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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL PLANNING COMMISSION REORGANIZATION MOTION: To read the Resolutions by title only and waive reading the full text of the Resolutions. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON NON PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 5 minute time limit per person. All interested persons are invited to appear at the Public Hearing and to provide evidence or testimony concerning any of the proposed items set forth below for consideration. You are hereby advised that should you desire to legally challenge any action taken by the Planning Commission with respect to the proposed item for consideration, you may by limited to raising only those issues and objections, which you or someone else raises at or prior to the time of the Public Hearing. PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 7:00 P.M. Arcadia City Council Chambers 1. MODIFICATION NO. MP 09 -01 AND SINGLE FAMILY ARCHirI CTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. SFADR 09 -28 1735 Holly Avenue Sanyao International, Inc. (Designer) A new, two -story, 5,038 square -foot, "French Country" style residence that requires the following applications: 1. A Modification for a 66' -3" front yard setback as measured to the centerline of Holly Avenue in lieu of the minimum 70' -0" special setback; and 2. Single- Family Architectural Design Review. RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval There is a five working day appeal period. Appeals are to be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 30, 2009. 2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 09 -10 34 E. Huntington Drive Golden State Education Associates, Inc. Robert Granger (Lessee) A Conditional Use Permit for a tutoring center with eight (8) students in an existing 2,000 square -foot commercial space. RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval A Resolution reflecting the decision of the Planning Commission will be presented for adoption at the next Commission meeting. There is a five working day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission members regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the Planning Services office at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007, (626)574 -5423. PC AGENDA 6 -23-09 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 09 -12 5449 Peck Road Charles V. Palazzolo, dba C.A.R.S A Conditional Use Permit for an auto storage warehouse and yard on a 48,000 square -foot industrial -zoned lot. RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval A Resolution reflecting the decision of the Planning Commission will be presented for adoption at the next Commission meeting. There is a five working day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. CONSENT ITEM 4. PLANNING COMMISSION DETERMINATION Finding that the Capital Improvement Program for 2009 -2010 is consistent with the General Plan. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 1794 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia, California, denying Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09-05 for a 2,477 square -foot tutoring center with up to 30 students on the ground floor of an existing commercial and residential mixed -use development at 715 S. First Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt There is a five working day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. Appeals are to be filed by 5:30 p.m. on June 30, 2009. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 1795 A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia, California, approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -06 for an auto garage for the maintenance and storage of collectible vehicles in an existing 6,200 square -foot warehouse at 141 Santa Clara Street. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt There is a five working day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. Appeals are to be filed by 5:30 p.m. on June 30, 2009 7. MINUTES OF JUNE 9, 2009 RECOMMENDATION: Approve MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION MODIFICATION COMMITTEE AGENDA MATTERS FROM STAFF UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Conunission members regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the Planning Services office at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007, (626)574 -5423. PC AGENDA 6 -23 -09 PLANNING COMMISSION Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may request such modification or accommodation from the City Clerk at (626) 574 -5423. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting. Public Hearing Procedure 1. The public hearing is opened by the Chairman of the Planning Commission. 2. The Planning report is presented by staff. 3. Commissioners' questions relating to the Planning report may be answered at this time. 4. The applicant is afforded the opportunity to address the Commission. 5. Others in favor of the proposal are afforded the opportunity to address the Commission (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES). 6. Those in opposition to the proposal are afforded the opportunity to address the Commission (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES). 7. The applicant may be afforded the opportunity for a brief rebuttal (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES). 8. The Commission closes the public hearing. 9. The Commission members may discuss the proposal at this time. 10. The Commission then acts on the proposal and either approves, approves with conditions or modifications, denies the application, or continues it to a certain date. 11. Following the Commission's action on Conditional Use Permits and Variances, a resolution reflecting the decision of the Planning Commission is prepared for adoption by the Commission. (There is a five working day appeal period after the adoption of the resolution). 12. Following the Commission's action on Modifications and Design Reviews, there is a five working day appeal period. 13. Following the Commission's review of Zone Changes, Text Amendments and General Plan Amendments, the Commission's comments and recommendations are forwarded to the City Council for the Council's consideration at a scheduled public hearing. 14. Following the Commission's action on Tentative Tract Maps and Tentative Parcel Maps (subdivisions) there is a ten calendar day appeal period. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission members regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the Planning Services office at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007, (626)574 -5423. PC AGENDA 6 -23-09 June 23, 2009 TO: Arcadia Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Steven Lee, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Modification Application No. MP 09 -01 and Single Family Architectural Design Review Application No. SFADR 09 -28 for a new two -story, 5,038 square -foot, "French Country" style residence at 1735 Holly Avenue SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a Modification for a 66' -3" front yard setback as measured to the centerline of Holly Avenue in lieu of the minimum 70' -0" special setback required for a new two -story, 5,038 square -foot single family residence. Concurrent with the Modification, the applicant is requesting Architectural Design Review approval for the proposed "French Country" style residence. The Development Services Department is recommending approval of MP 09 -01 and SFADR 09 -28 subject to the conditions listed on page 4 of this staff report. GENERAL INFORMATION STAFF REPORT Development Services Department APPLICANT: Sanyao International Inc. (Designer) LOCATION: 1735 Holly Avenue REQUEST: A new two -story, 5,038 square -foot, "French Country" style residence that requires the following applications: 1. A Modification for a 66' -3" front yard setback as measured to the centerline of Holly Avenue in lieu of the minimum 70' -0" special setback (9320.39.1) 2. Single Family Architectural Design Review SITE AREA: 12,495 square feet (0.29 acres) FRONTAGES: 101.79 feet along Holly Avenue 115.61 feet along Sharon Road EXISTING LAND USE: The site is currently developed with a 1,466 square -foot, single story residence, a detached garage, and a pool. ZONING: R -1 7,500 Second One Family Zone with a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Single Family Residential at 0 -6 dwelling units per acre SURROUNDING LAND USES ZONING: The surrounding properties are developed with single family residences and are zoned R -1 7,500 and R -0 15,000. BACKGROUND This proposal is before the Planning Commission because Section 9252.2.11 of the Arcadia Municipal Code requires that any side, front, or rear yard setback Modification request for a new dwelling and /or rebuild shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission. PUBLIC HEARING NOTIFICATION Public hearing notices of MP 09 -01 and SFADR 09 -28 were mailed on June 12, 2009 to the property owners, tenants and occupants of those properties that are within 100 feet of the subject property (see attached radius map). Because staff considers the proposed project exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the public hearing notice was not published in the Arcadia Weekly newspaper. PROPOSAL AND ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing single family residence, garage, and pool to make .way for a new 5,038 square -foot, two -story residence. The proposal requires a Modification because the proposed residence is set back only 66' -3" from the centerline of Holly Avenue 3' -9" Tess than the required 70' -0" special setback (Arcadia Municipal Code Section 9320.39.1). There is no special setback for Sharon Road and the project complies with all other zoning regulations. MP 09 -01 SFADR 09 -28 1735 Holly Avenue June 23, 2009 page 2 Special setbacks are required by Code to allow for future street widening dedications but also to ensure neighborhood compatibility. The City Engineer has reviewed the proposal and has no objections to the requested setback Modification as there are no plans to widen Holly Avenue. To show that the proposal is compatible with the neighborhood, the applicant has provided the setback measurements of all the homes along Holly Avenue between Las Tunas Drive and Duarte Road. The setbacks, as measured to the property line, range from 10' -0" to 44' -0 with most homes set back approximately 25' -0" from Holly Avenue. The requested 66' -3" setback as measured to the centerline of the street results in a 36' -3" setback when measured to the front property line. Therefore, the setback request is compatible with the neighborhood and, in fact, exceeds the setback of most existing homes along Holly Avenue. Additionally, the proposed residence complies with the regular front yard setback requirement for the R -1 zone. Pursuant to Arcadia Municipal Code Section 9252.2.2, the front yard setback shall be no less than the average of the two nearest developed lots which in this case is exactly 36' -3 Given that the proposed setback complies with the R -1 front yard setback requirement and is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood, staff believes approval of this Modification would secure an appropriate improvement and promote uniformity of development. Architectural Design Although the proposed residence is larger than most of the homes in the neighborhood, staff believes the reduced second story floor area and significant building articulation help to mitigate the mass and scale of the structure. Furthermore, staff has worked with the applicant to simplify the architectural style of the house to be more compatible with the modest Ranch -style homes that dominate the neighborhood. Finally, wrought -iron fencing and landscaping have been incorporated to reduce the blank wall impact of the 6' -0" -high enclosure along the Sharon Road street side property line. In staff's opinion, the design of the residence meets the intent of the City's Single Family Residential Design Guidelines and is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. CODE REQUIREMENTS The proposed project is required to comply with all other code requirements and policies as determined to be necessary by the Building Official, Fire Marshal, City Engineer, Development Services Director, and Public Works Services Director, which are to be determined by having fully detailed construction plans submitted for plan check review and approval. CEQA Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Development Services Department has determined that the proposed project is categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section No. 15305 of the CEQA MP 09 -01 SFADR 09 -28 1735 Holly Avenue June 23, 2009 page 3 Guidelines as a Class 5 Exemption for Minor Alterations of Land Use Limitations. A Preliminary Exemption Assessment is attached. RECOMMENDATION The Development Services Department recommends approval of Modification Application No. MP 09 -01 and Single- Family Architectural Design Review Application No. SFADR 09 -28, subject to the following conditions: 1. All City requirements regarding building safety, fire prevention, detection, suppression, emergency access, parking, water supply and water facilities, sewer facilities, trash reduction and recycling requirements, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) measures shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Fire Marshal, Public Works Services Director and Development Services Director. Compliance with these requirements is to be determined by having fully' detailed construction plans submitted for plan check review and approval. 2. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and /or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 3. Approval of MP 09 -01 and SFADR 09 -28 shall not take effect until the applicant and property owner have executed and filed an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of the conditions of approval, and that all conditions of approval shall be satisfied prior to final inspection of the project. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval The Planning Commission should move to approve Modification No. MP 09 -01 and SFADR 09 -28, subject to the conditions set forth above, or as modified by the Commission, based on at least one of the following findings: MP 09 -01 SFADR 09 -28 1735 Holly Avenue June 23, 2009 page 4 1. That the Modification will secure an appropriate improvement of a lot; 2. That the Modification will prevent unreasonable hardship; or 3. That the Modification will promote uniformity of development. Denial If the Planning Commission intends to deny this project, the Commission should move to deny Modification No. MP 09 -01 and /or SFADR 09 -28, based on the evidence presented and state why the project does not support the above findings. If any Planning Commissioner or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the June 23, 2009 public hearing, please contact Steven Lee, Assistant Planner at (626) 574 -5444 or via 'email at slee( ci. arcadia.ca.us. Approved by: Jim K ommunity Development Administrator Attachments: Aerial Photograph and Vicinity Map Site and Neighborhood Photographs Architectural Plans Holly Avenue Setback Measurements Public Hearing Notification Radius Map Preliminary Exemption Assessment MP 09 -01 SFADR 09 -28 1735 Holly Avenue June 23, 2009 page 5 Development Services Department Engineering Division Prepared by: R.S.Gonzelez, June 2009 1735 Holly Avenue MP 09.01 SFADR 09-28 (433) (430) on (422) R r�Yrw (424) on Development Services Department Engineering Division Prepared by: R.S.Gonzelez, June 2009 (418) R -1 (417) SHARON RD (410) (411) 144 011Y o 160 (1717) (1725) (1745) O (1751) W r Q r (1740) (379) (369) (380) (379) (380) (370) (370) R -0 (369) 1735 Holly Avenue MP 09 -01 SFADR 09 -28 (368) (36, (36 (3i Subject property Adjacent residence to the south Adjacent residence to the west Nearby home on Holly Avenue Nearby home on HoIIy Avenue Nearby home on HoIIy Avenue Nearby home on Sharon Road Nearby home on Sharon Road 0 050L ifl bx91 i•t Yffn •90015 00'•IP•O+Y0005 00 0 0 1 0 .0'] six 60 •••Id 1 '3NI1VN011YNN3INI OVANVS ANUS v3 vlav3av •3AVAlIOH SELL 3Sf1OH AIINIVA 3IJNIS c rgio 1; dim 91 0. '9a LL 1 1 1k i� I k t 0 4 tt R R 111 pp 3 1 1 1 1!111:1{!!!! 1[ k k k 6 1 HOLLY AVE 1 10 0000 ®®G'U 0 nrw�-- fit;' N il !fig 5 41113 Iwo i pp u 1 RiJ.RmA I II a! Tot 41° tr ti 11111 11 I ME till 0:0:0;:0:•:.:.:•:•:•:•:.:.:•:•\ ea*. d \\00000000 e a 1 z z 5 0 0 L a 2 0 O60t•9H (9x9) xa.9 /09•9Y/ (9x9)1.1 Y'9' V3'.IP "90 eyw8 .5„ '3NI 1VNOI1YNa31NI OVAN V S V3 'VIOVONV '3AVAT1OH 9£LI. 3Sf1OH AIIIW 13MONIS L a 0 080LNM(90)•.4• t /08•9rt (I Pl yrn '900L6 V3 Vip..V 1103B'10 ••1D •IU.6'3 L96 B••••dl•PU•pp•y 3NI 1YNOI1VN2131N1 OV &NVS vo 'vlavoav '3AV A'TIOH S£L6 3S11OH A1IWV 13'1ONIS N B 'CC 1 O.ONL.t (.Lel ..d SMas.. (u9)1.1 'Y'S'n Y00t. YQ 1IP.�r'OOLN'76 2gn S SOL Bop .b •11.01.41 uvNa�Nl 01dANtIS �NI 1VNO V0 'VIGV3HV '3AVA11OH SSL4 3SI1OH AIIINVI 310NIS 1 .wc deoeyw boas) ma o.oe.' P. Ys ro'.op..•tl .00 wrio .WW a oa oul•••I41•11..P1.5 'OM 1VNOUNNIMINI OVANVS va 'vlavaav '3AV ATIOH S£1 L 3Sf1OH A1IWtld MONIS 1 1 a 7 ROSEMARIE DR 10' 0''\ 32'-TO LOS ALTOS AVE 15' 0''\ 17' -07 PALM DR /15' -0" 20' 26' —O" WARREN WAY 16 0 WOODRUFF AVE /20' -0" rod 20' -0" LAS TUNAS DR SHARON RD SUBJ. PR.P\ 22' 0? 30'76 33' -0" 25'70 15'70 3 -0" SHARON RD LEMON AVE WISTARIA AVE LAS FLORES AVE -0" OA 1 -0" LONGDEN AVE /2q' -0" 2+' 0" WALNUT AVE /17' -6" k%;% CORNER LOT OR REVERSE CORNER LOT 0 HOLLY AVE. (STREET YARD SETBACK MEASURE) (BETWEEN DUARTE RD. LAS TUNAS DR.) CHURCH PROPERTY 19' 6" LEROY AVE 25' -0" 18' 6"'\ 22' -6" r,;,, ..2, WINNIE WAY DUARTE RD W J 0 x SCHOOL PROPERTY LEROY AVE 0" NAOMI AVE /3 CAMINO REAL AVE 'T MEASURE 2 -0" NORMAN AVE /41' —O" /jj Ore SUE MORENO ._J 0/Tle i r (626) 350 -5944 OWNERSHIP I OCCUPANTS LIST RADIUS MAPS LAND USE PLANS MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE CONSULTING 2106 LAMBERT AVE.EL MONTE, CA 91732 -FAX(626)350-1532 PROJECT INFORMATION 1735 HOLLY AVE. ARCADIA, CA. 09 -107 SCALE 1" 100' 5 eh Nt: pry. O4I 1 80 Z '43.78 ,490 4 it I 5/.41 Ri 390 R °330 /05 P� 60.41 71 13/.4/ 60.4/ 55.06 /3 3.24 i2,-;veto 0. 71.66 /00 99.95 9995 9.9.95 23 Por. ti ti /D0 SHARON 1 389 °0743 iN. M 24 ti Po r. /Oo 39.98 19 99.98 t e 0 1 9 Par D. 47-'A 1. Name or description of project: 4. Staff Determination: PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) Single- Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 09 -28 and Modification No. MP 09 -01 for a 66' -3" front yard setback as measured to the centerline of Holly Avenue in lieu of the minimum 70' -0" special setback required for a new two -story 5,038 square -foot "French Country" style residence. 2. Project Location Identify street address and cross streets or attach a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15' or 7'/' topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 1735 Holly Avenue (at Sharon Road) 3. Entity or person undertaking project: A. City of Arcadia B. Other (Private) (1) Name: Sanvao International Inc. (2) Address: 255 E. Santa Clara St. #200 Arcadia, CA 91006 (3) Phone: (626) 446 -8048 The City's Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the City's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. The project is a Ministerial Project. c. The project is an Emergency Project. d. The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 5 Section No.: 15305 f. The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: Section No.: g. The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: June 12, 2009 Staff: Steven Lee, Assistant Planner June 23, 2009 TO: Arcadia Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Thomas Li, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -10, and the related Parking Modification, to operate a tutoring center with a maximum of eight (8) students in an existing commercial building at 34 E. Huntington Drive SUMMARY Mr. Robert Granger of Golden State Education Associates, Inc. submitted Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -10 to operate a tutoring center at 34 E. Huntington Drive. It is staff's opinion that the limited proposal is appropriate for the location and will not have any adverse impacts upon the neighboring properties. The Development Services Department is recommending approval of CUP 09 -10, and the related Parking Modification, subject to the conditions in this staff report. GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: SITE AREA: FRONTAGES: Mr. Robert Granger (Lessee, dba: Golden State Education Associates, Inc. Chyten Educational Services) 34 E. Huntington Drive A Conditional Use Permit to operate a tutoring center with a maximum of eight students in an existing 2,250 square -foot commercial space 7,340 square feet (0.17 acre) 50 feet along Huntington Drive 50 feet along an alley STAFF REPORT Development Services Department EXISTING LAND USE ZONING: The site is developed with a one -story, 4,500 square -foot commercial building constructed in 1927 and is zoned CBD Central Business District SURROUNDING LAND USES ZONING: N o rt h Commercial Offices and Retail zoned CBD South: Multiple Family Dwellings zoned R -3 East: Commercial Offices and Retail zoned CBD West: Beauty Salon zoned CBD GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial PUBLIC HEARING NOTIFICATION Public hearing notices of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -10 were mailed on June 12, 2009 to the property owners, tenants and occupants of those properties that are within 300 feet of the subject property (see the attached radius map). Because staff considers the proposed project exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the public hearing notice was not published in the Arcadia Weekly newspaper. PROPOSAL AND ANALYSIS The proposal is to operate a tutoring center that would occupy a 2,250 square -foot unit of an existing two -unit, 4,500 square -foot commercial building at 34 E. Huntington Drive. A tutoring center is a permitted use in the CBD Central Business District zone with an approved conditional use permit. The students will be of middle school and high school age, with a maximum attendance of eight (8) students at any time. Tutoring sessions will occur mostly on a one -on -one basis with occasional group practice testing sessions. The tutoring and practice -test taking will occur during the hours of 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends. Administrative office hours will be from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. There will be a maximum of eight (8) part-time instructors and not more than one (1) administrative employee at any time. The 2,250 square -foot commercial unit will be remodeled to provide eight (8) private tutoring rooms, an administrative office, a lobby, and a test taking room that will be used for occasional group practice testing. This room will not be used during private tutoring sessions, and attendance will not exceed a maximum of eight (8) students at any time. Parking There are ten (10) on -site parking spaces accessible from a rear alley, and one (1) space in the City's public parking lot is allotted to this property. The 2,250 square foot space for the proposed tutoring center was previously occupied by a printing shop, and the other 2,250 square -foot space is occupied by a beauty salon. By Code, these uses required a total of 23 parking spaces. Therefore, there was a legal- nonconforming parking deficiency of 12 spaces. For a tutorial center with students of driving age, the Code requires one (1) parking space per employee plus one (1) space for every three (3) students. Under this regulation, the proposed tutoring center with a maximum of eight (8) students and nine (9) employees would require 12 parking spaces. In combination with the beauty salon in the other 2,250 square -foot space, the total parking requirement is 23 spaces. The proposed tutoring center does not change the parking requirement from that of the prior occupancies. The proposed tutoring center will not increase the legal- nonconforming parking deficiency of 12 spaces; however, because the use is changing, a Parking Modification of 11 spaces in lieu of 23 spaces is being requested in conjunction with the Conditional Use Permit. The applicant states in the proposal that the employees will use the City's public parking lot on the north side of Huntington Drive in order to make the on -site parking available for customers. In this case, only three (3) on -site parking spaces would be needed for the students of the tutoring center. In order to alleviate the demand for the on -site parking, staff recommends a condition of approval requiring that all employees park their vehicles in the City parking lot. The applicant has stated that in the student's registration packet, it will be specified that all drop -off and pick -up of students is to be performed in the rear parking area, and that it is illegal to double -park on Huntington Drive. Staff recommends that there be a condition of approval that requires that a draft of the drop -off and pick -up agreement that is to be signed by the clients be subject to City review and approval. Given the limited number of students, and the proposed parking arrangement for the employees, the proposed tutoring center should not have any adverse impact upon the neighboring businesses. It is staff's opinion that the proposal would satisfy all the prerequisite conditions for a Conditional Use Permit. CODE REQUIREMENTS All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, parking and site design shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director. CUP 09 -10 34 E. Huntington Dr. June 23, 2009 Page 3 CEQA Proposed projects that are not approved, are by virtue of being denied, exempt from any further environmental assessment. If approved, however, and if it is determined that this project involves negligible or no expansion of the use of the property, then this project is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301. A Preliminary Exemption Assessment has been prepared and is attached to this staff report. FINDINGS Section 9275.1.2 of the Arcadia Municipal Code requires that for a Conditional Use Permit to be granted, it must be found that all of the following prerequisite conditions can be satisfied: 1. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. 2. That the use applied for at the location indicated is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. 3. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping, and other features required to adjust said use with the land and uses in the neighborhood. 4. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. RECOMMENDATION The Development Services Department recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -10, subject to the following conditions: 1. There shall be no more than eight (8) students and nine (9) employees at any one time at the tutoring center. 2. The tutoring and practice -test taking sessions shall occur during the hours of 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekends. 3. All employees of the tutoring center shall park in the City's public parking lot. CUP 09 -10 34 E. Huntington Dr. June 23, 2009 Page 4 4. The tutoring center shall prepare an agreement to be signed by its clients that states that the clients acknowledge and accept the requirement that all pick- ups and drop -offs are to be done at the on -site parking area to the rear of the tutoring center. A draft of this agreement shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the Development Services Director or designee prior to occupancy. 5. The tutoring center shall be operated and maintained in a manner that is consistent with the proposal and plans submitted and approved for Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -10. 6. A Parking Modification for 11 spaces (ten (10) on -site spaces and one (1) space in the City's public parking lot) in lieu of 23 spaces is granted for this tutoring center and the existing beauty salon /retail use. This Parking Modification does not constitute an approval for a general reduction of the parking requirements for the subject property, but rather only for the tutoring center that is herein conditionally approved and the existing retail use. Uses other than this tutoring center and /or retail use may be subject to a new Conditional Use Permit and /or Parking Modification. 7. All City code requirements regarding accessibility, fire protection, occupancy, and safety shall be complied with to the satisfaction of Building Services and the Fire Department. 8. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -10 shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of any approvals, which could result in the closing of the tutoring center. 9. Approval of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -10 shall not take effect until the property owner(s) and applicant have executed and filed an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate acknowledgement and acceptance of these conditions of approval. 10. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and /or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own CUP 09 -10 34 E. Huntington Dr. June 23, 2009 Page 5 attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval If the Planning Commission intends to approve this proposal, the Commission should move to approve Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -10, state the supporting findings; and direct staff to prepare a resolution incorporating the Commission's decision, specific determinations and findings, and the conditions of approval for adoption at the next meeting. Denial If the Planning Commission intends to deny this proposal, the Commission should move to deny Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -10, state the finding(s) that the proposal does not satisfy, and direct staff to prepare a resolution incorporating the Commission's decision and specific findings for adoption at the next meeting. If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the June 23rd public hearing, please contact Associate Planner, Thomas Li at (626) 574 -5447, or tli @ci.arcadia.ca.us. Approved by: Jim ,4ama Community Development Administrator Attachments: Aerial Photo Vicinity Map with Zoning Information 300 -foot Radius Map Site Plan Proposed Floor Plan Photos of Subject Property Preliminary Exemption Assessment Applicant's Information CUP 09 -10 34 E. Huntington Dr. June 23, 2009 Page 6 MN 34 E Huntington Dr Arcadia cBD, Zone Development Services Depa►tment Engineering Division Prepared by: R.S.Gonzalez, June 2009 34 E Huntington Drive CUP 09 -10 t I (20) (1345) (17.19) (21) (25) (50) (41) (103) (101) (51) (55) (21) PR -3 (30) R -3 CBD 2 CBD (25.27) (o) (5.7) (941) (31-35) t (16) (20) (26) (34) (38) (50) (54) (103) (101) nom+) (51) (10) (18) C BD CBD 2 (o) (55) (59) (69 (105) (107) (112) (111) (14) (16) (18-22) (26) (30) 1 8- 38A-38 I) (52) (54) (51) (10) (18) C BD CBD 2 i rm (15) (19) (11) (23) (25) (19) 9 (51) (18) (13) CBD J (o) (55) (59) (69 100 0 100 200 Feet L (31) 1 1 1 1 1 1 J WHEELER ST (65) J C HUNTINGTON DR HUNTINGTON DR. ALTA ST ALTA ST Development Services Department Engineering Division Prepared 6y: R.S.Gonzalez, June 2009 (115) (125) (1731 34 E Huntington Drive CUP 09 -10 WHET (40.50) (26 -28) (20-22) (8-10) (2) (30) (114) 118 124 (102) AL' I!S S0 70 40 78 I4 3 r, 35 v. 33 h yep air 1 R I 2 ME IS IK 't0 50 60 1614 51 50 30 b 78 fI 78 I4 04 al 33 h yep air 4 elf ME IS /IN ore SUE MORE (626)350-5944 OWNERSHIP OCCUPANTS LIST RADIUS MAPS LAND USE PLANS MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE CONSULTING. 