HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-12-10CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION AND BUSINESS PERMIT AND LICENSE REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Arcadia City Council Chambers 6:00 P.M.. City Council Chamber Conference Room SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND /OR BUSINESS PERMIT AND LICENSE REVIEW BOARD 5 minute time limit per person. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF GENERAL PLAN MATERIALS Staff will answer questions on the Draft General Plan, Environmental Impact Report and Draft Zoning Code Amendments. 2. ORCHID SPA 1004 N. Santa Anita Avenue Mark Vitatema 7:00 p.m., City Council Chamber RECONVENE BUSINESS PERMIT AND LICENSE REVIEW BOARD AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING BUSINESS PERMIT AND LICENSE REVIEW BOARD HEARING This is an appeal of a business license revocation for non compliance with the City of Arcadia Massage Therapist and Business License regulations by Orchid Spa. There is a ten (10) day appeal period after the appellant receives notice of the approval /denial of the appeal. CONSENT ITEM 3. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RECOMMENDATION: Approve MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS PERMIT AND LICENSE REVIEW BOARD Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Business Permit and License Review Board members and /or the Planning Commission members regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the Community Development Division offices at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007, (626) 574 -5423. PC BPLRB AGENDA 10 -12 -10 MODIFICATION COMMITTEE AGENDA MATTERS FROM STAFF UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Business Permit and License Review Board members and /or the Planning Commission members regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the Community Development Division offices at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007, (626) 574 -5423. PC BPLRB AGENDA 10 -12 -10 BUSINESS PERMIT AND LICENSE REVIEW BOARD Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may request such modification or accommodation from the Planning Services Department at (626) 574- 5423. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting. Hearing Procedure 1. The appeal hearing is introduced by the Chairman of the Business Permit and License Review Board. 2. The staff report is presented by staff. 3. Board Members' questions relating to the staff report may be asked and answered at this time. 4. The Chairman opens the hearing and the appellant may address the Board. 5. Others in support of the appellant are afforded the opportunity to address the Board. (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES) 6. Those in opposition to the appeal are afforded the opportunity to address the Board. (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES) 7. The applicant may be afforded the opportunity for a brief rebuttal. (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES) 8. The Board closes the appeal hearing. 9. The Board members may discuss the appeal at this time. 10. The Board then makes a motion and acts on the appeal to either continue the hearing to a specific date, or revoke, suspend, reinstate, or reinstate with conditions the business license. 11. Following formal notification of the Board's action, there is a ten day appeal period. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Business Permit and License Review Board members and /or the Planning Commission members regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the Community Development Division offices at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007, (626) 574 -5423. PC BPLRB AGENDA 10 -12 -10 PLANNING COMMISSION Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with a disability who require a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, may request such modification or accommodation from the Planning Services Department at (626) 574- 5423. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting. Public Hearing Procedure 1. The public hearing item is introduced by the Chairman of the Planning Commission. 2. The staff report is presented by staff. 3. Commissioners' questions relating to the staff report may be asked and answered at this time. 4. The Public Hearing is opened by the Chairman and the applicant is afforded the first opportunity to address the Commission. 5. Others in favor of the proposal are afforded the opportunity to address the Commission. (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES) 6. Those in opposition to the proposal are afforded the opportunity to address the Commission. (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES) 7. The applicant may be afforded the opportunity for a brief rebuttal. (LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES) 8. The Commission closes the public hearing. 9. The Commission members may discuss the proposal at this time. 10. The Commission then makes a motion and acts on the proposal to either approve, approve with conditions or modifications, deny, or continue it to a specific date. 11. Following the Commission's action on Conditional Use Permits and Variances, a resolution reflecting the decision of the Planning Commission is prepared for adoption by the Commission. This is usually presented at the next Planning Commission meeting. There is a five (5) working day appeal period after the adoption of the resolution. 12. Following the Commission's action on Modifications and Design Reviews, there is a five (5) working day appeal period. 13. Following the Commission's review of Zone Changes, Text Amendments and General Plan Amendments, the Commission's comments and recommendations are forwarded to the City Council for the Council's consideration at a scheduled public hearing. 14. Following the Commission's action on Tentative Tract Maps and Tentative Parcel Maps (subdivisions) there is a ten (10) calendar day appeal period. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Business Permit and License Review Board members and /or the Planning Commission members regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection In the Community Development Division offices at City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007, (626) 574 -5423. PC BPLRB AGENDA 10 -12 -10 of Arcadia Ci Development Services Department Jason Kruckeberg Assistant City Manager/ Development Services Director 240 West Huntington Drive Post Office Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066 -6021 (626) 574 -5415 (626) 447 -3309 Fax www.ci.arcadia.ca.us September 17, 2010 Mr. Mark Vitaterna Orchid Spa 1004 N. Santa Anita Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006 SUBJECT: Revocation of Business License No. 048480 Dear Mr. Vitaterna: HAND DELIVERED 9111110 The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Business License No. 048480 for the day spa located at 1004 N Santa Anita Ave. is being revoked effective October 4, 2010. Said revocation is due to violations of the Arcadia Municipal Code that have been listed below: 1. 6418.5. Business License Required 2. 6418.9. Business Owner /Operator Responsibility 3. 6418.10. Massage Therapist Identification Card Required if No Massage Certificate 4. 6418.20(A). Identification Card 5. 6418.20(C). Clothing Requirements 6. 6418.20(J). Lighting 7. 6418.20(Q). Notices. 8. 6418.20.R. Roster of Employees 9. 6418.20(S). Records of Treatment. You are to cease the operation of your business by the above date. Continuing to operate the business in the City without a license violates Arcadia Municipal Code Section 6211, which constitutes a misdemeanor. Per Arcadia Municipal Code Section 6418.23 (attached) you may appeal this decision within ten (10) days of the date if thus notice. Said appeal must be made in writing and delivered to the undersigned by Monday, September 27, 2010. If you have any questions, please contact me at (626) 574 -5430 or at svergel@ci.arcadia.ca.us. Sincerely, Silva Vergel Business License Officer C: Helen R. Lee, Property Owner Enclosure EXHIBIT 'A' Via Hand Delivery September 22, 2010 Ms. Silva Vergel Business License Officer 240 West Huntington Drive Arcadia, CA 91006 -6021 Dear Ms. Vergel, LAW OFFICES OF MIKE MAK 701 SOUTH ATLANTIC BLVD, SUITE 368 MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754 TEL (626)- 289 -5603 FAX (626)- 289 -3783 Email: AttorneyMikeMak @aol.com Re: Orchid Spa Notice of Appeal 1004 North Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia, CA Revocation of Business License No. 048480 It was my pleasure to speak to you today. As you know, my office represents the owner of the subject business. My client has received your letter dated September 17 concerning City's decision to revoke its business license due to some alleged violations of the Arcadia Municipal Code. My client respectfully disagrees with this decision, and hereby requests the appeal to the Business Permit and License Review Board. Please kindly advise us the date of the hearing when it is available. My client is prepared to present evidence in opposition to the planned revocation of its license. In the meantime, please contact the undersigned should you have any questions. CC: client Received and acknowledged by Name Print Date RECEIVED SEP 23 2010 EXHIBIT 'B' Date: August 18, 2010 To: Sergeant T. LeVeque From: Detective J. Bonomo Subject: Massage Establishment Revocation Request Sir, The City of Arcadia's massage establishment inspection team has conducted several inspections at Orchid Spa 1004 N. Santa Anita Avenue, and has found and documented several continued non compliance issues that I believe will not be resolved regardless of our efforts. The employees have been warned and cited for these violations, however we have not been able to maintain compliance with the City's municipal code. Based on our observations and actions taken, I request that this business have their business license revoked and be sent before the review board for violations of AMC 6418.20(C) (Clothing Requirements,) 6418.20(Q) (Required Posted Notices,) 6418.19(S) (Maintaining Records of Treatment,) 6418.9 (Business Owner Responsibility,) 6418.10 (Massage Therapist I.D. Card Requirements,) 6418.20 (Therapist Must Be In Possession of Card,) 6418.20(R), (Business Must Maintain a Roster of Employees,) and 6418.5 (Business License Requirements.) I have attached all Police and City reports associated with this business to this report, along with internet advertisements for services offered and reviews from an internet massage review site. This package will be forwarded to the Business License Office for processing. Police Department EXHIBIT 'C' MEMORANDUM Police Department DATE: July 1, 2008 TO: Detective John Bonomo FROM: Reserve Officer Jack Orswell RE: Summary of Massage Therapist Business Inspections On July 1, 2008, Mike Daleo and I conducted unannounced inspections of six businesses offering massage therapy services, to determine if the businesses are complying with the regulations of the Arcadia Municipal Code. During the inspections, we were accompanied by Jo Coles, Cindy Norman and Daniel Shiao of the Los Angeles County Unity Coalition. After entering each business, we identified ourselves and asked to see the owner or manager. We explained to the business owner or manager the purpose of the inspection was to determine if the business was in compliance with the Arcadia Municipal Code (AMC). We had printouts of AMC 6418.19 (Operations) which identify 21 specific items which are required for businesses offering or providing massage therapy services. The following is a summary of our findings: 1) Spa Thai Essence —1010 South Baldwin Avenue, #201. We spoke with Jintana Indachai, the business owner and a licensed massage therapist. Ms. Indachai has a current Massage Therapist Identification Card, which she presented when asked. An inspection of the facility found there was no lighting in one of the treatment rooms and insufficient lighting in another room [6418.19 (J)]; the business had a mattress on the floor of one room [6418.19 (P); the business did not post the notice as required by AMC 6418.19 (S); the business does not maintain a roster of all massage therapists and employees [6418.19 (T)]; and the business does not maintain records of treatment as required by AMC 6418.19 (U). Ms. Indachai was given a copy of AMC 6418.19 (Operations) with the violations circled, and she stated she would make the necessary efforts to correct the observed violations. Ms. Indachai was told that a re- inspection of the business would be conducted in about another month. 2) JC Acupuncture Center 400 North Santa Anita Avenue, #201. We spoke with Lin Jiao the receptionist and Xiu Mei Guang. Ms. Guang stated she has a current Massage Therapist Identification Card, but was unable to produce it when asked [6418.19 (A)]. An inspection of the facility found several stuffed chairs and a sofa in one of the treatment rooms [6418.19 (P); the doors on the treatment rooms had locks on the doors [6418.19 (Q)]; the business did not post the notice as required by AMC 6418.19 (S); the business does not maintain a roster of all massage therapists and employees [6418.19 (T)]; and the business does not maintain records of treatment as required by AMC 6418.19 (U). Ms. Jiao was given a copy of AMC 6418.19 (Operations) with the violations circled, and was asked to give the copy to the owner or manager of the business in order to make the necessary corrections. Ms. Jiao was told that a re- inspection of the business would be conducted in about another month or two. 3) Orchid Spa —1004 North Santa Anita Avenue. We spoke with Lian Yu, who provides facial treatments only. An inspection of the facility found the business did not post the notice as required by AMC 6418.19 (S); the business does not maintain a roster of all massage therapists and employees [6418.19 (T)]; and the business does not maintain records of treatment as required by AMC 6418.19 (U). Ms. Yu was given a copy of AMC 6418.19 (Operations) with the violations circled, and she stated she would give the copy to the owner of the business in order to make the necessary corrections. Ms. Yu was told that a re- inspection of the business would be conducted in about another month or two. 4) Best Health Center 25 North Santa Anita. Avenue, Suite C. We spoke with Jieman Wu, who is a licensed massage therapist. Ms. Wu has a current Massage Therapist Identification Card, which she presented when asked. An inspection of the facility found the doors on the treatment rooms had locks on the door handles [6418.19 (Q)]; the business did not post the notice as required by AMC 6418.19 (S); the business does not maintain a roster of all massage therapists and employees [6418.19 (T)]; and the business does not maintain records of treatment as required by. AMC 6418.19 (U). Ms. Wu was given a copy of AMC 6418.19 (Operations) with the violations circled, and she stated she would give the copy to the owner of the business in order to make the necessary corrections. Ms. Wu was that massage services could not be performed after 9pm, as the posted office hours indicated the office was open until l Opm. Ms. Wu was told that a re- inspection of the business would be conducted in about another month or two, 5) Health Therapy Center 608 and 610 East Live Oak Avenue. We spoke with Jim Li, the owner of the business and a licensed massage therapist. Mr. Li has a current Massage Therapist Identification Card, which he presented when asked. An inspection of the facility found the doors on the treatment rooms had locks on the door handles [6418.19 (Q)]; the business did not post the notice as required by AMC 6418.19 (S); the business does not maintain a roster of all massage therapists and employees [6418.19 (T)]; and the business does not maintain records of treatment as required by AMC 6418.19 (U). Mr. Li was given a copy of AMC 6418.19 (Operations) with the violations circled, and he stated he would make the necessary efforts to correct the observed violations. Mr. Li was told that a re- inspection of the business would be conducted in about another month. 