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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1479 \ .. &. .' RESOLUTION 1479 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING CONDmONAL USE PERMIT 91-018 FOR A SCHOOL FOR JAPANESE STUDENTS AT 1135 W. HUNTINGTON DRIVE. WHEREAS, on November 4, 1991, an application was filed by Nobuhito Suzuki for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a school offering consultation and seminars to Japanese students, Planning Department Case No. C.U.P. 91-018, on property commonly known as the Hughes Market/El Rancho Shopping Center at 1135 Huntington Drive, more particularly described as follows: Portion 2 of a Subdivision of Lots 3 and 4 of Tract 14846 in the City of Arcadia, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per Map recorded in Book 314, Pages 8 and 9 of Maps, in the office of said County Recorder, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on December 10, 1991, at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the factual data submitted by the Planning Department in the attached report is true and correct. Section 2. This Commission finds: 1. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. 2. That the use applied for at the location indicated is a proper use for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. 3. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use. All yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping and other features are adequate to adjust said use with the land and Uses in the neighborhood. 4. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. 1 . . . 5. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. 6. That the use applied for will not have a substantial adverse impact on the en vironmen t. Section 3. That for the foregoing reasons this Commission grants a Conditional Use Permit for a school for Japanese students upon the following conditions: 1. That fire safety shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Arcadia Fire Department. 2. That parents dropping students off should park in designated parking stalls only. There shall be no parking along side curbs or in driveways that will block the flow of traffic into and out of the retail center. 3. That the classes shall be limited to a maximum number of 15 students on weekdays (Monday thru Friday) and 25 students on weekends (Saturday and Sunday). No more students than the set maximum number of students shall be on the premises at anyone time. 4. That c.u.P. 91-018 shall not take effect until the owner and applicant have executed a form available at the Planning Department indicating awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval. 5. Noncompliance with the provisions and conditions of this Conditional Use Permit shall constitute grounds for its immediate suspension or revocation. Section 4. The decision, findings and conditions contained in this Resolution reflect the Commission's action of December 10, 1991 and the following vote: A YES: Commissioners Amato, Daggett, Szany, Clark NOES: None ABSENT: Hedlund 2 1479 / . . . Section 5. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall cause a copy to be forwarded to the City Council of the City of Arcadia. