HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10d - Arcadia Transit Funds DATE: April 18, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Jason Kruckeberg, Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director By: Alana Bautista, Transportation Services Manager SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 7485 AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT – ARTICLE 4 CLAIM FORMS TO RECEIVE CAPITAL AND OPERATING FUNDS FOR ARCADIA TRANSIT CEQA: Not a Project Recommendation: Adopt SUMMARY Arcadia Transit is eligible to receive Transportation Development Act (“TDA”) – Article 4 funds. In order to receive TDA – Article 4 funds, the City of Arcadia is required to submit annual claim forms authorized by the City Council. Attached for City Council review and approval is Resolution No. 7485, authorizing the City Manager to submit claim forms for Fiscal Year 2022-23 TDA – Article 4 and State Transit Assistance (“STA”) funds in a total amount of $699,294. Once approved, the claim forms will be submitted to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) for processing. It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 7485 authorizing the submittal of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Transportation Development Act – Article 4 Claim Forms to receive capital and operating funds for Arcadia Transit in the amount of $699,294. BACKGROUND The California State Legislature adopted the Transportation Development Act – Article 4 (Senate Bill 325) in 1971 to generate revenue from retail sales tax and gasoline/diesel sales tax for public transportation projects. The funds are allocated by the Southern California Association of Governments (“SCAG”) via the Local Transportation Fund (“LTF”) and the STA programs based on area population and transit fare revenue generated by an agency’s local transit system. Metro serves as the regional planning agency for Los Angeles County and administers and processes the funds to each participating municipal transit operator. Local Transportation Fund (“LTF”) revenue is derived from one-fourth of one percent (0.25%) of the retail sales tax collected statewide for transportation planning and mass Resolution No. 7485 – FY 22-23 TDA – Article 4 Claim Forms April 18, 2023 Page 2 of 3 transit activity. The California State Board of Equalization returns the quarter cent to each County according to the amount of taxes collected in its jurisdiction. Eligible uses include public transit, program administration, transportation planning, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, special group transportation service, and rail passenger service. The City of Arcadia has been allocated $649,251 in LTF funds for Fiscal Year 2022-23 to operate Arcadia Transit. It is important to note that within this figure are funds that the City has exchanged from another funding source. The City receives annual allocations from the Federal Transit Administration (“FTA”) Section 5307 fund and uses this fund for capital improvements and outlay such as bus purchases. A portion of these funds were scheduled to lapse in Fiscal Year 2021-22; however, the City was able exchange the FTA Section 5307 funds with Metro’s Fiscal Year 2022-23 TDA – Article 4 funds. As a result, $226,180 of the total allocation of $649,251 is from this source. The State Transit Assistance (“STA”) fund was approved in 1980 as a secondary source of revenue for SB 325 and is dedicated to public transit operation and capital expenditures. STA revenue is generated from the statewide sales tax on gasoline and diesel fuels and is appropriated by the California State Controller’s Office to the regional Transportation Planning Agencies (i.e., Metro) for formula allocation. The formula is calculated based upon a 50/50 split between population count and operator revenues for the prior fiscal year. The City of Arcadia has been allocated $50,043 in Fiscal Year 2022- 23 in STA Funds for Arcadia Transit operations. DISCUSSION In order to receive TDA – Article 4 and STA funds, the City of Arcadia is required to submit claim forms authorized by the City Council. Resolution No. 7485 authorizes the City Manager to submit claim forms for Fiscal Year 2022-23 TDA – Article 4 and STA funds in a total amount of $699,294. Once approved, the claim forms will be submitted to Metro for processing. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed action does not constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), as it can be seen with certainty that it will have no impact on the environment. Thus, this matter is exempt under CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT The City of Arcadia will receive $649,251 in TDA – Article 4 Funds-LTF and $50,043 in STA Funds for Fiscal Year 2022-23 to operate Arcadia Transit. These funds are included in the projected revenues for this fiscal year and are used to successfully fund Arcadia Transit services. Resolution No. 7485 – FY 22-23 TDA – Article 4 Claim Forms April 18, 2023 Page 3 of 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council determine that the proposed action is not a project under CEQA; and adopt Resolution No. 7485 authorizing the submittal of the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Transportation Development Act – Article 4 Claim Forms to receive capital and operating funds for Arcadia Transit. Attachment No. 1: Resolution No. 7485 Attachment No. 2: Fiscal Year 2022-23 Transportation Development Act – Article 4 Claim Forms Attachment No. 1 Public Transportation System Claim CHECKLIST OF ITEMS FILED FISCAL YEAR: 2022-23 CLAIMANT: City of Arcadia DATE: April 18, 2023 The items checked below are enclosed in connection with the claim filed herein: x 1. Pages 1 and 2 for TDA and STA (See instructions for completing the form in the instruction package). x 2.Financial Statement (Table L-1) (A separate table must be completed for each mode. The table should be consistent with the table included in the SRTP.) x 3.Standard Assurances for Claimants x 4.Governing Body Authorization Submit a certified copy of a resolution or minute order. 5.Justification Statements 6.Proposed Commitment Statement(s) Complete when requesting long-term capital reserves. x 7.Employee Retirement System Certification Statement 8.Proof of Funding Obligation Submit tangible evidence of imminent need for capital reserve drawdowns. 9.Cooperative Agreement or Contract Submit copies if applicable x 10.TDA Reserves Held by County Auditor (Table 2) x 11.California Highway Patrol Certification (Pull Notice) Current within 13 months. Attachment No. 2 LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION CLAIM STANDARD ASSURANCES FOR APPLICANTS FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FUNDS (LTF) AND STATE TRANSIT ASSISTANCE FUNDS (STAF) Claimant: City of Arcadia Fiscal Year: 2022-23 PLEASE INITIAL ALL APPLICABLE PARAGRAPHS PURSUANT TO WHICH THE CLAIM IS BEING SUBMITTED. MTA TDA GUIDE SECTION Initial 1. CERTIFIED FISCAL AND COMPLIANCE AUDIT _____ Claimant certifies that it has submitted a 1.8.1 satisfactory, independent fiscal and compliance 1.8.3 audit, with required certification statement, to SCAG, MTA, and the Department of Transportation, pursuant to PUC Section 99245 and CAC Section 6664 for the prior fiscal year (project year minus two). Claimant assures that this audit requirement will be completed for the current fiscal year (project year minus one), and submitted to MTA no later than 120 days after the close of the fiscal year. 2. 90-DAY ANNUAL REPORT (STATE CONTROLLER'S REPORT) _____ Claimant certifies that it has submitted a State Controller's Report 1.8.2 in conformance with the Uniform System of Accounts and Records, 1.8.3 to SCAG, MTA, and the State Controller, pursuant to PUC Section 99243, for the prior year (project year minus two). Claimant assures that this report will be completed for the current fiscal year (project year minus one), and submitted no later than 90 days after the close of the fiscal year. 3. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES* _____ Claimant certifies that it is not precluded, by any contract entered 5.6.2b into on or after June 28, 1979, from employing part-time drivers or contracting with common carriers of persons operating under a franchise or license. Claimant further certifies that no person who was a full-time employee on June 28, 1979, shall have his or her employment, excluding overtime, reduced as a result of it employing part-time drivers or contracting with those common carriers. (PUC Section 99314.5c) STANDARD ASSURANCES FOR APPLICANTS Page 2. MTA TDA GUIDE SECTION Initial 4. FIFTY PERCENT EXPENDITURE LIMITATION Claimant filing a claim pursuant to PUC Section 99268.1 certifies 2.2.1 that it was in compliance with PUC Section 99268 during the 1978-79 fiscal year, and further certifies that it will remain in compliance with that section during the project year. 5. REVENUE RATIOS FOR OLDER OPERATORS Claimant filing a claim pursuant to PUC Section 99268.2 2.2.2 certifies that it will maintain for the project year that ratio of fare revenues and local support to operating cost which was maintained during the 1978-79 fiscal year, and further assures for the project year that it reasonably anticipates achieving the ratio of fare revenues to operating cost at least equal to the ratio maintained in FY 1978-79, or (a) 20 percent if serving an urbanized area, and (b) 10 percent if serving a nonurbanized area, whichever is greater. 