HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Minutes: 09/07/2023SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES September 7, 2023 SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER — Chairperson Salazar called the meeting to order at 4:OOpm. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairperson Salazar ROLL CALL OF COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Charlene Martinez, Joyce Platt, Nilo Salazar, Donna Salter, Steve Sherman, and Margaret Swope EXCUSED: Kathrynn Penny ABSENT: Robert Bolster A motion was made by Commissioner Salter seconded by Vice -Chairperson Swope and unanimously carried to excuse Commissioner Penny. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None REPORTS FROM SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSIONERS Vice -Chairperson Swope reported the Senior Friendship Club is doing well. The Senior Friendship Club meets on Thursdays at 11:00am at the Assistance League. Club members welcomed new member Mark McCormick. Every week there are fun activities such as karaoke, birthday celebrations, bingo, and more. Commissioner Platt reported she was happy to attend the Mayor's Breakfast on September 6. Commissioner Platt reported the Travelers general meeting will be on September 29, with guest speakers from the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team. The Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team is a non-profit volunteer organization that responds to calls from individuals who need help in the mountains and wilderness. Commissioner Platt reported on upcoming trips provided by the Travelers Club. On September 20, participants will be able to enjoy the Almansor Colorful Singers cast followed by a nice lunch. On September 26, participants will visit Riley's Farm, the oldest ranch in Oak Glen where they can enjoy bluegrass music and a hayride. Commissioner Salter reported she attended the Mayor's Breakfast and said it was a nice event. Commissioner Salter said she is looking forward to the last POPS Concert on September 8, at the Los Angeles County Arboretum. Commissioner Sherman reported members from the Men's Club play cards at the Arcadia Community Center on Mondays followed by enjoying lunch at the Senior Meals Lunch program. Commissioner Sherman asked about advertising the Senior Men's Club in the Connection Newsletter. Deputy Director of Recreation and Community Services (DDRCS) Candice Cheung informed and reminded Commissioner Sherman that although members from the Men's Club play cards at the Community Center, it is not an official meeting. DDRCS Cheung stated that if the Club would like to meet and hold their official meetings at the Community Center and be advertised in the Connection, then their Club would be required to obtain a certificate of insurance. DDRCS Cheung also stated that the Assistance League still welcomes the Men's Club, however, they would have to sign the Assistance League waiver. Commissioner Martinez reported on Family Promise program, a non-profit organization that provides services to families in need of shelter and homes. The Assistance League provides Family Promise with donations of shoes, clothing, backpacks, school supplies, hygiene items and more. Commissioner Martinez reported the Bargain Box is now filled with many fall items, including clothes, the popular Barbie dolls, costumes, and so much more. Chairperson Salazar reported that the Golden Senior Club members are doing well and enjoying their weekly meetings, activities, and exercises. Chairperson Salazar mentioned he has been trying to have someone from the Police Department return his call but has not heard back. Chairperson Salazar would like to invite an officer as a guest speaker to a meeting to talk to members on what seniors need to look out for as far as staying safe in public areas and at home. DDRCS Cheung asked him to check back with her in a few days if he does not hear back from the Arcadia Police Department and she will assist with a return call. REPORT FROM CITY COUNCIL MEMBER LIAISON City Council Member Sharon Kwan reported April Verlato will be sworn in at the City Council Meeting on September 19, as the next Mayor. After the meeting, April Verlato will have refreshments at her home. City Council Member Kwan reported there are people or organizations who attend City Council meetings asking for donations or they will ask and bring up ideas how the City should spend money. Although the ideas are great, City Council Member Kwan wanted to say the City of Arcadia has many great resources and organizations and said the City does not need more organizations, instead, we need to continue to support the current ones that are available. City Council Member Kwan wanted to give the Senior Citizens Commission the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions regarding this matter. City Council Member Kwan reported that City Council approved street banners for Veterans which will be available in 2024. Lastly, City Council Member Kwan said a letter was mailed to Southern California Gas Company requesting information on high gas bills, however, the City has not received a response. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR a. Regular meeting minutes of August 2, 2023. Recommended Action: Approve It was moved by Commissioner Salter seconded by Commissioner Sherman and unanimously carried on roll call vote to approve Consent Calendar Item 2.a. AYES: Bolster, Platt, Salazar, Salter, Sherman, and Swope NOES: None ABSENT: Bolster, Penny ABSTAIN: None 3. REGULAR ITEMS a. Recreation Supervisor (RS) Gina Hernandez DDRCS Cheung reported on behalf of Supervisor Gina Hernandez. DDRCS Cheung reported the Blood Pressure Check program is available the second Tuesday of each month at the Community Center where seniors can walk in for free to have their blood pressure checked between the hours of 10 to 11 am. DDRCS Cheung reported there were 107 seniors on the annual day trip to Doheny Beach. Everyone looks forward to this summer excursion where they enjoy a fun day that includes transportation to and from the beach, lunch, snacks, refreshments, and time to relax. DDRCS Cheung announced the first senior Moon Festival luncheon will be held at the Community Center on Friday, September 22. The event will include lunch, entertainment, and raffle prizes. Registration is open to anyone who is 50 years of age or older. b. Report of Recreation and Community Services Director DDRCS Cheung reported on behalf of Recreation and Community Services Director, Sara Somogyi. DDRCS Cheung announced the upcoming citywide Moon Festival special event taking place on Saturday, September 30, at City Hall Lawn. This is the first Moon Festival event the City is hosting in collaboration with the Arcadia Chinese Association and the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce. The event will have food trucks, entertainment, activities for children, and free moon cakes. DDRCS Cheung announced the Recreation and Community Services Departments new Recreation Supervisor for special events, Emily Buchanon, will now oversee the City's special events. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Salazar adjourned the meeting at 4:40pm to October 5, 2023, at 4:OOpm in the Recreation Conference Room, 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia. r Ch person Nilo Salazar Gina Hernandez