6) Santa Anita Health Center —115 east Live Oak Avenue, Suite 102. We spoke with Yongdan Zhang, a licensed massage therapist. Ms. Zhang has a current Massage Therapist Identification Card, which she presented when asked. An inspection of the facility found several stuffed chairs covered with towels in one of the treatment rooms [6418.19 (P); the doors on the treatment rooms had locks on the doors [6418.19 (Q)]; the business did not post the notice as required by AMC 6418.19 (S); the business does not maintain a roster of all massage therapists and employees [6418.19 (T)]: and the business does not maintain records of treatment as required by AMC 6418.19 (U). Ms. Zhang was given a copy of AMC 6418.19 (Operations) with the violations circled, and was asked to give the copy to the owner or manager of the business in order to make the necessary corrections. Ms. Zhang was told that a re- inspection of the business would be conducted in about another month or two. If you should have any questions, please contact me. Jack Orswell #2237 09/17/08 08 -4645 On 09/10/08, at 1800 hrs, Officer Orswell and I, along with representatives from Arcadia Fire Department, Arcadia Code Enforcement and Arcadia Building Department Inspector, inspected Orchid Spa, 1004 N. Santa Anita, Arcadia. We talked to Hung, Helen, Receptionist. The owner was not available. This was a follow up inspection from our visit on 7/01/08. Our purpose was to check to see if the previous violations had been corrected. We found the same violations had not been corrected which were: Notices posted stating that IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT OUR DOORS ARE TO REMAIN UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION TO INUSRE OUR PROFESSIONALISM, Roster of Employees and Records of Treatment. See attachment from Arcadia Police Department. As part of our visit we confirmed a valid license for Massage Therapist Shuang, Lisa Li who was working at the time. Craig Stogner, Arcadia Fire Department, inspected the location and found the following violations: remove extension cords, improper use of multi -plug outlets in room 3, service portable fire extinguisher, need one more emergency light. The violations must be corrected within 14 days or by 9/24/08. A copy of the violations was provided to Hung to give to the owner. Robert Swanson, Arcadia Code Enforcement and Jeff Wang, Business Inspector, found the following violations: AMC 9405.1, remove compartment for washer and dryer. No building permits are on file for this washer and dryer and it does not meet the handicapped requirements for a restroom, AMC 8110, California Building Code 105.1 requires an owner to obtain a building permit for all required tenant improvements, remove portable sauna unit and vanity in hallway or submit plans to Planning and Building Services for approval and obtain required permits, AMC 6318,19C, requires that all employees shall wear clothing similar to uniforms worn in a medical office, 6318.19M, one permanently installed soap dispenser and one single service towel dispenser shall be provided at the restroom hand wash tank. In addition, pictures of violations are attached. These violations must be corrected by 10/15/08. A copy was given to Hung to give to the owner. Reports from Arcadia Fire, Code Enforcement and Building Inspector are attached. Officer and I OWNER 0 RIO 0 SUBJECT 0 I Date S u pervisor and ID Article/Make Model Number Last Name First Name kV kIC N-os Middle k k21s5 q -n -6 D. CAPUTO *33Q State Zip Code a 1.7 IL REPORTING PARTY 0 VICTIM OWNER 0 RIO 0 SUBJECT 0 I Driver's License Article/Make Model Number Last Name First Name kV kIC N-os Middle Race ,I-- Sex F Birthdate (Mo /Day/Year) 5 4-61 Residence Address City State Zip Code Res CeII Bum saddrepo r School /attended City 1 if to. SAtirrif- A tk State Zip Code AidrPL A- of By s a 5`4- l gu7 II. REPORTING PARTY 0 VICTIM OWNER' a R/O SUBJECT 01 Driver's License Article/Make Model Number Last Name First Name Middle Race Sex Birthdate (Mo/Day/Year) Residence Address City State Zip Code Res CeII Business Address or School Attended City State Zip Code Bus IV. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION I Article/Make Model Number Serial Number Color Lost/Stolen/Damaged/Found Value 2. 3. 4. A cf Y L 5. Property Continuation Page Total Value: ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT L TYPE, LOCATION AND TIME OF INCIDENT `1 III. VEHICLE INFORMATION I For Agency Use Only Case No. Type of Incident G Da►f Pr c Location of urrence Premise 064' 11/41 AN l Date and Time Reported r Coortokat Beat/RD c/ Occurred on/or Between and Date Date Day Day Time c$d0 Time Year, Make, Model, Style, Color, License Plate w /State Suspect Vehicle Victim Vehicle Other Involved Vehicle Page of Officer and ID z�3 Date qt 1 -1 Supervisor and ID Date ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT NARRATIVE For Agency Use Only Case No. Page of b41 X5.19. PE T1ONS. I o 0 g tuariez ARTICLE VI BUSINESSES, PROFESSIONS, TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS P RT 1 ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPRISES CR ki6 I Sao 1004 M, $P*J* "-IAA Y 6418.19. OPERATIONS. (A) Identification Cards. Each massage therapist shall at all times have in his or her possession the Massage Therapist Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo 7 I identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon ft= demand. Each owner and /or operator shall at all times have in his or her possession the Owner /Operator identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. (B) Display of License. Each massage therapist shall display the Business License Certificate issued pursuant to this Division in an open and conspicuous place on the business premises where massage therapy services are performed. (C) Clothing. Each massage therapist and all other employees shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall be fully opaque, nontransparent uniforms, similar to uniforms wom in medical offices, and shall provide complete covering of the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, anal area and chest area. r (D) Sterilizing Equipment. Each massage therapist shall provide and maintain at the business location where the massage is performed adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in massage. (E) Covering. Each massage therapist shall provide to all patrons clean, sanitary and opaque coverings capable of covering the patron's specified anatomical areas, including the genital, anus and chest area. Reuse is prohibited unless the covering is adequately cleaned. (F) Linen. Towels and linen shall be changed and laundered promptly after each use Separate cabinets or containers shall be provided for the storage of clean and soiled towels and linen. (G) Advertising. No massage therapist operating under this Division shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed, any advertising matter that depicts t. nudity or semi -nudity or employs language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any other services are available other than those services authorized by this Division. (H) Discrimination. No massage therapist may discriminate or exclude patrons on the basis of their race, sex, religion, age, handicap or any other classification protected under federal or state laws, rules or regulations. y. (1) Inspections and Searches. The business owner /operator, and massage therapist, as a condition to the issuance of each Massage Therapist Identification Card, Owner /Operator Identification Card and Business License, shall be deemed to consent to the inspection of the t, business premises by the City Development Services Department, Fire Department, Police 4f Department and the Los Angeles County Health Department for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this Division or other applicable laws or regulations are met. (J) Lighting. The lighting in each massage room shall be at least one (1) sixty -watt white light bulb and shall be activated at all times while a patron is in such room or enclosure. No strobe flashing lights may be used. No colored lights shall be used nor shall any coverings be used which change the color of the primary light source. (K) Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. L.) Building Permits. All building, plumbing and electrical installations shall be installed under permit and inspected by the Development Services Department. Such installations shall be Installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (M) Bath Facilities. A minimum of one (1) toilet and one (1) separate washbasin shall be provided for patrons. Soap or detergent and hot running water shall be provided to patrons and employees at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the area devoted to the performance of j. massage therapy services. A permanently installed soap dispenser, filled with soap, and a single service towel dispenser shall be provided at the restroom hand wash sink. No bar soap may be IA used. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room. ,1k:_4 F j httn:// municinalcodes .lexisnexis.com/codes/arcadia/ DATA/TITI.F46/PART 1 P.NTP.RT 9nnnt1R Page of 2 6418.19. OPERATIONS. 1 4 (N) Separate Rooms. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously, the following shall be provided: separate treatment rooms, separate dressing rooms and separate toilet facilities for, each patron. (0) Maintenance. All,facilities where massage therapy services are offered must be in good repair and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized each day the business is in operation. All j walls, floors and ceilings of each restroom and shower area shall be easily cleanable. (P) Massage Table. A massage table shall be provided in each massage room or enclosure and the massage shall be performed on this massage table. The tables shall have a minimum height of eighteen inches (18 Two -inch (2 thick foam pads with maximum width of four feet (4') may be used on a massage table and must be covered with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material. Beds, floor mattresses and waterbeds are not permitted on the business premises. (Q) Doors. No massage therapy services shall be given within any room or enclosure that is fitted with a door capable of being locked. The business premises' exterior doors and' any doors separating the waiting or reception area from the remainder of the premises shall remain unlocked during business hours. (R) Posting. Each service offered, the price thereof and the minimum length of time such service is performed shall be posted in a conspicuous public location on the business premises. No services shall be performed and no sums shall be chargedfor such services other than those tices. The following notice shall be conspicuously posted in a locatipn„within the business massage therapy services are performed that Is easily visible to any person entering the mises and in each massage room or enclosure: t om, IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT OUR DOORS ARE TO REMAIN UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION TO INSURE OUR PROFESSIONALISM. oster of Employees. The business owner and /or operator shall maintain a register of all ssage therapists and employees, showing the name, nicknames and aliases used by the massage therapist or employee, home address, age, birth date, gender, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, phone numbers, social security number, date of employment and termination, if I any, and duties of each.' employee me above information concerning each massage therapist and employee shall be maintained at the premises of the business for a period of two (2) years 04 following termination. The business owner end /or operator shall make the register of massage therapists and employees available immediately for inspection by the City regulatory officials inti demand at all reasonable times. I ecords of Treatment. The business owner and /or operator shall keep a record of the dates ours of each treatment or service, the name and address of the patron, the name of the massage therapist administering such service and a description of the treatment or service 4 rendered. A short medicalhhistory form shall be completed by the massage therapist to determine It the patron has any communicable diseases, areas of pain, high blood pressure or any physical z condition that may be adversely affected by massage. These records shall be prgpared prior to administering any massage or treatment, and shall be retained for a period of twenty -four (24) liionths after such treatment or service. These records shall be open to inspection upon demand only by officials charged with enforcement of this Division and for no other purpose. The City regulatory officials shall periodically inspect the records to ensure compliance with this Division. Such records shall be kept at the business. The information fumished or secured as a result of any such records shall be used only to ensure and enforce compliance with this Division, or any other applicable State or Federal laws, and shall remain confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City shall constitute a misdemeanor. "ry ¢418.19 I previous I next Page 2 of 2 httr //municinalcodes .lexisnexis.com/codes /arcadia/ DATA/TITLE06/PART 1 ENTERT... 