6. REVENUE RATIOS FOR NEWER URBANIZED AREA OPERATORS Claimant filing a claim pursuant to PUC Section 99268.3 certifies 2.2.2 that it will maintain for the project year at least that ratio of fare revenues and local support to operating cost which was maintained during FY 1978-79 if that ratio was greater than 20 percent; claimant further assures, for the project year, that it reasonably anticipates achieving a ratio of fare revenues to operating cost equal to or greater than 20 percent for the project year. 7. REVENUE RATIOS FOR NEWER NON-URBANIZED AREA OPERATORS 2.2.2 Claimant filing a claim pursuant to PUC Section 99268.4 certifies that it will maintain for the project year at least that ratio of fare revenues and local support to operating cost which was maintained during FY 1978-79 if that ratio was greater than 10 percent; claimant further assures, for the project year, that it reasonably anticipates achieving a ratio of fare revenues to operating cost equal to or greater than 10 percent. 8a. REVENUE RATIOS FOR EXCLUSIVE SERVICES TO ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED 2.2.3 Claimant filing a claim pursuant to PUC Section 99268.5 certifies that, for the purpose of the claim, it provides services using vehicles for the exclusive use of elderly and handicapped persons. STANDARD ASSURANCES FOR APPLICANTS Page 3. MTA TDA GUIDE SECTION Initial 8b. REVENUE RATIOS FOR PARATRANSIT SERVICES _____ Claimant filing a claim pursuant to PUC Section 2.2.3 99275.5c (Article 4.5) further certifies that, for the project year, it reasonably anticipates achieving the performance criteria, local match requirements, or fare recovery ratios adopted by MTA. 9. EXTENSION OF SERVICE _____ Claimant that received an allocation of Local Transportation 1.8.4 Funds for an extension of service pursuant to PUC Section 99268.8 2.2.5 certifies that it will file a report of these services pursuant to CAC Section 6633.8b within 90 days after the close of the fiscal year in which that allocation was granted. 10. RETIREMENT SERVICE _____ Claimant filing a claim pursuant to PUC Section 99260 certifies 2.1.7 that: (a) the current cost of its retirement system is fully funded with respect to the officers and employees of its public transportation system; or (b) the operator is implementing a plan approved by the transportation planning agency which will fully fund the retirement system for such officers and employees within 40 years; or (c) the operator has a private pension plan which sets aside and invests, or on a current basis, funds sufficient to provide for the payment of future benefits, and which is fully compliant with the requirements stated in PUC Sections 99272 and 99273. 11a. USE OF FEDERAL FUNDS Claimant filing a claim for TDA funds for capital intensive projects 2.2.1 pursuant to PUC Sec. 99268.7 certifies that it has made every 2.2.8 effort to obtain federal funding for any project which is funded pursuant to PUC Sec. 99268.7. 11b. Claimant qualifying for funds pursuant to PUC Sec. 99268.1 and filing a claim for TDA funds in excess of the amount allowed 2.2.1d under PUC Sec. 99268 certifies that such funds are required in order to obtain maximum federal operating funds in the year such funds are claimed, pursuant to PUC Sec. 99267.5 and CAC Sec. 6633.1. STANDARD ASSURANCES FOR APPLICANTS Page 4. MTA TDA GUIDE SECTION Initial 12. CHP CERTIFICATION _____ Claimant filing a claim for Local Transportation Funds has included 2.2.9 in the claim a certification completed within the last 13 months by the California Highway Patrol indicating compliance with Vehicle Code Section 1808.1, indicating that the operator has participated in a "pull notice system" to examine driver's records, as specified in PUC Sec. 99251. 13. STA EFFICIENCY STANDARDS* _____ Beginning in FY 1992, claimant filing a claim for State Transit Assistance Funds for operating purposes certifies that it has met the efficiency standards which limit cost per hour increases, pursuant to PUC Sec. 99314.6. 14. REDUCED TRANSIT FARES _____ Claimants of TDA funds who offer reduced fares to senior citizens certify that: (a) The Federal Medicare Identification Card is sufficient identification to receive senior citizen reduced fares if such fares are available; and (b) A disabled person or disabled veteran identification card issued pursuant to subdivision (d) of Vehicle Code Sections 22511.5 or 22511.9 (whichever is applicable) is sufficient identification to receive disabled person reduced fares if such reduced fares are available. *STAP Claimants Only. City of Arcadia _________________________________________ Jason Kruckeberg, Assistant City Manager/ Development Services Director CLAIM FORM TDA CLAIM FORM LTF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - ARTICLE 4 CLAIMANT: City of Arcadia CONTACT PERSON: Alana Bautista TELEPHONE: (626) 574-5408 DATE: April 18, 2023 FISCAL YEAR: 2022-23 COUNTY STAFF: Los Angeles PAYMENT RECIPIENT: City of Arcadia ADDRESS: 240 W. Huntington