12106 LAMBERT AVE.EL MONTE, CA 91732 -FAX(626)350-1 PARS OP LOT 3 PL .s O too' v 1 1 9 1 a 'G 107g If0 o WHEELER 100' PROJECT INFORMATION 34 E. HUNTINGTON DR. ARCADIA, CA. 09 -095 RILND 2415 P.M.B. 34.44 a 2 LK. 28 7/ Q 7 �I 8 g ar v AVE >w YL 2s, M �y $6 69 RA a r -ad°1 sa 4..• j O. r s 3 '!I 10 11 12 Io I 5e M S0 SCALE 1" 200' SANTA ANITA I- IUNTINGTON PARKWAY SIDEWALK S r 22i_, i1 22 ,,f t g� CV ALLEY 34 E. Is imA SCALE B /g■ k ao z 7k§ o o e m §2 §b 2 a E $K ƒ§ §a °77 S� :6, m\ a k R k E§# o» tu u g: 4' 3 �Bf g «e§�a k Ike w0 k§ HVEgE -m m 0 0 -Jk�� OD �j ct min oa� �k kkfE f woz og j .0 wK o /,l- 2. 5 1 Baron :fc'?eaness 34 E. Huntington Dr. 1. Name or description of project: PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -10 to operate a tutoring center with a maximum of eight (8) students in an existing 2,250 square -foot commercial space. 2. Project Location Identify street address and cross streets or attach a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15' or 7%z' topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 34 E. Huntington Drive between Santa Anita Avenue to the west and First Avenue to the east 3. Entity or person undertaking project: A. City of Arcadia B. Other (Private) (1) Name: Robert Granger (2) Address: 806 N. Garsden Avenue Covina, CA 91724 4. Staff Determination: (3) Phone: (626) 757 -8201 The City's Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the City's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. The project is a Ministerial Project. c. The project is an Emergency Project. d. The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 1 Section No.: 15301 f. The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: Section No.: g. The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: June 10, 2009 Staff: Tom Li, Associate Planner R edsto ne s MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Department FROM Carole Walker DATE: May 1, 2009 RE: Conditional Use Permit 34 East Huntington Drive I am enclosing an information packet and a letter from Chyten explaining their history and services. Also, I am enclosing information necessary for obtaining a C.U.P. The quality and types of Tenants along East Huntington Drive have greatly improved. Chyten would be another quality Tenant in that area. Pictures of their current facilities show a professionally designed interior conducive to a learning environment. One of Chyten's main goals is to be good neighbors and to abide by regulations of the City's in which they locate. Parking for these facilities have never been an issue in Chyten's other locations. Their employees will park in the City public parking area on the north side of Huntington. The other parking at the rear of the building shall be for students that drive to the location and for pick-up and drop off of the other students brought by parents. In their registration packet, Chyten will specify that all students dropped off shall be at the rear of the building and also advise prospective parents and students not to double park on Huntington Drive. They have eight one on one tutoring rooms and a testing area which are not used at the same time. If testing is being administered, there is no tutoring planned. Chyten's choices of locations are well thought out and planned. Arcadia was chosen for it's demographics and parent involvement in the student educational process with regard to higher education. The owner of the building, Faye Stabler, who has owned the building for 33 years would like to have Chyten as a Tenant. She is asking the staff and planning commission to consider this use for her building and that the findings through the Conditional Use Process will be favorable. For any questions or concerns, please contact Carole Walker, Redstone Commercial Real Estate At 626- 795 -2255 office or 626- 255 -0100 cell. 301 North Lake Avenue, Suite 810, Pasadena, California 91101 626- 795 -2255 SUBJECT PROPERTY 34 E. Huntington Drive Arcadia, California TABLE OF CONTENTS I SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING BUSINESSES a) Aerial View b) Pictures of Subject Property c) Plat Map II BUILDING INFORMATION a) Site Plan b) "As Built" Plan c) Proposed Plan III CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION IV PICTURES OF CHYTENS CURRENT LOCATIONS V CHYTEN BOOKLET AND LETTER North Arcadia Public Parkin 0 .r y 0 as b 0 SCALE 50 0 •0 10. ET O 0 Public. Walkwa Subject Property 34 E. Huntington Drive Arcadia, California Open Walkway Under Construction Cross location looking South to North At common walkway Crosswalk looking from West to East Crosswalk located West of subject property 34 E. Huntington Drive Arcadia, California Public Walkway looking North to South to Huntington Drive Crosswalk looking North to South Public Walkway from City Parking, looking South to North City Public Parking area on North side of Huntington Drive 1903 AVER x' 0.1 t 66 66 21, 1173 ti N ti 141 1 g I a 66 66 3 9 140 0 I w 8 8 I I I 1 Cross Walk 80 p 1 .�„r— 60 66 I N 0•o0`16•E 180,04 I H C -TRACT NO 53 939 SHEET 3 M B 1292 23.24 160,03 N —1 80 g SANTA A VITA 160 cri co -4® CO 0 160 C -P M ��9734- Mcoo6SHEE J 8 A 160 moo 0 jO N N 81ST w J W I 6. 50 66 a- 16 92 a 8 8 w' 35 I 2 60 O 60 8 8 8 0 0 ®is 1 ®iu I. ®0 1. CAN N O gi i re; 18 CAM S Ht 116 Il! as 36 Oi sM 66 55 38 I AVER i I sn fp fp 0 1ST ti SANTA ANITA AVE. AVE.Z 1 22' SIDEWALK a f I T ID NUNTINGTON PARKWAY 3.4 E. ALLEY Eb°A;••;.,...:1 k 6 1 ƒ x to) 3 y W F- 0 wm§/ k w8�3 e$ K m o- m gkmm 288SW z $e 8ee Wou.xo 2 z I k,_ Q s �z am a m iiiii 2 yG f 4E> 3 6 0 0 c §E O Ld a C) a CL 4T cnƒ§tn_ /R KuF 0,0„,00 u a WSWO<W §§«s =&w¥ LOW N co 1 A Co 0 .J W z 1- MO0 ce �o CL OL W n 0 31 IK F %0 O Z o F-O t a m S U H I <P D ...1 0 O tn CnMQ Z W F-p a l -CY a' rn 1 M w o La al HZ o RR ON <ZM ti A 3 0 LI d 0 x R N y o wt gE X Z 0 1 Z IAJ Q R 0 O Vj� a~ w IX 0 Z O 2 w u 0 CO 0 o2 d F Q II g O *0 m 1- 84_2 tn E ktl LJ W Q p w l i 1 im 4a� a te 0_ 2 a5 f- Q La F- W' Z 0 Q W Q W X J CC WI.i0O 2 h Q,Z .ix ceLuX.. tiW V•,�� 30 Fy ❑�Qq 2 0 a g z Z oa qHO 1 4 al Z W cICXIF �k+ lk 006 f.iP LL'ZWZ W�JA RWa 2W O U O t[ l7 -1 W F- F- 1.- 0 (i 4 CL a rol Cli— L �W 1WZ,�Z MR' vt�... cl c 2 r r LAI y N y --NM.* no ri 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820506 CAS SBD PAGE 02/10 te CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION CUP k APPLICANT INFORMATION Name (Dtd6,v S14 tE EIvC4 ho• Cs i/E 2c. iQoi l` (rn.4. c, cs/ Address f?D C AA 4as dew A ✓_c. (A 9 72 D a y t i m e T e l e p h o n e No. 2 7 7 g 2 0 InteiestinProperty ieccoc B. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name FAyE 8. $r146 -it 7 i s f Address (11 S. Oa 4/ uF 81vd. t'�lS�ahw.w CAF fi /0f Daytime Telephone No. C41104 GJrr L kPi 6 C Z fr O /00 a4 k eK a coh1 C. PROPERTY ADDRESS (LOCATION): 3 Y E'. Nvovb ry Ae D naG4D (4 C4 5VOD. D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: /Wiz oodzar 27000 Jr offs E s fo4CC i Ai 1 144.104. ftfl"neLrr*t /trr y s vo f �'r ,Ffrco r'3vr`I.6.47 E. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: F. ZONE CLASSIFICATION: C 60 G. Proposed Use (State exactly what use is inoended for the property. Wyatt ace applying for an eating establishment, restaurant, or place of assembly, include the seating capacity and hours of operation) e t r ✓tD41;5 A, 11:4. r Jagj L PA+r.4�i0.. 441E- Al A d/4 c.�Eoa .f h' L sei.o1 Du e#,Ile14 y�Lid Ad r.�.vtsf%zf�► 4#ii 9.'30...., /-n 30 I�VrLE Jf #7,.y+A.rr�� e)Ge1 4 s c„„„, 3;OO fy st900 .e f 1 'O y s .e/J ./`nn.N 9 eV) Oar to 1 eras o .v w�o.sk4•v a�f ,4pp tolrr rot I L W4 y pot o� r ti f to.:,.. 11 L r-,� �►l daE o,v,o,✓� a.v5 favcfrp...• 7 4 ws 1 y`leG���r2 rvr6 �eLw4/5 6� g,..i 1 ,gt" S 4 fF .4‘,4/ wee) k,F.t. tag h,.It /F .H,fft ►w. 0. 6"f sri,44.v1f .cT 4 MY o,,, 'es E Plo> 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820506 CAS SBD PAGE 03/10 PREREQUISITE CONDITIONS: (The law requires that the conditions set forth below be dearly established before a conditional use permit cm be granted.) EXPLAIN IN DETAIL WHEREIN YOUR CASE CONFORMS TQ THE FOLLOWING FIVE CONDmONS: I. That the granting of such conditional use permit will mot be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injudous to the property or improvaQnents in such zone of vicinity. C frytr<N rive 4 i%t 7 vs 4 5 E4 6 COI YU, A .krF S'c4001 ,,.g, b� si400L stwdtvts e., 4 e ttg 4 rt esvLt we .atta40/ "Cy r�} iL Iv ri t .tt• jr t r .E�. d ft'',d .s ?o ay. Cg...feAr The a Edin 44,41 seeed6...io 5ESVC fAtoeiche wr dL �e f Poiiri i S s f*o,.. t'e tiff Ceti bt4 Ft m F ,4,? a 4dair 2. That the use applied for at the location indicted is one for which a conditional use permit is authorized. 3. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use, including all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loafing, land- seaping and oohed features required to adjust said use with the land mid uses in the neighborhood 74 c..r c..t r �1`" 3 y d_ Hv 1- o••r DA_ is how t l h1 A (h y t�.) r r *'tr*, row fJ.�. o /IC 4 /AG'ofor40 Awl' ,fnr of EJrpoi vA F 444 r-Alie FY S t�ry era a l A 4 s ..401.../1:414 L d a,. ,CJ tb 4eecmM ov, vse_ 4I/bavyl4 1' F S" fmcir:..• ,•ma 17-44! L £ffy 4,04sf T. r ✓hCc.pssk.. ,c".4 rie �a fw"� st *icfO4 ay.d.f+4 ,:•1yro.N/ .4. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate m width and pavement type to carry the kind p 0 of traffic generated by the proposed use. toe ski' eep off'^ A 34 E H....l D.t. f MbI.z T444. ...../grvot F04 the 4 4 1X a yw....c4.41e1 L y Ch CAppesf• di.chtte PPElI Lan. r4 AAA/W. tie 44 Fe 44 firs!'/,osrp s.40.4 4 7 ✓f•.vaFttff' i.v r44/ AsFAVksfre ?Of e+I' ovlt. ltawcA? rs ..ve/• f /t+iJ a.. 1 t vfoa.::, %L% yi ar Ate 4.4%u94h.v' 4 4,41c.• ve o f e- d �Fiv m stvdfs if .fin. r dere ri•40., 5. That the granting of such oonditioad use permit will not adversely affect the com- prehensive General Plan. NOTE: The PlAni ung Commission is required by law to make a written finding of facts, based upon the information presented at the time of the public hearing, that beyond a reasonable doubt the five above enumerated caQdiliens apply. 10 /01/07 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820506 APPLICANT(SY VERIFICATION I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY (OR DECLARE) UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE FOREGOING INFORMATION AND ATTACHED OWNERSHIP LIST ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURES: CAS SBD PAGE 04/10 Applicant f" 6' 10. G-4acdr, ,4 Co ✓t s, CA /72 Address include street, city, state and zip code) Applicant (if more than one) Address (include street, city, state and zip code) P #;d4ef Telephone No. G 2-e 7 57 Fl 2 0 Tdephonc No. r 1.4 '.lI i" MekAak' /rr: 111 11 ;4 J' .1 rt.. kW, Owns c record (signature) 1 1 ,/t1/ t o s t f err sw i� 2 l l OS Address (mdude street state and zip c ode Owner of record (if more than one) Address (include street, city, state and zip code) Telephone No. i L• Telephone No. FQ OFI+TCE USE ONLY QCOMPLETED APP. ()SIGNATURES QREDUCED PLANS QPLANS ELEV OEM DOC. 42 $50 CHECKS (OFFICE OF THE. COUNTY CLERK) ()RADIUS MAP ()LABELS INCLUDING 1 FOR ALL INTERESTED PARTIES (LABELS FOR APPLICANT, OWNER, ENGINEER AND/Olt ARCHITECT (5 SETS) Received by Receipt No. Date 10 /01107 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820506 CAS SBD PAGE 05/10 VONPITTONAL'USE PERIIrjIT 4PPLICATION EMINCLIBMIUNIZESAMMEMISZIM Incomplete applications will not be accepted for filing. If it is determined atiter an application is filed that further internalise Is necessary; said bearing will not be scheduled until such time as the application is deemed to be complete. Tb�e following are required for filing: 1. Completed application form 2. Envirownernal Information form 3. Filing fee a, In addition to the filing foe, ftolingagestech in the amount of $50.00 payable to the Los Angles County Recorder, are required at the time of the Ming. Because the Office of the County Clerk will not accept any checks that are over 90 -days, please date your $50 checks, the date of the anticipated public hearing. This will cos= that the County will not return your check to Planning, thus, delaying the recordation of the documents. These fees are charged by the County for the filing of the "Public Hearing Notice/Notice of Indent" and "Notice of Determination/Certificate of Pee Exemption" for your project Your project is not operative, vested, or final until the handling fee is paid to the Canty and the documents are filed. If the project is denied, the above mentioned check will be returned to you 5. A 300 foot radius map The $00 foot radius mop accompanying the application must be a dark line print or ink tracing, correctly prepared. It mush show each lot within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of he property involved (including those lots within adjacent cities and county). Each lot must be consecutively numbered to correspond to the property owners list as explained in Item 6. Property owners/tenants/occupants lig and Hof the subject property as well as all properties within the 300' tadius. a. Mamas of City of Arcadia property owners may be secured from the Pliwni'g Division or City Cleric's Office, City Hall. Nantes of property owners in are outside the City should be obtained from the latest County Tax Assessment rolls. b. The property owness/tenentsioccupantslian should be typewritten and must include the owner's name, mailing address and assessment number of each lot shown on the aforesaid map. UtsanzlitestandictillommiliAnt. be aarwfed. c. Each property owner's/tenant's/occupant's name on this list must be numbered to correspond with the numbering placed on the aforesaid radius map. 10 /o1Jw 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820506 CAS SBD PAGE 06/10 d. A self- sticking label WIu be provided by the applicant for each name on the property owners/tenants/occupants list A Wid MUST be provide far any persaais(s) bivalved with the project; Le., applicant, property owner, architect, engineer, and/or developer. 7. On a separate label sheet, provide 5 labels each for the property owner, applicant, architect and contractor. 8. Preliminary Plans and Elevations (1S sets) NM BE FOLDED (Maximum size 8 1/2" by 14 Plans must be draws to scale showiag >lil dimensions accessary to deternlae compliance with the Arcadia Municipal Coda i.e., parldng spaces, driveway areas, landscape areas, building sides, handbag heights, setbacks from all property linen and verbs of adjacent arrears: The following information shall be CLEARLY DELINEATED on all prelimiuUaiy plans: a. Scale and North arrow b. Street addresses of lot orlon proposed for development c. Size and location of lot or lots proposed for development, accurately dimensioned. d.. Location and size of all proposed structures (new and/or existing). e. Location, size and number of all parking stalls. Location of all landscaped areas. Percentage of landscaping shall be identified g. All existing easements. h. Zone category in which the lots exists. i. Ownees name or developer's nacre and telephone number. j. Architect's or designees name and tolephone number. 9. A reduced set of the proposed plans (8 W'x11 10. You will be advised if photographs of the property involved, on a scale large enough to illustrate the subjects under discussion, are required as exhibits with this application. 10/01/07 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820506 CAS SBD PAGE 07/10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF ARCADIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES z, Rod fn.,- G4.4 Efz hereby certify that the O attached list contains the names and addresses of all persons to whom all property is assessed as they appear an the Last available equalized assessment roll of the County of Los Angeles, within the area described on the attached application and for the rogcdrod distance of notification from the exterior boundaries of the property described on the attached application.. I also notify that the subject site described on the attached application contains no illegal lot splits or other divisions of landnot specifically authorized by the City of Arcadia I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. (signed) (date) (application AFFIDAVIT -6- per- .i 2c909 10/01/07 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820506 Date Filed: 8. Site size: CAS SBD PAGE 08/10 Pile No. CITY OF ARCADIA 440 WEST HUNTDG?ONMIT ARC .DL4, CA 91007 AN3111 ONMB11l'I'AL TION R�r 44 1. Applicant's Nazar rro c�E.v S fF tf n Ars cc,; F 1 it sr cs ASr Address: 12[ N Ccg& rA, 4, Co v., C 4 97 72 2, Property Address(Loadion): 3 F. l /i...h;V v AI. R44.44I14 Cat Q/oo‘ Assessor's Number 3. Name, address sod telephone number of pen= to be contacted concerning this project G t D k •u/�[ get 12.4' z5 -owe) f 44.,eflen.r6 a /20k,c,f 4. List and describe any other belated permits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state and fbdend wades: 4obGI, e 3. Zone Oassirnati C /5 b 6. GetIOCRl Plea Designation: rEllIELVESIOkifilla 7. Proposed use (isles (project desaoptioci): foR, .t.,ra/ T5 o aizg2 rL:d l y Z T 9. Square footage per building: 47,120x tA-Ly Y, 500 ID. N u m b e r o f Boom of construction: 1 (Ex s t• f j3, 11. Amount ofeff provided: r 1 4 c c S. 12. Proposed sdi 4'diog of project: 13. Anticipated metal daveloptnes t: 14. If resideedia1, include the number of units, schedule of unit sizes, .raft of sale prices or rents, and type of household gam exPected: ,41q 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820506 15. If commercial, indicate tine type, i.e. neighbothood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of sales arm and loading halides, hours ofoperat on: 4/ /A 16. 1/industrial, indicate type, estiamted employmaa per shift„ and loading batiste 17. If instioniceal, indicate the major Swaim csiao, esti a ted employment per shift, eatintated occupancy, loading facilities, mod community benefits to be derived from the project T to ;4/, 4 0 ,1 7 fi atorfg• PO.* A I61) •A..f. of A4 'rt a IS, p s�Id ar s Ai,(rry .4% •''9F 18. If the project involves a variance, conditional use permit or zoning application, state this and indicate Wady why the application is required: y/ Are the ,Mowing item able to doe project or Its dues? anti as unwary). CAS SBD PAGE 09/10 Discuss below all i ens checked yes (Mach addiliooal YES NO 19. Chime in existing femme s of any hills, or substantial alteraatin of graamd contours. 23 20. Change in scenic views or vistas from artistica residential areas or publidaods or roads El 21. C angc in pattern, wale car character of general area of project. 0 3 22. Sigaihaantt amauu s of solid Waft or litter. 13 23. Choy in dust ash, in fimaes or odors in vicinity. Eil 24. Chop in geoamd meteor quality or gaunt ify, or aibereion of awisdng drainage pett+er:a. 25. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels ie the vicinity. 26. Is site on Shod land or on any slopes of 10 pa tent or move. 3 27. 'Use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, flammable r or implosives. RI R. 11/13/06 Page 2 04/08/2009 13:29 9093820586 CAS SBD PAGE 10/10 28. Substantial change in demand for ntunicipal servLoee (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.) 29. Submerge' israestme is natal f rel cae®usnpoion (may, a1, natural ps, etc. 30. Reiatioamhip to a turner project or mien ofprojaxs.' 31. Sterne water system discharges firm 41•88 fior materials storage, Weirdo or equipment fueling, vehicle or egaipenent as aoaoce (inch:ding webby), y), waste hendlota, kasandous onitesials handling or storage delivery or lowing dodre, or other outdoor work areas? 32. A significantly enviroa nentidly harts t inaa a ill the How ate or volume of boon Q' water rm edf7 33. A significantly onivanmeolally harmful increase in erosion ofthe project site or surr+o mdiog areas? 34. Storm water discharges that would s14as8a etiy impair the beneficial uses area** waters Q El or areas that provide water quality benefits (e.g. ripen= corridors, wetlands, eta)? 35. Harm to the biological integrity of drainage systems and at bodies? ,l Evje,mtme Sell 36. Deaaibe (on a separate sheet) the project site as it codes before the prgjecrt, includes information 00. topography, soil stability, plants and animas, any cullueal, historical or scenic aspects, any existing structures on the site, and the use of the evocative. Attack photographs of the sits. Semis or Polaroid photos will k accepted. 37. Describe (an a separate sheet) the surrounding Porpertiea, S iinfonnatiaa on Plata; animab, any cultural, biamriee1 or monk aspects. indicate the type of land uses (residential, coenmeroial, etc.), intensity &land use Y. apartintat houses, mops, departmot stores, sec.), and scale of devcdopmeat (height, frontal, aet4 backs, teen yards, etc-)- Attach photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or Polaroid photos win be accepted. I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached eadu'bits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to t beat of my ability, and that the f le s, atat meat% and information pr+ecicated era tree and *meet t to the bed of my kovwle ge and belie Date Signature f/aEt cidif'V's� 4 S.I.R. 11/13/06 Page 3 (Gaithersburg, MD I To Whom It May Concern: C YT E EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Chyten Educational Services is the premier tutoring and test preparation company in the greater Boston area. Neil Chyten, the company's founder and President, has developed, over the past twenty -five years, very successful learning strategies and test taking strategies which have helped Chyten achieve unparalleled success and attain a reputation as the finest service of its kind in the country. As stated by Harvard University Dean of Admissions, Marlyn McGrath Lewis, "I've never heard anything but very high praise and gratitude from both students and their parents." Chyten is the only franchise of its kind in America and has established a whole new way of doing business in the supplemental education industry. Chyten brings to California a new style of curriculum and individualized one on one tutoring by tutors who all must have at least a Masters Degree and teaching experience. Chyten has set new standards in the tutoring and test preparation industry. Chyten centers are professionally designed with an emphasis on providing an educationally conducive atmosphere and a sense of security for every student. We are very selective about our locations and our franchise owners. We look for professional people to bring the Chyten methods to students in a professional manner and in a professional atmosphere. Our administrative hours are generally 9:30am 5:30prn M -F. Our tutoring takes place primarily from 3pm -9pm M -F and from gam 5pm on weekends. Since 90% of what we do is individualized one on one tutoring, our centers are always quiet, safe and well kept facilities. The target market for our services is middle school to high school students who are on a college track. Thus, we generally have a respectful, intelligent and motivated student in our centers. As we have opened 16 franchise locations in 8 states in the last 16 months, we have been very careful about the quality of our franchise owner and in the ability to provide the backup and support to help our owners successfully operate our franchise locations. There is nothing like Chyten anywhere in the country and we hope to make our services available to students in the Arcadia area to help them achieve and hopefully exceed their potential one student at a time. I hope this overview provides you with a look into the Chyten philosophy and the Chyten franchise model. If you have further questions or need additional information, please contact me directly. Email: ngimpel@ehyten.com Cell: (516) 375 -2686 Sincerely, 06,40 Nick Gimpel Vice President 1-800-428.T EST WWW.CHY TEN.COM ruvTe... enl.r ccovgrr< INr EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Chyten Educational Services has been recognized as the SAT service that took "the College Board by surprise" by "boost[ing] scores to heart thumping numbers" Boston Globe Chyten has continually out performed the competition and delivers results that are unsurpassed in the industry. The Chyten program provides valuable and highly respected services to local communities. A Chyten Educational Services franchise allows franchisees to work in a vibrant business environment with highly motivated clients and highly qualified staff. With the right skills and drive, plus support from the Chyten team, operating your Chyten Educational Services franchise can be fun, satisfying, and rewarding. Sincerely, Neil Chyten President Chyten franchising, Inc. am incredibly excited to offer you this great opportunity l have been in teaching and academic enrichment since l was fresh out of college. Having been exposed to many different types of educational programs, I am very aware of and experienced in identifying and developing techniques and strategies that are successful. And, l am convinced that highly qualified and experienced teachers can make a real difference in students' lives. Now you can join us in our quest to enrich the academic experience for all our students. I believe that every child deserves an opportunity to reach his or her highest performance level and an inspiration to surpass it, That's why we customize a unique program based on each student's individual needs. For over 20 years, Chyten Educational Services has been dedicated to providing students with test preparation skills and specialized tutoring. Since our beginnings in 1984, we have become one of the fastest growing private education companies in Massachusetts. With our commitment to making a positive impact on students' lives, we want to expand our educational efforts into other areas of the country. We have seen the need and the demand for educational services grow tremendously over the years. I am very proud of our specialized programs, our distinguished reputation, and the positive results we've created over the years. Now I am looking for people who share my personal commit- ment to providing quality educational programs and superior student services. As a Chyten Educational Services franchisee, you can lean on me and the Chyten team of professionals, and take advantage of all the years of hard work we have put into developing the concept. This brochure contains a great deal of information on the Chyten Educational Services franchise opportunity. Please review its contents and then contact me to discuss details of owning a franchise. Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to hearing from you. oa ce Chyten Educational Services provides lasting learning strategies that raise self- confidence and enrich the academic experience for each and every student we teach. C hyten Educational Services provides educational support for children to help them reach their academic goals. Of course we want every student to have an opportunity to obtain better grades, write better essays, and earn higher test scores. But we also encourage them when they have doubts, help them overcome their fears, and get them to believe in themselves. We assist children from kindergarten through high school to become better students. We want to not only raise their standardized test scores but their school grades as well. We provide lasting learning strategies that raise self confidence and improve their.learhing experiences. At Chyten, we work closely with students and their families to assess past performance in order to build customized programs that help students reach and exceed their goals. And we devise a plan to maximize future performance. Far removed from those who offer no more than canned programs, we provide tailored tools and techniques that really Work. General assistance with reading, writing, math, and many other subjects Homework help and study skills to improve study efficiency and grades Year -round tutoring and special summer PSAT and SAT Boot Camps''' Exclusive lest- taking techniques, such as: Chyten Essay Strategy ZigZag Method Spy Method Double Agent Method Oil and Vinegar Sheep in Wolf's Clothing Adaptable Essay Strategy The Roger Reader Method Strategic Math Solutions Grammar Simplification Strategy Chyten's Specialized Services Include: A Worthwhile Opportunity... for students and for you THE CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CONCEPT IS SPECIALIZED, PROVEN, AND BETTER. The Chyten Educational Services concept is different from that of other tutoring and test preparation services. We only employ tutors with a minimum of a master's degree and prior teaching experience, giving us a competitive advantage versus other educational programs with lower standards for instructors. We provide exclusive programs, sound strategies that are skills based, customized programs for each student, and a guaranteed match between student and teacher, And, we get results: Chyten students historically get better grades and higher scores on standardized tests than those who learn on their own or through other programs. THE CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER FORMAT IS FLEXIBLE AND APPEALING. With appealing, education oriented decor, Chyten centers create energy and make students and their parents feel comfortable and welcomed. The Chyten franchise is best located in a high visibility site, close to local schools. Recommended facilities typically have approximately 1,000 to 2,500 square feet of space, and are designed to include a comfortable reception area as well as tutoring areas and larger classrooms. CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES IS A REWARDING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Private tutoring is a rapidly growing industry.' The demand for private tutoring is driven by many factors, including the federal govern- ment's No Child Left Behind program, and the desire by students and parents to improve academic performance as a means of entry into better universities and careers.' The Chyten opportunity gives you a chance to address this growing need and work with serious, quality- minded education professionals. It is also a chance to join a highly respected profession that allows you to be involved in and give back to your community. CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES SYSTEM MAKES RUNNING YOUR BUSINESS AN EXERCISE IN SIMPLICITY. When you join Chyten, you'll benefit from hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless man -hours spent in developing our own specialized curricula, plus our customized software system, Our Student Manager software handles student enroll- ment and scheduling, allows for input of tutors' hours and notes, and performs many more important administrative functions. The Chyten Educational Services curricula offer numerous proprietary strategies to assist students, including help with essay writing, math, and reading, along with proven test taking techniques. We'll provide your qualified tutors with exclusive teaching materials, and we'll provide you with a respected brand name, documented business procedures, and more. Everything is designed to help you run your center efficiently and to provide the best possible tools and techniques for your students. 