9/3/2008 6418.19. OPERATIONS. ARTICLE VI BUSINESSES. PROFESSIONS. TRADES AND OCCUPATIONS PART 1 ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPRISES c0 0 1 2 4 K 0 ‘PA 2-51/44 iM h W (A) Identification Cards. Each mass therapist shall at all times have in his or her possession the Massage Therapist Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. Each owner and /or operator shall at all times have In his or her possession the Owner /Operator Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. (B) Display of License. Each massage therapist shall display the Business License Certificate issued pursuant to this Division in an open and conspicuous place on the business premises where massage therapy services are performed. (C) Clothing. Each massage therapist and all other employees shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall be fully opaque, nontransparent uniforms, similar to uniforms worn in medical offices, and shall provide complete covering of the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, anal area and chest area. (D) Sterilizing Equipment. Each massage therapist shall provide and maintain at the business location where the massage is performed adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in massage. (E) Covering. Each massage therapist shall provide to all patrons clean, sanitary and opaque coverings capable of covering the patron's specified anatomical areas, including the genital, anus and chest area. Reuse is prohibited unless the covering is adequately cleaned. (F) Linen. Towels and linen shall be changed and laundered promptly after each use. Separate cabinets or containers shall be provided for the storage of clean and soiled towels and linen. (G) Advertising. No massage therapist operating under this Division shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed, any advertising matter that depicts nudity or semi nudity or employs language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any other services are available other than those services authorized by this Division. (H) Discrimination. No massage therapist may discriminate or exclude patrons on the basis of their race, sex, religion, age, handicap or any other classification protected under federal or state laws, rules or regulations. (I) Inspections and Searches. The business owner /operator, and massage therapist, as a condition to the issuance of each Massage Therapist Identification Card, Owner /Operator Identification Card and Business License, shall be deemed to consent to the inspection of the business premises by the City Development Services Department, Fire Department, Police artment and the Los Angeles County Health Department for the purpose of determining that e provisions of this Division or other applicable laws or regulations are met. (J) Lighting. The lighting in each massage room shall be at least one (1) sixty-watt white light bulb and shall be activated at all times while a patron is in such room or enclosure. No strobe flashing lights may be used. No colored lights shall be used nor shall any coverings be used which change the color of the primary light source. (K) Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (L) Building Permits. All building, plumbing and electrical installations shall be installed under permit and inspected by the Development Services Department. Such installations shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (M) Bath Facilities. A minimum of one (1) toilet and one (1) separate washbasin shall be provided for patrons. Soap or detergent and hot running water shall be provided to patrons and employees at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the area devoted to the performance of massage therapy services. A permanently installed soap dispenser, filled with soap, and a single service towel dispenser shall be provided at the restroom hand wash sink. No bar soap may be used. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room. 6418.19. OPERATIONS. Page 1 of 2 h �n muni in.�I�nJz�.ie.irre�t; cnm cods arcadia .DATA. CITLFO6.P.\R -T 1 F`:- TF —RT... 5 2Q 2008 6418.19. OPERATIONS. (N) Separate Rooms. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously, the following shall be provided: separate treatment rooms, separate dressing rooms and separate toilet facilities for each patron. (0) Maintenance. All facilities where massage therapy services are offered must be in good repair and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized each day the business Is In operation. All walls, floors and ceilings of each restroom and shower area shall be easily cleanable. (P) Massage Table. A massage table shall be provided in each massage room or enclosure and the massage shall be performed on this massage table. The tables shall have a minimum height of eighteen inches (18 Two -inch (21 thick foam pads with maximum width of four feet (4') may be used on a massage table and must be covered with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material. Beds, floor mattresses and waterbeds are not permitted on the business premises. (Q) Doors. No massage therapy services shall be given within any room or enclosure that is fitted with a door capable of being locked. The business premises' exterior doors and any doors separating the waiting or reception area from the remainder of the premises shall remain unlocked during business hours. (R) Posting. Each service offered, the price thereof and the minimum length of time such service is performed shall be posted in a conspicuous public location on the business premises. No services shall be performed and no sums shall be charged for such services other than those d toes. The following notice shall be conspicuously posted in a location within the business massage therapy services are performed that is easily visible to any person entering the mises and in each massage room or enclosure: IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT OUR DOORS ARE TO REMAIN UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION TO INSURE OUR PROFESSIONALISM. (T) star of Employees. The business owner and /or operator shall maintain a register of all ma age therapists and employees, showing,the name, nicknames and aliases used by the ssage therapist or employee, home address, age, birth date, gender, height, weight, color of Fl air and eyes, phone numbers, social security number, date of employment and termination, if any, and duties of each employee. The above information concerning each massage therapist and employee shall be maintained at the premises of the business for a period of two (2) years following termination. The business owner and /or operator shall make the register of massage therapists and employees available immediately for inspection by the City regulatory officials demand at all reasonable times. cords of Treatment. The business owner and /or operator shall keep a record of the dates urs of each treatment or service, the name and address of the patron, the name of the sage therapist administering such service and a description of the treatment or service rendered. A short medical history form shall be completed by the massage therapist to determine if the patron has any communicable diseases, areas of pain, high blood pressure or any physical condition that may be adversely affected by massage. These records shall be prepared prior to administering any massage or treatment, and shall be retained for a period of twenty -four (24) months after such treatment or service. These records shall be open to inspection upon demand only by officials charged with enforcement of this Division and for no other purpose. The City regulatory officials shall periodically inspect the records to ensure compliance with this Division. Such records shall be kept at the business. The information fumished or secured as a result of any such records shall be used only to ensure and enforce compliance with this Division, or any other applicable State or Federal laws, and shall remain confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City shall constitute a misdemeanor. 6418.19 previous I next Page 2 of 2 httn r I'm F1 TT Ffl6 PART 1 .P- IVTFRT 10 "t)EIR 0 0 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Service portable fire extinguisher(s) 906.2 Fire extinguisher(s) required 906.1 Fire extinguisher(s) mounting required 906.7 Fire sprinkler- 5 year certification required 901.6.1 Fire sprinkler system maintenance required 901.6 Fire alarm system maintenance required 901.6 Hood and Duct fire system service required 901 6 Hood and Duct system cleaning required 901.8 HOUSEKEEPING VIOLATIONS Fire resistive construction 703.1 Fire assembly testing and maintenance 703.4 Improper storage of combustible materials 315.2 No storage allowed in boiler/mechanical/electrical rooms 315.2.3 Improper use of combustible decorative material 807 Combustible vegetation 304.1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Address numbers 5051 Knox Box required 508.1 Secure compressed gas cylinders, tanks, containers 3003 5 COMMENTS: L11 (Z C cw i x Ter C r 1 O r S 0 f t r 5. r y Roy,1 39 4¢ v ice )127 h ti 3r7 C/71/:25 1 L►4N% ARCADIA FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 630 SOUTH BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA, CA 91007 (626) 574 -5104 (626) 445 -1819 FAX FPB 101 0 0 0 0 0 Date -5E FT tO Op, oBA ORC 4-41 10 SPA /00 L/ 4) 544//74 /I ti rTit Business Address OCCYAr Cc i` /mil No violations noted (NVN). Thank you for your cooperation with the Arcadia Fiptf Department during your Fire and Life Safety Inspection. 1 Your attention is directed to the Items checked below These violations mu be corrected in order to meet minimum Fire and Life Safety Requirements. For clarification of the items noted, please refer the comments section 'ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Cit Improper use of zip cords or extension cords 805.5 [r Improper use of multi -plug outlets 605.4 Electrical panel access 605.3 Correct electrical hazard -605.1 EXIT REQUIREMENTS Exit obstruction 1028.3 Aisle obstruction 1014.4 Exlt doors'- operation 1008.1.8 Exk door locking devices 10081.8.3 Corridor obstruction 1028.3 Stairway obstruction 1028.3 Eidt sign illumination 1011.2 Exit signs required two or more exits 1011 1 Emergency backup exit lighting 1027.5 SPECIAL HAZARDS Permit required App 1 105.1 El Extreme hazard App 1 110 1 Other hazards (2) 16NpRopr 2 ()sr t i Lt.' fsc�-i w1 u r start ,V i1 Oki r /moo e,r w7�, 13.TTV� You are hereby notified to correct the items checked above within 14 days, or prior to -5 r 2 46' A re- inspection will be held on or after this date at no charge. A reinspection fee may be assessed and billed by the City of Arcadia if corrections are not made prior to this re- inspection and a subsequent re- inspection is necessary. 1 have read this statement and understand that a fee may be charged if corrections are not made in a timely manner and additional re- inspections are necessary Contact Person Signature: x 11 c V V Inspector's Name: 57/ 4,4 :Tot_ ID#: J0 7 Company: f7/...? Captain's ID# Date: f' /0 Occupancy Quick Attack Plan Occupany ID Selected: 00149 Name: ORCHID SPA Address: 1004 N SANTA ANITA City: ARCADIA License No.: Map Into Map Page: Latitude: Longitude: Commercial Units: Occupancy Use: Structure Type: Building Status: Construction Type: Roof Type: Detector Type: Power Supply: Auto. Extinguisher. On -Site Materials or Products Vitaterna, Mark QAP001 (1.00) Midis Fire Department State: CA 91000 Phone No.: (626)254 -1867 Main For Modes Length: Width: Area: Residential Units: Balkh"' Informatics Page: I Couplets Above Grade: Below Grade: FuMIP 0 B Office, Profes dorod or Service Business FP Occupancy Number. C6149 District 17 Sub District Station: 107 Station Fax No.: Estimated Values Property: Contents: Ni Priority pity Ph.: (310)3246132 Night Pb.: (310)21S-31109 Printed: 09/09/2008 16:55:16 ORCHID SPA, 1004 N. SANTA ANITA ''Vkal 4. Remove extension cords Service fire extinguisher Illegal electrical device City of Arcadia Development Services Department Jason Kruckeberg Development Services Director 240 West Huntington Drive Post Office Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066 -6021 (626) 574-5414 September 15, 2008 Mark Vitaterna Orchid Spa 1004 N. Santa Anita Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006 Re: Commercial Code Enforcement Notice of Violation at 1004 N. Santa Anita Ave. in Arcadia Dear Business Owner, Recently the City of Arcadia staff conducted an inspection at the Orchid Spa at 1004 N. Santa Anita in Arcadia. At this inspection, staff identified the following violations of the Arcadia Municipal Code (AMC): 1. AMC 9405.1 Remove compartment for washer and dryer. No building permits are on file for this washer and dryer and it does not meet the handicapped requirements for a restroom. Correct as necessary. 2. AMC 8110, California Building Code (CBC) 105.1 requires an owner to obtain a building permit for all required tenant improvements. Remove portable sauna unit and vanity in hallway or submit plans to Planning and Building Services for approval and obtain required permits. Correct as necessary. 3. AMC 6418.19C requires that all employees shall wear clothing similar to uniforms worn in a medical office. 4. AMC 6418.19M requires a permanently installed soap dispenser be provided at the restroom hand wash sin Notice is hereby given that all violation(s) must be corrected by October 15, 2008. Failure to abate the violation by this date may result in the issuance of an administrative citation that would include a monetary fine and/or additional penalty. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in resolving the noted violations. Additionally, to ensure compliance with the Arcadia Municipal Code, you must provide Code Services with a floor plan of the business indicating which activities are performed in each room and provide Code Services with a copy of your roster of all employees and/or independent contractors along with copies of their Massage Therapist ID cards. Furthermore, AMC Section 6418.5 limits the operational hours for a massage therapist to 7AM to 9PM. Therefore, there must be no massage activities after 9PM, and these hours of operation must be conspicuously displayed. Mark Vitatema Orchid Spa, 1004 N. Santa Anita Ave. Re: Notice of Violation September 15, 2008 Page 2 Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact Robert Swanson at (626) 574 -5421. City Hall is open from 7:30AM- 5:30PM Monday thru Thursday and 7:30AM- 4:30PM on Friday. City Hall will be closed on September 26 and October 10, 2008. Robert Swanson Code Services Officer c: Arcadia Police Department Business License Services Building Services Firm Orchid Spa Account 048480 Firm Firm (Add'!) Street City Location Mall (Add'i) Mall Addr Mail City Bus. Rate Ownership Last Rem Update Orchid Spa 1004 N Santa Anita Ave Arcadia, CA 91006 Inside 1002 N Santa Anita Ave Arcadia, CA 91006 Retail/Service Sole Proprietorship 09/05/2008 mk Loa. Type Commercial BID Area FPB Geo Area insp. Area Bus. Status Active Lie. Status Active Acct No 048480 License 048480 Phone (626) 254-1867 Alt Phone Start Date 12/12/2007 Close Date BID Rate Fire Inspection Insp. Status Owner 1 Mark License Issued License Expire: NAIC Code SIC Code Bus Type APN Vitatema 12/12/2007 11/30/2008 Summary Screen Title Owner Application New Application Renewal Annual (end of 12 months) 812990 All Other Personal Services 7299001- Miscellaneous Personal Services, Not Elsewhere Classified 72 PERSONAL SERVICES FEIN BEAN SEIN Phone (310) 324 -6132 Mailing List Special Cond True Yes 12/01/08 08 -4645 On 11/20/08, at 1900 hrs, Officer Orswell and I, along with representatives from Arcadia Fire Department and Arcadia Code Enforcement inspected Orchid Spa, 1004 N. Santa Anita, Arcadia, and spoke with Receptionist Sy, Karen. The Manager we spoke to last time, Hung, Helen, was not present. John Lo, Arcadia Police Department Volunteer in Patrol was used as a translator. This was a follow up inspection from 9/10/08. Our purpose was to check to see if previous violations had been corrected. We found the following violations: Roster of employees were not available, Records of treatment were not available. See attachment from Arcadia Police Department. This was their third notice. A copy was given to Sy to give to Manager Hung. Jill Perumean, Arcadia Fire Department, inspected the location and found the violations: service fire extinguisher, discontinue use of extension cords, multi plug adapters must plug directly into wall outlets -cords cannot disappear into ceiling unless in hard conduit. The violations must be corrected within 7 days or by 12/20/08. A copy was given to Sy to give to Manager Hung. Robert