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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1422 . . e e RESOLUTION 1422 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CAUFORNIA GRANTING CONDmONAL USE PERMIT 89-015 TO CONSTRUCT A 9,200 SQUARE FOOT RESTAURANT WITH PARKING MODIFICA- TIONS AT 430 EAST HUNTINGTON DRIVE (ARCADIA GATEWAY CENTRE) AND AMENDING RESOLUTION 1397 TO ALLOW ONLY TWO EATING ESTABLISHMENTS WITH A MAXIMUM SEATING FOR 12 PERSONS EACH IN THE RETAIL BUILDING AT 300 EAST HUNTINGTON DRIVE WHEREAS, on September 1, 1989 an application was filed by Arcadia Gateway Centre Associates, to construct a 9,200 square foot restaurant, Planning Department Case No. C.U.P. 89-015 at 430 East Huntington Drive, more particularly described in attached Exhibit A. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on September 26, 1989, at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence; NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the factual data submitted by the Planning Department in the attached report is true and correct. Section 2. This Commission finds: 1. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. 2. That the use applied for at the location indicated is a proper use for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. 3. That although there is concern regarding the total number of parking spaces and their location, and the actual parking demands which will be generated by the eventual uses, it was felt that the proposed restaurant would be an acceptable addition to the project provided that any parking problems which may arise, will be mitigated as per the conditions set forth below. 4. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. -1- 1422 . . e e 6. That the use applied for will not have a substantial adverse impact on the environment. Section 3. That for the foregoing reasons this Commission approves a Conditional Use Permit to construct a 9,200 sq. ft. restaurant upon the following conditions: 1. Thatthe gross floor area of the restaurant shall not exceed 9,200 sq. ft. 2. That the 7,208 sq. ft. of office uses which are proposed to be located within the retail building (300 East Huntington Drive), shall not be converted at a later date to retail or other uses which have a greater parking requirement. 3. That Resolution No. 1397, approving Conditional Use Permit 88-028, is amended to allow a lYlR"';lYlUD1 of two eating establishments located within the retail building (300 East Huntington Drive), and that the seating within each establishment shall not exceed 12 persons. 4. That the architectural design review of the proposed restaurant shall be subject to the review and approval of the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency. 5. That a 5% parking space vacancy requirement shall be maintained within the area north of the office buildings, retail building and/or within 200 feet of the restaurant pads (see attached map), on weekdays between the time the restaurant approved by this conditional use permit is opened and 4 p.m. The Planning Department shall make periodic surveys to determine if the 5% vacancy rate is maintained. !fit is determined by the P]Rnn;ng Department that the 5% vacancy rate is not maintained, the Planning Department shall notify the property owner(s). The property owner(s) shall be required to: a. Implement parking management techniques which will bring the vacancy rate back to at least 5%, within 15 days of the receipt of said notice; and b. File a written report with the Planning Department setting forth the specific parking management techniques which will be implemented within 15 days of the receipt of said notice. 6. That 4,000 square feet of net leasable floor area within the four story office building (440 East Huntington Drive), shall not be leased or rented until approval is secured from the Planning Department following the preparation of a parking study (submitted by the property owner) which demonstrates that the occupancy of said building area will not result in traffic and/or parking deficiencies. -2- 1422 1 , t . - , building (440 East Huntington Drive) and of the retail building (300 East Huntington Drive) are occupied. 7. That c.u.P. 89-015 shall not take effect until the owner and applicant have executed a form available at the Planning Department indicating awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval. 8. Noncompliance with the provisions and conditions of this Conditional Use permit shall constitute grounds for the immediate suspension or revocation of said Permit. Section 4. The decision, findings and conditions contained in this Resolution reflect the Commission's action of August 8,1989 and the following vote: A YES: Commissioners Amato, Oark, Szany NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Hedlund ABSENT: Commissioner Papay Section S. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall cause a copy to be forwarded to the City Council of the City of Arcadia. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 10th day of October, 1989 by the following vote: . AYES: -\-\ 'CODllllissior.