... fA. ....~.t';I::i:;4J
Signs shall not be permitted on telephone or Edison I~.
Company poles or trees. "\ ~.... ( leJ
h. Signs shall not project more than b.,o1"<;r (l~) inches
over public right-of-ways.
i. For sale or lease signs shall not exceed four (4)
square feet.
j. Moving sign or signs with any moving parts shall
not be permitted and blinker, flashing, travelling
or moving lights or signs shall not be permitted.
k. Signs shall not cause any glare or reflection or
light on other property or buildings.
~. All signs which become non-conforming as a result
of adoption of these regulations shall be completely
removed from the premises within a three year period
from the effective date of these regulations.
Parking -
a. Area Parking Requirements - Not less than three (3)
square reet or or1~street parking area shall be
provided for each one (1) square foot of gross floor
area of building being. served. (Ratio-Parking to
G.F.A. - 3:1). Four hundred (400) square feet shall
be used as a design computational figure to determine
the number of parking spaces a lot area will facilitate.
The four hundred (400) square feet shall include
access drives, automobile spaces and incidental uses
such as landscaped areas and ~~useable corners.
b. Use Parking Requirements - That the following uses,
due to their unique traffic generation characteris-
tics, shall be excepted from the above requirement
and shall provide off-street parking on the following
use basis: :
1 space per each 200 sq. ft. of ~
floor area. t'
1 space per each 50 sq. ft. of
floor area.
1 space per each sleeping unit,
plus I space for each 3 employees
4 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. of
floor area
8 spaces per 1000 sq. ft. of
floor area.
To be determined by Planning
at time of plan preparation.
Restaurant and Bar Facilities
Offices (Professional &
Offices (Medical & Dental)
Public Buildings
. - .
Location of Off-Street Parking - The space for parking
racilities shall be located on the same lot or site,
or on a lot or site contiguous thereto, or within four
hundred (400) feet of the building or land use which
these facilities will serve. \~en the required off-
street parking facilities are provided on a separate
lot from the main building or land use, there shall be
recorded in the office of the County Recorder a covenant
to the effect that such owner or owners will continue
to maintain such parking space as long as said building
or land use is maintained.
Setbacks - Off-street parking facilities shall be per-
mitted in required rear yard providing that all other
parking requirements such as walls, landscaping, and
irrigation are complied with.
Dimensions for parking Stalls - Access Aisles - Drive-
ways -
STALL SIZE: Open and covered parking stalls shall be
not less than nine (9) feet wide and twenty (20) feet
long. '
AISLE WIDTH (0 - 450): Parking spaces laid at angles
through forty-five (45) degrees to the aisles or drive-
ways shall have a one-way aisle or driveway of not less
than sixteen (16) feet.
AISLE WIDTH (46 - 600): Parking spaces laid out at
angles from forty-six (46) degrees through sixty (60)
degrees to the aisle or driveway shall have a one way
aisle or driveway width of not less than twenty (20) feet.
AISLE WIDTH (61 - 900): Parking spaces laid out at
angles from sixty-one (61) degrees through ninety (90)
degrees to the aisle or driveway, shall have an aisle
or driveway width of not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
PARALLEL PARKING: Parallel parking shall have twelve
foot minimum aisles and ten (10) foot by twenty-four
(24) foot parking stall sizes.
Circulation - Parking areas having more than one aisle
or driveway shall have painted directional signs
provided in each aisle or driveway. Automobile park-
ing so arranged as to require the moving of any
vehicle on the premises in order to enter or leave
any other stall shall be prohibited. Automobile
parking so arranged as to require the backing of motor
vehicles onto a major or secondary highway shall be
paving - All parking areas shall be paved with a
concrete or asphaltic surface to specifications and
standards meeting the approval of the Department of
Public Works.
Drainage - Drainage of a parking area shall meet the
approval of the Department of Public Works. Drainage
into a street shall be by means of a conduit beneath
the parkway.
Marking of Spaces - Each parking space shall be clearly
marked with paint or other easily distinguishable
material. Either hairpin or single line marking will
\~eel Stops - Wheel stops shall be provided for all
required parking spaces and shall be constructed of
Wa~ls - Except for driveway and other entrances,
parking lots shall be properly enclosed with an or-
namental masonry wall as follows:
front, side, or rear on a street' which is a boundary
with a non-residential zone, there shall be a land-
scaped border not less than five (5) feet in width
, "
on the street side, and a solid masonry wall four
(4) feet in height shall be erected between the
landscaped area and the paved parking area.
A wall not less than four and one-half (4~) feet
in height shall be erected on all property lines
not abutting a street.
Communi ty off-,street parking lots shall be per-
mitted and the requirement for walls between separate
bUildings and uses disposed with provided that a
covenant in recordable form by its terms to be for
the benefit of, enforceable by, and to be released
only by the City, is executed by the owners of all
property affected thereby. The covenant shall state
that such Joint use of such off-street parking shall
be useable by the tenant and owners of the properties
proposed to be served by such parking area.
