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1111 6am Abraham Rosas ✕ 7-31-21 Reinforced concrete Bill Lairson 46207-1 130 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia CA 91007 Abraham Rosas 8163546 Bill Lairson 5-11-2020 Le Meridian Hotel Snyder Langston 8 2:00pm 5-11-2020 Permit#18-564 Observed placement of 4500psi 3/8” aggregate concrete for PorteCochere Roof deck and diamond blockouts at meeting room building at the follow grid lines[P8/PG, P9/PG,P11/PG, P12/PG, P8.5,PH, 36 cubic yards total Mix Design#S80915, Temperature 83.1F, Slump 4.5, samples from load #1 P10/PE,P11/PE and P12/PF. Mechanical vibrator used Cast 1 set of 5 cylinders for testing lab pickup[4x8] Observed epoxy installation of (52)#4 dowels for mezzanine level house keeping room[PH,P8-P9], for curb at PD.5/P1 and curb at P1/PB Verified hole size, depth and free of debris prior to installation of Simpson Set XP[expires 08/03/21] Observed placement of non-shrink grout for Porte Cochere roof deck columns base[total of 6] Referenced B/S4.11, 1/S7.00, No discrepancies found ✔ (949)333-9041 5/11/20 4500psi 4.5 AR 5 83.1F 1 46207-1 Le Meridien Hotel Set 1 3. 28 6:30amS80915 3/8” 26mins 1 Porte Cochere metal deck 140 130 W Huntington, Arcadia 1 1111 6am Abraham Rosas ✕ 7-31-21 Reinforced concrete Bill Lairson 46207-1 130 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia CA 91007 Abraham Rosas 8163546 Bill Lairson 5-13-2020 Le Meridian Hotel Snyder Langston 4 10:00am 5-13-2020 Permit#18-564 Cast 1 set of 3 samples for testing lab pickup [2x4 mortar cups] Observed placement of Sika 211 SCC Plus for small opening in slab at mezzanine level house keeping room[PH,P8-P9], Verified hole size, depth and free of debris prior to installation of Simpson Set XP[expires 08/03/21] No discrepancies found Observed epoxy installation of (62) #4@16” slab dowels inside pool equipment room with 6” of embedment Referenced RFI#300 Grease Duct Penetration Concrete Fix Surface area and cement mix prepped per Sika 211 SCC Plus product data requirements Rebar inspection for pool equipment room slab. Verified lap, locations and clearances[#4@16” O.C EW] ✔ (949)333-9041 5/13/20 6500psi 8”AR 3 N/A N/A 46207-1 Le Meridien Hotel Set 1 2. 28 9:30amN/A 3 mins 1 N/A 130 W Huntington, Arcadia N/A Mezzanine Level Housekeeping Room Sika 211 SCC Plus concrete mix 1111 7am Abraham Rosas 7-31-21 Reinforced concrete Bill Lairson 46207-1 130 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia CA 91007 Abraham Rosas 8163546 Bill Lairson 5-14-2020 Le Meridian Hotel Snyder Langston 4 8:15am 5-14-2020 Permit#18-564 No discrepancies found Observed placement of 4000psi 1” aggregate concrete for pool equipment room slab[8 cubic yards] Mix Design#S69144, Temperature 79.2F, Slump 4.5, Ticket#280698, Temperature 79.2F All batch tickets verified from National Ready Mix ✔ (949)333-9041 5/14/20 4000psi 4.5”AR 5 79.2F 1 46207-1 Le Meridien Hotel Set 1 3 28 7:25amN/A 30mins 1 140 130 W Huntington, Arcadia N/A Pool equipment room slab 1” 1 1111 6:30am Abraham Rosas 7-31-21 Reinforced concrete Bill Lairson 46207-1 130 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia CA 91007 Abraham Rosas 8163546 Bill Lairson 6-1-2020 Le Meridian Hotel Snyder Langston 4 9:00am 6-1-2020 Permit#18-564 No discrepancies found Observed placement of 4500psi 3/8” aggregate concrete for stairs #2, 6th floor[4 cubic yards] Mix Design#S80915, Temperature 80.1F, Slump 5”, Ticket#281734, Truck#20459 All batch tickets verified from National Ready Mix ✔ (949)333-9041 6/1/20204500psi 5”AR 5 80.1F 1 46207-1 Le Meridien Hotel Set 1 7:25amS8091530mins 1 140 130 W Huntington, Arcadia N/A Stair #2 6th floor 3/8” 1 3 1111 6:30am Abraham Rosas 7-31-21 Reinforced concrete Bill Lairson 46207-1 130 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia CA 91007 Abraham Rosas 8163546 Bill Lairson 6-3-2020 Le Meridian Hotel Snyder Langston 4 8:45am 6-3-2020 Permit#18-564 No discrepancies found Observed placement of 4500psi 3/8” aggregate concrete for stairs #2, 1st-3rd floor[4 cubic yards] Mix Design#S80915, Temperature 79.4F, Slump 5”, Ticket#281863, Truck#20487 All batch tickets verified from National Ready Mix ✔ (949)333-9041 6/3/20204500psi 5 AR 5 79.4F 1 46207-1 Le Meridien Hotel Set 1 7:25amS8091530mins 1 140 130 W Huntington, Arcadia N/A Stair #2 3rd floor 3/8” 1 3 1111 6:30am Abraham Rosas 7-31-21 Reinforced concrete Bill Lairson 46207-1 130 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia CA 91007 Abraham Rosas 8163546 Bill Lairson 6-26-2020 Le Meridian Hotel Snyder Langston 4 8:30am 6-26-2020 Permit#18-564 No discrepancies found Observed placement of 4500psi 3/8” aggregate concrete for stairs #3, 3rd-6th floor [8 cubic yards] Mix Design#S80915, Temperature 82.3F, Slump 5”, Ticket#283345, Truck#449 All batch tickets verified from National Ready Mix ✔ (949)333-9041 6/26/20 4500psi 5 AR 5 82.3F 1 46207-1 Le Meridien Hotel Set 1 8:15amS8091530mins 1 140 130 W Huntington, Arcadia N/A Stair #3 level 4 3/8” 1 3 Equipment Tested Job #FS008308 www.abm.comABM Electrical Power Solutions REVISED 2/3/2016 PAGE PAGE NO.Asset Equip IDSubstationPlant SUNWEST ELECTRICCustomer SUNWEST ELECTRICOwner 22900 - MET GROUND FAULT PROTECTION MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM MAIN SWBD MAIN BREAKER EQPT. LOCATION OWNER ADDRESS CUSTOMER GROUND FAULT PROTECTION SYSTEM TELEPHONE SUNWEST ELECTRIC; 130 W HUNTINGTON DRIVE; ARCADIA CA USA 91007 JOB # SUNWEST ELECTRIC FS008308 CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE DATE 8/3/2020 TEMPERATURE 67 °F HUMIDITY 46 %MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOM EQUIPMENT ID TEST STATUSSUBSTATIONMAIN SWBD MAIN BREAKER Seon LeeTESTED BY: www.abm.comABM Electrical Power Solutions 22900, REVISED 8/8/2019 REVIEWED BY:EQPT. INVENTORY NO. INTERRUPTER DATA DEVICE CIRCUIT BREAKER MANUFACTURER FUSED SWITCH SERIAL NUMBER TYPE CUBICLE BUSNOT AVAILBLE CATALOG NUMBER WLL2F330MODEL NUMBER 4001400217014SIEMENS CURRENT RATING 3000 AMPERES 480 VOLTSSYSTEM VOLTAGE DEVICE VOLTAGE RATING 600 VOLTS GROUND FAULT DATA GROUND FAULT RELAY DATA GROUND FAULT SYSTEM TYPE NEUTRAL-GROUND ZERO-SEQUENCE RESIDUAL SIEMENSMANUFACTURER CUBICLE BUSTYPE ETU745CATALOG NUMBER ETUMODEL NUMBER PICKUP RANGE A-D AMPERES TIME RANGE .1-.5 I2T IN AND OUT SENSOR/CT RATING 3000 CT TYPE IN-LINE TOROIDAL AS FOUND DIAL SETTINGS A (100A)AMPERES .1Time CYCLESSECONDS A (100A)AMPERESAS LEFT DIAL SETTINGS .1 SECONDS CYCLESTime SETTINGS SUPPLIED BY AS FOUND OF AS FOUND INSPECTION REPORT NEUTRAL-GROUND LOCATION NEUTRAL DISC LINK CONTROL POWER MONITOR/TEST PANEL SENSOR LOCATION CORRECT INCORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT CORRECT INCORRECT ELECTRICAL TESTS STATIC TESTS: APPLIES TO SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE ONLY - NO EMERGENCY GENERATOR SYSTEM NEUTRAL ISOLATED: RESISTANCE VERIFIED INCORRECTCT POLARITY TEST NOT PERFORMED SIMULATED CT WRAP TEST YES NO CURRENT APPLIED DYNAMIC TESTS: SIMULATED GROUND FAULT APPLIED AT LOCATION #1 CURRENT MEASURED CURRENT AT SENSOR CURRENT MEASURED CURRENT AT SENSORLOCATION #2 ACTUAL PICKUP AMPERES 118 117 118 PERCENT PICKUP 100 100 100 150 150 150 CURRENT AMPERES Time .05 .05 .05 TRIP TOTAL Time .17 .17 .16 NO TRIP FUNCTION CHECK TRIP NO TRIP TRIP NO TRIP TRIP NO TRIP TRIP NO TRIP TRIP NO TRIP SECONDS CYCLES SECONDS CYCLES RELAYPRIMARYDIAL SETTINGS AMPERES SECONDS CYCLES / / / / / / A/N 100 B/N C/N A/N B/N 100 100 .1 SEC .1 SEC INSPECTION REMARKS / C/N .1 SEC 1 Manufacturer#Calibration Date Calibration DueModelTypeSerial / ID NumberEQUIPMENT USED: Vanguard1 2/13/2020 2/13/2021PCI-600 PRIMARY INJECTIONGL-87204 COMMENTS: DEFICIENCIES: REPORT OF ULTRASONIC FIELD TESTING Job Name Jobsite Location (area/floor) Job Address Model Serial No.Equipment (brand) Angle(s) Size Reference levelTransducer(brand) Frequency Quality Requirements 70 60 45 Remarks OSHPD SE Job No. DSA SMITH-EMERY COMPANY ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORT. CONCLUSIONS, OR EXTRACTSFROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. © 2004 Smith Emery Company Permit No. Dated Employee ID Name Grid Line Location RemarksREPAIR REJECTACCEPT REPAIR ACCEPT REJECT Snyder Langston has checked this submittal for administrative compliance and general conformity with the Contract Documents. Subcontractor/material supplier is responsible for 1) Compliance with technical specifications 2) Confirmation and coordination with dimensions at the jobsite 3) Information required for the fabrication process 4) Techniques of construction and 5) Coordination with other work required by the Contract Documents. (Rev. 03/01) DATE: ________ BY: ______________ 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 1 of 43 Andrew Hom 083500-1.0 07/13/20 1. The smoke guard will be used at elevators 1,2,. and 3 at the mezzanine level and at elevator 3 only from level-2 to level-6. 2. It is required that the housing of the smoke guard to be concealed in the ceiling from level-2 to level-6 and surface mounted with valance at the mezzanine level. 3. Provide signage indicating "NOT AN EXIT" on smoke guard curtain, visible from both sides. 4. Battery Backup: Where required by applicable authorities, provide manufacturer's standard battery system to provide secondary power during emergency situations when building power is not available. SL to coordinate with Agencies that have jurisdiction over the site regarding item #4. 4 reviewed by date No Exceptions Taken Furnish as Commented Revise and Resubmit 8/10/2020gusa Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings duringthis review do not relieve contractor from compliance withrequirements of the drawings and specifications. This checkis only for review of general conformance with the designconcept of the project and general compliance with theinformation given in the architectural contract documents.The contractor is responsible for confirming and correlatingall quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processesand techniques of construction; coordinating his or her workwith that of all other trades and performing all work in a safeand satisfactory manner. This review does not accept anychanges from the documents unless disclosed by othermeans. Review of a product does not means acceptance ofa change to an assembly that the product is a component of.Manufactured products shall be installed in conformance withtheir listings and the approved manufacturer's printedinstallation instructions. Conflicts between the listings,approved manufacturer's printed installation instructions andthe documents shall be brought to the architect's attention.Contractor shall field verify all dimensions prior to fabrication. 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 2 of 43 Codes and Standards. The M200/M400 works in conjunction with the already fire-rated elevator doors to exceed the NFPA and IBC requirements for a smoke and draft control assembly. This enables the elevator to open directly onto the corridor. Dimensions • Housing lengths: M200 55" and 64"; M400 55", 64", and 73" • Housing height: M200/M400 10.5" • Housing depth: M200/M400 9" (plus return) • Return depth: M200 1"; M400 1/2", 3/4”, 1" Standards • UL 1784 “Air Leakage Tests of Door Assemblies” listed by Intertek • UL 864 “Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems” listed by Intertek Code References • 2009 IBC Section 708.14.1 • 2012 IBC Section 713.14.1 • 2015 IBC Section 3006.1 • 2018 IBC Section 3006.1 • 2013 ASME/2016 ASME A 17.1 • NFPA 105 “Installation of Smoke Control Door Assemblies” 800.574.0330 I smokeguard.comSGSO - 10 • Rev 1 • COPYRIGHT 2017 SMOKE GUARD, INC. System Description. The Smoke Guard system Models 200 and 400 (M200/M400) create a code-compliant smoke- and draft-control assembly when paired with common fire- rated elevator doors. The Smoke Guard screen consists of a reinforced, transparent, polyimide film. The film edge is connected to flexible magnetic strips which adhere to the full- length ferrous metal elevator frame (M400) or auxiliary rails (required for M200) as the system deploys creating a tight seal. The M200 and M400 use standard 120 VAC building power and may be connected to standby power. Elevator Smoke Curtain Model 200/400 System housing Fire-rated elevator door Ferrous metal elevator jamb or auxiliary rails 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 3 of 43 US PATENTED 120V AC Line in (by others) Smoke Detector (by others) Housing Kevlar® Cables Flexible Magnetic Edge Polyimide Screen Reinforced with NOMEX® Auxiliary Rail Auxiliary Rail Backer Screen Rewind Switch (both sides of curtain) Fail Safe Secure. M200/M400 operates on a fail safe basis. The loss of AC power will trigger screen deployment. There is a deployment delay on power failure built into the system to avoid nuisance deploys on brief power outage. Upon restoration of power, the screen will automatically rewind into the housing. Listed Releasing Device. M200/M400 features a releasing device tested in accordance with the UL 864 standard by Intertek Laboratories. Rewind Switch. The Smoke Guard system screen rewind switch may be activated from both sides of the screen. This feature allows elevator occupants to exit from the elevator car using the interior (shaft side) of the switch. The screen will then redeploy after egress, as long as the smoke detector continues to be activated, providing continued smoke protection for the elevator hoistway. In the event of power outage, the vertical edge of the curtain can be pushed away from the rail or jamb to allow passage with a force less than 15 lbs. as referenced by the ICC. 800.574.0330 I smokeguard.comSGSO - 10 • Rev 1 • COPYRIGHT 2017 SMOKE GUARD, INC. System Operation. The Smoke Guard system is designed to protect elevator openings and shafts from vertical smoke migration. The system will deploy when the smoke detector in the elevator lobby goes into alarm (or on loss of power to the unit). The system is not designed to deploy on general alarm. As the lobby smoke detector goes into alarm, the elevator will automatically return to the recall floor. If an elevator occupant were to encounter a deployed M200/M400, a screen rewind switch located on both sides of the screen will allow for egress. If smoke is still actively being detected, the screen will then redeploy to seal the opening. If AC power is lost, the Smoke Guard system M200/M400 operates on a fail safe basis, triggering screen deployment. A deployment delay is built into the system to avoid nuisance deploys on brief power outage. As power is restored, the screen will automatically rewind into the housing. Installation. All Smoke Guard units are installed by factory trained and certified personnel. There is minimal preparation work. Installation requires a clear, plumb, unobstructed wall surface above the hoistway door, 120v AC power and a smoke detector. Elevator Smoke Curtain Model 200/400 Check for clearance/obstructions issues on, above, and surrounding the elevator opening (sprinklers, call buttons, HVAC, etc.) Field verify elevator opening measurements prior to ordering systems Available 120 VAC circuit with 2 amp capacity per unit Fire alarm system has local auxiliary smoke alarm contacts available No auxiliary rails: elevator door frame is ferromagnetic Smoke Guard and Your Project 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 4 of 43 Le Meridien Architects Orange Snyder Langston SGCA Job# Mike Butler 310-561-2358 Elevators 1 & 2 - Floor M, 10 ' - 0 " m a x . 2'-10 1/2"2'-9" 3'-11 3/4" 4'-7" 3'-6" 2 7/8"2 7/8" 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 5 of 43 Le Meridien Architects Orange Snyder Langston SGCA Job# Mike Butler 310-561-2358 Elevators 1 & 2 - Floor M, 10 ' - 0 " m a x . 5'-4" 3'-6" 2 7/8"2 7/8" 4'-7" 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 6 of 43 Le Meridien Architects Orange Snyder Langston SGCA Job# Mike Butler 310-561-2358 Elevators 1 & 2 - Floor M, 1" 1" 2 7/8"2 7/8" 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 7 of 43 Le Meridien Architects Orange Snyder Langston SGCA Job# Mike Butler 310-561-2358 Elevators 1 & 2 - Floor M, 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 8 of 43 SMOKE GUARD MODEL 200/400/600 RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION SEQUENCE: Phase 1 – (Work performed by General Contractor / Other Sub Contractors): 1. Elevators have been installed, including elevator frame. 2. Rough opening is filled-in to complete exterior shaft-wall (around elevator openings), and is: a. CLEAR, LEVEL, FLUSH, and UNOBSTRUCTED starting where the Smoke Guard housing is supposed to be installed (GC to designate installation height consistent with Smoke Guard submittal drawings – 10’ maximum), and continues up at least 12”. 3. Smoke Guard system clearances have been verified (see page 1 with notes of SG Shop Drawings). 4. 20 ga. Backing (or equivalent) has been installed at desired Smoke Guard housing locations to provide suitable anchorage. Phase 2 – (1st Mobilization by Smoke Guard installer(s)): 1. Smoke Guard housing is surface mounted at desired location by SGCAL. 2. Auxiliary rails (as required per SG shop drawings) installed directly outside, or above the elevator frame (Model 400 only), by SGCAL. 3. Smoke Guard screen installed by SGCAL. 4. Smoke Guard system tested using temporary power by SGCAL. 5. Since the Smoke Guard system requires permanent power to prevent screen from dropping, 2 temporary clips are attached to housing door to hold door closed until 120V AC power is provided by GC / Electrical Contractor. Phase 3 – (Work performed by General Contractor / Other Sub Contractors) MUST BE COMPLETED AT LEAST 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO INSPECTIONS: 1. Install Smoke Detector (with normally CLOSED, dry relay) within required 5’ range of elevator entrance (may be installed previously). 2. Install the following: (all wires to be stranded and run in conduit as required by local authority). • An alarm circuit from the normally closed auxiliary contact of the smoke detector to the low voltage wires in the junction box on the side of the Smoke Guard housing (steps 1 & 2 Turn- Over package) • A 120 VAC circuit to high voltage wires in the junction box on the side of the housing (step 3 Turn-Over package). • A3.9V, 2 watt end-of-line diode (found in junction box on the side of the housing, wire in series with the normally closed auxiliary contact (purple wire). • Connect the auxiliary contact (gray wire). 3. Remove temporary clips while standing clear of the unit (screen will drop). 4. Inside the housing turn the power ON using the switch on the side of the control circuit board cover (screen will automatically roll back up into the unit). 5. Provide a bead of clear paintable silicone sealant adjacent to the outboard edge of auxiliary rails and bottom of Smoke Guard Housing. 6. Soffit / ceiling is finished within 1/8” (BUT NOT ATTACHED TO) Smoke Guard housing (as applicable). 7. OPTIONAL WIRING (for one smoke detector – as applicable): • Up to 4 Smoke Guard housings may be connected to a single smoke detector. • DO NOT daisy-chain across units. • The PCB (each housing) must see the end-of-line diode on the smoke detector. REFER TO SMOKE GUARD SUBMITTAL DRAWING PAGE 4 (SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM) FOR SPECIFIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 9 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 10 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 11 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 12 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 13 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 14 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 15 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 16 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 17 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 18 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 19 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 20 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 21 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 22 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 23 of 43 4 inch box. 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 24 of 43 LEED Requirements & Product Data Form Date: Trade: General Product Information Manufacturer: Product Material Cost: Varies with model and specific customer configuration. LEED Product Information LEED Credit *Materials and Resources Credits MR - 4 Recycled Content - 20% (Post-consumer + 1/2 Pre-consumer)27.7% 21.3% 12.7% Provide documentation from manufacturer on a company letter head to support your claim per above credit Supplier Posco-2012 Posco-2018 Steel Recycling Inst. AVERAGE MR - 5 Regional Materials - Option A (20% Manufactured Locally) & Option B (10% Extracted Locally) ** Provide Location Name & Distance (in miles) from Project Site to Manufacturer : ** Provide Location Name & Distance (in miles) from Project Site to extraction of raw materials : Provide documentation from manufacturer on a company letter head to support your claim per above credit *Indoor Environmental Quality EQ - 4.1 Low Emitting Materials: Adhesives and Sealants Provide all manufacturer MSDS reports showing VOC levels for adhesive (i.e. flooring, caulk, acoustic sealants, etc.) to support your claim per above credit Silicone Adhesive (see attached SDS) EQ - 4.2 Low Emitting Materials: Paint and Coatings Provide all manufacturer MSDS reports showing VOC levels for primer and paint to support your claim per above credit EQ - 4.3 Low Emitting Materials: Flooring Systems Provide all manufacturer documentation to show compliance to CRI Green Label Program for Carpet. Laminate flooring must meet FloorScore requirements. EQ - 4.4 Low Emitting Materials: Composite Wood & Agrifiber Provide manufacturer's product MSDS reports showing no urea formaldehyde. Utilize low VOC particle board & plywood M2100, M2500, M3000, M4000 Post Consumer Pre-Consumer Calculation 500 mi. Region 21.3%12.7%27.667%No 19.8%14.4% 19.8%14.4%27.0%No February 2020 27.0%No (See attached documentation) Commercial Construction Smoke Guard, Inc Product Name(s): M200, M400, M600, M1000, M1500 ** % weight of post - consumer recycled content : ** % weight of pre - consumer (post - industrial) recycled content : 24.3%9.4%29.0%No 2/7/2020 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 25 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 26 of 43 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 27 of 43 LEED®-NC 2009 Recycled Content Value of Steel Building Products The U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED®) Green Building Rating System aims to improve occupant well-being, environmental performance, and economic returns of buildings using established and innovative practices, standards, and technologies. Materials & Resources Credit 4: Recycled Content intends to increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled content materials, thereby reducing impacts resulting from extraction and processing of virgin materials. As discussed and demonstrated below, North American steel building products contribute positively toward both available points. The following is required by LEED-NC: Credit 4 (1 or 2 points) "Use materials with recycled content such that the sum of postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of the pre-consumer content constitutes at least 10% or 20% (based on cost) of the total value of the materials in the project." “The recycled content value of a material assembly shall be determined by weight. The recycled fraction of the assembly is then multiplied by the cost of assembly to determine the recycled content value.” Since steel (the material) and steel (the building product) are the same, the value of the steel building product is directly multiplied by steel’s recycled content, or: Steel Recycled Content Value = (Value of Steel Product) (Post-Consumer % + ½ Pre- Consumer %) The information contained within this brochure provides post-consumer and pre-consumer recycled content percentages for North American steel building products and is considered acceptable documentation by the USGBC LEED rating system and green codes and standards. These percentages and values of steel building products are easily entered into the LEED Letter Template spreadsheet for calculation. To illustrate the application of these steel recycled content values to LEED, manual calculations are shown below for typical Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) and Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) steel building products with nominal $10,000 purchases, using 2011 data. Steel building products include steel stud framing, structural steel framing (wide-flange beams, channels, angles, etc.), rebar, roofing, siding, decking, doors and sashes, windows, ductwork, pipe, fixtures, hardware (hinges, handles, braces, screws, and nails), culverts, storm drains, and manhole covers. BOF Steel Recycled Content Value for Typical Product: Steel Stud Framing BOF Steel Recycled Content Value = 19.8% + (½ x 14.4%) = 27% Value = ($10,000) (27.0%) = $2,700 (Positive net contributor to 10% and 20% minimum percentage for each point threshold) EAF Steel Recycled Content Value for Typical Product: Wide-Flange Structural Steel Framing EAF Steel Recycled Content Value = 69.0% + (½ x 19.5%) = 78.8% Value = ($10,000) (78.8%) = $7,880 (Positive net contributor to 10% and 20% minimum percentage for each point threshold) https://www.steelsustainability.org/recycling/leed-documentation 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 28 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 1 / 14 SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name : XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Product code : 000000000004055025 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier : Dow Corning Corporation Address : South Saginaw Road Midland Michigan 48686 Telephone : (989) 496-6000 Emergency telephone : 24 Hour Emergency Telephone : (989) 496-5900 CHEMTREC : (800) 424-9300 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended use : Adhesive, binding agents SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION GHS classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200 Not a hazardous substance or mixture. GHS label elements Not a hazardous substance or mixture. Precautionary Statements : Prevention: P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Other hazards None known. SECTION 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Substance / Mixture : Mixture Chemical nature : Silicone elastomer Hazardous ingredients Chemical name CAS-No. Concentration (% w/w) Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 >= 5 - < 10 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 64742-46-7 >= 5 - < 10 SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURES If inhaled : If inhaled, remove to fresh air. 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 29 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 2 / 14 Get medical attention if symptoms occur. In case of skin contact : Wash with water and soap as a precaution. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. In case of eye contact : Flush eyes with water as a precaution. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. If swallowed : If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed : None known. Protection of first-aiders : No special precautions are necessary for first aid responders. Notes to physician : Treat symptomatically and supportively. SECTION 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable extinguishing media : Water spray Alcohol-resistant foam Carbon dioxide (CO2) Dry chemical Unsuitable extinguishing media : None known. Specific hazards during fire fighting : Exposure to combustion products may be a hazard to health. Hazardous combustion prod- ucts : Carbon oxides Silicon oxides Formaldehyde Specific extinguishing meth- ods : Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local cir- cumstances and the surrounding environment. Use water spray to cool unopened containers. Remove undamaged containers from fire area if it is safe to do so. Evacuate area. Special protective equipment for fire-fighters : Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if nec- essary. Use personal protective equipment. SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions, protec- tive equipment and emer- : Follow safe handling advice and personal protective equipment recommendations. 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 30 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 3 / 14 gency procedures Environmental precautions : Discharge into the environment must be avoided. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Retain and dispose of contaminated wash water. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up : Soak up with inert absorbent material. For large spills, provide diking or other appropriate containment to keep material from spreading. If diked material can be pumped, store recovered material in appropriate container. Clean up remaining materials from spill with suitable absorbent. Local or national regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materials and items employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which regulations are applicable. Sections 13 and 15 of this SDS provide information regarding certain local or national requirements. SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Technical measures : See Engineering measures under EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION section. Local/Total ventilation : Use only with adequate ventilation. Advice on safe handling : Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Take care to prevent spills, waste and minimize release to the environment. Conditions for safe storage : Keep in properly labeled containers. Store in accordance with the particular national regulations. Materials to avoid : Do not store with the following product types: Strong oxidizing agents SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Ingredients with workplace control parameters Ingredients CAS-No. Value type (Form of exposure) Control parame- ters / Permissible concentration Basis Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 TWA (Dust) 20 Million particles per cubic foot (Silica) OSHA Z-3 TWA (Dust) 80 mg/m3 OSHA Z-3 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 31 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 4 / 14 / %SiO2 (Silica) TWA 6 mg/m³ (Silica) NIOSH REL Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 64742-46-7 TWA (Mist) 5 mg/m³ OSHA Z-1 TWA (Mist) 5 mg/m³ NIOSH REL ST (Mist) 10 mg/m³ NIOSH REL These substance(s) are inextricably bound in the product and therefore do not contribute to a dust inhalation hazard. Silicon dioxide Engineering measures : Processing may form hazardous compounds (see section 10). Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas. Minimize workplace exposure concentrations. Personal protective equipment Respiratory protection : General and local exhaust ventilation is recommended to maintain vapor exposures below recommended limits. Where concentrations are above recommended limits or are unknown, appropriate respiratory protection should be worn. Follow OSHA respirator regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) and use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirators. Protection provided by air purifying respirators against exposure to any hazardous chemical is limited. Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is any potential for uncontrolled release, exposure levels are unknown, or any other circumstance where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection. Hand protection Remarks : Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. Eye protection : Wear the following personal protective equipment: Safety glasses Skin and body protection : Skin should be washed after contact. Hygiene measures : Ensure that eye flushing systems and safety showers are located close to the working place. When using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash contaminated clothing before re-use. These precautions are for room temperature handling. Use at elevated temperature or aerosol/spray applications may require added precautions. SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 32 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 5 / 14 Appearance : paste Color : Clear to slightly hazy, colorless Odor : Acetic acid Odor Threshold : No data available pH : Not applicable Melting point/freezing point : No data available Initial boiling point and boiling range : Not applicable Flash point : > 100 °C Method: closed cup Evaporation rate : Not applicable Flammability (solid, gas) : Not classified as a flammability hazard Self-ignition : The substance or mixture is not classified as pyrophoric. The substance or mixture is not classified as self heating. Upper explosion limit / Upper flammability limit : No data available Lower explosion limit / Lower flammability limit : No data available Vapor pressure : Not applicable Relative vapor density : No data available Relative density : 1.007 Solubility(ies) Water solubility : No data available Partition coefficient: n- octanol/water : No data available Autoignition temperature : No data available Decomposition temperature : No data available Viscosity Viscosity, dynamic : Not applicable Explosive properties : Not explosive Oxidizing properties : The substance or mixture is not classified as oxidizing. 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 33 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 6 / 14 Molecular weight : No data available SECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Reactivity : Not classified as a reactivity hazard. Chemical stability : Stable under normal conditions. Possibility of hazardous reac- tions : Use at elevated temperatures may form highly hazardous compounds. Can react with strong oxidizing agents. Acetic acid is formed upon contact with water or humid air. When heated to temperatures above 150 °C (300 °F) in the presence of air, trace quantities of formaldehyde may be re- leased. Adequate ventilation is required. See OSHA formaldehyde standard, 29 CFR 1910.1048 Hazardous decomposition products will be formed at elevated temperatures. Conditions to avoid : None known. Incompatible materials : Oxidizing agents Hazardous decomposition products Thermal decomposition : Formaldehyde SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Information on likely routes of exposure Skin contact Ingestion Eye contact Acute toxicity Not classified based on available information. Ingredients: Silicon dioxide: Acute oral toxicity : LD50 (Rat): > 3,300 mg/kg Assessment: The substance or mixture has no acute oral tox- icity Remarks: Information taken from reference works and the literature. Acute inhalation toxicity : LC50 (Rat): > 2.08 mg/l Exposure time: 4 h Test atmosphere: dust/mist Assessment: The substance or mixture has no acute inhala- 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 34 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 7 / 14 tion toxicity Remarks: Information taken from reference works and the literature. Acute dermal toxicity : LD50 (Rabbit): > 5,000 mg/kg Assessment: The substance or mixture has no acute dermal toxicity Remarks: Information taken from reference works and the literature. Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Acute oral toxicity : LD50 (Rat): > 5,000 mg/kg Acute inhalation toxicity : LC50 (Rat): > 5,266 mg/m³ Exposure time: 4 h Test atmosphere: dust/mist Acute dermal toxicity : LD50 (Rabbit): > 3,160 mg/kg Assessment: The substance or mixture has no acute dermal toxicity Skin corrosion/irritation Not classified based on available information. Ingredients: Silicon dioxide: Result: No skin irritation Remarks: Information taken from reference works and the literature. Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Species: Rabbit Method: OECD Test Guideline 404 Result: No skin irritation Serious eye damage/eye irritation Not classified based on available information. Ingredients: Silicon dioxide: Result: No eye irritation Remarks: Information taken from reference works and the literature. Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Species: Rabbit Result: No eye irritation Method: OECD Test Guideline 405 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 35 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 8 / 14 Respiratory or skin sensitization Skin sensitization Not classified based on available information. Respiratory sensitization Not classified based on available information. Ingredients: Silicon dioxide: Assessment: Does not cause skin sensitization. Test Type: Skin: test type not specified Species: Guinea pig Result: negative Remarks: Information taken from reference works and the literature. Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Test Type: Maximization Test Routes of exposure: Skin contact Species: Guinea pig Result: negative Remarks: Based on data from similar materials Germ cell mutagenicity Not classified based on available information. Ingredients: Silicon dioxide: Genotoxicity in vitro : Result: negative Remarks: Information taken from reference works and the literature. Genotoxicity in vivo : Application Route: Ingestion Result: negative Remarks: Information taken from reference works and the literature. Germ cell mutagenicity - Assessment : Animal testing did not show any mutagenic effects. Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Genotoxicity in vitro : Test Type: Bacterial reverse mutation assay (AMES) Result: negative Genotoxicity in vivo : Test Type: Mutagenicity (in vivo mammalian bone-marrow cytogenetic test, chromosomal analysis) Species: Rat Application Route: Intraperitoneal injection Result: negative 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 36 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 9 / 14 Carcinogenicity Not classified based on available information. IARC No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC. OSHA No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is on OSHA’s list of regulated carcinogens. NTP No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a known or anticipated carcinogen by NTP. Reproductive toxicity Not classified based on available information. Ingredients: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Effects on fertility : Test Type: Combined repeated dose toxicity study with the reproduction/developmental toxicity screening test Species: Rat Application Route: Ingestion Method: OECD Test Guideline 422 Result: negative Remarks: Based on data from similar materials Effects on fetal development : Test Type: Embryo-fetal development Species: Rat Application Route: Ingestion Method: OECD Test Guideline 414 Result: negative STOT-single exposure Not classified based on available information. STOT-repeated exposure Not classified based on available information. Repeated dose toxicity Ingredients: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Species: Rat NOAEL: >= 5,000 mg/kg Application Route: Ingestion Exposure time: 13 Weeks Remarks: Based on data from similar materials 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 37 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 10 / 14 Aspiration toxicity Not classified based on available information. Ingredients: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: The substance or mixture is known to cause human aspiration toxicity hazards or has to be re- garded as if it causes a human aspiration toxicity hazard. SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity Ingredients: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Toxicity to fish : LL50 (Scophthalmus maximus (turbot)): > 1,028 mg/l Exposure time: 96 h Test substance: Water Accommodated Fraction Toxicity to daphnia and other aquatic invertebrates : LL50 (Acartia tonsa): > 3,193 mg/l Exposure time: 48 h Test substance: Water Accommodated Fraction Toxicity to algae : EL50 (Skeletonema costatum (marine diatom)): > 10,000 mg/l Exposure time: 72 h Test substance: Water Accommodated Fraction Toxicity to daphnia and other aquatic invertebrates (Chron- ic toxicity) : NOELR (Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea)): > 100 mg/l Exposure time: 8 d Test substance: Water Accommodated Fraction Toxicity to microorganisms : EC50: > 100 mg/l Exposure time: 3 h Method: OECD Test Guideline 209 Persistence and degradability Ingredients: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle: Biodegradability : Result: Readily biodegradable. Biodegradation: 74 % Exposure time: 28 d Method: OECD Test Guideline 306 Bioaccumulative potential No data available Mobility in soil No data available 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 38 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 11 / 14 Other adverse effects No data available SECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal methods Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) : This product has been evaluated for RCRA characteristics and does not meet the criteria of hazardous waste if discarded in its purchased form. Waste from residues : Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Contaminated packaging : Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. If not otherwise specified: Dispose of as unused product. SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION International Regulations UNRTDG Not regulated as a dangerous good IATA-DGR Not regulated as a dangerous good IMDG-Code Not regulated as a dangerous good Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code Not applicable for product as supplied. Domestic regulation 49 CFR Not regulated as a dangerous good SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION EPCRA - Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know CERCLA Reportable Quantity Ingredients CAS-No. Component RQ (lbs) Calculated product RQ (lbs) Acetic acid 64-19-7 5000 * Acetic anhydride 108-24-7 5000 * *: Calculated RQ exceeds reasonably attainable upper limit. SARA 304 Extremely Hazardous Substances Reportable Quantity This material does not contain any components with a section 304 EHS RQ. SARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances Threshold Planning Quantity This material does not contain any components with a section 302 EHS TPQ. 