>ers Amato, Hedlund, Szany, Clark NOES: :-'; None _",i=.' e.,., ~~ anning Commission City of Arcadia ABSENT: ATTEST: ItJfJ)AUultuhAd Secretary, Planning Commission City of Arcadia , -3- 1422 . . . e Sept~mMr 26, 1989 ARCADIA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT DONNA L. BUTLER, SENIOR PLANNER CASE NO.: C.U.P.89-015 TO: FROM: GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: LOCATION: Arcadia Gateway Centre Associates, Ltd. 430 East Huntington Drive - South side ofHuntmgton Drive between Second Avenue and Fifth Avenue (Arcadia Gateway Centre) Conditional use permit to construct ~ operate a 9,200 sq. ft. restaurant and related parking modifications. 9.U'acres 874 feet on Huntington Drive REQUEST: LOT AREA: FRONTAGE: EXISTING LAND USE & ZONING The site is currently developed with a medical office building (CIGNA), a restaurant (Bennigan's), a retail building (CODt-8in;'lg 2 eating establishments - Salsa Del Rio and Smooch's), a three story office building (Automobile Club) and a four story office building (under construction). The site is zoned CPD-l. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING North: Developed with the Embassy Suites Hotel, the Derby Restaurant, the Souplantation Restaurant and vacant property (formerly an automobile dealership); zoned CPOol Developed with the AT & SF Railroad Developed with the California State Bank, and a mini-storage facility and a mobile home park which are located within the City of Monrovia. Developed with the AT & SF Railroad E~t: West: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION . Planned Development - 1 . BACKGROUNQ In July, 1988 the City Council approved Modification MM 88-005 to allow 821 parking spaces (4,61 parking spaces per 1,000 sq. a. of gross floor area) in lieu of 908 parking spaces (5.09 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area) required. On December 13, 1988 the PJAnni"g Commission adopted Resolution 1397 granting Conditional Use Permit 88-028 to operate three eating establishments within the 26,979 sq. ft. retail center. This was approved subject to the conditions that the combined floor area of the three eating establishments not exceed 6,000 square feet with a QlAYimum seating for 12 persons in each establishment. At this time there are only two eating establishments operating in the retail center. PROPOSAL AND ANALYSIS The total square footage allocated for the two restaurants, which were part of the consideration of the approved parking modification in July, 1988, was 13,357 sq. ft. The Bennigan's restaurant contains 7,357 sq. ft. thereby allowing 6,000 sq. ft. for the second restaurant. . The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to construct a second restaurant containing 9,200 sq. ft. east of the Bennigan's Restaurant. The proposed restaurant will be open for lunch and dinner and have seating for 280 persons. Based on the previously approved modification (MM 88-005), a total of 821 parking spaces are permitted. in lieu of 908 required by Code (which is the total of the required parking for each of the separate uses). The modification was granted because it was shown in a traffic engineer's (Barton-AschmAn) report that the proposed mixed uses on the site would have a peak parking demAnd of 733 spaces. . Information submitted by the applicant as a part of this application, notes that 7,208 square feet of space within the retail building is now going to be occupied by office uses. This chAnge in use results in a seven space decrease in the number of Code required parking spaces (908.7 = 901), notwithstanding the present proposal. The appliknt has made some minor modifications to the site plan and has been able to provide six additional parking spaces over what was shown on the plan approved by the prior modification (821 + 6 = 827). e . . . e The proposed restaurant is 3,200 square feet larger than the restaurant which was considered at the time the prior modification was granted. This additional square footage requires a thirty two space increase in the number of Code required parking spaces (901 + 32 = 933). The changes in required parking for the retail to office uses (+7) plus the additional parking spaces (+6), less the additional parking required for the restaurant (-32) amounts to a request for an additional reduction of 19 parking spaces from the number of spaces required by Code (request for 827 parking spaces in lieu of 933 required by Code). Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. (traffic engineers) has provided a report which notes that the peak parking demand for the proposed project is estimated to occur at 2:00 PM and generate a demand for a total of 812 parking spaces, (827 parking spaces are proposed in the current plan). Staff has concerns with the total number of parking spaces and their location, and the actual parking demands which will be generated by the eventual uses (businesses, offices, retail, etc.) on the site. Because the spec office building and the AAA building are still under construction, and a significant portion of the retail building is not yet occupied, the total parking demand can only be estimated. H these buildings were completed and occupied, we would be better able to assess the impact of a further reduction of nine parking spaces. Staff is concerned that when parking approaches the peak demand, the spaces which are located within the parking structure will not be fully utilized, and that there may be a substantial shortage of parking within the area of the restaurants and the retail building. There are approximately 381.surface parking spaces which are located north of the spec office building, the AAA building and the retail building and/or which are located within 200 feet of the proposed restaurant pad (see Exhibit A). Staff believes that there should beat least 5% vacant parking spaces, at all times, within this area to facilitate the turnover of spaces and for customers of the retail, office, and restaurant uses. Customers of these uses should not to be.forced to park in remote locations such as near the Cigna building or within the parking structure. H there are not sufficient vacant spaces, drivers looking for spaces will create on site congestion which could affect overall vehicular circulation within the aisles near the restaurants, retail and office buildings and within the driveways to and from the ~king strocture and Cigna building. A 5% vacancy within the described.area would result in 19 open spaces. The proposed design of the building has not been finalized. H this application is approved the applicant will be required to submit the architectural design plans to the Redevelopment Agency for architectural design review. . . Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the Planning Department has prepared an initial study for the proposed project. Said initial study did not disclose any substantial or potentially substantial adverse change in any of the physical conditions within the area affected by the project including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise and objects of historical. or aesthetic significance. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project. RECOMMENDAl1PN The plAnning Department believes that the proposed restaurant would be an acceptable additiOn to the project, provided that parking problems, which may arise, will be mitigated. Without mitigation measures, this application should not be approved. The Planning Department recommends approval of C.U.P. 89-015 to allow a 9,200 sq. ft. restaurant subject to the following conditions. 1. That the gross floor area of the restaurant shall not exceed 9,200 sq. ft. e 2. That the 7,208 sq. ft. of office uses which are proposed to be located within the retail building, not be converted at a later date to retail or other uses which have a greater parking requirement. 3. That the third eating establishment proposed to be located within the retail building (approved by Conditional Use Permit 88-028), not be developed. 4. That the architectural design review of the proposed restaurant shall be subject to the review and approval of the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency. . 5. That a 5% parking space vacancy requirement sbal1 be maintained within the area north of the office buildings, retail building and/or within 200 feet of the restaurant pads, on weekdays between the hours of the opening of the restaurant approved by this conditional use permit and 4 PM. The plAnning Department shall make periodic surveys to determine iftRe 5% vacancy rate is maintained. Hit is determined by the plAnning Department that the 5% vacancy rate is not maintained, the-PlAnning Department sbal1 notify the property owner and the restaurant operator. The property owner sbal1 be required to both implement parking mAnAgement techniques which will bring the vacancy rate back to at least 5%, within 15 days of the receipt of such notice and file a written report with the PlAnning Department e . . e e setting forth the specific parking management techniques which will be implemented. If the property owner fails to take corrective action or fails to maintain the 5% vacancy rate, the p]Ann;ng Department shall initiate proceedings for the consideration of imposing other conditions of approval. These conditions could include but may not be limited to revoking the conditional use permit or restricting the hours of the restaurant operation, or such other conditions as the P]ann;ng Commission deems appropriate. 6. That c.u.P. 89-015 shall not take effect until the owner and applicant have executed a form available at the Planning Department indicating awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval. 7. Noncompliance with the provisions and conditions of this Conditional Use permit shall constitute grounds for the immediate suspension or revocation of said Permit. FINDINGS AND MOTIONS Approval If the Planning Commission intends to take action to approve this project, the Commission should move to approve and file the Negative Declaration and find that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and direct staff to prepare the appropriate resolution incorporating the specific findings and conditions of approval set forth in the staff report (or as modified by the Commission). Denial If the Planning Commission intends to take action to deny this project, the Commission should move to deny and direct staff to prepare an appropriate resolution incorporating the Commission's decision and findings in support of that decision. , , . . \}l\fl~ ~ ~~ ~t~ ~~~ ~~z .