Swanson, Arcadia Code Enforcement found that all previous violations except for AMC 8110, California Building Code (CBC) 105.1 requires an owner to obtain a building permit for all required tenant improvements. Remove portable sauna unit and vanity in hallway or submit plans to Planning and Building Services for approval and obtain required permits. A copy was given to Sy to give to Manager Hung. Reports from Arcadia Fire and Code Enforcement are attached. Last Name First Name Middle Location of Occurrence )064- N. tql,st,a AN117A Race Sex Birthdate (Mo /Day/Year) Residence Address City State Zip Code Res Cell Business Address or School Attended City State Zip Code Bus# Type of Incident 6.17■1 CoX. CaDithINIC IV. Property Description Location of Occurrence )064- N. tql,st,a AN117A Offmraceoph, Premise Beat/RD Occurred Date 1 1 /2x10 Day 17/W Time 1 `t 0 0 Between Date and Time Reported 11 /2 /0 e I I 6 Date Day Time and ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report I. Type, Location, and Time of Incident II. Reporting Party j Victim Owner RIO Subject j I Last Name s First Name Middle Business Address or School Attended City OW*1D SPA 14641J- SANTA i. vrlA A! aik CA State Zip Code Driver's License Race A- Residence Address City State 'Zip Code Sex Birthdate (Mo /Day /Year) Res Cell us b ZS ar 1 11. Reporting Party Victim Owner R/01 Subject f 1 Driver's License For Agency Use Only Ca :t 08— 4.13 its 111. Vehicle Information I Year, Make, Model, Style, Color, License Plate w /State Suspect Vehicle Victim Vehicle j Other Involved Vehicle Officer an ID 114, i 2 Date IV. Property Description Article /Make Model Number Serial Number Color Lost/Stolen /Damaged /Found Value 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, Property Continuation Page Total Value: ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report I. Type, Location, and Time of Incident II. Reporting Party j Victim Owner RIO Subject j I Last Name s First Name Middle Business Address or School Attended City OW*1D SPA 14641J- SANTA i. vrlA A! aik CA State Zip Code Driver's License Race A- Residence Address City State 'Zip Code Sex Birthdate (Mo /Day /Year) Res Cell us b ZS ar 1 11. Reporting Party Victim Owner R/01 Subject f 1 Driver's License For Agency Use Only Ca :t 08— 4.13 its 111. Vehicle Information I Year, Make, Model, Style, Color, License Plate w /State Suspect Vehicle Victim Vehicle j Other Involved Vehicle Officer an ID 114, i 2 Date ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report Narrative For Agency Use Only Officer an I� Date 1'2./0 /6 Supervisor and ID Date Date 1 105 Responsible Person ki—A1/2,670 sib Address 17D9 ilk k ,S )471.) I i 't 04- x )61 (Op t 5 Telephone Number 6418.19. OPERATIONS. 3 'vim Norl C (A) Identification Cards. Each massage therapist shall at all times have in his or her possession the Massage Therapist Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. Each owner and/or operator shall at all times have in his or her possession the Owner/Operator Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. (B) Display of License. Each massage therapist shall display the Business License Certificate issued pursuant to this Division in an open and conspicuous place on the business premises where massage therapy services are (C) Clothing. Each massage therapist and all other employees shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall be fully opaque, nontransparent uniforms, similar to uniforms worn in medical offices, and shall provide complete covering of the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, anal area and chest,area. (D) Sterilizing Equipment. Each massage therapist shall provide and maintain at the business location where the massage is performed adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in massage. (E) Covering. Each massage therapist shall provide to all patrons clean, sanitary and opaque coverings capable of covering the patron"s specified anatomical areas, including the genital, anus and chest area. Reuse is prohibited unless the covering is adequately cleaned. (F) Linen. Towels and linen shall be changed and laundered promptly after each use. Separate cabinets or containers shall be provided for the storage of clean and soiled towels and linen. (G) Advertising. No massage therapist operating under this Division shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed, any advertising matter that depicts nudity or semi-nudity or employs language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any other services are available other than those services authorized by this Division. (H) Discrimination. No massage therapist may discriminate or exclude patrons on the basis of their race, sex, religion, age, handicap or any other classification protected under federal or state laws, rules or regulations. (I) Inspections and Searches. The business owner/operator, and massage therapist, as a condition to the issuance of each Massage Therapist Identification Card, Owner/Operator Identification Card and Business License, shall be deemed to consent to the inspection of the business premises by the City Development Services Department, Fire Department, Police Department and the Los Angeles County Health Department for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this Division or other applicable laws or regulations are met. (J) Lighting. The lighting in each massage room shall be at least one (I sixty-watt white light bulb and shall be activated at all times while a patron is in such room or enclosure. No strobe flashing lights may be used. No colored lights shall be used nor shall any coverings be used which change the color of the primary light source. (K) Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (L) Building Permits. All building, plumbing and electrical installations shall be installed under permit and inspected by the Development Services Department. Such installations shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (M) Bath Facilities. A minimum of one (1) toilet and one (1) separate washbasin shall be provided for patrons. Soap or detergent and hot running water shall be provided to patrons and employees at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the area devoted to the performance of massage therapy services. A permanently installed soap dispenser, filled with soap, and a single service towel dispenser shall be provided at Name of Business 04- SP4 z4,./ I Yi,.;7 the restroom hand wash sink. No bar soap may be used. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room. (N) Separate Rooms. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously, the following shall be provided: separate treatment rooms, separate dressing rooms and separate toilet facilities for each patron. (0) Maintenance. All facilities where massage therapy services are offered must be in good repair and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized each day the business is in operation. All walls, floors and ceilings of each restroom and shower area shall be easily cleanable. (P) Massage Table. A massage table shall be provided in each massage room or enclosure and the massage shall be performed on this massage table. The tables shall have a minimum height of eighteen inches (18 Two- inch (2 thick foam pads with maximum width of four feet (4') may be used on a massage table and must be covered with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material. Beds, floor mattresses and waterbeds are not permitted on the business premises. (Q) Doors. No massage therapy services shall be given within any room or enclosure that is fitted with a door capable of being locked. The business premises" exterior doors and any doors separating the waiting or reception area from the remainder of the premises shall remain unlocked during business hours. (R) Posting. Each service offered, the price thereof and the minimum length of time such service is performed shall be posted in a conspicuous public location on the business premises. No services shall be performed and no sums shall be charged for such services other than those posted. (S) Notices. The following notice shall be conspicuously posted in a location within the business where massage therapy services are performed that is easily visible to any person entering the premises and in each massage room or enclosure: IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT OUR DOORS ARE TO REMAIN UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION TO INSURE OUR PROFESSIONALISM. otter of Employees. The business owner and /or operator shall maintain a register of all massage therapists employees, showing the name, nicknames and aliases used by the massage therapist or employee, home address, age, birth date, gender, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, phone numbers, social security number, date of employment and termination, if any, and duties of each employee. The above information concerning each massage therapist and employee shall be maintained at the premises of the business for a period of two (2) years following termination. The business owner and /or operator shall make the register of massage therapists and employees available immediately for inspection by the City regulatory officials upon demand at all onable times. ecords of Treatment. The business owner and /or operator shall keep a record of the dates and hours of treatment or service, the name and address of the patron, the name of the massage therapist administering such service and a description of the treatment or service rendered. A short medical history form shall be completed by the massage therapist to determine if the patron has any communicable diseases, areas of pain, high blood pressure or any physical condition that may be adversely affected by massage. These records shall be prepared prior to administering any massage or treatment, and shall be retained for a period of twenty -four (24) months after such treatment or service. These records shall be open to inspection upon demand only by officials charged with enforcement of this Division and for no other purpose. The City regulatory officials shall periodically inspect the records to ensure compliance with this Division. Such records shall be kept at the business. The information furnished or secured as a result of any such records shall be used only to ensure and enforce compliance with this Division, or any other applicable State or Federal laws, and shall remain confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City shall constitute a misdemeanor. 6418.19 0 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Service portable fire extinguisherts) 906 2 Fire extinguishers) required 906.1 Fire extinguishers) mounting required 906.7 Fire sprinkler 5 year certification required 901.6.1 Fire sprinkler system maintenance required 901 6 Fire alarm system maintenance required 901.6 Hood and Duct fire system service required 901.6 Hood and Duct system cleaning required 901 6 2 NOTICE OF VIOLATION HOUSEKEEPING VIOLATIONS Fire resistive construction 703 1 Fire assembly testing and maintenance 703.4 Improper storage of combustible materials 315.2 No storage allowed in boiler /mechanical/electrical rooms 315 2 3 Improper use of combustible decorative material 807 Combustible vegetation 304 1 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Address numbers 505.1 Knox Box required 506 1 Secure compressed gas cylinders, tanks, containers 3003 5 COMMENTS 7 7) i 1' I 1 [h'.0 ).∎t ARCADIA FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU '630 SOUTH BALDWIN AVENUE ARCADIA, CA 91007 (626) 574 -5104 (626) 445 -1819 FAX 9i al.� 1 L I r. a ;)1 !2- 1 I n r Date l� v DBA OrC d Sp 004 Ij. s11fra ifnl Business Address OCCY# No violations noted INVN) Thank you for your cooperation with the Arcadia Fire Department during your Fire and Life Safety Inspection Your attention is directed to the items checked below. These violations must be corrected in order to meet minimum Fire and Life Safety Requirements. For clarification of the items noted, please refer to the comments section. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Improper use of zip cords or extension cords 605.5 Improper use of multi -plug outlets 605.4 Electrical panel access 605 3 Correct electrical hazard 605 1 DCIT REQUIREMENTS Exit obstruction 1028.3 Aisle obstructiop 1014.4 Exit doo ,p rsl'- i�pi3ration 1008 1 8 Exit door tacking devices 1008.1 8 3 Corridor obstruction 1028.3 Stairway obstruction -1028 3 Exit sign illumination 1011 2 0 Exit signs required two or more exits 1011 1 Emergency backup exit lighting 1027.5 SPECIAL HAZARDS Permit required App 1 105 1 Extreme hazard App 1 110.1 Other hazards L Reinspection Fee will be assessed. You are hereby notified to correct the items checked above within 7 days, or prior to /C` J A re- inspection will be held on or after this date. A retnspection fee may be assessed and billed by the City of Arcadia if corrections are not made prior to this re- inspection and a subsequent re- inspection is necessary. 1 have read this statement and understand that a fee may be charged if corrections are not made in a timely manner and additional re- Inspections are necessary Date: Contact Person Slgnattire-. J( is ,j� i t i j 0 I d Inspector's Name I lt_. f1� ID#: �J Company: Captain's ID FPB102 TO: Mike Daleo, FROM: Robert Swanson SUBJECT: Inspection done on November 20, 2008 at 1004 N. Santa Anita Ave. DATE: November 26, 2008 MEMORANDUM Development Services Department On November 20, 2008, I inspected the subject business to verify compliance of the Notice of Violation dated September 15, 2008. I have enclosed a copy of this Notice of Violation. As of November 20, 2008, violation #2 is not in compliance due to an open building permit for the construction of a new shower and plumbing. Compliance has been accomplished for violations #1, 3 4 A copy of the floor plan of the business indicating which activities are performed in each room has been provided. 3/23/09 08 -4645 On 3/12/09, at 1730 hrs, Officer Orswell and I, along with representatives from Arcadia Fire Department and Arcadia Code Enforcement inspected Orchid Spa, 1004 N. Santa Anita, Arcadia, and spoke with Receptionist Zhang, Shao Hong. The Manager we spoke to last time, Hung, Helen, was not present. Massage Therapists present were Zhang (MT08140) and Zhou, Wei (MT08134) and were both valid. John Lo, Arcadia Police Department Volunteer in Patrol was used as a translator. This was a follow up inspection from 11/20/08. Our purpose was to check to see if previous violations had been corrected. We found the following violation again: Records of treatment were not available. See attachment from Arcadia Police Department. This was their fourth notice. A copy was given to Zhang to give to Manager Hung. Jill Perumean, Arcadia Fire Department, inspected the 'location and found no violations. Terry Moore Korse, Arcadia Code Enforcement found that all previous violations except for excess signage in windows. A copy°will be mailed to owner. Additional Information Information provided by Helen Hung by telephone. 