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 14th day of January, 1992 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Commissioners, Amato" Daggett, Hedlund, Szany, Clark None None IMkAMj;~ Secretary, Planning Commission City of Arcadia ChaIrman, Planning Commission City of Arcadia 3 1479 . December 10, 1991 TO: FROM: CASE NO.: ARCADIA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT WILLIAM E. STOKES, ASSISTANT PLANNER C.U.P.91-018 GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: LOCATION: Nobuhito Suzuki for IKUEI SEMINAR HUGHES MARKET / EL RANCHO SHOPPING CENTER 1135 W. Huntington Dr. A Conditional Use Permit to operate a school for Japanese students, offering consultation and seminars for students returning to Japan. . EXISTING LAND USE & ZONING REQUEST: The site is currently developed with a retail shopping center and is zoned C-2. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING North: South: East: West: Vons Headquarters; Zoned C-2 Huntington Drive Professional Office uses; Zoned C-O. Professional Office uses; Zoned C-O. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Commercial PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to operate a school/seminar for Japanese students. The school will be utilizing approximately 3,093 square feet of office space on the second floor of the EI Rancho Center. . C.u.P.91-018 December 10, 1991 Page 1 . . . The Japanese school will be conducting consultation and seminars for young students returning to Japan. The students attending the Japanese school will be between the ages of 12 and 18 years old. The hours of operation will be from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm Monday through Friday and 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. The number of students in attendance will be fifteen on weekdays and twenty five on weekends, with the total number of clients not to exceed thirty in anyone day. Each individual seminar will have three to five students, although there could be an average of as many as 12 students. A Conditional Use Permit is required for the proposed project as per Section 9275.1.35. of the Municipal Code for the operation of schools. PARKING On-site parking is located in the front and to the rear of the subject building. Based upon staffs total count, there are 147 on-site parking spaces existing on the retail side of the shopping center. There are additional parking spaces located on the other side of the lot for the Hughes EI Rancho Supermarket. The Vons corporate parking structure can be used, if needed, in addition to the other parking areas on the lot. The retail center has six tenants currently in operation on site: Sanwa Bank Arcadia Travel Perfect Nails Cleaners 1st Post Ltd. EI Rancho Pharmacy The daily operation of these businesses at the retail project do not result in a great demand for parking, The tenants listed are all on the ground floor and only two other spaces remain unleased. There was no evidence of any other uses occupying the second floor at this time. ANALYSIS Because the request for the school proposes a minimal number of students, staff does not feel that the flow of traffic into and out of the site will be significantly affected. Upon several site inspections, there appears to be adequate parking and no congestion exists with the six tenants currently operating. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the Planning Department has prepared an initial study for the proposed project. Said initial study did not disclose any substantial or potentially substantial adverse change in any of the physical conditions within the area affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise and objects of historical or aesthetic significance. When considering the record as a whole, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have any potential for adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon C.U.P.91-018 December 10, 1991 Page 2 . . . which the wildlife depends. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends approval of C.U.P. 91-018 subject to the following conditions: 1. Parents dropping students off should park in designated parking areas only. There shall be no parking along side curbs or in the driveways that will block traffic flow into and out of the retail center. 2. The number of students should be limited to no more than twelve (12) students at anyone time. 3. Fire safety shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Fire Department regarding occupancies. exits and seating plans for the students, as defined and stated in the attached memo. 4. That c.u.P. 91-018 shall not take effect until the owner and applicant have executed a form available at the Planning Department indicating awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval. 5. Noncompliance with the provisions and conditions of this Conditional Use permit shall constitute grounds for the immediate suspension or revocation of said Permit. FINDINGS AND MOTIONS Approval If the Planning Commission intends to take action to approve this project, the Commission should move to approve and file the Negative Declaration and find that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and direct staff to prepare the appropriate resolution incorporating the specific findings and conditions of approval set forth in the staff report (or as modified by the Commission). Denial If the Planning Commission intends to take action to deny this project, the Commission should move to deny and direct staff to prepare an appropriate resolution incorporating the Commission's decision and findings in support of that decision. C.U.P.91-018 December 10, 1991 Page 3 -L-J c.c."o..". '~'O , () ......, \...- 0 /" ,) 0 0 0 C- O 0 0 () : , 0 . , 0 R-I, 10,0000 0 0 0 0 \} ,. 0 ~ <) C ~ i ~ ....t- ~I , 0 C-o; ~ j . ... I . .. . . . .. - , . . I .. . - ~ \. , --1... -J.- , "VN,.'NO"ON 1/ ,W' " '.. -. .. . I , (i) I I .. , R<5 , ~ ~ . I ~ el .. -- ~ VONS H~AOr;:>uA~Te.~..5 PARKING STRUCTURE c-z ---- 12~-rA I t- to OFF Ie&. HVe.H&S/e:J..RANCHO supr.~N\A1I.K"E. 1" . r I :i LAOO~ ~~[E ~~~ ~~OO~~I CUP , I ยท 0' 8 ~""hn 1- - 200' . '\ r N <.J ~ - .~ . . . File No. cUP 91-018 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACI' ~ATIVE ~O-ARATIQN CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA A. Description of project: A conditional use permit for a school for Japenese students. B. Location of project: 1135 w. Huntington C Name of applicant or sponsor: Nobuhito Suzuki., dba: Ikuei Seminar Il Finding: This project will have no significant effect upon the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 for the reasons set forth in the attached Initial Study. E. Mitigation measures, if any, included in the project to avoid potentially significant effects: /' R(/-, J ' Date: .~ ',;{" /, ~. {" ~-~~( Signature Date Posted: 4<9~j..-r71 Title ?;;,,_ Y7 ne~r File No. r.IlP 91-018 . ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proponent Nobuhito Suzuki, dba: lkuei Seminar 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent 4400 MacArtur Blvd., #770 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 756-8585 B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Explanations of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets.) !!! MYB!: ~ !!! !!tA1'81: d I. !!!.t!!. Will the ptopOllaJ. r".ult 1", !; he Sllbnut1al ntdlJet:l.on 1n tho UIOunt: of .,ater ownlle ava11.1lbh e. Ull.t:~h .arth condit.lons or in tor PUblic "'ater auwllej7 lIh_'l" 1n 9.oIQq~C1 aubatrul:t.urCl.t /' 1. _ Expo_IU,. of paaple or ~ptIrty ~cs;:~~~~e;:r~~.:~:' .