~ ~ ~ ~. l~ - ~ ~~ l~ ~~ ~ =I l>- I , !l j ) HlNTINGTDN DRIVE ARCADIA GATEWAY CENTRE SWQ ASSOCIATES .. -- __ow:._ -- -- sv_ - - -... -... ----- __u._u._ -- -- -- -- ..-..... -.. -... -... - ......,. ....u._ --- -- ,-..... -- _U. -- ,-.. - _U. -.-u,_ _II. .......,_ --- -- ,..u, ..-11,'_ _B_ .... .....1' ,...., .'.-'1', ........, 1CIf____U. -- -- 6UUiIIILI -- ,.. n ...... ..... - -g- -- -g- --- ..- .-.-...., - -.......'".'" -< ...') ~~ srrE PU.N E8 - ~'-'k - _._ :::-#'F~ -...- "'..,.~... -..- ....-:.... -.- __M_ --- .nv~.,..,.. . . - e Barton.Aschman Associates. Inc. ~ 75 North Fair Oaks Avenue Pasadena. California 91109-1C90 USA Phone: (818) ~4!?-:):ol ~ Telex: 675336 Fax: (818) 440.80.;0 MEMORANDUM F<i~CE!V~~rl SEP l! 1~89 erN OF' I,RC.\Vl" pl.J'r~Nl~ o\::"'" 'IO: George Grossoo stanley W. Gribble. & A..c;.<;ociates F"Ra'!: Neal K. Liddicoat D!\TE: September 11, 1989 RF.: MODIA GM'EIfAY ~ - >>lALYSIS OF ~ D!X>>lD 'll1e Arcadia Gat:e',.ray centrP. iR a 1lIiJcEr:i-use develOpDent locata3 on the south side of Huntin]t:on Drive between ~nd Avenue and Fifth AVP./'lIle iI'l Al"'C'adia. Tbrtions of the project have already been c.anpleted, i.ncludi.rq a llP..nnig1U1'R restaurant, a CIGNA Healthplan merllcal office buildirq, ard II !lIMlJ. n!ta.i.1 buildin:J. ~ office;Js are currently under cailStrUCtion, irx:lltdir"J one interrled to boose the reqiana1. headquarters of the Automobile Cl\lh of 5outhe.rn california. 1.easirq activity Lc; currently urde.rway for the retail suites and neqct:iations are progressin;} for a $E!OCltl:i restaurant tenant. 'n1e mixEd-use natun. of the /u"'c1!dta Gateway centre IIBkes it a prilTc cardidate for inplementation of a shared paOcirq program. t1rder such a program, the parki.n;r supply .is adjusted to reflect the fact that differP.l1t larrl uses have peak parId.n:J demanis that 00CU1" at variQlS times of the day. For elCaI1ple, 1o'hile office buildings have their highest pa.rIdng dP.JTMd c1Ul:'il~ the midday period (typically at a~roximately ],1:00 AM), restaurants peak in the evening. Shared parJdnrJ also r.ef.lect.."l the interncti.on that ocoU'S between the various Previous parJd.n] analyses have dellPnStrated that the parking derrarxl at the center will be signifir.antly lCMP.r than the the city of Arcadia Pr-lr.k.ilYl Regulations ~ typically require. In particular, in JUlle of 1988 an aJ'lal.ysis was prepared that 1.n llIll:r:'CM'll. of an overall parking ratto of 4.60 parJdnq spaces per 1,000 square feet for. the project. In O'Jl1tl8r.ison, the city recp1.rement called for prolliRion at " ratio of !>.09 spaces pp..r 1,000 square fMt.. a total of 908 spaces. , . , Since that 1:eduQed parking ratio was awnMld, several miJ1m: ~ pave ocx:urred relative to the project's land use plan. A potential ttlStaurant tenant has been identified that wculd r.esult in a slight IncreaSii! in 1 (6J . Barton-Aschman Associates. Inc" . . totnl annxnt of restaurnnt sp;iC'P. em site. l\t.. the same tiJ1le, hoiIever, l~ have been signed with a pair of office-type tenants to be lcxated in t.he retail wildinJ. Specifically, COldwell BankPr 'Re<ll Estate NI!< agreed to lease a 5,276 square foot space at the east em of the LataH roildirq. Also, Pennysaver has signed a lease for 1,932 square fed: to lX' used for sales of advertising space, Neither of t',yo tenants i!> expected to have the saIlI! parJdnq dernarrl cMmc:teTi.Rtics fourd at a typical retail shop. Instead, they are expected to IlUCh more closely reserrhl.-: office uses, both in terns of the llI.IIl1l':l"'-r of parldn:J spa~ required ")'ll'l tho,! peak demand times. For that reason, this analysis will treat the O:>lclliell Banker and F.ennysavP.T 5paQP.$ as office U$E!S. . Table 1 sunmarizes the land use ,..''''"y,oul.ants a.J.l' pt'(>posed for iT.::l~lon in the Arcadia Gateway Centre. S'l'tlDY PURPOSE AND ~ e '!be ~ of this \I'eIIOxarwn repoyt. is to docunenl:. t.he ~'U1\:s oJ: an updated demilrd analysLc; for the Arr.:1ldt3 t">3tA1ay Crnlt.1:'P-. The metnodology is essentially si1llilar to the pI"Oaldut'e used in the previously submitted analy.;.F.'S. Gel'lE'.rally, the met.hc.xlology is based upon a set of proeedurll!s established in thA land TMti.t1.lte'B robUC".ation, :::l'larR] ~. 'l11at plbl1cation, which desr.:ribes the r.esult.s of. a high1y'"<iE!t.aHw analysis of parkirq deInarxi in mixed-\lllC dcvclc:pl1('lIts. was CXIlliIlct.:x.J. by Bartcm-.l\schmiU1 in 1983. SIflUlB) PJW<n<<; OEFDI!'1'!otI As presented in the tJLI J:~L t I shared parldng is defined as "varlUn~ f1Pi:I.Ct? that can be used to sezve two or lIDrEl inJividual lan:l-uses withWt conflict or encroachment. n Further,.the opportunity to hTplE!llellt shared parJtirq is the result of two cond.itiOM: 1. Variations in tlle peak aoc:unulation of parked vehicles due t-.o t.irof, diffel~ in the activity pat.t.erns of adjilC'lP.l"lt: or M'UT'Y'l()- uses (for f!lllIIItIle, patrons of u!",P.9 that peaIc in the eve.n.i.n:.J. stlch as restaurants, can use parJdng spaces providEd priInari.1y for daytime uses, sudl as office wildfNJs). 