HomeMy WebLinkAboutLibrary Minutes: 03-16-23LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES
CALL TO ORDER — Chair Miriam Carter called the meeting to order at 4:31 p.m., in the
Conference Room of the Library.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Library Services Manager Smith
ROLL CALL: Chair Miriam Carter; Trustees Connie Liao, Elizabeth Renfrew, Carlton Seaver,
Alice Wang; Councilmember Eileen Wang (City Council Liaison); Director of
Library & Museum Services Darlene Bradley (Secretary); Library Services
Managers Samantha Alba, Pat Smith
REPORTS FROM LIBRARY TRUSTEES / LIAISONS: Trustee Renfrew updated the Board on
the Friends of the Library. The Friends have several fundraisers planned: a Panda Express
program on April 11, a Paint -Night event on April 20, and the annual spring half-price sale in the
bookstore from April 22 to April 29. City Council Liaison Councilmember Eileen Wang reported
that she will attend a statewide training program in Sacramento in April. She also reported on her
attendance at the President's recent visit to Monterey Park, as well as announced
Congresswoman Judy Chu's upcoming program honoring exceptional women of the San Gabriel
Valley. Trustee Liao reported that the ACA had a meeting to review and discuss their mission
statement and by-laws with the goal of broadening their appeal. Chair Carter discussed the
Assistance League's "Links to Learning" program, which provides books to second -grade
students in the Monrovia school district. Trustee Wang noted that the ACA discussed Adult
Service's suggestion that the ACA partner with the Library on this year's "Arcadia Eats" program.
Announcements / Statements / Future Agenda Items
Director's Update: Director Bradley reported on how Library administration is doing following
Office Coordinator Shelly Polifka's retirement: Administration staff is learning her tasks and trying
to cover all her duties. Interviews will be held the week of March 21. The new employee will be
starting from the ground floor meaning that there will be a new set point for Administration and
Library staff.
Monthly Statistical Report: February 2023: Director Bradley reviewed February's statistics with
the Board, observing that the gate count is up, as is circulation overall. Digital circulation is down,
but this is not surprising given that the Library has reopened, and customers have returned to
work. The Director also referenced a recent report showing that fourth and eighth graders are
reading at an all-time low. She stressed the Library's commitment to early literacy.
Monthly Report Narrative: February 2023: Chair Carter noted that Library staff had been
interviewing for many positions. Director Bradley reported that the RFID project is almost
complete: the Smart Chute should be up and running by next Board meeting.
Financial Report: February 2023: Spending is lagging in some categories because of staffing
shortages, the Director reported. The Board discussed the increase in natural gas spending as
Staff Update: Director Bradley updated the Board on the recruitment of the new Librarian for
Children's Services and for the Circulation Supervisor in Account Services. The former is going
through background and medical screening; the latter is being temporarily filled by Angelica
Marquez while a new recruitment is pending. Michele Krueper is now working in Cataloging and
Acquisitions, although she is still working part-time in Children's Services until her position is filled.
The new substitute librarians have begun their training. The Gilb Museum is recruiting for a new
Museum Education Coordinator and has hired two new substitutes. They've received a grant
which will fund two interns.
Policy Manual Updated Inserts: The Director explained that these had already been approved
and just needed to be added to the trustees' handbooks.
Staff Reports: Building Forward Grant: The Director reported that the staff reports were
presented to the City Council and approved at a recent meeting. This step was necessary before
the grant funding could proceed. The Board discussed the need for, and issues raised by, family
Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage: As noted above, the Museum Education Coordinator
submitted her resignation and a recruitment to fill her position is ongoing.
Calendar of Activities for Children's Services: April 2023: Trustee Seaver was impressed by
how much Children's Services is doing. He asked if children stopped using the Library as they
grew older. The Director responded that with the new Teen Librarian and the new Children's
Librarian, who specializes in middle -school students, the Library has a better chance of retaining
children's interest.
Calendar of activities for Adult and Teen Services: April 2023: The Director promoted the
upcoming Fast Fashion event and the Board discussed "The Movies You Missed" program.
Flyers/Articles/Posters/Attachments: The Board discussed the Teen Tech Week program,
which will offer a workshop on 3D printing. Library Services Manager Alba explained how the
Library's 3D printing program works and showed samples of customers' projects. Director Bradley
promoted the upcoming Classical Kaleidoscope Concert and invited the Board to attend.
a. Approve the Regular Meetinq Minutes of February 16 2023
Recommended action: Approve.
The motion to accept the Minutes of February 16, 2023, as written, was moved by Trustee
Renfrew, seconded by Trustee Wang, and carried on a unanimous voice vote.
AYES: Chair Carter, Trustees Liao, Renfrew, Seaver, and Wang
NOES: None
Chair Carter adjourned the meeting at 5:52 p.m., to April 20, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. in the Conference
Room of the Library, 20 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia.
Miriam Carter, Chair
Darlene Bradley, Secretary
Minutes prepared by: Pat Smith