80% of business is Facials and Nails -$65 per hour 20% is Massage Therapy -$65 per hour Their hours are Monday through Sunday, 1000 to 1900 hrs for all services. Their records show the following massage therapists working at this location: Name DOB CDL Shu Jun Ma 11/06/58 D3189693 Peittua Chen 5/07/63 D1126592 Shao Hong Zhang 6/06 D6862164 Wei Zhou 12/21/58 D3188797 Yan Jing Zhang 7/14/65 D8592882 Ying Liu 4/25/66 D6800819 Li Yang 6/30/64 D7822227 Yiting Liu 10/29/66 D6910876 Lionyu Hao 10/30/65 B6358106 Shuang Li D8589318 Type of Incident Ct7(. &DC- c22 '110n JC Location of Occurrence roo4 kJ. &Awl 4 A(uVTA Premise 1 W i n 0 2 c 11 L Occurred on /or Between and b Date 3/1 Z D 1 Day 1Thirb Time I /30 Date and Time Reported 3 /l2 ((..)C\ (7 li Beat/RD 6 Date Day Time Last Name First Name Middle 2. Race Sex Birthdate (Mo /Day/Year) Residence Address Clty State Zip Code Res Cell Business Address or School Attended Clty State Zip Code Bus Article /Make Model Number Serial Number Color Lost/Stolen /Damaged /Found Value 2. 3. 4, ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report I. Type, Location, and Time of Incident 11. Reporting Party Victim Owner R/O Subject Business Address or School Attended Clty V_C Hi ,S �Q �1 fvl� I1)6 <A 4 State Zip Code C AC/ 4 CA Driver's License Last Name 71: iJ First Name 4/4 A-0 Residence Address Clty State Zip Code Race Sex Birthdate (Mo /Day/Year) F Res* Cell ext_x 11. Reporting Party Victim Owner `j RIO Subject I Driver's License 111. Vehicle Information Year, Make, Model, Style, Color, License Plate w /State Suspect Vehicle Victim Vehicle Other Involved Vehicle IV. Property Description Officer and ID 0 Property Continuation Page Date /be\ Supervisor and ID For Agency Use Only c U6 -L(4S Total Value: Date D .n of ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Incident Report Narrative Officer and ID 2, Date a5 z Ste. A 1 T4 cC) Supervls ID For Agency Use Only C se No off- w5 ti Date 55 r) 7 el Pape of Date 3( t 2I 027 Name of Business LL SPA- Responsible Person j+' Ao (4) 0& a4-istiubt Address 1 co 4 SiA .J 4 Aiti i I Telephone Number (O Zm Z r 1 7 .4 /f I p 1 6418.19. OPERATIONS. A-DA- ace) (A) Identification Cards. Each massage therapist shall at all times have in his or her possession the Massage Therapist Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. Each owner and/or operator shall at all times have in his or her possession the Owner /Operator Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. (B) Display of License. Each massage therapist shall display the Business License Certificate issued pursuant to this Division in an open and conspicuous place on the business premises where massage therapy services are performed. (C) Clothing. Each massage therapist and all other employees shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall be fully opaque, nontransparent uniforms, similar to uniforms worn in medical offices, and shall provide complete covering of the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, anal area and chest area. (D) Sterilizing Equipment. Each massage therapist shall provide and maintain at the business location where the massage is performed adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in massage. (E) Covering. Each massage therapist shall provide to all patrons clean, sanitary and opaque coverings capable of covering the patron "s specified anatomical areas, including the genital, anus and chest area. Reuse is prohibited unless the covering is adequately cleaned. (F) Linen. Towels and linen shall be changed and laundered promptly after each use. Separate cabinets or containers shall be provided for the storage of clean and soiled towels and linen. (G) Advertising. No massage therapist operating under this Division shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed, any advertising matter that depicts nudity or semi nudity or employs language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any other services are available other than those services authorized by this Division. (H) Discrimination. No massage therapist may discriminate or exclude patrons on the basis of their race, sex, religion, age, handicap or any other classification protected under federal or state laws, rules or regulations. (I) Inspections and Searches. The business owner /operator, and massage therapist, as a condition to the issuance of each Massage Therapist Identification Card, Owner /Operator Identification Card and Business License, shall be deemed to consent to the inspection of the business premises by the City Development Services Department, Fire Department, Police Department and the Los Angeles County Health Department for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this Division or other applicable laws or regulations are met. (J) Lighting. The lighting in each massage room shall be at least one (1) sixty-watt white light bulb and shall be activated at all times while a patron is in such room or enclosure. No strobe flashing lights may be used. No colored lights shall be used nor shall any coverings be used which change the color of the primary light source. (K) Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (L) Building Permits. All building, plumbing and electrical installations shall be installed under permit and inspected by the Development Services Department. Such installations shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (M) Bath Facilities. A minimum of one (1) toilet and one (1) separate washbasin shall be provided for patrons. Soap or detergent and hot running water shall be provided to patrons and employees at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the area devoted to the performance of massage therapy services. A permanently installed soap dispenser, filled with soap, and a single service towel dispenser shall be provided at t!he restroom hand wash sink. No bar soap may be used. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room. (N) Separate Rooms. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously, the following shall be provided: separate treatment rooms, separate dressing rooms and separate toilet facilities for each patron. (0) Maintenance. All facilities where massage therapy services are offered must be in good repair and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized each day the business is in operation. All walls, floors and ceilings of each restroom and shower area shall be easily cleanable. (P) Massage Table. A massage table shall be provided in each massage room or enclosure and the massage shall be performed on this massage table. The tables shall have a minimum height of eighteen inches (18 Two -inch (2 thick foam pads with maximum width of four feet (4') may be used on a massage table and must be covered with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material. Beds, floor mattresses and waterbeds are not permitted on the business premises. (Q) Doors. No massage therapy services shall be given within any room or enclosure that is fitted with a door capable of being locked. The business premises" exterior doors and any doors separating the waiting or reception area from the remainder of the premises shall remain unlocked during business hours. (R) Posting. Each service offered, the price thereof and the minimum length of time such service is performed shall be posted in a conspicuous public location on the business premises. No services shall be performed and no sums shall be charged for such services other than those posted. (S) Notices. The following notice shall be conspicuously posted in a location within the business where massage therapy services are performed that is easily visible to any person entering the premises and in each massage room or enclosure: IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT OUR DOORS ARE TO REMAIN UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION TO INSURE OUR PROFESSIONALISM. (T) Roster of Employees. The business owner and/or operator shall maintain a register of all massage therapists and employees, showing the name, nicknames and aliases used by the massage therapist or employee, home address, age, birth date, gender, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, phone numbers, social security number, date of employment and termination, if any, and duties of each employee. The above information concerning each massage therapist and employee shall be maintained at the premises of the business for a period of two (2) years following termination. The business owner and/or operator shall make the register of massage therapists and employees available immediately for inspection by the City regulatory officials upon demand at all r enable times. cords of Treatment. The business owner and/or operator shall keep a record of the dates and hours of treatment or service, the name and address of the patron, the name of the massage therapist administering such service and a description of the treatment or service rendered. A short medical history form shall be completed by the massage therapist to determine if the patron has any communicable diseases, areas of pain, high blood pressure or any physical condition that may be adversely affected by massage. These records shall be prepared prior to administering any massage or treatment, and shall be retained for a period of twenty-four (24) months after such treatment or service. These records shall be open to inspection upon demand only by officials charged with enforcement of this Division and for no other purpose. The City regulatory officials shall periodically inspect the records to ensure compliance with this Division. Such records shall be kept at the business. The information furnished or secured as a result of any such records shall be used only to ensure and enforce compliance with this Division, or any other applicable State or Federal laws, and shall remain confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City shall constitute a misdemeanor. 6418.19 ft.F.6 AC ttvirkkm P l''' P ,lam ce1 tPu j "n714 Th Otii3O4 Tlikt 121W kJli cyCh et-6-1 S p'p►rF(k5 Ax�J (,(S4 kw f>0/1,A4 WL4't tl L5 t N C&M PLi trivc -c1 ry t 174-- Massage Therapy Business Activities Primary Business Acupuncture Medical Office Day Salon or Spa Chiropractor Physical Therapist ther NA( Name of Medical Professional or Business Owner Telephone Number No Scheduled Hours at Location �N ��Z M Ls 2 �rPl eteK.S Primary Business Massage Therapy P 2d (1 t �0 1 Monday (0 gi 6 1 FPI- t ON 31 1 2 C;o'`Tuesday 'Vednesday 1 1hursday O'li'riday Ca'gaturday B'Sunday Percentage of Income Sources Primary Business i Massage Therapy Hourly Rate (VA Q' Primary Business �5 l Massage Therapy Massage Therapists Present at the time of the Inspection Name tioa MT ID ,44 -1 0 Present at time of inspection? Yes 46C/bi-& Daleo, Mike From: Terry Moore Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 7'56 PM To: Daleo, Mike Subject: Massage Inspections 3/12/09 Per our inspections of March 12 ,2009 Orchid Spa Excessive signage in windows. Urban Retreat No violations at time of inspection. 1 West Duarte Road- Need to submit floor plan for extra space. 18 East Duarte Road No violation. Business to close by end of month. 28 East Duarte Road No violations at time of inspection.. 3/16/2009 6/23/09 08 -4645 On 4/14/09, at 1230 hrs, Officer Orswell and I inspected Orchid Spa, 1004 N. Santa Anita, Arcadia, and spoke with Massage Therapist Chen, Pei Hua. The Manager we spoke to last time, Hung, Helen, was not present. Chen had a current Massage Therapist license (MT 08120). This was a follow up inspection from 3/12/09. Our purpose was to check to see if previous violations had been corrected. The previous violation of not having Records of Treatment was corrected. Chen showed us the Records of Treatment and they met the ordinance requirements. Additional Information There were no customers in the business but there was a F/A reading a book that said she was there to give facials if someone wanted one She said she was a student and would hang out at the business on weekends to get work. She could not be exact about how many facials she did or how much she charged. She said that she would earn about $20 -$30 dollars a day. She may be an unlicensed massages therapist but without customers we were unable to confirm her duties at the business. We will attempt to inspect the business again on a weekend. Eti Iii Officer and ID Date Supervisor and ID Date to 3 0124.b k Zr35 I /Z3/01 3. IV. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION I Article/Make Model Number Serial Number Color Lost/Stolen/Damaged/Found Value 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Property Continuation Page Total Value: IRCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT NCIDENT REPORT 1. TYPE, LOCATION AND TIME OF INCIDENT 1 N S �N Premise ��m .r ALd Beat/RD Occurred on/or Between and C:› Date Date Day ScA Day Time l 73 o Time Type of Incident Locati on of currence I� 1TA Date and Time Reported GI 1 4 I o °1 12 o kfa 11. REPORTING PARTY VICTIM OWNER R/O SUBJECT Last Name Ci+e Residence Address First Name PE( City Busines Address or School Attended City C l'hb 1190* Iv. SAM AN tvI AV Middle H�q State Zip Code A2cn 2 A c State Zip Code Driver's License Race Sex F Birthdate Mo/Day/Year) Res pen ry B s# zb -Z�4- I a n? II. REPORTING PARTY 0 VICTIM 0 OWNER WO SUBJECT y I Last Name First Name Middle Residence Address City State Zip Code Business Address or School Attended City State Zip Code Driver's License Race Sex Birthdate (Mo/Day/Year) Res CeII Bus III. VEHICLE INFORMATION I For Agency Use Only Case No. Year, Make, Model, Style, Color, License Plate w /State Suspect Vehicle Victim Vehicle Other Involved Vehicle Panes of ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT NARRATIVE For Agency Use Only Case No. a 08- i 4S c r7.& cb Office and ID 3Za Z1S D to z3 /o°I i Supervisor an Date Pana nt Date .SJL) Name of Business CYL LD A Responsible Person 'RA l-tilA CO Address (004 000n4.- A l 11 x Telephone Number 6ZG/ Z..54 1 5 6 1 6418.19. OPERATIONS. 