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 39 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 12 / 14 SARA 311/312 Hazards : No SARA Hazards SARA 313 : This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313. US State Regulations Pennsylvania Right To Know Dimethyl siloxane, hydroxy-terminated 70131-67-8 Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 64742-46-7 Acetic acid 64-19-7 Acetic anhydride 108-24-7 California Prop. 65 This product does not contain any chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth, or any other reproductive defects. California List of Hazardous Substances Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 64742-46-7 California Permissible Exposure Limits for Chemical Contaminants Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated middle 64742-46-7 The ingredients of this product are reported in the following inventories: AICS : All ingredients listed or exempt. IECSC : All ingredients listed or exempt. PICCS : All ingredients listed or exempt. DSL : All chemical substances in this product comply with the CEPA 1999 and NSNR and are on or exempt from listing on the Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL). REACH : For purchases from Dow Corning EU legal entities, all ingredients are currently pre/registered or exempt under REACH. Please refer to section 1 for recommended uses. For purchases from non-EU Dow Corning legal entities with the intention to export into EEA please contact your DC representative/local office. TSCA : All chemical substances in this product are either listed on the TSCA Inventory or are in compliance with a TSCA Inventory exemption. 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 40 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 13 / 14 SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATION Further information NFPA: HMIS® IV: HMIS® ratings are based on a 0-4 rating scale, with 0 representing minimal haz- ards or risks, and 4 representing signifi- cant hazards or risks. The "*" represents a chronic hazard, while the "/" represents the absence of a chronic hazard. Full text of other abbreviations NIOSH REL : USA. NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits OSHA Z-1 : USA. Occupational Exposure Limits (OSHA) - Table Z-1 Lim- its for Air Contaminants OSHA Z-3 : USA. Occupational Exposure Limits (OSHA) - Table Z-3 Min- eral Dusts NIOSH REL / TWA : Time-weighted average concentration for up to a 10-hour workday during a 40-hour workweek NIOSH REL / ST : STEL - 15-minute TWA exposure that should not be exceeded at any time during a workday OSHA Z-1 / TWA : 8-hour time weighted average OSHA Z-3 / TWA : 8-hour time weighted average AICS - Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances; ASTM - American Society for the Testing of Materials; bw - Body weight; CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; CMR - Carcinogen, Mutagen or Reproductive Toxicant; DIN - Standard of the German Institute for Standardisation; DOT - Department of Transportation; DSL - Domestic Sub- stances List (Canada); ECx - Concentration associated with x% response; EHS - Extremely Haz- ardous Substance; ELx - Loading rate associated with x% response; EmS - Emergency Schedule; ENCS - Existing and New Chemical Substances (Japan); ErCx - Concentration associated with x% growth rate response; ERG - Emergency Response Guide; GHS - Globally Harmonized Sys- tem; GLP - Good Laboratory Practice; HMIS - Hazardous Materials Identification System; IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer; IATA - International Air Transport Association; IBC - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk; IC50 - Half maximal inhibitory concentration; ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organiza- tion; IECSC - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China; IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Goods; IMO - International Maritime Organization; ISHL - Industrial Safety and Health Law (Japan); ISO - International Organisation for Standardization; KECI - Korea Existing Chemi- cals Inventory; LC50 - Lethal Concentration to 50 % of a test population; LD50 - Lethal Dose to 50% of a test population (Median Lethal Dose); MARPOL - International Convention for the Pre- Flammability He a l t h In s t a b i l i t y 0 1 0 Special hazard. FLAMMABILITY 1 PHYSICAL HAZARD HEALTH 0 / 0 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 41 of 43 SAFETY DATA SHEET XIAMETER(R) SLT-5201 SEALANT ACETOXY CLEAR-M Version 4.3 Revision Date: 04/24/2017 SDS Number: 1346764-00007 Date of last issue: 01/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/16/2015 14 / 14 vention of Pollution from Ships; MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration; n.o.s. - Not Oth- erwise Specified; NFPA - National Fire Protection Association; NO(A)EC - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Concentration; NO(A)EL - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Level; NOELR - No Observable Effect Loading Rate; NTP - National Toxicology Program; NZIoC - New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals; OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; OPPTS - Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention; PBT - Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic sub- stance; PICCS - Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances; (Q)SAR - (Quanti- tative) Structure Activity Relationship; RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; REACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concern- ing the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals; RQ - Reportable Quantity; SADT - Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature; SARA - Superfund Amend- ments and Reauthorization Act; SDS - Safety Data Sheet; TCSI - Taiwan Chemical Substance Inventory; TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act (United States); UN - United Nations; UNRTDG - United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; vPvB - Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative Sources of key data used to compile the Material Safety Data Sheet : Internal technical data, data from raw material SDSs, OECD eChem Portal search results and European Chemicals Agen- cy, http://echa.europa.eu/ Revision Date : 04/24/2017 Items where changes have been made to the previous version are highlighted in the body of this document by two vertical lines. The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and shall not be considered a warranty or quality specification of any type. The information provided relates only to the specific material identified at the top of this SDS and may not be valid when the SDS material is used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Material users should review the information and recommendations in the specific context of their intended manner of handling, use, processing and storage, including an assessment of the appropriateness of the SDS material in the user’s end product, if applicable. US / Z8 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 42 of 43 9865 S. Pioneer Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA. 90670 T/ 562-368-4203 F/ 562-368-4184 CA Lic# 952416 SMOKE GUARD CA (SGCA) CONTACTS LIST Below are your SGCA contacts for this project for your reference. Please distribute to your project team for their use and information: For ALL jobsite and field related matters (pre-coordination; install scheduling; testing; jobsite issues; manpower requests; field change orders; order release; etc.), contact: JEANINE KENDRICKS I Operations Project Manager Direct: 562.368.4213 Fax: 562-368.4184 Mobile: 562.922.2160 jeanine.kendricks@sgspecialties.com I www.sgcal.com For contractual and project related items (RFI’s, Submittals and ALL correspondence) contact: MIKE BUTLER I Territory Sales Manager Direct: 562.368.4202 Mobile: 310.561.2358 mike.butler@sgspecialties.com I www.sgcal.com For Contracts, Insurance and OCIP/CCIP) contact: COLLETTE VENTERS I Insurance Administrator Direct: 562.368.4205 collette.venters@sgspecialties.com For billing requests, contact: CATHY GARCIA I Project Coordinator Direct: 562.368.4186 Fax: 562.368-4184 cathy.garcia@sgspecialties.com For warranties, guarantees, close-out documents contact: CATHY GARCIA I Project CoordinatorDirect: 562.368.4186 Fax: 562.368-4184 cathy.garcia@sgspecialties.com For service requests (after project completion) contact: KIMBERLY MENGARELLI I Service Division Manager Direct: 925.521.8110 Fax: 877.342.8938 kimberly.mengarelli@sgspecialties.com 083500-1.0 Smoke Guard Proposal SL Received 7/10/20 Page 43 of 43 Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 1 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Attached is the analytical report for the sample(s) received for your project. Below is a list of the individual sample descriptions with the corresponding laboratory number(s). Also, enclosed is a copy of the Chain of Custody document (if received with your sample(s)). Please note any unused portion of the sample(s) may be responsibly discarded after 30 days from the above report date, unless you have requested otherwise. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your analytical needs. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please contact our client service department. Lab Sample #Client Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Sample Identification Date SubmittedBy By C1D1552-01 Water 04/13/21 11:45 04/13/21 15:35Oscar Gonzalez Oscar Gonzalez Level 6 Unit 626 C1D1552-02 Water 04/13/21 11:50 04/13/21 15:35Oscar Gonzalez Oscar Gonzalez Level 5 Unit 510 C1D1552-03 Water 04/13/21 11:55 04/13/21 15:35Oscar Gonzalez Oscar Gonzalez Level 4 Unit 434 C1D1552-04 Water 04/13/21 12:05 04/13/21 15:35Oscar Gonzalez Oscar Gonzalez Level 3 Unit 356 C1D1552-05 Water 04/13/21 12:10 04/13/21 15:35Oscar Gonzalez Oscar Gonzalez Level 2 Unit 233 C1D1552-06 Water 04/13/21 12:20 04/13/21 15:35Oscar Gonzalez Oscar Gonzalez Level Mezzanine Mens Restroom Lavy C1D1552-07 Water 04/13/21 12:30 04/13/21 15:35Oscar Gonzalez Oscar Gonzalez Level 1 Lobby Mens Restroom Lavy CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 2 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Laboratory Reference Number Sample Description 04/13/21 11:45 Sampled Date/Time Received Date/Time 04/13/21 15:35 Matrix WaterLevel 6 Unit 626 C1D1552-01 ResultAnalyte(s)RDL Analysis DateMethodUnits Analyst Flag Heterotrophic Plate Count - SM 9215 B 26Heterotrophic Plate Count 1.0 CFU/mL SM 9215B 04/15/21 14:55 VSS MMOMUG - Presence/Absence - SM 9223 B AbsentTotal Coliform 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA AbsentE. coli 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 3 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Laboratory Reference Number Sample Description 04/13/21 11:50 Sampled Date/Time Received Date/Time 04/13/21 15:35 Matrix WaterLevel 5 Unit 510 C1D1552-02 ResultAnalyte(s)RDL Analysis DateMethodUnits Analyst Flag Heterotrophic Plate Count - SM 9215 B 96Heterotrophic Plate Count 1.0 CFU/mL SM 9215B 04/15/21 14:55 VSS MMOMUG - Presence/Absence - SM 9223 B AbsentTotal Coliform 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA AbsentE. coli 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 4 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Laboratory Reference Number Sample Description 04/13/21 11:55 Sampled Date/Time Received Date/Time 04/13/21 15:35 Matrix WaterLevel 4 Unit 434 C1D1552-03 ResultAnalyte(s)RDL Analysis DateMethodUnits Analyst Flag Heterotrophic Plate Count - SM 9215 B 340Heterotrophic Plate Count 1.0 CFU/mL SM 9215B 04/15/21 14:55 VSS MMOMUG - Presence/Absence - SM 9223 B AbsentTotal Coliform 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA AbsentE. coli 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 5 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Laboratory Reference Number Sample Description 04/13/21 12:05 Sampled Date/Time Received Date/Time 04/13/21 15:35 Matrix WaterLevel 3 Unit 356 C1D1552-04 ResultAnalyte(s)RDL Analysis DateMethodUnits Analyst Flag Heterotrophic Plate Count - SM 9215 B 31Heterotrophic Plate Count 1.0 CFU/mL SM 9215B 04/15/21 14:55 VSS MMOMUG - Presence/Absence - SM 9223 B AbsentTotal Coliform 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA AbsentE. coli 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 6 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Laboratory Reference Number Sample Description 04/13/21 12:10 Sampled Date/Time Received Date/Time 04/13/21 15:35 Matrix WaterLevel 2 Unit 233 C1D1552-05 ResultAnalyte(s)RDL Analysis DateMethodUnits Analyst Flag Heterotrophic Plate Count - SM 9215 B 190Heterotrophic Plate Count 1.0 CFU/mL SM 9215B 04/15/21 14:55 VSS MMOMUG - Presence/Absence - SM 9223 B AbsentTotal Coliform 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA AbsentE. coli 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 7 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Laboratory Reference Number Sample Description 04/13/21 12:20 Sampled Date/Time Received Date/Time 04/13/21 15:35 Matrix WaterLevel Mezzanine Mens Restroom Lavy C1D1552-06 ResultAnalyte(s)RDL Analysis DateMethodUnits Analyst Flag Heterotrophic Plate Count - SM 9215 B >5700Heterotrophic Plate Count 1.0 CFU/mL SM 9215B 04/15/21 14:55 VSS MMOMUG - Presence/Absence - SM 9223 B AbsentTotal Coliform 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA AbsentE. coli 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 8 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Laboratory Reference Number Sample Description 04/13/21 12:30 Sampled Date/Time Received Date/Time 04/13/21 15:35 Matrix WaterLevel 1 Lobby Mens Restroom Lavy C1D1552-07 ResultAnalyte(s)RDL Analysis DateMethodUnits Analyst Flag Heterotrophic Plate Count - SM 9215 B 2.0Heterotrophic Plate Count 1.0 CFU/mL SM 9215B 04/15/21 14:55 VSS MMOMUG - Presence/Absence - SM 9223 B AbsentTotal Coliform 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA AbsentE. coli 1.1 ----SM 9223B 04/14/21 12:10 HVA CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 9 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 Notes and Definitions NR:Not Reported ND:Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the Method Detection Limit (if MDL is reported), otherwise at or above the Reportable Detection Limit (RDL) RDL:Reportable Detection Limit MDL: Method Detection Limit * / ''' :NELAP does not offer accreditation for this analyte/method/matrix combination e-Short_No Alias.rpt This report applies only to the sample(s) analyzed. As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and Babcock Laboratories, Inc., this report is submitted and accepted for the exclusive use of the Client to whom it is addressed. Interpretation and use of the information contained within this report are the sole responsibility of the Client. Babcock Laboratories, Inc. is not responsible for any misinformation or consequences that may result from misinterpretation or improper use of this report. This report is not to be modified or abbreviated in any way. Additionally, this report is not to be used, in whole or in part, in any advertising or publicity matter without written authorization from Babcock Laboratories, Inc. The liability of Babcock Laboratories, Inc. is limited to the actual cost of the requested analyses, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. There is no other warranty expressed or implied. Enclosed are the analytical results for the submitted sample(s). Babcock Laboratories certify the data presented as part of this report meet the minimum quality standards in the referenced analytical methods. Any exceptions have been noted. Approval cc: Alexis Nicole Harold For Cindy A. Waddell CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 Client Name: Report Date: AMPAM-Parks Mechanical 17036 Avalon Blvd Alan McAllister Carson, CA 90746 Contact: Address: Project Number: Analytical Report: Page 10 of 10 Project Name: Le Meridien #1315 No Project 27-Apr-2021 Work Order Number: 10YesReceived on Ice (Y/N):Temp:°C C1D1552 CA ELAP No. 2698 EPA No. CA00102 NELAP No. OR4035 LACSD No. 10119 P 951 653 3351 F 951 653 1662 www.babcocklabs.com location 6100 Quail Valley Court Riverside, CA 92507-0704 mailing P.O Box 432 Riverside, CA 92502-0432 San Bernardino District Office 464 W, Fourth Street, Suite 325 San Bernardino, CA 92401 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED CONVEYANCE PERMIT II PERMIT TO OPERA TE A CONVEYANCE II OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2701 MEDIA CENTER DR STE 2 LOS ANGELES CA 90065-1700 Conveyance Number: Inspection Date: Issue Date: 179386 04/02/2021 04/23/2021 Permit Expires: 04/02/2022 Location: Owners ID: 130 HUNTINGTON DR W ARCADIA CA 91007 2 California law requires that all conveyances shall have a valid permit posted conspicuously on the conveyance. (Labor Code Sections 7300-7324). Please detach your new permit at the dotted line and post on the conveyance. Retain this portion for your records. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety & Health INSPECTION: 179386 04/02/202 1 Conveyance Number Date of Inspection A LOCATION: 130 HUNTINGTON DR W 8 Street Address & 9{55&5 LOAD 3,500 \\~. 21 ~~~ PERMISSIBLE: Pounds ~ ~ Persons roR! Passenger 2 VV-AC DESCRIPTION: Type of conveyance Owner's ID Power 04/02/2022 Date Permit Expires ARCADIA City or Town JN912 Inspector Belt Type of Machine THIS PERMIT SHALL BE POSTED ON THE CONVEYANCE EV02 SIMS San Bernardino District Office 464 W, Fourth Street, Suite 325 San Bernardino, CA 92401 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH CONVEYANCE PERMIT II PERMIT TO OPERA TE A CONVEYANCE II OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY ATTN:ACCOUNTSPAYABLE 2701 MEDIA CENTER DR STE 2 LOS ANGELES CA 90065-1700 Conveyance Number: Inspection Date: Issue Date: 179385 04/01/2021 04/23/2021 Permit Expires: 04/01/2022 Location: Owners ID: 130 HUNTINGTON DR W ARCADIA CA 91007 1 California law requires that all conveyances shall have a valid permit posted conspicuously on the conveyance. (Labor Code Sections 7300-7324). Please detach your new permit at the dotted line and post on the conveyance. Retain this portion for your records. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety & Health INSPECTION: 179385 Conveyance Number LOCATION: 130HUNTINGTON DR W Street Address LOAD 3,soo PERMISSIBLE: Pounds Passenger DESCRIPTION: Type of conveyance 04/01/2021 Date of Inspection J ~ 9 ,: L) z y 21 c, • Persons Turon Owner's ID 04/01/2022 Date Permit Expires ARCADIA City or Town JN912 Inspector VV-AC Power Belt Type of Machine THIS PERMIT SHALL BE POSTED ON THE CONVEYANCE EV02 SIMS STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT TO OPERATE A CONVEYANCE CONVEYANCE PERMIT Conveyance Number: Inspection Date: Issue Date: Permit Expires: Location: Owner ID: California law requires that all conveyances shall have a valid permit posted conspicuously on the conveyance. (Labor Code Sections 7300-7324). Please detach your new permit at the dotted line and post on the conveyance. Retain this portion for your records. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety & Health INSPECTION: LOCATION: LOAD PERMISSIBLE: DESCRIPTION: THIS PERMIT SHALL BE POSTED ON THE CONVEYANCE Conveyance Number Date of Inspection Date Permit Expires Street Address City or Town Pounds Persons Inspector Type of Conveyance Owner's ID Power Type of Machine San Bernardino District Office 464 W. Fourth Street, Suite 325 San Bernardino, CA 92401 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY 2701 MEDIA CENTER DR STE 2 LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 179387 11/30/2020 01/21/2021 11/30/2021 130 HUNTINGTON DR W ARCADIA, CA 91007 3 179387 11/30/2020 11/30/2021 130 HUNTINGTON DR W ARCADIA, CA 91007 4000 25 BeltPassenger3VV-AC JN912 ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SMITH-EMERY LABORATORIES An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Jurisdiction Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s Notes: 18-564 46207-1 4-14-20 La Meirdian Hotel 130 W HUNTINGTON DR, ARCADIA ARCADIA RYAN BRANDT Time in- 7:00AM Time out- 10:00AM 01638966 04/08/2024 A) MATERIAL: S80915 MIX DESIGN, 4500 PSI, 3/8TH AGGREGATE B) PROVIDER: NATIONAL READY MIX C) TEMPERATURES: 68F D) SLUMPS: 5.5” E) CY: APPROXIMATELY 80 YARDS POURED F) PERFORMED TEMPERATURE AND SLUMP TESTS, ALL TESTS COMPLIANT G) LOCATIONS: SET1: MEETING ROOM METAL ROOF METAL DECK J/13 1) SAMPLES: 1 SET OF 5 4x8 2) METHOD OF PLACEMENT: BOOM PUMP Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Inspection Company Field Daily Report 1 | Page Buffington-015-v03 1195 North Tustin Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92807 Phone (714) 632-3371 Fax (714) 238-6144 Project # 46207-1 Job Name: Le Meridian Job Address: 130 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91007 Report Date: 4-14-2020 Inspector: Kevin S. Buffington License Required for Inspection: Reinforced Concrete License # 5256771 Exp. Date: May 16, 2020 Jurisdiction License #: N/A Client: Contractor: Snyder Langston Contact at Site: Bill Lairson Permit #: 18-564 Jurisdiction: City of Arcadia Offsite? Yes No Offsite Location: N/A TYPE OF WORK: (check one) Reinforced Concrete Post-Tension Con. Masonry Welding/Bolting Non-shrink Grout (SFRM) Spray-Applied Fireproofing (FRP) Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Epoxy Anchors/Rebar ACI Other Description of Work/Daily Activity: Special inspections was performed for the placement of concrete for the meeting room roof on metal deck. Concrete was provided by National Ready Mix with a mix design of S80915 at 4500 psi. A total of approximately 80 yards was placed at the above listed location. Concrete was consolidated by internal mechanical vibration. One set of five (4” x 8”) concrete strength test cylinders were made by field technician, initially cured, protected and stored under field conditions in accordance with ASTM sections C-94, C-172, C-1064, C-143 and C-31. All work observed, field quality control and testing was conducted according to contract documents, approved plans, manufacturers’ specifications, provided RFI’s and applicable codes, except where noted. All issues concerning corrections and non- conforming items/discrepancies have been brought to the attention of all concerned project personnel-Contractor, sub- contractor, construction management team and when possible the installer/placement sub-contractor. . City Official /Engineer: Yes / No Work Was Done In Conformance To the Contract Documents and Specifications The information contained in this report is subject to correction by this inspector for any inadvertent errors or omissions. Yes / No Noncompliance Issues To Report DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT 4-14-2020 - 4 7:00am 11:00am Original signed in blue ink Inspector Name: Kevin S. Buffington Signature: Kevin S. Buffington Approved by: Bill Lairson Signature: (Print name) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Inspection Company Field Daily Report 1 | Page Buffington-015-v03 1195 North Tustin Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92807 Phone (714) 632-3371 Fax (714) 238-6144 Project # 46207-1 Job Name: Le Meridian Porte Cochere Job Address: 130 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91007 Report Date: 5-6-2020 Slab on Metal Deck West Low Roof Inspector: Kevin S. Buffington License Required for Inspection: Reinforced Concrete License # 5256771 Exp. Date: May 16, 2020 Jurisdiction License #: N/A Client: Contractor: Snyder Langston Contact at Site: Bill Lairson Permit #: 18-564 Jurisdiction: City of Arcadia Offsite? Yes No Offsite Location: N/A TYPE OF WORK: (check one) Reinforced Concrete Post-Tension Con. Masonry Welding/Bolting Non-shrink Grout (SFRM) Spray-Applied Fireproofing (FRP) Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Epoxy Anchors/Rebar ACI Other Description of Work/Daily Activity: Final Sign off for the reinforcing steel for the slab on metal deck west low roof. Special inspections were performed for the placement and verification of reinforcing steel for the slab on metal deck west low roof. Reinforcing steel and cord steel was verified for proper size, type, spacing, dimension and clearances. Placement of reinforcing steel was checked against details on approved plans sheets S2.02, S7.20, and S7.50 for compliance. Corrected and completed items and/or issues from previous special inspections include: none observed. Non-conforming issues and/or discrepancies resulting from this special inspection included: none observed. All work observed, field quality control and testing was conducted according to contract documents, approved plans, manufacturers’ specifications, provided RFI’s and applicable codes, except where noted. All issues concerning corrections and non-conforming items/discrepancies have been brought to the attention of all concerned project personnel-Contractor, sub-contractor, construction management team and when possible the installer/placement sub- contractor. City Official /Engineer: Yes / No Work Was Done In Conformance To the Contract Documents and Specifications The information contained in this report is subject to correction by this inspector for any inadvertent errors or omissions. Yes / No Noncompliance Issues To Report DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT 4-14-2020 - 8 7:00am 3:30pm Original signed in blue ink Inspector Name: Kevin S. Buffington Signature: Kevin S. Buffington Approved by: Bill Lairson Signature: (Print name) Location: Architect: Engineer: Air Balance Technician(s) Don Samborski D. Montoya World Mechanical Inc. Le Meridien This is to certify that INDEPENDENT AIR GROUP, INC. has balanced the system described in accordance with the plans, specifications, and within the limitations of the equipment and installation. The testing, balancing, and adjusting has been performed in accordance with the standard requirements and procedures of the Test, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (TABB) and the results of these tests are herein recorded. General Contractor: HVAC Contractor: 130 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia CA 91007 Architects Orange Unknown Date Tuesday, May 11, 2021 HVAC TEST AND BALANCE REPORT Independent Air Group, Inc. 12046 Jacaranda Ave., Suite E, Hesperia, CA 92345 Phone: (760) 949-9972 Fax: (760) 949-3972 CA License No. 845492 Pacific Coast Engineers, Inc. Approved By: 19-0079 Richard D. Aguilera Prepared By: Project Number: TABB Certified Contractor / Certified Supervisor RICHARD D. AGUILERA TABLE OF CONTENTS IAG Project Name: IAG Project No.:19-0079 Page 1 - 4 1 - 5 Test and Balance Report System(s)Page HVAC Test and Balance Summary A Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-1, FC-G-2 1 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report FC-G-1 / RA 2 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report FC-G-2 / RA 3 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-1, FC-G-2 4 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-3, FC-G-4 5 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report FC-G-3 / RA 6 Round Traverse Report FC-G-4 / OSA 7 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-3, FC-G-4 8 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-5, FC-G-6 9 Round Traverse Report FC-G-5 / OSA 10 Round Traverse Report FC-G-6 / OSA 11 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report FC-G-6 / SA 12 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report FC-G-6 / RA 13 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-5, FC-G-6 14 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-7, FC-G-8 15 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report FC-G-7 / SA 16 Round Traverse Report FC-G-7 / OSA 17 Round Traverse Report FC-G-8 / OSA 18 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-7, FC-G-8 19 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-9, FC-G-10 20 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-9, FC-G-10 21 Round Traverse Report FC-G-9 22 Round Traverse Report FC-G-10 23 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-11, FC-G-12 24 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-11, FC-G-12 25 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-13, FC-G-14 26 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report FC-G-13 / OSA 27 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-13, FC-G-14 28 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-15, FC-G-16 29 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-15, FC-G-16 30 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-17, FC-G-18 31 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-17, FC-G-18 32 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-19, FC-G-20 33 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-19, FC-G-20 34 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-21, FC-G-22 35 Abbreviations, Terminology & Symbols Le Meridien Certifications Company Guarantee TABLE OF CONTENTS Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-21, FC-G-22 36 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-G-25, FC-G-27 37 Round Traverse Report FC-G-25 38 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-G-25, FC-G-27 39 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-M-1, FC-M-2 40 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-M-3, FC-M-4 41 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-M-5, FC-M-6 42 Fan Coil Test Sheet FC-M-7 43 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-M-1, FC-M-2, FC-M-3 44 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-M-4, FC-M-5, FC-M-6 45 Diffuser & Grille Sheet FC-M-7 46 Fan Test Sheet MUA-1 HGRH (DOAS)47 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report MUA-1 HGRH (DOAS)48 Rectangular Duct Traverse Report MUA-1 HGRH (DOAS)49 Fan Sheet MAU-2B, MAU-2A 50 Diffuser & Grille Sheet MUA - 1, MUA - 2 51 Exhaust Fan Sheet GEF - 1, GEF - 2 52 Exhaust Fan Sheet GEF - 3 53 Grease Filter Data Sheet GEF - 1 54 Grease Filter Data Sheet GEF - 1 55 Grease Filter Data Sheet GEF - 2 56 Grease Filter Data Sheet GEF - 2 57 Grease Filter Data Sheet GEF - 3 58 Grease Filter Data Sheet GEF - 3 59 Exhaust Fan Sheet EF - 11, EF - 12 60 Exhaust Fan Sheet EF-14 61 Diffuser & Grille Sheet EF - 10, EF - 11, EF-14 62 Instrument List Coded Drawing ABBREVIATIONS A AC:Air Conditioner AK:Free Area Factor AHU:Air Handling Unit AMB:Ambient AMP:Amperage ATM:Atmosphere AVG:Average B BHP:Brake Horsepower BTU:British Thermal Unit BTUH:British Thermal Unit per Hour C CAV:Constant Air Volume CD:Ceiling Diffuser CEG:Ceiling Exhaust Grille CFM:Cubic Feet per Minute CH:Chiller CHWS or CHW:Chilled Water Supply CHWR:Chilled Water Return CR:Ceiling Register CRR:Ceiling Return Register Cv:Specific Heat at Constant Volume CV:Valve Constant D DAT:Discharge Air Temperature DD:Direct Drive DNA:Data Not Available DNL:Data Not Listed E E:Existing EAT:Entering Air Temperature EAG:Exhaust Air Grill EF:Exhaust Fan ENT:Entering EG:Exhaust Grille ESP:External Static Pressure ABBREVIATIONS TERMINOLOGY Page 1 of 4: Independent Air Group, Inc. 12046 Jacaranda Ave., Suite E Hesperia, CA 92345 ABBREVIATIONS F FCU:Fan Coil Unit FLA:Full Load Amperage FPM:Feet per Minute G GC:General Contractor GPM:Gallons per Minute H HC:Heating Coil HEPA Filter:High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter Hg:Mercury HOA:Hand/Off/Auto Switch HVAC:Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning I I.D.:Inside Diameter L LAT:Leaving Air Temperature LD:Linear Diffuser LWG:Low Wall Grille LWR:Low Wall Register LWT:Leaving Water Temperature M MAU or MUA:Make-Up Air Unit or Make-Up Air MAX:Maximum MB:Mixing Box MIN:Minimum N N/A:Not applicable / No Access NIC:Not in Contract NM:Not measured NO:Normally Open NTS:Not to Scale NVL:No Valid Location for Testing O O.D.:Outside Diameter OAT:Outside Air Temperature P PEF:Power Exhaust Fan Press.Pressure TERMINOLOGY Page 2 of 4: Independent Air Group, Inc. 12046 Jacaranda Ave., Suite E Hesperia, CA 92345 ABBREVIATIONS R RAO:Return Air Opening S SA:Supply Air SPF:Stairwell Pressurization Fan SQ:Square STD:Standard SWG:Side Wall Grill SWR:Side Wall Register or Side Wall Return SWS:Side Wall Supply T T STAT:Thermostat TAB:Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing TD:Temperature Difference TDH:Total Dynamic Head TP:Traverse Point, Test Point or Total Pressure TP(Motor):Thermally Protected TSP:Total Static Pressure V V:Voltage VAV:Variable Air Volume W WB:Wet Bulb Z Z:Zone Zoning:Dividing a building into small sections for heating and cooling control, selected so that one thermostat can be requirements. TERMINOLOGY Page 3 of 4: Independent Air Group, Inc. 12046 Jacaranda Ave., Suite E Hesperia, CA 92345 Page 4 of 4 SYMBOLS RECTAGULAR AIR RISER RECTAGULAR SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER CIRCULAR SUPPLY AIR RISER CIRCULARAIR DIFFUSER SUPPLY FAN REFERENCE SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER REFERENCE X SUPPLY AIR VAV BOX REFERENCE X X EQUIPMENT REFERENCEX X RECTANGULAR EXHAUST AIR RISER RECTANGULAR EXHAUST AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR EXHAUST AIR RISER CIRCULAR EXHAUST AIR GRILLE EXHAUST FAN REFERENCE EXHAUST AIR GRILLE REFERENCE X X PITOT TUBE LOCATION STATIC PRESSURE SENOR RECTANGULARRETURN AIR RISER RECTANGULAR RETURN AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR RETURN AIR RISER CICULAR RETURN AIR GRILLE RETURN FAN REFERENCE RETURN AIR GRILLE REFERENCE X X TRAVERSED FAN REFERENCE DUCT TRAVERSE REFERENCE X X RETANGULAR OUTSIDE AIR RISER RETANGULAR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR OUTSIDE AIR RISER CIRCULAR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE OUTSIDE AIR FAN REFERENCE OUTSIDE AIR GRILE REFERENCE X X RETANGULAR SUPPLY AIR RISER Independent Air Group, Inc. 12046 Jacaranda Ave., Suite E Hesperia, CA 92345 International Certification Board Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (TABB) Customer Satisfaction Procedure Date of Completion: Monday, May 10, 2021 Tuesday, May 10, 2022 SCOPE: This procedure applies to any TAB customer complaints concerning TAB work done by our company. The Customer Contact is responsible for receiving and considering all TAB customer complaints, and for implementing this procedure. Any and all customer complaints about our TAB work should be referred to the Customer Contact (identified below.) Only the Customer Contact is authorized to address TAB customer complaints. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS: 1) We will advise each person who hires our company for TAB work that we have a formal Customer Satisfaction Procedure. That notice shall be in writing. It may be by transmittal letter that returns the signed contract, or by specific reference in the contract or a contract addendum. The notice to the customer shall consist of the following (or equivalent): Our company is dedicated to customer satisfaction. We maintain a formal Customer Satisfaction Procedure. If you have any complaint regarding our company’s testing, adjusting and balancing work, please contact Richard D. Aguilera at (760) 949- 9972. That individual will make every effort to respond to your complaint by at least the end of the next business day. PURPOSE: A formal procedure by which TAB customer complaints can be resolved promptly, fairly, and in a manner that preserves our reputation for integrity. Independent Air Group, Inc Policy Title:Le Meridien Effective Until: a. If the complaint can be handled by telephone consultation, we will do so. Calls will be made promptly, and courteously. There is no such thing as a “stupid question” from a customer – each and every question and complaint merits our attention and a respectful and complete answer 2) We will respond to each TAB customer complaint as follows: b. Whenever appropriate, written confirmation of advice or direction given in a telephone consultation will be promptly sent to the customer (mailed by no later than the close of the business day after consultation). KEY TERMS: “Customer Contact” is the individual designated by our company to consider and respond to TAB customer complaints, and otherwise implement this procedure. The current Customer Contact is: Richard D. Aguilera “TAB” refers to testing, adjusting and balancing work. A “TAB customer” refers to the person (building owner or owner’s agent, general contractor, or mechanical contractor) who has retained our company to perform TAB work. However, if our company has been engaged by a contractor, we also consider the building owner of the owner’s agent as a “TAB customer” for purposes of this procedure. International Certification Board Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (TABB) Customer Satisfaction Procedure k. If the Customer Contact is unable to resolve a customer complaint, the Customer Contact will suggest a meeting between our [Chief Executive Officer or other appropriate officer] and a comparable representative of the customer, to attempt to resolve customer complaints short of any formal proceeding. If a resolution cannot be obtained, our company will then notify the customer in writing of the TABB Quality Assurance Program, and how to contact TABB. i. If our company does remedial TAB work, which is required because of system design, installation or other circumstance beyond our control, we will clearly inform the customer of the preparatory work that must be done, to enable us to perform high quality TAB work at a minimum additional cost to the customer. j. After any remedial TAB work, whether done with or without charge, the Customer Contact shall follow-up with the customer within a reasonable period (normally three to five business days) after completion of the work, to ensure continuing customer satisfaction. h. If the visiting technician’s report indicates that customer action or error is the case if the customer’s complaint, or that the cause is the system design, system installation, or other matter beyond our control, the Customer Contact will so advise the customer and offer reasonable assistance with appropriate follow-up. The Customer Contact will take care not to make disparaging remarks about the work of any others. e. If the visiting technician has corrected the problem, the Customer Contact will follow-up with the customer within three to five business days to ensure the customer’s continuing satisfaction. f. If the visiting technician has been unable to correct the problem, the Customer Contact will assess the technician’s report, determine if any further testing or assessment is appropriate, and contact the customer with a complete response and/or recommendation. Normally that contact is to occur by the end of the next business day after the Customer Contact receives the visiting technician’s report. g. If the visiting technician’s report indicates deficiencies in our TAB work, the Customer Contact will determine appropriate remedial work, determine how best to accomplish that remedial work in a prompt fashion, and will make appropriate arrangements with the customer. If our initial TAB work was faulty or inadequate, leading to the need for the remedial work, all remedial work will be without charge to the customer. c. If a customer complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved over the telephone, a TAB technician designated by the Customer Contact will visit the customer’s site at the earliest practical opportunity. Generally, a site visit will occur no later than the third business day after it is determined to be necessary. The Customer Contact may direct an earlier site visit to address urgent circumstances. In rare instances, a site visit may be postponed to a later time, if agreeable to the customer. d. The technician will visit the site and assess the customer complaint(s). The technician will make every effort to be in touch with the Customer Contact (or the person designated by him or her) by telephone, from the site. If the customer’s complaint can be resolved by adjustments, which the technician can perform while at the site, in a reasonable time frame, the technician will do so. If not, the technician will identify the problem(s) and make a complete report to the Customer Contact as soon as practical. Problems which cannot be resolved quickly, by the technician on site, must not be discussed with the customer at that time: rather, the technician will report those problems back to the Customer Contact for him or her to determine appropriate action. International Certification Board Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (TABB) Customer Satisfaction Procedure CLOSING NOTES: All employees of this company are expected at all times to be courteous to and respectful of customers. All employees are to refrain from disparaging comments about work that may have been done by others. If any employee believes that any TAB work done by our company is deficient or defective in any respect that must not be discussed with the customer or anyone else. Instead, report that immediately to the Customer Contact for appropriate correction consistent with this Customer Satisfaction Procedure. VARIANCES: Although this Customer Satisfaction Procedure normally should be followed, it is not a contract. The Customer Contact is authorized to vary from this Procedure, in respect to any customer complaint. Variances should be rare exceptions, not the rule. QUESTIONS: Questions concerning the Customer