2. Relati.anships aIllOI'II] land-use activities that result in people beinq att.ract:ed to two or more land-uses on a single auto trip (for exauple, office E!llPloyaes We 5hql at nearl:1t t'etail Illtores ()t" who eat in nearby restallrants) . e 2 BartongAKhman A.soclatel, I"(t, . . TAB1Jl 1 I.\HD-OSE stIJOOIRy ARCIU):m GM'EWAY C!:Nl'R! ~USE;.. SIZE CIGNA Medical Office BUildi!'q 47,296 Sq. Ft. Four-Story Office E\"J 66,834 sq. Ft. 1lAA Office IlUi.ldirq 23,632 Sq. Ft. OffiCE;! (Retail 7,208 Sq, Ft. Retail Shops 19,771 Sq. l''t. e Benn1gan's Restaurdllt 7,357 Sq. Ft. Propo.;ed RestaIlMlrlt 9,20CL,Sg, :f't. ....- 'rarAL 181,298 Sq. Ft. ". 'to e 3 . . e e Barton.Aschm81n Assocl~.l!'s, ,"(:, PARJCIJI; AtW.YSI8 Usi1g the previously-approved par1d.nJ .t'< of 4.60 spilce; per 1,000 squun~ feet, the project (181,29S square feet) would be l"equi..rl!d to pro'll&! CI total of 834 spaces. Hooever, the shared parJ<..i.n:;J analysis has been reviSl.ld t'J reflect the nnHfireatl.<:>Tl9 to tM developl!!P..nt pro.Jl:dm desr.:r:ibed above. As 1lI!l'\tioned earlier, the scme par'<\II'eters ani assunptions used in the previously-approved sham parking analyses have been E!Ilployed .in this analysis. L"l partiClllar, the followiIg llsSt..ion-'l haV'e' been enployed: 1. 'l1'te parking demard ratios are those specified in the city of Arcadia ParltiJ'IcJ Regulations, except for Saturday office parkit13, 10tUcn is assumed to be equivalent to only 0.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet, as stated in the ULI Shand Parld.rg report. 2. '!he captive market assurrptions (Le., the proportion of retail or restaurant patrons who will already be on-site (office E!Slployees, for example), for whOlll it is not necessary to provide an adiitional parkin:J space) are as follOW!'!: o Retail-l0 percent o Restaurant-20 percent. 3. No adjustment has been applied to Lqll: r.-ent transit usage by proje..."t ellP10yees or patrons, even tJ1cugIl the project is loc:atP.d an several Southern california Rapid Transit Di$trict liJe;. 4. '!he analysis has ".....17N>d that each of the Wividual l~ i.; constantly qlenting at its ~~'CUVlal peak (j .e., no adj~1Stment factors have been awlied to reflect the fact that activity levels at retail an:) restaurant facilities vary significantly throuc:Jhout the year) . Table 2 S1-,.izes tJ1e ir1put parameters ESlI'loyed in this analysis while the hourly partdnIJ demmi results are Sl.II1UIIarized on Table 3. As shown, the maxlllUll partdnq demand is estiInated to 0C'C'l.Ir at 2:00 m. At that tillie, the Arcadia Gateway Cetl~", is estimated to generate dem:In:l for 812 parkin3 spaces. Relat!nq this estilnat.e to thf! total '!lql.lare. footaqe of the PL'Oject indicates en overall parkin;J ratio of 4.48 sp:>oes pet' 1,000 squan'l fElCt. Note that CJrrent plans call for proviciin:J a total of 828 paricirg spaces, an OI/erall ra1;io of 4.51 spaces per 1,000 5qlare feet. In other words, though the p..''looed parkinq S\JAlly will be slightly less than the previously- awroved ratio of 4.60 spaces per 1,000 square feet, surplus spaces will still bP. lWailllble. 4 . . e ~ BartGngAschms" A8$(t~I~t.lJo, lnG, TABLE 2 EDmRED ~ INPUt' JS8t1MPl'IONS ~IA GM'EWAy C!:If1'RE - --_...._-=.'.'=-~='~c:at:=....:#~~.&:\....I.&::"..__D...e....,.~~"'i._'",\..r~~~ -':r~Q=Q_a"'-OD~ ~..:;:; I..AIID USES SIZES Ill{ RATtO SAT RATIO , AIl'1'O "US/AUTO , CAPrIVE MON'!'ll AllJ ------------------------------------------------------------_..._----_.._~.....__.., ,. - . OFFICE 145 4.59 0.50 100 1.20 HIA 1.00 RETAIL 20 5.00 5,00 100 1.80 10 1.00 RIlSTAllJW<'!' 17 10.00 10.00 100 2.00 20 1,00 CIIlEJlA 0 0.25 0.30 100 2.00 0 1.00 CBD-RESIO 0 1.00 1.00 H/A ilIA HIA 1.00 HCBD-RES HI 0 1.00 1.00 II/A ilIA H/A 1.00 HOTEL-R/l 0 1.00 1.00 80 1.40 II/A l,oe HTL-CONf 0 0.50 0.50 100 2.00 0 1.00 II'J'L-CONV 0 30.00 30.00 100 '2.00 0 1.00 ---------... . ---------._--~-~ ,~ ..,. .. --- .......-......... ~-- ---.......---.... "'--.--- -----....---..... -- , , 5 Barton-ASGhman Assoclatei. Ilk';, . . '1'JIJlLE 3 SIWtED P1WaN3 R:lURLY IEWlD stIMIWi.'i' ARiClU)IA GM'EWAY CENl'RE WZEKDA Y ~- ~=..- ___a_-.:~=-~a"..=o::&:Z..z-: '!':r=::n--:~n~~~', ""':;.';llQ CBD NCBD 80'1'1. RO'I'I. BOTL HOUR OPCI Il!:'rL REST CIIIE RES RES ROOM COIlP COHV TOTALS -----------------..--------------------------------------~------------~ 6:00 All 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 7:00 all 133 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 143 8:00 all 420 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 442 9.00 all 619 37 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 670 10:00 All 666 60 26' 0 0 0 0 0 0 753 11.00 all 666 17 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 783 12:00 II 599 86 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 752 1.00 PM 599 89 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 781 2.00 PM 646 86 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.12 3.00 PM 6i9 85 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 783 4.00 PM 513 77 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 656 5:00 PM 313 70 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 476 6:00 PI! 153 73 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 345 7:00 PM 47 79 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 258 8:00 PM 47 77 132 0 a 0 0 0 0 256 e 9'00 PM 20 54 132 a 0 a a 0 0 207 10,00 PM 20 28 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 11:00 PM 0 12 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 12:00 If 0 0 66 a 0 0 0 0 0 66 .