NOTE: Wall heights shall be measured from contiguous
properties and in no case shall such wall height be
more than six (6) inches above or below the pre-
scribed height "when measured from adJacent interior
parking lot paving.
ORNAMENTAL MASONRY WALL shall consist of the use of
solid wall materials, e.g. brick, stone, concrete,
slump stone, etc., but shall not mean cinder block,
fibre block or concrete block or similar such materials.
1. Lighting - Lighting shall be hooded and arranged to
reflect light away from adjoining properties and
streets. Light standards shall be a maximum of
ten (10) feet in height.
m. Landscaping - A minimum of two per cent of the in-
terior of every publiC parking area shall be land-
scaped with plant material and shall have a complete
irrigation system; shall be well maintained in per-
petuity and shall be reviewed annually by the Build-
ing Superintendent.
Required planting areas on the street side of walls
shall not be considered as part of the two per cent
interior landscaping.
Where a parking area abuts the buildings on the subJect
property, the border plantings adjacent to those build-
ings ,shall not be considered as part of the interior
In complying with the two per cent landscaping require-
ment, the'planting beds shall be distributed throughout
the entire parking area as evenly as possible.
Any plot plan showing the entire two per cent land-
scaping in one or two large planting beds, or concen-
trated on only one portion of the parking area is not
Any unused space resulting from the-deSign of the
parking spaces shall be used for planting purposes.
No planting area or island shall have an average
width of less than three (3) feet. The planting areas
or islands must be drawn to,scale and the plants within
clearly located and labeled. All planting areas or
islands shall be surrounded by a continuous raised
concrete curb.
To facilitate the plot plans, a plant list should be
preparGd giving the botanical and common names of the
plants to be used, the sizes to be planted, i.e.,
1, 5, or 15 gallon containers, the quantity of each
and when possible and applicable, the spaCing shall be
shown. The plants should be listed alphabetically and
assigned key numbers to be used in locating the plants
on the plan.
&~cept as stated below, it shall be required that
the plant material include trees with a ground cover
and shrubs beneath. Ground cover alone is not accept-
able. A combination of ground cover and shrubs are
acceptable in places where there is a problem of
overhead space for treesj however, wherever possible,
trees are required. All plant material shall be ever-
green. Plants selected for the design will be checked
for suitability in regard to eventual size and spread,
susceptibility to diseases and pests, and adaptability
to existing soil ~~d climatic conditions. A local
landscape architect or nurseryman is a suitable source
for plant material information. '
n. Irrigation - All landscaped areas shall be provided
with a permanent, below grade (except for sprinkler
heads,) irrigation system. All domestic water supply
lines to which irrigation systems are connected,
shall when necessary be protected by installation of
atmospheric or pressure type vacuum breakers. At
least one hose bibb shall be located each one hundred
(100) lineal feet, starting with one hose bibb at the
front wall. Hose bibbs, wherever possible, shall be
located in planting beds. In no case shall hose bibbs
be located where they will interfere with pedestrian
or vehicular circulation.
o. Loading Requirements - On the same land therewith,
every building, structure, or part thereof, erected
or occupied for a permitted Zone C-2 use involving
the receipt or distribution by vehicles of materials
or merchandise incidental to carrying on such activity
shall be provided with sufficient space for standing,
loading and unloading vehicles to avoid undue inter-
ference with the public use of streets and alleys.
Such space shall be no less than ten (10) feet by
twenty-five (25) feet for every ten thousand (10,000)
feet of floor area or outdoor storage area with a ,
fourteen (14) foot minimum height clearance, but shall
not be a part of any area required for use as off-street
parking stalls.
p. Additions - structures which are enlarged in area shall
provide parking facilities per the standard Zone C-2
q. Changes in Use - vmenever the existing use of a
structure or lot is changed to another use, parking
facilities shall be prOVided per standard Zone C-~
r. Mixed Uses - In the event that two (2) or more uses
occupy "he same building, lot or parcel of land, the
total requirements for off-street parking shall be
the sum of the requirements of the various uses com-
puted separately.
s. Computation of Required Off-Street Parking Spaces -
When a fractional figure is found as a remainder in
computations made to determine the amount of required
off-street parking, such fraction shall be construed
to be a whole number.
t. Accessory Structural Items - Towers, chimneys, spires,
gables, roof structures, etc. shall not exceed a height
of ten (10) feet above the roof of any building and
shall be adequately screened.
u. Storage - All permanent ~~d temporary storage of ware
and merchandise crates, bottles, trash, garbage and
refuse shall be within the building.
v. Modifications - The Planning Co~ssion shall reserve
the right without necessity of further notice, to make
minor modification of any of the foregoing conditions.
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