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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10b - Parcel Map No. 83449 for Alexan Arcadia Mixed Use Development DATE: December 19, 2023 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Jason Kruckeberg, Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director Prepared By: Lisa Flores, Deputy Development Services Director SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 7533 ACCEPTING DEDICATIONS FOR STREET AND SIDEWALK PURPOSES, AND EASEMENTS FOR SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES FROM THE PROPERTY AT 150 NORTH SANTA ANITA AVENUE AND SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AS PART OF PARCEL MAP NO. 83499 FOR THE ALEXAN ARCADIA MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT CEQA: Exempt Recommendation: Adopt SUMMARY On June 21, 2022, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map No. 83499, as part of the approval of the Alexan Arcadia Mixed Use Development at 150 N. Santa Anita Avenue and surrounding properties. The Parcel Map is necessary to consolidate five lots and a vacated alley into two lots that will separate the existing office tower at 150 North Santa Anita Avenue from the proposed mixed-use component. As part of the conditions of approval for the project, the developer is required to dedicate additional portions of right- of-way and easements for public use, along the property’s street and alley frontages. The Parcel Map is now ready for approval and the dedications and easements are offered on the Map. In consideration of the developer’s offer of dedications and easements, it is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 7533 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”); accepting the dedications for street and sidewalk purposes, and easements for sidewalks and public utilities as set forth in Parcel Map No. 83499. BACKGROUND The City Council approved The Alexan Arcadia Mixed Use Development in June 2022, which included the approval of Minor Use Permit No. MUP 21-08, Architectural Design Review No. ADR 21-12, Tentative Parcel Map No. TPM 21-02, and General Plan Acceptance of Offers of Dedications and Easement on Parcel Map No. 83499 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Consistency No. 22-01. The development is located at 150 N. Santa Anita Avenue and surrounding properties, and is bound by Santa Anita Avenue on the west, Santa Clara Street on the north, the north/south alley adjacent to the Arcadia Post Office on the east, and Wheeler Avenue on the south. The development proposes a seven-story mixed-use building containing 319 residential units, including 26 affordable units and eight live-work units, and a parking structure with 551 parking spaces to be shared by all uses on site. The existing eight-story office building will remain on site as well as the one-story Bank of America building and drive-through ATM use, and a plaza will be constructed to connect these existing uses to the new building. The Parcel Map is necessary to consolidate the existing lots and create two new lots to separate the existing buildings along Santa Anita Avenue from the new development. As a condition of approval on the Parcel Map, the developer is required to dedicate several portions of right-of-way for street and sidewalk purposes, and easements for sidewalk and public utilities, along the property frontages. The Final Parcel Map was reviewed and approved by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works and is now ready for approval and acceptance of the dedications and easements. DISCUSSION The Applicant/Property Owner has submitted the Final Parcel Map with the right-of-way dedications and easements, meeting all Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Map. The offers of dedication are as follows: • Santa Anita Avenue – A three-foot dedication for street and sidewalk purposes, and a two-foot non-exclusive easement for public utility purposes; • Santa Clara Street – Adjacent to the Bank of America building – A four-foot additional dedication for street and sidewalk purposes; • Santa Clara Street – Adjacent to new building – A one-foot additional dedication for street and sidewalk purposes, and a five-foot easement for sidewalk purposes; • North/South Alley – A variable width public access/walkway easement adjacent to the alley, minimum width of five-feet with wider segments at the driveway entrance to the parking structure and at the corner with Wheeler Avenue; and • Wheeler Avenue – A two-foot easement for sidewalk purposes at the new development driveway. Since the dedications and easements