~ to ",.ter nlated hau,ed. auob .. -;; tloodJ.n97 c. Cll.IltIV8 lrI tOpOllJrephy Or 9l'Clund .. Plant uta, Will the P!'el>ClI.l reauIt "" aurt.cll rauot t..tlU;'..' ,/ ., Chanqe in the diverslty of apect.., / d. 'l'1uI 4enructioll. cover1nq or ell' nUlllhu of u)' apeel.. of plant..- ~l11c~Ulln of &lIY uniqUll 90010910; (1.nclullli1l9 tr.... .nrut... 'i1'..8. <lrQp.. orphyaic.l "."'_.7 - aicroflon. OlliS aqUAtic pluU)? . e. My Uler.... In Wind Or .,.ter / b. !\eduction of tn. nllillbuII of any ./" Ol'ClI101l of aOJ.1I. .UhO'.r (In o.r off un1qCi., .rant o.r e.nllol",enIlCS Ipoein tllodt.? :z of pluu1 t. Chlln'1o' in IUUU(Jll. ohIposiUcm 0, ~nt.rc;oductMm of n... .pe.,i.. of J' O&" U'Olion ..hieh 1114;1 IIlDdUy ne pluu inUl oUt ..reO', O&" n.ult in . ell..nn.l of . &"1Vo&" o&" aUeil.1ll. b4.rrb&" t.o tha nO&" .r<Iplenlahment / of ~x1atlnq 'pIll:!.'? " Il>q:lQllan of peoplo or p&"Operty to' 'loolOQl.c ".....rel. .ue" 'iii _.rtl'lqlUlkos, ,. MUlal!.if.. \f.1llth.p.&" 14ndlUd.., :Ilud.hd", q&"cund t.lhno, In. 01" '''!Iibr h..&Atd.? lfUl thlt propoeal reluh uu , .., Cbilll\lle in the divudty ot .ped... ), M!. /, or n\llllbl!n of .ny .Ptlcioe of an1meLe ~. .. SUl;J,UntlAl.1.t """"urdOllt or ~;~4~ l:::l~ii:;;~ ~:~U:l:~;:f:;;~' duariontlonot ....i.nt..1rq>ulUty? ilUlec~ o.r lllief1:ltauna)? b. 'I'M ero.uon at I .. hdll.ct.1on Of thO' nUmbon ot any / odon? / ~1~L;..i:;:. o.r sndangered spedq .JI c. ,ute.rst1otlot a1J:_mqnt, _tltur. 0,. t.-p.,, 01' any c. IntroductiOn of ,.,.", ,peei.. of .;II'nq. 111 cUlI4to, tithor l00:::o11y 11f11lIl.all into 4ft ana, or r'Olutt in or l:oq1on.dly? . barr:!..r to en. mi9ution or _.. V Mnt of iI.flj.qla? ,. loIate.r. Will thO' ptQpolal .reeultin. J Z .. o.te~1or.tlon to e:d.eUn!f "HdUt. .. Cb4n.... tn CIlI'nnU O~ tile lUIurs. habitaU DC llinction ot "ater l!IO_nc.'1.n' :/ 6, HOllO. WU1 the prQpc;ll.1 r..utt In. ~ b. Charll:l.' 1n .-btorpuon rat... .. in olliltlnll noie. 1<11".1.? dra1fl<llq<ll p8tte~t. or the rete and AlIlOunt at: eu.rf<ll';" ..ato.r .r\U\oU? ~i,~f:? of pooplO' to O'IIVO" d. ''-It.'UtlOU to tn. eo~ or / flcN ot tlood wlllter" ::,t Y. ~~!Q~~~l~:nt :l;lA~?PftJPO"l ;; d. c:tum~o in t:lIe &IlIOunt of .1iU"ta~ L , ....t..r 1.. ."Y "."01' body? .. t.and Use. WIll the pl'OpO..l lI:.tlllt 1n ~t1alelt.retloDof"t.h. ~ .. 011ehe~ge tnto Iu.rtaee, OJ: pr.sent OJ: pl&nnad land ue of an ar." In any alteratien or aurfaee ~"ur qu.dlty. 1!lc1u4tn9 bot not 11aitlt4' to ,. Nlltu.r.l "11l\U'eu. W111 w propoael t8fllPl\.ratUt'e. 41.eoblt4 llllygen or :d. rU111tlnr turbid.ity? ~/ ./ .. lnc.r..... in the r.t. of u. of ~, .. Alt.r.tlCn ot the dlu,c:tion 01' l'Ieturall"ftOU&'oQ? retll at UQW of ",:round "'eten? b. llubetanthl, d~htl.on Qf any , q. chao.;. in tha '1UAOtJty of 9'l'Oun" ,/ nonrenewable nO'tln.l n.oi1rl;e? -,,/ 1t4tO&"lt. olther th~u"b d.iract odIlI~tlone 01' \Itthilr4\1.1.. or throur,lt 1.lIterc.lpt1on ot aliI' ~ll.1t.r Dy.;NU or G.XeI.vationt? . -1- ... . . 11. U. U. IUd, ..t \.lPS"t. tlcMfll tile propos..! la...QI...... ... e\.U 4t .fA "'f:9.1Ju.~ 'Q.t lO11.. nlla"'." nt h..urdCNI ItlblItuCel lirll:::h'IUnq. b"t no~ United te. 01.1. puUc:td.4ll, c:hellllc,,-h Of ""'dhuGIlI to ~hll .,vent ol 4n acc:J,dlnt or uplat COndition" I'couU.Ucn. NUl the PtCliO"! alter till! ~~lIt1Oft. .ulttUNUClIl,' GIIt.Il,ity. or qrOo/en rata ot ebe IIU111lln popula- thlll of olin ......1 nO~1S1~'i. \1'111 ttle prClpo;q,d GUea. OIC lit n.., hOLl.tni. or .. ISImand toZ' IIdditiOrlal hClUlinq1 ~n:~~~~:~o~~;~~~U~~;lan. Wl.11 01. (l.I1CU'.U.on or ,ub.auntt.l ad4i- tldrll..l'/eM;:\ILar~vIlIllOM1 b. "tteats on ":lItsUn., parlt.ln9 rac1Ut.... or dlUlartd for new parking? c. 