1 0 LA-"Re 5 (A) Identification Cards. Each massage therapist shall at all times have in his or her possession the Massage Therapist Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. Each owner and /or operator shall at all times have in his or her possession the Owner /Operator Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. B) Display of License. Each massage therapist shall display the Business License Certificate issued pursuant to this Division in an open and conspicuous place on the business premises where massage therapy services are performed. (C) Clothing. Each massage therapist and all other employees shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall be fully opaque, nontransparent uniforms, similar to uniforms worn in medical offices, and shall provide complete covering of the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, anal area and chest area (D) Sterilizing Equipment. Each massage therapist shall provide and maintain at the business location where the massage is performed adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in massage. (E) Covering. Each massage therapist shall provide to all patrons clean, sanitary and opaque coverings capable of covering the patron "s specified anatomical areas, including the genital, anus and chest area Reuse is prohibited unless the covering is adequately cleaned. (F) Linen. Towels and linen shall be changed and laundered promptly after each use Separate cabinets or containers shall be provided for the storage of clean and soiled towels and linen. (G) Advertising. No massage therapist operating under this Division shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed, any advertising natter that depicts nudity or semi -nudity or employs language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any other services are available other than those services authorized by this Division. (H) Discrimination. No massage therapist may discriminate or exclude patrons on the basis of their race, sex, religion, age, handicap or any other classification protected under federal or state laws, rules or regulations. (I) Inspections and Searches. The business owner /operator, and massage therapist, as a condition to the issuance of each Massage Therapist Identification Card, Owner /Operator Identification Card and Business License, shall be deemed to consent to the inspection of the business premises by the City Development Services Department, Fire Department, Police Department and the Los Angeles County Health Department for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this sDivision oom shall be applicable at least one (1) sixty-watt white light bulb and shall be (J) Lighting. The lighting in each massage activated at all times while a patron is in such room or enclosure. No strobe flashing lights may be used. No colored lights shall be used nor shall any coverings be used which change the color of the primary light source. (K) Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (L) Building Permits. All building, plumbing and electrical installations shall be installed under permit and inspected by the Development Services Department. Such installations shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (M) Bath Facilities. A minimum of one (1) toilet and one (1) separate washbasin shall be provided for patrons. Soap or detergent and hot running water shall be provided to patrons and employees at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the area devoted to the performance of massage therapy services. A permanently installed soap dispenser, filled with soap, and a single service towel dispenser shall be provided at the restroom hand wash sink. No bar soap may be used. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room. (N) Separate Rooms. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously, the following shall be provided: separate treatment rooms, separate dressing rooms and separate toilet facilities for each patron. (0) Maintenance. All facilities where massage therapy services are offered must be in good repair and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized each day the business is in operation. All walls, floors and ceilings of each restroom and shower area shall be easily cleanable. (P) Massage Table. A massage table shall be provided in each massage room or enclosure and the massage shall be performed on this massage table. The tables shall have a minimum height of eighteen inches (18 Two -inch (2 thick foam pads with maximum width of four feet (4') may be used on a massage table and must be covered with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material. Beds, floor mattresses and waterbeds are not permitted on the business premises. (Q) Doors. No massage therapy services shall be given within any room or enclosure that is fitted with a door capable of being locked. The business premises" exterior doors and any doors separating the waiting or reception area from the remainder of the premises shall remain unlocked during business hours. (R) Posting. Each service offered, the price thereof and the minimum length of time such service is performed shall be posted in a conspicuous public location on the business premises. No services shall be performed and no sums shall be charged for such services other than those posted. (S) Notices. The following notice shall be conspicuously posted in a location within the business where massage therapy services are performed that is easily visible to any person entering the premises and in each massage room or enclosure: IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT OUR DOORS ARE TO REMAIN UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION TO INSURE OUR PROFESSIONALISM. (T) Roster of Employees. The business owner and/or operator shall maintain a register of all massage therapists and employees, showing the name, nicknames and aliases used by the massage therapist or employee, home address, age, birth date, gender, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, phone numbers, social security number, date of employment and termination, if any, and duties of each employee. The above information concerning each massage therapist and employee shall be maintained at the premises of the business for a period of two (2 years following termination. The business owner and/or operator shall make the register of massage therapists and employees available immediately for inspection by the City regulatory officials upon demand at all reasonable times. (U) Records of Treatment. The business owner and/or operator shall keep a record of the dates and hours of each treatment or service, the name and address of the patron, the name of the massage therapist administering such service and a description of the treatment or service rendered. A short medical history form shall be completed by the massage therapist to determine if the patron has any communicable diseases, areas of pain, high blood pressure or any physical condition that may be adversely affected by massage. These records shall be prepared prior to administering any massage or treatment, and shall be retained for a period of twenty -four (24) months after such treatment or service. These records shall be open to inspection upon demand only by officials charged with enforcement of this Division and for no other purpose. The City regulatory officials shall periodically inspect the records to ensure compliance with this Division. Such records shall be kept at the business. The information furnished or secured as a result of any such records shall be used only to ensure and enforce compliance with this Division, or any other applicable State or Federal laws, and shall remain confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City shall constitute a misdemeanor. 6418.19 Massage Therapy Business Activities Primary Business 0 Acupuncture 0 Medical Office k ay Salon or Spa Chiropractor 0 Physical Therapist Other Name of Medical Professional or Business Owner Present at time of inspection? Yes Telephone Number 721No Scheduled Hours at Location Primary Business Massage Therapy Monday Tuesday O Wednesday Thursday O Friday O Saturday Sunday Percentage of Income Sources Primary Business Massage Therapy Hourly Rate Primary Business Massage Therapy Massage Therapists Present at the time of the Inspection Name MT ID R &l IAA UkGid WIT JRR 1 lo 1410 ZO gyros or ND OUsliYv l 3/11/2010 08 -4645 On 02/05/2010, at 1130 hrs, Officer Orswell and I inspected, along with Terry Moore Korse, Code Enforcement, Jill Perumean, Fire Dept, Silva Vergel, Business License Officer, and Jeff Wang, Building Dept, inspected Orchid Spa, 1004 N. Santa Anita, Arcadia, and spoke with Balila, Marie, receptionist. Jeff Wang acted as our interpreter. Helen Ho, owner, was not present. This was a follow up inspection from 6/14/09. Our purpose was to check to see if there were any new violations. We found the following: Identification cards, clothing similar to uniforms worn in medical offices and no records of treatment (not current and not complete). A copy of our inspection report was given to Marie to give to owner. Jill Perumean, Arcadia Fire Dept, found the following: service fire extinguisher annually, surge protectors shall be plugged directly into wall outlets not the surge protectors or extension cords. They have 14 days to correct these issues or prior to 02/27/2010. A copy of the inspection report was given to Marie to give to owner. Terry Moore Korse, Code Enforcement, documented the following: On February 05, 2010 the task force inspected the subject business. When we arrived at the location the facility was open for business. When we arrived at the facility it appeared that the place was open for business. We checked licenses of the individual massage therapists. The massage therapist that is employed by the owner did not have her massage ID card with her. She has to carry that with her at all times. I sent a Notice of Violation to the owner and the massage therapist to get a copy of the ID and have it at the facility at all times while Yuli Qin is working. See attached Notices of Violation. Additional Information Hours are 1000 to 2100 hrs, seven days a week. Marie did not know the percentage of business massages brought in. Primary business, Facials, is $30 -$65 per hour. Massages are $65 per hour. Qin, Yuli, MT 09073, expires 11/10/2010. There were no customers present. k.RCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT NCIDENT REPORT 1. TYPE, LOCATION AND TIME OF INCIDENT For Agency Use Only Case No. ag- NiS Premise Occurred onior Between and r Date DZ(U 5//o Date Day Day Time 1i?,n Time Type of Incident (1' G� 2t� i' A-14 C Location of Dccurrence Igo* iv, v Date and Time Reported I 0 5 1 D 1130 II. REPORTING PARTY O VICTIM 0 OWNER 0 R/O 0 SUBJECT 0 Middle Last Name First Name Race 4- Residence Address City State Zip Code Busigpsad ssv r Schoo Attended City I O 4 I �.t't!�— 44(4131 A- State Zip Code Driver's License Sex Birthdate (Mo /Day/Year) Res Cell Bus 102,0 -7,S_ (ie6i 11:' REPORTING; PARTNEI VICTtMi0' OWN`Ew' SUBJECT:O,.I Last Name First Name Middle Residence Address City State Zip Code Business Address or School Attended City State Zip Code Driver's License Race Sex Birthdate (Mo/Day/Year) Res Cell Bus III. VEHICLE INFORMATION 1 Year, Make, Model, Style, Color, License Plate w /State Suspect Vehicle Victim Vehicle Other Involved Vehicle IV. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1 Article/Make 'Model Number Serial Number Color Lost/Stolen/Damaged/Found Value 2. 3. 4. 5. C r Property Continuation ge 'Total Value: Officer and ID kit 4. Zt 3S Date Supervise Iii/# 5/it f i t Page of Date Responsible Person A42- BA U Lt Address 1 004 N A AILS∎'TY T loarv151 Telephone Number b Z et, Name of Business L) PA- 6418.19. OPERATIONS. dentification Cards. Each massage therapist shall at all times have in his or her possession the Massage apist Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. Each owner and/or operator shall at all times have in his or her possession the Owner /Operator Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. (B) Display of License. Each massage therapist shall display the Business License Certificate issued pursuant to this Division in an open and conspicuous place on the business premises where massage therapy services are ormed. lothing. Each massage therapist and all other employees shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall lly opaque, nontransparent uniforms, similar to uniforms worn in medical offices, and shall provide complete covering of the genitals, pubic area, buttocks, anal area and chest area (D) Sterilizing Equipment. Each massage therapist shall provide and maintain at the business location where the massage is performed adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in massage. (E) Covering. Each massage therapist shall provide to all patrons clean, sanitary and opaque coverings capable of covering the patron "s specified anatomical areas, including the genital, anus and chest area. Reuse is prohibited unless the covering is adequately cleaned. (F) Linen. Towels and linen shall be changed and laundered promptly after each use. Separate cabinets or containers shall be provided for the storage of clean and soiled towels and linen. (G) Advertising. No massage therapist operating under this Division shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed, any advertising matter that depicts nudity or semi nudity or employs language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any other services are available other than those services authorized by this Division. (H) Discrimination. No massage therapist may discriminate or exclude patrons on the basis of their race, sex, religion, age, handicap or any other classification protected under federal or state laws, rules or regulations. (I) Inspections and Searches. The business owner /operator, and massage therapist, as a condition to the issuance of each Massage Therapist Identification Card, Owner /Operator Identification Card and Business License, shall be deemed to consent to the inspection of the business premises by the City Development Services Department, Fire Department, Police Department and the Los Angeles County Health Department for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this Division or other applicable laws or regulations are met. (J) Lighting. The lighting in each massage room shall be at least one (1) sixty -watt white light bulb and shall be activated at all times while a patron is in such room or enclosure. No strobe flashing lights may be used. No colored lights shall be used nor shall any coverings be used which change the color of the primary light source. (K) Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (L) Building Permits. All building, plumbing and electrical installations shall be installed under permit and inspected by the Development Services Department. Such installations shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (M) Bath Facilities. A minimum of one (1) toilet and one (1) separate washbasin shall be provided for patrons. Soap or detergent and hot running water shall be provided to patrons and employees at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the area devoted to the performance of massage therapy services. A permanently installed soap dispenser, filled with soap, and a single service towel dispenser shall be provided at the restroom hand wash sink. No bar soap may be used. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room. (N) Separate Rooms. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously, the following shall be provided: separate treatment rooms, separate dressing rooms and separate toilet facilities for each patron. (0) Maintenance. All facilities where massage therapy services are offered must be in good repair and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized each day the business is in operation. All walls, floors and ceilings of each restroom and shower area shall be easily cleanable. (P) Massage Table. A massage table shall be provided in each massage room or enclosure and the massage shall be performed on this massage table. The tables shall have a minimum height of eighteen inches (18 Two inch (2") thick foam pads with maximum width of four feet (4') may be used on a massage table and must be covered with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material. Beds, floor mattresses and waterbeds are not permitted on the business premises. (Q) Doors. No massage therapy services shall be given within any room or enclosure that is fitted with a door capable of being locked. The business premises" exterior doors and any doors separating the waiting or reception area from the remainder of the premises shall remain unlocked during business hours. (R) Posting. Each service offered, the price thereof and the minimum length of time such service is performed shall be posted in a conspicuous public location on the business premises. No services shall be performed and no sums shall be charged for such services other than those posted. (S) Notices. The following notice shall be conspicuously posted in a location within the business where massage therapy services are performed that is easily visible to any person entering the premises and in each massage room or enclosure: IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT OUR DOORS ARE TO REMAIN UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION TO INSURE OUR PROFESSIONALISM. (T) Roster of Employees. The business owner and/or operator shall maintain a register of all massage therapists and employees, showing the name, nicknames and aliases used by the massage therapist or employee, home address, age, birth date, gender, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, phone numbers, social security number, date of employment and termination, if any, and duties of each employee. The above information concerning each massage therapist and employee shall be maintained at the premises of the business for a period of two (2) years following termination. The business owner and/or operator shall make the register of massage therapists and employees available immediately for inspection by the City regulatory officials upon demand at all onable times. ecords of Treatment. The business owner and/or operator shall keep a record of the dates and hours of h treatment or service, the name and address of the patron, the name of the massage therapist administering such service and a description of the treatment or service rendered. A short medical history form shall be completed by the massage therapist to determine if the patron has any communicable diseases, areas of pain, high blood pressure or any physical condition that may be adversely affected by massage. These records shall be prepared prior to administering any massage or treatment, and shall be retained for a period of twenty -four (24) months after such treatment or service. These records shall be open to inspection upon demand only by officials charged with enforcement of this Division and for no other purpose. The City regulatory officials shall periodically inspect the records to ensure compliance with this Division. Such records shall be kept at the business. The information furnished or secured as a result of any such records shall be used only to ensure and enforce compliance with this Division, or any other applicable State or Federal laws, and shall remain confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City shall constitute l n n r U 6418.19 Massage Therapy Business Activities Primary Business 0 Acupuncture Medical Office ,Day Salon or Spa Chiropractor Physical Therapist Other Name of Medical Professional or Business Owner c ad► O Telephone Number (p` L4, Scheduled Hours at Location Primary Business j fA'Ionday Tuesday Wednesday J 'hursday i Friday paturday ,Sunday Percentage of Income Sources Primary Business U0 Hourly Rate Primary Business Name 1 a.4 £1L) L.)rt3 Present at time of inspection? Yes to Massage Therapy G Massage Therapists Present at the time of the Inspection assage Therapy tA 0 w (fit. Massage Therapy MTID# Mc 00 73 hf t e!« yG9wi� 2 n Gauze ceitti okler w :mom mm w 3,9w :<e zmwi OA ARE OPPARTMENT :PREVENTION BURS U CH,AN ir1[TA AV ENUE ARCADy CA 9180 326 4 3104 (62 6) 443 d31@ %X 26 L led >m6< to the flits teilpiczper wR siou signs wAw Eotei wGkttp %a .a, ma 008. DATE`. February 10, 2010 TO: Mike Daleo FROM: Terry Moore -Korse SUBJECT: Inspection on February 1, 2010 of premises located at 1008 North Santa Anita, Arcadia, CA MEMORANDUM Development Services Department On February 5, 2010 the task force inspected the subject business. When we arrived at the location the facility was open for business. When we arrived at the facility it appears that the place was open for business. We checked on licenses of the individual massage therapists. The massage therapist that is employed by the owner did not have her Massaged ID card with her. She has to carry that with her at all times. I sent a Notice of Violation to the owner and the massage therapist to get a copy of the id and have it at the facility at all times while the Yuli Qin is working. Task Force Terry Moore Korse. Code Services Officer Jill Perumean, Fire Inspector Silva Vergel, Business License Officer Jeff Wang, Building Inspector Jack Orswell. Police Officer Mike Daleo, Police Officer Address/Location n f Violation 0-4A1,6 Wes' LA 'v Assessor's Pareel Number Case Number Date '��G/ r Observed (i s1lo Tenant Name: y I Qt h Proactive Reactive Property Owner Name Y'^' �S ,(IVt Telephone Number Mailing Address Or 9 n J Well- C ity State Zp t red) Development Services Department Code Services 240 West Huntington Drive Post Office Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066 -6021 (626) 574 -5436 or (626) 574 -5421 YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE FOLLOWING ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION (S): Vegetation obstructing sidewalk, parkway or roadway AMC 7220 Weeds or dead vegetation on premises or adjacent parkways AMC 9405.8 Lack of maintenance of buildings. structures, and landscaping ANC 9405.12 Debris/Equipment not lawfully screened from public /private view AMC 9405.10 Abandoned. wrecked. dismantled /inoperative vehicles IAIC 4900 Panting on unpaved surface within a residential area (MC 9405.14.a Failure to comply with enforcement order AMC 1200 or 9403(a)) Trash containerls) visible to public view and outside of allowed time at curb../11C 5120.5 5120.5.2. 9402.3.7 Structure that cannot be used in its existing condition AMC 9405.5 Remarks/Required Action: Notice is hereby given that violation(s) must be corrected by Z�(d It is the responsibility of the property owner and /or occupant to notify this office vhen the above corrections have been completed. Failure to abate the violations in the time period given will result in the issuance of an administrative citation that would include a monetary fine and/or additional penalty. TAX ALERT: Anyone who derives rental income from housing determined to be substandard cannot deduct from State personal income tax. bank and corporate income tax. interest. depreciation, amortization or taxes attributable to such substandard housing. If the violation(s) specified in this notice regarding substandard building(s) have not been brought to a condition of compliance within six (6) months from the date of this notice, notification will be sent to the Franchise Tax Board as provided in Sections 1727.1 and 24436.5 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. This notice has been mailed/posted pursuant to 9406.1 of the Arcadia Municipal Code Further informa s n may be obtained by contacting the undersigned inspector(s). Inspector' igna e l �/I oorPr KoKse Print inspect 's Name CUT OFARCADIA CODE SERYICF_S NOTICE OF 1'IOLATION.-tND NOTICE TO.- 1B-ITE PUBLIC NUISANCE DATE: 2 I L W The placement, allowance, use or maintenance of signs. posters. and banners that are not permitted uses in the City of Arcadia. 9405.18 Structure constructed not in compliance with the Arcadia Municipal Code AMC 9405.4 90 days is maximum lime permitted for temporary lighting or Christmas lighting NEC 305 -3b; AMC 2 167 Tents and canopies over (3) days .4/11C 9251.1.1.1 Improper occupancy Uniform Housine Code 10414 as adonred by AMC 2167: H &S 17920.3(n) No person shall engage in business without a City of Arcadia business license .4A1C 6211 Visibility Standards for driveways and intersections .9/11C 9283.8.9 ondition in violation of the Arcadia Municipal Code .161C 9405.1 Other .181C Kzef (4-w d hero a.a chIVl. W Goo -44AI Date Phone A of Violation oo j N S4Jt D Chit f Assessor's Parcel Number Case Number Date Orbs�e vedd 5 J 14-) Tenant Name: Proactive Reactive 'Name 1, Telephone Nmbcr Mailing Address City State Zip YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE FOLLOWING Vegetation obstructing sidewalk. parkway or roadway ,IA/C 7220 Weeds or dead vegetation on premises or adjacent parkways AA I 9405.8 Lack of maintenance of buildings, structures. and landscaping I A/C 9405.12 Debris/Equipment not lawfully screened from public /private view .481C 9405.10 Abandoned. wrecked, dismantled /inoperative vehicles ANC 4900 Parking on unpaved surface within a residential area .4MC 9405.I4.n Failure to comply with enforcement order ANC 1200 or 9403(a)) Trash container(s) visible to public view and outside of allowed time at curb AMC 5120:5,1. 5120.5.2. 9402.3.7 Stnucture that cannot be used in its existing condition I A /C 9405.5 Remarks/Required Action: Notice is hereby given that violation(s) must be corrected by p'L It is the responsibility of the property owner and /or occupant to notify this office'vEen 1.1 a above corrections have been completed. Failure to abate the violations in the time period given will result in the issuance of an administrative citation that would include a monetary fine and/or additional penalty. TAX ALERT: Anyone who derives rental income from housing determined to be substandard cannot deduct from State personal income tax, bank and corporate income lax, interest, depreciation, amortization or taxes attributable to such substandard housing. if the violationts) specified in this notice regarding substandard building(s) have not been brought to a condition of compliance within six (6) months from the date of this notice, notification will be sent to the Franchise Tax Board as provided in Sections 17274 and 24436.5 of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. This notice has been mailed/posted pursuant to 9406.1 of the Arcadia Municipal Code Further information may be obtained by contacting the undersigned inspector(s). Inspector's Si: a Development Services Department Code Services 240 West Uuntington Drive Post Office Box 6002E Arcadia, CA 91066 -6021 (626) 574 -5436 or (626) 574 -5421 M& (e-1 o 6e, Print Inspector's Naitie C111' OF ARCADIA CODE SER 1'/C'ES NOTICE OF VIOLATION AND NOTICE TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE 2. s lt� ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION (S): The placement, allowance, use or maintenance of signs, posters, and banners that are not permitted uses in the City of Arcadia..40 /C 9405.18 Structure constructed nut in compliance with the Arcadia Municipal Code AMC 9405.4 90 days is maximum time permitted for temporary lighting or Chrisupas.lighting NEC 305- 3b :IAIC 2167 Tents and canopies over 13) days A /C 9251.1.1.1 Improper occupancy Uniform Hoaxing Code 100114 as adonred by AMC 2167: HAS 17920.31n) No person shall engage in business without a City of Arcadia business license .4MC 6211 Visibility Standards for driveways and intersections .4AIC 9283.8.9 Condition in violation of the Arcadia Municipal Code IMC 9405.! Other AMC &let CoP' o� Wu 35a'r- t V cMWa For 0,i,; y a a5 w nth wire. wo Yto &Ito Date 7 L L Phon 6. 2J.o �o YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE FOLLOWING ARCADIA MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION (S): Vegetation obstructing sidewalk. parkway or roadway I aMC 7220 Weeds or dead vegetation on premises or adjacent parkways AMC 9.105.8 Lack of maintenance of buildings. structures. and landscaping AMC 9.105.12 Debris /Equipment not lawfully screened Irom public /private view AMC 9. 105.10 Abandoned, wrecked. dismantled /inoperative vehicles :111IC .1900 Parking on unpaved surface within a residential area AMC 9.105.1 4.a Failure to comply with enforcement order AMC 1200 or 9./03'a)) Trash container(s) visible to public view and outside or allowed time al curb:WA1C 5120.5.1, 5120.5.2. 9102.3.7 Structure that cannot be used in its existing condition .4111C 9.105.5 Remarks /Required Action: Other AMC MC ele c.o,'V 45P st L 1 ca rd r t Par rYi. c 4= bce.f2p i9 W .t /Avec tJ A,6e- wo fj Notice is hereby given that violation(s) must be corrected by a, t I It is the responsibility of the property owner and /or occupant to notify this office v en a above corrections have been completed. Failure to abate the violations in the time period given will result in the issuance of an administrative citation that would include a monetary fine and /or additional penalty. TAX ALERT: Anyone who derives rental income from housing determined to be substandard cannot deduct from State personal income tax. bank and corporuc income tax. interest. depreciation, amortiz; lion or taxes attributable to such substandard housing. if the violation(s) specified in this notice regarding substandard buildings) have not been brought to a condition of compliance within six (6) months from the date of this notice. notification will be sent to the Franchise Tax Board as provided in Sections 1727.4 and 2. 4436.5 oldie California Revenue and Taxation Code. This notice has been mailed/posted pursuant to 9106.1 of the Arcadia Municipal Code Further information may be obtained by contacting the undersigned inspector(s). Inspector's Si e Date Print Inspector's Nat e The placement. allowance. use or maintenance of signs. posters. and banners that are not perniittcd uses in the City of Arcadia.:1A /C 9 405.18 Structure constructed not in compliance with the Arcadia Municipal Code .-1/11C' 9 405.4 90 days is maximum time permitted for temporary lighting or Christmas lightinu NEC 305-3h; AMC 2167 Tents and canopies over (3) days :1;1IC 9251.1.1.1 Improper occupancy Urrifarn, Housing Coyle 1001.14 as adopted br i lIC 2167: MIS 17920.3(x) No person shall engage in business without a City of Arcadia business license AMC 6211 Visibility Standards for driveways and intersections AMC 9283,8;S: Condition in violation oldie Arcadia Municipal Code AMC 9405.1 cpZtj 57 f -5 '4 3 L. Phoh-" (p50— (o 2io (O 5/20/2010 08 -4645 On 5/14/2010, at 1330 hrs, Officer Orswell and I inspected, along with Terry Moore Korse, Code Enforcement, Jill Perumean, Fire Dept, Silva Vergel, Business License Officer, and Jeff Wang, Building Dept, inspected Orchid Spa, 1004 N. Santa Anita, Arcadia, and spoke with two massage therapists, Jie Song, MT 09084, and Yuli Qin, MT 09073, both licenses are valid. Helen Ho, owner, was not present, but we talked to her by phone. This was a follow up inspection from 02/05/2010. Our purpose was to check to previous violations had been corrected. We found that they, again, did not have complete records of treatment, missing signs from rooms 3, 4 and no entry area sign and no uniforms. A copy of our inspection report was left for Helen Ho. Jill Perumean, Arcadia Fire Dept, found that all previous violations had been corrected. A copy of the inspection report was left for Helen Ho. Terry Moore Korse, Code Enforcement, documented the following: I inspected the subject business to verify compliance of the Arcadia Municipal Code. The following items were noted to be corrected. No signs in lobby, no roster of employees, no uniforms, records of treatment inadequate. Additional Information Hours are 1000 to 2100 hrs, seven days a week. No one there knew the percentage of business massages brought in. There were two customers present getting massages. Customer #1 signed his incomplete record of treatment as Jesus Huerta but as he walked out, he was definitely an adult Asian male. We walked out to find him but he was no where to be found. The second customer, signed in as Herbert Flores was definitely a Caucasian male. He left in a vehicle before we could make contact. He drove a Land Rover, 4DJS594. In addition, there was another Asian female there who, as we walked in, grabbed her purse from a locker and went out the back