1 Tutoring has grown to a $5 billion to $8 billion professional service industry. National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Bulletin, Edward E. Gordon, 2002. 2 A poll found that 42% of Americans believe there is a "great need" for children to receive private, outside tutoring. Newsweek Magazine, 2000. The Chyten Educational Services Support System OUR PROFESSIONALS WILL PROVIDE THOROUGH PRE- OPENING AND ONGOING SUPPORT TO HELP YOU RUN YOUR CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FRANCHISE: Start -up support to help you get up and running, including: Extensive training at our headquarters covering student programs, business management, and more Advice on hiring teachers and tutors Assistance with planning and ordering initial supplies and materials A comprehensive confidential operations manual, to guide you with: Day -to -day responsibilities Staff management Utilizing teaching tools and materials Financial controls and reporting Ongoing support tools and services, such as: Operational, managerial, and marketing assistance through center visits and remote support Exclusive Chyten Educational Services marketing materials for promotional efforts in your community Our proprietary Student Manager software system that helps manage both student and tutor schedules, and other adminis- trative functions Continual development of new and refined programs, techniques, products, and services TM H _a EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE rested in. oWiiii business that 'has orover AieS, and programs etogniz:e0 name irt,the growing rivideeducation? ,u0cOil'a I:cervices team. ad, you'r own' frnchise; contact us today. e and retiirri an appticationand next steps toward finding out if chise pporturiity is ht for FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY IIYTEN EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Chyten Franchising, Inc. 1723 MCISSEIChUSett: Avenuo Lexington, MA 02420 ErniI: franchreGDchyten.com Plionn 781-541-6279 of 800-428-TEST Fax 781 511-6281 V Mil chyinn com Thj ach.itrm.r]t r not an offering An 0th can only tv un,H hy prospectus filed first with nt)p,rntr ff,..nCIP^, of the ■t. Surh tiling (fr1PS not con titoti aptrov.--11 Ccd[e [n<.;i. iteaciing and CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Chyten is a company of professional educators who teach essential skills and strategies that can dramatically improve grades and test scores of students of all ages. No other company in the country provides a higher level of service, better tutors, or better results. To date, Chyten has helped more than 20,000 students meet or exceed their educational goals. We encourage you to research Chyten, because the more you know about us, the more you will agree that Chyten is uniquely qualified to help your son or daughter improve test scores and grades. Visit us at: 13951 N. Scottsdale Road Suite 211 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 or Call: phone: 480 990 -7374 fax: 866- 990 -3378 for a free personalized consultation. Look inside for more information Comparison of Tutors Kaplan Princeton Review Sylvan Club Z Huntington 0 C 11 Y T E N YES All tutors have college degrees? no no yes yes yes All tutors have Master's degrees? no no no no no YES All tutors have teaching experience? no no no no no YES Tutors average at least seven years teaching experience? no no no no no YES Guaranteed tutor matching? no no no no no YES Chyten's Tutor Matching Guarantee Chyten will fad your child a perfect tutor based on personality, learning style, interests and academic needs. If you don't agree, then the lesson is free (ask for details). Chyten Centers are Great Places to Learn Chyten Centers are distraction free: no dogs, no doorbells and no distracting phone calls. Each student is taught in a private tutoring room for optimal learning. ParentNET software gives parents full progress reports following every session. Flexible Scheduling you do not have to purchase a "package" of sessions. Schedule 1 or 100 and pay one session at a time. Tutors are available days, evenings and weekends. Call 480- 990 -7374 Today for Local Class Schedules and Tutoring Availability Media and Education References "Prepping high- scoring essays using Chyten's method can be enough to boost scores to heart- thumping numbers." Boston Sunday Globe "If studying up is the name of the game in getting a leg up over the competition, local students might consider another name toward that end Chyten Educational Services Lexington Minuteman "I've never heard anything but very high praise and gratitude from both students and their parents." Marlyn McGrath Lewis Harvard University Dean of Admissions "The Chyten course helps (students) focus their attention on the task at hand, improves preparation, and instills confdence a needed attribute when one enters some foreboding test center with #2 pencils at the ready." Tom Walsh, Jr. Roxbury Latin School's Director of College Admissions "So often we hear numbers and guarantees thrown around frivolously and recklessly. In contrast, Chyten actually deliv- ered on its promises." John Antonucci Westwood, Massachusetts Superintendent of Schools Chyten's Equation: Best Tutors Best Strategies Best Results "My experience with the firm has been on many levels, yet on each level their professionalism, abilities and results are unmatched in my ten years of working in the education admis- sions industry." Jeff Vernamonti Lexington Christian Academy's Director of College Advising "I have been a professor for the last six years, and I have never witnessed a more devoted, conscientious, hardworking teacher. You have really amassed an incredibly talented and devoted group of tutors. I want to thank you and them for all the help and support!" Professor Mary Godwyn, PhD Babson College Department Head "He worked so hard, but we owe S000000000 much to you and Chyten. He improved by working with you end of story. You worked with my daughter Alison a few years ago. Alison tried Kaplan and it was a waste of time and money. To know that he was in such good hands with you meant the world to me I knew that he had a shot. We are absolutely and completely thrilled." Name Withheld by Request Boston College Law School Professor Call today 48,0-990-7 374 .c irteri.com Tutoring and Test Preparation Services Academic Tutoring Grades K -12, Expert Help for All Subjects, All Levels For Advanced Students For students who want to stand head and shoulders above the rest, Chyten's tutors provide expert level instruction in all subjects and at all grade levels. In this ultra-competitive academic climate, Chyten's Master's degree tutors can make all the difference. Remediation Chyten's tutoring programs are more effective than any other in the industry, because, at Chyten, every session is customized to the unique strengths and struggles of our students. We understand that your child is more than a number or a grade. He /She is an individual who deserves the type of individualized instruction that only an expert, professional tutor can offer. Expect the best. Accept no less. Subjects (offering vary by location) Arithmetic Trigonometry French Writing Physics Algebra Pre Calc Calculus Latin Biology US History Geometry Spanish Reading Chemistry World History Test Preparation Option T Private Tutoring Our premier service. For most tests, eighteen hours of private tutoring is recommended. Tutors are available days, evenings and weekends by appointment. Option TT. Team Tutoring For a group of 3 -4 students of similar ability. Team Tutoring offers many of the advantages of private tutoring, but at a lower cost. Option TJT: Small Classes —An affordable alternative to tutoring. Perfect for students who flourish in group settings. Available for select tests and test dates. Note: Call or check online for a list of class dates times. College Counseling Chyten College Counselors provide a highly- personalized, full- service experience based on Chyten's own unique, proprietary college acceptance system. No system has proven more successful at getting students noticed AND ACCEPTED into colleges of their choice. Chyten manages the whole college acceptance process, from initial evaluation straight through college transition counseling Chyten's college counselors provide an invaluable service to families in need of assistance in managing the college admissions process. Reading and Study Skills Chyten's RANDD Reading and Study Skills Program may be the most important investment you'll ever make in your child's academic future. This comprehensive 14- session tutorial program will literally change your student's life with amazingly effective skills and strategies that will last a lifetime! They will read faster, better and smarter, will study more efficiently, will be able to memorize facts and figures more thoroughly and will perform better on tests, quizzes, term papers, projects and more. PASS Membership Program (available at most locations) We are proud to introduce our exciting new PASS (Pro- Active Student Strategy) membership program which helps students achieve better results through advance planning and which gives members free practice tests, free academic advising and deep discounts on Chyten's College Counseling services, subject tutoring, test preparation tutoring and test preparation classes. Call for more information or to enroll. com CoH to ay 4 g- 990 -737f• w w w, c h y 1 e n e c o m CaH today ea'O- 990 -7374 Client References CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Visit us online at: www.chyten.com email- evogel @chyten.com "Mark has always left your class with a smile and feeling more conf- dent about himself. I must say our experience with Chyten has been exceptional one." "Your program was recommended to us by another parent and we are now strong advocates, as well. Our youngest daughter, who is 2 years behind Alex, will definitely make use of your services." "Consider yourself a miracle worker. We are SO grateful for all that you 've done for him! If you or Chyten ever need ringing endorsements, please let us know. Thank you again and again!!!" "1 had actually called another company at the same time I called Chy- ten to compare offerings, but after a short conversation with Flora and a short conversation with the other company, it was apparent to me that there was no comparison and I gracefully ended my conver- sation with the other company. Her attentiveness to my needs is really what drove me to choose Chyten; the results from Alex's testing is what will have me coming back." "Thank you so much for all your help. He very much enjoyed working with you. Somehow you were able to explain things to him in a way he could really understand." "I just wanted to take the time to thank you for everything you did for me since November. What did you seriously do to me? I honestly can't believe it. I went from like a 400 -500 score to a high 600 and low 700. I owe these scores to your help and guidance. 1 am thrilled and extremely happy and my parents are ever so grateful to you." p r car l f> µct t. O ring PJ[ ac L Cc [e e C( J[ ::eef.<nq Pac[,ac es or hourly' "We are so happy with the results. He kept rechecking them just to make sure they were right. He got a 700 on reading and an 800 on writing. 1 hope you will also be able to tutor my sophomore daughter when the time comes." "I absolutely know that having you as her primary guide for studying and your tutoring made all the difference. (My daughter) left each session feeling validated and kind of newly motivated You made all the difference. Thanks so very much again." "During the period of time in which I was working with you, I raised my quarter four grade in Biology from a B+ all other quarters to an A, and my fnal exam grade was one of the highest in my class. Thank you so much for motivating me and explaining everything so well." "I wanted to say thank you for all of your help. Lauren went from a critical reading score of 610 to a 740! Her writing score was a 700 (she thinks she could have done better) and her essay score was a 12 out of 12. I will sing your praises to all!!" "I just looked at my score report on collegeboard.com, and I got an 800 on my SAT Writing test. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP! I am s0000 excited about this. 98th percentile is much better than 17th. Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you soon." "From Jake's PSAT's that's more than a 300 point improvement and for the SAT's that's a 200 point improvement." "What can I say but thank you and everyone else for your assistance. This will clearly make a difference for Jake being accepted in schools that I thought were going to be a reach. Neil (Chyten) said this will be money well spent, and I must say he was right." HISTORY OF CRYTBN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Chyten Educational Services opened its first center in 1999, but Neil Chyten started building his business much earlier. After graduating from the University of Massachusetts and majoring in English, Neil Chyten took a job working for an education company teaching a Reading and Study Skills program. Neil found success as a teacher, but he thought the product was mediocre. In addition, Neil felt strongly that one contributing factor to the program's weakness was that the teachers were not actually trained how to teach. Neil spent several years studying the finer points of teaching. From 1981 -1984, Neil studied and eventually produced his own product called "RANDD," Reading and Development. He used this product to teach College Study Seminars. In these classes, Neil taught high school students as well as new college students how to study more effectively. While Neil was teaching his College Study Seminars, one school asked him to create a PSAT program. Neil wrote a new program and delivered it with great success. For Neil, this highlighted his awareness of the great need for a high quality test prep program. In 1985, Neil began tutoring students one on one for test prep. As his reputation grew, it became impossible for Neil to service all of the students who came to him. He realized that he needed to hire additional tutors, which he did in 1997. Finally, in 1999, Neil set up an office where students could come in rather than having tutors going out to various locations. The first Chyten Educational Services center opened in Newton, Massachusetts in 1999. In its originarconfiguration, all available rooms were often filled to capacity. So, Neil reconfigured the space to accommodate 4 more students at any one time. Still, there were many times when all rooms were occupied. To handle the demand for its services, several additional Chyten Educational Services centers opened throughout Massachusetts in the following years. The Wellesley location opened in 2000; Lexington opened in June 2002; Concord opened in August 2003 and Westwood opened in February 2005. As the number of locations grew, so did the staff necessary to handle the upsurge in student activity. Neil Chyten knew his business was booming, but he also realized he needed to create a system to help keep his business efficient and accessible. He wanted a tool that could collect necessary information and make it accessible to the appropriate people. In 2002, Neil began to develop an Internet based software system that would maintain student records, schedule sessions, fulfill accounting needs, and offer tutor selection. This system would eventually become the Student Manager system. By 2004, Neil was ready to roll out the first piece of the system by offering the scheduling and tutor net system. The Student Manager software system has continued to improve and grow over the years. To date, Neil has spent over $300,000 and 10,000 hours to develop and perfect this one of a kind system. Today, the proprietary 3 Tier Software System, (Student Manager, Tutor Net, and Parent Net), available only to the Chyten franchise owner, is the most unique and advanced software program in the tutoring industry. There is no doubt that this very special software system will be a vital tool for finding success with the Chyten Educational System franchise program. Do you have a track record of success? Do you feel owning a business in an industry driven with the purpose of helping young people is something you'd enjoy? If you answered yes to those two questions, then you need to take the time to get to know Chyten and the people involved in building this wonderful franchise program. It's not very often you can build your future doing something worthwhile with people who want to share their talent and experience with you. You'll get all this and more as a Chyten franchise owner. HOW IS CHYTEN DIFFERENT FROM OTHER TUTORING FRANCHISES? ors a streams from thes e 6 asters ree a► d all have teach g exp rience. You will share in the d iscounts afforded to Chyten franchise have'developed relationships with overtheyears. stem u will us o ur press coverage as a sales and marketing tool as you grow your business. c i a leyeloped over several years with ne om various vendors.we Chyten's center based .model Ioc, ations are set up to attract walk in and drive iby business, a lowing you run profitable classes, tests and seminars in addition to tutoring. We will show you ow to enter into partnerships with entire school s Our. proprietary 3 -tier, software system Student Manager, Parent Net, and Tutor et performs many of the functions associated with 'running your business including: o Provides a centralized, online database for information. o Runs financial reports and projections. o Helps you pick tutors. o Performs scheduling. o Enables you to email schedules to parents. o Allows tutors to see their schedules, view student information and capture tutoring =notes from each session. o Enables ;parents to check schedules, billing information, and -tutor- notes. o Mush morel EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE We only employ Tutors who have of least a Masters Degree, making us unique in the tutoring industry. We have invested more than 4 years and over $300,000 to provide our franchise owners the finest business management software program in the industry. When .o student enrol s at Chyten, our goal is to give that student, and every student, lifelong learning skills. The opportunity in supplemental education and tutoring services is reatertoddy than atany period in America's history. It is very much a growing, yet under served industry. There are more students in public schools across America, yet public schools face on ever increasing shortage of funding facilities and personnel. These factors are at the core of why we are so excited about the potential of the Chyten franchise concept. Much of the tutoring services market is currently dominated by independent operatorrs who do not and cannot provide the depth of services available at Chyten. We are positioned to .make a very serious impactin the supplemental education and tutoring industry. KEY THOUGHTS We intend to take the °partnerships we will form with our franchisees very seriously. They will be the backbone of our company and our growth and success will be inter related with their growth and success. The market for tutoring and supplemental education is growing significantly. Enrollment in public schools is up and budgets are down. These facts are what are driving the tutoring industry to record h iseveryyear. Because there is o defined need for our services in every market in the United States, we are committed to building the Chyten 'Educational Services franchise into a nationally recognized franchise system. Anyone looking into purchasing a Chyten franchise can do so with a great deal of confidence in that the experience and knowledge we've gained in' the 'roncise industry over the past 30+ years will be working together with the 20+ years of knowledge and experience that feel Chyten brings to the tutoring and supplemental education industry. This is truly unique combination of skills and talentwich con only help the Chyten franchise owner. Is there anything more important in life than helping a child? Owning o Chyten Educational Services franchise will provide you d :quality of life not found in most businesses, while at the same time giving you the opportunity to help young people and give back to the community. It truly is a unique and rewarding franchise opportunity. Comparison of Tutor Qualifications Kaplan P Princeton Review Sylvan y Club Z Summit CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE College degree required? no no yes yes no YES Master's degree required? no no no no no YES Teaching experience required? no no preferred (not required) no YES Tutors average at least seven years teaching experience? no no no no no YES Offers proprietary strategies for tests or homework help? Yes yes yes no yes YES Dear Parent, y TM EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE In today's more competitive academic environment, a growing number of parents have turned to private tutoring to help students navigate through an array of difficult courses and tests; but how does one select not just any tutor, but a great tutor? Making the right decision is so important. After all, a great tutor can help your child: Gain greater confidence and self esteem Gain access to competitive private schools Gain acceptance into top- choice colleges Earn higher merit -based scholarships and financial awards CHYTEN'S TUTORS ARE GREAT TUTORS Chyten's expert tutors will furnish your child with the tools he or she needs to reach his or her maximum performance level and the inspiration to surpass it. Our trademarked strategies will make your child a more confident student and test taker. Before you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on private schools and colleges, let Chyten enrich your child's academic experience. Call Chyten today! CHYTEN HAS EXPERT TUTORS AVAILABLE FOR MATH, ENGLISH, SCIENCE, LANGUAGE, COLLEGE APPLICATION ESSAYS SAT, PSAT, ACT, SSAT, ISEE, COOP, GRE, LSAT CHYTEN TEST PREPARATION AND TUTORING THE REGION'S PREMIER TUTORING SERVICE 800 -428 -TEST WWW.CHYTEN.COM Franchise Opportunities Available Quotes and Testimonials Chyten in the Press `A number of students in the area have relied very successfully ...on (Chyten 's) services," said Marlyn McGrath Lewis, an admissions officer at one local college. `I've never heard anything but very high praise and gratitude from both students and their parents," she said. (Chyten) is terrific in building skills for the kids and teaching them real solid test taking techniques. Instructors at Chyten Educational Services Inc. are all experienced educators... Boston Business Journal (Centers such) as Chyten 's, where students are taught test taking with results that seem to have taken the College Board by surprise. Prepping high- scoring essays using Chyten 's method can be enough to boost scores to heart thumping numbers. If studying up is the name of the game in getting a leg up over the competition, local students might consider another name toward that end Chyten Educational Services. Hundreds more client testimonials on file Client Testimonials Boston Globe Lexington Minuteman 1 must say our experience with Chyten has been exceptional one. 1 have been a professor for the last six years, and 1 have never witnessed a more devoted, conscientious, hardworking teacher. You have really amassed an incredibly talented and devoted group of tutors. I want to thank you and them for all the help and support. I just wanted to inform you that my son was an early applicant to MIT this year and he just got accepted. He owes a lot of his success to Chyten. The strategies that Chyten uses in the tests allowed him perfect scores in his SAT I and lls When (my daughter's) college counselor asked her about SA tutoring and how she was doing, she said that she loves it, to which the college counselor said that in her long career she had never heard a student say this. I'm sure that the high scores were a result of the "intangibles" that I learned from your tutoring classes. Thank you so much for motivating me and explaining everything so well. 1 want to thank you so much for your patience and diligence with (her). She loved seeing you every week for this past year, and that's a testament to your nonjudgmental style and never making her feel stupid for any of her mistakes and repeat questions. Your strategy of building her confidence was an important and correct one. You are the reason (she) was able to nail down the basics, learn test strategy and execute as well as she did Finally someone who motivates (her). She really enjoys working with you. I just wanted to let you know that (our son) was accepted early decision at the Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science. He is in seventh heaven!!! 1 want to thank you again for the terrific job you did of prepping him for the verbal SAT's and boosting his self esteem. We will both never forget what you did for him. (10- CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE. Let Your Child AMAZ .1: Specialists in PSAT, SAT, ACT, SAT Subject Tests, AP, LSEE SSAT RANDD Reading and Study Skills Series School Subject Tutoring for Most K-12 Subjects Expert Tutors. 21,000+ Students. Unparalleled Results. 747 Average SAT Writing score 10.9 Average SAT Essay score (2-12 scale) 3i 4.4 Average Advanced Placement (AP) Test score (1-5 scale) NAI 4114eit"'E C0.171PanY pad Test PreP CHYTEN TUTORS TEST PREPARATION The premier tutoring and test preparation company in greater Boston is coming here to Scottsdale! Chyten brings to the area proprietary learning and test taking strategies that are among the most innovative and successful in the country. Chyten is setting a whole new standard of doing business in the education industry with a new style curriculum and individualized one on one tutoring. All Chyten tutors have at least a Masters Degree and teaching experience. Knowing that high school students are facing the most competitive environment for college placement in history, Chyten will bring fresh, new, proven ways to help students achieve their potential. And, in doing so, help students in their quest to get into a college of their choosing. ABOUT CHYTEN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES All Chyten tutors hove Masters Degrees and teaching experience. All Chyten tutors have passed extensive background checks. Chyten only hires tutors who possess exceptional interpersonal and pedagogical skills. Chyten has helped more than 20,000 students achieve excellent test scores and grades. Chyten leaches modem, effective strategies and proprietary solutions t o the PSAT, SAT, ACT, !SEE, SSAT and other benchmark tests. Chyien leaches proprietary reading anc study strategies proven to raise GPA. At 274 points, Chyten has the highest average SAT score increase average in the country, and has been recognized for excellence by National Public Radio, USA Today, Boston Business Journal, The Boston Globe, The Lexington Minuteman and several other local and national publications. 1n1SSlon students with Chyt lifelong provide learning our Phone: 480 -990 -7374 finD 13951 Scottsdale Road Fax: 866- 990 -3378 Suite 211 Toll Free: 1 -800- 428 -TEST wwwichyten.com Scottsdale, AZ 85254 June 23, 2009 STAFF REPORT SUMMARY Development Services Department TO: Arcadia Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administrator By: Tim Schwehr, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -12 to operate an auto storage warehouse and yard on a 48,000 lot that is zoned M -1, Planned Industrial District. Mr. Charles V. Palazzolo, owner of Complete Automotive Recovery Service (C.A.R.S.), submitted Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -12 to operate an auto storage warehouse and yard on a 48,000 square -foot lot zoned for industrial uses at 5449 Peck Road. The Development Services Department is recommending approval of the proposed auto storage warehouse and yard subject to the conditions listed in this staff report. GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: Mr. Charles V. Palazzolo, owner of C.A.R.S. LOCATION: 5449 Peck Road REQUEST: A Conditional Use Permit to operate an auto storage warehouse and yard on a 48,000 square -foot lot zoned for industrial uses. Office hours would be 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekdays, with automobile drop -off and pick -up happening 24 hours a day, seven days a week. SITE AREA: 48,000 square feet (1.10 acres) FRONTAGE: 160 feet along Peck Road EXISTING LAND USE ZONING: The site is developed with a 20,301 square -foot warehouse with approximately 4,000 square feet of incidental office space. The property is zoned M -1, Planned Industrial District. SURROUNDING LAND USES ZONING: North: One -story industrial warehouse— zoned M -1 South: One -story industrial warehouse— zoned M -1 East: Two -story offices— zoned M -1 West: Flood control GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Industrial PUBLIC HEARING NOTIFICATION Public hearing notices of Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -12 were mailed on June 12, 2009 to the property owners, tenants and occupants of those properties that are within 300 feet of the subject property (see the attached radius map). Because Staff considers the proposed project exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the public hearing notice was not published in the Arcadia Weekly newspaper. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The subject property is developed with a 20,301 square -foot warehouse and an approximately 16,100 square -foot gated outdoor paved storage yard /parking area. The warehouse was built in 1961, and contains incidental offices totaling 4,000 square -feet. The property has been owned and occupied by Tomax Fabricating, a metal fabrication company, since 1980. The owner of Tomax Fabricating, Mr. Thomas King, is now offering the property for sale. On October 9, 2001, the Planning Commission voted 4 -0 with one Commissioner absent, to approve CUP 01 -025 to allow an unmanned wireless communications facility with a 42 -foot high monopole at the southwesterly corner of the property. PROPOSAL AND ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing to purchase the property at 5449 Peck Road and operate an automotive recovery and storage business. Auto storage is permissible in the M -1 zone with an approved Conditional Use Permit. The warehouse and yard are to be used for the temporary storage of repossessed vehicles. The outdoor yard would be utilized for overflow storage when necessary. Automobiles and other repossessed vehicles would be stored on -site for approximately 15 -30 days before being transferred to separate locations for reconditioning and resale. While stored at 5449 Peck Road, no maintenance, repair work, or sales of these vehicles would occur. The proposed office hours of the business are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday- Friday. Drop -off and pick -up of repossessed vehicles would be a 24 -hour operation. This CUP 09 -12 5449 Peck Road June 23, 2009 Page 2 business will employ 15 -20 people, half of which would work primarily off -site collecting and transporting vehicles. The applicant is proposing to convert a small section of the warehouse to additional office space, which would result in a total office area of approximately 5,000 square feet. A new front fence and gate, and rear fence are also proposed, which are subject to design review approval. Parking By code, a warehouse is required to provide two (2) parking spaces per 1,000 square -feet of gross floor area. An outdoor storage yard should also have parking provided at the same rate. Provided that the incidental office space does not exceed 25% of the warehouse area, no additional parking is required for the office space. Based on these regulations, a total of 73 parking spaces are required for the proposed vehicle recovery and storage business. There are thirteen (13) on -site parking spaces in the front parking lot. Within the gated yard area there are an additional 20 parking spaces, however some or all of these spaces are proposed to be utilized for vehicle storage, and therefore cannot be counted as on -site parking. It is staff's opinion that there is a potentially significant parking shortage unless some of the gated yard area is made available for employee parking. The proposed business plan indicates that up to 20 employees will be working at any given time at this location, and therefore 20 on -site parking spaces may be necessary for the employees and there should be some parking available for visitors. Additionally, one (1) van accessible handicap parking space is required, which may eliminate an additional regular parking space. To address this deficiency, staff is recommending a condition of approval that ten (10) employee parking spaces be provided within the gated yard area. CODE REQUIREMENTS All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, parking and site design are required to be complied with to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director. CEQA Proposed projects that are not approved, are by virtue of being denied, exempt from any further environmental assessment. If approved, however, and if it is determined that the project involves negligible or no expansion of the existing use, then this project is categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15301, existing CUP 09 -12 5449 Peck Road June 23, 2009 Page 3 facilities involving negligible or no expansion of an existing use. A Preliminary Exemption Assessment has been prepared and is attached to this staff report. FINDINGS Section 9275.1.2 of the Arcadia Municipal Code requires that for a Conditional Use Permit to be granted, it must be found that all of the following prerequisite conditions can be satisfied: 1. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity. 2. That the use applied for at the location indicated is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. 3. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping, and other features required to adjust said use with the land and uses in the neighborhood. 4. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. It is staff's opinion that conditional approval of the proposed vehicle storage warehouse and yard can satisfy each prerequisite condition. RECOMMENDATION The Development Services Department recommends approval of Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -12, subject to the following conditions: 1. The front parking lot, which is in a state of disrepair, shall be resurfaced and restriped to current parking standards. 2. In addition to the front parking lot, ten employee parking spaces should be provided in the gated yard area. 3. Any external alterations, including new fencing and gates, shall be subject to design review approval by the Community Development Administrator or designee. 4. The use approved by CUP 09 -12 is limited to the proposed vehicle recovery and storage business, which shall be operated and maintained in a manner CUP 09 -12 5449 Peck Road June 23, 2009 Page 4 that is consistent with the proposal and plans submitted and 09 -12. d approved for 5. A Parking Modification for 22 spaces in lieu of 73 spaces vehicle recovery and storage business. This Parking is granted for this constitute an approval for a general reduction of the parkingfrequir does not the subject property, but rather only for the vehicle recovery em stor for ►Y and stor business that is herein conditionally r a age recovery and storage business may be subject to a Con this vehicle Permit and /or Parking Modification. nditional Use 6. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of 09 -12 shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revopcatio for CUP approvals, which could result in the closing of the business. anon of any 7. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, limits, building safety, parking and site design shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Community Development Ad with r the Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director. ministator, 8. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmle ss the City of Arcadia and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, against the City of Arcadia, its officers, employees or agents attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval ,action, or City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use n decision pproval of the a d s to not limited to an a Y pproval or v condition of a of th including but Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is br ught within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 9. Approval of CUP 09 -12 shall not take effect until the property owner(s) and applicant have executed and filed an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. PLNll'1(NG COMMISSION ACTION Commission should incorporating the Commission's decision, specific determinations and findings, and the conditions of approval. Denial If the Planning Commission intends to deny this proposal, the Commission should move to deny Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -12 state the finding(s) that the propo sal does not satisfy with reasons based on nthe de �s rd, on nand direct specific to prepare a resolution incorporating the Commissio findings. Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to If any P 9 ease contact the h June 23rd public hearing, p Assistant Planner, Tim Schwehr at (626) 574-5422. Approved by: Kasama Community Development Administrator Attachments: Aerial Photo Vicinity Map with Zoning Information 300 -foot Radius Map Site Plan Photos Preliminary Exemption Assessment Development Services Department Engineering Division Prepared by: R.S.Gonzalez, June 2009 100 0 100 1 r 200 Feet UNZONED I Development Services Department Engineering Division Prepared by: R.S.Gonzelez, June 2009 (5401) (5537) id 5449 Peck Road CUP 09 -12 (5550) .oZ� t 'vvv (5600) (yet that is consistent with the proposal and plans submitted and approved for CUP 09 -12. 5. A Parking Modification for 22 spaces in lieu of 73 spaces is granted for this vehicle recovery and storage business. This Parking Modification does not constitute an approval for a general reduction of the parking requirements for the subject property, but rather only for the vehicle recovery and storage business that is herein conditionally approved. Uses other than this vehicle recovery and storage business may be subject to a new Conditional Use Permit and /or Parking Modification. 6. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of approval for CUP 09 -12 shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of any approvals, which could result in the closing of the business. 7. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, parking and site design shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director. 8. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and /or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and /or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 9. Approval of CUP 09 -12 shall not take effect until the property owner(s) and applicant have executed and filed an Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Approval If the Planning Commission intends to approve this project, the Commission should move to approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -12, state the supporting findings and environmental determination, and direct staff to prepare a resolution CUP 09 -12 5449 Peck Road June 23, 2009 Page 5 incorporating the Commission's decision, specific determinations and findings, and the conditions of approval. Denial If the Planning Commission intends to deny this proposal, the Commission should move to deny Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -12 state the finding(s) that the proposal does not satisfy with reasons based on the record, and direct staff to prepare a resolution incorporating the Commission's decision and specific findings. If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter prior to the June 23rd public hearing, please contact Assistant Planner, Tim Schwehr at (626) 574 -5422. Approved by: Kasama Community Development Administrator Attachments: Aerial Photo Vicinity Map with Zoning Information 300 -foot Radius Map Site Plan Photos Preliminary Exemption Assessment CUP 09 -12 5449 Peck Road June 23, 2009 Page 6 �3` are SUE MORENO -'"e (626) 350 -5944 OWNERSHIP OCCUPANTS UST RADIUS MAPS LAND USE PLANS MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE CONSULTING 2106 LAMBERTAVE.EL MONTE, CA 91732 •FAX(626)350.1532 PROJECT INFORMATIO 5449 N. PECK RD. ARCADIA, CA. 09 -113 N A RIO HONDO SCALE 1" 200' FROM gif gwa .47.7giumf,".■ t ?L.A Ku (ED)JUN 10 2009 :35/ST. 11:27/No. 6851262814 P 1 JUN 0 8 7.0(1q u-r1-1 owt,1 Kit I ,A, r4N NI saavtoss Front Elevation (5449 Peck Road) Front Elevation (5449 Peck Road) Northerly Side Elevation (5449 Peck Road) Northerly Side Elevation with Gate (5449 Peck Road) Southerly Side Elevation (5449 Peck Road) (Gate and parking are part of adjacent property) Rear Elevation (5449 Peck Road) Front Parking Lot (5449 Peck Road) Front Parking Lot (5449 Peck Road) Rear of subject property looking west (5449 Peck Road) Interior Parking Lot/ Overflow Storage Area (5449 Peck Road) Interior of Warehouse Interior of Warehouse Office- Warehouse connection Offices Offices Office Hallway Adjacent Neighbor to the North (5507 Peck Road) Adjacent Neighbor to the South (5435 Peck Road) Across from Subject Property (5450 Peck Road) Across from subject property (5460 Peck) PRELIMINARY EXEMPTION ASSESSMENT (Certificate of Determination When Attached to Notice of Exemption) 1. Name or description of project: Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -12 to operate an auto storage warehouse and yard on a 48,000 square -foot industrially zoned lot 2. Project Location Identify street address and cross streets or attach a map showing project site (preferably a USGS 15' or 7W topographical map identified by quadrangle name): 5449 Peck Road (between McBean Drive and Goldring Road) 3. Entity or person undertaking project: A. City of Arcadia B. Other (Private) (1) Name: Charles V. Palazzolo (2) Address: 9350 Lower Azusa Road Temple City, CA 91780 (3) Phone: (626) 443 -2277 ext. 811 4. Staff Determination: The City's Staff, having undertaken and completed a preliminary review of this project in accordance with the City's "Local Guidelines for Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)" has concluded that this project does not require further environmental assessment because: a. The proposed action does not constitute a project under CEQA. b. The project is a Ministerial Project. c. The project is an Emergency Project. d. The project constitutes a feasibility or planning study. e. The project is categorically exempt. Applicable Exemption Class: 1 Section No.: 15301 f. The project is statutorily exempt. Applicable Exemption: Section No.: g. The project is otherwise exempt on the following basis: h. The project involves another public agency which constitutes the Lead Agency. Name of Lead Agency: Date: June 10, 2009 Staff: Tim Schwehr, Assistant Planner June 23, 2009 TO: Arcadia Planning Commission FROM: Jim Kasama, Community Development Administratc L SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Program for 2009 -2010 SUMMARY CIP INFORMATION STAFF REPORT Development Services Department Per Section 65403(c) of the Government Code, the Planning Commission is required to make a finding that each fiscal year's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is consistent with the City's General Plan. The Development Services Department is recommending that the Planning Commission find that the CIP for the 2009 -2010 fiscal year is consistent with the City's General Plan. Attached for review are the list and detail forms of the capital improvement projects for the 2009 -2010 fiscal year. The projects are City buildings and facilities maintenance and improvements, streets and public rights -of -way maintenance and improvements, sewer and water facilities maintenance and improvements, landscaping and irrigation maintenance and improvements, and parking and transit enhancements. The 2009 -2010 CIP projects are consistent with the following goals, objectives, implementation measures, and strategies set forth in the Municipal Facilities and Services Element of the City's 1996 General Plan: Maintain a transportation system that maximizes freedom and safety of movement; maintains a balance between mobility and cost efficiency of maintenance; and preserves a sense of comfort and well -being throughout the community by reducing the intrusiveness of commercial, industrial, and regional traffic on neighborhood streets. Provide adequate City administrative, community, and social service facilities to carry out the mission of the City of Arcadia. Maintain a reliable system of water, sewer and storm drain lines to meet the needs of the community. Reducing the number of automobile trips and providing alternatives to automobile use. Promoting Transportation System Management and Transportation Demand Management techniques. Encouraging the use of alternative modes of transportation. Promote the design of roadways to optimize safe traffic flow within established roadway configurations by minimizing tuming movements, uncontrolled access, on- street parking, and frequent stops to the extent consistent with the character and needs of adjacent land uses. Reduce the need for vehicular travel by: Supporting the responsible expansion of public transit services within Arcadia, including the establishment of rail transit and connections between major destinations within the community and the metropolitan area; and promoting the use of public transit and ride sharing through development of convenient and attractive facilities. Pursue the establishment of rail service to Arcadia, including a transit stop within the downtown redevelopment area. Ensure that functional utilities such as water, wastewater and solid waste collection and disposal meet the service standards presented in Table 6 -B of the General Plan. Provide local park facilities and recreation areas that are appropriate for the individual neighborhoods in which they are located, reflect the needs and interests of the population they serve, and meet the performance standards identified in the General Plan. Coordinate closely with the Arcadia Unified School District on an ongoing basis to resolve issues such as expanding the joint use of facilities and the use of vacant or underutilized school sites. Pursue implementation of the City's Public Buildings Master Plan. RECOMMENDATION It is staff's opinion that the projects set forth in the 2009 -2010 Capital Improvement Program are consistent with the City's General Plan. Therefore, based on the information set forth above, the Planning Commission should find that the 2009 -2010 Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the General Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission should approve a motion to find that the 2009 -2010 Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the City's General Plan. If any Planning Commissioner, or other interested party has any questions or comments regarding this matter, or any particular capital improvement project, please contact Jim Kasama at (626) 574 -5423 or ikasama aeci.arcadia.ca.us prior to June 23, 2009 so that specific details can be made available at the Planning Commission meeting. If necessary, the appropriate staff personnel from other departments may be available to answer questions regarding specific projects. Attachment: 2009 -2010 Capital Improvement Program List and Detail Forms Capital Improvement Program June 23, 2009 Page 2 aaniv W O 1? W a V N O J n E E 1 534,700 1 000'00£ 250,000 000'0£ 40,000 000'9 O9t'9t 000'0 009'tr 000 938,000 1 83,000 1 45,000 000'06 300,000 213M3S tZ9 I 10,000 000'L 000 000 97,000 I 22,000 I 000'9L I 157 PROP C 600,000 I 100,000 XVl SVJ Zt+t 20,000 I 500,000 1 302 CAPITAL 000'9Z 000'9 OZ8'0£ 000'££ 285,300 009'L 00L'90t I 000'09 30,000 000'L meow. 100099 [00'9£ 000 000'09 00£' 000'91 000'000 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works I Public Works s) ollg Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works svoM oygnd Public Works sJoM ollgnd Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works 1 mom o8gnd Public Works 1 Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works 1 Public Works Public Works anj 9.1!A Development 1 I PROJECT DESCRIPTION 'Annual Meter Replacement Program I SCADA System Upgrades and Computerized Utilities System Mappinc V alve Replacement Program 'Greenscape Maintenance and Irrigation Upgrades 1 'Replacement of Calsense Irrigation Controller Components 'Metals Total Maximum Daily Load (Metals TMDL) Special Studiies Trash Total Maximum Daily Load (Trash TMDL) Catch Basin Devices Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units 'City Hall Maintenance Improvements 'Citywide Facility Improvements I 'Community Center Facility Improvements Library Facility Improvements I l tlecmcal Wiring Project for Fire Station 105 Emergency Generator (Fire Station 106 HVAC Relocation Installation of Eledrical Lighting at First Avenue School Installation of Vehicle Exhaust Extraction System 1 'Police Department Facility Maintenance Improvements 1 Rewire Signalized Intersections I Crown Restoration of City Trees I New Exit ADA Ramp at Museum Patio 1 Baldwin Reservoir 2 &3 Repair L East Raymond Basin Water Resources Program L Flow Meter for St. Joseph Reservoirs L Raymond Basin Monitoring Well L. Street Lighting Assessment District 4nnual Asphalt and Concrete Programs Neter Main Replacement l.. Structural Damage Relining Project 4nnual Sewer Inspections and CCTV Data Review 1., fewer System Improvement on Baldwin Avenue Design L. 'ire Station Maintenance Program 'lymovent Exhaust System 2. iuntington Drive WB Rehabilitation I d1 Ruau nenaomuauon Project From Santa Anita Avenue to El fonte Avenue Q d P) )n m r N f 7 N U, N N N t") M f�9 t VI M V n '7 V )D l 1 1n N CO t`9 t0 LL 1t1 <D i r- (O a. C OTHER ld1S Call for Projects 9 uoq sodawd snmwgS snlnwfs 0803 9900 1 000'099 150,000 000'L66 797,000 000'009 000'06 000'41 705 Redevelo ment f 000'001 50,000 150,000 000'09 520 WATER a3M3S 129 157 PROP C 120,000 150,000 25,000 463,000 000'001 000'09 142 GAS TAX 25,000 302 CAPITAL I 1,127,620 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Development 1 Development Development Development Development Development Development Development luewdelana0 Development luawdolana0 1 Recreation and Community PROJECT DESCRIPTION Duarte Road Rehabilitation Project From Santa Anita Avenue to Fifth 1 n.. Gold Line Betterments (Design Only) 1 Gold Line Transit Plaza SluawanwdWI ly!oedeO anuO uolfiu!lunH Miscellaneous Parking Lots Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements Pavement Management Program I 0 Santa Anita Avenue Rehabilitation Project From Foothill Boulevard to o� c..,,. a r n.inn PPM Avenue R 1 nnnden Avenue i 1 f 0 j f 1!w!l AG!Q upoN of 'plus II!1400j wwj uogel!I!Qega2I el!uV etueSl 1 Santa Anita Rehabilitation From Longden Avenue to Live Oak n.. i I Second Avenue Accessibility 'Recreation Office Community Center ADA Counters 1 .J I ,C1N 1- t- I LL I m CO 99. I 6 8 I 16 I E6 I 2 0 a Q o Lu ce I. PROJECT TITLE: Annual Meter Replacement Program LOCATION: Various Locations DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES 1I. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1 ,2 5(3,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM S 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 250,000 FY 2010 2011 250,000 250,000 FY 2011 1 25Q,0 012 FY 2013 000 250,000 FY 2014 2 0,000 250,000 Estimated To tal 1,250,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CONTACT PERSON: Craig Clark Multi-year Funding Cycle CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project Map Not Applicable 3 First and Last Name Contract Services 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Annual program to replace approximately 1,000 to 1,200 5/8 to 2 inch meters that are beyond their useful lives with meters that are able to be read via radio frequency. City crews will replace these meters. This program also includes larger meters that are not radio read but have reached their useful lives. 5/8" meters 217 EAx$ 197 $42,749 x 1" meters 206 EA x 230 47,380 meters 150 EA x 232 34,800 1 "meters 199 EA x 263 52,337 1.5" meters 122 EA x 435 53,070 2 meters 21 EA x 542 11,382 The total cost is 241,718; total budget will be $250,000. The increase in cost is due to the low lead brass environmental brass. Assembly Bill 1953 goes into effect January 1, 2010, requiring the low lead brass. This is an increase of 14,126 from the old prices or 7,718 from the 2008 -09 budgets. The total number of meters ordered is 1,015. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Accurate meter measurements and correct readings are vital to maintaining the revenue of the City's water system. The systems' aging water meters must be replaced with new meters that are capable of being read via radio frequency. This allows the City to capture precise measurements and readings while drastically reducing labor costs. Aside from the elimination of misreads, these meters would include leak detection and data logging functions that will enable us to alert our citizens for possible leaks on their properties and assist them with high bill inquiries and water usage patterns. The cities of Chino Hills and Ontario have successfully implemented this type of radio read metering systems and are now reaping the benefits. It would take approximately 15 years to replace the entire system with a total project cost of $2,400,000. By going with this system, it will allow us to move one of the meter reading positions to assist with Sewer and Storm Drain Crew. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other •lease describe 250,000 Water W 250,000 Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital 25 Funding: 4 Total Capital 250. I. PROJECT TITLE: SCADA System Upgrades and Computerized Utilities System Mapping LOCATION: Various Locations DEPT: I PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 200,000 S 0 U R C E FY 2009 2010 40,000 30.000 10,000 1=Y 2010 2011 40,000 30,000 10,000 FY 2011 2012 40,000 2012 FY 2013 40,000 FY 2013 2014 40,000 30,000 10,000 mated Total 2 00,000 1 50,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CONTACT PERSON: Craig Clark Multi -year Funding Cycle CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project Map Not Applicable 5 First and last Name Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION 1. SCADA System Upgrades improve the current SCADA systems capability that would produce and store reports detailing well production and water level history by individual well and by entire zone. This type of information would also assist in system maintenance and overall system planning and support. ($15,000) 2. Computerized Utilities System Mapping the work consists of digitizing new sewer, water and storm drain atlas maps using the Los Angeles County's parcel maps as a base. The database would include system information such as pipe material, diameter, and slope; date of installation, inspections and cleaning and the location of physical features established using the Microsoft Access database software. The database records would be linked with the features on the map and this system would be available electronically or by hard copy to engineering and field staff. The new digital data is easy to edit and update. Additionally, the sewer Atlas map would be converted to Map Guide SDF format (manholes and 2 layers for lines). ($25,000) TOTAL $40,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION 1. SCADA is a computer based automated system that operates the City's water system. Its continued operation and maintenance are vital to the operation and control of the City's water system. Periodic and timely upgrades of equipment, battery back -up systems, and software are necessary to maintain dependable water production and distribution to the citizens o Arcadia. 2. The new system would replace the existing outdated sewer and water atlas maps. Existing atlases are difficult to update because the lined originals are in poor condition and tear easily. Office staff is not able to support field crews with adequate sewer/water maps and data information. Also a storm drain system atlas is not complete at this time. A storm drain atlas and database are essential to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance, i.e. catch basin numbering and maintenance. Once this system is complete, the City would be able to efficiently report activities to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). A sewer system closed circuit TV inspection data would also be incorporated into the new database. Assistant Engineers and interns would be digitizing maps and inputting data in close cooperation with field crews. The quality control and product cost with this arrangement is much more favorable than contracting work with a private engineer. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other .lease describe Total Capital 40,000 40,000 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 6 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 10,000 30,000 404000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Valve Replacement Program LOCATION: Various Locations DEPT: [UBLIC WORKS SERVICES 11. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 200,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM X CONTACT PERSON: Craig Clark First and Last Name Multi -year Funding Cycle s 0 u R C E 2009 FY 2010 40,000 40,000 2010 Y 2011 40,000' 40,000 40,000 2012 2013 40,000 40,000 2013 14. 40,000 40,000 tmated Total 240,000 200,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project Map Not Applicable 7 X 20Q9 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Valves which have been identified during regular inspection as being broken will be replaced by City crews or contract crews. The work will involve excavating in the street or right -of -way to expose the valve, temporarily shutting down the water main, anc removing the broken valve. The new valve will be installed, the watermain turned back on and tested, and the street backfilled and the asphalt paving repaired. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Valves in the water main distribution system are important because they allow crews the ability to isolate sections of the system in order to perform maintenance, repair pipe breaks, or make additions to the system. However, many of the valves in the system are 50 years or older, and some are broken or stuck in either the open or closed position. This was discovered during routine inspections as the crews were verying if the valves were operating correctly. The 2008 Water Master Plan also identifies the need for these valves to be replaced and allows for a certain budget each year to perform this task. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 3,200 Parks P Construction 32,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 4,800 Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W 40,000 Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital 40000 Funding: 8 Total Capital I. PROJECT TITLE: Greenscape Maintenance and Irrigation Upgrades LOCATION: Various DEPT: [UBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 13 0,000 S 0 u R C 2009 FY 2 10 26000 CO 26,000 2010 FY 111 26,000 CO W 26,000 2011 FY 2012, *,000 26,000 FY 2912 2013; 26,000 Estimated Total 2 413 2014 CO 26,000 130,000 CO 26,000 104,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Clement Flores First and Last Name Multi-year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 X On -Going Project New Project Map Not Applicable 9 Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Scope of work includes the following: 1. FY 2009 -10: removal of existing dead oleanders along city thoroughfares, and replacement of a comparable hardy shrub along with irrigation installation ($26,000 each year). The locations for shrub replacement are as follows: Foothill Blvd. on the north parkway side of the city right -of -way; various locations from Michillinda to Santa Anita; 2. FY 2010 -12: Baldwin Avenue and Santa Anita Avenue irrigation upgrades (Baldwin Avenue between Camino Real and Live Oak, Santa Anita from Live Oak Ave. to Grandview Ave.). Installation of New Hunter rotors or Toro pop -up heads to irrigate the median lawn surfaces in place of the existing brass pop ups. Also replace plantar spray heads with drip irrigation. ($26,000 each year) IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION 1. Oleanders have provided greenscape screen walls for the busy streets of Arcadia for many years. Unfortunately, the oleanders have been dying off for the last several years due to a bacterial infection caused by the bite of the sharpshooter beetle. As a result, the unsightly dead shrubs are needed to be removed and be replaced by a new viable shrub. 2. The existing brass pop -ups do not pop up high enough to clear the lawn elevation; thus causing water to bounce back from the grass blades and onto the curb and concrete street paving, and causing the roads to become wet while irrigation occurs. The brass pop -ups were set at the curb height level while the top of grass has elevated due to years of earth upheaval. The nevi rotors or pop -up heads will be set at the existing grass height allowing minimal backsplash. In addition, the new irrigation heads will allow for more efficient lawn coverage during irrigation and thus create water savings. The drip irrigation will also create a savings of at least 50% in water reduction and avoid overspray backsplash onto the roadway. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other .lease describe Total Capital 26,000 2 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 1 0 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 26,000 26,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Replacement of Calsense Irrigation Controller Components LOCATION: Various Locations DEPT: ESTIMATED TOTAL COST LABOR SOURCE: City Employees II. LOCATION MAP PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM 50,000 CONTACT PERSON: Clement Flores Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name S 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 10,000 10,000 5 000 5 000 2011 FY 201? 10,000 5,000 5 000 2012 FY 2013 10,000; 5,000 5 000 2013 2014 10,'A Estimated Total 50,000 CO $25,000 25,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project Map Not Applicable 11 X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Calsense Irrigation Controller equipment replacement components need to be installed due to failures or and to remain up to date with the current technology. The components are controller boards, local radios, transformers, surge protectors, enclosures, and hand held transmitters. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Almost all of our existing Calsense Irrigation Controllers have been in operation in the City for about seven (7) years, with some controllers as long as ten (10) years. Since then, technology has surpassed the usefulness of our existing controllers. In addition, due to natural deterioration of equipment from use and aging, some components of the irrigation equipment are now beginning to fail. In order to keep the centrally controlled irrigation system functioning effectively, the equipment is in need of replacement to enhance performance and /or as it begins to fail. An example to updating a controller to current technology will be at the Community Center a ten year -old controller and although operational, has antiquated equipment that does not render communication at the site with a hand held transmitter. Since the area encompasses three (3) buildings and the landscaped area extends to Holly Ave, irrigation monitoring and repair work can be time consuming.. A transmitter and its associated controller components will reduce the work in half. Two (2) controllers per year with antiquated components are proposed to be replaced for the landscaped areas of the City. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other •lease describe Total Capital 10,000 10,000 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other •lease describe 12 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 5,000 5,000 1'0,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: DEPT: LPUBUC WORKS SERVICES w ESTIMATED TOTAL COST II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Metals Total Maximum Daily Load (Metals TMDL) Special Studiies N/A S 0 u R C E FY 2009 20010 46,000 30,820 15,180 011 2010 Y 4,850 CO 9,950 4,900 011 2012 14, CO 9,950 4,900 FY 2012 2013 2013 FY 2014 Estimated Total 75;700 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees 75,700 Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project CONTACT PERSON: Marie Rodriguez Multi -year Funding Cycle FY 13 First and Last Name Sierra Madre Arcadia X 2009 2010 (YEAR) NORTH III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The Los Angeles River Metals Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) was adopted by the Los Angeles Region Water Quality Control Board in 2006. The Metal TMDL was adopted to address local water body impairments in the LA River and its tributaries. As part of the LA River watershed, the City of Arcadia is required to participate in additional monitoring and special studies under the TMDL in three phases of compliance: 1. Coordinated Monitoring Plan to monitor water quality at locations along the LA River and its tributaries (completed FY 2008 -09) 2. Implementation Plan Submit an implementation plan to achieve compliance with the standards set in the TMDL document (due January 2010) 3. Special Studies to evaluate the uncertainties and assumptions made in the development of the TMDL for the LA River. This phase will start in the first quarter of 2010 and be completed in 2012 Cost Breakdown 2009/2010 Expenditure Implementation Plan 38,000 Special Studies: 8.000 Total Cost: $46,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a specific pollutant that a body of water can receive without negatively impacting its beneficial uses. The Los Angeles River is listed as an impaired water body because it does not meet the water quality standards as a result of pollution. For this reason, the Los Angeles River Metals TMDL (Metals TMDL) was approved as an amendment to the regional Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region (Basin Plan). The City is required to submit an Implementation Plan by January 2010. The City will be participating with the neighboring cities in the LA River Watershed to share the cost of putting together the Implementation Plan that will describe the goals and activities of the watershed to reach compliance with the Metals TMDL. The Special Studies would quantify current levels of atmospheric deposition to the watershed focusing on open space areas, and would help quantify the amount of metals in storm water from these areas. Good scientific evidence will be necessary to engage both the Regional Board in adjusting the TMDL's requirements and approaching Federal government in funding capital improvements and other programs. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other (please describe): Special studies will be conducted by a scientific lab and consultants. Project oversight will be handled by a third party agency. Total Capital 46,000 46,090 d, Fundina: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 14 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 30,820 15,180 ;46,090 I. PROJECT TITLE: Trash Total Maximum Daily Load (Trash TMDL) Catch Basin Devices LOCATION: Various Locations throughout City II. LOCATION MAP DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 156,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Carmen Trujillo Multi -year Funding Cycle 15 First and Last Name Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project X 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 78,000 FY 2010 2011 78.,000 SW 78,000 291 2011 FY FY 2012 201$: Estimated Iota 156,090 CO 156,000 #REF! Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (FC) Facility Construction, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, #REF! (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Map Not Applicable III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) adopted the Trash TMDL in August 2007. This TMDL mandates that cities must reduce their discharge of trash to the LA River by 40 by September 30th, 2008. This will be achieved by the installation of approximately 261 catch basin devices for the City of Arcadia. The devices must be of a design that is certified as 100% "full capture" by the LARWQCB. Installation would achieve 100% compliance with the LA River Trash TMDL for the City of Arcadia. The device ideally allows for full and easy removal by hand from a fixed frame in the unlikely event that trash /debris fall over the bypass of the unit, while being supported by metal bars to avoid bending and disfiguration in the event that large objects were to strike it. This will require the unit to be replaced less frequently than a unit that is comprised of just a screen attached to the basin wall. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (LARWQCB) adopted the Trash TMDL in August 2007. This TMDL mandates that cities must reduce their discharge of trash to the LA River by 40 by September 30th, 2008. Ultimately all cities must achieve a 100% reduction /compliance with this Trash TMDL by year 2016. The inserts must be of a design that is certified as 100% "full capture" by the LARWQCB. In staffs opinion, installation of approximately 261 catch basin inserts would achieve 100% compliance with the LA River Trash TMDL for the City of Arcadia. This is Phase 3 of the installation of these devices. In all there will be four phases to this project, deferring project costs over four fiscal years. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 78,000 Parks P Construction Redevelopment R Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 78,000 Funding: 16 Total Capital 78,000 78,000 1. PROJECT TITLE: Annual Replacement of HVAC Rooftop Units LOCATION: Various facilities DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES I v ESTIMATED TOTAL COST S 0 U R C E 2010; 50,000 CO 33,000.00 7,000.00 2010 FY 2011 $0,000 CO 33,000.00 S 7,000.00 10,000.00 2011 FY 20 50,000 CO 33,000.00 7 000.00 10,000.00 01 FY 's 2013 50,000 CO 33,000.00 S 7 000.00 10,000.00 2013, FY 2014 40.000 CO $40,000 ted Total 240,000': S CO 172,000 28,000 10,000.00 40,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0 Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM 0,000 CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOCATIONS NORTH 17 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION 1. Replace rooftop HVAC unit #6 (Library) $19,500 2. Replace rooftop HVAC unit #4 (Service Center) $17,000 3. Replace rooftop HVAC unit #10 Community Center) $13,500 TOTAL $50,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION 1.The existing HVAC unit (Library) is eleven (12) years old. It operates on an average of 15 hours a day, six days a week. Motor bearings, condenser fan motors, and electrical wiring also wear out prematurely due to the extended hours of operation. 2. The existing HVAC unit (Service Center) is over sixteen (16) years old. The cooling coils have reached their maximum operational life and therefore, need replacement. The HVAC unit operates on an average of twelve (12) hours a day, five days a week. 3. The existing HVAC unit (Community Center) is over 14 years old with a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years. Since the cooling coils are close to reaching their maximum operational life, it is necessary to continue the process of replacement. The HVAC unit operates on an average of 15 hours a day, six days a week, and are critical to the operation of the Community Center. Additionally, the maintenance costs have increased over the past year due to the age of the units. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 50,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other lease describe 0 Total Capital 0,900 Funding: 18 33,000 7,000 10,000 Total Capital 50,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: City Hall Maintenance Improvements LOCATION: Upper and Lower City Hall DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES I v ESTIMATED TOTAL COST CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP LABOR SOURCE: City Employees ,A00 X CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey First and Last Name Multi -year Funding Cycle 0 U R C E t1 19 FY 8.$0,000 CO 285,300 0 534,700 10 FY I. 11 235,000 CO 235,000 111 FY ,000 100,000 Y 1 14 100,000 Estimated Total 1,335, CO 820,300 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Map Not Applicable 19 Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project 2008 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION This is the first phase of a multi -year facility improvement to increase the energy efficiency and aesthetics of Upper and Lower City Hall facility. The scope of work will include the following: 1. Install new gas electric cooling and heating units ($400,000) 2. Install new t -bar ceiling and acoustic panels ($100,000) 3. Abatement ($100,000) 4. Install new double pane insulated windows and frames ($200,000) In addition, the economic stimulus plan allocated $534,700 to the City of ARcadia via the Energy Efficiency Block Grant Program; however, an application is still required to fund the City's energy efficiency projects. The application is beyond staffs expertise and a consultant must be retained to assist in the completion of the application 20,000) TOTAL $820,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION 1. For the Upper and Lower City Hall, the existing air handler and zone control is over 30 years old. The cooling coil is unable to provide enough cooling for the building due to the inefficient design of the coil. For Upper City Hall, there are only five (5) heating and cooling zones for the building. Offices are unable to achieve individual set points due to the way the building is designed. Six (6) roof top package units totaling 30 tons of cooling will need to be placed on the roof to condition the following offices: (1) Development Services Department, (2) Engineering, (3) City Attomey, (4) City Clerk/Cashier, (5) Information Technology, and (6) Purchasing and Code Enforcement. For the Lower City Hall, a total of six (6) units will be installed along with new ducting and registers. The old steel ducting will remain in place to minimize removal cost. The new units will greatly reduce the current energy consumption (Kwh) of the facility. Similarly, units will be placed on the roof to condition the following offices: (1) Finance, (2) Administrative Services /Human Resources, (3) City Manager, (4) City Manager front offices, (5) Mayor's Office and rear offices, (6) City Hall break room. The new units will range from four to seven tons and will have energy efficiency rating (16 or higher) that will meet the standards of Southern California Edison. Also the units will be controlled through the citywide computerized energy management system to achieve the optimum energy savings for the equipment. Each office or zone will have the capability of temperature control. 2. Due to construction of the ductwork through the ceilings, a new t -bar ceiling track and panels will be installed. 3. Abatement in the areas of construction will be required per the asbestos study performed by outside contractor. 4. The existing single pane windows were installed when the building was originally constructed. As a result, the windows do not lock, are no longer air tight and therefore, are no longer energy efficient. New aluminum frames will replace the existing windows which will be more energy efficient without drastically changing the design integrity of the building. Since these are considered energy efficient projects, the City may qualify for financing incentives from the Southern California Edison (SCE) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as part of the economic stimulus plan. The City will pursue for SCE's rebate program for the HVAC and ceiling installation and for the window replacement. In addition, the American Recovery and Funding authorized Congress to appropriate $3.2 billion to DOE's Energy Efficient Improvement Program. Through this Program, the City of Arcadia has been allocated $534,700 (based on a formula grant population and energy consumption), which is the maximum funding the City can apply for toward its energy efficiency retrofit projects. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other lease describe Total Capital 40,000 780,000 820 000 Fundino: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other (please describe): U.S. Department of Energy's allocation to City of Arcadia as part of the federal government's economic stimulus plan for energy efficient projects. 20 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 285,300 534,700 $20, I. PROJECT TITLE: Citywide Facility Improvements LOCATION: Various DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES II. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 75,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey First and Last Name Multi -year Funding Cycle 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 u R C E 2000 2010 1 000 CO 7,500 S 3,000 4,500 2910 FY 2011 15,000 7,500 3,000 4,500 FY 2012 15, 2012 FY 013 15,000 CO 7,500 s 3,000 4,500 FY 913 2014 15,000 Estimated Total 75,00 CO 37,500 S 15,000 vv W a,5oo W W 4,500 W 22,500 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CAPITAL REQUEST: On -Going Project New Project Contract Services X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 Map Not Applicable 21 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The scope of work involves: 1. Cleaning the lighting fixtures diffuser, lens, and replacing the existing lamps at the following City facilities: City Hall, Council Chambers, Service Center, Fire Stations 106 and 107. ($6,500) 2. Flooring and door lock repairs ($3,500) 3. Annual paint and carpet replacement Service Center /Fleet Garage ($5,000) TOTAL $15,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION With continuous operation, averaging 14 hours a day, six days a week, the existing lamps are in need of replacement. When lamps reach their average life expectancy, the power to energize the lamp increases and therefore, the lamps would eventually fail prematurely. By relamping every three (3) years, the lighting ballast power factor remains high which would also increase the life of the electronic ballast under normal operations. This is an ongoing program. The Service Center is now over 12 years old and the carpeting and linoleum flooring in the high traffic areas are starting to show wear and tear. This would be an ongoing program until all painted surfaces are refurnished, carpeting replaced, and linoleum flooring repaired. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Es mated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 7,500 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 15,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S 3,000 Other lease describe Water W 4,500 Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 1$ monowomlimost Funding: 22 Total Capital 15,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Community Center Facility Improvements LOCATION: Community Center DEPT: PUB11C WORKS SERVICES II. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 166,700 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CAPITAL REQUEST: CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey Multi -year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project 23 First and Last Name Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 u R C E 200 FY 10 106,700 CO` 106,700 FY 2010 5,000 CO 15.000 FY 2 201 15,000 FY 2012 01 CO 15,000 FY 13 d 15, CO 15,000 Estimated Total 166,700 CO 166,700 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other PROJECT LOCATION NORTH III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The Annual Maintenance Program includes: 1. Repair interior walls, flooring, wall coverings, ceiling tiles and replace restroom laminate are necessary due to the extensive usage of the facility. This is the second year of a multi -year project in maintaining the quality control of the facility. ($10,000) 2. Remove portable wall partitions and disassemble at the factory. Remove existing wall coverings, install new panels, new seals, new panel sweep, acoustic seals, panel trim, and remount panels. ($65,000) 3. Install electrical service to temporarily connect the portable emergency generator to the Community Center. ($20,000) 4. Lamp and ballast replacement. ($1,200) 5. Replacement of existing three (3) public refrigerated drinking fountains with new stainless Haws type units. ($10,500) TOTAL $106,700 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION 1. The laminate in the men's and women's restrooms are failing. For this project, the existing coverings will be removed and walls will be sealed and painted to match the existing color. Also due to roof leaks over the years, the ceiling tiles have been damaged or stained. Therefore, portions of the ceiling tiles will need to be replaced over a five (5) year period. In addition, the existing storage cabinets will be equipped with pullout drawers for easy access. The damaged carpet located in the Recreation area will also be replaced. The City and contractors will be responsible for the facility upgrades. 2. The existing movable walls will be stripped and a new finish will be provided. Install new panel slides, compressible bulb seals, sweep seals at panel sill, sweep seals at storage pocket door, acoustic seals at pocket doors where they seal against operable wall surface, and track mounted sweep seals. Reuse all of the existing panel trim and check assembly for repair and adjust. 3. The facility electrical switchgear is pre -wired to accept an emergency generator. The project will involve pre- wiring the generator for connecting the electrical loads to the switchgear. Also the pigtails to be installed will directly connect to the system for temporary operation. In the event of an earthquake, the Community Center cannot function without back up emergency power. 4. The existing refrigerated drinking fountains ($3,500 each) are not working properly. The valves are leaking or not shutting down completely. In addition, parts are no longer available and the new units with available parts will replace the existing drinking fountains. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 106,700 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 106,700 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 106,700 Funding: 24 Total Capital 106,700 I. PROJECT TITLE: Library Facility Improvements LOCATION: Library DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES II. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 220,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey First and Last Name Multi -year Funding Cycle s O U R C E 20:10 2009 CO 60,000 2010 fry 2011 40,000 CO 40,000 FY 11 201? 40,000 CO 40,000 CO 40,000 ,2914 40,0tt CO 40,000 Estimated Total 22,0,000 CO 220,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other 25 Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project X 2009; 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The scope of work includes: 1. Annual interior painting of the Library Phase 4 ($10,000) 2. Annual replacement of existing electronic lighting ballasts/lamps Phase 4 ($20,000) 3. Annual ceiling tile replacement ($5,500) 4. Annual library maintenance (second year) which includes the following: existing locks not opening when security code is pushed (installing new electric mag type door locks for the employee passage doors); replacing accordion doors since they are falling apart and not closing properly; storage cabinets and filing units are chipped; carpet is tom and separating in high traffic areas. ($20,000) 5. Basement lighting fixture replacement ($4,500) TOTAL $60,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION 1. Due to the extreme usage of the facility, dirt, hand prints, and chipped corners and walls have been prevalent throughout the facility. Re- coating of wall coverings are required due to chairs being pushed into the walls. 2. Lighting ballasts are failing at a high rate during normal business operation due to extreme heat. The new electronic ballasts will handle the building's electrical harmonics and extensive heat build -up inside the ballast core. 3. The existing ceiling tiles are in need of replacement due to broken, mismatched and discolored tiles from the HVAC units. The new tiles will be available through the Armstrong Company since the existing tiles are no longer manufactured. 4. This is the second year of a multi -year project in maintaining the quality control of the facility. Due to the extensive usage of the facility, interior walls, storage cabinets, displays, doors, carpet replacement and replacement of locksets are in constant need of repair and replacement. 5. By installing energy efficient lamps and fixtures, Edison will reimburse the City $554 toward the project. The Kilowatt hours (kwh) saved annually will be 6,930 Kwh or $970 per year in Edison fees. As a result, the project will pay for itself in 3.7 years V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Total Capital Fundinsa: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 60,000 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 60,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 80,000 Total Capital 26 80,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Electrical Wiring Project for Fire Station 105 Emergency Generator LOCATION: Fire Station 105 DEPT: LPUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST S 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 CO 30,000 2 01 1 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 2014 Estimated Total 30,Q00 CO'` 30,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM 30,000 CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey First and Last Name Multi Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project 27 Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) Colorado BI. Sant nita Race k ai ca c co c ca co Santa lara Sta •2# Campus Fire Staten 105 Dr. Q Ili LL. Second Ave. Project Location I. PROJECT TITLE: Electrical Wiring Project for Fire Station 105 Emergency Generator LOCATION: Fire Station 105 DEPT: LPUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST S 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 CO 30,000 2 01 1 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 2014 Estimated Total 30,Q00 CO'` 30,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM 30,000 CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey First and Last Name Multi Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project 27 Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Add facility electrical sub panels to the existing dedicated emergency panel and install electronic transfer breakers. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The existing generator energizes the emergency panel dedicated to operate minimal lighting and wall receptacles. When there is a power failure the electrical circuits energize only the fuel pumps, apparatus bay doors, and some random ceiling and wall outlets throughout the building. Personnel is unable to perform their operations due to the lack of electrical circuits needed to operate when a power failure or a black out occurs in the area. The existing subpanels that provide electrical power to the building are not part of the emergency panel. The subpanels will be re -wired to the emergency panel and incorporate shunt trip breakers. The stand -by generator, if started due to power failures, will energize these circuits to provide electrical power to all offices. The two (2) HVAC units AC1 and AC2 will have a programmable electronic breaker installed to monitor the load capacity of the building. The primary AC unit for upstairs dormitories will be programmed to stay on during an outage. If the building load exceeds the generator output, AC1 downstairs unit will shunt trip off and if required AC2 will shut down only when the load is excessive and the generator can not handle the Toad. Once building loads stabilize, these breakers will turn back on automatically sustaining the cooling for the building. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 30,000 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 30,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital 30 ,000 Fundinsa: 28 Total Capital I. PROJECT TITLE: Fire Station 106 HVAC Relocation LOCATION: Fire Station 106 DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 35,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey Multi-year Funding Cycle First and Last Name 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 7,000 CO 7 000 FY 2010 2011 7,000 CO 7,000 FY 2011 201 7 000 2012 FY 213 7,000 CO 7,000 FY 2013 2014 7,000 CO 7,000 Estimated Total 85,000 CO 35,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On-Going Project New Project NORTH PROJECT LOCATION 29 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION In 2006 -07 the design for this project was completed. The plan was to relocate the existing HVAC equipment from the enclosed attic area. The equipment will be relocated to a concrete enclosure outside the building. In the meantime, if premature failure of a compressor occurs, funding will be set aside annually to cover the cost of replacement. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The existing HVAC equipment is in an enclosed room at the Fire Station. Air flow is not sufficient to cool the compressors and condensing coils of the units. Therefore, it causes the 16 -ton condensing units to operate under discharged pre heated air that is circulating in the room. As outdoor temperature increases, the condenser and compressor increases with heat pressure, which can cause a shut down or premature failure of the equipment. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 7,000 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 7,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital Funding: 7,000 Total Capital 30 7, 000 BONITA 1 AV `d11N`d VIII CALIFORNIA 1ST AVENUE JR H S DIAMOND aNZ ST ELDORADO ST Q Q FANO ST -a c93 L I. PROJECT TITLE: Installation of Electrical Lighting at First Avenue School LOCATION: First Avenue School DEPT: WORKS SERVICES I II. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 100,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey Multi-year Funding Cycle First and Last Name 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 u R C E 01 2009 100,000 FY 2010 2011 2011 FY FY 1 S 2012, 2012 201 FY 3914 mated Total 100,000 CO 100,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (FC) Facility Construction, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: Previously Programmed Project FY 2007 On -Going Project X New Project PROJECT LOCATION NORTH 31 Contract Services III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The scope of work includes the following: Purchase and install Musco Lighting ($50,000) Install electrical service and all related wiring ($50,000) TOTAL $100,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The Recreation Commission Board requested additional field lighting at First Avenue School since their existing lighting system is inadequate in fully illuminating the field. This project was originally budgeted in 2007 -08. For the permit, the School District has the plans at the Office of State Architect. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 100,000 Redevelopment R Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital Funding: 100, Total Capital 32 100,000 100,000' I. PROJECT TITLE: Installation of Vehicle Exhaust Extraction System LOCATION: Fleet Services DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 130,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name S 0 u R C E FY 2 009 2010 130,900 CO 65,000 26,000 39,000 010 2011 FY 2.011 201 FY 2012 201 FY 01 4 2013 Estimated Total 130,000 CO 65,000 S 26,000 W 39,900 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services x Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project Map Not Applicable 33 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Install new vehicle exhaust system for the extraction of fumes from engines while performing maintenance and diagnostic work in the Fleet Services Section's garage service bay area's. The system will also allow power exhaust for the welding area of the shop where fabrication and welding repairs are performed for all equipment. The system includes exhaust reel assembly extractors, two (2) exhaust motors mounted on the roof and structural steel support bracing for the extension of ventilation ducting. The project was budgeted in fiscal year of 2007 -08 ($65,000) but funding was insufficient to start the project. Due to the extra support bracing required to the project, it was re- evaluated and budgeted for the following fiscal year for a total of $130,000. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Currently the Fleet Service vehicle maintenance service bays are not equipped with any means of extracting engine vehicle exhaust while performing maintenance on vehicles. The new system will extract the exhaust fumes through powered hoses attached to the exhaust system of all gas and diesel powered vehicles. The proposed system is capable of capturing 100% of the vehicle exhaust emissions at the point of generation by making an airtight seal to the tailpipe of the equipment. The system utilizes an auto start electrical control box which is certified to extract all exhaust emissions out of the building. The system includes EPA particulate emission filter reducing up to 99% of the diesel exhaust being emitted to the atmosphere. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 65,000 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 130,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S 26,000 Other .lease describe Water W 39,000 Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 130,000 Funding: 34 Total Capital 130 000 1. PROJECT TITLE: Police Department Facility Maintenance Improvements LOCATION: Police Department DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 75,000 CONTACT PERSON: Dave McVey Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 u R C E FY 2009 10 35,000 2010 FY 2011 10, CO 10,000 2011 FY 2012 10,000 10,000 FY 2012 1 1%000 CO 10,000 2014 201 FY 10, st mated Total X5 CO 75,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project X 35 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The scope ofwork includes: As part of the Annual Maintenance Program, this is the second year of a multi -year facility improvement for the Police Department 1. Paint lobby and high traffic area ($3,000) 2. Install new gate operator motors and chains for both east and west entrance gates ($15,000) 3. Repair roof leaks ($3,000) 4. Install new locking system between the radio and Fleet service bay area's ($1,000) 5. Ongoing lamp and ballast replacement ($1,000) 6. Replace carpet in the EOC room ($12,000) TOTAL $35,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION 1. The hallway and front lobby area are faded and the paint has been chipped away on the corners of the wall. Damaged areas will patched primed and painted to match the existing color. 2. Existing gate motors are too small for the weight of gates when opening and closing. The additional stress on the motors has damaged the gears, chain and sprockets. Installing a larger motor assembly will allow less stress on the operation. 3. South west of the building is moving and patch work is required to seal the roofing membrane. 4. Installation of a new locking system is required for security between radio and Fleet service bays. 5. Fire access doors are needed for yearly inspection of the HVAC fire damper operation. 6. Ongoing lamp and ballast replacement. 7. Installation of new carpet squares is needed due to the condition of the existing carpet. Over the years, the EOC training room has gone through extensive exercises that have worn and damaged the carpeting also causing a possible tripping hazard.The new carpet squares will be installed that can withstand the amount of high traffic in the room. The squares can be changed without replacing the entire rug when it becomes worn. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 35,000 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 35,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 3® Funding: 36 Total Capital 35,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Rewire Signalized Intersections I1. LOCATION MAP LOCATION: DEPT: 1 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST Project Locations 20,000 CONTACT PERSON: Dave Thompson Multi-year Funding Cycle 37 9 First and Last Name S O u R C E 2009 FY 2 010 2 0,000 20,000 011 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 2014 Estimated Total 20,000 a Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST: Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project GOLR n n COURSE ARRA Ar D X AV 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION This project will replace the electrical wires from the controller to the traffic signals using existing conduits. The improvements will be made at the following locations: Duarte Rd. and Baldwin Ave. Live Oak Ave. and Greenfield Ave. Michillinda Ave. and Huntington Dr. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The existing wires that connect the traffic signals to the controller are deteriorated and are subject to frequent electrical shorts, or ground faults, causing the signals to malfunction. Replacing the wiring will allow the signals to operate correctly and eliminate the ground fault problem that currently exists. The re- wiring will utilize existing conduits wherever feasible. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 50,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital 50,000`! Funding: 38 Total Capital 20,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Crown Restoration of City Trees LOCATION: Highland Oaks, Canyon, and Louise DEPT: vusuC works SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 125,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Dave Thompson First and Last Name Multi -year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project 39 Contract Services X 2009, 2010 (YEAR) s 0 U R C E 2010 2009 Y 25,000 FY 2010 2011 25,000 CO 25,000 FY 2012 2.011 25,000' CO 25,000 2012 2013 FY 2013 20.14 2v CO 25,000 Estimated Total 12$,000 CO 25,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION This project will utilize a crown restoration method of pruning to help reduce the number of potential limbs from falling from some of the older trees in the City and provide for a healthy and vigorous future for these majestic trees. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Many of the existing large Stone Pine and Ash trees are losing limbs due to the age of the trees. A pruning method known as Crown Restoration will help alleviate the loss of large limbs and preserve the health of these large aging trees. Crown restoration will also reduce the potential for legal claims due to large tree limbs falling. Additionally, this pro- active approach will cut down on potential legal claims, and give residents comfort that these trees are being trimmed in this manner. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 25,000 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 25,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 25000 Funding: 40 Total Capital 20 000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: New Exit ADA Ram. at Museum Patio LOCATION: DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST Historical Museum 0, 000 CONTACT PERSON: Jan Balanay First and Last Name Multi- ear Fundin• C cle FY 2011 201 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 u R C E 2009 FY 2010 2010 FY. 2011 stlmated ot 60,0198 J�2012 2013 2013 2014 ,I1,,1 60 000 60 000 CO 60,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, W Water, 0 Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST: Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP X 41 X III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Install second exit and ADA access ramp at the Historical Museum patio from North -East corner of the facility towards the parking lot. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION California Building Code Chapter 11 restricts the maximum occupancy load of the patio to 49 persons due to only one exit. To increase the maximum occupancy, additional exit is required. With the additional exit, the maximum occupancy will increase to 152 persons. The project also requires improvement to the emergency lighting. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 4,800 Parks P Construction 48,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 7,200 Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital 60,000 Fundinsa: 42 Total Capital 60,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Baldwin Reservoir 2&3 Repair DEPT: [PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST LABOR SOURCE: City Employees II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM 2009 2010 (YEAR) LOCATION: Baldwin Reservoir Facility, 670 W. Orange Grove Ave. 938,000 CONTACT PERSON: Ken Herman First and Last Name Multi -year Funding Cycle S 0 U R C E 09 =i Y 938,000 W 938,000 01 0 FY 11 2012 FY FY 13 14 Estimated Total 938,000 938,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other CAPITAL REQUEST: Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project BALDWIN RESERVOIR NO. 2 3 PROJECT LOCATION Orange Greve Av Foothill BL Handnglon Dr. Slam Madre BI. IH 210 Loa Grandview Ave. D N Colorado NORTH 43 Contract Services X III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The Baldwin reservoir 2 &3 repair project will involve the structural repair of the columns and roof supports of the concrete reservoirs. Strengthening of the concrete columns that support the concrete roofs of the two reservoirs at the Baldwin facility would involve adding additional support to the outside perimeter of the columns, either by high strength fiber wrap, or by adding steel reinforcement and a new concrete outer layer. Repair of the sliding connections of the roof to the walls of the reservoirs would involve the replacement of the connection plates and the concrete surrounding the connections. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Cracks in the concrete roof support columns and broken concrete around the seismic roof restraints were observed during a routine underwater inspection in 2002. In 2003, the reservoirs were drained and a structural inspection and evaluation were performed by Montgomery Watson Harza Engineers. Their analysis concluded that cracks observed in the columns and broken concrete from around the roof supports were the result of movement of the roof during past seismic events. Strengthening of the columns and repair of the seismic roof restraints would be necessary to bring the reservoir up to the required seismic design standards and improve the ability to withstand a design basis earthquake. The Baldwin Reservoir Facility is a vital link to the City's water supply system. It provides storage for the domestic and fire protection water supply serving the west side of the City (Zone 2), between Colorado Boulevard and Duarte Road. The two reservoirs on this site have a combined storage capacity of 9.3 million gallons, which is approximately 23% of the City's total water storage. The Water Master Plan 2008 Update identifies this project as necessary to maintain the reliability of the water system to perform in the event of a catastrophic seismic event. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 113,000 Parks P Construction 750,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 75,000 Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital Fundina: 938,000 938,000 Total Capital 938,000 44 I. PROJECT TITLE: East Raymond Basin Water Resources Program LOCATION: Various Locations DEPT: [UBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM 1,985,000 X CONTACT PERSON: Ken Herman Multi -year Funding Cycle 45 First and Last Name S 0 U R C E 2009 FY 83,000' 83,000 FY 2010 2011 215,000 783,000 FY 2012 2013 597,000 11 FY 2t i144 X27,000 Estimated Total 1,085,.000'` 1,988,000= Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project X 2009 2010 (YEAR) Map Not Applicable III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Provide funding of the Arcadia share of local funding established in the Cooperative Agreement with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and the City of Sierra Madre for the East Raymond Basin Water Resources Program (ERBWRP). Projects Identified in the ERBWRP in which the City of Arcadia is involved are: Santa Anita Debris Basin Rehab Santa Anita Spreading Grounds Rehab Santa Anita Dam Rehab Arcadia Extraction Well Water and Recycled Water System reliability Projects Arcadia Cost -Share Total 2009/2010 Expenditure 62,300 8,900 0 0 11,800 83,000 2009 -2014 Total Expenditures 836,900 105,600 247,700 385,500 409.300 $1,985,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The East Raymond Basin Water Resources Program (ERBWRP) was developed as a part of the Water System Reliability Program (WSRP) study conducted through the US Army Corps of Engineers in order to find ways to increase water storage and production in the East Raymond Basin. The total cost of the ERBWRP is $26.7 million, of which the federal government has approved funding of $20 million through the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). The Cities of Arcadia, Sierra Madre, and the County of Los Angeles Flood Control District will fund the remaining $6.7 million through a Cooperative Agreement approved by the City Council on April 7, 2009. Implementation of the ERBWRP is dependent on final appropriation of the $20 million in funding approved under the WRDA. The East Raymond Basin Water Resources Program (ERBWRP) has identified five (5) projects in which the City of Arcadia would participate in cost sharing in cooperation with the City of Sierra Madre and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District. The purpose of these projects is to increase water storage in the East Raymond Basin through retention of storm runoff from the Santa Anita watershed, extraction of ground water from one new well, and the implementation of water and recycled water system reliability projects. The East Raymond Basin has historically accounted for 15 -28% of the total groundwater pumped by the City. This contribution dropped dramatically in 2008 due to low groundwater levels in the basin and the City is at risk of losing this basin as a source of supply if the climate and recharging methods are not improved. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other (please describe): All work is under the direction of the ERBWRP Total Capital 83,000 83,000 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 46 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 83,000 83,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Flow Meter for St. Joseph Reservoirs LOCATION: St. Joseph Facility DEPT: [PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 45 ,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM S 0 u R C E 2009 2 45,000 FY 2 2,011 FY 2011 2012; 13 FY 4 Estimated Total 45,000 45,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CONTACT PERSON: Ken Herman Mufti-year Funding Cycle First and Last Name Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project 47 X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Install a new flow meter on Zone 4 Intake /Discharge pipeline to St. Joseph Reservoirs in the vault and connect to existing SCADA system. The new meter is necessary to calculate nitrate levels and blending volumes for system water with St Joseph well water. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Requirement of the California Department of Public Health to approve City's nitrate blending plan for St. Joseph Facility and its well. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 3,600 Parks P Construction 36,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 5,400 Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital Fun in 4,000 Total Capital 48 45,000 45,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Raymond Basin Monitoring Well LOCATION: Eisenhower Park DEPT: PUBLIC woRics SERVICES LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 90,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Ken Herman Multi -year Funding Cycle 49 First and Last Name S O U R C E FY 2009 2010 90,000 90,000 2010 FY 2011 201 Estimated Total 90,000 90,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project X 2009 2010 (YEAR) NORTH PROJECT LOCATION 0 C.O a Q. Oz C.) HAVEN A L_ LAUREL NTRY SCR a V FLORAL FOREST AV HAVEN NEWMAN z AV AV AV AV COLORADO BL III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Design and construct monitoring well at Eisenhower Park per requirements form Raymond Basin Water District. The well is expected to be 8" diameter and approximately 500 feet deep. Detail design will be prepared under the direction of Raymond Basin Water District hydrogeologist. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Raymond Basin Water District Engineer and Hydrogeologist suspect that water is spilling over the Raymond Fault from Raymond Basin to the Main San Gabriel Water Basin at or around Eisenhower Park. The well could potentially be a source of new water for Arcadia from Raymond Basin. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other lease describe Total Capital 90,000 90,090 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other •lease describe 50 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 90,000 90,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Street Lighting Assessment District LOCATION: Citywide DEPT: II. LOCATION MAP PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES Ti ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 136,300 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Maria Aquino Multi-year Funding Cycle FY 2011 2012 Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On-Going Project X New Project 51 First and Last Name Contract Services 2009 2010 (YEAR) 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 136,300 CO 136,300 FY 2010 2011 FY 2012 2013 FY 2013 2914 Estimated Total 136,300 136,300 0 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Map Not Applicable III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Re- balloting property owners within the boundaries of the proposed citywide District with approximately 16,500 parcels to be assessed. Building on the prior assessment balloting, the project will include assessment engineering and balloting services which will comprise of re- evaluating and possibly modifying the method of apportionment and annual budget, in order to enhance the chances for a successful formation ($32,600); mailing costs for ballot printing, postage and processing ($12,500) and as necessary, additional five (5) meetings with the consultant to confer and /or finalize the establishment of a Street Lighting District ($5,700). Subtotal Assessment Engineering and Balloting Services $50,800 The project will also include a public relations firm to prepare and execute a more concentrated and strategic public outreach effort to improve the chances for the formation of a citywide Street Lighting Assessment District ($38,000). In addition to this approach, a Direct Mail Program can be considered which consists of three (3) mailers of various specifications (bulk postage, graphics, printing, and mail -house services) to be mailed to approximately 16,500 parcels ($47,500). Subtotal Public Outreach Program $85,500 TOTAL $136,300 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION During the early 1970s, under the Street Lighting Act of 1919, the City's existing street lighting zones were consolidated into one district. To address the current inequity of assessments within the City and the District's approaching sunset date of June 30, 2010, property owners were balloted on October 2008 for the establishment of a citywide Street Lighting Assessment District via the Landscaping Lighting Act of 1972; however, the measure failed. Re- balloting of a citywide Street Lighting Assessment District will be proposed or the City will have to shoulder the entire cost of the City's street lighting system when the District expires on June 30, 2010. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Public Education /Outreach Program Total Capital 136,300 r' Funding: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay Land Acquisition Gas Tax Plans, Specs. /Engineering 50,800 Parks Construction Prop C Inspection Contingencies Sewer Other (please describe): 85,500 Water Solid Waste 52 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 136,300 136,300 I. PROJECT TITLE: Annual Asphalt and Concrete Programs LOCATION: Various Street Locations Within the City DEPT: PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 2,900 000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Mark Rynkiewicz Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 u R C E 2009 FY 010 ,000 500,000 011 2010 600,000 600,000 600,000 FY 2012, ?01 6 0,000 GT 600,000 Olmsted Total 2,900,1 00 GT 2,900,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees 1I. LOCATION MAP X Contract Services CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project :4: Ofri A0E 7, 1 1 IA v STOC<C ligrard4 r4W011PA#41, DuA DR AV ARCAD ALTUS PROJECT LOCATION r C 53 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The work involves removal and replacement of deficient concrete sidewalk, concrete driveways, concrete curbs and gutters, construction of new handicap ramps, crack sealing, slurry sealing, restriping and painting all pavement markings on various streets within the community in order to maintain the street pavement integrity and increase the life of the asphalt and concrete. This work may also include the removal of excessively large trees that may become laterally unstable due to the repair work. Also regulatory signs will be installed in conjunction with this project ($6,000). IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The existing sidewalk, curbs, gutters and handicap ramps may be raised, depressed, buckled, cracked or missing due to adverse weather conditions, protruding tree roots or poor soil conditions. Repairs will improve uneven walking surfaces, correct drainage flow within the gutter and remove tripping conditions that may exist. Slurry sealing and repainting traffic markings have been an ongoing maintenance program in the City in to maintain the integrity of asphalt pavement and to increase the life of the pavement surface by rejuvenating the existing asphalt pavement. This is part of an Eight (8) -year program with 1 /8th of the City being slurry sealed per year as scheduled by the Pavement Management System (PMS). Zone 8 of 8 will be the area for this year's program. Also installation of regulatory signs will be done to replace damaged signs. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 40,000 Parks P Construction 400,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 60,000 Sewer S Other lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital .590,000 Funding: 54 Total Capital 500,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Water Main Replacement LOCATION: Monte Verde Drive DEPT: CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES V CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,400,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CONTACT PERSON: Mark Rynkiewicz Multi -year Funding Cycle s O U R C FY 2009 2010 3000 000 2 FY 2011 5 i 0i 2011 FY 012 5 2012 FY' 2013 100,000 100, 000 2013 FY 2014 Estimated Total 1,4 1,400,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project NORTH PROJECT LOCATION ALTURA OLANTE DR NONTE LA ROSA PALOMA ENCANTO PANORAMA DE NZA P a ae OR O, URIET AA DR RD "AQUERO no 0 k P 4_ O co Lac 0 h o 55 First and Last Name Contract Services 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Design and construct a new 8" and 10" ductile iron water main to replace existing 6" and 10" cast iron mains at Monte Verde Drive from Golden West Ave to Altura due to frequent breaks, undersize, recurring leaks and inoperable gate valves. Monte Verde Drive from Golden West to Altura Rd. 1850 LF $300,000 IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The 2008 Water Master Plan Update recommends the replacement of older water mains and water mains that have recorded frequent leaks. In selecting pipelines for replacement staff considers the number of Teaks that have occurred on a section of pipe over a period of time, the material the pipe is made of, and the location of the pipe in relation to other street improvement projects. Many pipes in the City's distribution system are made of cast iron. Prior to 1950, cast iron was the preferred material because it is strong and resists corrosion, but it is now becoming brittle. The Current City standard requires ductile iron pipe for distribution pipe. Ductile iron pipe provides the same strength and corrosion protection as cast iron but is more ductile. Projects are also determined by their location. The locations chosen for this fiscal year are related to frequent breaks along Monte Verde Drive. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other .lease describe Total Capital 24,000 240,000 36,000 300,000. Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 56 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 300,000 30 ®,900 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Structural Damage Relining Project LOCATION: DEPT: P BLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST S 0 u R C E 2009 FY 2010 97,000 97,000 FY ;010 2011 012 FY 013 2013 s' 4 Estimated Total 97,000 97,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project II. LOCATION MAP 97,000 X CONTACT PERSON: Tiffany Lee First and Last Name Multi-year Funding Cycle FY 57 Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) Map Not Applicable III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Engineering analysis of sewer pipe line cleaning, closed circuit TV (CCTV) and video taping inspections have identified pipe segments for rehabilitation. The project will reline various segments approximately 1600 LF of broken 8" pipeline on Third Avenue (612MH055_612MH056, 612MH060_613MH046), Alta Oaks Drive (603MH047_604MH010), Sharon Avenue (312MH032_312MH033), and Altura Terrace (207MH016_207MH019). IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Sewer pipe CCTV inspections and analysis of the first 50% of the data identified segments for structural relining. Sewer Master Plan scheduled the first set of segments relining project to start in 2008. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other lease describe Total Capital 7,760 77,600 11,640 97,000 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other •lease describe 58 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 97,000 97,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Annual Sewer Inspections and CCTV Data Review LOCATION: Various Locations DEPT: I PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 110,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Tiffany Lee First and Last Name Multi -year Funding Cycle S 0 U R C FY 2010 2009 22,000 22,000 FY 2010 2011 22,000 22,000 1 11 22,000 FY 2412 2013. 