'ubaUllt1.&l .l.ll1plltlt upon<; 'trlluportnlon lIy.t_} _.... . ~( c:Z~~:U:.o;~J~::~~ ~~t=. .nd/lll" 'Clod,? G. AltICllU.OIUI to WIlt;ltbQl;lIa, r.-11 Of ,h tufhe1 t. tnCll'll'" '" trotHe luau" c.tI II>OtOI: vehlel.., bio:yc11lU Ol' p"40.trhn.? U. Public Bervl,.... W:lll the prOflOtlal have .-n 'U:.I:t. upo", 01: .....ult UI . Mild fo:r n_ 0.; &1.t;uri 'JoftnDllllnt;lll luvice. 1Ii anY at dlo fallowing '1'."1 .. ,1e.. protac:t1oa7 b. poUt>> p..-otecuon7 0. $0::1001117 . 4. l'arlul or otb.e ClIc:r;..Uon.oIl e.IIUIUa" .. l&llintUll.nae of ,P\!DUO f.oUi. U... Inc1ud1l\f ~~7 !. Qtller ",oY't!m_Ittal ..rvlc.s'), 15. tn"r-:nt. Will the prgpoad raalJlt .. trill o.f ll~unt~l _lUlU ot t_l Q$" O'ntlf'lJy7 b. 1;1Ib.unthl tnerOda in4el!l41W \!POn QxilUny lour<:lI. ot anfln;y. or II'QqllLlIl tM dov1l10f'lll"'nt gf n.... :lIO\Iraea at 'Ilnorgy7 l6, ~tUit1IJ~. 1<1111 tho propg,~l re,1l1t n <I. "cO for rUl10t .yat4llll1,' cr ~llbllt.lnth1 ,dt.ntlo", to the t",l1(N~ Ln<} udUd"l <I.. Power (IT ll08t\lUt '1"'.7 1'1, -:=l'Ilc4tlolUl .Ylt0l517 o. Wi1t~t" d. S_oJrar l\,;,ptiat<\na7 II. Dt.,;j~"'''tcJ: .!ra~.\l.1 ,. $oU15 ""'!It.. ane!. dlspo."l1 1:, ~1<Jm"1 ll...Ir.tI. Wl.U tM ,pr.:rpoe"l ~II'IU~ ii'll ". Ct,UIUall ot .>.ny !loalth "'lIur" or pot<enthl ~o.Hh hu.t'd (cox<:'tIl41r1!1 IUnt:ltl hllAlthl1 b. AGlQ'Utd ot p..oplo t(I pClUnuaJ. h....l~l'l ba%4r:dS? Date /1 / / / . m ~ _NO L / /' / -;/ ~ ~, ~ 4.' ~ :/ J It, ~ ~ ,/ -J 11. !!!!.!:!:m!~ A.sth.tlcs. Will tJlo p~pos.l n.u.1t. 1.:n. u.. ol:I.l:nll:"d_on 01 any ec:onlC1 yiat... Ol" vl_ open b), the public, Or" vill the pt'CIpo..l r"".ult 11'1 the CTtlet..lon of an Qtt.nt.lve site 'tIpI'n to public y.i._l Ihlct'll.don. wiU tJle propoael N.ult 11'1 en Unpa;et upon the qll.Uty or quandt'( at axbu,n<a rftcr..clQ~l QppclrtlUl1.ti..... ~~=;r;::~~i~~a~~":~ter~~:;'" t~~ . lIlqnlHe.M at'dleCllcc11cal 1'1" hler.arill'a1 lite, atrUCtlu'o, libjorl Ot' building? :/ ./ ,/ tf. >0, u. Malld",tcnv l"ind1n;1 Clf Sl'l'1l1Hc..ntw. II. tlvlIlI!;IM! pro ec:r n&\'ol t.he ttlo dOllt'4dol th" quaUCI' aC the enV!ton.:nant. sllbat4nd411y t'cdUClo tho h&blUt at . nah or 10tildlHe .peel.., caUIO ;I flah Or ..1-1411fo po;luhtJ.on to drop beloW ..1f-....tdning UYdl.. thre.cOlI to all._mlnet..p1Alltorenll1lel~l\tl:y. uduclIl the IUlolllb.... 0' t'tlStr1et tho nn'llllt of a r4te or' ..r\dengoret:l pldl\t or o.t eU.1IIinatCl l"POrt4nt_ Clllllllpl.. 0' the _lar pOct'ioda at CdUarn.i&,-hutory Ot pr..hLstary1 b. DoQ .tJla man t.h.. pDt.nual to 4cbioye I\ho~t~ta~, to th-e dhadYenea.... ot lOll'l-tem cllvlroll_t.;el VOdD7 (A ahQrt-tet'lll Il1lpaC't GA tha envlrona.aot u en.. whiehoeeurs In;l rel..ctvoly b:rbt, detiniti.... pcIdod of tl_ 10thUe lon9-".'"" 1.llIpacn "UI .ndlJ,", "'.11 into 1:b.Cuture.1 c,, Don 1:be P:rCJ10t:'t h4ft Lwp,.an wuell are lndlvld\la:UV UmJ.te4, 1l000t cl\lllllletiVlllly eondO<Jt'abl.' l^ lIlaY u.p.Clt-on t'W(l Ot IlCt'O ..parate t'e~_ whor.. the impace on ..cll "~u.n:e 18, .....Utiv.ty 11_1.1, but. 1Othll'. th. .thce ol th.. total Of t.;hCl.. tmp.cta 0.11. tlle .nviroNl\ent ta algnUie&nt.1 4. Do-. tha P"'l.e:t t\.a':l'& e!'lvi.t_M,a1 eUae:u which will e4US.. allb.tend.1 adVerse aUu:UI 0'1'1 1'1_ bl!lin",.. .h,haJ: directly or Indlree~Y? / .J ;/ / C. DlSCUSSl.OX Or.DtV1f.