Satisfaction Procedure, and how it is implemented, should be addressed to the Customer Contact identified above. LIMITS: No employee is to deal with any TAB customer complaints in a manner other than as described in this Customer Satisfaction Procedure. International Certification Board Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (TABB) Customer Satisfaction Procedure General Notes: Independent Air Group, Inc. is a Testing and Balancing Agency that engages in testing, adjusting and balancing of air and water moving systems. Independent Air Group, Inc. does not undertake the construction of HVAC systems, fans, ductwork, terminal boxes, dampers, air distribution or other components. Additionally, our firm does not undertake construction of other building systems, such as walls, doors, windows, lights, that may have a direct affect on the performance of the system(s) being tested. This report represents the optimal obtainable results given the limits of the installed systems and the existing conditions at the time of certification. The data and information provided herein is factual, accurate and based upon the information provided in addition to the existing conditions of the building at the time the tests were conducted. Each system’s component installation and design dictates limitations and test parameters. System specific procedures must be followed to duplicate the results listed herein. Independent Air Group, Inc. employs the standards and procedures per the latest version of the AABC National Standards and TABB Procedural Guide as applicable, unless otherwise dictated by the project specifications and/or project system specific requirements. Verification of the report contents must be carried out within 90 days of certification and shall be accomplished by our Field Technician, using the same instruments, under the same test conditions used to develop this report; otherwise this project warranty is null and void. Our office must receive request for field verification in writing within 60 days of certification. Independent Air Group, Inc. makes no representation or warranty that the systems and data contained herein will remain in the condition recorded beyond the date of certification. Adjustment(s), change(s) and/or tampering with component of the systems will affect the values listed herein. Changes, modifications and/or adjustment to the building structure, systems and/or sub systems, including but not limited to Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Building Automation Controls and Fire/Life Safety Alarm Systems will adversely affect the integrity of the systems and alter the data listed herein. Any such changes will void Independent Air Group, Inc.’s warranty and the customer satisfaction procedure. Proper building and HVAC systems(s) maintenance must be followed to maintain efficient conditions. Improper system maintenance directly affects system performance. Explanation of “K” Value and Flow Hood Readings: Air distribution was read with a Shortridge Flow Hood; Air Data Multi-Meter, model ADM-860, where possible, and where 1.0 is listed as the Effective Area, in our report, unless otherwise noted. This flow hood is a direct reading instrument that compensates and corrects for hood backpressure, altitude, density and temperature when appropriate; therefore a 1.0 is listed as the effective area. The velocity listed in when appropriate; therefore a 1.0 is listed as the effective area. The velocity listed in this report reflects the velocity through the flow hood and not the diffuser neck or face. International Certification Board Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (TABB) Customer Satisfaction Procedure General Procedures – All Projects: EF-10 - There is still no power to the dishwasher fan, as of yet. EF-11 - There is still no power to the dishwasher fan, as of yet. EF-12 - Incomplete ductwork to dishwasher. Scope of Work: Independent Air Group, Inc. has been requested to provide a Survey for the above referenced project. This work is inclusive of: 1. Systems Tested and Reported in Certified report 2. Systems Tested and Mentioned in agreed Proposal (Provided by Independent Air Group, Inc.) Project Specific Comments: This section of our report is used to describe project special conditions, system observations and/or operational comments. At times, as applicable, items that remain outstanding and/or values that are not with the allowable project tolerances are footnoted on each individual test sheet will also be listed herein. Independent Air Group, Inc. has noted the following upon conclusion of the Testing of this project. Duct traverse readings were provided where possible and a sufficient length of straight duct was installed. Readings were not provided when one or more of the following conditions existed: • Insufficient lengths of straight duct were installed. • We were unable to obtain accurate readings. • Inadequate access to the ductwork. In d e p e n d e n t A i r G r o u p I n c Ha s s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r T A B B C o m m i s s i o n i n g C o n t r a c t o r Ma r c h 1 , 2 0 2 1 CX 0 9 1 8 0 1 1 C Re n e w e d : M a r c h 1 , 2 0 2 1 Ma r c h 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Powe r e d b y T C P D F ( w w w . t c p d f . o r g ) 1 / 1 In d e p e n d e n t A i r G r o u p I n c Ha s s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r T A B B C o n t r a c t o r Ja n u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 2 1 BB 8 6 1 6 8 8 C Re n e w e d : J a n u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 2 1 Ma r c h 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Powe r e d b y T C P D F ( w w w . t c p d f . o r g ) 1 / 1 Ke n t S A t t w o o d Ha s s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r T A B B S u p e r v i s o r Ma y 2 8 , 2 0 2 0 TB 1 0 1 0 2 3 9 S Re n e w e d : M a y 2 8 , 2 0 2 0 Ma r c h 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 Powe r e d b y T C P D F ( w w w . t c p d f . o r g ) 1 / 1 Je s s e A G a s t e l u m Ha s s u c c e s s f u l l y c o m p l e t e d t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r T A B B T e c h n i c i a n Ma r c h 2 5 , 2 0 2 1 BB 1 0 4 8 5 9 8 T Re n e w e d : M a r c h 2 5 , 2 0 2 1 Ma r c h 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 Powe r e d b y T C P D F ( w w w . t c p d f . o r g ) 1 / 1 DO N A L D R I C H A R D S A M B O R S K I , J R . HA S M E T A L L R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R N E B B C E R T I F I E D T E C H N I C I A N ST A T U S I N T H E F O L L O W I N G D I S C I P L I N E Te s t i n g , A d j u s t i n g a n d B a l a n c i n g o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l S y s t e m s Th i s C e r t i f i c a t e , a s w e l l a s i n d i v i d u a l a f f i l i a t i o n w i t h a N E B B C e r t i f i e d F i r m a n d a s s o c i a t e d N E B B C e r t i f i c a t i o n S t a m p ar e R E Q U I R E D t o p r o v i d e a N E B B C e r t i f i e d R e p o r t . P a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t h e N E B B Q u a l i t y A s s u r a n c e P r o g r a m re q u i r e s t h e C e r t i f i c a n t b e a f f i l i a t e d w i t h a N E B B C e r t i f i e d F i r m CT - 2 1 5 8 8 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NE B B C e r t i f i c a t i o n N u m b e r Ma r c h 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ex p i r a t i o n D a t e __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NE B B P r e s i d e n t __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NE B B P r e s i d e n t - E l e c t Independent Air Group, Inc. 12046 Jacaranda Ave., Suite E, Hesperia, CA 92345 Phone: (760) 949-9972 Fax: (760) 949-3972 CA License No. 845492 HVAC Test and Balance Summary All components of the HVAC system(s) on this project were tested, adjusted and balanced within the tolerances of + or - 10% of the design documents, with the following exceptions: EF-10 - There is still no power to the dishwasher fan, as of yet. EF-11 - There is still no power to the dishwasher fan, as of yet. EF-12 - Incomplete ductwork to dishwasher. A Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 3 HP 3 HP 3 HP 3 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/28/2021 Test Time:Page:1 3 11.2 T.P. 3 8.2 / 7.9 / 7.9 T.P. 1340 2048CFM 1.13" Trane 2048 1741 307 — 8.1 / 8.0 / 7.9 T.P. 1.37" 1.03" 2.40" Trane 3 11.2 T.P. 1.45" Trane 1500 — 1340 210 / 211 / 211 3 208 Meeting Room B 117 Trane Actual Actual 1772 312 STATIC Fan I.D.# BCHD072 H20C27309 Design Location FC - G - 1 Meeting Room B 117 Trash Compactor Trane BCHD072 H20C27308 2125 319 Design 2125 1806 Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET 2048 Area Served Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number FAN MOTOR 2048 — 1.45" Trane 1500 208 0.51" 211 / 210 / 211 0.62" 2084 208 1741 307 — Trash Compactor FC - G - 2 Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct DRIVE Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:2 Area Served: Large Conference Rm. DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL System Unit:FC - G - 1 Project: Le Meridien Project No. RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:Trash Compactor Room / RA 19-0079 886 1772S.P. -0.49"871 Size 18" x 16"Area 2 SQ. FT. FPM CFM FPM CFM 1741 1092 983 913 640 1 2 3 4 5 1060 946 760 737 6 1085 1019 827 825 915 910 897 568 Test Date: Test Time: Tested By:Donald Samborski Cameron T. 4/27/2021 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:3 Cameron T. Test Time: Tested By:Donald Samborski Test Date:4/27/2021 1103 847 952 546 971 1082 1012 900 1025 1006 876 781 962 963 801 614 1 2 3 4 5 6 1741 FPM 903 CFM 1806 Size 18" x 16"Area 2 SQ. FT. S.P. -0.95"FPM 871 CFM System Unit:FC - G - 2 Area Served: Large Conference Rm. DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:Trash Compactor Room / RA CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-G-1 SA Meeting Rm. 117 1 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 475 274 Meeting Rm. 117 2 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 455 260 Meeting Rm. 117 3 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 538 309 Meeting Rm. 117 4 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 556 310 Meeting Rm. 117 5 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 572 318 Meeting Rm. 117 6 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 569 305 Meeting Rm. 117 7 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 587 307 2048 2084 102% FC-G-2 RA Meeting Rm. 117 R - 1 Duct 18" x 16"2.0 1741 3191 1772 1741 1772 102% FC-G-2 SA Meeting Rm. 117 1 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 280 167 Meeting Rm. 117 2 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 836 493 Meeting Rm. 117 3 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 312 214 Meeting Rm. 117 4 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 363 287 Meeting Rm. 117 5 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 170 292 Meeting Rm. 117 6 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 435 260 Meeting Rm. 117 7 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 982 12 2048 2125 103% FC-G-2 RA Meeting Rm. 117 R - 1 RG 18" x 16"2.0 1741 2870 1806 1741 1806 103% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:4 Donald Samborski Cameron T. 4/22/2021 Notes: Le Meridien 19-0079 DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Final FC-G-1, FC-G-2 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 3 HP 3 HP 3 HP 3 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time:Page:5 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Trane Trane Trane Trane 1500 1340 1500 1340 208 11.2 8.4 / 7.9 / 7.7 7.7 8.2 / 8.1 / 8.0 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 / 211/ / 209 208 211 / 210 / 211 3 3 3 3 STATIC —0.66"—0.96" — 2048 2234 2048 2125 1741 1904 1741 1821 0.57"—1.15" 1.45"1.23"1.45"2.11" 307 330 307 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 2048 2234 2048 2125 304 Serial Number H20C27310 H20K31353 Location Trash Compactor Pump Room Manufacturer Trane Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 3 FC - G - 4 Area Served Meeting Room Meeting Room Model Number BCHD072 BCHD072 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:6 Cameron T. Test Time: Tested By:Donald Samborski Test Date:4/28/2021 918 910 984 910 1089 985 916 903 1052 949 752 975 1081 1022 832 962 1 2 3 4 5 6 1741 FPM 952 CFM 1904 Size 18" x 16"Area 2 SQ. FT. S.P. FPM 870 CFM System Unit:FC - G - 3 Area Served: Meeting Room DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:Trash Room / RA CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C 191 189 172 172 175 172 181 172 161 149 DUCT ACTUAL Size Air Temp. FPM 172 FPM 170Area1.79 Test Time: Tested By: 4/26/2021Test Date: 7Page: Don Samborski Cameron T. 1 4 2 FC - G - 4 / OSA 1 7 3 CFM 304 1.15" 18" RD Notes: 1 7 1 1 6 2 1 9 1 Project: Le Meridien 1 8 2 ZONE: CFM 307 ROUND TRAVERSE REPORT 1 7 1 1 8 2 1 5 1 1 4 7 19-0079 REQUIRED Project No. S.P. CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-G-3 SA Meeting Rm. A 116 1 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 560 300 Meeting Rm. A 116 2 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 610 323 Meeting Rm. A 116 3 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 723 383 Meeting Rm. A 116 4 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 682 363 Meeting Rm. A 116 5 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 390 213 Meeting Rm. A 116 6 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 546 290 Meeting Rm. A 116 7 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 692 362 2048 2234 109% FC-G-3 RA Meeting Rm. A 116 R - 1 Duct 18" x 16"2.0 1741 3582 1904 1741 1904 109% FC-G-4 SA Meeting Rm. A 116 1 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 249 207 Meeting Rm. A 116 2 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 358 300 Meeting Rm. A 116 3 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 381 310 Meeting Rm. A 116 4 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 419 352 Meeting Rm. A 116 5 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 343 285 Meeting Rm. A 116 6 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 415 347 Meeting Rm. A 116 7 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 392 324 2048 2125 103% FC-G-4 RA Meeting Rm. A 116 R - 1 Duct 18" x 16"2.0 1741 1821 1821 1741 1821 105% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:8 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 4/22/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-3, FC-G-4 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 3 HP 3 HP 870 WATTS 870 WATTS RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/22/2021 5/10/2021 Test Time:Page:9 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Trane Trane Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 1500 1340 3 Speed High Speed 208 11.2 8.1 / 7.9 / 8.0 7.7 6.2 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 / 211 / 210 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.91"—0.46" — 2048 2153 2048 1674 1741 1833 1741 1341 0.62"—0.33" 1.45"1.53"1.45"0.79" 307 308 307 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 2048 2153 2048 1674 333 Serial Number H20K81352 99W002227GEHB4 Location Employee Lounge Ceiling Employee Lounge Manufacturer Trane Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 5 FC - G - 6 Area Served Meeting Room Meeting Room Model Number BCHD072 TPEFY072MH140A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Test Time:Page:10 Notes: Tested By: Don Samborski Test Date:4/27/2021 Cameron T. CFM 307 ZONE:FC - G - 5 / OSA Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 ROUND TRAVERSE REPORT Size 10" RD DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL S.P. Air Temp. FPM Area 0.55 558 CFM FPM CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C 639 633 618 608 596 595 594 462 317 211 Test Time:Page:11 5 5 1 5 4 7 4 4 2 Notes: Tested By: Don Samborski Test Date:4/27/2021 Cameron T. CFM 8 9 1 8 8 3 8 4 9 8 6 7 7 1 5 5 0 8 307 606 333 ZONE:FC - G - 6 / OSA 5 9 6 Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 ROUND TRAVERSE REPORT Size 10" RD DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL S.P. Air Temp. FPM Area 0.55 558 CFM FPM CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:12 System Unit:FC - G - 6 Area Served: Meeting Rms. DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:Lunch Room Storage / SA CFM 1669 Size 33" x 10"Area 2.29 SQ. FT. S.P. 0.46"FPM 910 CFM 1 2 3 4 5 6 2084 FPM 729 634 592 836 690 815 732 771 725 699 935 600 615 829 654 806 Test Time: 80% design. *Other FC's serving Meeting Rooms are in medium speed. They have the capicity and extra airflow to provide the air to make up for this FC. To satisfy design CFM for the total SA of the Meeting Rms. Tested By:Donald Samborski Test Date:5/10/2021 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:13 System Unit:FC - G - 6 Area Served: Meeting Rms. DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:Team Member Lounge / RA CFM 1317 Size 32" x 10"Area 1.94 SQ. FT. S.P. 0.28"FPM 913 CFM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1772 FPM 679 605 611 775 906 689 468 579 743 827 481 485 718 809 878 617 Test Time: 74% design. Design OSA = 317 CFM Set RA low to satisfy design OSA CFM. Tested By:Donald Samborski Test Date:5/10/2021 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-G-5 SA Meeting Rm. A 116 1 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 547 284 Meeting Rm. A 116 2 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 707 367 Meeting Rm. A 116 3 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 632 332 Meeting Rm. A 116 4 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 296 155 Meeting Rm. A 116 5 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 636 330 Meeting Rm. A 116 6 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 706 367 Meeting Rm. A 116 7 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 613 318 2048 2153 105% FC-G-5 RA Meeting Rm. A 116 R - 1 RG 30" x 12"2.5 1741 1833 1833 1741 1833 105% FC-G-6 SA Meeting Rm. A 116 1 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 121 200 Meeting Rm. A 116 2 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 213 340 Meeting Rm. A 116 3 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 145 235 Meeting Rm. A 116 4 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 110 180 Meeting Rm. A 116 5 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 93 155 Meeting Rm. A 116 6 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 161 262 Meeting Rm. A 116 7 SD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 178 302 2048 1674 81%(1) FC-G-6 RA Meeting Rm. A 116 R - 1 RG 26" x 14"2.52 1741 382 1341 1741 1341 77%(1) Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:14 Final Notes: (1) Set fan to high speed. Not a high static fan. All other fan coils that serve the meeting rooms are Trane high static fans. Donald Samborski 4/30/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-5, FC-G-6 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 430 WATTS 430 WATTS 1 HP 1 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/27/2021 Test Time:Page:15 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Trane Trane 3 Speed Medium Speed 2000 1545 208 4.3 4.2 4.6 3.7 / 3.9 / 4.1 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 / 211 / 210 1 1 3 3 STATIC —0.35"—0.32" — 1624 1622 1377 1421 1379 1426 1171 1215 0.28"—0.26" DNL 0.63"1.25"0.58" 245 245 206 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 1624 1671 1377 No Access 206 Serial Number 0360024832P807 H20K81354 Location High Ceiling Pump Room High Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 7 FC - G - 8 Area Served Meeting Corridor Small Meeting Room Model Number TPUFYP0524M1414 BCHD036 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:16 System Unit:FC - G - 7 Area Served: Ground Floor Corridor West DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:Closet / SA CFM 1671 Size 22" x 20"Area 3.05 SQ. FT. S.P. -0.28"FPM 532 CFM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1624 FPM 548 545 552 Cameron T. Test Time: Speed set at medium speed. Total CFM Read CFM at bottom side of unit. Tested By:Donald Samborski Test Date:4/26/2021 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C 712 710 699 687 692 677 Size 8" RD DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL S.P. -0.17"Air Temp. FPM Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 ROUND TRAVERSE REPORT Area 0.35 700 CFM FPM CFM 7 2 2 7 1 0 7 0 3 245 701 245 ZONE:FC - G - 7 / OSA 6 9 7 6 9 2 6 9 9 Notes: Tested By: Don Samborski Test Date:4/27/2021 Cameron T. Test Time:Page:17 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C 127 126 119 107 110 111 121 112 116 119 Size 18" RD DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL S.P. Air Temp. FPM Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 ROUND TRAVERSE REPORT Area 1.76 117 CFM FPM CFM 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 7 206 117 206 ZONE:FC - G - 8 / OSA 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 9 Notes: Tested By: Don Samborski Test Date:4/26/2021 Cameron T. Test Time:Page:18 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-G-7 SA High Med. Corridor 1 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 467 406 Corridor 2 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 457 398 Corridor 3 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 472 411 Corridor 4 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 468 407 1624 1622 99% FC-G-7 RA Corridor R - 1 RG 25" x 9"1.0 1379 1426 1426 1379 1426 103% FC-G-8 SA Conf. Rm.1 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 477 477 Conf. Rm.2 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 468 468 Conf. Rm.3 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 476 476 1377 1421 103% FC-G-8 RA Conf. Rm.R - 1 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 602 602 Conf. Rm.R - 2 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 613 613 1171 1215 103% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:19 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 4/26/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-7, FC-G-8 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 1 HP 1 HP 1.8 HP 1.8 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date: Test Time:Page:20 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Trane Trane Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 2000 1545 3 Speed High Speed 208 4.6 4.2 / 3.9 / 4.1 4.6 4.5 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 / 211 / 210 208 211 3 3 1 1 STATIC —0.48"—0.48" — 1377 1399 1377 1419 1171 1186 1171 1207 0.49"—0.52" 1.25"0.97"1.25"1.00" 206 220 206 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 1377 NVL 1377 NVL 206 Serial Number H20K81355 9YW001407GEHA7 Location PM Rm High Ceiling Employee Lounge / Ceiling Manufacturer Trane Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 9 FC - G - 10 Area Served Conference Rooms Conference Rooms Model Number BCHD036 TPEFY1648MH142A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-G-9 SA Meeting Rm.1 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 466 466 Meeting Rm.2 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 472 472 Meeting Rm.3 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 461 461 1377 1399 102% FC-G-9 RA Meeting Rm.R - 1 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 412 412 Meeting Rm.R - 2 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 362 362 Meeting Rm.R - 3 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 412 412 1171 1186 101% FC-G-10 SA Meeting Rm.1 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 600 558 Meeting Rm.2 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 485 451 Meeting Rm.3 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 470 410 1377 1419 102% FC-G-10 RA Meeting Rm.R - 1 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 439 409 Meeting Rm.R - 2 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 421 392 Meeting Rm.R - 3 LD 60" x 4"1.0 DNL 436 406 1171 1207 103% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:21 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 4/24/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-9, FC-G-10 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C 117 116 108 132 129 121 111 102 92 82 Size 18" RD DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL S.P. Air Temp. FPM Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 ROUND TRAVERSE REPORT Area 1.79 117 CFM FPM CFM 1 1 9 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 7 1 2 8 1 4 3 206 123 220 ZONE:FC - G - 9 1 4 1 1 4 7 1 5 2 1 4 9 Notes: (NR) 4/26 Tested By: Don Samborski Test Date:4/26/2021 Cameron T. Test Time:Page:22 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C 382 374 327 381 372 372 391 367 363 342 Size 10" RD DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL S.P. Air Temp. FPM Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 ROUND TRAVERSE REPORT Area 0.55 375 CFM FPM CFM 4 1 7 4 1 1 3 9 6 3 8 1 3 6 6 3 6 7 206 375 206 ZONE:FC - G - 10 3 7 2 3 7 2 3 8 2 3 7 6 Notes: (NR) 4/26 Tested By: Don Samborski Test Date:4/28/2021 Test Time:Page:23 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/27/2021 Test Time:Page:24 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) 100 Pa DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed High Speed / (1)3 Speed High Speed / (1) 208 15 1.9 15 1.9 DNL DNL DNL DNL T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.10"—0.10" — 450 454 450 465 380 377 380 392 0.11"—0.12" 0.20"0.21"0.20"0.22" 70 77 70 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 450 NVL 450 465 73 Serial Number 03R0155430P80E 03R0152830P80E Location Employee Lounge Ceiling Sales Catering / Above Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 11 FC - G - 12 Area Served Employee Lounge Sales Catering Model Number TPEFYP012MA143A TPEFYP012MA143A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-G-11 SA Employee Lounge 1 CD 8" RD 1.0 DNL 228 228 Employee Lounge 2 CD 8" RD 1.0 DNL 226 226 450 454 100% FC-G-11 RA Employee Lounge R - 1 RG 8" RD 1.0 380 376 377 380 377 98% FC-G-12 SA Sales / Catering 1 CD 10" RD 1.0 456 465 465 456 465 103% FC-G-12 RA Sales / Catering R - 1 RG 10" RD 1.0 380 392 392 380 392 103% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:25 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 4/27/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-11, FC-G-12 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/27/2021 Test Time:Page:26 FAN MOTOR (2) 250 Pa. Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) 150 Pa. DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed (1)High Speed (1)3 Speed High Speed (2) 208 15 1.9 7.7 6.9 DNL DNL DNL 870 WATTS T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.10"—0.57" — 450 469 2048 2171 380 395 1741 1851 0.11"—0.49" 0.20"0.21"1.45"1.06" 70 74 307 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 450 NVL 2048 NVL 322 Serial Number 03R0152730P80E 83W000127GEHB4 Location Banquet Office / Ceiling Laundry Room Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi - Trane Mitsubishi - Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 13 FC - G - 14 Area Served Banquet Office, Kitchen Storage Laundry Room Model Number TPEFYP012MA143A TPEFYP072MH140A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:27Test Time: Tested By:Donald Samborski Test Date:4/29/2021 192 210 218 186 133 174 174 1617 156 142 130 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 307 FPM 166 CFM 322 Size 20" x 14"Area 1.94 SQ. FT. S.P. 0.42"FPM 158 CFM System Unit:FC - G - 13 Area Served: Laundry Room DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:Laundry Room / OSA CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM FPM/CFM CFM %Design FC-G-13 SA Banquet Office 1 CD 8" RD 1.0 DNL 212 207 Kitchen Storgae 2 CD 8" RD 1.0 DNL 260 262 450 469 104% FC-G-13 RA Kitchen Storgae R - 1 RG 8" RD 1.0 DNL 140 249 Banquet Office R - 2 RG 8" RD 1.0 DNL 146 146 380 395 102% FC-G-14 SA Laundry Rm.1 SWS 15" x 9"1.20 DNL 455 / 546 546 Laundry Rm.2 SWS 15" x 9"1.20 DNL 460 / 552 552 Laundry Rm.3 SWS 15" x 9"1.20 DNL 446 / 535 535 Laundry Rm.4 SWS 15" x 9"1.20 DNL 448 / 538 538 2048 2171 106% FC-G-14 RA Laundry Rm.R - 1 RG 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 703 918 Laundry Rm.R - 2 RG 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 714 933 1741 1851 106% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:28 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 4/27/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-13, FC-G-14 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/27/2021 Test Time:Page:29 FAN MOTOR (2) Unaccessable due to flooring restrictions. Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) 307 CFM at 15% OSA delivered by FC-21 & FC-22, OSA FC's. DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed High Speed 3 Speed Medium Speed 208 15 1.9 7.7 6.9 DNL 100 Pa DNL DNL T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.10"—1.04" — 450 481 2048 2153 380 407 2048 2153 0.13"—0.32" 0.20"0.23"1.45"1.36" 70 74 (1) CFM Design Actual Design Actual 450 NVL 2048 NVL (1) Serial Number 03R0165430P80E 99W0021776EHB5 Location Catering / Above Ceiling Entrance Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 15 FC - G - 16 Area Served Catering Room Lounge, Wine Rack Model Number TPEFYP012MA143A TPEFYP096 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-G-15 SA Catering 1 CD 8" RD 1.0 DNL 232 232 Catering 2 CD 8" RD 1.0 DNL 249 249 450 481 106% FC-G-15 RA Catering R - 1 RG 10" RD 1.0 380 407 407 380 407 107% FC-G-16 SA Lounge 1 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 302 302 Lounge 2 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 317 317 Lounge 3 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 298 298 Lounge 4 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 292 292 Lounge 5 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 326 326 Lounge 6 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 316 316 Lounge 7 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 302 302 2048 2153 105% FC-G-16 RA Lobby R - 1 RG 26" x 14"2.52 2048 852 / 2147 2147 2048 2147 104% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:30 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 4/27/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-15, FC-G-16 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 1.5 HP 1.5 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/30/2021 Test Time:Page:31 FAN MOTOR (2) 170 CFM at 15% SA delivered by FC-21 & FC-22. Donald Samborski Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) 307 CFM at 15% SA delivered by FC-21 & FC-22 100% OSA fans. DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed Medium Speed 3 Speed Medium Speed 208 DNL 1.1 DNL 1.0 DNL DNL T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —1.03"—0.56" — 2048 2184 1130 1164 2048 2184 1130 1164 0.32"—0.10" 1.45"1.35"0.60"0.66" 307 (1)(1)170 (2) CFM Design Actual Design Actual 2048 2184 1130 1164 (2) Serial Number 99W002187GEHB5 99W000897GEHA6 Location Entrance Ceiling Support / Above Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 17 FC - G - 18 Area Served Lounge, Wine Rack Back Area Model Number TPEFYP096 TPEFYP036MH142A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM FPM/CFM CFM %Design FC-G-17 SA Lounge 1 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 537 537 Lounge 2 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 542 542 Lounge 3 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 516 516 Lounge 4 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 589 589 2048 2184 106% FC-G-17 RA Lobby R - 1 RG 28" x 14"2.72 2048 784 / 2132 2132 2048 2132 104% FC-G-18 SA Lounge 1 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 105 290 Lounge 2 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 96 286 Lounge 3 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 107 302 Lounge 4 LD 60" x 3"1.0 DNL 102 286 1130 1164 103% FC-G-18 RA Open Office Support Center R - 1 RG 3541 2.67 1130 436 / 1164 1164 1130 1164 103% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: 4/27/2021 Test Time:Page:32 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 4/22/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-17, FC-G-18 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 870 WATTS 870 WATTS 870 WATTS 870 WATTS RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/21/2021 Test Time:Page:33 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) 100% return. OSA SF-1 serves both FC-19 & FC-20 by discharging OSA into lounge area. DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed High Speed 3 Speed High Speed 208-230 8.2 6.3 8.2 6.1 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208-230 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.83"—0.84" — 2048 2180 2048 1960 2048 2180 (1)2048 1960 (1) 0.12"—0.11" 1.45"0.95"1.45"0.95" 0 (1)0 (1)0 (1) CFM Design Actual Design Actual 2048 2180 2048 1960 0 (1) Serial Number 99W002207GEHB5 99W002197GEHB5 Location Above Ceiling, Support Above Ceiling, Beverage Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 19 FC - G - 20 Area Served Bar, Lounge Area Bar, Lounge Area Model Number TPEFY096MH140A TPEFY096MH140A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM FPM/CFM CFM %Design FC-G-19 SA Bar 1 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 276 276 Bar 2 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 310 310 Bar 3 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 336 336 Bar 4 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 292 292 Bar 5 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 265 265 Bar 6 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 251 251 Bar 7 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 263 263 Bar 8 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 187 187 2048 2180 106% FC-G-19 RA Open Office Support R - 1 RG 35" x 22"5.37 2048 406 / 2180 2180 2048 2180 106% FC-G-20 SA Bar 1 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 296 296 Bar 2 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 307 307 Bar 3 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 347 347 Bar 4 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 318 318 Bar 5 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 299 299 Bar 6 CD 10" RD 1.0 DNL 393 393 2048 1960 96% FC-G-20 RA Bev. Center R - 1 RG 14" RD 1.0 DNL 1100 1100 Bev. Center R - 2 RG 14" RD 1.0 DNL 860 860 2048 1960 96% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: 4/22/2021 Test Time:Page:34 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 4/21/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-19, FC-G-20 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 870 WATTS 870 WATTS 870 WATTS 870 WATTS RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/26/2021 Test Time:Page:35 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed High Speed 3 Speed High Speed 208 15.0 2.0 15.0 2.0 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.87"—0.92" — 2048 1925 (1)2048 2170 (1) 0 0 0 0 0.37"—0.37" 1.45"1.24"1.45"1.29" 2048 1973 (1)2048 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 2048 1925 2048 2170 2176 (1) Serial Number 94W000067GEHB2 94W000097GEHB2 Location Above Ceiling / Corridor Above Ceiling / Corridor Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 21 FC - G - 22 Area Served OSA for FC's 16-23 OSA for FC's 16-23 Model Number TPEFYP0720A140A TPEFYP0720A140A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM FPM/CFM FPM/CFM %Design FC-G-21 SA Lobby 1 SWS 9" x 22"1.93 DNL 545 / 1051 1051 Lobby 2 SWS 9" x 22"1.93 DNL 453 / 874 874 2048 1925 94%(1) FC-G-22 SA Lobby 1 SWS 9" x 22"1.93 DNL 613 / 1184 1184 Lobby 2 SWS 9" x 22"1.93 DNL 511 / 986 986 2048 2170 106%(1) FC-G-22 & FC-G-21 (1) Lobby 1 SWS 9" x 22"1.93 DNL 804 / 884 996 / 1922 Lobby 2 SWS 9" x 22"1.93 DNL 930 / 1023 1051 / 2028 4096 3950 96% FC-G-21 (1) Outside R - 1 Louver 98" x 10"6.8 2048 290 / 1973 1973 2048 1973 95% FC-G-22 (1) Outside R - 1 Louver 98" x 10"6.8 2048 320 / 2176 2176 2048 2176 106% Both FC's total 4096 4149 4419 101%(3) Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:36 Final Notes: (1) Both FC's run simutaneously. (2) Both FC's set to 250 Pa (highest DP setting). (3) OSA fan's for lobby area. Donald Samborski 4/27/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-21, FC-G-22 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/27/2021 Test Time:Page:37 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed High Speed 3 Speed Medium Speed 208 DNL DNL DNL DNL DNL 1.7 15A 2.5A T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.22"—0.53" — 688 722 1130 1132 583 612 1130 1132 0.27"—0.11" 0.40"0.49"0.60"0.64" 105 110 0 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 688 NVL 1130 1132 0 Serial Number 02R0117330P80H 99W000907GEHA6 Location Corridor Above Ceiling Lobby / Above Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - G - 25 FC - G - 27 Area Served Public Restroom Lobby Area Model Number TPEFYP024MA143 TPEFYP036 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C 312 313 310 311 322 323 Test Time:Page:38 3 0 7 3 0 8 Notes: (NR) 4/26 Tested By: Don Samborski Test Date:4/27/2021 Cameron T. CFM 3 1 8 3 1 6 3 1 0 105 313 110 ZONE:FC-G-25 3 0 9 Area 0.35 300 CFM FPM Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 ROUND TRAVERSE REPORT DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL S.P. -0.13"Air Temp. FPM Size 8" RD CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM FPM/CFM CFM %Design FC-G-25 SA High Med. Women's Toilet 1 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 482 392 Men's Toilet 2 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 363 330 688 722 105% FC-G-25 RA Corridor R - 1 RG 24" x 24"1.0 583 151 612 583 612 105% FC-G-27 SA High Med. Lobby 1 CD 12" RD 1.0 DNL 334 260 Lobby 2 CD 12" RD 1.0 DNL 315 242 Lobby 3 CD 12" RD 1.0 DNL 246 190 Lobby 4 CD 12" RD 1.0 DNL 261 200 Lobby 5 CD 12" RD 1.0 DNL 312 240 1130 1132 101% FC-G-27 RA Lobby Above Ceiling R - 1 RG 30" x 10"2.08 1130 544 / 1132 1132 1130 1132 101% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:39 Final Notes: Donald Samborski 5/3/2021 Cameron T. DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-G-25, FC-G-27 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date: Test Time:Page:40 FAN MOTOR Kent Attwood Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) OSA VD CLOSED 100%. DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed Low / 100 Pa 3 Speed High / 150 Pa 208 DNL DNL DNL DNL DNL 1.6 DNL 0.7 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 206 208 208 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.51"—0.33" — 1130 1234 450 451 960 840 (2)380 384 0.43"—0.28" 1.30"0.94"0.20"0.61" 170 394 (2)70 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 1130 NVL 450 451 67 Serial Number 99W00917GEHA6 03R0152930F80E Location Ceiling Mezzanine Above Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - M - 1 FC - M - 2 Area Served Mezzanine Mezzanine Model Number TPEFYP036MH142A TPEFYP92MA143A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/30/2021 Test Time:Page:41 FAN MOTOR Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) No OSA intake. DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed High Speed 3 Speed High Speed 208 DNL DNL DNL DNL DNL 1.6 DNL 0.7 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.90"—0.18" — 1130 1150 450 445 1130 1143 380 373 0.53"—0.03" 1.30"1.43"0.20"0.21" (1)(1)70 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 1130 1150 450 445 72 Serial Number 01M0001365TKC2 Unaccessable Location Above Ceiling Laundry Above Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - M - 3 FC - M - 4 Area Served Accounting / Mezzanine Office / Mezzanine Model Number TPCFYP030 TPEFYP048MU142A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 1.8 HP 1.8 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/20/2021 Test Time:Page:42 FAN MOTOR OSA not ducted. Jesse Gastelum Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) Fan motor set to highest speed, 150 Pa., 100% OSA. DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi 3 Speed High / 150 Pa 2 Speed Low Speed 208 DNL DNL 15A 0.6 4.6 2.1 T.P.T.P.T.P.T.P. 211 208 211 1 1 1 1 STATIC —0.11"—0.21" — 635 273 1377 1392 0 0 1167 1396 (2) 0.09"—0.18" 0.28"0.20"1.30"0.39" 635 273 (1)210 CFM Design Actual Design Actual 635 273 (1)1377 1392 — (2) Serial Number 03K0107430P80G 9YW001387GEHA7 Location Above Ceiling Above Ceiling Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane Mitsubishi / Trane Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - M - 5 FC - M - 6 Area Served Public Toilets Mezzanine Men's & Women's Lockers Model Number TPEFYP018MA143A TPEFYP048MH142A CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By: Test Date:4/30/2021 Test Time:Page:43 Le Meridien FAN COIL TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#FC - M - 7 Area Served Fitness Area Model Number TPEFYP048MH142A Serial Number 99W000917GEHA6 Location Mezzanine Manufacturer Mitsubishi / Trane CFM Design Actual Design Actual DNL NVL STATIC —0.27" — DNL 1376 DNL 1228 0.13" 0.28"0.40" DNL 148 FAN MOTOR Mitsubishi Mitsubishi DNL 250 Pa 2 Speed High Speed 15A 3.2A T.P.T.P. 208 211 1 1 Donald Samborski Cameron T. Direct Drive Direct Drive DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM FPM/CFM CFM %Design FC-M-1 SA Office 1 CD 16" x 16"1.0 775 619 556 Office 2 CD 16" x 16"1.0 200 437 391 Office 3 CD 8" x 8"1.0 175 291 787 1150 1234 107% FC-M-1 RA Office R - 1 RG 24" x 12"1.0 960 957 840 (1) 960 840 87% FC-M-2 SA Office 1 CD 10" x 6"1.0 DNL 161 204 Office 2 CD 10" x 6"1.0 DNL 94 141 Office 3 CD 10" x 6"1.0 DNL 73 106 450 451 100% FC-M-2 RA Office R - 1 RG 12" x 12"1.0 380 384 384 380 384 101% FC-M-3 SA Accounting 1 CD 60" x 4"2.95 1130 390 / 1150 1150 