__==c______.-_Q:_~__=_=_e.=-.".".iMl;a;'?'l~_._______~~ ~_ __..~#..WII.". SA'l'tOO)AY _DDm2~~_~.g~~_____.&~~~......KR~~ --.....~1tl1oll~~'ZI__..._..'..1 CBD Rcm IlO'l'L HO'1'L BO'l'L HOUR OPCE RI!:'rL REST CINE RES RES 100II COllp CXlIIV TO'1'ALS -------------------------~----------------------------~--~-------~---- 6:00 all 0 0 o. 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 7:00 All 14 4 ] 0 a 0 0 0 0 22 8:00 All 43 9 4 0 0 Q 0 0 0 56 9:00 All 58 27 . 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 10:00 All 58 40 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 11:00 All 72 67 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 152 12:00 R 72 76 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 188 1.00 PII 58 85 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 202 2.00 PII U " .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 192 3.00 PII 211 89 60 0 0 0 a 0 a 178 4:00 III 29 80 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1" 5.00 PII 14 67 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 .:00 PII 14 58 119 0 0 a 0 a 0 \92 7:00 PII 14 53 126 a 0 a 0 a 0 194 8:00 N 14 49 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 196 9:0q~PII 0 36 132 0 a 0 a 0 0 168 10:00 PI! a 36 12. 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 11:00 PI! 0 9 113 0 0 0 a 0 0 121 12:00 M 0 0 93 a a 0 0 0 0 u - - - ---- ._"'''l_1~_Rft.~~~....?.R:.~.._. _ - -- e 6 . . e e Barton-Asehman A$~~l~~""'l!. !!'\.;, CXlll:'U1S1/~ 'lhis memorandum .report has described "In ;;n."llysig of shared parking fu,' I;h", Arcadia Gateway Centre. '!he analysis has ex."ll\li.JlP.d t'.h~ il!pact.<;> Of' d glight irv::I.'ease in rest..l.urant: liquare footage as \</ell as oonversion of a portl<..'ll or the retail space for use by office-type teni1nts. 'Ihe analysis ha.c; shO'~'ro that the peak parJdrq <\en>aTVl ::\1: the pr<.lj€'ct. wil 1 l:'l?pI'E'SeJ't. "''' <:1\1er.-111 parking ratio of 4,48 spaces pP.r 1,000 square f.eet, whjch is signiflr.~nt) r lower t'.han the il:fPToved ratio of 4.60 spaoe.." per 1,000 square feel;, tn OOllp-'U'ison, the project has a proposed parking ~y that is equ.!.vctll:'.nt t:; 4. 57 spaces per 1,000 square feet. It is t'E!CXIOIlleI'l, therefore, that the approved p3.rJdTl} ratio for Ule Arcadia Gateway Centre be revj!'".E!Q t,c:> 4, 57 "'P'l0e5 per 1,000 squal.'n feet. . , , 7 .:.EF'-l~-:::-; TUE ~:~.~ ~ L~ G :~ ~S.SOC P...O':: eS\NG . e e STANLEY W. GI;iISSLE Q ASSOCIATES September 12, ".1.989 VIA FACSIMILE Ms. Donna Butler CITY OF ARCADIA 240 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, California 91006 RE: Arcadia Gateway Centre Restaurant Pad B Aroadia, California Dear Donna: Please find attached a letter froln Coldwell Banker signed by Dorothy Wright, who is the Senior Vice President and Regional Sales Manager for their Single Family division. I believe it is sel t explanatory and should answer some at the questions that you, BIll Wollard, Pete Kinnahan and I have discussed with regards to their personnel and office.hours. I also hope to have in your hands today a letter from Pennysaver stating that the majority ot their personnel are in the field selling advertising tor their tabloid. Donna, we brietly discussed it, but, I hope that you will put in your report that we were approved by Conditional Use Permit, the right to have Three (3) tood users in the shop building not to exceed 6,000 square feet total, and Thirty Six (36) sit down seats total. As ot this date we have accomplished leasing to Two (2) tood users Smooches, and Salsa del Rio. It Olive Garden is approved W8 would relinquish the right to put another food user into the Retail Shop Building. This, along with the COldwell Banker and Pennysaver employees that spend the majority of their time in the field, we would hope would be considered when calculating-the blended use for parking requirements 'or the shop building. . I hope you have a good vacation. I am lOOking forward to seeing you when you return. If you have any further questions or require any further information at this time, please eall me. Very trul~yours, , ibble , Associates co: Stanley Gribble COfr.fY'lsrCi8i Pf'lo~.,\ty Oe".IQprnonc. end rn"eecrnl!"c. 18401 Vo" K...m."Av."",.. S...'~. 130 "'''VIne. CA 92?1!5' C714} 26",-5464 F.AX(714) 28~-B33~ SEP-12-$-;' T'...IE: ~:s~ $ w I~ * AS$OC P.€t3 . . e e ..t4...."QII fMIf MAIl. '1IU-=~ ...~ I"" 704 ~6'2 aUSINES~ \8,"TOo.9OS. fAX ~ ........ OOAOTHY A. WRIOHT Srtot,n YIC'!oG, ~1l11,~,"'1 nv..,,,...l~~"l """"),~,, COlDW[l,l 8"''''''(~A f1tUIOl-.tlA.L ~E"\. t5r~Tf ~wc.,..'<lr." A\. E I'r!ivt ~1)OI.""'Ol'Cla$ C"91)61 September 1. 