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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11g - Grant for Reimbursment of Portable Handheld Radio Equipment Costs
DATE: September 19, 2023
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council
FROM: Roy Nakamura, Chief of Police
By: Amber Abeyta, Management Analyst
CEQA: Not a Project
Recommendation: Accept and Approve
The Arcadia Police Department has applied for a grant from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security to implement communications improvements. The grant is from a
State Homeland Security Program (“SHSP”) and will reimburse the cost of portable
handheld radio equipment, in an amount not to exceed $61,230. The Department’s
funding request has been approved and the Grant Agreement has been finalized. With
City Council approval, the Department will be able to proceed with purchasing the
equipment. While two bids were received, it is recommended that the bid from Foothill
Communications be rejected because their bid included Kenmore brand radios instead of
the Motorola radios the City currently uses. Therefore, it is recommended that the City
Council accept the grant award from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security SHSP
for reimbursement of portable handheld radios in the amount of $61,230; reject the low
bid from Foothill Communications; and approve the bid from Day Wireless based on the
discussion below.
The Department purchases portable handheld radios through the City’s annual
Equipment Replacement Program. In order to reduce the overall impact to the City’s
budget, and to ensure a supply of modern, reliable equipment is on hand, a portion of the
Department’s radios are replaced each year.
Accept Grant Award from the State Homeland
Security Grant Program for Portable Handheld Radio Equipment
September 19, 2023
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Many police and fire agencies utilize the SHSP to help offset the extensive cost of
upgrading communications equipment. For the 2021 grant period (grant period is two
years behind the current calendar year), the Arcadia Police Department was approved as
a sub-recipient for eight portable handheld radios with programming cables and two radio
charging stations, under a larger Interoperable Communications Equipment Project.
The Department will purchase the latest radio technology, Motorola Model APX 6000,
which are compatible with the Department’s new Project 25 (“P25”) radio system. P25 is
a set of standards for Federal, State, and local public safety agencies to provide
interoperable emergency communication within a jurisdiction as well as between
agencies and mutual aid response teams.
The grant is managed by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (“Cal
OES”). Cal OES mandates that the City use its own documented procurement
procedures, which reflect applicable Federal, State, and local standards in the award of
any subcontracts. In the case of this equipment purchase, subcontracts include purchase
agreements. As such, the Department was required to conduct a Formal Request for Bids
to comply with the grant’s purchasing guidelines.
In May 2023, the Department published a Notice Inviting Bids three times in the Arcadia
Weekly newspaper and on the City’s RFP/BID webpage. The formal notice was also
emailed directly to two local equipment vendors. The Notice listed the equipment needs
of eight portable handheld radios with eight programming cables and two multi-unit radio
charging stations. After a three-week submission period, one bid was received from
Foothill Communications on May 17, 2023. Since only one bid was received, the
Department sought to make the bidding process more competitive, and extended the bid
deadline from May 17, 2023, to June 8, 2023. On June 8, 2023, another bid was received
from Day Wireless. The Foothill Communications’ bid included Kenmore brand radios and
is the lowest bid at $59,822.88. The bid submitted by Day Wireless included Motorola
brand radios and was slightly higher at $61,225.10. A breakdown of each bid is provided
Company P25 Handheld
Portable Radios
Multi-Unit Battery
Tax Bid Total
$5,561.76 $59,822.88
Day Wireless $52,399.76
$5,555.28 $61,225.10
After reviewing the bids, the Department selected the bid submitted by Day Wireless.
Although Foothill Communications bid was slightly lower (by $1,402.22), the Department
Accept Grant Award from the State Homeland
Security Grant Program for Portable Handheld Radio Equipment
September 19, 2023
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selected the bid from Day Wireless because their bid included Motorola radios, and for
the following reasons:
• The Department is in the process of phasing out Kenwood radios (radio inventory
has typically included more Motorola products than Kenwood products) because
over the years, it has been determined that Kenwood radio products do not
integrate well with Motorola radio products, leading to compatibility issues.
• Motorola does not operate its own service centers and requires users to obtain
repairs at certified service centers to maintain product warranties. The
Department’s current contract provider for radio maintenance only services
Motorola radios.
• If Kenwood radios are purchased, it requires an additional maintenance contract
with a provider that is authorized to service Kenwood radios.
Based on the foregoing, selecting Motorola radios will allow the Police Department to
streamline its operations, create efficiencies with a singular service contract, and maintain
consistency within its communication systems.
It should also be noted that Day Wireless is the only provider in the region authorized to
quote Motorola products for Arcadia. No other radio equipment provider, including Foothill
Communications, can quote or sell Motorola products to the Arcadia Police Department.
Since the Department’s Request for Proposals for this purchase didn’t list a specific radio
brand due to SHSP grant bid regulations, Foothill Communications was able to submit a
quote for Kenwood radio products.
The grant award will be distributed on a reimbursement basis. Cal OES will reimburse the
City for all pre-approved costs upon receipt of the Department’s claims. The City will be
required to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant, including expense reporting
and auditing.
Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that the City Council accept the grant award
from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security SHSP for reimbursement of portable
handheld radio costs in the amount of $61,230; reject the low bid from Foothill
Communications and approve the bid from Day Wireless.
The proposed action does not constitute a project under the California Environmental
Quality Act (“CEQA”), and it can be seen with certainty that it will have no impact on the
environment. Thus, this matter is exempt under CEQA.
Accept Grant Award from the State Homeland
Security Grant Program for Portable Handheld Radio Equipment
September 19, 2023
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The funds for the radio equipment have been allocated in the FY 2023-24 Operating
Budget. All costs related to the Project will be offset by reimbursement at the end of the
grant period, in an amount not to exceed $61,230.
It is recommended that the City Council determine that this project is exempt under the
California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”); and accept a grant award from the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security for a State Homeland Security Program (“SHSP”), for
reimbursement of costs related to portable handheld radio equipment in the amount of
$61,230; reject the low bid from Foothill Communications and approve the bid from Day