1130 1150 101% FC-M-3 RA Accounting R - 1 RG 60" x 8"3.7 1130 308 / 1143 1143 1130 1143 101% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:44 Final Notes: (1) OSA VD closed 100%. (2) 4" RD ducts. Jesse Gastelum 4/20/2021 Kent Attwood DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-M-1, FC-M-2, FC-M-3 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-M-4 SA Office 1 CD 12" x 12"1.0 450 446 446 450 446 99% FC-M-4 RA Office R - 1 RG 12" x 12"1.0 380 373 373 380 373 78% FC-M-5 SA Women's Restroom 1 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 39 190 (1) Men's Restroom 2 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 54 185 (1) Corridor 3 CD 7" x 7"1.0 DNL 93 300 635 675 106% FC-M-5 RA Mezz. & Toilet OSA - 1 Duct 6" RD 1.0 DNL 186 109 Mezz. & Toilet OSA - 2 Duct 12" 1.0 DNL —566 635 675 106% FC-M-6 SA Women's Locker 1 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 745 517 Women's Locker 2 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 215 153 Men's Locker 3 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 932 567 Men's Locker 4 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 227 155 1377 1392 101% FC-M-6 RA Women's Locker R - 1 RG 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 615 686 Men's Locker R - 2 RG 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 855 710 1377 1396 101% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:45 Final Notes: (1) No Dampers. Jesse Gastelum 4/20/2021 DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-M-4, FC-M-5, FC-M-6 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design FC-M-7 SA Dance Room 1 CD 46" x 11"2.81 DNL 461 / 1296 1296 Dance Toilet 2 SWS 8" x 8"1.0 DNL 86 1376 1382 100% FC-M-7 RA Dance Room R - 1 RG 47" x 11"3.59 1228 392 / 1228 1228 1228 1228 100% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:46 DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 FC-M-7 Final Notes: Jesse Gastelum 4/22/2021 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Air Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 20 HP 20 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By:5/4/2021 Test Time:Page:47 Le Meridien FAN TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#MAU - 1 HGRH (DOAS) Area Served OSA for FC's 2nd to 6th Model Number SFHLF304T Serial Number C20C02116 Location High Roof Manufacturer Trane CFM DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL 16900 18011 STATIC —1.43" — DNL NVL —— 0.50" 2.75"1.93" 16900 18011 FAN Century Century 1765 1382 460 24.7 19.7 / 20.5 / 20.6 1.15 256T 478 / 476 / 477 3 3 BX88 (1 of) 26"26" BK150H x H1 7/16" 1465 1104 BK150H x H1 7/16" Donald Samborski Test Date: Cameron T. 2" / 3 1/2"2" / 3 1/2" DRIVE 1B5V110 x H B1 5/8"1B5V110 x H B1 5/8" Fixer Fixer CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A 1305 489 B 131 1018 C 964 1099 D 983 658 E 0 0 F 59 0 G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:48 System Unit:DOAS (MUA Unit)Area Served: OSA for Hotel Rooms 2nd to 6th Floors DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:High Roof / MUA - 1 CFM 11184 Size 48" x 48"Area 16.0 SQ. FT. S.P. 1.75"FPM DNL CFM 1 2 3 4 5 6 DNL FPM 699 913 1271 1352 1153 1354 1517 311 1457 1042 1439 0 1156 501 577 783 0 1343 546 509 1018 1056 241 1446 1171 104 0 0 218 678 0 378 262 448 0 1169 496 Cameron T. Test Time: Traverse 1 of 2 Tested By:Donald Samborski Test Date:5/4/2021 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Air Temp. X 7 8 9 10 A B C D E F G H I J K L M Sub-total Notes: Page:49 System Unit:DOAS / MUA Area Served: OSA for Hotel Rooms 2nd to 6th Floors DUCT REQUIRED ACTUAL Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 RECTANGULAR DUCT TRAVERSE REPORT Location / Zone:High Roof / MUA - 1 CFM 6827 Size 25" x 25"Area 4.34 SQ. FT. S.P. 1.12"FPM DNL CFM 1 2 3 4 5 6 DNL FPM 1573 1678 2125 1818 2242 2809 1526 2133 2166 2521 2466 1330 2277 824 711 1759 2141 2388 1560 1419 0 759 2298 0 215 945 Cameron T. Test Time: Traverse 2 of 2 Tested By:Donald Samborski Test Date:5/4/2021 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Supply Air @ Fan Supply Air @ Outlets Return Air Outside Air Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 10 HP 10 HP 10 HP 10 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By:4/22/2021 Test Time:Page:50 Le Meridien FAN TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#MAU - 2B MAU - 2A Area Served Kitchen Grease Hoods Grease Hoods Model Number 245QMXH 2456MXH Serial Number 1388178455 - 00002101 1385178455 - 00 / 0000201 Location Kitchen Above Walk In Coder Kitchen Small Mech RM Manufacturer Cook Cook CFM DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL 11400 (1)11101 (2)6100 6108 (3) 6108 STATIC —2.62"—2.47" — 11400 11101 DNL 6108 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.09"—0.94" 3.50"3.71"3.50"3.41" 11400 11101 6100 FAN Baldor Baldor Baldor Baldor 1770 1773 1770 1480 460 12.5 11.3 / 11.3 / 11.3 12.5 9.1 / 9.1 / 9.1 1.15 215T 1.15 1.15 472 / 476 / 475 460 476 / 474 / 475 3 3 3 3 B x 70 / 2 B x 70 / 2 B x 70 / 2 B x 70 / 2 29"29"29"29" 2BK62 x 5H 1 3/16"2BK62 x 5H 1 3/16"2BK62 x 5H 1 3/16" 1441 1258 1388 1050 2BK62 x 5H 1 3/16" (3) 50 Hz - VFD Donald Samborski Test Date: 1" / 3"1" / 3"1" / 3"1" / 3" (1) Picked for 9300 CFM. New design hood exhaust totals 11000 CFM. MUA requires slightly positive pressure. (2) 60 Hz - VFD DRIVE 2B44 x 5H 13/8"2B44 x 5H 13/8"2B44 x 5H 1 3/5"2B44 x 5H 1 3/5" Fixer Fixer Fixed Fixed CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM CFM %Design MUA - 1 SA Hood #3 1 (1)142" x 18"1.0 DNL 2100 2100 Hood #4 2 (1)142" x 18"1.0 DNL 2546 2546 Hood #1 3 (1)142" x 18"1.0 DNL 2420 2420 Hood #2 4 (1)142" x 18"1.0 DNL 2400 2400 Prep 5 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 771 771 Prep 6 CD 12" x 12"1.0 DNL 551 551 DNL 150 150 DNL 163 163 Total 11400 11101 97%(2) MUA - 2 SA Hood 5 1 (1)162" x 18"1.0 DNL 3215 3215 Hood 2 2 (1)162" x 18"1.0 DNL 3215 2243 Prep 3 (1)12" x 12"1.0 DNL 650 650 Total 6100 6108 101% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: Test Time:Page:51 DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 MUA-1 & MUA-2 Final Notes: (1) Linear perforated metal plate. (2) Design CFM adjusted per Captive Aire. Donald Samborski 4/22/2021 CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Model Number Serial Number Exhaust Air @ Fan Exhaust Air @ Inlets Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 10.0 HP 10.0 HP 10.0 HP 10.0 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor / FR Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By:Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time:Page:52 (3) 50.7 Hz Direct Drive Direct Drive 1044 946 1067 971 Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Kitchen Hood GEF - 2 EXHAUST FAN TEST SHEET Le Meridien (1) Design CFM picked by Captive Aire (2) 49.4 Hz - VFD 1165 Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive CFM 2.71" 1.15 256T 230 200 / 200 / 200 3 3 3 3 230 256T 25.7 12.2 / 12.2 / 12.2 25.7 9.9 / 9.9 / 9.9 1.15 GEF - 1 Area Served Kitchen Hood Fan I.D.# USBI30DD - RM 200 / 200 / 200 946 (2) USBI30DD - RM DNL DNL DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL ———— ———— TECO Location Roof Manufacturer Captive Aire 5100 (1)5299 5900 (1)6020 5100 5299 5900 6020 Captive Aire Roof Donald Samborski STATIC FAN DRIVE 1170 971 (3) 3.00"2.64"3.00"3.04" TECO TECO —0.11"—0.33" —2.53"— TECO CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Model Number Serial Number Exhaust Air @ Fan Exhaust Air @ Inlets Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 10.0 HP 10.0 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor / FR Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By:Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time:Page:53 Location Roof Manufacturer Captive Aire Le Meridien EXHAUST FAN TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#GEF - 3 Area Served Kitchen Hood USBI30DD - RM DNL CFM DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL ———— ———— 5900 (1)6043 5900 6043 2.77" FAN TECO TECO 1165 927 STATIC —0.16"— —2.61"— 3.00" 3 3 25.7 11.9 / 11.9 / 11.9 230 200 / 200 / 200 1.15 256T DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive 1165 927 Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) Design CFM picked by Captive Aire; 48.4 Hz - VFD Donald Samborski Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 NO.AVG TOTAL AREA CFM 1 125 126 124 126 x 1.2 =151 1.78 269 2 140 143 146 143 x 1.2 =171 1.78 304 3 159 154 157 157 x 1.2 =188 1.78 335 4 174 173 175 174 x 1.2 =209 1.78 372 5 165 164 163 164 x 1.2 =197 1.78 350 6 154 156 158 156 x 1.2 =187 1.78 333 7 123 135 129 129 x 1.2 =155 1.78 276 8 146 143 140 143 x 1.2 =171 1.78 304 9 x 1.2 = 10 x 1.2 = 11 x 1.2 = 12 x 1.2 = 5'FT+11' 8"FT+5'FT+FT = DISTANCE FROM HOOD TO COOKING SURFACE = 11' 8" FT = (Q)x (A) (Q)x (D)= IN. x IN. x IN. x IN. x SQFT = DATE Notes: Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time: Page:54 — 2 — 24"12"IN. / 144 = IN. / 144 = NON CANOPY TYPE HOOD: 300 CFM x SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET FPM #3 DUCT SIZE LARGEST DUCT SIZE 24"12"IN. / 144 = 1271 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" FILTER MEASUREMENT READINGSSIZE 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" =LISTED HOOD FT x HOOD LENGTH ALT. FORMULA: #1 Q=100PD #2 Q=100PD #3 Q=50PD #4 Q=50PD Project: Project No. Le Meridien 19-0079 GREASE FILTER MANUFACTURER FILTER SIZE NET AREA, SQ FT Hood No.Hood #1 Fan No. Captrate 19 1/2" x 15 1/2"1.78 GREASE FILTER DATA SHEET Mechanical Division GEF - 1 21.8'FEET (P) GREASE FILTERS MEASUREMENTS COMMERCIAL COOKING HOOD & SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS HOOD OPEN SIDES 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" — 4'FEET (D) 59' FORMULA:#1 Q=300A/200A #2 Q=150A/100A — FORMULA:#3 Q=100A/75A #4 Q=75A/50A — — 2400 HOOD WIDTH FT x HOOD LENGTH FT=5 SQUARE FEET Per Mechanical Drawing FORMULA FORMULA ALT FORMULA REQUIRED CFM REQUIRED CFM SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET INSPECTOR: REQUIRED CFM Tested By: LINER FEET = #1 DUCT SIZE #2 DUCT SIZE — 2 1200 IN. / 144 = FAILED FPM 2.00 Donald Samborski Design CFM picked by Captive Aire. 2543 Exhaust Air Volume Through Filters CFM / Duct Size TOTAL EXHAUST HOOD VOLUME GREASE DUCT SIZE VELOCITY WITHIN GREASE DUCT SYSTEM CFM SQUARE FEET APPROVED CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 NO.AVG TOTAL AREA CFM 1 148 149 150 149 x 1.2 =178 1.78 317 2 162 166 164 164 x 1.2 =196 1.78 349 3 212 216 208 177 x 1.2 =212 1.78 377 4 216 217 218 181 x 1.2 =217 1.78 386 5 220 222 225 185 x 1.2 =222 1.78 395 6 197 200 195 164 x 1.2 =197 1.78 350 7 164 160 162 135 x 1.2 =162 1.78 288 8 164 166 165 138 x 1.2 =165 1.78 294 9 x 1.2 = 10 x 1.2 = 11 x 1.2 = 12 x 1.2 = 5'FT+11' 8"FT+5'FT+11' 8"FT = DISTANCE FROM HOOD TO COOKING SURFACE = 11' 8" FT = (Q)x (A) (Q)x (D)= IN. x IN. x IN. x IN. x SQFT = DATE Notes: Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time: Page:55 Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 GREASE FILTER DATA SHEET Hood No.Hood #2 Captrate 19 1/2" x 15 1/2"1.78 Mechanical Division Fan No.GEF - 1 GREASE FILTER MANUFACTURER FILTER SIZE NET AREA, SQ FT GREASE FILTERS MEASUREMENTS SIZE FILTER MEASUREMENT READINGS 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" COMMERCIAL COOKING HOOD & SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS HOOD OPEN SIDES 21.8'FEET (P) 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 4'FEET (D) HOOD WIDTH FT x HOOD LENGTH FT=FT x HOOD LENGTH 59'SQUARE FEET ALT. FORMULA: #1 Q=100PD #2 Q=100PD #3 Q=50PD #4 Q=50PD —ALT FORMULA =LISTED HOOD Per Mechanical Drawing 2700 REQUIRED CFM FORMULA:#1 Q=300A/200A #2 Q=150A/100A —FORMULA FORMULA:#3 Q=100A/75A #4 Q=75A/50A —FORMULA —REQUIRED CFM NON CANOPY TYPE HOOD: 300 CFM x LINER FEET =—REQUIRED CFM SQUARE FEET #2 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =—SQUARE FEET #1 DUCT SIZE 24"12"IN. / 144 =2 SQUARE FEET LARGEST DUCT SIZE 24"12"IN. / 144 =2 SQUARE FEET #3 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =— GREASE DUCT SIZE 2.00 SQUARE FEET VELOCITY WITHIN GREASE DUCT SYSTEM 1378 FPM Exhaust Air Volume Through Filters CFM / Duct Size 1350 FPM TOTAL EXHAUST HOOD VOLUME 2756 CFM Design CFM picked by Captive Aire. Tested By:Donald Samborski INSPECTOR: APPROVED FAILED CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 NO.AVG TOTAL AREA CFM 1 152 156 154 154 x 1.2 =185 1.78 329 2 154 156 158 156 x 1.2 =187 1.78 333 3 208 210 212 210 x 1.2 =252 1.78 448 4 235 231 233 233 x 1.2 =280 1.78 498 5 208 210 206 208 x 1.2 =250 1.78 445 6 204 208 206 206 x 1.2 =247 1.78 440 7 186 188 187 188 x 1.2 =225 1.78 400 8 150 154 146 150 x 1.2 =180 1.78 320 9 x 1.2 = 10 x 1.2 = 11 x 1.2 = 12 x 1.2 = 5'FT+11' 8"FT+5'FT+11' 8"FT = DISTANCE FROM HOOD TO COOKING SURFACE = 11' 8" FT = (Q)x (A) (Q)x (D)= IN. x IN. x IN. x IN. x SQFT = DATE Notes: Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time: Page:56 Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 GREASE FILTER DATA SHEET Hood No.Hood #3 Captrate 19 1/2" x 15 1/2"1.78 Mechanical Division Fan No.GEF - 2 GREASE FILTER MANUFACTURER FILTER SIZE NET AREA, SQ FT GREASE FILTERS MEASUREMENTS SIZE FILTER MEASUREMENT READINGS 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" COMMERCIAL COOKING HOOD & SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS HOOD OPEN SIDES 21.8'FEET (P) 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 4'FEET (D) HOOD WIDTH FT x HOOD LENGTH FT=FT x HOOD LENGTH 59'SQUARE FEET ALT. FORMULA: #1 Q=100PD #2 Q=100PD #3 Q=50PD #4 Q=50PD —ALT FORMULA =LISTED HOOD Per Mechanical Drawing 3200 REQUIRED CFM FORMULA:#1 Q=300A/200A #2 Q=150A/100A —FORMULA FORMULA:#3 Q=100A/75A #4 Q=75A/50A —FORMULA —REQUIRED CFM NON CANOPY TYPE HOOD: 300 CFM x LINER FEET =—REQUIRED CFM SQUARE FEET #2 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =—SQUARE FEET #1 DUCT SIZE 24"12"IN. / 144 =2 SQUARE FEET LARGEST DUCT SIZE 24"12"IN. / 144 =2 SQUARE FEET #3 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =— GREASE DUCT SIZE 2.00 SQUARE FEET VELOCITY WITHIN GREASE DUCT SYSTEM 1606 FPM Exhaust Air Volume Through Filters CFM / Duct Size 1600 FPM TOTAL EXHAUST HOOD VOLUME 3213 CFM Design CFM picked by Captive Aire. Tested By:Donald Samborski INSPECTOR: APPROVED FAILED CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 NO.AVG TOTAL AREA CFM 1 132 134 136 134 x 1.2 =160 1.78 285 2 147 150 145 147 x 1.2 =176 1.78 313 3 168 166 167 167 x 1.2 =200 1.78 356 4 179 184 189 184 x 1.2 =221 1.78 393 5 183 185 184 194 x 1.2 =232 1.78 413 6 194 199 189 160 x 1.2 =192 1.78 341 7 158 160 162 176 x 1.2 =211 1.78 375 8 148 162 155 155 x 1.2 =186 1.78 331 9 x 1.2 = 10 x 1.2 = 11 x 1.2 = 12 x 1.2 = 5'FT+11' 8"FT+5'FT+11' 8"FT = DISTANCE FROM HOOD TO COOKING SURFACE = 11' 8" FT = (Q)x (A) (Q)x (D)= IN. x IN. x IN. x IN. x SQFT = DATE Notes: Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time: Page:57 Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 GREASE FILTER DATA SHEET Hood No.Hood #4 Captrate 19 1/2" x 15 1/2"1.78 Mechanical Division Fan No.GEF - 2 GREASE FILTER MANUFACTURER FILTER SIZE NET AREA, SQ FT GREASE FILTERS MEASUREMENTS SIZE FILTER MEASUREMENT READINGS 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" COMMERCIAL COOKING HOOD & SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS HOOD OPEN SIDES 21.8'FEET (P) 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 4'FEET (D) HOOD WIDTH FT x HOOD LENGTH FT=FT x HOOD LENGTH 59'SQUARE FEET ALT. FORMULA: #1 Q=100PD #2 Q=100PD #3 Q=50PD #4 Q=50PD —ALT FORMULA =LISTED HOOD Per Mechanical Drawing 2700 REQUIRED CFM FORMULA:#1 Q=300A/200A #2 Q=150A/100A —FORMULA FORMULA:#3 Q=100A/75A #4 Q=75A/50A —FORMULA —REQUIRED CFM NON CANOPY TYPE HOOD: 300 CFM x LINER FEET =—REQUIRED CFM SQUARE FEET #2 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =—SQUARE FEET #1 DUCT SIZE 24"12"IN. / 144 =2 SQUARE FEET LARGEST DUCT SIZE 24"12"IN. / 144 =2 SQUARE FEET #3 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =— GREASE DUCT SIZE 2.00 SQUARE FEET VELOCITY WITHIN GREASE DUCT SYSTEM 1403 FPM Exhaust Air Volume Through Filters CFM / Duct Size 1350 FPM TOTAL EXHAUST HOOD VOLUME 2807 CFM Design CFM picked by Captive Aire. Tested By:Donald Samborski INSPECTOR: APPROVED FAILED CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 NO.AVG TOTAL AREA CFM 1 156 159 161 159 x 1.2 =191 1.78 340 2 169 165 17 169 x 1.2 =202 1.78 360 3 197 x 1.2 =236 1.78 420 4 242 x 1.2 =290 1.78 516 5 210 x 1.2 =252 1.78 449 6 202 x 1.2 =242 1.78 431 7 189 x 1.2 =227 1.78 404 8 153 x 1.2 =184 1.78 327 9 x 1.2 = 10 x 1.2 = 11 x 1.2 = 12 x 1.2 = 5'FT+13.5'FT+5'FT+FT = DISTANCE FROM HOOD TO COOKING SURFACE = 11' 8" FT = (Q)x (A) (Q)x (D)= IN. x IN. x IN. x IN. x SQFT = DATE Notes: Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time: Page:58 Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 GREASE FILTER DATA SHEET Hood No.Hood #5 Captrate 19 1/2" x 15 1/2"1.78 Mechanical Division Fan No.GEF - 3 GREASE FILTER MANUFACTURER FILTER SIZE NET AREA, SQ FT GREASE FILTERS MEASUREMENTS SIZE FILTER MEASUREMENT READINGS 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" COMMERCIAL COOKING HOOD & SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS HOOD OPEN SIDES 23.5'FEET (P) 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 4'FEET (D) HOOD WIDTH FT x HOOD LENGTH FT=5'FT x HOOD LENGTH 13.5'67.5'SQUARE FEET ALT. FORMULA: #1 Q=100PD #2 Q=100PD #3 Q=50PD #4 Q=50PD —ALT FORMULA =LISTED HOOD Per Mechanical Drawing 3200 REQUIRED CFM FORMULA:#1 Q=300A/200A #2 Q=150A/100A —FORMULA FORMULA:#3 Q=100A/75A #4 Q=75A/50A —FORMULA —REQUIRED CFM NON CANOPY TYPE HOOD: 300 CFM x LINER FEET =—REQUIRED CFM SQUARE FEET #2 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =—SQUARE FEET #1 DUCT SIZE 30"12"IN. / 144 =2.5 SQUARE FEET LARGEST DUCT SIZE 30"12"IN. / 144 =2.5 SQUARE FEET #3 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =— GREASE DUCT SIZE 2.05 SQUARE FEET VELOCITY WITHIN GREASE DUCT SYSTEM 1297 FPM Exhaust Air Volume Through Filters CFM / Duct Size 1280 FPM TOTAL EXHAUST HOOD VOLUME 3277 CFM Design CFM picked by Captive Aire. Tested By:Donald Samborski INSPECTOR: APPROVED FAILED CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 NO.AVG TOTAL AREA CFM 1 148 150 152 150 x 1.2 =180 1.78 320 2 170 174 172 172 x 1.2 =206 1.78 367 3 181 179 183 181 x 1.2 =217 1.78 386 4 183 185 187 185 x 1.2 =222 1.78 395 5 188 182 194 188 x 1.2 =225 1.78 400 6 166 168 170 168 x 1.2 =202 1.78 360 7 130 134 132 132 x 1.2 =158 1.78 281 8 134 136 138 136 x 1.2 =163 1.78 290 9 x 1.2 = 10 x 1.2 = 11 x 1.2 = 12 x 1.2 = 5'FT+13.5'FT+5'FT+FT = DISTANCE FROM HOOD TO COOKING SURFACE = 11' 8" FT = (Q)x (A) (Q)x (D)= IN. x IN. x IN. x IN. x SQFT = DATE Notes: Test Date:4/22/2021 Test Time: Page:59 Project: Le Meridien Project No.19-0079 GREASE FILTER DATA SHEET Hood No.Hood #6 Captrate 19 1/2" x 15 1/2"1.78 Mechanical Division Fan No.GEF - 3 GREASE FILTER MANUFACTURER FILTER SIZE NET AREA, SQ FT GREASE FILTERS MEASUREMENTS SIZE FILTER MEASUREMENT READINGS 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" COMMERCIAL COOKING HOOD & SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS HOOD OPEN SIDES 23.5'FEET (P) 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 19 1/2" x 15 1/2" 4'FEET (D) HOOD WIDTH FT x HOOD LENGTH FT=5'FT x HOOD LENGTH 13.5'67.5'SQUARE FEET ALT. FORMULA: #1 Q=100PD #2 Q=100PD #3 Q=50PD #4 Q=50PD —ALT FORMULA =LISTED HOOD Per Mechanical Drawing 2700 REQUIRED CFM FORMULA:#1 Q=300A/200A #2 Q=150A/100A —FORMULA FORMULA:#3 Q=100A/75A #4 Q=75A/50A —FORMULA —REQUIRED CFM NON CANOPY TYPE HOOD: 300 CFM x LINER FEET =—REQUIRED CFM SQUARE FEET #2 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =—SQUARE FEET #1 DUCT SIZE 20"12"IN. / 144 =1.67 SQUARE FEET LARGEST DUCT SIZE 20"12"IN. / 144 =1.67 SQUARE FEET #3 DUCT SIZE IN. / 144 =— GREASE DUCT SIZE 1.67 SQUARE FEET VELOCITY WITHIN GREASE DUCT SYSTEM 1676 FPM Exhaust Air Volume Through Filters CFM / Duct Size 1616 FPM TOTAL EXHAUST HOOD VOLUME 2799 CFM Tested By:Donald Samborski INSPECTOR: APPROVED FAILED CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Model Number Serial Number Exhaust Air @ Fan Exhaust Air @ Inlets Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 1/4 HP 1/4 HP 1 HP 1 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor / FR Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By:Test Date:4/28/2021 Test Time:Page:60 Location Lower Roof Ceiling Manufacturer Captive Aire Captive Aire Le Meridien EXHAUST FAN TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#EF - 11 (1)EF - 12 (1) Area Served Entrance Lobby Dishwasher SIF - 11 - DD SIF13DD - 55 DNL DNL CFM DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL ———— ———— 550 1200 550 1200 0.50" FAN Nema Nema 1725 STATIC —— —— 1.00" 1 1 1 1 DNL 1800 120 121 120 121 T.P.T.P.E.P.E.P. DRIVE Not Accessable Not Accessable Direct Drive Direct Drive 1725 Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive (1) There is still no power to the dishwasher fan, as of yet. (2) Incomplete ductwork to dishwasher. Donald Samborski Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No.19-0079 Model Number Serial Number Exhaust Air @ Fan Exhaust Air @ Inlets Discharge (+) Suction (-) Ext. SP (inches w.g.) Manufacturer Horsepower 3/4 HP 3/4 HP RPM Voltage Phase Amperage Service Factor / FR Motor Sheave % Closed Fan Sheave Fan RPM Belt Size / Qty Center to Center Adjustment, In / Out Notes: Tested By:Test Date:4/30/2021 Test Time:Page:61 Location Roof of Bathroom Manufacturer Captive Aire Le Meridien EXHAUST FAN TEST SHEET Fan I.D.#EF - 14 Area Served Pool Bathroom DU85HFA DNL CFM DESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN ACTUAL —— —— 1200 1201 1200 1201 0.83" FAN Telco Green 1800 1230 STATIC —0.21" —0.62" 1.00" 1 1 11.5 5.2 115 110 T.P.T.P. DRIVE Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Cameron T. Donald Samborski Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive Direct Drive CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Project: Project No. System(s): Zone/Terminal Effect Design Prelim. Room #I.D. #Type Size Area CFM CFM FPM/CFM %Design EF - 10 EA Entrance 1 EG 550 (1) Total 550 EF - 11 EA (1) Entrance 1 EG 550 Total 550 EF - 12 EA (2) Dishwasher 1 Duct 20.5" x 2"0.28 1200 Total 1200 EF - 14 EA Pump Room 1 SWE 12" x 6"1.0 DNL 210 997 / 498 Men's Room 2 SWE 10" x 10"1.0 DNL 360 147 Women's Room 3 SWE 10" x 10"1.0 DNL 420 150 Pump Room 4 SWE 12" x 6"1.0 DNL 130 813 / 406 1200 1201 100% Notes: Tested By:Test Date: 5/3/2021 Test Time:Page:62 DIFFUSER & GRILLE TEST SHEET Le Meridien 19-0079 EF - 10, EF - 11, EF - 12, EF - 14 Final Notes: (1) There is still no power to the dishwasher fan, as of yet. (2) Incomplete ductwork to dishwasher. Donald Samborski 4/22/2021 Cameron T. CAL Lic No. 845492 Independent Air Group, Inc (760) 949-9972 TABB No. BB861688C Date: Project Name: Systems: Instrument Manufacturer Model Serial Number Calibration Date 1 Air Data Meter Shortridge ADM 860-C M98584 3/1/2021 2 Air Data Meter Shortridge ADM 860-C M04411 5/12/2020 3 Air Data Meter Shortridge ADM-870 M04303 5/12/2020 4 Air Data Meter Shortridge ADM 880C M07471 6/8/2020 5 Balometer Alnor EBT - 731 731405001 5/12/2020 6 Digital Clamp Multimeter Fluke Fluke 373 50090476 1/25/2021 7 True RMS - Clamp Meter Fluke 737 28460858 6/24/2021 8 Fluke Meter Fluke 373 40640291 2/13/2020 9 Tachometer Extech RPM 33 200688680 1/25/2021 10 Digital Contact Tachometer Jaquet 252 736549 7/25/2021 11 Hydrodata Meter Shortridge HDM-250 W07008 6/9/2020 12 Hydrodata Meter Shortridge HDM-250 W07189 6/8/2020 13 Ultrasonic Flowmeter Regal RH20 81103393 6/8/2020 14 Leak Detective McGill Air 5"486491 10/6/2020 15 Pitot Tube (*)Dwyer 160 - 24 36 48 N/L ---- 16 Rotation Vane Anemometer Alnor RVA801 A03381 5/21/2021 17 Sound Level Meter Type 1 Reed Instruments IEC 651 R.118929 7/1/2021 18 Tachometer Shimpo DT-207L D45B0082 2/13/2020 B Exisiting 5/11/2021 INDEPENDENT AIR GROUP, INC. 12046 Jacaranda Ave., Suite E Hesperia, CA 92345 (760) 949-9972 Fax (760) 949-3972 CA License # 845492 INSTRUMENT LIST Le Meridien C Coded Drawing Project Title: Project Architect: Project Mechanical Engineer: Project Number: Sheet Title: Date: Scale: Drawn By: Checked By:1-1 R. AGUILERA Achieving Total Balance... ...One System At A Time INDEPENDENT AIR GROUP INC. 12046 Jacaranda Avenue, Suite E Hesperia, CA 92345 Office (760) 949-9972 / 949-3958 Fax (760) 949-3972 TEST AND BALANCE ANALYSIS LEGEND SYMBOL SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONS RECTAGULAR SUPPLY AIR RISER RECTAGULAR SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER CIRCULAR SUPPLY AIR RISER CIRCULAR SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER EQUIPMENT REFERENCE RECTAGULAR EXHAUST AIR RISER RECTAGULAR EXHAUST AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR EXHAUST AIR RISER CIRCULAR EXHAUST AIR GRILLE RECTAGULAR RETURN AIR RISER RECTAGULAR RETURN AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR RETURN AIR RISER CIRCULAR RETURN AIR GRILLE RETURN FAN REFERENCE RETURN AIR GRILLE REFERENCE TRAVERSED FAN REFERENCE DUCT TRAVERSE REFERENCE RECTAGULAR OUTSIDE AIR RISER RECTAGULAR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR OUTSIDE AIR RISER CIRCULAR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE OUTSIDE AIR FAN REFERENCE OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE REFERENCE EXHAUST FAN REFERENCE EXHAUST AIR GRILLE REFERENCE SUPPLY FAN REFERENCE SUPPLY AIR VAV BOX REFERENCE SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER REFERENCE SPS DESCRIPTIONS PITOT TUBE LOCATION This drawing and information here-in relating to Independent Air Group, Inc. and its client has been furnished in confidence for the private use of the authorized personnel only. No part hereof shall be copied, duplicated, distributed disclosed or made available to others or used to any extent whatsoever except as expressly authorized in writing by Independent Air Group, Inc. and its client. Any person, firm, or corporation receiving this document shall be deemed to have agreed to the foregoing restictions. Th i s d r a w i n g a n d i n f o r m a t i o n h e r e - i n r e l a t i n g t o I n d e p e n d e n t A i r G r o u p , I n c . a n d i t s c l i e n t h a s b e e n f u r n i s h e d i n c o n f i d e n c e f o r t h e p r i v a t e u s e o f t h e a u t h o r i z e d p e r s o n n e l o n l y . N o p a r t h e r e o f s h a l l b e c o p i e d , d u p l i c a t e d , d i s t r i b u t e d d i s c l o s e d o r m a d e a v a i l a b l e t o o t h e r s o r u s e d t o a n y e x t e n t w h a t s o e v e r e x c e p t a s e x p r e s s l y a u t h o r i z e d i n w r i t i n g b y I n d e p e n d e n t A i r G r o u p , I n c . a n d i t s c l i e n t . A n y p e r s o n , f i r m , o r c o r p o r a t i o n r e c e i v i n g t h i s d o c u m e n t s h a l l b e d e e m e d t o h a v e a g r e e d t o t h e f o r e g o i n g r e s t i c t i o n s . HVAC Contractor: D. MONTOYA5-12-2021 Le Meridien 130 W. Huntington Dr. Arcadia CA 91007 Architects Orange 19-0079 Ref. Level G STATIC PRESSURE SENSOR AH-1 1-1 AH 1 EF-1 1 AH-1 R-1 EF-1 DT-1 AH-1 OSA-1 Pacific Coast Engineers, Inc. World Mechanical, Inc. LEVEL G - MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN MUA-2 1 EF-12 1 MUA-22 MUA-2 3 MUA-11 MUA-1 2 MUA-16 MUA-1 3 MUA-1 4 MUA-1 5 GEF-1GEF - 2 GEF-3 FC-G-21 &FC-G-221 FC-G-21 &FC-G-222 FC-G-22 R-1 FC-G-21 R-1 FC-G-27 1 FC-G-16 7 FC-G-166 FC-G-165 FC-G-16 4 FC-G-163 FC-G-16 2 FC-G-161 FC-G-171FC-G-17 2FC-G-17 3FC-G-17 4 FC-G-16 R-1 FC-G-17 R-1 FC-G-27 R-1 FC-G-27 2 FC-G-27 3 FC-G-274 FC-G-275 FC-G-18 1 FC-G-25 1 FC-G-252 FC-G-25 R-1 EF-13 9 EF-13 8 EF-13 7 EF-13 6 EF-13 10 EF-13 14 EF-13 15EF-13 13EF-13 12 FC-G-12 1 FC-G-12 R-1 FC-G-131FC-G-132 FC-G-13 R-1 FC-G-13 R-2 FC-G-11 1 FC-G-112 FC-G-11 R-1 FC-G-14 1 FC-G-14 2 FC-G-143 FC-G-144 FC-G-14 R-1 FC-G-14 R-2 FC-G-15 1 FC-G-15 2 FC-G-15 R-1 FC-G-82 FC-G-81 FC-G-83FC-G-84 FC-G-8 5 FC-G-8 R-1 FC-G-8 R-2 FC-G-9 R-1 FC-G-9R-2 FC-G-9 R-3 FC-G-9 1FC-G-92FC-G-93 FC-G-101FC-G-102FC-G-103 FC-G-10 R-3 FC-G-10 R-2 FC-G-10 R-1 FC-G-71 FC-G-72 FC-G-7 3 FC-G-74 FC-G-75 FC-G-76 FC-G-77 FC-G-7 8 FC-G-79 FC-G-7 10 FC-G-711 FC-G-7 12 FC-G-7 13 FC-G-7 R-1 FC-G-61 FC-G-6 2 FC-G-6 3 FC-G-64 FC-G-65 FC-G-66 FC-G-6 R-1 FC-G-5 R-1 FC-G-51 FC-G-52 FC-G-53 FC-G-54 FC-G-55 FC-G-56 FC-G-57 FC-G-41 FC-G-42 FC-G-43 FC-G-44 FC-G-4 5 FC-G-46 FC-G-47 FC-G-4 R-1 FC-G-3 R-1 FC-G-31 FC-G-32 FC-G-3 3 FC-G-34 FC-G-35 FC-G-36 FC-G-3 7 FC-G-2 R-1 FC-G-1 R-1 FC-G-21 FC-G-22 FC-G-23 FC-G-24 FC-G-25 FC-G-26 FC-G-27 FC-G-11 FC-G-12 FC-G-1 3 FC-G-14 FC-G-15 FC-G-16 FC-G-182 FC-G-18 3 FC-G-184 FC-G-201 FC-G-202 FC-G-203 FC-G-204 FC-G-205 FC-G-206 FC-G-191 FC-G-192FC-G-193 FC-G-194 FC-G-19 5 FC-G-196 FC-G-197 FC-G-19 8 FC-G-18 R-1 FC-G-19 R-1 FC-G-20 R-1 Project Title: Project Architect: Project Mechanical Engineer: Project Number: Sheet Title: Date: Scale: Drawn By: Checked By:1-1 R. AGUILERA Achieving Total Balance... ...One System At A Time INDEPENDENT AIR GROUP INC. 12046 Jacaranda Avenue, Suite E Hesperia, CA 92345 Office (760) 949-9972 / 949-3958 Fax (760) 949-3972 TEST AND BALANCE ANALYSIS LEGEND SYMBOL SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONS RECTAGULAR SUPPLY AIR RISER RECTAGULAR SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER CIRCULAR SUPPLY AIR RISER CIRCULAR SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER EQUIPMENT REFERENCE RECTAGULAR EXHAUST AIR RISER RECTAGULAR EXHAUST AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR EXHAUST AIR RISER CIRCULAR EXHAUST AIR GRILLE RECTAGULAR RETURN AIR RISER RECTAGULAR RETURN AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR RETURN AIR RISER CIRCULAR RETURN AIR GRILLE RETURN FAN REFERENCE RETURN AIR GRILLE REFERENCE TRAVERSED FAN REFERENCE DUCT TRAVERSE REFERENCE RECTAGULAR OUTSIDE AIR RISER RECTAGULAR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR OUTSIDE AIR RISER CIRCULAR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE OUTSIDE AIR FAN REFERENCE OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE REFERENCE EXHAUST FAN REFERENCE EXHAUST AIR GRILLE REFERENCE SUPPLY FAN REFERENCE SUPPLY AIR VAV BOX REFERENCE SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER REFERENCE SPS DESCRIPTIONS PITOT TUBE LOCATION This drawing and information here-in relating to Independent Air Group, Inc. and its client has been furnished in confidence for the private use of the authorized personnel only. No part hereof shall be copied, duplicated, distributed disclosed or made available to others or used to any extent whatsoever except as expressly authorized in writing by Independent Air Group, Inc. and its client. Any person, firm, or corporation receiving this document shall be deemed to have agreed to the foregoing restictions. Th i s d r a w i n g a n d i n f o r m a t i o n h e r e - i n r e l a t i n g t o I n d e p e n d e n t A i r G r o u p , I n c . a n d i t s c l i e n t h a s b e e n f u r n i s h e d i n c o n f i d e n c e f o r t h e p r i v a t e u s e o f t h e a u t h o r i z e d p e r s o n n e l o n l y . N o p a r t h e r e o f s h a l l b e c o p i e d , d u p l i c a t e d , d i s t r i b u t e d d i s c l o s e d o r m a d e a v a i l a b l e t o o t h e r s o r u s e d t o a n y e x t e n t w h a t s o e v e r e x c e p t a s e x p r e s s l y a u t h o r i z e d i n w r i t i n g b y I n d e p e n d e n t A i r G r o u p , I n c . a n d i t s c l i e n t . A n y p e r s o n , f i r m , o r c o r p o r a t i o n r e c e i v i n g t h i s d o c u m e n t s h a l l b e d e e m e d t o h a v e a g r e e d t o t h e f o r e g o i n g r e s t i c t i o n s . HVAC Contractor: D. MONTOYA4-29-2021 Le Meridien 130 W. Huntington Dr. Arcadia CA 91007 Architects Orange 19-0079 Ref. Level G STATIC PRESSURE SENSOR AH-1 1-1 AH 1 EF-1 1 AH-1 R-1 EF-1 DT-1 AH-1 OSA-1 Pacific Coast Engineers, Inc. World Mechanical, Inc. MUA-2 1 EF-12 1 MUA-2 2 MUA-2 3 MUA-1 1 MUA-1 2 MUA-1 6 MUA-1 3 MUA-1 4 MUA-1 5 GEF-1GE F - 2 GEF-3 LEVEL G - MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN Project Title: Project Architect: Project Mechanical Engineer: Project Number: Sheet Title: Date: Scale: Drawn By: Checked By:1-1 R. AGUILERA Achieving Total Balance... ...One System At A Time INDEPENDENT AIR GROUP INC. 12046 Jacaranda Avenue, Suite E Hesperia, CA 92345 Office (760) 949-9972 / 949-3958 Fax (760) 949-3972 TEST AND BALANCE ANALYSIS LEGEND SYMBOL SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONS RECTAGULAR SUPPLY AIR RISER RECTAGULAR SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER CIRCULAR SUPPLY AIR RISER CIRCULAR SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER EQUIPMENT REFERENCE RECTAGULAR EXHAUST AIR RISER RECTAGULAR EXHAUST AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR EXHAUST AIR RISER CIRCULAR EXHAUST AIR GRILLE RECTAGULAR RETURN AIR RISER RECTAGULAR RETURN AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR RETURN AIR RISER CIRCULAR RETURN AIR GRILLE RETURN FAN REFERENCE RETURN AIR GRILLE REFERENCE TRAVERSED FAN REFERENCE DUCT TRAVERSE REFERENCE RECTAGULAR OUTSIDE AIR RISER RECTAGULAR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE CIRCULAR OUTSIDE AIR RISER CIRCULAR OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE OUTSIDE AIR FAN REFERENCE OUTSIDE AIR GRILLE REFERENCE EXHAUST FAN REFERENCE EXHAUST AIR GRILLE REFERENCE SUPPLY FAN REFERENCE SUPPLY AIR VAV BOX REFERENCE SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER REFERENCE SPS DESCRIPTIONS PITOT TUBE LOCATION This drawing and information here-in relating to Independent Air Group, Inc. and its client has been furnished in confidence for the private use of the authorized personnel only. No part hereof shall be copied, duplicated, distributed disclosed or made available to others or used to any extent whatsoever except as expressly authorized in writing by Independent Air Group, Inc. and its client. Any person, firm, or corporation receiving this document shall be deemed to have agreed to the foregoing restictions. Th i s d r a w i n g a n d i n f o r m a t i o n h e r e - i n r e l a t i n g t o I n d e p e n d e n t A i r G r o u p , I n c . a n d i t s c l i e n t h a s b e e n f u r n i s h e d i n c o n f i d e n c e f o r t h e p r i v a t e u s e o f t h e a u t h o r i z e d p e r s o n n e l o n l y . N o p a r t h e r e o f s h a l l b e c o p i e d , d u p l i c a t e d , d i s t r i b u t e d d i s c l o s e d o r m a d e a v a i l a b l e t o o t h e r s o r u s e d t o a n y e x t e n t w h a t s o e v e r e x c e p t a s e x p r e s s l y a u t h o r i z e d i n w r i t i n g b y I n d e p e n d e n t A i r G r o u p , I n c . a n d i t s c l i e n t . A n y p e r s o n , f i r m , o r c o r p o r a t i o n r e c e i v i n g t h i s d o c u m e n t s h a l l b e d e e m e d t o h a v e a g r e e d t o t h e f o r e g o i n g r e s t i c t i o n s . HVAC Contractor: D. MONTOYA5-3-2021 Le Meridien 130 W. Huntington Dr. Arcadia CA 91007 Architects Orange 19-0079 Ref. Level M STATIC PRESSURE SENSOR AH-1 1-1 AH 1 EF-1 1 AH-1 R-1 EF-1 DT-1 AH-1 OSA-1 Pacific Coast Engineers, Inc. World Mechanical, Inc. LEVEL M - MECHANICAL FLOOR PLAN FC-M-6 3 EF-13 16 FC-M-6 R-1 FC-M-6 4 FC-M-6 1 FC-M-6 2 FC-M-6 R-2 FC-M-5 3 FC-M-5 1 FC-M-5 2 FC-M-5 R-1 FC-M-4 1 FC-M-4 R-1 FC-M-3 1 FC-M-3 R-1 FC-M-1 3 FC-M-1 2 FC-M-1 1 FC-M-1 R-1 MUA-2A 7 MUA-2B 8 FC-M-7 1 FC-M-7 R-1 FC-M-7 3 FC-M-7 2 FC-M-7 1 FC-M-2 R-1 EF-13 17 EF-13 1 EF-13 2 EF-13 3 EF-13 4 EF-13 5 Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 1-11-2021 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ January 11th, 2021 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill RFI #39 ✔Light Poles a. Provided Continuos VT Inspection For Placement Of 40+/- Cu Yards Of Concrete For (N) Exterior Site Flat Work Cast In Place, Caisons (Light Pole) Bases Around Perimeter Of Project w/ Mix Design #3C40L001-4,000psi -1” Aggregate Concrete Supplied By National Ready Mix, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing, Clearances & All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place-Free Of Any Obstructions & Debri Prior To Placement Of Concrete, Casted (1) Set Of (5) 4x8 Cylinders For Strength Testing, Complete, VT/Ok. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 1-11-2021 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ January 11th, 2021 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill RFI #39 ✔Light Poles a. Inspection Of Rebar Reinforcement For (N) Exterior Site Flat-Work Cast In Place Light Pole Caisons w/ (N) #6 Rebar (Verts) Spaced @ 6”o/c & #3 Ties Spaced @ 12” o/c, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing, Clearances & That All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place, Ref-Complete, VT/Ok. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 1-12-2021 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ January 12th, 2021 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill RFI #39 ✔CMU Ftgs a. Inspection Of Rebar Reinforcement For (N) Exterior 8” A” Block CMU Wall Ftg’s w/ (N) 3 #4 Rebar-Long Bars (Horizon) Equally Spaced And (N) #4 Rebar (Verts) Spaced @ 16”o/c, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing, Clearances & That All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place, All Rebar Reinforcement Were Identified As ASTM A615 Gr60, Ref-9/S6.01, (6) Ftgs Completed, VT/Ok, Pending City Approval For Concrete. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 2-5-2021 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ February 5th, 2021 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill RFI #39 ✔CMU Ftgs a. Inspection Of Rebar Reinforcement For (N) Exterior Radius 8” A” Block CMU Wall Ftg’s w/ (N) 3 #4 Rebar-Long Bars (Horizon) Equally Spaced And (N) #4 Rebar (Verts) Spaced @ 16”o/c, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing, Clearances & That All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place, All Rebar Reinforcement Were Identified As ASTM A615 Gr60, Ref-9/S6.01, (6) Ftgs Completed, VT/Ok, Pending City Approval For Concrete. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 02-08-2021 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ February 8th, 2021 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill RFI #39 ✔CMU Grout Pour a. Provided Continuos VT Inspection For Placement Of 10+/- Cu Yards Of Concrete Grout For (N) Exterior Site CMU Planter Walls, w/ Mix Design #RS200G42, 2,000psi -3/8” Pea Gravel Grout Supplied By National Ready Mix, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing, Clearances & All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place-Free Of Any Obstructions & Debri Prior To Placement Of Concrete Grout, Casted (1) Set (Box) Of (4) 3x3x6 Cubes For Strength Testing, Complete, VT/Ok. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 2-11-2021 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ February 11th, 2021 1411/1111 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill RFI #39 ✔CMU Ftgs a. Inspection Of Rebar Reinforcement For (N) Exterior 8” A” Block CMU Wall Ftg’s w/ (N) 3 #4 Rebar-Long Bars (Horizon) Equally Spaced And (N) #4 Rebar (Verts) Spaced @ 16”o/c, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing, Clearances & That All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place, All Rebar Reinforcement Were Identified As ASTM A615 Gr60, Ref-9/S6.01, (6) Ftgs Completed, VT/Ok, Pending City Approval For Concrete. b. Provided Continuos VT Inspection For Placement Of 10+/- Cu Yards Of Concrete For (N) 8”w CMU Block Wall Ftg w/ Mix Design #80253C, Concrete-2,500psi -1” Aggregate Concrete Supplied By National Ready Mix, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing Clearances & All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place-Free Of Any Obstructions & Debri Prior To Placement Of Concrete, Casted (1) Set Of (5) 4x8 Cylinders For Strength Testing, Complete, VT/Ok. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 2-12-2021 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ February 12th, 2021 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔Light Poles a. Provided Continuos VT Inspection For Placement Of 40+/- Cu Yards Of Concrete For (N) Exterior Site Flat Work Cast In Place, Caisons (Light Pole) Bases Around Perimeter Of Project w/ Mix Design 4C40L001-4,000psi -1” Aggregate Concrete Supplied By National Ready Mix, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing, Clearances & All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place-Free Of Any Obstructions & Debri Prior To Placement Of Concrete, Casted (1) Set Of (5) 4x8 Cylinders For Strength Testing, Complete, VT/Ok. b. Inspection Of Rebar Reinforcement For (N) Exterior 8” A” Block CMU Pool Wall Reinforcement w/ (N) #4 Rebar-Long Bars (Horizon) Spaced 24” o/c And (N) #4 Rebar (Verts) Spaced @ 16”o/c, Verified Reinforcement For Proper Spacing, Clearances & That All Reinforcement Were Maintained Tight & Secured In Place, Cells Observed-Cleaned Out, No Debri-Min Projections /Mortar Droppings Inside, All Rebar Reinforcement Were Identified As ASTM A615 Gr60, Ref-3,9/S6.01, Completed, VT/Ok, Pending City Approval For Concrete. