HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 17, 200951:0045 CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro Tem Wuo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION Reverend Larry Eckholm, Lutheran Church of the Cross PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Fire Chief Tony Trabbie ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIUREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMBERS: PRESENT: Council/Agency Member Amundson, Chandler, Kovacic and Wuo ABSENT: Mayor Harbicht A motion was made by Council/Agency Kovacic seconded by Council/Agency Member ' Amundson to excuse Mayor Harbicht. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Penman noted two items were distributed to the City Council regarding City Manager Items 2.b and 2.c on the regular agenda. MOTION TO READ ALL ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS BY TITLE ONLY AND WAIVE THE READING IN FULL A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Amundson, seconded by Council/Agency Member Kovacic and carried on roll call vote to read all ordinances and resolutions by title only and waive the reading in full. PUBLIC COMMENTS None REPORTS FROM THE MAYOR. CITY COUNCIL AND CITY CLERK Council Member Chandler announced that Jimmy Venegas, Senior Citizens Supervisor will be leaving the City to be the Deputy Director of Community Services for the City of Alhambra and wished him the best. Council Member Kovacic recognized Dr. Richard Cordano who was the principal at Arcadia High School when he attended. 03-17-2009 1 51:0046 Council Member Amundson announced various events at the Historical Museum; he noted a ' photography contest going on at the Museum; and encouraged Home Owner Associations and other residents to meet with the Police Chief regarding burglary safety tips. Mayor Pro Tem Wuo wished everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day; he announced the Mayor's Community Breakfast is sold out; and noted that spring break is coming up and encouraged residents to take precautions to prevent their homes from being burglarized when taking vacations. City Clerk Barrows announced the elementary track meet held last week and commended the Recreation staff for a job well done and encouraged everyone to attend next weeks middle school track meet. CONSENT CALENDAR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ITEMS: a. Approve the Meeting Minutes of February 17. 2009 and March 3, 2009. Recommended Action: Approve CITY COUNCIL ITEMS: b. Approve the Meeting Minutes of February 17, 2009 and March 3, 2009 Recommended Action: Approve c. Adopt Ordinance No. 2247 amending the City's Architectural Design Review regulations as set forth in sections 9295, et seg. of the Arcadia Municipal Code and the related single-family design guidelines. Recommended Action: Adopt d. facilities. Recommended Action: Adopt e. f. Approve Foothill Transit Joint Power Authority Agreement Amendment for inclusion of the Citv of Pasadena. Recommended Action: Approve 9• Recommended Action: Approve 1 03-17-2009 Recommended Action: Approve 51:0047 h. A motion was made by Council Member Amundson seconded by Council Member Kovacic and carried on roll call vote to approve items 1.a through 1.h on the City Council/Agency Consent Calendar. AYES: Council/Agency Member Amundson, Kovacic, Chandler and Wuo NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Harbicht 2, CITY MANAGER a. Adoot Resolution No. 6670 setting forth prima facie screed limits. Recommended Action: Adopt 0 Phil Wray, Deputy Director of Development Services/City Engineer explained the California Vehicle Code requires cities to conduct Engineering and Traffic surveys every five years in order to legally set enforceable speed limits on city streets. He further explained the survey process, prevailing speeds, collision information and roadway conditions. He discussed the five roadway segments recommended for a change. A motion was made by Council Member Chandler seconded by Council Member Amundson and carried on roll call vote to adopt Resolution No. 6670 setting forth prima facie speed limits. AYES: Council/Agency Member Chandler, Amundson, Kovacic and Wuo NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Harbicht b. Recommended Action: Approve the Design Development Package and pursue funding options. Phil Wray, Deputy Director of Development Services presented a report on the proposed new City Hall project. He discussed building features and important facts of the building through the design development phase including energy efficient design features. He reported the cost for the building and site work have been refined and is now $9,626,616 and with furniture, utilities, design and other soft costs less what has been spent to date is $12,270,333. He discussed the bidding environment, the budget and the next steps for the project and City Council consideration. A motion was made by Council Member Chandler, seconded by Council Member Amundson and carried on roll call vote to approve the design development package, put the project on hold and pursue further options for financing. AYES: Council/Agency Member Chandler, Amundson, Kovacic and Wuo NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Harbicht 03-17-2009 $249.878.31. Recommended Action: Approve 51:0048 c. Report from Southern California Edison Comoanv reoardino the Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Proiect. Recommended Action: Receive and file Elisa Clifford, Southern California Edison Company Region Manager for the City of Arcadia provided a project overview of the Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project. ADJOURNMENT The City Council/Redevelopment Agency adjourned this 7, 2009, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber Huntington Drive, Arcadia. ATTEST: James H. Barrows, City Clerk meeting at 8:20 p.m. to Thursday April Conference Room located at 240 W. Robert C. Harbicht, Mayor ii ~i~ 03-17-2009