22,000 013 FY 14 22,000 mated Total 1110,000 110.000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project Map Not Applicable 59 Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The scope of work includes the following: 1. Sewer pipe line cleaning, closed circuit TV (CCTV), and video taping inspections on areas identified by field crews. ($22,000) IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION It is necessary to provide positive and reliable information regarding the status of the City's sanitary sewer collection system to decrease the occurrence of an overflow. The federal government mandates sewer system inspections and these improvements had been identified by the Sewer Master Plan. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other .lease describe Total Capital 22,000 2 000 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 60 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 22,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Sewer S stem Im•rovement on Baldwin Avenue Desi•n LOCATION: Baldwin Avenue between Huntin DEPT: (PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST S 0 U R C E FY 2009 2010 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, W Water, 0 Other 20'10 2011 wry® LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP 22 X CONTACT PERSON: Tiffany Lee First and Last Name Multi- ear Fundin. C cle Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project PROJECT LOCATION HUNTINGTON OUTHVIEW a m AV AV ARCADIA 1 FAIRVIEW HU I NGTON NORTH AV s 61 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Design sewer system improvement on Baldwin Avenue between Huntington Drive and Duarte Road. The existing sewer pipe was found to be deficient for peak flows. The improvement is recommended from the manhole number 309MH030 on Baldwin Avenue to the manhole number 310MH020 in the intersection of Baldwin Avenue and Duarte Road. The existing 12- inches will be replaced with a 15- inch pipe. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The Arcadia Sewer Master Plan Hydraulic Modeling 2005 recommended this improvement and the Arcadia Sewer Maintenance personnel placed this as high on the priority list. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 76,000 Parks P Construction Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital Fundina: 62 Total Capital 76,000 74,0 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Fire Station Maintenance Program LOCATION: All Arcadia Fire Facilities DEPT: FIRE ESTIMATED TOTAL COST S 0 U R C E PY 2009 2010 15,000 CO 15,000 15,000 15,000 2011 2Q12, 1 CO 15,000 201 FY 2013 15, CO 15, 000 FY 2013 2014 15,000 15,000 Estimated Total 75,000 CO 75,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP 75,000 CONTACT PERSON: Rick D. Braun First and Last Name Multi -year Funding Cycle PY Contract Services X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 X On -Going Project New Project 1( 90 LL- WE o WE TEIE ORANGE GROVE AV F� EHO A NTA A HU�11 INGTON HUNTINGTON FIRE STATION 107 HIGH ELEM OR KS HI DR ONTAR R, NG F Z Q ST =IRE ATI 105 ELDORADO FANO GENOA Ir= ALICE PROJECT LOCATIONS LUCILE ST to NORTH 63 X 2009! 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The Fire Station Maintenance Program provides for the following: interior and exterior painting of all Fire facilities every six (6) years or as needed. replacement of carpet at all Fire facilities every ten (10) years or as needed. replacement of window coverings at all Fire facilities every ten (10) years or as needed. replacement of office furniture as needed. replacement of household appliances as needed. other miscellaneous repair and replacement of items to maintain the quality of all Fire facilities. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The Fire Station Maintenance Program allows for planned, systematic replacement and upgrades to vital components within the Fire Stations. Preventive maintenance, taking place on a periodical basis, controls and reduces costs, enhances staff efficiency, allows for quality Fire facilities, and ensures fiscal responsibility for the community. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other lease describe Total Capital 15,000 15 00Q Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other •lease describe 64 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 15,000 =15000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Plymovent Exhaust System CAPITAL REQUEST: DEPT: [FIRE II. LOCATION MAP LOCATION: Fire station 106, 630 S. Baldwin Avenue CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 100,000 CONTACT PERSON: Dave Haney 65 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name S 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 190,,000 CO 100,000 010 FY 2011 FY 011 2012 FY 2012 20 13 FY 2014. stimated total 100 000 CO 100,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project 2009 2010 X (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION This request is for a Plymovent vehicle exhaust extraction system for the fire apparatus in the engine room at Station 106. The proposed system is capable of capturing 100% of the vehicle exhaust emissions at the point of generation by making an airtight seal to the tailpipe of the apparatus. The system utilizes an auto -start electrical control box, which is UL tested certified, to extract all exhaust emissions out of the building. The system includes an EPA particulate emission filter, reducing up to 99% of the diesel exhaust being emitted to the atmosphere. This assists the City to comply with the Clean Air Act of 1990, protecting the surrounding community from the airbome contamination. Installation of this equipment will allow us to comply with NIOSH, OSHA, IMC /BOCA/SBCCI /UMC standards hazardous material exhaust control system codes. This system meets the needs of emergency response vehicles is fully automatic. It is compatible with all fire apparatus with standard exhaust systems, which is critical because of our mutual aid system. This system will connect to any vehicle that meets NFPA 1901 apparatus standards. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The current vehicle exhaust extraction system at Fire Station 106 is more than 13 years old and it needs to be modemized. The current system does not capture the exhaust fumes as effectively as the proposed Plymovent does. Station 106 has utilized a passive system for over 10 years, which is outdated substandard. Potentially harmful emissions are generated by apparatus during startup and return to quarters in our facility. Changes in health safety standards have identified that vehicle exhaust emissions are potentially cancer- causing substances. Pursuing improved options of vehicle exhaust extraction will protect our personnel and the general public visiting our stations daily. The NIOSH, American Conference of General Industrial Hygienist, and NFPA 1500 -2002 Ed. A.9.1.6. support this request to improve the health and safety of our personnel and visitors to the fire station. Visible accumulations of exhaust contamination have developed over the years on surfaces within the station. Installation of the Plymovent system at Station 106 will reduce the possibility of cross contamination of supplies stored on the apparatus, in the station, in apparatus bays, in offices and living quarters, and in public meeting rooms. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO 100,000 Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering Parks P Construction 100,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other •lease describe 0 Total Capital 100,000 Funding: 66 Total Capital 100.000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Huntington Drive W/B Rehabilitation LOCATION: From Holly to Baldwin DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 600,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle S 0 U R C E 2009 FY 2010 600,000 PC 600,000 2011 FY 2012 2012 FY 201 2013 FY 014 Estimated Iota 600,000 PC 600,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project 67 First and Last Name Contract Services 2009 2010 (YEAR) X NORTH PROJECT LOCATION a z in WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA SANTA ANITA MALL PARK o� N ,J O N 9 t P y N COMMUNITY HUNTINGTON DR CENTER FAIRVIEW A E t vitu puARTE" FAIRVIEW AY I. PROJECT TITLE: Huntington Drive W/B Rehabilitation LOCATION: From Holly to Baldwin DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 600,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle S 0 U R C E 2009 FY 2010 600,000 PC 600,000 2011 FY 2012 2012 FY 201 2013 FY 014 Estimated Iota 600,000 PC 600,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project 67 First and Last Name Contract Services 2009 2010 (YEAR) X I11. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project involves grinding the entire street and installing 2 -inch rubberize overlay, AC patching, construction of new Curb Ramp per ADA standards, miscellaneous concrete work, traffic loops installation and striping. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Huntington Drive is a major arterial which connects cities in the San Gabriel Valley. Huntington Drive between Holly Avenue and Baldwin Avenue is showing a considerable amount of stress, cracking, roadway section failure and the development of many potholes. According to the arterial Pavement Management Program, this section of Huntington Drive has a very low pavement Pavement Condition Index (PCI) and is one of the highest priorities for pavement rehabilitation. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 50,000 Parks P Construction 500,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 50,000 Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 600,000 Funding: 68 Total Capital 600,000 600,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Duarte Road Rehabilitation Project -From Santa Anita Avenue to El Monte Avenue LOCATION: From Santa Anita Avenue to El Monte Avenue DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 400,000 S 0 U R C E FY 2009 010 400 PC 100,000 0 300,000 FY 2010 2011 2011 FY 2012 201 Y 2013, 2013 FY 2014 Estimated To 0,000 PC 100,000 300,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM X CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project 69 First and Last Name Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) N ORTH PROJECT LOCATION GENOA ET ALICE sT CAMPUS DR ARCADIA HIGH SCHOOL LUCILE ST DU A RT E RD LIBRARY "—NAME RTE RD al 4 I z ➢_a O G Y tP s IV VINVS MAGNA VIST AV LINDA RAE MAGNA VISTA AV R LA SIERRA DR LE ROY AV i I. PROJECT TITLE: Duarte Road Rehabilitation Project -From Santa Anita Avenue to El Monte Avenue LOCATION: From Santa Anita Avenue to El Monte Avenue DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 400,000 S 0 U R C E FY 2009 010 400 PC 100,000 0 300,000 FY 2010 2011 2011 FY 2012 201 Y 2013, 2013 FY 2014 Estimated To 0,000 PC 100,000 300,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM X CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project X New Project 69 First and Last Name Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project involves grinding the entire street and installing 2 -inch rubberize overlay, AC patching, construction of new Curb Ramp per ADA standards, miscellaneous concrete work, traffic loops installation and striping. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Duarte Road is an arterial which connects cities in the San Gabriel Valley. Duarte Road between Santa Anita Avenue and El Monte Avenue is showing a considerable amount of stress, cracking, roadway section failure and the development of many potholes. According to the arterial Pavement Management Program, this section of Duarte Road has a very low pavement rating (Pavement Condition Index) and is one of the highest priorities for pavement rehabilitation. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Fundina: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay Land Acquisition Gas Tax Plans, Specs. /Engineering 20,000 Parks Construction 350,000 Prop C Inspection Contingencies 30,000 Sewer Other •lease describe Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other (please describe): Total Capital 400,000 Stimulus $300,000 70 CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 100,000 300,000 Total Capital 4O0,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Duarte Road Rehabilitation Project From Santa Anita Avenue to Fifth Avenue LOCATION: From Santa Anita Avenue to Fifth Avenue DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 770,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name S 0 u R C E 2008 FY 2010: 0.000 PC 120,000 0 650,000 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 012, 2012 FY 013 FY 2013 14 Estimated Total 7'i'oAo PC 120,000 650,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project 2009 2010 X (YEAR) NORTH PROJECT LOCATION Pr 4 RP LIBRARY DR GENOA ALICE LUCILE STS CHRISTINA ST MAGNA LINDA FANO A AV RAE WY RICHARD H DANA JRH S� ST GR CRYSTAL MAGNA KARI WY c ILENE ALTERN U ARTE CHRISTIN c VISTA T ILENE Lx] ST ST Qq ELLEN J WY LELAND MAGNA AV SIERRA DR L GENOA ST VISTA Q AV ILENE LEDA ROBBINS DR SCOTT PATRICIA Q WY DR D rDR� LN CONNIE RAE WY SIERRA DR Q LEDA LN PEACH TREE LN 71 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project involves grinding the entire street and installing 2 -inch rubberize overlay, AC patching, construction of new Curb Ramp per ADA standards, miscellaneous concrete work, traffic loops installation and striping. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Duarte Road is a an arterial which connects cities in the San Gabriel Valley. Duarte Road between Santa Anita Avenue and Fifth Avenue is showing a considerable amount of stress, cracking, roadway section failure and the development of many potholes. According to the arterial Pavement Management Program, this section of Duarte Road has a very low pavement Pavement Condition Index (PSI) of 54 and is one of the highest priorities for pavement rehabilitation. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Funding: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering 30,000 Construction 680,000 Inspection Contingencies 60,000 Other lease describe Total Capital 770,000 Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other (please describe): STPL $650,000 72 CO GT P PC 120,000 S W SW R O 650,000 Total Capital 770,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Gold Line Betterments (Design Only) LOCATION: Various Locations DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST LABOR SOURCE: CAPITAL REQUEST: 11. LOCATION MAP City Employees 900,000 X CONTACT PERSON: Phil Wray Multi -year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project 73 First and Last Name 2010 (YEAR) S 0 U R C E 2 2 100,000 100,000 2019 FY 2011 100,000 911 FY 201 1 0 0;0 011` 12 ;Y 201 FY 2013 2914 190,000 Estimated Total 500900 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services X Map Not Applicable III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION This project is for betterments to various elements of the Gold Line construction through Arcadia such as, architectural treatments to the abutment and retaining walls, facade treatments on the parking structure and bridges, sound walls and others. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The Gold Line Authority has informed the City that any betterments proposed by the City must be determined as soomas possible and preferably before the project is advertised for design/build proposals. This project proposes $100,000 over the next several years to design concepts and designate fundi ng for these improvements. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other .lease describe Total Capital 100,000 100. 000, Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 74 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 100,000 100,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Gold Line Transit Plaza CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM LOCATION: Northwest Corner of First Avenue and Santa Clara Street DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP vi $0,000; S 0 U R C E 2009 FY 2910 $0"; 011 2011 2012 FY 2012 2 13 PY 014 Estimated Total 50, 0' 50,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other X CONTACT PERSON: Phil Wray Multi -year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project 75 First and Last Name Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) NORTH PROJECT LOCATION O cSQ 1 S ST JOSEPH ST 3AV V1IN T SANTA CLARA ST SANTA CLARA ST .f%% FIRST AVE SCR c z u) WHEELER ST HUNTINGTON DR I. PROJECT TITLE: Gold Line Transit Plaza CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM LOCATION: Northwest Corner of First Avenue and Santa Clara Street DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP vi $0,000; S 0 U R C E 2009 FY 2910 $0"; 011 2011 2012 FY 2012 2 13 PY 014 Estimated Total 50, 0' 50,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other X CONTACT PERSON: Phil Wray Multi -year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project 75 First and Last Name Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION This project will conceptually design the Gold Line Transit Plaza located at the northwest corner of First Ave. and Santa Clara St. The Gold Line Authority will use the design as a basis for their base line improvements. The City will follow the Gold Line construction with a project to add en hancements to the transit plaza to upgrade the qual ity. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The purpose of the conceptual design is for the Gold Line Authority to use as a basis for their construction. They will be responsible for minimal base line improvements. With our conceptual design as the base, the City will then be able to add enhanc ements with minimal removals or reconstruction in the future. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingen cies Other .lease describe Total Capital 50,000 50,000 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe Prop A 76 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 50,000 $0 50,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Huntington Drive Ca.aci Im.rovements LOCATION: Huntington Drive Santa Anita Ave., Santa Clara Ave., Colorado Place DEPT: [DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 3 660 000 S 0 PC 150,000 u R O C 150 000 E R FY 2009 201, IV, 0 010 FY 2011 3,360,000 PC 682,000 0 1,946,000 732,000 2011 012 2912 2 13 FY 014 Estimated Total 3,660,000 W PC 832,000 0 2,096,000 3R Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste S (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: 1I. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM X CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle FY First and Last Name Contract Services X Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project New Project PROJECT LOCATIONS 77 2008 X 2010 (YEAR) NORTH III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project involves reconstruction /widening of Huntington D rive between Colorado Place and Santa Anita Avenue to provide: 1)- a third h of travel lane in the westbound Hunti ngton Drive approach at Colorado Place. 2)- add a right turn lane in the northbound des approac Santa to Anita Huntington Drive at Santa Clara Street, and 3)- a second left tum lane on both northbound and s outhbound app Avenue at Huntington Drive and reconstruction of median and channelization islands and traffic signal modification. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Huntington Drive is a major east -west corridor that provides an altenative route to the 1 -210 (Foothill) Freeway through Arcadia and Monrovia, and serves regional commuter traffic between Downtown City of Los Angeles and several jurisdictions and communities to the east. Huntington Drive is also a major connector to both passenger and truck vehicles using this eastern segment San Gabriel Valley to access between Los Angeles and cities to the east. Improvements to this segment of Huntington Drive will enhance regional mobility and will offer congestion relief in this highly used region of the City. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other •lease describe Total Capital 300,000 300,000 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other •lease describe Call For Projects 78 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 150,000 150,000 300,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Miscellaneous Parking Lots LOCATION: DEPT: II. LOCATION MAP DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ICI ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 150,000 LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: X CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi-year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project New Project 79 First and Last Name Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 u R C E FY 2010 2009 15 0,000 150,000 24 FY 2013 stirrtated Total 150,000 150,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Map Not Applicable III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project will construct asphalt parking Tots at the following locations: The overflow parking for the new Church in Arcadia project located just north of the golf course parking lot The conversion of the old Church in Arcadia site to a parking lot IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION These parking lots are required as part of redevelopment projects to relocate the Church in Arcadia and prepare the old site for reuse. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 10,000 Parks P Construction 120,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 20,000 Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 150,000 Funding: 80 Total Capital 150,000 150,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Improvements LOCATION: Various DEPT: [DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP 100,000 X CONTACT PERSON: Ramiro Gonzalez First and Last Name Multi-year Funding Cycle S O U R C E 2009 10 ,o00 50,000 1© 2011 012 FY 2013 14 Estimated Total 50 10 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project X 2009 2010 (YEAR) Map Not Applicable 81 III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION As part of the City Traffic Signal Improvement Master Plan, this project will: 1) install controller interconnection and communication upgrades for traffic signals on Huntington Drive through the downtown district; 2) rewire Second Avenue and Huntington Drive traffic signal; 3) Add a green right turn arrow at Huntington Drive and Santa Anita Avenue; and 4) Video detection at Santa Anita Avenue and Colorado Boulevard, and other miscellaneous items. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION These improvements have been identified in the City's ongoing Traffic Signal Maintenance and Improvements Master Plan. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 5,000 Parks P Construction 35,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 10,000 Sewer S Other .lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other .lease describe 0 Total Capital 50,000 Funding: 82 50,000 Total Capital I. PROJECT TITLE: Pavement Management Program LOCATION: DEPT: [DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Arterials, Collectors and Residential Streets 1$0,000 X CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name s 0 u R C E FY 2009 2010 9,000 10 FY 2011 2011 FY 2912 50,400 GT 25,000 PC 25,000 FY 2012 FY 2014 201: 50,000 Estimated Total 150,000 GT 75,000 Source Key: (CO Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) tolid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project 83 Contract Services X 2010 (YEAR) Map Not Applicable III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The City's arterial, collector and residential streets database was integrated to MicroPaver Software which analyzes the Paving Construction Index (PCI), i.e. the condition of streets. This program will update the PCI for City streets and provide the City with a database of all street conditions with priorities. The existing MicroPaver computer software will be updated and additional Engineering staff will be trained on how to util ize the information obtained to operate the progr am software and provide technical /professional support. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION A Pavement Management Program is a tool that is used to assist City staff in making cost effective decisions and planning for pavement maintenance repair. As a requirement for receiving Federal and State funding, al I jurisdictions are required to certify that they have conducted and maintained a Pavement Management Program when proposing to do street and maintenance projects, thus inspection of the C ity's arterial and collector street conditions is necessary. It is recommended to the City that residential and local streets be reinspected in two year intervals V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingen cies Other .lease describe Total Capital 50,000 Funding: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 84 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 25,000 25,000 000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Santa Anita Avenue Rehabilitation Project From Foothill Boulevard to 210 Fwy 1. PROJECT TITLE: Camino Real Avenue Longden Avenue LOCATION: From Foothill Boulevard to 210 Fwy Camino Real Avenue Longden Avenue DEPT: 1I. LOCATION MAP DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,500.,000,, LABOR SOURCE: City Employees x CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle S 0 U R C E FY 2009 1,460,000; 4910 FY !011 2 911 FY FY 2012 2013 Estimated Tatal 1,460,000 4oa,uvu 3 PC 463,000 997,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewe (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project NORTH PROJECT LOCATIONS 85 First and Last Name Contract Services x 2009 2010 (YEAR) -J CAMINO R AL AVE W L I L WINNIE WY NORMAN AVE 1 H Q LEMON AVE LEMON AVE WISTARIA AVE AR ATHUR VE of ARTHURAVE N L N AVE CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM Santa Anita Avenue Rehabilitation Project From Foothill Boulevard to 210 Fwy 1. PROJECT TITLE: Camino Real Avenue Longden Avenue LOCATION: From Foothill Boulevard to 210 Fwy Camino Real Avenue Longden Avenue DEPT: 1I. LOCATION MAP DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 1,500.,000,, LABOR SOURCE: City Employees x CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle S 0 U R C E FY 2009 1,460,000; 4910 FY !011 2 911 FY FY 2012 2013 Estimated Tatal 1,460,000 4oa,uvu 3 PC 463,000 997,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewe (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other CAPITAL REQUEST: X Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project New Project NORTH PROJECT LOCATIONS 85 First and Last Name Contract Services x 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project involves grinding the entire street and installing 2 -inch rubberize overlay, some full removal and replacement, AC patching, construction of new curb ramp per ADA compliance, miscellaneous concrete work, traffic signal modification, traffic loops installation, striping and others. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION According to the Citywide Pavement Program, both sections of Santa Anita Avenue (Foothill Blvd to the 210 Freeway and Camino Real Avenue to Longden Avenue) have a PCI of 26 which means that the structural integrity of th pavement is below the average and requires highest maintenance priority. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Funding: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay Land Acquisition Gas Tax Plans, Specs. /Engineering 50,000 Parks Construction 1,310,000 Prop C Inspection Contingencies 100,000 Sewer Other .lease describe Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other (please describe): Total Capital 1 46 0, ©00 Proposition 1B 86 CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 463,000 997,000 Total Capital 1,460,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Santa Anita Rehabilitation From Foothill Blvd. to North City Limit LOCATION: From Foothill Blvd. to North City Limit DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CAPITAL REQUEST: 1I. LOCATION MAP ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 897,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM CONTACT PERSON: Multi -year Funding Cycle 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 U R C E 2009 FY 2010 897,.000. PC 100 000 0 FY 2010 2011 FY 201 20112 FY 2 2013 Estimated Total 897,000 PC 100,000 797.000 0 797,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees X Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project f �G�tANDVIE WAVF ANDREA LN w L IS SIERRA MADRE w Z VIRGINIA CONTINUED BELOW LEFT CONTINUED BELOW LEFT •IHWHC •P /lU' �PERKINS D HACIENDA DR VIRGINIA CONTINUED ABOVE RIGHT CONTINUED ABOVE RIGHT YORKSHIRE v rl RANGE OR V N WOODLAND AVE SYCAMORE AVE_ PROJECT LOCATION NORTH 87 Contract Services X III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project involves grinding the entire street and installing 2 -inch rubberize overlay, AC patching, construction of new Curb Ramp per ADA standards, miscellaneous concrete work, traffic loops installation and striping. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Santa Anita Avenue s a major arterial which connects cities in the San Gabriel Valley. Santa Anita Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and the north City Limit is showing a considerable amount of stress, cracking, roadway section failure and the development of many potholes. According to the arterial Pavement Management Program, this section of Santa Anita has a 41 PCI (Pavement Condition Index) and is one of the highest priorities for pavement rehabilitation. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Fundina: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering 50,000 Construction 750,000 Inspection Contingencies 97,000 Other 'lease describe Total Capital Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other (please describe): Stimulus $797,000 897,000 Total Capital 88 CO GT P PC 100,000 S W SW R O 797,000 897,000 I. PROJECT TITLE: Santa Anita Rehabilitation From Longden Avenue to Live Oak Avenue LOCATION: From Longden Avenue to Live Oak Avenue DEPT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM 0,000:; CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name 2009 2010 (YEAR) S 0 U R C FY 2009 2010 ,000 PC 50,000 0 600,000 2010 FY 2011 2011 FY 2012 2012 FY 2013 JL'Y 2013 14 Estimated Tots! 650,000 PC 50,000 600,000 v 5 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: II. LOCATION MAP X Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project NORTH BIRCHCROFTST D. RODELL BISHOP WOODRUFF AVE PL CT LONGDEN AVE PALM R RODELL PL O 5 O J LIVE OAK AVE NMI PROJECT LOCATION 89 Contract Services X III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project involves grinding the entire street and installing 2 -inch rubberize overlay, AC patching, construction of new Curb Ramp per ADA standards, miscellaneous concrete work, traffic loops installation and striping. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Santa Anita Avenue s a major arterial which connects cities in the San Gabriel Valley. Santa Anita Avenue between Longden Avenue and Live Oak Avenue is showing a considerable amount of stress, cracking, roadway section failure and the development of many potholes. According to the arterial Pavement Management Program, this section of Santa Anita has a 26 PCI (Pavement Condition Index) and is one of the highest priorities for pavement rehabilitation. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Funding: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay Land Acquisition Gas Tax Plans, Specs. /Engineering 20,000 Parks Construction 580,000 Prop C Inspection Contingencies 50,000 Sewer Other .lease describe Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other (please describe): Total Capital 650,000 Stimulus $600,000 90 Total Capital CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 50,000 600,000 650,Q00 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Second Avenue Accessibility LOCATION: From Huntington Drive to Duarte Road DEPT: I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ESTIMATED TOTAL COST S O U R C E FY 2009 2010 90,000 90,000 2010 FY 2011 2011 201 2012 FY 2013 13 s014: Estimated Total 90,000' 90,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital CO Y. (PC) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid P� Outla Pro P C, GT Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other LABOR SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: 1I. LOCATION MAP 90,000 X CONTACT PERSON: Tim Kelleher Multi -year Funding Cycle Previously Programmed Project FY On -Going Project X New Project CONTINUED BELOW LEFT ALTA ST BONITA ST DIAMOND ST HUNTINGTON DR EL DOIZAISO FANO S ALICE ST DU R E RO EL DORADOS r CONTINUED ABOVE RIGHT PROJECT LOCATION NORTH 91 First and Last Name Contract Services X 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION The project includes the construction of missing sections of sidewalk and new handicapped ramps along Second Avenue between Huntington Dr. and Duarte Rd. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION The project is part of the Citywide ADA Master Plan. The City receives CDBG funds for the construction of accessibility projects. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Capital Outlay CO Land Acquisition Gas Tax GT Plans, Specs. /Engineering 5,000 Parks P Construction 75,000 Prop C PC Inspection Contingencies 10,000 Sewer S Other •lease describe Water W Solid Waste SW Redevelopment R Other lease describe 0 Total Capital Fundina: 90,000 Total Capital 92 90,000 90,000 CITY OF ARCADIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DETAIL FORM I. PROJECT TITLE: Recreation Office Community Center ADA Counters LOCATION: Recreation Office Community Center DEPT: I1. LOCATION MAP RECREATION AND COMMUNII ESTIMATED TOTAL COST 14,000 SOURCE: City Employees CAPITAL REQUEST: CONTACT PERSON: Sara Somogyi Multi -year Funding Cycle First and Last Name S 0 U R C E 009 2010 14,000 14,000 2011 FY 2012 2012 2018 FY 113 4 Estimated Fetal' 14,0(1® 14,000 Source Key: (CO) Capital Outlay, (PC) Prop C, (GT) Gas Tax, (P) Parks, (R)Redevelopment, (S) Sewer, (SW) Solid Waste, (W) Water, (0) Other Contract Services Previously Programmed Project FY 2008 On -Going Project x New Project Map Not Applicable 93 x 2009 2010 (YEAR) III. IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION Install ADA countertops in the recreation office and community center. IV. IMPROVEMENT JUSTIFICATION Countertops are not ADA accessible at this time. V. ESTIMATED COST ITEMIZATION AND FUNDING: Estimated Cost: Land Appraisals Land Acquisition Plans, Specs. /Engineering Construction Inspection Contingencies Other (please describe): ADA improvement Total Capital 14,000 Fundina: Capital Outlay Gas Tax Parks Prop C Sewer Water Solid Waste Redevelopment Other .lease describe 14,000 Total Capital 94 CO GT P PC S W SW R 0 14,000 14,000 RESOLUTION NO. 1794 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NO. CUP 09 -05 FOR A 2,477 SQUARE -FOOT TUTORING CENTER WITH UP TO 30 STUDENTS ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL MIXED -USE DEVELOPMENT AT 715 S. FIRST AVENUE. WHEREAS, on March 26, 2009, an application was filed by Eileen Li of UEC Enterprises, Inc., dba Yale Education Institute, for a 2,477 square -foot tutoring center with up to 30 students on the ground floor of an existing commercial and residential mixed -use development; Development Services Department Case No. CUP 09 -05, at 715 S. First Avenue; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on June 9, 2009, at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the factual data submitted by the Development Services Department in the attached report is true and correct. SECTION 2. This Commission finds: A. That the granting of this Conditional Use Permit would be detrimental to the public health and welfare and injurious to the property and improvements in such zone or vicinity because there is inadequate on -site circulation to facilitate the dropping -off and picking -up of children. B. That the use applied for at the location indicated is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. C. That the site for the proposed use is inadequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use; the site does not provide for a sufficient pick -up and drop -off area. D. That the site abuts a street that is inadequate in width to carry the kind of traffic that would be generated by the proposed use. E. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan. F. That the categorical exemption determination is appropriate under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, but the project was not approved, and therefore, a Notice of Exemption is not required. SECTION 3. That for the foregoing reasons this Commission denies Conditional Use Permit Application No. CUP 09 -05, for a 2,477 square -foot tutoring center with up to 30 students on the ground floor of an existing commercial and residential mixed -use development at 715 S. First Avenue. SECTION 4. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Passed, approved and adopted this 23 day of June, 2009. ATTEST: Secretary, Planning Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: Stephen P. Deitsch, City Attorney Chairman, Planning Commission 2 1794 RESOLUTION NO. 1795 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 09 -06 FOR AN AUTO GARAGE FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE OF COLLECTIBLE VEHICLES IN AN EXISTING 6,200 SQUARE -FOOT WAREHOUSE AT 141 SANTA CLARA STREET WHEREAS, on April 17, 2009, a Conditional Use Permit application was filed by Mr. Ben Reiling for an auto garage for the maintenance and storage of collectible vehicles in an existing 6,200 square -foot warehouse; Development Services Department Case No. CUP 09 -06, at property commonly known as 141 Santa Clara Street; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on June 9, 2009, at which time all interested persons were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence. NOW THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ARCADIA RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the factual data submitted by the Development Services Department in the staff report dated June 9, 2009 is true and correct. SECTION 2. This Commission finds: 1. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not be detrimental to the public health or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such zone or vicinity, and that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section No. 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines as existing facilities involving negligible or no expansion of the use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. 2. That the use applied for at the location indicated is a proper one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized. 3. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use. All yards, spaces, walls, fences, loading, landscaping and other features including the parking are adequate to adjust said use with the land and uses in the neighborhood. The proposed project complies with all related zoning requirements as set forth in the Arcadia Municipal Code. 4. That the site abuts streets and highways adequate in width and pavement type to carry the kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. 5. That the granting of such Conditional Use Permit will not adversely affect the comprehensive General Plan because the land use and current zoning are consistent with the General Plan. 6. That the use applied for will not have a substantial adverse impact on the environment, and that based upon the record as a whole there is no evidence that the proposed project will have any potential for an adverse effect on wildlife resources or the habitat upon which the wildlife depends. SECTION 3. That for the foregoing reasons this Commission grants Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -02 for an auto garage for the maintenance and storage of collectible vehicles in an existing 6,200 square -foot warehouse at 141 Santa Clara Street, subject to the following conditions: 1. The 600 square -foot non permitted temporary canopy structure shall be removed within 60 days. Any permanent shade structure to replace the canopy shall 2 1795 comply with all applicable Building, Fire, and Safety Codes and shall be subject to Architectural Design Review approval. 2. The use approved by CUP 09 -06 is limited to the proposed private automobile garage and storage, which shall be utilized and maintained in a manner that is consistent with the proposal and plans submitted and approved for CUP 09 -06. 3. Noncompliance with the plans, provisions and conditions of approval for CUP 09 -06 shall be grounds for immediate suspension or revocation of any approvals, which could result in the closing of the auto garage and storage. 4. All City requirements regarding disabled access and facilities, occupancy limits, building safety, parking and site design shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Building Official, Community Development Administrator, Fire Marshal, and Public Works Services Director. The subject property and building shall be inspected by the Fire Prevention Bureau, and any and all requirements shall be complied with to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. 5. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Arcadia and its officers, employees, and agents from and against any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Arcadia, its officers, employees or agents to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval or condition of approval of the City of Arcadia concerning this project and/or land use decision, including but not limited to any approval or condition of approval of the City Council, Planning Commission, or City Staff, which action is brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37 or 3 1795 other provision of law applicable to this project or decision. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding concerning the project and/or land use decision and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. The City reserves the right, at its own option, to choose its own attorney to represent the City, its officers, employees, and agents in the defense of the matter. 6. Approval of CUP 09 -06 shall not take effect until the property owner(s) and applicant have executed and filed the Acceptance Form available from the Development Services Department to indicate awareness and acceptance of these conditions of approval. SECTION 4. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Passed, approved and adopted this 23rd day of June, 2009. ATTEST: Secretary, Planning Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: Stephen P. Deitsch, City Attorney Chairman, Planning Commission 4 1795 The Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia met in regular session on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City of Arcadia, at 240 W. Huntington Drive, with Chairman Beranek presiding. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Hsu, Parrille and Beranek ABSENT: None OTHERS ATTENDING MINUTES ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 7:00 P.M. Arcadia City Council Chambers Development Services Director Jason Kruckeberg City Engineer Phil Wray Community Development Administrator Jim Kasama Senior Planner Lisa Flores Associate Planner Tom Li Senior Administrative Assistant Billie Tone SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Kasama said there was a letter given to each Commissioner regarding Item 2. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN 'IRE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON NON PUBLIC HEARING MATTERS Five minute time limit per person None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE REVIEW PROPOSED LAND USE CHANGES Citywide The Planning- Commission considered the proposed land use designations and land use alternatives for the General Plan Study areas in order to make a recommendation to the City Council. Senior Planner Lisa Flores presented the staff report. She noted that the preliminary land use concept was presented to the City Council/Planning Commission in a joint study session on February 24, 2009. The City Council/Planning Commission agreed that the overall land use concept was appropriate, but felt that the recommendations for mixed use development were too aggressive and could result in too much change. The staff report presented at this meeting addressed these issues. Mr. Kruckeberg pointed out that the only major changes since this project was first presented to the Commission on May 12, were in the commercial areas of the City. He noted that the build out numbers shown on the handout are 2945 units by 2035, and about 2.6 million square feet of non residential floor area. This amount of growth is consistent with the Southern California Association of Government's (SCAG) projection for the area. Any significant changes would mostly be in the Downtown area and along Live Oak Avenue. Most of the dwellings that make up the new 2,945 units would be in the R -3 zones where the infrastructure is already in place to support this type of use. This projected growth can be accommodated by increasing the density in those areas from the existing 24 units per acre to 30 units per acre, and since many of the existing, older developments are already at this density, there will not be a noticeable change to the character of the neighborhoods. Mr. Kruckeberg said that the City's economic consultant has provided some analysis for prospective development of two lots in the downtown area and one lot on Live Oak. Staff considered different scenarios for a mixing of residential and commercial development to determine whether recommendations included in the General Plan Update were economically practical. It was found that the economic analyses showed that increasing the floor area ratio and allowing more commercial development in these areas is not the answer to getting additional development. This is due to the fact that under current zoning it is very difficult to build new projects at the necessary density because our densities are low and parking requirements and land costs are high. When the amount of residential units in the equation was increased in the form of mixed use developments, we found that the projects became more economically viable and this will more likely encourage new development. Mr. Kruckeberg noted that the city now has a requirement for three parking spaces per unit which is very high and said that one of the challenges will be to adjust parking standards and parking rates in conjunction with the increased density. Mr. Kruckeberg reminded the Commissioners that the Land Use Concept is only a portion of the General Plan Update and that the Environmental Impact Report and full Draft General Plan will be presented for their review at a later date. Chairman Beranek called for questions from the Commissioners. There were none. Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of the project. Mr. Rich Deluvio, a member of the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), said that he fully supported the proposal and commended staff for the high quality of their work. Mr. Robert Lum also commended the consultants and staff for a fantastic job. He said that he supports this plan for the future growth of Arcadia. Ms. Mary Dougherty, a GPAC member, said that she is pleased with the focus on the concentrated plan for development particularly in the Live Oak area. She encouraged support for the project. PC MINUTES 6 -9-09 Page 2 Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in opposition to the project. There were none. MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Baderian, seconded by Commissioner Hsu, to close the public hearing. Without objection the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Baderian asked about the potential displacement of the thrift shops on Live Oak Avenue. Mr. Kruckeberg said there was nothing in the plan that would make the thrift shops non- conforming and there was no plan to relocate them. Commissioner Baderian asked about the Los Angeles County Debris Basin designation. Mr. Kruckeberg said that there are two designations for open space; one is similar to a park and the other if for resource protection. The recommendation is that resource protection is the appropriate designation for this area. Commissioner Baderian asked if the city's infrastructure would be able to handle the additional traffic, etc. generated over the coming years. Mr. Kruckeberg explained that the Environmental Impact Report will address those issues and determine what changes are necessary. Commissioner Hsu stated his appreciation for the GPAC, city staff and consultants on their many hours of hard work to develop the General Plan Update. MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Hsu, seconded by Commissioner Parrille, to forward a recommendation of approval of the Land Use Concept to the City Council. Chairman Beranek, a GPAC member, said that it was an interesting process and he felt that a good plan was developed. Mr. Kruckeberg noted that this project is only a portion of the General Plan and that development of the update will continue throughout the summer with the final plan being presented for approval in November or December. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Hsu, Parrille and Beranek NOES: None 2. MODIFICATION NO. MC 09 02 AND SINGLE FAMILY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. SFADR 09 05 Referred by Modification Committee 1227 South Tenth Avenue Sergio Gonzalez (Architect representing property owner, Helen Yung Wan) PC MINUTES 6 -9-09 Page 3 The applicant is requesting the following modifications and architectural design review for a detached accessory living quarter /guest house: 1. A full kitchen where one is not allowed; 2. A livable floor area of 998 square feet in lieu of 600 square feet maximum allowed; and 3. Two (2) bedrooms, a laundry room, and two (2) bathrooms in lieu of one (1) bedroom and one (1) bathroom allowed. Associate Planner Tom Li presented the staff report. Chairman Beranek called for questions from the Commissioners. There were none. Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of the project. Mr. Sergio Gonzalez, the architect on the project, offered to answer questions. Mr. Gonzalez said that the neighbors' concerns had been taken into consideration. He said that the proposed structure will not interfere with the solar panels on the neighbor's house and that no windows were placed facing the neighbor's property. Commissioner Baerg noted that there is a large new house currently in plan check and he asked why the elderly relative cannot be accommodated there. Mr. Gonzalez said that there will be teenage children living in the main house and that the elderly person needs special care and privacy. He said that the accessory living quarters must also accommodate a nurse. Commissioner Parrille asked what the distance was from the proposed structure to the pool on the adjoining property. Mr. Gonzalez said that to the north there is 12 to 14 feet between the guest house and the pool and to the south there is over 60 feet. Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in opposition to the project. Ms. Pat Wolfe, the owner of the property to the north of the proposed guest house, said that at one time her family considered buying this property, but they were told that they could not join the properties unless they were prepared to demolish one of the houses, yet this applicant is proposing to build two houses on the lot. Ms. Wolfe said that she is concerned about the proximity of the proposed guest house to her stables and wondered if she would still be able to use those stables. If not, the value of her property would be negatively affected. Ms. Wolfe also pointed out that when the original use for which the guest house was intended is no longer necessary, the guest house will probably become a rental unit. Mr. Gary Wolfe, co -owner of the neighboring property with Ms. Wolfe, said that when they bought their property, it included a main house and separate guest house which was used as a rental. As a condition of escrow they removed the kitchen facilities in the guest house. He asked how the use of this proposed guest house as a rental will be prevented and enforced. Mr. Wolfe said that his family expects to stay at this address for a long time and they want to continue to keep horses. He is concerned that the proposed guest house will change the character of the neighborhood. PC MINUTES 6 -9-09 Page 4 MOTION: MOTION: Ms. Myah Wolfe said she has lived in Arcadia since she was nine years old and that the original owners of the property were her grandparents. She said they have always maintained horses on this property. Ms. Wolfe pointed out that the property at 1125 Tenth Avenue used to have horses too. However, the current owner, Mr. Wong had the stables demolished and she believes he would love to see this guest house permitted so that he too could add a guest house to his property. Ms. Wolfe said she has seen many houses in Arcadia overshadowed by denser housing and large palaces and she hopes that the Commissioners agree with her that this is not desireable. Chairman Beranek asked if the applicant wanted to speak in rebuttal. Mr. Gonzalez stated that his clients have no intention of forcing the neighbors to move their horses, they are only seeking approval for their project. He pointed out that the proposed guest house is only one story with no windows facing the neighbor's property. He said that renting the guest house on a two million dollar property doesn't make sense. He said the applicant is willing to comply with any regulations on preventing rental of the guest house. It was moved by Commissioner Parrille, seconded by Commissioner Hsu, to close the public hearing. Without objection the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hsu asked staff if this guest house will have a negative impact on the neighbor's use of their stables or on their horses. Mr. Li said there would only be an elderly person and a nurse in the guest house and he didn't think there would be any impact on the use of the horse property. Commissioner Baderian said that he understands the intention of constructing a guest house for the care of a family member, but current city codes and requirements must be given consideration. He said that he is not comfortable approving this request because it opens doors to future requests for the same thing. He suggested adding a room in the main house for the elderly family member. Commissioner Parrille asked if this project could change a single- family area to multi family. Commissioner Baerg said that recommendation 3 stated that if horses are maintained at an adjacent property, redesign may be necessary, and we know that there are horses on the property. He pointed out that approval is often based on something unique about a property, but there is nothing unique about this property to make a separate unit necessary. He said that he feels it is necessary to examine the impact on the neighbor's property rights. It was moved by Commissioner Parrille, seconded by Commissioner Baderian, to deny Modification No. MC 09 -02 and Single Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 09- 05. PC MINUTES 6 -9 -09 Page 5 ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Hsu, Parrille and Beranek NOES: None There is a five working day appeal period. Appeals are to be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 16, 2009. 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 09 05 Continued from April 28, 2009 715 South First Avenue UEC Enterprises, Inc., dba Yale Education Institute (Lessee) The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a 2,150 square -foot tutoring center with up to 30 students on the ground floor of an existing commercial /residential mixed -use building. The hours of operation will be 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., seven days a week. Associate Planner Tom Li presented the staff report. Chairman Beranek called for questions from the Commissioners. There were none. Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of the project. Mr. William Chang translated for Ms. Judy Chang. Ms. Chang said that where children are involved safety is most important. She promised to follow all directions of the Commission and make sure parents pick up their children in the basement and not at the curbside. Ms. Chang pointed out that it is convenient to drop off children in the basement because there will be six spaces reserved for this purpose and the elevator and stairway are only a few steps away. She said the property has been vacant for over six months and she is still making payments on it so she was glad to finally find a renter. Ms. Sarah Kuo, real estate broker, said that the applicant is willing to work with staff to develop the best plan to insure the safety of the children. She also said that even though it is difficult to monitor, she hopes there will be a way to work this out. Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in opposition to the project. There were none. MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Baderian, seconded by Commissioner Hsu, to close the public hearing. Without objection the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Baderian said that the Commission had asked staff and the applicant to devise a plan to solve the drop off problems at this site. He said it seems that the situation has not been PC MINUTES 6 -9 -09 Page 6 MOTION: resolved; in fact, not much has changed since the case was first presented to the Commission on April 28, 2009. Commissioner Hsu said that he is also concerned about the drop off plan and that it is inconvenient to have cars turn into underground parking facilities from First Avenue and this could impact traffic on First Avenue. It was moved by Commissioner Baderian, seconded by Commissioner Hsu, to deny Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -05. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Hsu, Parrille and Beranek NOES: None A Resolution reflecting the decision of the Planning Commission will' be presented for adoption at the next Commission meeting. There is a five working day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO, CUP 09 06 141 Santa Clara Street Ben Reiling (Property Owner) The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to legalize an existing auto garage for the maintenance and storage of collectible vehicles in an existing 6,200 square -foot warehouse, and to legalize a non permitted 600 square foot canopy. Associate Planner Tom Li presented the staff report. Chairman Beranek called for questions from the Commissioners. There were none. Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of the project. Mr. Ben Reiling, the property owner, said that the property was once used as an auto repair center but it is now home to his private car collection which is visited by friends and family only. Commissioner Parrille asked Mr. Reiling if he was in agreement with staff's recommendations on the canopy and limited storage. Mr. Reiling said he had no objection. Chairman Beranek asked if anyone wanted to speak in opposition to the project. There were none. PC MINUTES 6 -9 -09 Page 7 MOTION: MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Baderian, seconded by Commissioner Parrille, to close the public hearing. Without objection the public hearing was closed. MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Parrille, seconded by Commissioner Baderian, to approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -06, subject to the conditions in the staff report. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Hsu, Parrille and Beranek NOES: None A Resolution reflecting the decision of the Planning Commission wilt be presented for adoption at the next Commission meeting. There is a five working day appeal period after the adoption of the Resolution. CONSENT ITEMS 5. MINUTES OF MAY 12, 2009 It was moved by Commissioner Baderian, seconded by Commissioner Parrille, to approve the minutes of May 12, 2009, as presented. Without objection the minutes were approved as presented. MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Beranek congratulated Commissioner Baderian on his Lifetime Community Service Award from the City of Pasadena. Chairman Beranek also announced that the Planning Commission reorganization will be on the next agenda. MODIFICATION COMMITTEE MEETING ACTIONS Commissioner Parrille said there was one item on the Modification Committee agenda this morning; he described project and said it was approved. FURTHER MATTERS FROM STAFF Mr. Kasama reviewed upcoming agenda items. PC MINUTES 6 -9-09 Page 8 ADJOURNED ATTEST: Secret Planning Commission PC MINUTES 6 -9-09 Page 9