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March 23rd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ March 23rd, 2020 8 10am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔ Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Erecting Of (N) W30x90 Steel Headers/(N) HSS8x8x3/8”t Steel Columns Attached w/ (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts Per Connection, Ref-4/S7.10, (N) W16x31 Steel Beams/(N) W24x55 Beam/(N) W30x90 Truss Attached w/ 4 (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts @ Ea End, Ref-5/S7.11, Gridline-PE-PH-Btwn-P8/P13, Erecting, Bolting In Progress. b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March 24th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ March 24th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔ Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Erecting Of (N) W30x90 Steel Headers/(N) HSS8x8x3/8”t Steel Columns Attached w/ (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts Per Connection, Ref-4/S7.10, (N) W16x31 Steel Beams/(N) W24x55 Beam/(N) W30x90 Truss Attached w/ 4 (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts @ Ea End, Ref-5/S7.11, Gridline-PE-PH-Btwn-P15/P13, Erecting, Bolting In Progress. b. Welded (N) W16x26 Steel Beam/(N) 3/8”t Steel Shear Clip w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 3-Sides, Welded In Lieu Of Bolted (4) 3/4” Dia A325SC Bolted Connection-Due To Mis-Alignment, Ref-6/S7.11, Works Ongoing. b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March 25th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ March 25th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔ Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Erecting Of (N) W30x90 Steel Headers/(N) HSS8x8x3/8”t Steel Columns Attached w/ (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts Per Connection, Ref-4/S7.10, (N) W16x31 Steel Beams/(N) W24x55 Beam/(N) W30x90 Truss Attached w/ 4 (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts @ Ea End, Ref-5/S7.11, Gridline-PE-PH-Btwn-P8/P13, Erecting, Bolting In Progress. b. Welded (N) W16x26 Steel Beam/(N) 3/8”t Steel Shear Clip w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 3-Sides, Welded In Lieu Of Bolted (4) 3/4” Dia A325SC Bolted Connection-Due To Mis-Alignment, Ref-6/S7.11, Works Ongoing. c. Welded (N) W16x31 Beams/(N) W24x55 Steel Beam Flange w/ 30* Bevel, 1/4” Steel Back-Up Back, 3/8”t Root Opening Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.11, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March, 25th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ March 25th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1,9/S8.30, 7,8/S8.00 ✔Wood Construction a. Inspected SubFloor Sheathing & Nailing @ Lower Roof w/ (19/32) Structural-1 Plywood (4x8) Floor Panels/(N) 4x12, 2x12 Floor Joists, 6x10 PSL’s w/ 3x4 Blocking For Panel Edges @ 48”o/c, Subfloor Adhesive (GRSUB28) Applied/Joists Prior To Installation Of Panels, Nailing w/ 10D (.148) Nails Spaced @ (4/4/6) As Per Schedule (Type-2), Ref-7,8/S8.00, Gridline-M-PK-Btwn-P1-P13 Line, Also Installing 4x8 Solid Blocking w/ (4) 1/4” SDS Screws/Joists Per Block-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/M Line For 5th Flr/Lower Roof Corridor Panel Edge Nailing Connections, Subfloor Sheathing, Works Ongoing. b. Installing (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Columns/(N) 3.5x12 Wood Joists w/ Simpson 1/4”x4”L SDS Screws, Gridline-L-R-Btwn-1/20 Line @ 5th Flr Level/6th Flr, Ref-3/S8.61, Works Ongoing Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March 26th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ March 26th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1,9/S8.30, 7,8/S8.00 & 1/S8.60 ✔Wood Construction a. Observations @ 5th Flr/Lower Roof Wood Framing-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/M Lines, Installation Of (N) Bolted Double Top Break Plates w/ 8 (N) 3/4” Dia - A307 M.B. Spaced @ 4”o/c Min (Typ) Along Both Perimeters, Ref-5/S7.01, Installed (N) 4x8 PSL’s w/ BA48 Simpson Top Mount Hangers w/ LTP4’s & A35’s @ 8”o/c B.S. Of Corridor Walls, Also Installing (N) 2x12 Floor Joists w/ Simpson-JB212A Top Mount Joist Hangers, (N) 4x12 Joists w/ Simpson-3.56/11.88 Top Mount Hangers w/ 4 SDS’s @ Ea End, Observed (N) 6x10 PSL’s/(N) “U” Plate Assemblies Attached w/ 4 (N) 3/4” Dia Bolts @ Ea End For Future Tieback Connections, Gridline-P1-P3-Btwn-A/M Lines, (N) 4x Solid Blocking Nailed Off w/ (4) 16D Nails @ 3-Sides-Ea End For Roof/Top Plates, Nails Appears To Be Fully Driven Into Beams, Posts & Studs For 5th Flr/Lower Roof Framing, Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/M-Line, Ref-3/S8.60, 1/S8.60, Works In Progress. b. Wall Framing, Toe Nailing, Joisting & Solid Blocking, Sheathing w/ (4/4/6) Nailing Pattern-Solid 3x Blocking @ Panel Edges-5th Flr/Lower Roof Level, Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/M, All Work Referenced Above In Progress! Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March 27th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ March 27th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔ Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Torque Verification Of (N) W30x90 Steel Headers/(N) HSS8x8x3/8”t Steel Columns Attached w/ (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts Per Connection, Ref-4/S7.10, (N) W16x31 Steel Beams/(N) W24x55 Beam/(N) W30x90 Truss Attached w/ 4 (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts @ Ea End, Ref-5/S7.11, Gridline-PE-PH-Btwn-P15/P13, All 3/4” Dia High Strength Slip Critical Bolts Torqued (Snapped) By TS Gun Method As Per Manufacturer’s Specs & Approved Contract Documents, Complete, VT/Ok. b. Welded (N) W16x26 Steel Beam/(N) 3/8”t Steel Shear Clip w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 3-Sides, Welded In Lieu Of Bolted (4) 3/4” Dia A325SC Bolted Connection-Due To Mis-Alignment, Ref-6/S7.11, Works Ongoing. c. Welded (N) W16x31 Beams/(N) W24x55 Steel Beam Flange w/ 30* Bevel, 1/4” Steel Back-Up Back, 3/8”t Root Opening Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.11, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March 28th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ March 28th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔ Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Welded (N) W16x26 Steel Beam/(N) 3/8”t Steel Shear Clip w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 3-Sides, Welded In Lieu Of Bolted (4) 3/4” Dia A325SC Bolted Connection-Due To Mis-Alignment, Ref-6/S7.11, Completed, VT/Ok. b. Welded (N) W16x31 Beams/(N) W24x55 Steel Beam Flange w/ 30* Bevel, 1/4” Steel Back-Up Back, 3/8”t Root Opening Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.11, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) 3/8”t & 1/4”t Steel Bent Plate/(N) W16x31 Steel Beam Flange w/ 3/16” Fillet Weld- 3”L Spaced @ 12”o/c @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.20, Works Ongoing. d. Installing & Welding Of (N) L2.5x2.5x3/8”t Steel Safety Posts/(N) WBeams, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Perimeter Safety Cable System, Grid-PE-PG-Btwn-P9-P13-Lines, Works Ongoing. e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March 30th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 Ȭ Ȭ Ȭ March 30th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Ă Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Welded (N) W16x31 Beams/(N) W24x55 Steel Beam Flange w/ 30* Bevel, 1/4” Steel Back-Up Back, 3/8”t Root Opening Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.11, Works Ongoing. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) 3/8”t & 1/4”t Steel Bent Plate/(N) W16x31 Steel Beam Flange w/ 3/16” Fillet Weld- 3”L Spaced @ 12”o/c @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.20, Works Ongoing. c. Installing & Welding Of (N) L2.5x2.5x3/8”t Steel Safety Posts/(N) WBeams, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Perimeter Safety Cable System, Grid-PE-PG-Btwn-P9-P13-Lines, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 March 31st, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 Ȭ Ȭ Ȭ March 31st, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Ă Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Welded (N) W16x31 Beams/(N) W24x55 Steel Beam Flange w/ 30* Bevel, 1/4” Steel Back-Up Back, 3/8”t Root Opening Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.11, (16) Points Welded, (16) Completed, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1. b. Welding Of (N) 3/8”t & 1/4”t Steel Bent Plate/(N) W16x31 Steel Beam Flange w/ 3/16” Fillet Weld-3”L Spaced @ 12”o/c @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.20, Works Ongoing. c. Welding Of (N) L2.5x2.5x3/8”t Steel Safety Posts/(N) WBeams, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Perimeter Safety Cable System, Grid-PE-PG-Btwn-P9-P13-Lines, Works Ongoing. d. Welded (N) 3/8”t Steel Stiffener Plates/(N) W16x31 Steel Beams w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 3-Sides Ea End, Grid-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Complete, VT/Ok. e. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 1st, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 Ȭ Ȭ Ȭ April 1st, 2020 1314 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Ă Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Welding Of (N) 3/8”t & 1/4”t Steel Bent Plate/(N) W16x31 Steel Beam Flange w/ 3/16” Fillet Weld-3”L Spaced @ 12”o/c @ T&B Of Beam Flanges, Gridline-P14-P17 Along PE-Line, Ref-6/S7.20, Complete, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1. b. Welding Of (N) L2.5x2.5x3/8”t Steel Safety Posts/(N) WBeams, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Perimeter Safety Cable System, Grid-PE-PG-Btwn-P9-P13-Lines, Complete, VT/Ok. c. Installation, (Shaking Out) Cutting In & Welding Of (N) W2x36”w-18g Metal Deck/(N) W16, W24 & W30 Steel Beams, Gridline-P14-P17-Btwn-PF/PG-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 e. Welder: Steve Byron - LaCity Lic# P028296 - Light Gauge (Manual) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 2nd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 Ȭ Ȭ Ȭ April 2nd, 2020 1314 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Ă Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Installation, (Shaking Out) Cutting In & Welding Of (N) W2x36”w-18g Metal Deck/(N) W16, W24 & W30 Steel Beams, Gridline-P14-P17-Btwn-PF/PG-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20, Works Ongoing. b. Mill Certs Received, Accepted & On File For (N) 4-3/8”x3/4” Dia Nelson Studs! c. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 d. Welder: Steve Byron - LaCity Lic# P028296 - Light Gauge (Manual) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 3rd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 Ȭ Ȭ Ȭ April 3rd, 2020 1314 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Ă Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Installation, (Shaking Out) Cutting In & Tack-Welding Of (N) W2x36”w-18g Metal Deck/(N) W16, W24 & W30 Steel Beams, Gridline-P14-P17-Btwn-PF/PG-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) W2x36”w-18g Metal Deck/(N) W16, W24 & W30 Steel Beam Flange w/ 3/4” Dia Puddle Welds Spaced 12”o/c (Perpendiculars) & 12”o/c @ (Parallels), Gridline-P14-P17-Btwn-PF/PG-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 d. Welder: Steve Byron - LaCity Lic# P028296 - Light Gauge (Manual) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 4th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 Ȭ Ȭ Ȭ April 4th, 2020 1314 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Ă Meeting Room Structural Steel/Metal Decking a. Installation, (Shaking Out) Cutting In & Tack Welding Of (N) W2x36”w-18g Metal Deck/(N) W16, W24 & W30 Steel Beams, Gridline-P14-P17-Btwn-PF/PG-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20, Complete, VT/Ok. b. Welding Of (N) W2x36”w-18g Metal (D1) Deck/(N) W16, W24 & W30 Steel Beam Flange Fastened w/ 3/4” Dia Puddle Welds Spaced 12”o/c (Perpendiculars) & 12”o/c @ (Parallels), Gridline-P14-P17-Btwn-PF/PG-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20, Also Crimped Metal Deck @ Side Seams w/ Verco VSC2 @ 24”o/c, Ref-3/S7.20, Completed, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1 & AWS D1.3! c. Installation & Welding Of (N) 5-3/8”x3/4” Dia Nelson Studs (Shear Connectors) Fastened/(N) W16, W24 & W30 Top Flanges Of Steel Girders & Beams w/ Mechanized Electric Arc Welds-Plunging & Fusing Studs/Steel Beams Thru (D1) Metal Deck/Steel Beams, Observed Studs Have Proper Fusion & Penetration w/ 360* Flash-Crown Around Studs, Specified Stud Counts On Beams Verified, Gridline-P14-P17-Bren-PF/PG-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20 & Ref-D2/Deck Plans, Complete, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1 & AWS D1.3, *NOTE* Plans Show Metal Deck Fastened/Steel Beams On Top Flange, Several Areas @ Grid-PG-PH-Btwn-P14/P17- Beams Were Erected/Connected @ Underside Of 2nd Flr Podium Level @ Ea End Thus Metal Deck Doesn’t Have The Required Min 2” Bearing In This Region, Installer Added (N) 2x2x1/4”t Steel Support Angles Atop Beam Flanges, Welded w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides-Ea Way, Ref-10/S7.21, Due To This Issue, Deck Installer Is Unable To Fasten Deck/Beams w/ Required Puddle Welds & Studs @ These Locations, Awaiting Engineers Response On How To Proceed, GC Is Aware Of Said Issues, Work In Progress! d. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 e. Welder: Steve Byron - LaCity Lic# P028296 - Light Gauge (Manual) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 7th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 Ȭ Ȭ April 7th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Meeting Room Structural Steel Arrived On Project as Scheduled To Provide Periodic Inspection Of The Following, a. Erected & Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel For 2nd Flr Stringer/Mid Landing Framework, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side For Stair #1, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) HSS6x6x3/8”t Steel Tube Columns/(N) HSS6x6x3/8”t (Horiz-) Steel Beams, 5/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Gridline-A-B-Btwn-P3/P5 Line, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 8th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 8th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welded 2 (N) HSS6x6x1/4”t/(N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Tubes w/ 37.5* Bevel, 1/4” Steel Backing Ring, 1/4”t Root Opening Multi-Pass CJP Weld Splice Of Tube Steel Beams, Gridline-P1-P6 Along A-Line, Ref-RFI #17, Work In Progress. b. Welding Of 4 (N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Column Posts/(N) 1/2”t Steel Saddle Plates, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Structural Steel, Grid-P1-P6-Along-A-Line, Complete, VT/Ok. c. Welding Of 2 (N) HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Column Posts/(N) HSS6x6x3/8”t Steel (Horiz) Beams, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Structural Steel, Grid-P1-P6-Along-A-Line, Complete, VT/Ok. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 9th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 9th, 2020 4 11am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Steel Stair #4 Arrived On Project as Scheduled To Provide Periodic Inspection Of The Following, a. Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #4 -From 1st Flr/Mezzanine Level Stringer/Mid Landing Framework, 3/16” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Drilling & Installation Of 6 (N) 3/4” Dia Simpson Strong Tie Anchor (Wedge) Bolts/(E) Concrete (Shaft) Wall/Angle Seat w/ 8” Min Embedment Spaced (4) Per Angle Seat For (N) Steel Stair Landing Abutment Framework, Verified All Holes Were Brushed & Blown Out Clean Prior To Installation, Torque Verification To Follow, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 10th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 10th, 2020 4 11am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Steel Stair #4 a. Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #4 -From 1st Flr/Mezzanine Level Stringer/Mid Landing Framework, 3/16” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Drilling & Installation Of 12 (N) 3/4” Dia Simpson Strong Tie Anchor (Wedge) Bolts/(E) Concrete (Shaft) Wall/Angle Seat w/ 8” Min Embedment Spaced (3) Per Angle Seat For (N) Steel Stair Landing Abutment Framework, Verified All Holes Were Brushed & Blown Out Clean Prior To Installation, Verified All Anchor Bolts Torque Tested To 110ft-lbs As Per Manufacturer’s Specs & Approved Contract Documents, Complete, VT/Ok. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 11th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 11th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welded 2 (N) HSS6x6x1/4”t/(N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Tubes w/ 37.5* Bevel, 1/4” Steel Backing Ring, 1/4”t Root Opening Multi-Pass CJP Weld Splice Of Tube Steel Beams, Gridline-P1-P6 Along A-Line, Ref-RFI #17, Complete, VT/Ok. b. Welding Of 7 (N) HSS4x6x1/4”t Steel Tube Beams/(N) HSS6x6x1/4”t & HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tubes Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Structural Steel, Grid-P1-P6-Along-A-Line, Works Ongoing. c. Welding Of 2 (N) HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Column Posts/(N) HSS6x6x3/8”t Steel (Horiz) Beams, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Structural Steel, Grid-P1-P6-Along-A-Line, Complete, VT/Ok. d. Erecting, Fit-Up Of HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Post Along Perimeter Of P1& P6-Line Is Ongoing. e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g . Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 13th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 13th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welding Of 9 (N) HSS4x6x1/4”t Steel Tube Cross Beams/(N) HSS6x6x1/4”t & HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tubes Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Structural Steel, Grid-1-Along-A-Line, Ref-5/S8.60, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of 1 (N) HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Column Posts/(N) HSS6x6x3/8”t Steel (Horiz) Cross Beams, 5/16” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Structural Steel, Grid-1-Along-A-Line, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts/(N) 1/2”t Steel Saddle (Buckets) Plates, 5/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Gridline, P1 @ A-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-5/S8.60, Works Ongoing. d. Erecting, Fit-Up Of HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Posts & Bentplates Along Perimeter Of 1-Line @ A-Line Is Ongoing. e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 14th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 14th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 5th Flr-Gridline-P-PQ-Btwn-1/20-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-5WX51 - 5WX49, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Non-Pressure Treated Sole Plates Fastened w/ 1/4”x6” SDS Screws/2x Sole Plates Spaced @ 6”o/c, Sheathing (Panels) Nailed Off w/10D Common (.148) Nails Spaced @ (2/12) & (4/12) Staggered, (N) CS14 Straps/Wood Posts Placed (Horiz) Over Sheathing/Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered For Corridor Wall Openings w/ A35’s/LTP4’s @ 12” & 16”o/c, Ref-2/S8.40, Nails Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs, All Nailing, Structural-1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40 *(1) Of (2) Sided Corridor Shearwalls, Completed, No Discrepancies To Note: b. Plating, Wall Framing, SDS’s/Sole Plates @ 6”o/c, Toe Nailing & Joisting @ 6th Flr -Gridline-L-PK-Btwn-1/20, Work In Progress. ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 14th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 14th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welding Of 9 (N) HSS4x6x1/4”t Steel Tube Cross Beams/(N) HSS6x6x1/4”t & HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tubes Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Structural Steel, Grid-1-Along-A-Line, Ref-5/S8.60, Complete, Weld Profile Appears Acceptable. b. Welding Of 8 (N) HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Galvanized Post Braces/(N) 3/4”t Steel Flat Plates, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Top/Bottom, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides For (N) Lower Roof Exterior Structural Steel Column Supports, Grid-1-Along-A-Line, Ref-3/S8.61Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P1 @ A-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Works Ongoing. d. Erecting, Fit-Up Of HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Posts & Bentplates Along Perimeter Of 1-Line @ A-Line Is Ongoing. e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 15th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 15th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza 1/S8.40 Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 6th Flr-Gridline-P1-P6 @ M-Line, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) Fire Rated Plywood Panels For (N) Shearwalls 6WX23 - 6WX24, Verified Min Size 4x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Non-Pressure Treated Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Spaced @ (4/12) & (6/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), 16d Nails/(N) 2x Sole Plates Spaced @ 4” & 6”o/c, All Nailing, Structural-1 (Pyro) Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40 *(1) Single Side Of Double Sided 3hr Rtd Shearwall Completed @ 6th Flr/Lower Roof Level, No Discrepancies To Note: b. Plating, Wall Framing, 1/4”x5”L-SDS’s/Sole Plates @ 6”o/c, Toe Nailing & Joisting & Solid Blocking @ 6th Flr -Gridline-M-PK-Btwn-1/20, Works In Progress. ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 15th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 15th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welding Of 8 (N) HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Galvanized Post Braces/(N) 3/4”t Steel Flat Plates, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Top/Bottom, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides For (N) Lower Roof Exterior Structural Steel Column Supports, Grid-1-Along-A-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P1-Btwn-B/F-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P6-Btwn-B/H-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Works Ongoing. d. Erecting, Fit-Up Of HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Posts & Bentplates Along Perimeter Of P6 & 1-Line @ A-Line Is Ongoing. e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 16th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 16th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welding Of 1 (N) HSS10x6x3/9”t Steel (Horiz) Cross Beam/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3*8”t Steel Post Columns, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Top & Bottom, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides For (N) Upper Penthouse Roof Structural Steel Framework, Grid-P3-P5 @ A-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P1-Btwn-B/F-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P6-Btwn-B/H-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Works Ongoing. d. Erecting, Fit-Up Of HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Posts & Bentplates Along Perimeter Of P6 & 1-Line @ A-Line Is Ongoing. e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 17th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 17th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welding Of 3 (N) HSS8x3x1/4”t Steel (Facia) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3*8”t Steel Post Columns, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Top & Bottom, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides For (N) Exterior Facia Steel Framework, Grid-D-H @ Along P6-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P1-Btwn-B/F-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok Weld Profile Appears Acceptable. c. Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P6-Btwn-B/H-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profile Appears Acceptable. d. Erecting, Fit-Up (Standing Columns) Of (N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Post Columns & W10x68 Beams For (N) Porta Cachere, Gridline, PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line, Connecting/Bolting Up In Progress. e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 18th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 18th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 5th Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/M-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-5WY15 - 5WY28, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Non-Pressure Treated Sole Plates Fastened w/ 16d Nails/2x Sole Plates Spaced @ 3”o/c-Staggered, Sheathing (Panels) Nailed Off w/10D Common (.148) Nails Spaced @ (3/12) & (4/12) Staggered, (N) CS14 Straps/Wood Posts Placed (Horiz) Over Sheathing/Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered For Corridor Wall Openings w/ A35’s/LTP4’s @ 12”o/c, Ref-2/S8.40, Nails Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs, Verified Compression Posts & Bridge Blocks Installed-Rods & Bearing Plates w/ Cinch Nuts Were Screwed Down-Edge Nailed/Fastened Properly/Compression Posts For Tie Downs @ Lower Roof As Per Z4 Manufactures Specs, Ref-2/S8.41 All Nailing, Structural-1 Panels And Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40 (1) Of (2) Sided Corridor Shearwalls, Complete. b. Plating, Wall Framing, SDS’s/Sole Plates @ 6”o/c, Toe Nailing & Joisting @ 6th Flr -Gridline-L-PK-Btwn-1/20, Work In Progress. ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 18th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 18th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welding Of 3 (N) HSS8x3x1/4”t Steel (Facia) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3*8”t Steel Post Columns, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Top & Bottom, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides For (N) Exterior Facia Steel Framework, Grid-D-H @ Along P6-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P1-Btwn-B/F-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok Weld Profile Appears Acceptable. c. Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, P6-Btwn-B/H-Line Of Lower Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profile Appears Acceptable. d. Erecting, Fit-Up (Standing Columns) Of (N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Post Columns & W10x68 Beams For (N) Porta Cachere, Gridline, PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line, Connecting/Bolting Up In Progress. e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April, 20th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ April 20th, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected (Interior)Shearwalls @ 4th Flr-Gridline-N-PK-Btwn-1/20-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-5WY13 - 5WX82, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Non-Pressure Treated Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Spaced @ (4/12)/(3/12) & (2/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), 1/4”x5” SDS Screws/2x Sole Plates Spaced @ 6”o/c-Rest w/ 16d Nails Spaced @ 4”o/c, Fire Rated (19/32) Structural-1/Exp-1 Plywood Panels @ (5’ft) Ea End Of Walls, Walls Nailed Off w/10D Common (Galvanized) Nails, (N) CMST14 Straps From 5th/6th Flrs/Shearwall Sheathing/Posts (Floor/Floor) Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered, All Pressure Treated & Fire Rated-Treated Wood Nailed Off Per WD-17/S0.11, A35’s/LTP4’s @ 8” & 12”o/c,Ref-8/S8.40, All Nailing, Structural-1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40 *(1) Of (2) Sided Shearwalls Completed, Few Areas Unable To Finish Sheathing/Nailing Due To Certain Fire Rating Wall Framing Configurations, Will Pick Up Rest Shearwall Nailing Inspections Once Completed @ These Areas Of 5th Level-Gridline-N-PK-Btwn-1/20. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April, 20th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ April 20th, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected (Interior)Shearwalls @ 5th Flr-Gridline-N-PK-Btwn-1/20-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-5WY13 - 5WX82, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Non-Pressure Treated Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Spaced @ (4/12)/(3/12) & (2/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), 1/4”x5” SDS Screws/2x Sole Plates Spaced @ 6”o/c-Rest w/ 16d Nails Spaced @ 4”o/c, Fire Rated (19/32) Structural-1/Exp-1 Plywood Panels @ (5’ft) Ea End Of Walls, Walls Nailed Off w/10D Common (Galvanized) Nails, (N) CMST14 Straps From 5th/6th Flrs/Shearwall Sheathing/Posts (Floor/Floor) Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered, All Pressure Treated & Fire Rated-Treated Wood Nailed Off Per WD-17/S0.11, A35’s/LTP4’s @ 8” & 12”o/c,Ref-8/S8.40, All Nailing, Structural-1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40 *(1) Of (2) Sided Shearwalls Completed, Few Areas Unable To Finish Sheathing/Nailing Due To Certain Fire Rating Wall Framing Configurations, Will Pick Up Rest Shearwall Nailing Inspections Once Completed @ These Areas Of 5th Level-Gridline-N-PK-Btwn-1/20. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 20th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 20th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Porta Cahere Structural Steel a. Erecting Of (N) W16x31, W24x62 & W21x44 Steel Beams/(N) HSS6x6x5/16”t Steel Columns/(N) W10x68 Steel Beams Attached w/ 4 (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical (TC) Bolts Per Connection, Ref-4/S7.10, (N) W16x31 Steel Cantilever Beams/(N) W21x44 Beams Attached w/ 2 (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical (TC) Bolts @ Ea End, Ref-5/S7.11, Gridline-PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line, Ref-4/S7.10, Erection, Bolting In Progress. b. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) c. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 d. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 21st, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 21st, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 5/S7.11 Porta Cahere Structural Steel a. Welded (N) W16x31 Steel Cantilevered Beams/(N) W21x44 Steel Perimeter Beams w/ 5/16” Root Opening- 45* Bevel w/ 1/4”t Steel Back Up Bar-Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Steel Beam Flanges, Top Back-Up To Remain, Bottom Back-Up Bar Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Both Flanges Reinforced Underneath w/ 5/16” Fillet Weld, Gridline-PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line For (N) Porta Cachere Steel Framework, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 & D1.8 Supplemental Seismic Criteria, Ref-13/S701, Work In Progress. b. Torque Verification Of (N) W16x31, W24x62 & W21x44 Steel Beams/(N) HSS6x6x5/16”t Steel Columns & Beam/Beam Connections Attached w/ (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts Per Connection, Ref-4/S7.10, (N) W16x31 Steel Beams/(N) W16x31Beams/(N) W24x62 Truss Beam Attached w/ 4 (N) 3/4” Dia A325 H.S. Slip Critical Bolts @ Ea End, Ref-5/S7.11, Gridline-PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line For (N) Porta Cachere Steel Framework, All 3/4” Dia High Strength Slip Critical Bolts Torqued (Snapped) By TS Gun Method As Per Manufacturer’s Specs & Approved Contract Documents, Ref-5/S7.11, Completed, VT/Ok. c Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 22nd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 22nd, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 5/S7.11 Porta Cahere Structural Steel a. Welded (N) W16x31 Steel Cantilevered Beams/(N) W21x44 Steel Perimeter Beams w/ 5/16” Root Opening- 45* Bevel w/ 1/4”t Steel Back Up Bar-Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Steel Beam Flanges, Top Back-Up To Remain, Bottom Back-Up Bar Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Both Flanges Reinforced Underneath w/ 5/16” Fillet Weld, Gridline-PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line For (N) Porta Cachere Steel Framework, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 & D1.8 Supplemental Seismic Criteria, Ref-13/S701, Work In Progress. b. Welded (N) W10x68 Steel Cantilevered Beams/(N) W16x26 Steel Perimeter Beams w/ 5/16” Root Opening- 45* Bevel w/ 1/4”t Steel Back Up Bar-Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ Bottom Of Steel Beam Flanges, Bottom Back-Up Bar Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root & Reinforced Underneath w/ 5/16” Fillet Weld, Due To Misalignment Issues w/ Beam Flanges-Upper Flanges-Added (N) 8”x3/8”t Steel Plate/Top Flange-12” Min From Edge Of Flange Opening-Centered Over Both Ends-Welded w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 4-Sides All Around Per Engineers Request, Gridline-PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line For (N) Porta Cachere Steel Framework, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 & D1.8 Supplemental Seismic Criteria, Ref-13/S701, Work In Progress. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 23rd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 23rd, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 5/S7.11 - 6/S7.20 Porta Cahere Structural Steel a. Welded (N) W16x31 Steel Cantilevered Beams/(N) W21x44 Steel Perimeter Beams w/ 5/16” Root Opening- 45* Bevel w/ 1/4”t Steel Back Up Bar-Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Steel Beam Flanges, Top Back-Up To Remain, Bottom Back-Up Bar Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Both Flanges Reinforced Underneath w/ 5/16” Fillet Weld, Gridline-PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line For (N) Porta Cachere Steel Framework, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 & D1.8 Supplemental Seismic Criteria, Ref-13/S701, Complete, VT/Ok, UT To Follow. b. Welded (N) W10x68 Steel Cantilevered Beams/(N) W16x26 Steel Perimeter Beams w/ 5/16” Root Opening- 45* Bevel w/ 1/4”t Steel Back Up Bar-Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ Bottom Of Steel Beam Flanges, Bottom Back-Up Bar Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root & Reinforced Underneath w/ 5/16” Fillet Weld, Due To Misalignment Issues w/ Beam Flanges-Upper Flanges-Added (N) 8”x3/8”t Steel Plate/Top Flange-12” Min From Edge Of Flange Opening-Centered Over Both Ends-Welded w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 4-Sides All Around Per Engineers Request, Gridline-PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line For (N) Porta Cachere Steel Framework, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 & D1.8 Supplemental Seismic Criteria, Ref-13/S701, Complete, VT/Ok, UT Testing To Follow. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) 3/8”t & 1/4”t Steel Bent Plate/(N) W16x31 Steel Beam Flange w/ 3/16” Fillet Weld- 3”L Spaced @ 12”o/c @ T&B Of Steel Beam Flange, Gridline-PA-PE Along P1-Line, Ref-6/S7.20, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 24th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 April 24th 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 5/S7.11 - 6/S7.20 Porta Cahere Structural Steel a. UT Testing Provided For All (N) W16x31, W10x68 & W16x26 Steel Cantilevered Beams/(N) W21x44 Steel Perimeter Beams w/ 5/16” Root Opening- 45* Bevel w/ 1/4”t Steel Back Up Bar-Multi-Pass CJP Welds @ T&B Of Steel Beam Flanges, Top Back-Up To Remain, Bottom Back-Up Bar Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Both Flanges Reinforced Underneath w/ 5/16” Fillet Weld, Gridline- PA-PE-Along Perimeter Of P1-Line For (N) Porta Cachere Steel Framework, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 & D1.8 Supplemental Seismic Criteria, Ref-13/S701, Weld Profile Appears Acceptable, UT/Pass, Complete, Ref-UT Tech’s Report For Additional Info. b. Welded (N) 1/4”t Steel Weld Washers/(N) 12x12x1”t Steel Column Baseplate w/ 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Porta Cachere Steel Columns, Gridline-PA-PE-Along North/South Perimeter, Weld Profile Appears Acceptable, Complete, VT/Ok. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) 3/8”t & 1/4”t Steel Bent Plate/(N) W16x31 Steel Beam Flange w/ 3/16” Fillet Weld-3”L Spaced @ 12”o/c @ T&B Of Steel Beam Flange, Gridline-PA-PE Along P1-Line, Ref-6/S7.20, Complete, VT/Ok. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 25th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ April 25th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔ Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #4 -From 1st Flr/Mezzanine Level Stringer/Mid Landing Framework, 3/16” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Work In Progress. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post For (N) Stair #4 Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES4a, Work In Progress. c. Drilling & Installation Of (N) 5/8” Dia Hilti KB-TZ Anchor (Wedge) Bolts/(N) 5”t Concrete Flr Above (Meeting Room Flr) w/ 4” Min Embedment Spaced (3) Per Angle Seat Staggered (Shaking Hands) For (N) Meeting Room Partion Wall Steel Brace Framework Verified All Holes Were Brushed & Blown Out Clean Prior To Installation, Gridline, PE-PG-Along P16-Line,Torque Verification To Follow, Ref-8/S7.50, Work/Installation Ongoing. d. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April, 27th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ April 27th, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected (Interior)Shearwalls @ 5th Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/M-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-5WY02 - 5WX23, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Non-Pressure Treated Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Spaced @ (4/12)/(3/12) & (2/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), 1/4”x5” SDS Screws/2x Sole Plates Spaced @ 6”o/c-Rest w/ 16d Nails Spaced @ 4”o/c, Fire Rated (19/32) Structural-1/Exp-1 Plywood Panels @ (5’ft) Ea End Of Walls, Walls Nailed Off w/10D Common (Galvanized) Nails, (N) CMST14 Straps From 5th/6th Flrs/Shearwall Sheathing/Posts (Floor/Floor) Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered, All Pressure Treated & Fire Rated-Treated Wood Nailed Off Per WD-17/S0.11, A35’s/LTP4’s @ 8” & 12”o/c,Ref-8/S8.40, All Nailing, Structural-1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40 *(1) Of (2) Sided Shearwalls Complete, VT/Ok, No Discrepancies To Note: Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 27th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ April 27th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔ Meeting Room Structural Steel a. Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #4 -From 1st Flr/Mezzanine Level Stringer/Mid Landing Framework, 3/16” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Work In Progress. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post For (N) Stair #4 Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES4a, Work In Progress. c. Drilling & Installation Of (N) 5/8” Dia Hilti KB-TZ Anchor (Wedge) Bolts/(N) 5”t Concrete Flr Above (Meeting Room Flr) w/ 4” Min Embedment Spaced (3) Per Angle Seat Staggered (Shaking Hands) For (N) Meeting Room Partion Wall Steel Brace Framework Verified All Holes Were Brushed & Blown Out Clean Prior To Installation, Gridline, PE-PG-Along P16-Line,Torque Verification To Follow, Ref-8/S7.50, Completed, VT/Ok, Torque Verification To Follow. d. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 28th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ April 28th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Meeting Room Structural Steel a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel For 2nd Flr Stringer/Mid Landing Framework, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side For Stair #1, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post For (N) Stair #1 Handrail Framework-2nd Flr/5th Level, Ref-1/ES-1, Work In Progress. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 29th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ April 29th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Meeting Room Structural Steel a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel For 2nd Flr Stringer/Mid Landing Framework, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side For Stair #1, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Complete, VT/Ok. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post For (N) Stair #1 Handrail Framework-2nd Flr/5th Level, Ref-1/ES-1, Work In Progress. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 April 30th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ April 30th, 2020 1314 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔Porta Cachere Structural Steel a. Welding Of (N) W2x36”w-18g Metal (D1) Deck/(N) W10, W16, W21 & W24 Steel Beam (Top) Flanges- Fastened w/ 3/4” Dia Puddle Welds Spaced 12”o/c (Perpendiculars) & 12”o/c @ (Parallels), Gridline-PA-PE-Btwn-P1/P3-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20, Also Crimped Metal Deck @ Side Seams w/ Verco VSC2 @ 24”o/c, Ref-3/S7.20, Completed, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1 & AWS D1.3, Nelson Studs To Follow. b. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 c. Welder: Steve Byron - LaCity Lic# P028296 - Light Gauge (Manual) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 1st, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ May 1st, 2020 1314 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ✔Porta Cachere Structural Steel/Metal Decking a. Welding Of (N) W2x36”w-18g Metal (D1) Deck/(N) W10, W16, W21 & W24 Steel Beam Flange Fastened w/ 3/4” Dia Puddle Welds Spaced 12”o/c (Perpendiculars) & 12”o/c @ (Parallels), Gridline-PB-PE-Along P1-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20, Also Crimped Metal Deck @ Side Seams w/ Verco VSC2 @ 24”o/c, Ref-3/S7.20, Complete, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1 & AWS D1.3, Weld Profile Appears Acceptable. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) 4-3/8”x3/4” Dia Nelson Studs (Shear Connectors) Fastened/(N) W16, W24 & W30 Top Flanges Of Steel Truss & Beams-12”o/c w/ Mechanized Electric Arc Welds-Plunging & Fusing Studs/Steel Beams Thru (D1) Metal Deck/Steel Beams, Observed Studs Have Proper Fusion & Penetration w/ 360* Flash-Crown Around Studs-(4” Finished Height), Specified Stud Counts On Beams Verified, Gridline-PB-PE-Along P1-Lines, Ref-3/S7.20 & Ref-D2/Deck Plans, Complete, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 Table 6.1 & AWS D1.3, Weld Profile Appears Acceptable. c. Welder: Johnathan B. Aguero - AWS Cert-3412 d. Welder: Steve Byron - LaCity Lic# P028296 - Light Gauge (Manual) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 2nd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 2nd, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Welding Of 2 (N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Tube Cross Beams/(N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Cross Tubes Beams w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Steel Davit Anchor Support Framework, Grid-1-Along-A-Line, Ref-5/S8.60, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welding Of 4 (N) 4” Std Round Pipe Column Posts (Davits)/(N) HSS6x6x3/8”t Steel (Horiz) Cross Beams w/ 5/16” Fillet Weld All Around For (N) Lower Roof Penthouse Tieback (Davits) Structural Steel Anchorage Support Framework, Grid-1-Along-A-Line Of Lower Roof Penthouse/Storage Room, Completed, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable, Work Referenced Above-Re-Worked & Installed/Welded/HSS Beams In Lieu Of Bolted-Connections w/ T&B Plates-Thru-Bolts Per Engineers Request Due To Spacing Limitations, Complete, VT/Ok. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 5th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 5th, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Provided Periodic Inspection For (N) Exterior Shearwall-Tall Wall Nailing Diaphragms, Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 Pyro-Guard (Fire Rated) Plywood (15/32) Panels w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails (Galvanized) Spaced @ (2/12) & (3/12) For Field, Edge & Boundary Nailing Patterns w/ 4x, 6x Solid Blocking @ Panel Edges, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs-Flush, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details As Noted, Ref-2/S8.40, East Side & South Side Inspected, Complete, VT/Ok, Non Discrepancies To Note: b. 2nd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, 3/4” Dia Anchors. c. 3rd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(4.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (3/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 6th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 6th, 2020 1815 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Provided Periodic Inspection For (N) Exterior Shearwall-Tall Wall Nailing Diaphragms, Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 Pyro-Guard (Fire Rated) Plywood (15/32) Panels w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails (Galvanized) Spaced @ (2/12) & (4/12) For Field, Edge & Boundary Nailing Patterns w/ 4x, 6x Solid Blocking @ Panel Edges, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs-Flush, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details As Noted, Ref-2/S8.40, East Side & South Side Inspected, Complete, VT/Ok, Non Discrepancies To Note: b. 4th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, 3/4” Dia Anchors. c. 5th/Lower Roof Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(3.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (3/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, (Verts) CS14 Straps-43”L, MST48 Straps (Horiz) Over Steel Columns/Rim, Ref-A/S8.61 & 1/S8.60. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 7th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 7th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 ✔WOOD CONSTRUCTION a. Inspected SubFloor Sheathing & Nailing @ High Roof w/ (19/32) Structural-1 (T&G) OSB (4x8) Floor Panels/(N) 4x12 And 2x12 Floor Joists w/ 3x4 Blocking For Panel Edges @ 48”o/c, Subfloor Adhesive (GRSUB28) Applied/Joists Prior To Installation Of Panels, Fastened w/10D (.148) Nails Spaced @ (4/4/6) As Per Schedule (Type-2), Ref-7,8/S8.00, Gridline-N-PK-Btwn-1/20 Lines For High Roof-Subfloor & Corridor Nailing, Observed Panel Edges For Proper Fastening/Nailing @ Joists/Solid Blocking Connections, Subfloor Nailing, Installed (N) CMST12, CMST14 Straps @ Drag Lines w/ 16D (.131) & Galvanized (.162) Nails-Gridline-N-PK-Btwn-1/20 Lines, All Nails (Staggered) Seated Flush @ Adjoining Panel Edges & Field Joints, Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs Maintaining The 3/8” Min From Edges, Subfloor Nailing-High Roof Level Subfloor Sheathing/Nailing-90% Completed, VT/Ok, CMST Straps-Works Ongoing, Ref-Note B- Below. b. *NOTE* Gridline-P6-P13-Btwn-L/O-Lines Subfloor Sheathing & Nailing Incomplete, (N) CMST12’s & CMST14’s Need To Be Installed, Nailed Off Along w/ Rest Of Sheathing/Nailing, High Roof Subfloor Nailing Partially Complete, VT/Ok, City Inspector Aware Of These Conditions/Locations. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 11th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 11th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, 11-18 @ PK-Line Of Higher Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welding Of (N) HSS8x3x1/4”t Steel (Facia) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3*8”t Steel Post Columns, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Top & Bottom, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides For (N) High Roof Exterior Facia Steel Framework, Grid-11-18 @ Along PK-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. c. Welding Of (N) HSS8x3x1/4”t Steel (Facia) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3*8”t Steel Post Columns, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Top & Bottom, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides For (N) High Roof Exterior Facia Steel Framework, Grid-11-18 @ Along L-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 12th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 12th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Lower Roof/Penthouse Structural Steel a. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel (Horiz-) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3/8”t Steel Column Posts, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides, Gridline, 12-18-Btwn-L/M-Line Of Higher Roof, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welding Of (N) HSS8x3x1/4”t Steel (Facia) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3*8”t Steel Post Columns, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Top & Bottom, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides For (N) High Roof Exterior Facia Steel Framework, Grid-12-18-Btwn- L/M-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. c. Welding Of (N) HSS8x3x1/4”t Steel (Facia) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3*8”t Steel Post Columns, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Top & Bottom, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides For (N) High Roof Exterior Facia Steel Framework, Grid-11-18 @ Along L-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f.Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 13th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 13th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 6th Flr-Gridline-P-PQ-Btwn-1/20-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-6WX33 - 6WX78, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Non-Pressure Treated Sole Plates Fastened w/ 1/4”x6” SDS Screws/2x Sole Plates Spaced @ 6”o/c, Sheathing (Panels) Nailed Off w/10D Common (.148) Nails Spaced @ (4/12) & (6/12) Staggered, (N) CS14 Straps/Wood Posts Placed (Horiz) Over Sheathing/Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered For Corridor Wall Openings w/ A35’s/LTP4’s @ 12” & 16”o/c, Ref-2/S8.40, Nails Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs, All Nailing, Structural-1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40 *(1) Of (2) Sided Corridor Shearwalls, Nailing Complete, Pending, Ref-Note B Below. b. Shearwall Nailing @ 6th Flr Corridor VT/Ok, Room #629 Holdown, Compression Stud Was Installed Short, Doesn’t Reach Sole Plate, Holdown Rod Is Bent/Stressed Due To Steel Column/Nailer-Spacing Limitations, Engineer To Provide Fix On How To Proceed, Pending Engineer Response. ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 13th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 13th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Steel Stair #2 a. Drilling & Installation Of (N) 5/8” Dia Simpson Strong Tie Anchor (Wedge) Bolts/(E) Concrete (Shaft) Wall/Angle Seat w/ 8” Min Embedment Spaced (3) Per Angle Seat (6) Per Side For (N) Steel Stair #2 Landing Abutment Framework, Verified All Holes Were Brushed & Blown Out Clean Prior To Installation, Works Ongoing. b.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 2nd Flr-5th Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #1, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. c. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 3/16” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down @ Both Sides For Contour, *Stringer Extended/Spliced For Stair #2 @ 2nd Flr Level Due To Fit-Stringers Were Short 10”, Ref-A-A/ST208, Re-Work Completed, VT/Ok. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 14th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 14th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 ✔WOOD CONSTRUCTION a. Inspected SubFloor Sheathing & Nailing @ High Roof w/ (19/32) Structural-1 (T&G) OSB (4x8) Floor Panels/(N) 4x12 And 2x12 Floor Joists w/ 3x4 Blocking For Panel Edges @ 48”o/c, Subfloor Adhesive (GRSUB28) Applied/Joists Prior To Installation Of Panels, Fastened w/10D (.148) Nails Spaced @ (4/4/6) As Per Schedule (Type-2), Ref-7,8/S8.00, Gridline-N-PK-Btwn-1/20 Lines For High Roof-Subfloor & Corridor Nailing, Observed Panel Edges For Proper Fastening/Nailing @ Joists/Solid Blocking Connections, Subfloor Nailing, Installed (N) CMST12, CMST14 Straps @ Drag Lines w/ 16D (.131) & Galvanized (.162) Nails-Gridline-N-PK-Btwn-1/20 Lines, All Nails (Staggered) Seated Flush @ Adjoining Panel Edges & Field Joints, Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs Maintaining The 3/8” Min From Edges, Subfloor Nailing-High Roof Level Subfloor Sheathing/Nailing Completed, All Re-Work-Discrepancies Have Been Corrected, VT/Ok. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 14th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 14th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Steel Stair #2 a. Drilling & Installation Of (N) 5/8” Dia Simpson Strong Tie Anchor (Wedge) Bolts/(E) Concrete (Shaft) Wall/Angle Seat w/ 8” Min Embedment Spaced (3) Per Angle Seat (6) Per Side For (N) Steel Stair #2 Landing Abutment Framework, Verified All Holes Were Brushed & Blown Out Clean Prior To Installation, Complete, Torque Verification To Follow. b.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 2nd Flr-5th Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #1, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. c. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 1/4” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down @ Both Sides For Contour, Stringer Extended/Splice For Stair #2 @ 4th Level Due To Fit-Stringers Were Short-3”, Ref-A-A/ST208, Re-Work Completed, VT/Ok. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 15th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 15th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 ✔WOOD CONSTRUCTION a. Inspected Sheathing & Nailing @ High Roof-Elevator Pit Roof w/ (19/32) Structural-1/Exposure-1 Plywood Panels w/ (6/12) Nailing Patterns, Gridline-P3.5-P6-Btwn-N/P-Lines, All Nails (Staggered) w/ (2) Rows @ Top Side, Seated Flush @ Adjoining Panel Edges & Joints, Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs Maintaining The 3/8” Min From Edges, High Roof Sheathing/Nailing Completed, VT/Ok, No Discrepancies To Note: Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 15th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 15th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 2nd Flr-5th Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #1, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 3/16” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down @ Both Sides For Contour, Stringer Extended/Splice For Stair #2 @ 4th Level Due To Fit-Stringers Were Short 6”, Ref-A-A/ST208, Complete, Re-Work Of Previous Work, Welding/Erecting Is A Work In Progress. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 16th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 16th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 2nd Flr-5th Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #1, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 3/16” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down @ Both Sides For Contour, Stringer Extended/Splice For Stair #2 @ 5th/6th Level Due To Fit-Stringers Were Short 6” @ Both Sides, Ref-A-A/ST208, Re-Work Of Previous Work, Welding/Erecting Is A Work In Progress. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 18th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 18th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ Ground Level, Mezzanine/2nd Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 3/16” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down @ Both Sides For Contour, Stringer Extended/Splice For Stair #2 @ 6th Level Due To Fit-Stringers Were Short @ Both Sides, Ref-A-A/ST208, Re-Work Of Stringer Plates/Channel/Channel Connections, Repairs, Fit-Up Of Stair Pans & Welding Is A Work In Progress. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 19th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 19th, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Provided Periodic Inspection For (N) Exterior Shearwall-Tall Wall Nailing Diaphragms, Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 Pyro-Guard (Fire Rated) Plywood (15/32) Panels w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails (Galvanized) Spaced @ (2/12) & (3/12) For Field, Edge & Boundary Nailing Patterns w/ 4x, 6x Solid Blocking @ Panel Edges, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs-Flush, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details As Noted, Ref-2/S8.40, East Side & South Side Inspected, Complete, VT/Ok, Non Discrepancies To Note: b. 2nd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, 3/4” Dia Anchors. c. 3rd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(4.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (3/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. d. 4th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, 3/4” Dia Anchors. e. 5th, 6th, Low/High Roof Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(3.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (3/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, (Verts) CS14 Straps-43”L, MST48 Straps (Horiz) Over Steel Columns/Rim, Ref-A/S8.61 & 1/S8.60. ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 19th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 19th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ Ground Level, Mezzanine/2nd Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #1, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 3/16” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down @ Both Sides For Contour, Stringer Extended/Splice For Stair #2 @ 6th Level Due To Fit-Stringers Were Short @ Both Sides, Ref-A-A/ST208, Re-Work Of Stringer Plates/Channel/Channel Connections, Complete, Detailing, Welding Ongoing. c. Welding Of 24 (N) HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Galvanized Post Braces/(N) 3/4”t Steel Flat Plates, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Top/Bottom, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides For (N) Steel Column Brace Connections @ High Roof Exterior Structural Steel Columns Support Framework-Grid-11-18-Btwn-L/PK-Lines, Ref-3/S8.61, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 20th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 20th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 3rd Flr/4th Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 3/16” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down @ Both Sides For Contour, Stringer Extended/Splice For Stair #2 @ 6th Level Due To Fit-Stringers Were Short @ Both Sides, Ref-A-A/ST208, Complete. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 21st, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 21st, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 ✔WOOD CONSTRUCTION a. Inspected (N) Sole Plates For Exterior Shearwall Mansart Wall Framing/Nailing & SDS’s/High Roof SubFloor @ High Roof, Gridline-11-18-@ PK-Line w/ 1/4” SDS Scews Spaced-8”o/c @ Both Sides Of Roof, Gridline-18-20 @ L-Line w/ 16d Nails Spaced @ 16”o/c @ Rest Of Perimeter Of High Roof For Mansart Roof/Shearwall Framing, Complete, VT/Ok Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 21st, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 21st, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 4th Flr/5th Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post @ 6th Flr-4th Level For (N) Stair #2 Interior Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES-2, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 22nd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 22nd, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 5th Flr/6th Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #2 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post @ 6th Flr-4th Level For (N) Stair #2 Interior Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES-2, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 26th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 26th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 4th Flr/5th Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #2 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post @ 6th Flr-4th Level For (N) Stair #2 Interior Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES-2, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 26th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 26th, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Provided Periodic Inspection For (N) Exterior Shearwall-Tall Wall Nailing Diaphragms, Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 Pyro-Guard (Fire Rated) Plywood (15/32) Panels w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails (Galvanized) Spaced @ (2/12) & (3/12) For Field, Edge & Boundary Nailing Patterns w/ 4x, 6x Solid Blocking @ Panel Edges, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs-Flush, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details As Noted, Ref-2/S8.40, North End Side In Front Of Podium Level, Complete, VT/Ok From 2nd Flr/6th Level! *NOTE* Roof Level Is A Work In Progress. b. 2nd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, 3/4” Dia Anchors. c. 3rd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(3.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (3/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. d. 4th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(4.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (4/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c e. 5th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. f. 6th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(6.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (6/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 16”o/c, 16D’s @ 16”o/c. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 27th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 27th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 3rd Flr/4th Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #2 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post @ 6th Flr-4th Level For (N) Stair #2 Interior Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES-2, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May, 28th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 28th, 2020 6:30am 2:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 2nd Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-2WX02 & 2WX24, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 3x6 Pressure Treated Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common (Galv-) Nails Spaced @ (2/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), 3/4” Dia Anchor Bolts/3x Sill Plate Spaced @ 16”o/c w/ 5x3x1/4”t Steel (Galvanized) Slotted Washer w/ Galvanized Std Cut Round Washers & Nuts, Added Fire Rated (19/32) Structural 1/Exp-1 Plywood Panels @ (5’ft) Ea End Of Walls Nailed Off w/10D Common (Galvanized) Nails Spaced @ (2/12), (N) CMST14 Straps From 3rd/2nd Flrs/Shearwall Sheathing/Posts (Floor/Floor) Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered, All Pressure Treated & Fire Rated-Treated Wood Nailed Off Per WD-17/S0.11 (Galvanized) & Ref-8/S8.40, Shearwall Nailing, Structural 1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40, Works Ongoing! * Note* Missing LTP4’/A35’s @ Various Locations Framers Making Necessary Corrections, GC To Schedule Re-Inspection After Said Corrections Are Done! Works Ongoing. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 28th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 28th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ 3rd Flr/4th Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #2 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post @ 6th Flr-4th Level For (N) Stair #2 Interior Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES-2, Works Ongoing. d. Welding Of (N) HSS8x3x1/4”t Steel (Facia) Cross Beams/(N) HSS3.5x3.5x3*8”t Steel Post Columns, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Top & Bottom, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ Both Sides For (N) High Roof Exterior Facia Steel Framework, Grid-C-F @ Along P1-Line, Ref-3/S8.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May, 29th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ May 29th, 2020 6:30am 2:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 2nd Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-2WX02 & 2WX24, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 3x6 Pressure Treated Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common (Galv-) Nails Spaced @ (2/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), 3/4” Dia Anchor Bolts/3x Sill Plate Spaced @ 16”o/c w/ 5x3x1/4”t Steel (Galvanized) Slotted Washer w/ Galvanized Std Cut Round Washers & Nuts, Added Fire Rated (19/32) Structural 1/Exp-1 Plywood Panels @ (5’ft) Ea End Of Walls Nailed Off w/10D Common (Galvanized) Nails Spaced @ (2/12), (N) CMST14 Straps From 3rd/2nd Flrs/Shearwall Sheathing/Posts (Floor/Floor) Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered, All Pressure Treated & Fire Rated-Treated Wood Nailed Off Per WD-17/S0.11 (Galvanized) & Ref-8/S8.40, Shearwall Nailing, Structural 1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40, Completed, VT/Ok. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 29th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 29th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ Mezzanine Level/ 3rd Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #2 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework-6th Flr/3rd Flr, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post @ 2nd Flr/4th Level For (N) Stair #2 Interior Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES-2, Works Ongoing. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 May 30th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 May 30th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC8 Landing Steel Channel @ Mezzanine Level/ 3rd Flr Level Stringer/Mid Landing Frameworks, 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Ea Side Of Mid-Landing Face For Stair #2, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #2 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework-6th Flr/3rd Flr, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. c. Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post @ Ground Flr/4th Level For (N) Stair #2 Interior Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES-2, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profile Appears Acceptable, Stair #2 Completed From Ground Flr/6th Level. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 1st, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 1st, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a.Welded (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Beam Posts/(N) 12x12 Sq Steel Embed Plates @ Podium (2nd Flr), Gridline-F-K-Along-P1-Lines, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around, Works Ongoing. b. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) c. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 d. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 2nd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ June 2nd, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Provided Periodic Inspection For (N) Exterior Shearwall-Tall Wall Nailing Diaphragms, Gridline-P6-P13-Btwn-6/18-Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 Pyro-Guard (Fire Rated) Plywood (15/32) Panels w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails (Galvanized) Spaced @ (2/12) & (3/12) For Field, Edge & Boundary Nailing Patterns w/ 4x, 6x Solid Blocking @ Panel Edges, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs-Flush, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details As Noted, Ref-2/S8.40, North End Side In Front Of Podium Level, Complete, VT/Ok From 6th Flr/High Roof, Also Finished Up 2nd Flr/Lower Roof Level-Exterior Shearwalls & Lower Roof Soffits @ East End, Gridline-B-F-Along P1-Line, Complete, VT/Ok. b. 2nd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, 3/4” Dia Anchors. c. 3rd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(3.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (3/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. d. 4th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(4.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (4/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c e. 5th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. f. 6th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(6.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (6/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 16”o/c, 16D’s @ 16”o/c. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 2nd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 2nd, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Steel Trellis a.Welded (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Beam Posts/(N) 12x12 Sq Steel Embed Plates @ Podium (2nd Flr), Gridline-F-K-Along-P1-Lines, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welded (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Beam Posts/(N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Cross Beam (Facia) w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Ea End @ Podium (2nd Flr), Gridline-F-K-Along-P1-Lines, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. c.Welded (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Beam Posts/(N) HSS6x6x3/8”t Steel Column @ Podium (2nd Flr), Gridline-F-K-Along-P1-Lines, 1/4” Fillet Weld All Around, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. d. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) e. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 f. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 3rd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ June 3rd, 2020 6:30am 2:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 2nd Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-3WX02 & 3WX14, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Spaced @ (3/12) & (4/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), Sole Plates w/ SDS’s Spaced @ 4”o/c-Staggered Added Fire Rated (19/32) Structural 1/Exp-1 Plywood Panels @ (5’ft) Ea End Of Walls Nailed Off w/10D Common (Galvanized) Nails Spaced @ (3/12), (N) CMST14 Straps From 3rd/4th Flrs/Shearwall Sheathing/Posts (Floor/Floor) Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered, All Pressure Treated & Fire Rated-Treated Wood Nailed Off Per WD-17/S0.11 (Galvanized) & Ref-8/S8.40, Shearwall Nailing, Struct-1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40, Progress Is Ongoing, Strap Nailing & Nailing/ Shearwall Panels Behind Plumbing Pipes Still Need Nailing, Will Re-Inspected When Framers Correct These Issues. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 3rd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 3rd, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill ST208 Steel Stair #2 a. Drilling & Installation Of (N) 3/4” Dia Hilti KB-Tz Anchor Bolts/(N) Concrete Wall Stair Shaft w/ 6” Min-Embedment-(3) Per 12”x6x1/2”t Steel Ledger Clip (Landing Seat) For (N) Steel Stair #3 Landing Anchorage @ Ground Flr Level, Verified All Hole Sizes, Depth Of Hole & That All Holes Were Properly Cleaned Prior To Installation Of Anchor Bolts, Complete, VT/Ok, Torque Testing To Follow. b. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) c. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 d. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 4th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ June 4th, 2020 6:30am 2:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 2nd Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-3WX02 & 3WX14, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Spaced @ (3/12) & (4/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), Sole Plates w/ SDS’s Spaced @ 4”o/c-Staggered Added Fire Rated (19/32) Structural 1/Exp-1 Plywood Panels @ (5’ft) Ea End Of Walls Nailed Off w/10D Common (Galvanized) Nails Spaced @ (3/12), (N) CMST14 Straps From 3rd/4th Flrs/Shearwall Sheathing/Posts (Floor/Floor) Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered, All Pressure Treated & Fire Rated-Treated Wood Nailed Off Per WD-17/S0.11 (Galvanized) & Ref-8/S8.40, Shearwall Nailing, Struct-1 Panels & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40, Corrections Completed, VT/Ok. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 4th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 4th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza a. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tube Column Rails/(N) 4”x6x3/8”t Steel Angle Clips @ 6th Flr Level-Gridline-O-P- @ 6 Line For (N) Elevator Pit #3-Structural Steel Guiderail Framing Supports w/ 1/4”t Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides, Ref-8A/S7.40 For Additional Info, Work In Progress. b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Welder: Jose Sandoval - LaCity Lic #P038176 (Exp-6/5/2022) c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 5th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 5th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill a. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tube Column Guiderail Posts/(N) 4”x6x3/8”t Steel Angle Clips @ 5th Flr Level-Gridline-O-P-@ 6 Line For (N) Elevator Pit #3-Structural Steel Guiderail Framing Supports w/ 1/4”t Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides, Ref-8A/S7.40 For Additional Info, Work In Progress. b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Welder: Jose Sandoval - LaCity Lic #P038176 (Exp-6/5/2022) c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 8th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 8th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill a. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tube Column Guiderail Posts/(N) 4”x6x3/8”t Steel Angle Clips @ 4th/3rd Flr Level-Gridline-O-P-@ 6 Line For (N) Elevator Pit #3-Structural Steel Guiderail Framing Supports w/ 1/4”t Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides, Ref-8A/S7.40 For Additional Info, Works Ongoing. b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Welder: Jose Sandoval - LaCity Lic #P038176 (Exp-6/5/2022) c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 9th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 9th, 2020 6:30am 2:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Shearwalls @ 4th Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Panels For (N) Shearwalls-4WX02 & 4WX24, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 2x6 Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Spaced @ (4/12) & (2/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Ref-2/S84.0, 2x6 Douglas Fir Double Top Plates w/ 2 Rows Of (9)-Upper Plate/Lower Plate-Ea Side, 4’-0 Min Past Ea End Of Splice (Typ), Sole Plates w/ SDS’s Spaced @ 6”o/c-Staggered Added Fire Rated (19/32) Structural 1/Exp-1 Plywood Panels @ (5’ft) Ea End Of Walls Nailed Off w/10D Common (Galvanized) Nails Spaced @ (4/12), (N) CMST14 Straps From 4th/5th Flrs/Shearwall Sheathing/Posts (Floor/Floor) Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails Staggered, All Pressure Treated & Fire Rated-Treated Wood Nailed Off Per WD-17/S0.11 (Galvanized) & Ref-8/S8.40, Shearwall Nailing, Struct-1 Panels & Hardware Are Fastened Per Schedule & Details Of The Cited Approved Structural Plans, Ref-1/S8.40, Complete, VT/Ok. ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 9th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 9th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill a. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tube Column Guiderail Posts/(N) 4”x6x3/8”t Steel Angle Clips @ 3rd/2nd Flr Level-Gridline-O-P-@ 6 Line For (N) Elevator Pit #3-Structural Steel Guiderail Framing Supports w/ 1/4”t Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides, Ref-8A/S7.40 For Additional Info, Complete, Pending RFI # For (N) Weld Detail, Plans On 8A/S7.40 Shows A Bolted Connections In Lieu Of Welded Connections-PENDING!! b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Welder: Jose Sandoval - LaCity Lic #P038176 (Exp-6/5/2022) c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 10th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ June 10th, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Provided Periodic Inspection For (N) Exterior Shearwall-Tall Wall Nailing Diaphragms, Gridline-1-4-Along-PK-Line, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 Pyro-Guard (Fire Rated) Plywood (15/32) Panels w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails (Galvanized) Spaced @ (2/12) & (3/12) For Field, Edge & Boundary Nailing Patterns w/ 4x, 6x Solid Blocking @ Panel Edges, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs-Flush, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details As Noted, Ref-2/S8.40, North End Side In Front Of Podium Level, Complete, VT/Ok From 2nd Flr/6th Level! *NOTE* Done In Srctions, Ref-Gridlines Aboves-Rest-In Progress. b. 2nd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, 3/4” Dia Anchors. c. 3rd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(3.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (3/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. d. 4th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(4.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (4/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c e. 5th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. f. 6th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(6.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (6/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 16”o/c, 16D’s @ 16”o/c. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 10th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 10th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 5/S5.61 a. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tube Cross Beams/(N) 12”x6x3/8”t Steel Angle Support (Beam Seats) Clips @ 1st Flr Level, Gridline-P4-P5-Btwn-PJ/PK-Lines For (N) Kitchen Hood Structural Steel Framing Supports w/ 1/4”t Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides Of Beams, Ref-5/S5.61 For Additional Info, Works Ongoing. b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Welder: Jose Sandoval - LaCity Lic #P038176 (Exp-6/5/2022) c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 11th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 11th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 5/S5.61 a. Welded (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tube Cross Beams/(N) 12”x6x3/8”t Steel Angle Support (Beam Seats) Clips @ 1st Flr Level, Gridline-P4-P5-Btwn-PJ/PK-Lines For (N) Kitchen Hood Structural Steel Framing Supports w/ 1/4”t Fillet Weld @ T&B, 1/4” Flare Bevel Welds @ Both Sides Of Beams, Ref-5/S5.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welded (N) HSS6x4x1/4”t Steel Tube Cross Beams/(N) 12”Sq-Steel Embed Plates-1st Flr/Mezzanine Level, Gridline-P4-P5- Btwn-PJ/PK-Lines- w/ 1/4”t Fillet Weld All Around (Beams/Embeds), 1/4” Flare Bevel Weld @ Both Sides & 1/4” Fillet Weld @ T&B-Beam/Beam Connections For (N) Kitchen Hood Structural Steel Framing Supports Ref-5/S5.61, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Welder: Jose Sandoval - LaCity Lic #P038176 (Exp-6/5/2022) c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 12th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 12th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 5/S5.61 a. Erected & Tack Welded (N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Tube Cross Beams/(N) HSS6x6x1/4”t Steel Column Post/(N) Steel Embed Plate @ 1st Flr Gridline-Q-PK-Along P13-Line For (N) Structural Steel Roll Up Doors Framing Supports w/ 1/4”t Tack Welds @ T&B-Both Sides Of Beam, Ref-5/S5.61 For Additional Info, Works Ongoing. b. Erected (N) HSS3.5x3.5x1/4”t Steel Column Posts/(N) 3/4”t Steel Baseplates w/ 3/16” Tack Welds @ 4-Corners, Top Side Attached w/ 5/8” Dia Thru Bolts For (N) Roll Up Door Steel Support Framework, Grid-17-18-Btwn-Q/PK-Lines, Works Ongoing. b. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 c. Welder: Jose Sandoval - LaCity Lic #P038176 (Exp-6/5/2022) c. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 13th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ June 13th, 2020 1815 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Provided Periodic Inspection For (N) Exterior Shearwall-Tall Wall Nailing Diaphragms, Gridline-1-20-Along-PK-Line, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 Pyro-Guard (Fire Rated) Plywood (15/32) Panels w/ 10D (.148) Common Nails (Galvanized) Spaced @ (2/12) & (3/12) For Field, Edge & Boundary Nailing Patterns w/ 4x, 6x Solid Blocking @ Panel Edges, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs-Flush, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule & Details As Noted, Ref-2/S8.40, South Side Gridlines-1-20-Along-PK-Line, Complete, VT/Ok From 2nd Flr/6th Level! b. 2nd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, 3/4” Dia Anchors. c. 3rd Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(3.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (3/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. d. 4th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(4.2) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (4/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 12”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c e. 5th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(2.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (2/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 8”o/c, SDS’s @ 6”o/c. f. 6th Flr Exterior Shearwall Nailing-(6.1) 15/32nd Panels w/ 10D Common (6/12) Nails Staggered, LTP4’s Spaced @ 16”o/c, 16D’s @ 16”o/c. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 13th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 13th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill EST#3 Steel Stair #3 a. Erecting Of (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #3 -From 1st Flr/2nd Flr Levels-Stringer/Mid Landing Framework Seated/(N) 1/2”t Angle Seats, Tack Welded @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 3/16” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down For Contour, *Stringer Extended/Spliced For Stair #3 @ 2nd Flr Level Due To Fit-Stringer Were Short 2’-0”, Ref-Submittal #055100-3.1/ES3, Re-Work Completed, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 15th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 15th, 2020 6:30am 2:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Double Sided Shearwalls @ 2nd Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Pyro Guard Fire Treated Panels For (N) Shearwalls-2WX02 & 2WX24, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 3x6 Pressure Treated Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common (Galvanized) Nails Spaced @ (2/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule And Details As Noted, Ref-2/SN5.1, All Work Appears To Be In Compliance, No Discrepancies To Note, Complete, VT/Ok. ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 15th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 15th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill EST#3 Steel Stair #3 a. Erecting Of (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #3 -From 2nd Flr/3rd Flr Levels-Stringer/Mid Landing Framework Seated/(N) 1/2”t Angle Seats, Tack Welded @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welding Of (N) MC12 Steel Stair Stringer/(N) MC12 Stringer (Splice) w/ 3/16” Root Opening, 1/4”t Steel Backing, 3/16” Root Pass-Multi Pass CJP Welds @ Both Sides, Backing Removed, Backgouged Back Down To Root, Finished Welds & Ground Back Down For Contour, *Stringer Extended/Spliced For Stair #3 @ 2nd/3rd Flr Level Due To Fit- Stringer Were Short, Ref-Submittal #055100-3.1/ES3, Re-Work Completed, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 16th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 16th, 2020 6:30am 2:30pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected Double Sided Shearwalls @ 3rd Flr-Gridline-P1-P6-Btwn-A/N Lines, Checked Sheathing Type-Structural 1 (19/32) OSB Pyro Guard Fire Treated Panels For (N) Shearwalls-2WX02 & 2WX24, Verified Min Size 3x Posts @ Panel Edges, Min Size 3x6 Pressure Treated Sole Plates Nailed Off w/ 10D (.148) Common (Galvanized) Nails Spaced @ (2/12) For Edge (Staggered) & Field Nailing Patterns, Verified All Nails Were Seated Flush @ Panel Joints/Fully Driven Into Posts & Studs, Nailing, Panels/Posts, Studs & Hardware Are Per Schedule And Details As Noted, Ref-2/SN5.1, All Work Appears To Be In Compliance, No Discrepancies To Note, Complete, VT/Ok. ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 16th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 16th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill EST#3 Steel Stair #3 a. Erecting Of (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #3 -From 2nd Flr/3rd Flr Levels-Stringer/Mid Landing Framework Seated On Top/(N) 1/2”t Angle Seats, Tack Welded @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #3 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework-2nd Flr/3rd Flr, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 17th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 17th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill EST#3 Steel Stair #3 a. Erecting Of (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #3 -From 3rd Flr/5th Flr Levels-Stringer/Mid Landing Framework Seated On Top/(N) 1/2”t Angle Seats, Tack Welded @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #3 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework-2nd Flr/4th Flr, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 18th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 18th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill EST#3 Steel Stair #3 a. Erecting Of (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #3 -From 4thFlr/5th Flr Levels-Stringer/Mid Landing Framework Seated On Top/(N) 1/2”t Angle Seats, Tack Welded @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #3 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework-Ground Flr/2nd Flr, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 19th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 19th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill EST#3 Steel Stair #3 a. Erecting Of (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #3 -From 5thFlr/7th Flr Levels-Stringer/Mid Landing Framework Seated On Top/(N) 1/2”t Angle Seats, Tack Welded @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #3 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework-7thFlr/6th Flr, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 20th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 20th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza JD 1/S8.40 Wood Construction a. Shearwall Holdowns For 6th Flr Corridor & Exterior Walls-Z4 Holdown Assembly-Wood Compression Posts (Studs)-From 6th Flr/Roof Level, SW-6WX33-6WX75, Observed Several Areas w/ Discrepancies Due To Wood Posts/To Steel Anchor Rods Having Limited Spacing Between Posts & Anchor Rods, Several Holdown Rods Are Skewed-Bent, Some Stressed Due To Steel Column/Nailer-Spacing & Some Walls Due To Misalignment Of Anchor Rods, Not Enough Space Between Wood Posts & Anchor Rods After Complete Z4 Holdown Assembly Is Installed Per Manufacturer’s Specs & Approved Contract Documents, Need Engineer & Or Manufacturer To Provide Detail/Fix On How To Proceed w/ Necessary Corrections Prior To Concealing/Covering Up Said Locations, *NOTE* Pending Engineer Response. ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 20th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 20th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill EST#3 Steel Stair #3 a. Welding Of (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #3 -From 6th Flr/4th Flr Levels-Stringer/Mid Landing Framework Seated On Top/(N) 1/2”t Angle Seats, Tack Welded @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Works Ongoing. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #3 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework-6th Flr/4th Flr, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Works Ongoing. c. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) d. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 e. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 June 25th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 June 25th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill EST#3 Steel Stair #3 a. Welding Of (N) MC12 Stringer/(N) MC10 Landing-Steel Channel For Stair #3 -From Ground Flr/2nd Level-Stringer/Mid Landing Framework Seated On Top/(N) 1/2”t Angle Seats, Tack Welded @ Both Sides-Ea Side, Ref-RFI#252 & 14/ES-1, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appears Acceptable. b. Welded (N) L3x3x1/4”t Steel Angle Supports/(N) MC8 & MC12 Steel Channel/(N) 1/2”t Steel Ledger Plates For (N) Steel Stair #3 Intermediate Landings & Stringer Tread Pans Framework-Ground Flr/2nd Level, 3/16” Fillet Weld All Around, Ref-7/S-9.2, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable. c. Installation & Welding Of (N) HSS1.5x1.5x1/8”t Steel Handrail/(N) MC12 Stringer Top Flange w/ 1/8” Fillet Weld All Around @ Ea Vertical Post @ 3rd Flr/Ground Flr Level For (N) Stair #3 Interior Handrail Framework, Ref-1/ES-3, Complete, VT/Ok, Stair #3 Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable From 7th Flr/Ground Level, No Discrepancies To Note: e. Welder: Rafael Renteria - LaCity Lic #P034184 (Exp-8/17/2021) f. Welder: Miguel Ortiz - AWS Cert- #0058 g. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 August 17th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 August 17th, 2020 4 12pm 2pm Jason Meza Bill 1/S8.40 ✔Wood Construction a. Visually Inspected All Wood Framing, Shearwalls, Single & Doubled Sided Wood Panels (Sheathing) @ All Fire Rated Elevator & Stair Shafts, Bldg-Framing, Specified Hardware, Nailing, Holdowns (Z4) System, Wood Types, Size Of Lumber, Proper Dimensions Were Installed, Fastened & Secured In Placed Per Approved Contract Documemts & Met Or Exceeded The Min Code Requirements Per CBC2016, ICC Chapter 23 To The Best Of My Knowledge, All Punchlist, Minor Corrections Have Been Rectified, Inspected, Accepted-Documented On File! No DiscrepanciesTo Note: ✔ ✔ Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 Nov, 2nd, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ November 2nd, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill SSK-362,363 ✔ Feature Wall Structural Steel a. Installation & Welding Of 7 (N) 3/8t Steel Angle Jamb Plates/(N) 9x6x1/2”t Sq “U”-Plates w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 3-Sides For (N) Feature Wall Structural Steel Jamb Curtainwall Anchor Supports @ 2nd Flr Level, Gridline-P1-P16 Along-1-Line, Ref-1/DE.02, Complete, VT/Ok Per AWS D1.1 Clause 6-Table 6.1, No Discrepancies To Note: b. Welder: Miguel Angel Gonzalez- LaCity Lic #P033548 (Exp-11-17-2020) c. Welder: Kenneth Escribens - LaCity Lic #P031584 (Exp-12-07-2021) d. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 Nov, 16th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ November 16th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill SSK-362,363 ✔ Feature Wall Structural Steel a. Installation & Welding Of 7 (N) 8-3/4”t x 7”x1/4”t Steel Angle Jamb Plates/(N) HSS6x3x1/4”t Horiz-Steel Tube Beam w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 3-Sides For (N) Feature Wall Structural Steel Jamb Curtainwall Anchor Supports @ 5th & 6th Flr Levels, Gridline-P1-P16 Along-1-Line, Ref-1/DE.21, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable Per AWS D1.1, Clause 7-Table 7.9. b. Welder: Miguel Angel Gonzalez- LaCity Lic #P033548 (Exp-11-17-2020) c. Welder: Kenneth Escribens - LaCity Lic #P031584 (Exp-12-07-2021) d. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 Nov, 16th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ ■ November 16th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Meeting Room Structural Steel/Monokote a. Monitored Spray Applied Fireproofing-Monokote MK-6/HY, Applied By Air Nozzle Methods @ 1st Flr-Grid-10-18-Line-Bet-N/L- Lines, Verified Substrates Were Clean & Prepped Prior To First Coat Applied To Steel Beams, Verified Product, As Well As Water/Mix Ratios, Ref-Submittal #078100-03.0, Works Ongoing! Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 Nov, 17th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ ■ November 17th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Meeting Room Structural Steel/Monokote a. Monitored Spray Applied Fireproofing-Monokote MK-6/HY, Applied By Air Nozzle Methods @ 1st Flr Meeting Room Structural Steel W16-I-Beams, Grid-10-18-Line-Bet-N/L- Lines, Verified Substrates Were Clean & Prepped Prior To First Coat Applied To Steel Beams, Verified Product, As Well As Water/Mix Ratios, Spray Patterns & Methods, All Spray Applied Monokote/Beam Thicknesses, (3) Beams Completed. Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 Nov, 18th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ November 18th, 2020 8 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill SSK-362,363 ✔ Feature Wall Structural Steel a. Installation & Welding Of 7 (N) 8-3/4”t x 7”x1/4”t Steel Angle Jamb Plates/(N) HSS6x3x1/4”t Horiz-Steel Tube Beam w/ 1/4” Fillet Weld @ 3-Sides For (N) Feature Wall Structural Steel Jamb Curtainwall Anchor Supports @ Roof Level, Gridline-P1-P16 Along-1-Line, Ref-1/DE.21, Complete, VT/Ok, Weld Profiles Appear Acceptable Per AWS D1.1, Clause 7-Table 7.9. b. Welder: Miguel Angel Gonzalez- LaCity Lic #P033548 (Exp-11-17-2020) c. Welder: Kenneth Escribens - LaCity Lic #P031584 (Exp-12-07-2021) d. Weld Method/Process Used: FCAW - E71T-8 (Semi-Automatic) Engineering Services An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 714124 46207-1 Nov, 18th, 2020 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia California City of Arcadia Bill Jason Meza LACITY-P016648-ICC 8393269 10-20-22 ■ ■ ■ ■ November 18th, 2020 7am 3:30pm Jason Meza Bill Meeting Room Structural Steel/Monokote a. Monitored Spray Applied Fireproofing-Monokote MK-6/HY, Applied By Air Nozzle Methods @ 1st Flr Meeting Room Structural W16 Steel I-Beams, Grid-10-18-Line-Bet-N/L- Lines, Verified Substrates Were Clean & Prepped Prior To First Coat Applied To Steel Beams, Verified Product, As Well As Water/Mix Ratios, Spray Patterns & Methods, All Spray Applied Monokote/Beam Thicknesses (7/8”) Measured & Verified Per Approved Details & Contract Documents, (4) Beams Completed, VT/Ok. 2. System Information 3. Sensors and Controls AUTOMATIC DAYLIGHTING CONTROL ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT Enforcement Agency Use: Checked by/Date 1. NA7.6.1.1 Construction Inspection: 1. Drawing of Daylit Zone(s) must be shown on plans or attached to this compliance document. By checking this box, technician certifies that plans have been attached to this webform Meeting Room A Level G Floor Plan E7.20Document Name and Page #'s Add Control Systems below. If sampling method is used in accordance with NA7.6.1.2. If adding, attach a page with names of other controls in sample (only for buildings with > 5 daylight control systems, sample group glazing same orientation) Meeting Room A Plans Page Number E7.20 Check if Tested Control is Representative of Sample Zone Type: Skylit (Sky), Primary Sidelit (PS), or Secondary Sidelit (SS)PS Control Type: Continuous Dimming with more than 10 light levels (C), Stepped Dimming (SD), Switching (SW)C Design Footcandles: (Enter footcandle (fc) value or "U" if unknown):U Control Loop Type: Open Loop (OL), Closed Loop (CL)CL Sensor Location: Outside (O), Inside Skylight (IS), Near Windows facing out (NW), In Controlled Zone (CZ)CZ Sensor Location is Appropriate to Control Loop Type: (Yes/No) If control loop type is Open Loop (OL): Enter yes (Y) if location = Outside (O), Inside Skylight (IS), or Near Windows facing out (NW); otherwise, enter no (N). If Control loop type is Closed Loop (CL): Enter yes (Y) if location = In Controlled Zone (CZ); otherwise, enter no (N). Yes Control Adjustments are in Appropriate Location (Yes/No): Yes, If Readily Accessible or Yes if in Ceiling less than or equal to 11 ft,Yes CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 1 of 8 4. Has Documentation Been Provided by the Installer: 5. Separate Controls of Luminaires in Daylit Zones: 6. Daylighting Control Device Certification No for all other. Installation Manuals and Calibration Instructions Provided to Building Owner: (Yes/No)Yes Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Yes/No)Yes Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Page Number)E7.20 Are luminaires controlled by automatic daylighting controls only in daylit zones: (Yes/No)Yes Separately circuited for daylit zones by windows and daylit zones under skylights: (Yes/No)Yes Daylighting control has been certified in accordance with §110.9: (Yes/No)Yes Construction Inspection PASS/FAIL. If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 & 2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes response, the tests PASS; If any responses on this page are incomplete OR there are any No responses, the tests FAIL Pass PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one): PASS: If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 & 2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes (Y) response, the tests PASS FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative (N - no) responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10- 103(a)3B. Fix problem(s) and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 2 of 8 2. NA7. Functional Performance Testing – Continuous Dimming Systems: Power estimation using light meter measurement Complete all tests on page 7 & 8 (No Daylight Test, Full Daylight Test, and Partial Daylight Test) and fill out Pass/Fail section on Page 8. Meeting Room A System Information a. Control Loop Type: Open Loop or Closed Loop? (O or C)C b. Indicate if Mandatory control - M (required for skylit zone or primary sidelit zone with installed general lighting power > 120 W); for Control Credit - CC; or Voluntary not for credit -V (M, CC, V) M c. If automatic daylighting controls are mandatory, are all general lighting luminaires in daylit zones controlled by automatic daylight controls? (Yes/No) Yes d. General lighting design footcandles. (Enter footcandle (FC) value, or "U" if unknown.)U e. Power estimation method. (see line q) Default ratio of power to light (Dfc), cut-sheet ratio of power to light (CSfc) If CSFc – attach cut-sheet. Enter Dfc or CSfc Dfc Step 1: Identify Reference Location (location where minimum daylight illuminance is measured in zone served by the controlled lighting.) f. Method Used: Illuminance or Distance? (I or D)I Override daylight control system and drive electric lights to highest light level for the following: g. Highest light level fc – enter measured controlled electric lighting footcandles (fc)47 h. Indicate whether this is Full Output (FO), or Task Tuned (Lumen Maintenance) (TT)FO Step 2: No Daylight Test controls enabled & daylight less than 1 fc at reference location i. Method Used: Night time manual measurement (Night), Night Time Illuminance Logging (Log), Cover Fenestration (CF), Cover Open Loop Photosensor (COLP) CF j. Reference Illuminance (footcandles) as measured at Reference Location (see Step 1). Enter footcandles 36 k. Enter Y if either of the following statements are true: If line h = FO; [Reference Illuminance (line j)] / [Full Output fc (line g)] > 70%? or [Reference Illuminance (line j)] / [design footcandles (line d)] > 80%? (Yes/No) Yes Step 3: Full Daylight Test conducted when daylight > 150% of reference illuminance (line j) l. Daylight illuminance (light level with electric lighting turned off) measured at Reference Location (fc)72 m. Daylight illuminance (line l) greater than Reference Illuminance (line j)? (Yes/No)Yes Fill out lines p through t only if electric lighting is turned down or off. n. Total (daylight + electric light) illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc).85 o. Electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location (fc) [(line n) – (line l)].13 p. Electric lighting illuminance (line o) divided by Highest Light Level fc (line g). Enter %.27.659574468085108 q. Dimmed luminaire fraction of rated power. Attach manufacturer’s cut-sheet or use default graph of rated power to light output. Label applicable control system on cut-sheet or graph. Enter fraction of rated power in %. 23 r. System Power Reduction = [1 - line q]77 s. Is System Power Reduction (line r) > 65% when line h = FO, or > 56% when line h = TT (Yes/No).Yes t. With uncontrolled lights also on, no lamps dimmed outside of daylit zone by control (Yes/No).Yes u. Dimmed lamps have stable output, no perceptible flicker (Yes/No).Yes CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 3 of 8 2. System Information 3. Sensors and Controls 4. Has Documentation Been Provided by the Installer: Meeting Room B v. Daylight Dimming plus OFF Controls PAF (This portion of the full daylight test applies to lighting systems that are claiming a PAF for daylight dimming plus OFF controls. This portion of the full daylight test shall be conducted instead of steps l. thru u.) Does the system automatically turn OFF the luminaires when full daylight is available? (Yes/No) No Step 4: Partial Daylight Test conducted when daylight between 60% and 95% of (line j). w. Daylight illuminance (light level without electric light) measured at Reference Location (fc).32 x. Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line w )/ (line j). Enter %.88.88888888888889 y. Is Ratio of Daylight illuminance to Ref. illuminance (line x) between 60% and 95%? (Yes/No).Yes z. Total (daylight + electric light) illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc).51 aa. Total illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line z )/ (line j), Enter %.141.66666666666669 bb. Is Total illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance (line aa) between 100% and 150%? (Yes/No).Yes PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one): PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are positive (Y - yes) FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative (N - no) responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10- 103(a)3B. Fix problem(s) and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. Meeting Room B Plans Page Number E7.20 Check if Tested Control is Representative of Sample Zone Type: Skylit (Sky), Primary Sidelit (PS), or Secondary Sidelit (SS)PS Control Type: Continuous Dimming with more than 10 light levels (C), Stepped Dimming (SD), Switching (SW)C Design Footcandles: (Enter footcandle (fc) value or "U" if unknown):U Control Loop Type: Open Loop (OL), Closed Loop (CL)CL Sensor Location: Outside (O), Inside Skylight (IS), Near Windows facing out (NW), In Controlled Zone (CZ)CZ Sensor Location is Appropriate to Control Loop Type: (Yes/No) If control loop type is Open Loop (OL): Enter yes (Y) if location = Outside (O), Inside Skylight (IS), or Near Windows facing out (NW); otherwise, enter no (N). If Control loop type is Closed Loop (CL): Enter yes (Y) if location = In Controlled Zone (CZ); otherwise, enter no (N). Yes Control Adjustments are in Appropriate Location (Yes/No): Yes, If Readily Accessible or Yes if in Ceiling less than or equal to 11 ft, No for all other. Yes Installation Manuals and Calibration Instructions Provided to Building Owner: (Yes/No)Yes CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 4 of 8 5. Separate Controls of Luminaires in Daylit Zones: 6. Daylighting Control Device Certification Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Yes/No)Yes Location of Light Sensor on Plans: (Page Number)E7.20 Are luminaires controlled by automatic daylighting controls only in daylit zones: (Yes/No)Yes Separately circuited for daylit zones by windows and daylit zones under skylights: (Yes/No)Yes Daylighting control has been certified in accordance with §110.9: (Yes/No)Yes Construction Inspection PASS/FAIL. If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 & 2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes response, the tests PASS; If any responses on this page are incomplete OR there are any No responses, the tests FAIL Pass PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one): PASS: If all responses on Construction Inspection pages 1 & 2 are complete and all Yes/No questions have a Yes (Y) response, the tests PASS FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative (N - no) responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10- 103(a)3B. Fix problem(s) and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 5 of 8 2. NA7. Functional Performance Testing – Continuous Dimming Systems: Power estimation using light meter measurement Complete all tests on page 7 & 8 (No Daylight Test, Full Daylight Test, and Partial Daylight Test) and fill out Pass/Fail section on Page 8. Meeting Room B System Information a. Control Loop Type: Open Loop or Closed Loop? (O or C)C b. Indicate if Mandatory control - M (required for skylit zone or primary sidelit zone with installed general lighting power > 120 W); for Control Credit - CC; or Voluntary not for credit -V (M, CC, V) M c. If automatic daylighting controls are mandatory, are all general lighting luminaires in daylit zones controlled by automatic daylight controls? (Yes/No) Yes d. General lighting design footcandles. (Enter footcandle (FC) value, or "U" if unknown.)U e. Power estimation method. (see line q) Default ratio of power to light (Dfc), cut-sheet ratio of power to light (CSfc) If CSFc – attach cut-sheet. Enter Dfc or CSfc Dfc Step 1: Identify Reference Location (location where minimum daylight illuminance is measured in zone served by the controlled lighting.) f. Method Used: Illuminance or Distance? (I or D)I Override daylight control system and drive electric lights to highest light level for the following: g. Highest light level fc – enter measured controlled electric lighting footcandles (fc)45 h. Indicate whether this is Full Output (FO), or Task Tuned (Lumen Maintenance) (TT)FO Step 2: No Daylight Test controls enabled & daylight less than 1 fc at reference location i. Method Used: Night time manual measurement (Night), Night Time Illuminance Logging (Log), Cover Fenestration (CF), Cover Open Loop Photosensor (COLP) CF j. Reference Illuminance (footcandles) as measured at Reference Location (see Step 1). Enter footcandles 37 k. Enter Y if either of the following statements are true: If line h = FO; [Reference Illuminance (line j)] / [Full Output fc (line g)] > 70%? or [Reference Illuminance (line j)] / [design footcandles (line d)] > 80%? (Yes/No) Yes Step 3: Full Daylight Test conducted when daylight > 150% of reference illuminance (line j) l. Daylight illuminance (light level with electric lighting turned off) measured at Reference Location (fc)74 m. Daylight illuminance (line l) greater than Reference Illuminance (line j)? (Yes/No)Yes Fill out lines p through t only if electric lighting is turned down or off. n. Total (daylight + electric light) illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc).86 o. Electric lighting illuminance at the Reference Location (fc) [(line n) – (line l)].12 p. Electric lighting illuminance (line o) divided by Highest Light Level fc (line g). Enter %.26.666666666666668 q. Dimmed luminaire fraction of rated power. Attach manufacturer’s cut-sheet or use default graph of rated power to light output. Label applicable control system on cut-sheet or graph. Enter fraction of rated power in %. 24 r. System Power Reduction = [1 - line q]76 s. Is System Power Reduction (line r) > 65% when line h = FO, or > 56% when line h = TT (Yes/No).Yes t. With uncontrolled lights also on, no lamps dimmed outside of daylit zone by control (Yes/No).Yes u. Dimmed lamps have stable output, no perceptible flicker (Yes/No).Yes CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 6 of 8 v. Daylight Dimming plus OFF Controls PAF (This portion of the full daylight test applies to lighting systems that are claiming a PAF for daylight dimming plus OFF controls. This portion of the full daylight test shall be conducted instead of steps l. thru u.) Does the system automatically turn OFF the luminaires when full daylight is available? (Yes/No) No Step 4: Partial Daylight Test conducted when daylight between 60% and 95% of (line j). w. Daylight illuminance (light level without electric light) measured at Reference Location (fc).33 x. Daylight illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line w )/ (line j). Enter %.89.1891891891892 y. Is Ratio of Daylight illuminance to Ref. illuminance (line x) between 60% and 95%? (Yes/No).Yes z. Total (daylight + electric light) illuminance measured at the Reference Location (fc).50 aa. Total illuminance divided by the Reference Illuminance = (line z )/ (line j), Enter %.135.13513513513513 bb. Is Total illuminance divided by the Reference illuminance (line aa) between 100% and 150%? (Yes/No).Yes PASS/FAIL Evaluation (check one): PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements responses are positive (Y - yes) FAIL: Any applicable Construction Inspection responses are incomplete OR there is one or more negative (N - no) responses in any applicable Functional Performance Testing Requirements section. System does not pass and is NOT eligible for Certificate of Occupancy according to Section 10- 103(a)3B. Fix problem(s) and retest until the system(s) passes all portions of this test before retesting and resubmitting NRCA-LTI-03-A with PASSED test to the enforcement agency. Describe below the failure mode and corrective action needed. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 7 of 8 05/14/2021 05/14/2021 05/14/2021 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete. FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct. 2. I am the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance (Field Technician). 3. The construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s) of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. I am the Field Technician, or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design, construction or installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement (responsible acceptance person). 3. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s) of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. 5. I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Joseph FierroDocumentation Author Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone TC-A814310CEA/ATT Certification Identification (if applicable) Author Signature Date of Signature: Joseph FierroField Technician Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress:AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone TC-A814310ATT Certification Identification Project EngineerPosition with Company (Title) Field Technician Signature Date of Signature: Rusty EspinozaResponsible Acceptance Person Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma Ave Address: Anaheim City 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone 511697CSLB License Project ManagerPosition with Company (Title) Responsible Acceptance Person Signature Date of Signature: CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-03-A Automatic Daylighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 8 of 8 Enforcement Agency Use: Checked by/Date Verify the demand responsive control is capable of receiving a demand response signal directly or indirectly through another device and that it complies with the requirements in Section 130.5(e). If the demand response signal is received from another device (such as an EMCS), that system must itself be capable of receiving a demand response signal from a utility meter or other external source. 130.5(e):Demand responsive controls and equipment, where installed, shall be capable of receiving and automatically responding to at least one standards based messaging protocol which enables demand response after receiving a demand response signal. Definition: DEMAND RESPONSE SIGNAL is a signal sent by the local utility, Independent System Operator (ISO), or designated curtailment service provider or aggregator, to a customer, indicating a price or a request to modify electricity consumption, for a limited time period. 1: Use either Method 1 (illuminance measurement) or Method 2 (current input measurement) to perform the functional test. 2: Test building-wide reduction in lighting power to at least 15% below the maximum total lighting power, as calculated on an area-weighted basis (measured in illuminance or power). However, any single space must not reduce the combined illuminance from daylight and electric light to less than 50% of the design illuminance. 3: For buildings with up to seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls, all spaces shall be tested. 4: For buildings with more than seven (7) enclosed spaces requiring demand responsive lighting controls, sampling may be done on additional spaces with similar lighting systems. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive lighting control in the sample group passes the acceptance test, the remaining building spaces in the sample group also pass. If the first enclosed space with a demand responsive lighting control in the sample group fails the acceptance test the rest of the enclosed spaces in that group must be tested. 5: If any tested demand responsive lighting control system fails it shall be repaired, replaced or adjusted until it passes the test. DEMAND RESPONSIVE LIGHTING CONTROL ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT Demand Responsive Lighting Control: Intent: Test the reduction in lighting power due to the demand responsive lighting control as per Sections 110.9(a), 130.1(e) and 130.5(e). NA7.6.3 Acceptance tests for Demand Responsive Lighting Controls in accordance with Section 130.1(e) 1. Instrumentation to perform test includes, but not limited to: a) Hand-held amperage and voltage meter b) Power meter c) Light Meter 2. Construction inspection: NA7.6.3.2 Functional Test CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 1 of 5 a: Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to design full output. Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at less than full output, or may be off. b: Take one illuminance measurement at a representative location in each space, using an illuminance meter (fc). c: Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control. d: Take one illuminance measurement at the same locations as above, with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition (fc). e: Turn off the electric lighting and measure the daylighting at the same location (if present). (fc) f: Calculate the reduction in illuminance in the demand response condition, compared with the design full output condition. [(b- d)/b] x 100% g: Note the area of each controlled space (ft ) h: Calculate the area-weighted reduction in the demand response condition using the formula shown in the box to the right. The area-weighted reduction must be at least 0.15 (15%). i: The area-weighted reduction must not reduce the combined illuminance from electric light and daylight to less than 50% of the design illuminance in any individual space. (Line f should not be more than 50%.) j: Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output, or may be off. k:Take one illuminance measurement at each location, using an illuminance meter (fc). l: Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control. m: Take one illuminance measurement at each location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition (fc). n: In each space, the illuminance in the demand response condition must not be less than the illuminance in the minimum output condition or 50% of the design illuminance, whichever is less. (write Y/N) A. Method 1: Illuminance Measurement: In each space, select one location for illuminance measurement. The chosen location must not be in a skylit or primary sidelit area. When placed at the location, the illuminance meter must not have a direct view of a window or skylight. If this is not possible, perform the test at a time and location at which daylight illuminance provides less than half of the design illuminance. Mark each location to ensure that the illuminance meter can be accurately located. Step 1: Full output test 39 26 0 33.3 82 Step 2: Minimum output test 2 2 Yes EXCEPTION: In daylit spaces, the illuminance in the demand response condition maybe below the minimum output setting, but in the demand response condition the combined illuminance from daylight and electric light must be at least 50% of the design illuminance. 2 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 2 of 5 a: Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to full output. Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at less than full output, or may be off. b: Take one electric current measurement for each selected circuit (A). c: Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control. d: Take one measurement at each circuit location with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition (A). e: Calculate the reduction in current in the demand response condition, compared with the full output condition [(b-d)/b] x 100% f: Note the area of each controlled space. (ft ) g: Calculate the reduction in the demand response condition, using the formula shown in the box to the right. The area-weighted reduction must be at least 15% (0.15). h: The area-weighted reduction must not reduce the output of any individual circuit by more than 50%. (Line e should not be more than 50%.) i: Using the manual switches/dimmers in each space, set the lighting system to minimum output (but not off). Note that the lighting in areas with photocontrols or occupancy/vacancy sensors may be at more than minimum output, or may be off. j: Take one electric current measurement for each selected circuit location (A). k: Simulate a demand response condition using the demand responsive control. l: Take one electric current measurement for each circuit with the electric lighting system in the demand response condition (A). m: In each space, the electric current in the demand response condition must not be less than the current in the minimum light output condition or 50% of current value at design illuminance level, whichever is less. B. Method 2: Current Measurement: At the lighting circuit panel, select at least one lighting circuit that serves spaces required to meet Section 130.1(b) to measure the reduction in electrical current. Alternatively, employ the monitoring capabilities of the DR controls system to monitor the circuits in the tests below. The testing process is constant with either approach. Step 1: Full output test Step 2: Minimum output test Evaluation : 2 PASS: All applicable Construction Inspection responses are complete and all applicable Equipment Testing Requirements responses are positive (Check box for yes) CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 3 of 5 05/14/2021 05/14/2021 05/14/2021 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance documentation is accurate and complete. FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance is true and correct. 2. I am the person who performed the acceptance verification reported on this Certificate of Acceptance (Field Technician). 3. The construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the applicable acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s) of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and signed by the responsible builder/installer and has been posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. I am the Field Technician, or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design, construction or installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement (responsible acceptance person). 3. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s) of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. 5. I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Joseph FierroDocumentation Author Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone TC-A814310CEA/ATT Certification Identification (if applicable) Author Signature Date of Signature: Joseph FierroField Technician Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress:AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone TC-A814310ATT Certification Identification Project EngineerPosition with Company (Title) Field Technician Signature Date of Signature: Rusty EspinozaResponsible Acceptance Person Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress:AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone 511697CSLB License Project ManagerPosition with Company (Title) Responsible Acceptance Person Signature Date of Signature: CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 4 of 5 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE NRCA-LTI-04-A Demand Responsive Lighting Control Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 5 of 5 General Information Scope of Responsibility Enter the date of approval by enforcement agency of the Certificate of Compliance that provides the specifications for the energy efficiency measures for the scope of responsibility for this Installation Certificate. Document Title or Description Applicable Sheets or Pages, Tables, Schedules, etc.Date Approved By the Enforcement Agency LEVEL 6 FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING E3.06 8/28/2020 12:00:00 AM LEVEL 4 FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING E3.04 8/27/2020 9:00:00 PM LEVEL M FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING E3.01 8/28/2020 12:00:00 AM LEVEL 2 FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING E3.02 8/28/2020 12:00:00 AM LEVEL 3 FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING E3.03 8/28/2020 12:00:00 AM LEVEL G FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING E3.00 8/27/2020 9:00:00 PM LEVEL 5 FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING E3.05 8/28/2020 12:00:00 AM Building Type: Nonresidential High-Rise Res (Common Area) Hotel/Motel (Common Area) Phase of Construction: New Construction Addition Alteration Unconditioned Date:8/27/2020 12:00:00 AM CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION NRCI-LTI-01-E Indoor Lighting Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 1 of 2 05/14/2021 05/14/2021 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance document is accurate and complete. RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. I am the Field Technician, or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design, construction or installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement (responsible acceptance person). 3. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s) of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. 5. I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Joseph FierroDocumentation Author Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone TC-A814310CEA/ATT Certification Identification (if applicable) Author Signature Date of Signature: Rusty EspinozaResponsible Acceptance Person Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress:AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone 511697CSLB License Project ManagerPosition with Company (Title) Responsible Acceptance Person Signature Date of Signature: CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION NRCI-LTI-01-E Indoor Lighting Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 2 of 2 INDOOR LIGHTING NRCI_LTI_02_E Le Meridien Los Angeles General Information Scope of Responsibility Enter the date of approval by enforcement agency of the Certificate of Compliance that provides the specifications for the energy efficiency measures for the scope of responsibility for this Installation Certificate. §130.4(b) Before an Energy Management Control System (EMCS), or Lighting Control System can be recognized for compliance with the lighting control requirements in Part 6 of Title 24, the person who is eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the construction or installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices shall sign and submit this Installation Certificate. If any of the requirements in this Installation Certificate fail the Energy Management Control System or Lighting Control System installation requirements, these options for controlling lighting shall not be recognized for compliance with the Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Check all that apply Building Type: Nonresidential High-Rise Res (Common Area) Hotel/Motel (Common Area) Phase of Construction: New Construction Addition Alteration Unconditioned Date:8/27/2020 12:00:00 AM PART 1 What type of Lighting Control System has been installed? A. Energy Management Control System (EMCS) - Is a computerized control system designed to regulate the energy consumption of a building by controlling the operation of energy consuming systems, such as the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, and water heating systems, and is capable of monitoring environmental and system loads, and adjusting HVAC operations in order to optimize energy usage and respond to demand response signals. The Energy Management Control System has been installed to function as a lighting control required by Part 6 and functionally meets all applicable requirements for each application for which it is installed, in accordance with Sections 110.9, 130.0 through 130.5, 140.6 through 150.0, and 150.2; and complies with Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7.7.2. The EMCS has been separately tested for each respective lighting control system for which it is installed to function as. B. Lighting Control System - Requires two or more components to be installed in the building to provide all of the functionality required to make up a fully functional and compliant lighting control. CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION NRCI-LTI-02-E EMCS or Lighting Control System Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 1 of 5 The installed Lighting Control System complies with the requirements checked below; and all components of the system considered together as installed meet all applicable requirements for the application for which they are installed as required in Sections 130.0 through 130.5, Sections 140.6 through 140.8, Section 141.0, and Section 150.0(k). PART 2 Lighting Control Functional requirements: Check all that apply when verifying the installation of an EMCS or Lighting Control System. A. All lighting controls and equipment have been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. B. The manufacturer has provided instructions for calibration. C. If indicator lights are integral to any components, such indicator lights consumes no more than 1 watt of power per indicator light. D. Components that are regulated by the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations have been certified to the Energy Commission. E. The EMCS or Lighting Control System functions as one or more of the Time-Switch Lighting Controls checked below, and complies with all of the following requirements: 1. Automatic Time-Switch Controls meeting all requirements for Automatic Time Switch Control devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including the requirements below: a. Residential automatic time-switch controls have program backup capabilities that prevent the loss of the device’s schedule for at least 7 days, and the device’s date and time for at least 72 hours if power is interrupted. b. Commercial automatic time-switch controls meet the following requirements: i. Has program backup capabilities that prevent the loss of the device’s schedule for at least 7 days, and the device’s date and time for at least 72 hours if power is interrupted ii. Is capable of providing manual override to each connected load and shall resume normally scheduled operation after manual override is initiated within 2 hours for each connected load and iii. Incorporates an automatic holiday shutoff feature that turns off all connected loads for at least 24 hours and then resumes normally scheduled operation. 