1989 Ms. Linda J. Barcelona c/o Stanley W. Gribble I Associates 18401 Von Karmon Avenue. Ste, 130 Irvine. California 92715 Dear Linda: This is to inform you that our intention Is to have a residential real estate resale offiee at the Huntington Drive site in Arcadia. California, Our plans are to have a full-time staff of approximately ten people Including the manager and secretaries. Although our sales staff will number 50 . 60 people. traditionally these agents are assembled for approximately two hOurs. onee a week. for a sales mee t I ng . Since the sales agents are independently contracted to Coldwell Banker, most of their time is spent in the field with customers and clients. and they do not spend lengthy periods in the office. Very truly yours. AYc./i~'J JI tJ-,h'c1A./-' Dorothy A. Wrtght ,.ft; A..) Senior Vice President Regional Sales Manager , OAW:Jh cc: Rick Fa~endin RECe.'VED SfP 0 5 1989 A,,'4, .' ............. SEP-12-S9 TWE 14:~7 $ W ~ e A$SOC P. lj!12 , ~ - ..---- . ~ARTE.~ANk5 diRECT MARknING/cl\lifORNiA . 2630 Q,bile, St,eel P O. lox 1800 B,e.. eallfo,n'a t2622..eoo (714) PM-6800 S.,tember t1, 1989 Stantey W. Grlbble and Aeeoe. '8401 Von COfman AVlnue Suite 130 hv",a, Ca 92115 Attn' MI. Linda Llnda, In r"pon,. co youf Inquiry .s co ~ow many employee. ar. on .u. .t our na" "P.nnySav.r" ofUea In chi Arcaclia Gateway C.ncra. chi follollln& t~ the way wa do bu. In.... . A. A tot.l of 20 plople WOf~ to Of chac total, (4) four Thee ere two (2) "tnaa.u'.tntative., C. The remalninl (16) Repr...ntative., ..Iltft& to out ot the faCility. are on .1 t. 90\ of the and (2) two CuatOmer time. hrvic. alxcttn are Outatde the bu~tne., communicy. $al.. There could b. a tlm., .pprodmately once. 20 paople could be u the heUlcy. ThU monthly ..las me.tin,. lut, molt of tbe aepr.eentacivee .r. in tht field. Our Sal.. lepr...ntatlv" art by 100'4 ot he o I'll a derlved from COII"IUlionl. So you c.n ... thac there i. an inc.nttve on cheir part to not b. in the olflc.. --- . montb I that a tt would b. for . tlme the S.h. I hope thl. h.. cl.rHttd your quear.lon. ple... call. "ny .u"U01II, obn Shtpe, Plant !n.lne.~ , J'/lJh e . k..,I.hld,,io., COltpA"" ';'~P- t "-s:l.~ . . e e File No. CUP 89-015 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACf NEGA'I1Ve DRC.LARATION CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA A. Description of project: A conditional use permit for a restaurant with seating for 280 persons. B. Location of project: S/S of Huntington Drive, between 2nd & 5th c Name of applicant or sponsor: Arcadia Gateway Centre Assoc. D. Finding: This project will have no significant effect upon the environment within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 for the reasons set forth in tbe attached Initial Study. Eo Mitigation measures, if any, included in the projeCt to avoid potentially significant effects: , Date: ' Signature Date Posted: SeniD'r' PlAnner Title . . e e Pile No. CUP 89-015 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST PORM A. BAaGllOtlND 1. N_ of Proponent Arcadia Gateway Centre Assoc. 18401 Von Karman Ave., #130 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent Irvine, CA 92715 (714) 261-6464 . B. ENV1BONMBH'rAL lMPACrS (BlIplanat1ons of all .yes. and .maybe. answers axe required on attached sheets.) 1. !H:l!I. W111 UW pnIIIOMl nn1t. hit ... UUtal.. Mft!l. ,,*,u.s._ u La ~ 1a fM<\OIlo ...~, b. Dl'napU... C1aItla...-u. ~ ~.. O~ ",-'1'1,.111 ot tM Mt.ll cr. aa-.. u tgp09ra&IbY 01' 9ftlCIllI ....rae. nU.1 l'ut.un.t 4. 'ftw "'UUC'CIOD. _I's.., en' .....fiAUOll at aJlf ....... fClOtto (g' tut.uul '0 AD, iaori... La .W oc _UW 'hil100 of IOU.., .1ebu:' all U aU ~.1u' f. CIlI....,.. LA ,UUUCID. .....ltJ.GIl Gl' _to_ wMC$ .., ....". u. =--, of . no",,!, ~ au... 9. __an of PIIGP&. or 9npany to COrJ.'t:':~::l:=.-;~. O'r .laU.u bPQOa' 2. !!J.. WUl U. propoI.l ...,all UII .0 .~..l.u..uat.oU_ "-t;ertgnUOIl of ......& Ur qaaUtJf .. ftIlI _t..loa of 1*'....... -.., !!! !Y!! ..!9.,. II. ~ ftdDcUa ia ~ __ oI..tu ~ .....~ Iv ,*110 -US _u...1 1. ...... of ,..1e _ ~ to ..... NJ.etad ...... ... .. l1t11D1Ua11 - '0 l'1a.t IoU,. WiU U. ~ nnlt 10t :; ~~ ofU: .:a-::':I :'~. UDc111l11D1 u... 1II&nIIiI. ....... CftlllIlI. II.I.cntlon ... ...-&10 phauJ1' b. ~ Gf __ IIIlIIIIMa .. .., :r;-lCt:r- .. -:--& ... ~ o. ~.I._ of... ~ of p1Glta lato _ .... .. ft:aalt M; . bUs'1... tD t.IllI ~1 ,...1_'. L' ot Idlau., ~, 5. H:-' 1.1111I, '1111 ta. pI'GPOIa.l ...a.t. !S !!!!!! .!!!!. '0 ~ ill _ d1'fUd~ 01 ~. or ~ of .., -..ou. 01 ad-.l.a (bUlla. lull aba1a iOIIl1.u.. n.,tt~~ Ibl\ d6 ....unU. ~. ~~ l-.otII 01' ~7 e. ~ cd tbiI .--. of .., ~. .,... 01' ........ ~ .......... O. la~of_~" ~ UIt.o......___..... . bad.Q to tbIi ....iIUaD .. ~ MDt: of' 6. ~ Va ____. Yl1aUh ........ t. ..... 1rI.U 'tM ~ -ut. Ia. .. ~Ia~..u.~' .. -..-..- _ ,_,a> cr. .u.....u.u. of al, ___, _.I..tan: 01' ualpenwc.. .. .." crbutp U. v\.~, ei.UlU \.OI:aU"f _ hli..u" J. !!!l!s. _AU u.. ~&1 ~ tau .. CIWl9'M 111 ~ CfI' U. OCIIII'M 0" dLnct.1oo Of ..t. ..-.ta ... Ina!lI ..tan, b~ QIIIlIt.. U ....,u. n-.. c&1Dafjf ~... CfI' U. ... .. .-an 01: aut_ ..~ ....rn cr. oUtouaU- to !:be ~ _ n_ 01' flood ..un' '- .. ........ ...... till...