(RtlWnJ.L ~VJ.W.Jio'UOU D. OUE.NU.N~..rtOO lto bG cCIIlIplflt..d by the t.e.a.t "'Jel\ey\ On the bu1s ot 1n1t141 lPYal".tionl ~_ Hnd thO propcl4.d pt'oj.c:t COtfl.D 'lOT h'va. dqniUc..nt tteet on the eny!rOMllUlt. and a ,~stATtV8 OE:C1.AAATJON "ill 1M prepau4. CJlu.ndthatalthau<Jhth"p~.dptej.l:t(leul( .irplU!cant att"e:t on the ."Yl~l!Iant, the..... wiU not b'll a dqnit1e:ant in t.hJ.a c... bee'lIl1s the tIliU'3l1t:l.on ....ute. 9111:t'ibed on 4ft lItt;lehe4 .hlllet have b..n .clded to die project. ^ NJ:GATIVE DECt.AMTIOlf WUolo " PREP#lUIl. o I find thD p",lle.s projltCt AA\' hava . .19flltic:ant .Hoet on t!ul e.nvLrQtU\!lll.nt.. &r1.l1' Ill'" QlVtIll:lllIUIt'tM. lKPACt m::t''01l.'\' lS rClqIl1t'.d. /0i' c'~L(J ;;J;J ';(,~ -':' U' (Signature) -2- . . A. C D. E. . F. G. H. FILE NO. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMA nON FORM cv/,y/-o/Y B. vprl Applicant's Name: J:: \c;..v c. L Se,w.',"'ctor /. <;; ,',s("(<\ . 7.,\2/1 C''f ') Address: 4.'-100 l'Y\ t::i.c:.~,..4.vr J)\vJ.., .$",: k_::tl~-#.J"'. E. ~,C12..G:U7 Property Address (Location): 1\1S"' L.1 ~l.M... ~"}~^' ~r. ~""'A~\t.. z.- , General Plan Designation: (;re-Vje-,.l. I Cd>'Y'>n"'e.....""..... I Zone Classification: C-2 Proposed Use (State exactly what use is intended for the property,. i.e., type, activities, employment): r nn.""u\~ A...J..."'JLr\ ~". 7:St>(l-........s.... S~k r.t4vr,,/"j -k.:t.~.... ~ ......,.L, \'2.. +0 11tI.'1........\ . l"r\......:...".... "...~ 41'- ....~ a...~ D"c.. J.:....L 1o.J~~, ~ Ir <I)" .,).;.;k..J....t~ o.d '2S" "....l.oI"..A,.-L \;'Y. ",..LJ..-_ 0' G\1iJ.M.,H ~..... "f\L ""\A., laIi", 1\1t~ e."e~-~ ~o<V-'~fI\6Joo s,:..,,,,,, \t ~:""L.~ h..~ ~..~ ~"'-~ 1'2... 4-t..~. \J:U ~~ Iw\Dl'\-~I, 12.:tlODJooo.-lOmAw ~}-'1lD11''''''- ~k. Square Footage of Site: ~r_(-....H.," t:w.. Square Footage of Existing Buildings: 1. To Remain: (,0 1000 So.. C( .J-l. 2. To Be Removed: wI'(::I. Square Footage of New Buildings: N"'A 1. Square Footage of Buildings to be Used for: 1. Commercial Activities: ~() lee 0 :s.y_~. . 2. 3. tJ/'A l\l/~ Industrial Activities: Residential Activities: Number of Units: 1\1 I J:o.- Environmental Information Form - I - . . . 1. Describe the following: 1. The environmental setting it exists. 1-'1~Jl,.' of the project site as J'\ ^/ _f::- lit. ~ \ ~ ~ ~ _ ",. 't~..,a S::.~., ~ -IlL /,. s.~ ".L.l &~ k-~ ~l. ~P;"I.& ~ ......L.P...,- o 2. The proposed alterations to the ~ 0 ..l.~ -ok. ~ (.J-~~ u,S.L. 1I'-~...1J..~_ ~ project site. 0;:; ih..- c--.c. 3. The use and development of the surrounding properties. ~l'1 ).A..L fI"'..L '/V.-411'1~H'lU... ,^.4~t..L...- MHJ. i-/... ':), -eO., '- ~~t:..6 \at, / 't.li4 ( , I h.P-iL-k.J~ 'blc.... Environmental Information Form -2- K ^ . 5. Check the appropriate, answers to the following questions: ~ NQ I. Will the proposed project result in a substantial alteration of ground contours and/or alteration of exiting drainage pattern? ...0 2. Will the proposed project result in a change In groundwater quality and/or quantity? toO 3. Will the proposed project result in an increase in noise, vibration, dust, dirt, smoke, fumes, odor or solid waste? i-JO 4. Will the proposed project result in the use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? joo!\O Will the proposed project result in a substantial increase in, demand for municipal services and/or energy consumption? -~ Explain in detail any "YES" answers to the above 'questions on additional sheets. eL. Provide any additional information which would elaborate on the potential environmental consequences resultant from the proposed project. M. Certification: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: t';;i/ <! /99/ .e ~. (~;;Iir~ Signature of Appli ant - Environmental Information Form -3 -