HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11d - Annual Tree Trimming ServicesContract for Annual Tree Trimming Services October 3, 2023 Page 1 of 3 DATE: October 3, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Paul Cranmer, Public Works Services Director By: Dave Thompson, Streets Superintendent Janessa Kalanjian, Management Analyst SUBJECT: CONTRACT WITH WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC. FOR ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING SERVICES, TREE REMOVAL, AND REPLACEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $424,350 CEQA: Not a Project Recommendation: Approve SUMMARY The Public Works Services Department (“PWSD”) is responsible for the care and maintenance of approximately 15,300 trees located in City parks, rights-of-way, medians, and public facilities throughout the City. To ensure the City is receiving the highest quality of service and most competitive pricing for professional tree services, the PWSD explored possible contract opportunities. It was determined that “piggybacking” on the competitive pricing bid with the City of Claremont would be the lowest cost option and meet the City’s annual tree trimming service needs. It is recommended that the City Council approve, authorize, and direct the City Manager to execute a contract with West Coast Arborists, Inc. (“WCA”) for annual tree trimming services, tree removal, and replacement in the amount of $424,350, with the option of two one-year extensions. There are sufficient funds in the adopted Fiscal Year 2023-24 Operating Budget as well as the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Capital Improvement Plan to cover the anticipated expenditures under this agreement. BACKGROUND The Public Works Services Department is responsible for the care and maintenance of approximately 15,300 trees located in City parks, rights-of-way, medians, and public facilities throughout the City. To maintain the City’s Urban Forest, an Annual Tree Trimming Grid Program was created to ensure that all City trees are trimmed once every four years. This preventative maintenance program provides for the general upkeep of the existing tree inventory and allows for tree removal and replacement. The annual tree Contract for Annual Tree Trimming Services October 3, 2023 Page 2 of 3 trimming, removal and replacement programs help protect residents and visitors traveling on City streets by minimizing the likelihood of fallen tree limbs due to overgrowth, and the resulting lawsuits that may occur. DISCUSSION The City’s purchasing rules and procedures allow the City to “piggyback” onto, or join, an existing written purchase contract obtained through a competitive bidding process that is prepared and awarded by another local, state, or federal government agency. In April 2023, the City of Claremont issued a competitive Request for Proposals solicitation for Tree Trimming, Maintenance, and Inspection Services. On June 13, 2023, the City of Claremont awarded a contract to WCA for a three-year period and has allowed other agencies the opportunity to piggyback and award a contract at the same prices and terms. Through the piggyback process, PWSD was able to procure the grid trimming cost per tree at $90, plus competitive pricing for other contract items such as emergency crew response, various species of Palm tree trimmings, large tree removal, and special service request trimmings that may not be in the annual grid trim area. The grid trimming price per tree is comparable to rates being paid by surrounding cities. PWSD explored possible contract options, and it was determined that piggybacking on the competitive pricing bid with the City of Claremont would be the lowest cost option to meet both the City’s annual tree trimming maintenance service needs and prevailing wage requirements, for a total contract cost of $384,350. This contract cost represents nearly a 10% increase compared to the existing contract amount of $346,731.02. This increase is in line with the current rate of inflation in the region as well as continued increases to the state minimum wage that are putting upward pressure on most City service agreements. Additionally, to prevent damaged and diseased trees from falling and injuring people or damaging property, the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Capital Improvement Plan includes a $40,000 project to remove and replace diseased and decaying trees. The total contract amount for annual tree trimming services and tree removal and replacement is $424,350. WCA has extensive experience in tree maintenance and management services and has been providing tree trimming services for over 40 years. WCA is Arcadia’s current tree trimming contractor and has provided excellent service to the City for the past four years. Some of their current municipal contracts include the cities of Azusa, Claremont, Duarte, Rosemead, Glendale, and Walnut. In addition to the work performed for the City’s Annual Tree Trimming Grid, Tree Removal and Replacement programs, WCA also has provided the City with access to their proprietary tree inventory program. This software, known as ArborAccess, produces detailed listings (type, size, condition, location, etc.) and maintenance records of over 15,300 