-, _ _ u._ _ ,.Ian' I. ......_... 11111 tM ~ nAlt. sa i""iiIii!iDua alund.clil of .. ....... .. flMMd ..... 1M at .. ..., .. ~I -. If111 tba ..-.& d. ~utlilil~ofeuf.. .aul' U alii' _ta> bMJ' .. Du....... laW n:cl. _tltft. ... a. ..., ...~c.... of ..,.. vatu ~qo. 1Ml........ ... ACIt UalhiI to ;uitui:ra;-' didol... ozn- oa' ,. oUt.N'au.. 0' CbII d1nooUa CII' sou. 0' U_ 01 ~ _cen' ,. CIWlp Ia u.. 01 tnaIIll _tlm. '"tau ~ 41nft ......U- iN ri~""', _ chroaP JA~ of .., aqaUu br _ GIr ucaauo.7 ~~'r .... 01 De 01'., b. ~_~of.., __ Ll-l. utual ........ It. ~.,~ --- !!! !1m! .!!!. .,. . . 01 aD a;._s. 01' tM nu.. of IN...... ........ . Uaol........ kIot. IIOC UlUUd to. oU. r:-:1cl111e. -"'cab 01' ACkU.) ..... ..-at 01 _ ...u.o. ~ ..... OIlIDlUuo..' . u. 1P.'::.ltt. 0IU1 "'" _01 d- . . .u.uUMtUoD. 6ataiQ. 01' lp'OrtJt. ca.. of t!Ie .... ~... 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Clb1.... 01' bll1l41att .......... .B"" ~..r "_Il~ e. _ pro .... ~ .1 to de9l'-.s. die qaauer ot die Uri~t.. ...t.uU&Uy ~ tile of . tUll or "UAlu. 1pM;1... .... . tlab " "U41U. jIopal.uo. to lh'op lM~ ..u-.~ w..1a. tUMt._ to .1.JatDlla . p1M, _ aa1al --tr. naIaae tIMI II~ 01' _t:r1.n tlIe ..... 01 . 1'_ 01' ~ plat 01' -.la1 .. eUalMa ~ ....._ 01 Ule _jOl' ..1.odIo of E:aUton1a 1&Ut:M7 .. pnb1etay' b. eo. uie ~ect baw tU DOtatlIJ to &Cdl1,... ,lIIloft,wbnl. ta u. tia.....cawe of "....h.. ~1 """'" I. Uort-taal'~ _ tile .n.~t ~~ :~~U: ::Ja~~lt. ...- ~ will.... ..U .Lat:o tIMI'--., n. .. ----....- ...... an Lailll~ U_e.t. bat -'--U"'l1 ~1lI' II. tftIJeot ..,.......-.....-~ ~-.nll:be~_... neMIIW ... N1cU....' _11. boI: ...... Ute efhot; 01 Ute total 01 .... ~ - tIle~ u"'tzl,U~.J 4. 00.. 'th PftISMI\ __ _11_ Wll1dl wlU __ .1Itat.aat41 ....... ef,.. _ Ia_ bdaIa. eJ.tbu 41.~ OS': lDlU__1J't C. DlacDIIlQl mo _.... ~..z. nu.aan~ '. , D. ... lto .. ~..... llr t!llI s.d ApMJ'J OIl; . ....111 of W. lalUa1 ..........., O~=,:-J; ---=-~~..::J:-":"=~e!;~ rill be ......... D~,,: :~-:.. t=..=----=~_:... ~1~. ... . ....'lODt; d,... .u tJW, oeM ___ U. Il1U,.u.e. - ~ - .. ItUdled ..... ..... .... .... to eM ,",!let. ... IIIIaftft -=.uanc. IIIW. . "'AID. C Z 'lIId t!lie ~ Pft3_ ... .... . .lpU101at. etrea. _t!le~._......... ~"'_.IC!'''''a. -_. ,. '. , DaUl 9/1/89 (Signature) . . FILE NO. /?;~ ..P~7 -C./s A. Applicant's Name: ARCADIA GATEWAY CENTRE ASSOCIATES Address: 18401 Von Karman Avenue 4 130, Irvine, California 92715 B. Property Address (Location): South side Huntington Drive between 2nd I> 5th Avenue C General Plan Designation: PD n Zone Classification: CPD Eo Proposed Use (State exactly what use is intended for the property, i.e., type, activities, employment): The property is being used for mixed commercial develQpment including retail restaurantssnd office. The applicant is now requesting a e restaurant tenant for Pad B as designated on the enclosed site plan. F. Square Footage of Site: Approximately 396,000 square feet./ G Square Footage of Existing Buildings: 1. To Renudn: 172,000 square feet 2. To Be Removed: none H Square Footage of New Buildings: 9,200 square feet I. Square Footage of Buildings to be Used for: e ~ 1. Commercial Activities: 2-. Industrial Activities: 3. Residential Activities: Number of Units: Six (6) plus a Parking Structure. Environmental Information Form -1- . . I e J. Describe the following: 1. The environmental setting of the project site as it exists. The project currently has one (1) Medical Office Building open and operating. Under construction a four story Office Building and a Parking Structure. A Retail Shop Building complete and open. One (1) Restaurant complete and open, and one (1) restaurant to be built. 2. The proposed alterations to the project site. Development of a new Restaurant Building. 3. The use and development of the surrounding properties. Directly to the east is an existing Three Story Bank Building, directly behind the structure, the Atcheson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, across the street a mixed use of Hotels and Restaurants. Directly to the west of the building vacant property and the Railroad , overpass. . Environmental Information Form -2- . . . K - Check the appropriate answers to the following questions: fi1 liQ 1. Will the proposed project result in a substantial alteration of ground contours and/or alteration of exiting drainage pattern? ,./ 2. Will the proposed project result in a change in groundwater quality and/or quantity? v 3. Will the proposed project result in an increase in noise, vibration, dust, dirt, smoke, fumes, odor or solid waste? / 4. Will the proposed project result in the use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? v 5. Will t~e proposed project result in a substantial increase in demand for municipal services and/or energy consumption? v Explain in detail any "YES" answers to the above questions on additional sheets. L. Provide any additional information which would elaborate on the potential environm.ental consequences resultant from the proposed project. M. Certification: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: . e 31 .,6 u P 1'11'1 . ~ 1fr /~ of Environmental Information Form -3.