2. Astronomical Time-Switch Controls meeting all requirements for Astronomical Time-Switch Control devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including the requirements below: a. Meets the requirements of an automatic time-switch control b. Has sunrise and sunset prediction accuracy within plus-or-minus 15 minutes and timekeeping accuracy within 5 minutes per year c. Is capable of displaying date, current time, sunrise time, sunset time, and switching times for each step during programming d. Has an automatic daylight savings time adjustment; and e. Has the ability to independently offset the on and off for each channel by at least 99 minutes before and after sunrise or sunset. 3. Multi-Level Astronomical Time-Switch Controls, in addition to meeting all of the requirements for Astronomical Time-Switch Controls, includes at least 2 separately programmable steps per zone. F. The EMCS or Lighting Control System functions as one or more of the Daylighting Controls listed below: CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION NRCI-LTI-02-E EMCS or Lighting Control System Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 2 of 5 1. Automatic Daylight Controls meet all requirements for Automatic Daylight Control devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including the following: a. Is capable of reducing the power consumption in response to measured daylight either directly or by sending and receiving signals; b. If the system includes a dimmer, complies with the Dimmer Control device requirements in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations. c. Automatically return to its most recent time delay settings within 60 minutes when put in calibration mode; d. Has a set point control that easily distinguishes settings to within 10 percent of full scale adjustment; e. Has a light sensor that has a linear response within 5 percent accuracy over the range of illuminance measured by the light sensor; f. Has a light sensor that is physically separated from where the calibration adjustments are made, or is capable of being calibrated in a manner that the person initiating the calibration is remote from the sensor during calibration to avoid influencing calibration accuracy; and g. Complies with the Title 20 requirements for photo controls if the system contains a photo control component. 2. Photo Controls meet all requirements for Photo Control devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including the following that it does not have a mechanical device that permits disabling of the control. G. The EMCS or Lighting Control System functions as a Dimmer and meets all requirements for a Dimmer Control device in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including the following: 1. Is capable of reducing power consumption by a minimum of 65 percent when the dimmer is at its lowest level; 2. Includes an off position which produces a zero lumen output; and 3. Does not consume more than 1 watt per lighting dimmer switch leg when in the off position. 4. Dimmer controls that can directly control lamps provide electrical outputs to lamps for reduced flicker operation through the dimming range so that the light output has an amplitude modulation of less than 30 percent for frequencies less than 200 Hz without causing premature lamp failure. 5. If designed for use in three way circuits is capable of turning lights off, and to the level set by the dimmer if the lights are off. H. The EMCS or Lighting Control System meets the following requirements: 1. Is capable of automatically turning off controlled lights in the area no more than 30 minutes after the area has been vacated; 2. Allows all lights to be manually turned off regardless of the status of occupancy; and 3. Has a visible status signal that indicates that the device is operating properly, or that it has failed or malfunctioned. The visible status signal may have an override switch that turns off the signal. 4. All occupant sensing devices that utilize ultrasonic radiation for detection of occupants meet the Ultrasound Maximum Decibel Values in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations 5. All occupant sensing devices that utilize microwave radiation for detection of occupants meet the radiation requirements in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations 6. Occupant sensing devices incorporating dimming comply with the requirements for dimmer controls in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations 7. The EMCS or Lighting Control System functions as one or more of the Occupant Sensing Controls Checked Below: a. Occupant Sensors meeting all applicable requirements for Occupant Sensor Control devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations b. Motion Sensors meeting all applicable requirements for Motion Sensor Controls devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including that motion sensors are rated for outdoor use. c. Vacancy Sensors meeting all applicable requirements for Vacancy Sensor Controls devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including the following: i. Does not turn on lighting automatically and does not incorporate DIP switches, or other manual means, for conversion between manual and automatic functionality; ii. Has a grace period of no more than 30 seconds and no less than 15 seconds to turn on lighting automatically after the sensor has timed out; and iii. Does not have an override switch that disables the sensor. CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION NRCI-LTI-02-E EMCS or Lighting Control System Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 3 of 5 d. Partial-ON Sensors meeting all applicable requirements for partial on sensing devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including the following: i. Has two poles each with automatic-off functionality; ii. Has one pole that is manual-on and does not incorporate DIP switches, or other manual means, for conversion between manual and automatic functionality; and iii. Has one pole that is automatic-on and is not be capable of conversion by the user to manual-on functionality. e. Partial-OFF Sensors meet all applicable requirements for partial off sensing devices in the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, including the following: i. Has two poles; ii. Has one pole that is manual-on and manual off; and iii. Has one pole that is automatic-on and automatic-off and is not capable of conversion by the user to manual-on only functionality. f. Occupant Sensing Control systems consist of a combination of single or multi-level Occupant, Motion, or Vacancy Sensor Controls, and all components installed to comply with manual-on requirements are not capable of conversion by the user from manual-on to automatic-on functionality. PART 3 Requirements for which the control is being installed to complied with: Identify all requirements in the Standards for which the EMCS or Lighting Control System is installed to function as and complies with: Check all that are applicable. A. Section 130.1(a) Area Controls. B. Section 130.1(b) Multi-Level Lighting Controls C. Section 130.1 (c) Shut-OFF Controls D. Section 130.1 (d) Automatic Daylighting Controls. E. Section 130.1 (e) Demand Responsive Controls. F. Section 130.5 (d) Circuit Controls for 120-Volt Receptacles. G. To qualify for the PAF for a Partial-ON Occupant Sensing Control in TABLE 140.6-A H. To qualify for the PAF for an occupant sensing control controlling the general lighting in large open plan office areas above workstations, in accordance with TABLE 140.6-A I. To qualify for the PAF for a Manual Dimming System PAF or a Multiscene Programmable Dimming System PAF in TABLE 140.6-A J. To qualify for the PAF for a Demand Responsive Control in TABLE 140.6-A K. To qualify for the PAF for Combined Manual Dimming plus Partial-ON Occupant Sensing Control in TABLE 140.6-A CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION NRCI-LTI-02-E EMCS or Lighting Control System Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 4 of 5 05/14/2021 05/14/2021 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify that this Certificate of Acceptance document is accurate and complete. RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. I am the Field Technician, or the Field Technician is acting on my behalf as my employee or my agent and I have reviewed the information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance. 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code in the applicable classification to accept responsibility for the system design, construction or installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices for the scope of work identified on this Certificate of Acceptance and attest to the declarations in this statement (responsible acceptance person). 3. The information provided on this Certificate of Acceptance substantiates that the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance complies with the acceptance requirements indicated in the plans and specifications approved by the enforcement agency, and conforms to the applicable acceptance requirements and procedures specified in Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA7. 4. I have confirmed that the Certificate(s) of Installation for the construction or installation identified on this Certificate of Acceptance has been completed and is posted or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building. 5. I will ensure that a completed, signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance shall be posted, or made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a signed copy of this Certificate of Acceptance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Joseph FierroDocumentation Author Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone TC-A814310CEA/ATT Certification Identification (if applicable) Author Signature Date of Signature: Rusty EspinozaResponsible Acceptance Person Name Sunwest Electric, Inc.Company Name 3064 E. Miraloma AveAddress:AnaheimCity 92806Zip Code (714)630-8700Phone 511697CSLB License Project ManagerPosition with Company (Title) Responsible Acceptance Person Signature Date of Signature: CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION NRCI-LTI-02-E EMCS or Lighting Control System Project Name: Le Meridien Enforcement Agency: CITY OF ARCADIA Permit Number: MEP-20-1312 Project Address: 130 W. Huntington Dr.City: Arcadia Zip Code: 91007 This is page 5 of 5 SMITH-EMERY LABORATORIES An Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory, Established 1904 1197 North Tustin Avenue Phone (800) 640-1026 Anaheim, California 92807 Fax (714) 238-6144 Daily Field Report Safety Meeting Held: Yes No Offsite Location: Type of Work: Reinforced Concrete Prestressed Concrete Masonry Steel/Welding Fireproofing Soil Shop Steel/Welding FRP Shot-Crete OtherDescription of Work: The Work WAS WAS NOT Inspected in Accordance with the Requirements of the Approved Plans and Specification’s. Work was inspected per Approved Plan Page #’s DATE TASK # REGULAR O.T. TIME IN TIME OUT Inspector Name: Signature: Approved by: Signature: (print name) OSHPD#: DSA App.#: DSA File#: Permit.#: LEA #: Project#: Date: Project Name: Address: City: Requested by: Inspector: License # Exp. Date: 46207-1 7/2/20 Le Meridien Hotel 130 W Hunington, Arcadia Arcadia Robert Vega 8220043 8-30-2020 ■ ■ ■ 7/2/20 4 6:00am 10:00am Robert Vega ACI field testing at Stair #3 level 4. National Ready Mix serviced the job with approx 6 yards with a mix design S80915@ 4500psi. Sampled at every 150 yards, casted 1 sets of 5 4x8 cylinders. The arriving trucks were monitored for correct mix, drum revs , timing, and water control. Samples were taken, in accordance with ASTM-C172 & testing temperature, slump, and casting 5 4x8 acylinders for strength analysis. Test results were satisfactory and within ASTM-C94 tolerances, and the cylinders were called in for lab pick up Snyder Langston Residential, LLC 17962 Cowan Irvine, California 92614 Phone: (949) 863-9200 Fax: (949) 863-1087 Project: 1075 - Le Meridien Hotel 130 W. Huntington Drive Arcadia, California 91007 Final Fire Damper G Floor Locations - 2 Hour horizontal Shaft detail - 1 hour shaft TO:Jennie Stahler (Architects Orange) Gus Awayjan (Architects Orange) FROM:Donnie Torabian (Snyder Langston, LLC) 17962 Cowan Irvine, California 92614 DATE INITIATED:10/23/2020 STATUS:Closed on 10/23/20 LOCATION:DUE DATE:10/30/2020 COST CODE:REFERENCE: COST IMPACT:SCHEDULE IMPACT: DRAWING NUMBER:SPEC SECTION: LINKED DRAWINGS: RECEIVED FROM:Harry Gordon (World Mechanical, Inc.) COPIES TO: Gus Awayjan (Architects Orange), Michael Bitner (Corradini Corp.), John Casino (Won-Door Corporation), Bruce Greenfield (Architects Orange), Bill Lairson (Snyder Langston, LLC), Warren Lee (Snyder Langston, LLC), Bob Lisle (Avanti Development Partners), Chris Lisle (Avanti Development Partners), Milford Moralde (Architects Orange), Cristina Ramirez (Snyder Langston, LLC), Jennie Stahler (Architects Orange), Alex Strohm (Snyder Langston, LLC), Rachel Tegenkamp (Snyder Langston Residential, LLC), Donnie Torabian (Snyder Langston, LLC), Chantal Triay (Snyder Langston Residential, LLC), Jonathan Tseng (SAICP LLC) Question from Donnie Torabian (Snyder Langston, LLC) at 08:38 AM on 10/23/2020 Please see attached final package of RFI 348- Inclusive of the final approvals from TT & AO. This RFI should capture all the approvals and changes for G level Damper scope. •G level - From loading dock Corridor to Pre-function Ball room walls - 2 hour horizontal shaft detail provided by Jade and approved by SEOR attached and approved. o This eliminates 33 Dampers at these locations. (in Blue ) & Detail Marked up •G level - Corridor between WH room & Meeting room E & D will have a hour shaft ( in Pink ) •G Level - Dampers needed are noted in yellow. ( 14 ) Damper in existing walls per plans are still required Attachments: LM - G M level Missing Dampers - 33 to be deleted 14 dampers to be reordered Framed installed.pdf RFI#348.2 OUT-Lvl G 2-Hour Shaft_TT Response- Approved Detail.pdf Awaiting an Official Response All Replies: ** Any suggestions offered in this RFI are submitted for Architect , Engineer, or Consultant consideration only and do not constitute design or engineering or an offer to provide design or engineering . All designs, engineering and related coordination remains the responsibility of the applicable Architect, Engineer or Consultant. This RFI may have cost or schedule impact. BY DATE COPIES TO Snyder Langston Residential, LLC Page 1 of 1 Printed On: 10/23/2020 08:39 AM RFI #348.3 238126-11 Final BIM Shop Drawings All Levels SL Received 7/8/2020 Page 6 of 38 7 6 6 6 8 2 1 1 33 Dampers deleted due to 2 hour rating. 4 14 Dampers needed all together all yellow locations. (4) access panels in pre-function ball room ceiling. One hour rated ceiling in this corridor will eliminate (7) dampers noted. 238126-11 Final BIM Shop Drawings All Levels SL Received 7/8/2020 Page 8 of 38 2 238126-11 Final BIM Shop Drawings All Levels SL Received 7/8/2020 Page 5 of 38 4 VERTICAL STUDS 3 5/8" X 18 GA MIN @ 32" OC MAX EA WAY. CONN TO JOIST PER 1/S9.22. CONN TO SLAB PER3/S9.22 DROP CEILING SOFFIT ASSEMBLY BY OTHERS. VERTICAL STUDS 18 GA MIN @ 32" OC MAX EA WAY. PROVIDE BRACING BACK TO STRUCTURE. JOIST TO WALL CONN PER 9/S9.22 DIAGONAL KICKERS 3 5/8" X 18 GA MIN @ 8-0" OC MAX EA WAY. SIMILAR TO1/S9.22. CONN TO VERTICAL STUD PER 7/S9.22 AND CONN TO SLAB PER 6/S9.30. JOIST STUDS 3 5/8" X 18 GA MIN @ 32" OC MAX METAL STUD BLOCKING ALONG CEILING BRACE LINES DROP CEILING SOFFIT ASSEMBLY BY OTHERS. CONFIRM FASTENER CAPACITY CONNECTION BACK TO STRUCTURE. FOR TRACK TO CH STUD CONN, SPACE FASTENERS AT 16" OC MAX. SHAFTLINER ASSEMBLY BY OTHERS. CONFIRMFASTENER CAPACITY CONNECTION BACK TO STRUCTURE. PROVIDE 2 #10 SMS SCREWS MIN AT EACH STUD. CONTINUOUS TRACK 16 GA MIN. CONN TO STUD AND SLAB PER 3/S9.22 LK 10/20/2020 TT LK 10/20/2020 TT LK 10/20/2020 TT LK 10/20/2020 TT LK 10/20/2020 TT LK 10/20/2020 TT LK 10/20/2020 TT LK 10/20/2020 TT LK 10/20/2020 TT TT: approved detail in RFI 348.2 1 Strohm, Alex From:Lee, Warren (LEED AP) Sent:Tuesday, May 05, 2020 8:05 AM To:Strohm, Alex Subject:FW: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Warren Lee Snyder Langston Senior Project Manager c | (562) 577-7146 From: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:33 PM To: 'Carlos Luna' <cluna@lynnsafety.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <rduenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Carlos, Additionally, Lynn Safety will be securing with: ‘two nuts with a flat washer and a lock washer.’ Warren Lee Snyder Langston Senior Project Manager c | (562) 577-7146 From: Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com> Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:26 PM To: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) 2 Thanks Warren. I will reach out once I have those details for you and the team. Carlos Luna Project Coordinator Lynn Safety, Inc. “Focused on Safety, Committed to Excellence!” Whittier, CA Office CCL # 823787 SIT #29 Ph: 310-781-9123 | Fax: 310-781-9130 Email: cluna@lynnsafety.com Web: www.lynnsafety.com From: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com> Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:22 PM To: Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) All, Find the following recap of our conf call today: 1. Lynn Safety will be re-fabricating new ¼” thick bottom plates with standard holes to be expedited to the site. 2. Lynn Safety will mark and drill hole locations in field. 3. Plates do not need to be galvanized as these are not exposed to the exterior. 4. Work needs to be completed prior to the 5/11/20 roofing start. Let me know if there is anything that I missed. Thank you all for jumping on the call with such short notice. Carlos, Get back to me today to confirm fab,, delivery and install dates. Warren Lee Snyder Langston Senior Project Manager c | (562) 577-7146 From: Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com> Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 9:53 AM To: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Gurlal Singh 3 <gsingh@lynnsafety.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Good Morning ! Would it be possible to schedule a meeting with Laura, Snyder team and our team to review and discuss this? Want to flush all this out to hopefully get on the same page to get you the right information (fabrication eta / check stock of smaller washers / etc.) Would it be possible to schedule this today at 12:00pm or tomorrow at 11:00am ? Thanks, Carlos Luna Project Coordinator Lynn Safety, Inc. “Focused on Safety, Committed to Excellence!” Whittier, CA Office CCL # 823787 SIT #29 Ph: 310-781-9123 | Fax: 310-781-9130 Email: cluna@lynnsafety.com Web: www.lynnsafety.com From: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com> Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2020 12:53 PM To: Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com>; Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Carlos, Confirm if we have the minimum thread engagement beyond the nu, if we are to enlarge the hole as proposed and using a 3/8” washer, first thing Monday so that we can move on a decision. Concurrently, confirm how long it will take to refab bottom plate and washer, per Laura’s 2nd option. As everyone is aware, framing inspection is scheduled for 5/8/20 for a roofing start of 5/11/20. Bill/JD, Can you provide dimensions on the options to see how this affects the finished ceiling height, as the drop ceilings have been eliminated? Thank you. 4 Warren Lee Snyder Langston Senior Project Manager c | (562) 577-7146 From: Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com> Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2020 9:34 PM To: Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com>; Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com>; Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Thanks for the information. With the large hole, we will need a 3/8” thick plate washer. After reviewing the photographs, I do not think the installed rods have the length to accommodate the ¾” thick plate, 3/8” thick plate washer, nut and have minimum thread engagement beyond the nut. Can you confirm? Also, we may have conditions where the plate washer will extend beyond the bottom plate since there is less than an inch between the opening edge and the edge of the plate. Rather, I suggest using a ¼” thick bottom plate with 1-5/16” max. oversized holes with ¼” thick x 3” square plate washers. There should be 2” min edge distance between the centerline of the bolt and plate edge. Laura From: Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 1:03 PM To: Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com>; Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Below are the correct dimensions. Apologies for the mistake. 5 Respectfully, Gurlal Singh Design Department Manager Lynn Safety, Inc. “Focused on Safety, Committed to Excellence!” Concord, CA Office CCL # 823787 SIT #29 Ph: 925-609-7646 | Fax: 925-609-6446 Email: gsingh@lynnsafety.com | Web: www.lynnsafety.com From: Carlos Luna Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 12:46 PM To: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Afternoon, Please hold off. The Design Team manager is reviewing this information with the Drafter. We want to make sure that dims are accurate. 6 Should have an update on this shortly. Thanks, Carlos Luna Project Coordinator Lynn Safety, Inc. “Focused on Safety, Committed to Excellence!” Whittier, CA Office CCL # 823787 SIT #29 Ph: 310-781-9123 | Fax: 310-781-9130 Email: cluna@lynnsafety.com Web: www.lynnsafety.com From: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 12:39 PM To: Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Laura, Please review and let us know if we can enlarge the holes per the dimensions below. Thank you. Warren Lee Snyder Langston Senior Project Manager c | (562) 577-7146 From: Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 12:38 PM To: Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com>; Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Hi Carlos, Below are the dimensions of the backplate hole if we are to widen it from the existing slots: 7 Please let me know if the SEOR needs any other dimensions, or if there are any other questions about the backplates in this location. Thank you, Blair Mendel Drafter Lynn Safety, Inc. “Focused on Safety, Committed to Excellence!” Concord, CA Office CCL # 823787 SIT #29 Ph: 925-609-7646 | Fax: 925-609-6446 Email: bmendel@lynnsafety.com | Web: www.lynnsafety.com From: Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 12:05 PM To: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com>; Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Thank You Warren. I’ll have our design team take a look to provide this information. Design Team – Can you please review the request from the SEOR and provide this information to run some calculations? I assume the Hole will be the same on both bottom plates, but please double check both size bottoms plates 8 Carlos Luna Project Coordinator Lynn Safety, Inc. “Focused on Safety, Committed to Excellence!” Whittier, CA Office CCL # 823787 SIT #29 Ph: 310-781-9123 | Fax: 310-781-9130 Email: cluna@lynnsafety.com Web: www.lynnsafety.com From: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:32 AM To: Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Carlos, Can you provide the requested dimensions of the proposed enlarged holes, per Laura’s request below? Please respond to all copied on this email. Thank you. Warren Lee Snyder Langston Senior Project Manager c | (562) 577-7146 9 From: Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:28 AM To: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Warren, Would it be feasible to round the slotted hole and would that be sufficient space to fit the plate with the as-built anchor locations? If so, can you provide the dimensions indicated in red below and I’ll take a look to see if we have the steel edge distance and bearing area for an added plate washer to cover the hole. From: Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 8:10 AM To: Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com> 10 Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Laura, Can you provide max hole oversize if we are to re-use the ¾” plate? This appears to be the quickest solution. We have until the end of next week to re-drill the holes and install, so thank you in advance for your expedited response. Warren Lee Snyder Langston Senior Project Manager c | (562) 577-7146 From: Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 1:00 PM To: Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Alex, It is not acceptable to cut the plate. Do you have an idea of how far the anchors are offset? Would ¼” thick plate with oversized holes and larger plate washers work? I’m not sure if we can re-use the ¾” thick plate using oversized holes without compromising the steel edge distances. Laura From: Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 2:21 PM To: Kim, Laura <LKim@ThorntonTomasetti.com>; Ekwueme, Chukwuma <CEkwueme@ThorntonTomasetti.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Lairson, Bill <blairson@snyderlangston.com>; Duenas, Ruben <RDuenas@snyderlangston.com>; Torabian, Donnie <dtorabian@snyderlangston.com>; Lee, Warren (LEED AP) <wlee@snyderlangston.com> Subject: FW: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) [External Sender] Good Afternoon Laura, Please see below comments from Lynn Safety. Would it be acceptable to cut the plate in half? Thanks, 11 Alex Strohm Snyder Langston Project Engineer c | (949) 410-6059 From: Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 1:00 PM To: Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com>; Chris Pavo <cpavo@lynnsafety.com>; Gabriel Galvan <ggalvan@lynnsafety.com>; Tanya Gad <tgad@lynnsafety.com>; Gurlal Singh <gsingh@lynnsafety.com> Subject: RE: RFI #334 Response (130 W Huntington) Hi Alex, To Refabricate these plates would take a few days. A quick solution might be to see if the SEOR would allow for the existing plates to be cut in half, so instead of trying to align 4 holes you align 2 holes which would allow the installation to proceed sooner. If at that point the issues continue, then we might need to revisit re-fabrication of the plates. Thoughts? Thanks, Carlos Luna Project Coordinator Lynn Safety, Inc. “Focused on Safety, Committed to Excellence!” Whittier, CA Office CCL # 823787 SIT #29 Ph: 310-781-9123 | Fax: 310-781-9130 Email: cluna@lynnsafety.com Web: www.lynnsafety.com From: Strohm, Alex <astrohm@snyderlangston.com> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 11:18 AM To: Carlos Luna <cluna@lynnsafety.com>; Blair Mendel <bmendel@lynnsafety.com> Cc: Diaz, JD <ADiaz@snyderlangston.com> Subject: RFI #334 Response Good Morning Carlos, Please see attached initial RFI response from the SEOR. “EBM bottom anchor plate cannot be replaced with 3" x 1/4" thick washer plates. What is the tolerance for the anchor rod install in the field? A 1/4" thick bottom plate may be used in lieu of the 3/4" thick bottom plate if helpful for installation.” Is the ¼” thick bottom plate acceptable for install? Or do you need something different? Thank you, 12 Alex Strohm Snyder Langston Project Engineer c | (949) 410-6059 WWW.PUBLICHEALTH.LACOUNTY.GOV/EH SPECIALIZED SURVEILLANCE AND ENFORCEMENT BRANCH ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTHwCOUNTY OF LOS ANGELES PLAN CHECK PROGRAM - BALDWIN PARK 5050 COMMERCE DR, BALDWIN PARK, CA 91706 PHONE: (626) 430-5560 PLAN CHECK OFFICIAL INSPECTION REPORT 05/20/2021DATE EHS VERNY GRAJEDA PLAN CHECK NUMBER SR0172694 PROGRAM ELEMENT 1704 - RESTAURANT (4,000 - 9,999 SF) OWNER / REQUESTER CORY MOE, DESIGNER DBA LE MERIDIAN HOTEL ADDRESS 130 W HUNTINGTON DR, ARCADIA, CA 91007 FINAL REINSPECTION STATUS: APPROVED CORRECTIONS COMPLETED DATE CORRECTEDCORRECTION CATEGORY DATE IDENTIFIED 05/20/2021WATER SUPPLY 05/13/2021 05/20/2021EQUIPMENT/STORAGE 05/13/2021 SCOPE OF OPERATION APPROVED TO STOCK PERISHABLE / POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOODS APPROVED FOR FOOD PREPARATION APPROVED TO SERVE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS 1. NEW FACILITY, RESTAURANT AND BAR. COMMENTS INVOICE WILL BE ON THE MAIL. Help us serve you better by completing a short survey. Visit our website at www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/eh. Page 1 of 2Operator Signature PLAN CHECK OFFICIAL INSPECTION REPORT 05/20/2021DATE EHS VERNY GRAJEDA PLAN CHECK NUMBER SR0172694 PROGRAM ELEMENT 1704 - RESTAURANT (4,000 - 9,999 SF) OWNER / REQUESTER CORY MOE, DESIGNER DBA LE MERIDIAN HOTEL ADDRESS 130 W HUNTINGTON DR, ARCADIA, CA 91007 DISCLOSURES It is a misdemeanor violation to begin operation without a valid Public Health Permit/License. The Public Health Permit/License will be issued by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Environmental Health Division (DPH-EH) Plan Check Program at the job site following final inspection and approval by all applicable agencies. Remodeled areas of an existing food facility/establishment must obtain a final inspection and approval from all applicable enforcement agencies prior to use. Any future alteration, construction, building, renovation, repair, change of equipment, change of the operation of a food facility/establishment or change of menu may require plans to be submitted to the DPH-EH Plan Check Program. Additional approvals may be required from other enforcement agencies. It is improper and illegal for any County officer, employee or inspector to solicit bribes, gifts or gratuities in connection with performing their official duties. Improper solicitations include requests for anything of value such as cash, discounts, free services, paid travel or entertainment, or tangible items such as food or beverages. Any attempt by a County employee to solicit bribes, gifts or gratuities for any reason should be reported immediately to either the County manager responsible for supervising the employee or the Fraud Hotline at (800) 544-6861 or www.lacountyfraud.org. YOU MAY REMAIN ANONYMOUS Public Health Permit/License: A separate fee is required for the Public Health Permit/License. A billing statement will be sent to the permit/license holder annually by the DPH-EH. The fee is required to be paid to perform or carry on, conduct or engage in any mobile food facility listed in Los Angeles County Code, Title 8, Section 8.04.720. State and Local Licenses and Permits: Contact the State of California and your local city hall regarding additional license and permit requirements. Restrooms: Customer may use restroom facilities if they are located in a customer area. Customers may not enter the food preparation area, food storage area, or the utensils washing /storage areas in order to access the restrooms. All food, utensils and equipment must be protected from contamination. Routine Inspection: The DPH-EH conducts routine inspections of all food facilities in Los Angeles County. Following the issuance of your Public Health Permit by the Plan Check Program, an Environmental Health Specialist from your local district will conduct an inspection of your facility. If your Business is located in a city that has adopted the grading ordinance, the inspector will post a grade or score card at your facility. Grade / Score cards are not issued by the Plan Check Program. Help us serve you better by completing a short survey. Visit our website at www.publichealth.lacounty.gov/eh. Page 2 of 2Operator Signature 707 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 4450 | Los Angeles CA 90017 | T 1.213.330.7000 | www.ThorntonTomasetti.com STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT FORM Report No. 1 Structural observation includes a visual observation of the structural system for general conformance to the approved construction documents at significant construction stage and at completion of the structural system. Structural observation does not include nor waive the responsibility for the inspections required by Section 108, 1701 or other sections of the building code. Project Page No. 1 of 2 Location TT Job No. Contractor Owner Date Time Weather Temperature Present at Site Observed Structural Elements and Their Connections Foundation Wall Frames Floor Elements/Connection Observation Location Footing, Stem Walls Concrete Steel Moment Frame Concrete Mat Foundation Masonry Steel Braced Frame Steel Deck Caisson, Piles, Grade Beams Wood Concrete Moment Frame Wood Retaining Foundation, Hillside Special Anchors Others: Masonry Wall Frame Others: Others: Others: Steel Framing STATUS OF WORK: DEFICIENCIES NOTED: Snyder Langston S17077.00 Chateau Group, USA 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia, CA, 91007 12.13.2019 Chukwuma Ekwueme, Bill Lairson, Warren Lee 1:30 pm Level 2 Slab Repair. See attached for observed area. Added reinforcing in line with distributed and banded tendons per repair detail have been installed. Hooks over banded tendons per repair detail need to be added. 6 Le Meridien Hotel Chukwuma Ekwueme, JD Diaz, Felipe Hernandez and the Silverline team (Adil Allane, Pedro Rebollar, Jose Reyes, James Reyes) 8 4/15/2020 Laura Kim, Bill Lairson, JD Diaz X X X Wood framing at level 5 and lowroof.Structural steel at meeting room. - Low roof parapet supports being installed.- EBM roof anchors installed.- Level 6 wood wall framing being installed at taller structure.- Level 2 meeting room deck already poured.- Kickers and storefront support not yet installed.- CMU angle connection at slab underside not yet installed.- Grease duct opening not yet cored/cut- Metal stud framing being installed. Bracing and clip angleconnection to slab underside not yet installed. - Wood shear wall 5WY66 (See RFI 130) not connected to floorframing. Fill gap w/ 2x and connect to beam above per typical shearwall details.- Hold down plate washer extended beyond and under compressionpost at two locations at level 6. Shift compression post so that it bearson top plate. Add 2x stud next to compression post at floors belowwhere post has shifted above. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT FORM Report No. 1 Structural observation includes a visual observation of the structural system for general conformance to the approved construction documents at significant construction stage and at completion of the structural system. Structural observation does not include nor waive the responsibility for the inspections required by Section 108, 1701 or other sections of the building code. Project Page No. 2 of 2 Location Job No. Contractor Owner Date Time Structural Observer ITEMS NOTED: I DECLARE THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE: 1. I AM THE ENGINEER OF ARCHITECT RETAINED BY THE OWNER TO BE IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE FOR THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY 2. I, OR ANOTHER ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT WHO I HAVE DESIGNATED AND IS UNDER MY RESPONSIBLE CHARGE, HAS PERFORMED THE REQUIRED SITE VISITS AT EACH SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION STAGE TO VERIFY IF THE STRUCTURE IS IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS; 3. ALL NOTED DEFICIENCIES WHICH REMAIN TO BE CORRECTED HAVE BEEN INDICATED ABOVE; I RECOMMEND THAT ACCEPTANCE OF THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS BY THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY BE WITHHELD UNTIL ALL OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES ARE CORRECTED STAMP OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER OF RECORD Observation visits to the job site by representatives of the structural engineer do not include inspections of materials, means, methods, techniques, sequences and/or procedures. The support services furnished by the structural engineer are performed solely for the purpose of achieving conformance with the contract drawings and specifications and do not guarantee the contractor’s performance and shall not be construed as supervision of construction. Support services performed by representatives of the structural engineer shall be distinguished from continuous and/or detailed inspection services which are furnished by others. PREPARED BY: COPIES TO: SIGNATURE OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER S T RUC T U R A LS T A T E OF CA L I F O R N IA REGISTE R E D P ROFESSIONAL E N G I NEERCHUKWUMA GANIRU E K W U EMENo. S4416 Exp. 6/30/18 Snyder Langston S17077.00TT Chateau Group, USA 130 W. Huntington Dr, Arcadia, CA, 91007 12.13.2019 Chukwuma Ekwueme 1:30 pm 1. Hooks over banded tendons per repair detail need to be added. 6 20 Le Meridien Hotel 8 - Strap interrupted at roof corner. Refer to SSK-S8-1 and 2 for details where strap cannotbe installed due to floor step and joist framing direction.- Exterior building maintenance straps per 1/S8.60 interrupted at one side due to woodbeam location. Refer to SSK-S8-3 for detail showing twist strap to beam applicable to thislocation only.- Level 2 Meeting room concrete over metal deck corner unsupported. Refer to SSK-S8-4for detail showing angle supporting deck corner.- Level 2 concrete cores at storage room to be reviewed and addressed in an RFI.- Acceptable to shift stair angle support at concrete wall next bolt hole over for drywallinstallation. Laura Kim Observation visits to the job site by representatives of the structural engineer do not include inspections of materials, means, methods, techniques, sequences and/or procedures. The support services furnished by the structural engineer are performed solely for the purpose of achieving conformance with the contract drawings and specifications and do not guarantee the contractor’s performance and shall not be construed as supervision of construction. Support services performed by representatives of the structural engineer shall be distinguished from continuous and/or detailed inspection services which are furnished by others. PREPARED BY: COPIES TO: SIGNATURE OF STRUCTURAL OBSERVER ngineer shall be distinguished fr PROJECT: SUBJECT: DATE:REFERENCE:BY: SSK-S8-1 Le Meridien Drag connection at Roof LK 4/17/2020 SL O P E D N T O D R A I N AT 1_4" P E R F O O T SLO P E D N T O D AT 1_4" P E R F O O T ELEVATORS 245 SF HSKPG ELEC.ELEV #1 (3,500 LBS) ELEV #2 (3,500 LBS)SERVICE ELEV #3 (4,000 LBS) J3 J6 J1 B1 H2 B2 J5 B4 8 S8.50 A TYP AT EXTERIOR WALL 3B S8.50 H2 B8 B8 B8 B8 B2J1 2 J3 PER PLAN 4X BLK'G W/ CMST12 STRAP ABOVE SIMPSON HDU4- SDS2.5 w/ 10-1/4" x 2 1/2" SDS. LOCATE IN MIDDLE 1/3 OF BEAM AND BLK'G DEPTH A - PARTIAL LOW ROOF WOOD FRAMING PLAN SUBJECT: DATE:REFERENCE: PROJECT: BY: SSK-S8-2 Le Meridien Drag Connection at Roof LK 4/17/2020 4x BLK'G 4X JOIST PER PLAN 2X JOIST PER PLAN STRAP PER PLAN 3'-0" 3'-0" SIMPSON HDU4- SDS2.5 w/ 10-1/4" x 2 1/2" SDS. 2" PROJECT: SUBJECT: DATE:REFERENCE:BY: SSK-S8-3 Le Meridien Strap EBM Connection at intersecting beam 1/S8.60LK4/17/2020 K-1 329 SF HOUSEKEEPING / STORAGE QQ-3 377 SF MECH. SHAFT K−1 324 SF K−1 32" AFF 72" A 62 36 60" AFF 103" AFF 103" AFF 42" AFF T 32" AFF J SPSD 2" AFFJ 62" AFF 36" AFF TV QQ−3 372 Sf QQ−3 54" AFF TV32" AFF GFI 103" AFF103" AFF 60" AFF 42" AFF T 72" AFFJ TV SP SD J J J1 11 12 13 B4 B5 13' - 8" 13' - 2" 13' - 8" H1 H2 J6 J1 J5 B4 6X6 ABV J1 H1 B1 7x 1 1 - 1 / 4 P S L 6X12 DF NO 1 5-1/4x11-1/4 PSL STRAPS INTERRUPTED ON ONE SIDE BY 5 1/4 X 11 1/4" PSL BEAM SIMPSON MTS30C W/ 14 - 0.148: DIA 1 1/2" NAILS B - B - STRAPS PER 1/S8.60 PARTIAL SIXTH FLOOR FRAMING PLAN (RFI 76) PROJECT: SUBJECT: DATE:REFERENCE:BY: SSK-S8-4 Le Meridien Meeting room unsupported corner LK 4/17/2020 " T Y P 8 ' - 0 " W12X14 (4) W1 6 X 2 6 ( 1 6 ) L6X4X5/16 (LLV)2 ' - 0 " 2'-6" 1/4 1/41/4 CONNECT ANGLE TO BEAM PER 10/S7.21 ANGLE BEYOND PER PLAN PARTIAL LEVEL 2 MEETING ROOM ROOF PLAN C - C - W16X26 BEAM PER PLAN CONCRETE OVER METAL DECK PER PLAN