are offered on the Map, the City Council must either accept or reject the offer before the Map can be approved. Accepting the dedications and easements is recommended and will place them in the public domain. The dedications will be exclusively for public use and the easements will allow for specific public uses while allowing the property owner use of the land for non-interfering uses. Acceptance of Offers of Dedications and Easement on Parcel Map No. 83499 December 19, 2023 Page 3 of 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The proposed right-of-way dedications and easements are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15301(c) because this action consists of a legal transfer of ownership, or right of use, which will result in negligible or no expansion of use beyond the project that was analyzed. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no measurable fiscal impact incurred by the City as a result of these dedications and easements. The land has some minor value and will require ministerial maintenance to ensure it is useable by the public and not hazardous. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 7533 with a Categorical Exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”); accepting dedications for street and sidewalk purposes, and easements for sidewalks and public utilities from the property at 150 North Santa Anita Avenue and surrounding properties as part of Parcel Map No. 83499 for the Alexan Arcadia Mixed Use Development. Attachment No. 1: Resolution No. 7533 Attachment No. 2: Final Parcel Map No. 83499 Attachment No. 3: Letter from County of L.A. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7533 RESOLUTION NO. 7533 ACCEPTING DEDICATIONS FOR STREET AND SIDEWALK PURPOSES, AND EASEMENTS FOR SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC UTILITIES FROM THE PROPERTY AT 150 NORTH SANTA ANITA AVENUE AND SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AS PART OF PARCEL MAP NO. 83499 FOR THE ALEXAN ARCADIA MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, On June 21, 2022, the City Council approved the Alexan Arcadia Development consisting of Minor Use Permit No. MUP 21-08, Architectural Design Review No. ADR 21-12, Tentative Parcel Map No. TPM 21-02, and General Plan Consistency No. 22-01, located at 150 North Santa Anita Avenue and surrounding properties; and WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map 83499, TPM 21-02, is necessary to consolidate the existing lots and create two new lots to separate the existing buildings along Santa Anita Avenue from the new mixed-use development; and WHEREAS, As a condition of approval on the Parcel Map, the developer is required to dedicate several portions of right-of-way along the property frontages for streets and sidewalk purposes and easements for sidewalk and public utilities, and WHEREAS, the dedications and easements are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15301(c) because this action consists of a legal transfer of ownership, which will result in negligible or no expansion of use beyond the project that was analyzed; and WHEREAS, Final Parcel Map 83499 is now ready for approval and acceptance of the dedications and easements; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVES AND DETERMINE AS FOLLOWS: Attachment No. 1 2 SECTION 1. That Final Parcel Map No. 83499 offers to the City the following dedications and easements: a. Santa Anita Avenue – A three-foot dedication for street and sidewalk purposes, and a two-foot non-exclusive easement for public utility purposes b. Santa Clara Street – adjacent to the Bank of America building – A four-foot additional dedication for street and sidewalk purposes. c. Santa Clara Street – adjacent to new building – A one-foot additional dedication for street and sidewalk purposes, and a five-foot easement for sidewalk purposes. d. North/South Alley – a variable width public access/walkway easement adjacent to the alley, minimum width of five-feet with wider segments at the driveway entrance to the parking structure and at the corner with Wheeler Avenue e. .Wheeler Avenue – A two-foot easement for sidewalk purposes at the new development driveway SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Arcadia determines that the right-of- way dedications and easements are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to Section 15301(c) because this action consists of a legal transfer of ownership, which will result in negligible or no expansion of use beyond the project that was analyzed. SECTION 3. For the foregoing reasons, the City Council accepts the dedications and easements as indicated on Parcel Map No. 83499 for public use. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. [SIGNATURES ON THE NEXT PAGE] 2 LOTS 127,669 SQ. FT. 2.93 ACRES PARCEL MAP NO. 83499 SHEET 1 OF 4 SHEETS IN THE CITY OF ARCADIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 2415, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 34, PAGE 64, OF PARCEL MAPS, AND LOTS 7, 8, 28, 27 AND A PORTION OF THE 20 FOOT WIDE ALLEY, BLOCK 76, OF SANTA ANITA TRACT, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGES 89 AND 90, OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, ALL IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. OWNER'S STATEMENT: WE 1£REBY STATE THAT WE ARE TI-E CMt£RS Of OR ARE INTERESTED IN Tl-£ L.MO INCLLOEO WITHIN Ti£ SLO)JVISION SHCMN ON THIS MAP WITHIN Tl-£ DISTINCTIVE OOROCR llr£S, NE VIE CONSENT TO Tl-£ PREPARATION NE f!LING OF SA,10 lrilAP AN) SWOIVISION ANO 'lof: HEREBY GRANT AND DEDICATE EASEMENTS TO THE OTY Of ARCA.DIA FOR PURPOSES Of STREETS, HIGHWAYS ANOOlHER PUBLIC RIGHT-Of-WAYS AND ALSO FOR SI DEWALK PURPOSES OVER THE STRIPS OF LAND SO OESICNAT£D ON SAID MAP AND ALSO FOR PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES OVER THE STRIPS Of" LANO SO DESIGNATED ON SAID MAP. Pl PROPERTIES NO. 111, LLC, A CAL.lfORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COt,f>ANY, OVH:R BY R..., R. Y"'--14' NAME, p.,.. P,)14',f/t!M'll' BY, __________ _ NAME, _________ _ TITLE, �� TITLE: _________ _ Pl PROPERTIES NO. 97, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COt.lPANY, CWU:R BY, BY: __________ _ NAME. � e_,Yt\H'IM4!U/1LI NAME, __________ TITLE:� TITLE: _________ _ SVPP PROPERTIES, LLC. A CAL.lfORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY CQt,f'ANY, OVINER BY, 4,-. ,..,.._ , BY, __________ _ NAME, Srinw y .. , ..... ""'�"--NAME, _________ _ TITLE: /f'\AM,1t< TITLE: _________ _ WESTERN ALLIANCE BM+:, AN ARIZONA COf!PORATJON, B£1'£FICIARY UNDER A DEED Of TRUST DATED Jm.JARY 12, 2018 AS INST. NO. 20180039983, OFF'ICIAL RECORDS. COltHY Of LOS ANGELES. BY �&H.; BY ffii-QJ, NAME ¼t,k (2,,i/u,/ NAME, 1>u ...... , 'R...._'h TITLE, St 11:a 'fl',£:J,.,,_-t TITLE, V'.J.(,r, '!us'P"'+?( CITIZENS BUSlt£SS BAN<, BEf\HICIARY utOER A DEED OF TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 3, 2020 AS INST. NO. 20200130024, OFFICIAL RECORDS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. BY: BY, ___________ NAME, TITLE: NAME, _________ _ TITLE: _________ _ WESTERN ALLIANCE BANK, AN ARIZONA CORPORATION. BEt£FICIARY UNDER A OCEO Of TRUST RECORDED FEBRUARY 8, 2020 AS INST. NO. 20200157425, OfFICIAL RECORDS, CCM-lTY OF LOS ANGELES. BY, ,_, BY: ___________ ,_,_________ _ TITLE: _________ TITLE: _________ _ NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: S£E SI-CET 2Cf'4 PLANNING COMMISION CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO. 83-499 WAS APPROVED AT A MEETING ON THE __ DAY OF ____ -- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED MAP. SECRETARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF ARCADIA FINANCE DIRECTOR CERTIFICATE DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FU REQUIRED BY SECTION 9118.◄ OF THE MUNICIPAL COOE HAS BEEN PAID TO THE CIT Y OF ARCADIA. FIN ANCE DIR ECTOR -CITY Of ARCADIA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT All CERTIFICATES HA VE BEEN FILED AND DEPOSITS HAVE BEEN MADE THAT ARE REQUIRED UNDER THE PROVISIONS Of SECTIONS 66◄92 AND 66493 Of THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT. EXECUTIVE OFFICER. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Of THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STA TE Of CALIFORNIA DATE BY _____ �D�E�PU�T�Y ------DATE ______ _ SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT: THIS WAP WAS PREPARED BY IE OR LK>ER MY DIRECTION NI> IS BASED LPON A FIELD SLRVEY IN C()t,f'DRWJ.K:[ WITH Tl£ REOUIREIENTS Of Tl-£ SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AN) LOCAL ORDINANCE AT Tl-£ REO..CST OF Pl PROPERTIES NO. 111, LLC, Pl PRCff:RTIES NO. 97, LLC AflO SVPP PROPERTIES LLC, ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 I 1-CREBY STATE THAT THIS f'INAL MAP SlBSTANTIALL Y CCN'OOMS TD Tl£ CCN>ITIONALLY APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP; THAT ALL Tl£ MOtUENTS ARE Of' Tt£ CHARACTER AflO OCClf'Y Tl£ LOCATIONS SHOWN I-CREON WILL BE IN PLACE At() THAT SAID MCHMENTS WILL BE Sl.fFICIENT TO ENABLE Tl-£ Sl.RVEY TO BE RETRACED; At() THAT RE.QUIRED TIE NOTES TO CENTERllt£ MONUMENTS SHCMN AS ·To BE sET· WILL BE FILED AS CORt£R RECORDS IN Tl£ OFFICE OF Tl£ CITY ENGH£[R WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER RE.CDROATION OF THIS MAP. 1-11-IQJ.3DATED BASIS OF BEARINGS: Tl-£ BEARING NORTH 00'52'26" 'M::ST, SHCMN AS HAVING A BEARING Of NORTH oo·oo·oo·w, Of' Tl£ CENTERLll-£ Of SANTA ANITA AVENlE, AS SHCMN ON PARCEL MAP NO. 2415, RECORDED IN BOOK 34, PAGE 64, OF PARCEL MAPS, RECORDS Of LOS ANGELES C�TY. WAS TAKEN AS Tl£ BASIS Of' BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS MAP. CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE: I 1-CREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE EXAMlt£D Tl-£ tu.P: THAT IT CCM'ORMS Sl.8STANTIALLY TO Tl-£ TENTATIVE MAP AM> ALL APPROVED ALTERATIONS TI-CRECf'; THAT ALL PROVISIONS Of St.OOIVISION ORDINANCES Of Tl£ CITY OF AACAOIA APPLICABLE AT Tl£ Tit£ Of APPROVAL Of Tl-£ TENTATIVE MAP HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH AflO THAT I AM SATISflEO THAT THIS MAP IS TECI-NICALLY COORECT WITH RESPECT TO CI T't' RECORDS. (NAME) CITY ENG!t£ER. CITY Of ARCADIA R.C.E. NO. __ COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I t£REBY C£RTIFY THAT I HAVE EXAM/t£0 THIS MAP; THAT IT C().f>LIES WITH ALL PROVJSl()6 Of STATE LAW APPLICABLE AT Tl£ TIME Of APPROVAL OF Tl£ TENTATIVE MAP; At() THAT I AM SATISFIED THAT THIS MAP IS TECl-f,lJCALLY CORR£CT IN ALL RESPECTS NOT CERTIFIED BY Tl£ CITY ENCH£ER. C(UffY SLRVEYOR BY-=-01""Eco"""'•,.,1"'ve=RA'"".""'oc""eu=ry-,-----­P .L.S. NO. 9742 CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE: DAT�----- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE CITY COUNOL OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, BY RESOLUTION NO. __ CCS AT A MEETIN G HELD ON ______ APPROVED THE ATTAOiED SUBDIVISION MAP, SUB...CCT TO THE CONDITION THAT ALL LAWS LEGAU.Y APPLICABLE TO FlNAL SUBOIVISION MAPS ARE TO BE COMPUEO 'MTH, AND ACCEPTED THE OEDIC A TlON TO THE PUBLIC USE AU. STR£ETS, HIGH WA Y'S, ANO OTHER PUBLIC WAYS. THE D£DICA TlON Of PUBLIC SIOCWALK, THE DEOICA TION OF PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ANO THE 0£DICATION Of PUBLIC UTILITIES. (NAME) DATE CITY a.ERK CITY TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE: I 1£REBY CERTIFY THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED LNlER THE JlRISOICTION Of Tl-£ CITY OF ARCADIA, TO 'M-ilCH Tl-£ LAf\O INCllDED IN Tl£ WITHIN �DIVISION OR ANY PART Tl£REOF' IS SU3JECT, Al'{) 'Mil CH �y BE PAID IN fll.L. HAVE BEEN PAID IN fll.L. (NAME) DATE CI TY TREASLRER l HEREBY CERTIFY THAT SECURITY IN THE AMOUNT Of $.===�=��= HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE EXECUTivt OFFICER, BOARD Of SUPERv1SORS Of' THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AS SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF TAXES ANO SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLL£CTED AS TAXES ON THE LAND SHO\\'N ON THE MAP OF TRACT NO. 83499 AS REQUIRED BY LAW. EXECUTlvt: OfflCER, BOARD Of SUPERVISOR Of THE COUNTY Of LOS ANGELES, ST A TE Of CALIFORNIA BY D �E=P�UT�Y------------- DATE ___________ Attachment No. 2 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS “To Enrich Lives Through Effective and Caring Service” 900 SOUTH FREMONT AVENUE ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA 91803-1331 Telephone: (626) 458-5100 September 7, 2023 MARK PESTRELLA, Director ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: P.O. BOX 1460 ALHAMBRA, CALIFORNIA 91802-1460 IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO FILE:LD-2 Mr. Kevin Merrill City Engineer City of Arcadia P.O. Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91006-6021 Dear Mr. Merrill: PARCEL MAP 83499 Parcel Map 83499 has been reviewed and approved by Public Works for mathematical accuracy, survey analysis, title information, and for compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. It is ready for your examination and certification as to compliance with the conditions of approval and applicable City ordinances. The City Council or Advisory Agency should make the findings required by the California Environmental Quality Act and the Subdivision Map Act. After your approval and the approval of the City Council or Advisory Agency, the final map should be returned to Los Angeles County Public Works, Land Development Division, for filing with the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's office. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Max Rodriguez of Public Works, Land Development Division, at (626) 458-4915 or Very truly yours, MARK PESTRELLA, PE Director of Public Works ARTHUR VANDER VIS, PE Assistant Deputy Director Land Development Division MR:tb P:\LDPUB\SUBMAP\LETTERS\CITY LETTERS - PARCEL MAPS\83499 PARCEL MAP-CITY LETTER (ARCADIA).DOC Attachment No. 3