City trees. This comprehensive tree inventory and data program has been of great value to the PWSD in providing useful information for the overall condition of the urban forest, service requests, and potential insurance claims. Contract for Annual Tree Trimming Services October 3, 2023 Page 3 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed contract with WCA is not considered a project as defined by California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) Section 15378, as a service contract of this nature is considered ministerial. FISCAL IMPACT All work is performed on a time and materials basis and the contractor is only paid for work performed. The contract is split over two fiscal years beginning November 2023 and ending in November 2024. Funds in the amount of $356,700 are budgeted in the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Operating Budget. The operating budget will be increased to $386,700 for Fiscal Year 2024-25. The Public Works Services Department will conduct a mid-year budget review of the tree trimming services contract and recommend budget adjustments, if needed, at that time. Additionally, the 2023-24 Capital Improvement Plan includes $40,000 for the Annual Tree Removal and Replacement Program. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council determine that this action does not constitute a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”); and approve, authorize, and direct the City Manager to execute a contract with West Coast Arborists, Inc. for annual tree trimming services, tree removal and replacement in the amount of $424,350, with the option of two one-year extensions. Attachments: Proposed Contract City of Claremont Tree Trimming and Maintenance Services Request for Proposal CITY OF ARCADIA ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING MAINTENANCE SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF ARCADIA AND WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC. CONTRACT Contract - 1 CONTRACT FOR THE CITY OF ARCADIA This CONTRACT, No. ________ is made and entered into this ____ day of _____________, ______, by and between City of Arcadia, sometimes hereinafter called “City,” and West Coast Arborists, Inc., sometimes hereinafter called “Contractor.” WITNESSETH: That the parties hereto have mutually covenanted and agreed, and by these presents do covenant and agree with each other as follows: A. SCOPE OF WORK. The Contractor shall perform all Work within the time stipulated in the Contract, and shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, utility services, and transportation to complete all of the Work required in strict compliance with the Contract Documents as specified in Article 5, below, for the following Project: ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING MAINTENANCE SERVICES The Contractor and its surety shall be liable to the City for any damages arising as a result of the Contractor’s failure to comply with this obligation. B. TIME FOR COMPLETION. Time is of the essence in the performance of the Work. The Work shall be commenced on the date stated in the City’s Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall complete all Work required by the Contract Documents for one year from the commencement date stated in the Notice to Proceed. By its signature hereunder, Contractor agrees the time for completion set forth above is adequate and reasonable to complete the Work. C. CONTRACT PRICE. The City shall pay to the Contractor as full compensation for the performance of the Contract, subject to any additions or deductions as provided in the Contract Documents, and including all applicable taxes and costs, the sum of FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY- FOUR THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($424,350.00. Payment shall be made as set forth in the General Conditions. D. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. In accordance with Government Code section 53069.85, it is agreed that the Contractor will pay the City the sum set forth in Special Conditions, Article 1.11 for each and every calendar day of delay beyond the time prescribed in the Contract Documents for finishing the Work, as Liquidated Damages and not as a penalty or forfeiture. In the event this is not paid, the Contractor agrees the City may deduct that amount from any money due or that may become due the Contractor under the Contract. This Article does not exclude recovery of other damages specified in the Contract Documents. E. COMPONENT PARTS OF THE CONTRACT. The “Contract Documents” include the following: Contractor's Bid Forms (City of Claremont Proposal Pricing) Contractor’s Certificate Regarding Workers’ Compensation Designation of Subcontractors Non-Collusion Declaration form Iran Contracting Act Certification form Public Works Contractor Registration Certification form Contract Performance Bond Payment (Labor and Materials) Bond General Conditions Contract - 2 Special Provisions (or Special Conditions) Technical Specifications Plans and Contract Drawings Approved and fully executed change orders Any other documents contained in or incorporated into the Contract The Contractor shall complete the Work in strict accordance with all of the Contract Documents. All of the Contract Documents are intended to be complementary. Work required by one of the Contract Documents and not by others shall be done as if required by all. This Contract shall supersede any prior agreement of the parties. F. PROVISIONS REQUIRED BY LAW AND CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE. Each and every provision of law required to be included in these Contract Documents shall be deemed to be included in these Contract Documents. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, the provisions of the California Labor Code and California Public Contract Code which are applicable to this Work. G. INDEMNIFICATION. Contractor shall provide indemnification and defense as set forth in the General Conditions. H. PREVAILING WAGES. Contractor shall be required to pay the prevailing rate of wages in accordance with the Labor Code which such rates shall be made available at the City’s Administrative Office or may be obtained online at dir.ca.gov and which must be posted at the job site. [REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK] Contract - 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Contract has been duly executed by the above-named parties, on the day and year above written. CITY OF ARCADIA By: Dominic Lazzaretto City Manager WEST COAST ARBORISTS, INC. By: Signature Print Name and Title ATTEST: By: City Clerk By: Signature Print Name and Title APPROVE AS TO FORM: Michael J. Maurer City Attorney   3DJHRI BID FORM URBAN FOREST MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 1$0(2)%,''(5BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  7KHXQGHUVLJQHG%LGGHUKHUE\GHFODUHVWKDWLWKDVFDUHIXOO\H[DPLQHGWKHORFDWLRQRIWKHSURSRVHG :RUNDQGKDVUHDGDQGH[DPLQHGWKH&RQWUDFW'RFXPHQWVLQFOXGLQJVSHFLILFDWLRQVDQGDOO DGGHQGDLIDQ\IRUWKHIROORZLQJ3URMHFW  URBAN FOREST MAINTENANCE PROGRAM; CS-23-02 :HKHUHE\SURSRVHWRIXUQLVKDOOODERUPDWHULDOVHTXLSPHQWWRROVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQGVHUYLFHV DQGWRGLVFKDUJHDOOGXWLHVDQGREOLJDWLRQVQHFHVVDU\DQGUHTXLUHGWRSHUIRUPDQGFRPSOHWHWKH 3URMHFWLQVWULFWFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH&RQWUDFW'RFXPHQWVIRUWKHIROORZLQJ$02817  BID SCHEDULE Description Unit Price Tree Pruning3HU8QLW 1.*ULG3UXQLQJ±&RPSOHWH3UXQLQJ 2.&URZQ&OHDQLQJ 3.5DLVH2QO\ 4.&URZQ5HGXFWLRQ 5.6HUYLFH5HTXHVW 6.&OHDUDQFH3UXQLQJ 7.1HZO\3ODQWHG7UHH <RXQJ7UHH&DUH  Tree Removal 9.&RPSOHWH7UHHDQG6WXPS5HPRYDO 1HWGLDWUXQNLQFKHV$/in_______ 10.7UHH5HPRYDO2QO\ 1HWGLDWUXQNLQFKHV$/in_______ 11.6WXPS5HPRYDO2QO\ 1HWGLDWUXQNLQFKHV$/in_______ Root Pruning Per lineal foot 12.5RRW3UXQLQJ 13.$GGLWLRQDO5RRW3UXQLQJWR*UDGH $ORQJVLGHZDONVDQGFXUEV Tree PlantingPer Unit 14.´JDOORQ 15.´ER[ 16.´ER[ 17.ZURRWEDUULHU ¶DORQJKDUGVFDSH  18.ZIUHQFKGUDLQ Tree Watering Per Hour 19.1HZO\3ODQWHG7UHHV Emergency Response Per Hour 20.PDQFUHZZHHNGD\VEHWZHHQ West Coast Arborists, Inc. $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $350.00 $350.00 $90.00 $60.00 49.00 39.00 19.00 $35.00 $45.00 $220.00 $420.00 $1,100.00 $400.00 $300.00 $100.00 $200.00   3DJHRI DPDQGSP 21.PDQFUHZZHHNGD\VEHWZHHQ DPDQGSP 22.PDQFUHZHYHQLQJQLJKWZHHNHQGKRXUV WUDYHOWLPHLQFOXGHG  23.PDQFUHZHYHQLQJQLJKWZHHNHQGKRXUV WUDYHOWLPHLQFOXGHG 24.Mulch Per Ton 'HOLYHU\DQG3LFNXS 25.Tree Crew RentalPer Hour PDQFUHZ 26.Consulting Arborist Services Per Hour +RXUO\UDWH Data Entry Per Record 27.,QYHQWRU\SHUWUHH 28.,QYHQWRU\UHFRUGLQSXW 29.,QYHQWRU\UHFRUGXSGDWH   BID ALTERNATE #1 Description Per Unit Cost Total Cost &RPSOHWH7UHH,QYHQWRU\ 8SGDWH   %LGGHUVPXVWSURYLGHSULFHIRUHYHU\LWHP  ,IWKH&RQWUDFW'RFXPHQWVVSHFLI\DOWHUQDWHELGLWHPVWKHIROORZLQJ$OWHUQDWH%LGDPRXQWVKDOOEH DGGHGWRWKH7RWDO%DVH%LG3ULFHDWWKH&LW\¶VVROHRSWLRQ7KH&LW\FDQFKRRVHWRLQFOXGHRQH RUPRUHRIWKH$OWHUQDWH%LGLWHPVLQWKH:RUN,IDQ\RIWKH$OWHUQDWH%LGLWHPVDUHVHOHFWHGE\ WKH&LW\WKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJDPRXQWVKDOOEHDGGHGWRRUGHGXFWHGIURPWKH7RWDO%DVH%LG3ULFH IRUWKH:RUN&LW\FDQDZDUGVHOHFW$OWHUQDWH%LGLWHPVDWDQ\WLPH  7KHEDVLVRIDZDUGZLOOEHRQD³%HVW9DOXH´HYDOXDWLRQEDVHGRQWKHFULWHULDPHQWLRQHGLQWKLV ELGGRFXPHQW7KHVXEPLWWHGELGZLOOEHXVHGWRKHOSHYDOXDWHWKHFRVWRI WKHXUEDQIRUHVW PDLQWHQDQFHSURJUDP  $300.00 $280.00 $420.00 $60.00 $300.00 $175.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $125,000.00 COOPERATIVE PURCHASING It is intended that other public agencies (i.e., city, county, school district, special district, public authority, public agency, and other political sub-division of the State of California) and/or other City departments shall have the option to participate in any agreement created because of this Request for Proposal with the same terms and conditions as to the price of the product and/or service. The City shall incur no financial responsibility in connection with a purchase order from another public agency. Any public agency that “piggy-backs” on any negotiated contract between the City and Contractor shall accept sole responsibility for negotiating, placing orders, and making payment to Contractor. The Contractor may or may not agree to the cooperative purchasing clause. It is understood that not all terms, conditions, or scope of work from one agency contract for tree maintenance may not be fully acceptable to another agency. Agencies may modify specific items for the purpose of making the agreement acceptable and agreeable.