Drive Post Office Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066-6021 ATTENTION: Jason Kruckeberg Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director PURPOSE REQUESTED PAYMENT AND RESERVES AMOUNT Article 4 1. Payment from FY 2023 Allocation - PUC 99260(a) Operations $ 649,251 2. Amount placed in Capital Reserve from current year allocation (Complete Table 2) $ 0 3. Total FY 2023 funding mark (1+2) $ 649,251 Authorized Signature: Jason Kruckeberg Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director CONDITION OF APPROVAL: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to funds being available and to the provisions that such monies will be used only in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth by this claim. CLAIM FORM STATE TRANSIT ASSISTANCE FUND Pursuant to Sections 6730-6735 of the California Administrative Code CLAIMANT: City of Arcadia CONTACT PERSON: Alana Bautista TELEPHONE: (626) 574-5408 DATE: April 18, 2023 FISCAL YEAR: 2022-23 COUNTY STAFF: Los Angeles PAYMENT RECIPIENT: City of Arcadia ADDRESS: 240 W. Huntington Drive Post Office Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066-6021 ATTENTION: Jason Kruckeberg Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director PURPOSE REQUESTED PAYMENT AND RESERVES AMOUNT ( ) CAC, Section 6730 (a) 1. Payment from Unallocated- Operations $ 50,043 ( ) CAC, Section 6730 (b) ( ) CAC, Section 6730 (c) 2. Amount placed in Capital ( ) CAC, Section 6731 (a) Reserve from current year ( ) CAC, Section 6731 (b) allocation (Complete Table 2) $__________________ ( ) CAC, Section 6731 (c) 3. SB1 SGR Funds (Complete Table 2) $__________________ 4. Total FY 2023 Fund Mark (1+2+3) $ 50,043 Authorized Signature: Jason Kruckeberg Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director CONDITION OF APPROVAL: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available and to the provisions that such monies will be used only in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth by this claim and SCAG Allocation Instructions. Table L-1 (A) HISTORICAL AND PROJECTED FINANCIAL STATUS SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF CAPITAL FUNDS BY YEAR OF EXPENDITURE ($ 000) SOURCE OF CAPITAL FUNDS: 2021 2022 2023 Audited Actual Planned FEDERAL CAPITAL GRANTS FTA Sec. 5309 (Sec. 3) FAU Grants FTA Sec. 5307(Sec. 9) $1,600 Other Federal (Assume 80/20 match) (Specify source) STATE CAPITAL GRANTS AND SUBVENTIONS TDA (ART 4) current from unallocated TDA from prior years reserves TDA (ART 8) STA current from unallocated STA from prior years reserve SB1 SGR Other State (Specify) LOCAL CAPITAL GRANTS System Generated General Fund Prop. A Local Return Prop. A Discretionary Carry Over Prop. C Discretionary Prop. C Local Return Prop. C 5% Security Measure R Clean Fuel Bus Capital Measure R 15% Local Return Prop 1B PTMISEA Bridge Funds Prop 1B Transit Security Bridge Funds Other Local (Specify): Measure M Local Return $400 TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUE $0 $0 $2,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES $0 $0 $2,000 Table L-1 (B) HISTORICAL AND PROJECTED FINANCIAL STATUS SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF OPERATING FUNDS BY YEAR OF EXPENDITURE ($ 000) SOURCE OF OPERATING FUNDS: 2021 2022 2023 Audited Actual Planned FEDERAL CASH GRANTS AND REIMBURSEMENTS FTA Sec. 5307 (Sec. 9) Operating $0 $0 $0 CMAQ (Operating) STATE CASH GRANTS AND REIMBURSEMENTS TDA Current from unallocated $308 $0 $450 STA Current from unallocated $56 $28 $50 Other State (Specify) LOCAL CASH GRANTS AND REIMBURSEMENTS Passenger Fares $4 $7 $5 Special Transit Service Charter Service Revenues Auxiliary Transportation Revenues Non-transportation Revenues Prop. A %40 Discretionary $238 $241 $224 Prop. A Incentive fund Prop. A Interest BSIP $22 $23 $24 TSE Base MOSIP $69 $69 $65 Prop. C %40 Discretionary Prop. C %5 Security $5 $7 $4 Foothill Mitigation $10 $12 $15 Measure M 20% - Bus Operations $116 $152 $178 Measure R 20% - Bus Operations $117 $153 $178 Other Local (Specify): Prop. A Local Return $476 $723 $1,011 Other Local (Specify): Measure R Local Return $317 $499 $674 Other Local (Specify): Overcharge Reimbursement $75 Other (Specify): 2020 Federal CARES Act $413 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $2,228 $1,914 $2,878 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $2,228 $1,914 $2,878 TABLE 2 TDA Total Capital Funds Reserved for Future Payment (Total A & B):$___________________ (A) ( B ) PROJECT ANTICIPATED ANTICIPATED DESCRIPTION EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE FY 2024 FUTURE YEARS TABLE 2(B) STA Total Capital Funds Reserved for Future Payment: $_________________________________ PROJECT ( A ) ( B ) ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURE DESCRIPTION EXPENDITURE FUTURE YEARS FY 2024