door. We stopped her at her vehicle and asked her to step back inside, which she did willingly. Her name was Fei Fei Ya, CDL F1397640, DOB -12 -12 -1978. She said lived with the owner, who was her cousin, and was there to meet her. Ya said that when the owner was not there she decided to leave. Silva called Helen, the owner, who said that her cousin, Ya, was there to visit her. When Silva asked Helen why she was not there to meet with her cousin, she did not answer the question. Officer Orswell has documented the following: Our initial visit was 7/01/2008 and they did not have records of treatment plus other violations. On 9/10/2008, they violation for not having records of treatment. On 3/12/2009, he notes that this is the fourth violation for not having records of treatment. On 6/14/2009, he notes that they had just started to keep records of treatment. On 02/05/2010, he notes that there are no records of treatment and other previous violations. toao +2(s 51)ott0 CADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT ;IDENT REPORT TYPE, LOCATION AND TIME OF INCIDENT e of Incident (I-P/ CQQ drt-fl►l'Unack ation of °coherence Premise 2O+ kJ. SSA- AilrrA le and Time Reported --t -(D 0 I4S REPORTING PARTY 0 VICTIM 0 OWNER 0 R/O 0 SUBJECT 0 I Drivers Bt Name License First Name Middle Race 5or wideness Address airless Address or School Attended 100 N 5 AM—t G 4 ast Name JI' E III. VEHICLE INFORMATION First Name City lusiness Address or School Attended City tes Bence Address Pear, Make, Model, Style, Color, Ucense Plate w /State N PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. Article/Make City by 'Model Number Beat/RD Serial Number State Zip Code State Zip Code ICTIlIMI.C" OWNEllei `O State Zip Code State Zip Code Occurred o I Nor Between Color Property Continuation Pa•e 1 234 Ape s No. y Use Only e Date Date Sex Birthdate (Mo/Day/Vear) Res Cell License Middle Race Se Res if Cell Bus 1 Suspect Vehicle Victim Vehicle Other Involved Vehicle Lost/Stolen/Damaged/Foun L Total Value: Day Day C Time 1330 Time Birthdate (Mo/Day/Year) Value orr ao 135 Date Supervisor t Date Page 0 AD1A POLICE. DEPARTMENT DENT REPORT NARRATIVE c I• 6'46 Arrrel&I-W Dale Supervisor and ID Date .0�r Agency Use Only Case No. tc- 1'6 ;31 Page of Date 61 Ict(co Responsible Person t'} b x Name of Business ei U SPPr Address Qo( S Vim- Telephone Number 6418.19. OPERATIONS. (A) Identification Cards. Each massage therapist shall at all times have in his or her possession the Massage Therapist Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. Each owner and/or operator shall at all times have in his or her possession the Owner /Operator Identification Card required by this Division and a valid photo identification. Such card and identification shall be provided to City regulatory officials upon demand. (B) Display of License. Each massage therapist shall display the Business License Certificate issued pursuant to this Division in an open and conspicuous place on the business premises where massage therapy services are p rmed. lothing. Each massage therapist and all other employees shall be fully clothed at all times. Clothing shall lly opaque, nontransparent uniforms, similar to uniforms worn in medical offices, and shall provide 80nw complete co g genitals, pubic area, covering of the enitals ubic are buttocks, anal area and chest area. 09 LJ.. Li tfOCAA 114- (D) Sterilizing Equipment. Each massage therapist shall provide and maintain at the business location where the massage is performed adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing instruments used in massage. (E) Covering. Each massage therapist shall provide to all patrons clean, sanitary and opaque coverings capable of covering the patron "s specified anatomical areas, including the genital, anus and chest area. Reuse is prohibited unless the covering is adequately cleaned. (F) Linen. Towels and linen shall be changed and laundered promptly after each use. Separate cabinets or containers shall be provided for the storage of clean and soiled towels and linen. (G) Advertising. No massage therapist operating under this Division shall place, publish or distribute, or cause to be placed, published or distributed, any advertising matter that depicts nudity or semi nudity or employs language in the text of such advertising that would reasonably suggest to a prospective patron that any other services are available other than those services authorized by this Division. (H) Discrimination. No massage therapist may discriminate or exclude patrons on the basis of their race, sex, religion, age, handicap or any other classification protected under federal or state laws, rules or regulations. (I) Inspections and Searches. The business owner /operator, and massage therapist, as a condition to the issuance of each Massage Therapist Identification Card, Owner /Operator Identification Card and Business License, shall be deemed to consent to the,inspection of the business premises by the City Development Services Department, Fire Department, Police Department and the Los Angeles County Health Department for the purpose of determining that the provisions of this Division or other applicable laws or regulations are met. (J) Lighting. The lighting in each massage room shall be at least one (1) sixty -watt white light bulb and shall be activated at all times while a patron is in such room or enclosure. No strobe flashing lights may be used. No colored lights shall be used nor shall any coverings be used which change the color of the primary light source. (K) Ventilation. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (L) Building Permits. All building, plumbing and electrical installations shall be installed under permit and inspected by the Development Services Department. Such installations shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the building and construction codes adopted by the City of Arcadia. (M) Bath Facilities. A minimum of one (1) toilet and one (1) separate washbasin shall be provided for patrons. Soap or detergent and hot running water shall be provided to patrons and employees at all times and shall be located within close proximity to the area devoted to the performance of massage therapy services. A permanently installed soap dispenser, filled with soap, and a single service towel dispenser shall be provided at the restroom hand wash sink. No bar soap may be used. A trash receptacle shall be provided in each toilet room. (N) Separate Rooms. If male and female patrons are to be treated simultaneously, the following shall be provided: separate treatment rooms, separate dressing rooms and separate toilet facilities for each patron. (0) Maintenance. All facilities where massage therapy services are offered must be in good repair and shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized each day the business is in operation. All walls, floors and ceilings of each restroom and shower area shall be easily cleanable. (P) Massage Table. A massage table shall be provided in each massage room or enclosure and the massage shall be performed on this massage table. The tables shall have a minimum height of eighteen inches (18 Two inch (2") thick foam pads with maximum width of four feet (4') may be used on a massage table and must be covered with durable, washable plastic or other waterproof material. Beds, floor mattresses and waterbeds are not permitted on the business premises. (Q) Doors. No massage therapy services shall be given within any room or enclosure that is fitted with a door capable of being locked. The business premises" exterior doors and any doors separating the waiting or reception area from the remainder of the premises shall remain unlocked during business hours. (R) Posting. Each service offered, the price thereof and the minimum length of time such service is performed shall be posted in a conspicuous public location on the business premises. No services shall be performed and s shall be charged for such services other than those posted. otices. The following notice shall be conspicuously posted in a location within the business where sage therapy services are performed that is easily visible to any person entering the premises and in each massage room or enclosure: M. le.407 1 Nu- Fa8'Wl 0.0■9 3 4 4 v kVA S 1610 IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT OUR DOORS ARE TO REMAIN UNLOCKED AT ALL TIMES FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION TO INSURE OUR PROFESSIONALISM. (T) Roster of Employees. The business owner and/or operator shall maintain a register of all massage therapists and employees, showing the name, nicknames and aliases used by the massage therapist or employee, home address, age, birth date, gender, height, weight, color of hair and eyes, phone numbers, social security number, date of employment and termination, if any, and duties of each employee. The above information concerning each massage therapist and employee shall be maintained at the premises of the business for a period of two (2) years following termination. The business owner and/or operator shall make the register of massage therapists and employees available immediately for inspection by the City regulatory officials upon demand at all onable times. ecords of Treatment. The business owner and/or operator shall keep a record of the dates and hours of treatment or service, the name and address of the patron, the name of the massage therapist administering such service and a description of the treatment or service rendered. A short medical history form shall be completed by the massage therapist to determine if the patron has any communicable diseases, areas of pain, high blood pressure or any physical condition that may be adversely affected by massage. These records shall be prepared prior to administering any massage or treatment, and shall be retained for a period of twenty -four (24) months after such treatment or service. These records shall be open to inspection upon demand only by officials charged with enforcement of this Division and for no other purpose. The City regulatory officials shall periodically inspect the records to ensure compliance with this Division. Such records shall be kept at the business. The information furnished or secured as a result of any such records shall be used only to ensure and enforce compliance with this Division, or any other applicable State or Federal laws, and shall remain confidential. Any unauthorized disclosure or use of such information by any officer or employee of the City shall constitute a misdemeanor. 6418.19 f t t A 9 4 j r NPOlt efikaL 1 -{CfAilirPOIArj Massage Therapy Business Activities Primary Business Acupuncture Medical Office .Day Salon or Spa Chiropractor Physical Therapist Other Name of Medical Professional or Business Owner ftes./W 14-0 Telephone Number Present at time of inspection? 0 Yes 'Ykio Scheduled Hours at Location 1 Primary Business usiness Massage Therapy Monday I 0 1 10-9 k-- el r G` 1 Pk El Tuesday 9l 2 0 Wednesday 1 u' S 1 3 0 Thursday .AcL ct t 0 Friday a Saturday g 0 Sunday oe -5 Percentage of Income Sources Primary Business Massage Therapy d r Hourly Rate P t- app, 4 Primary Business Massage Therapy a 41 2 1 f) Massage Therapists Present at the time of the Inspection Name j l ii- `o r11Y Qk MT ID wt 0214 4/0 Fp 140 LAT OGI fl1 1 t D 11/4us� a FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Service portable fire extinguishers) 9062 Fire extinguisher(s) required 906.1 Fire extinguisher(s) mounting required 908.7 Fire sprinkler 5 year certification required 901.6.1 Fire sprinkler system maintenance required 901.6 Fire alarm system maintenance required 901.6 Hood and Duct fire system service required 901.6 Hood and Duct system cleaning required 901.6 ARCADIA FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 710 SOUTH SANTAANITAAVENUE ARCADIA, CA 91006 (626) 574 -5104 (626) 445 -1819 FAX No violations noted (NVN). Thank you for your cooperation with the Arcadia Fire Department during your Fire and Life Safety Inspection. IX Your attention is directed to the items checked below. These violations must be corroded In order to meet minimum Fire and t-Ue Safety Requirements. For clarification of the hems noted, please refer to the comments section. HOUSEKEEPING VIOLATIONS Fire resistive construction 703.1 Fire assembly testing and maintenance 703.4 Improper storage of combustible materials 315.2 No storage allowed in boiler/ mechanicaVetad ical rooms 315.2.3 Improper use of combustible decorative material 807 Combustible vegetation 304.1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Address numbers 505.1 Knox Box required 506,1 Secure compressed gas cylinders, tanks, containers 3003.5 COMMENTS: /v AC ;44 .1//1 4 1A.Pf L:Y. Contact Person Signa 1 Inspector's Name: You are hereby notified to correct the items checked above within 14 days, or prior to of i' A re- inspection will be held on or afterthis date at no charge. A reinspection fee may be assessed and billed by the City of Arcadia if corrections are not made prior to this re- inspection and a subsequent re- inspection is necessary. 1 have read this statement and understand that a fee may be charged if corrections are not made in a timely manner and ditionalle- inspections are necessary. FPB 101 Date: 5 4 0 DBA Ol C Ica Business Addriiss OCCYO ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Improper use of zip cords or extension cords 605.5 Improper use of multi -plug outlets 605.4 Electrical panel access 605.3 Correct electrical hazard 605.1 EXIT REQUIREMENTS Exit obstruction 1028.3 Aisle obstruction 1014.4 Exit doors operation 1008.1.8 Exit ;loot locking devices 1008.1.8.3 Corridor obstruction f 1028.3 Stairway obstruction 1028.3 Exit sign illumination 1011.2 Exit signs required two or more exits 10'11.1 Emergency.badcup exit lighting 1027.5 SPECIAL HAZARDS Permit required App 1 105.1 Extreme hazard App 1 110.1 Other hazards Net.) .2 -ao/o Date: /0 3 Company: Captain's ID#: DATE: May 18, 2010 TO: Mike Daleo FROM: Terry Moore -Korse SUBJECT: Inspection on Friday May 14, 2010 of premises located at 1004 North Santa Anita, Arcadia No signs in lobby. No roster of employees No uniforms Records of treatment inadequate A citation will be issued for the above violations. MEMORANDUM Development Services Department I inspected the subject business to verify compliance of the Arcadia Municipal Code. The following items were noted to be corrected: MEMORANDUM Development Services Department DATE: August 17, 2010 TO: John Bonomo, Detective, Arcadia Police Dept. FROM: Silva Vergel, Business License Officer SUBJECT: Inspection of Orchid Spa, 1004 N. Santa Anita MEMORANDUM Development Services Department Business License Office On Monday, July 19, 2010, Terry Moore, Code Services Officer and I visited Orchid Spa. Our visit was prompted because of a Massage Therapist application submitted by Jiamei Liu for a massage therapist at 1004 N. Santa Anita Ave. The purpose of the visit was to verify the submitted "Work Schedule Upon entering the site, we were greeted by Helen, the manager. We explained the purpose of our visit. She went to the back of the spa and we noticed on the monitors at the front counter that she was pushing a lady out of the rear exit door. We went to the back and saw that one of the ladies was outside and then discovered that she was Jiamei Liu. We questioned her and she indicated that she was there to be trained. She was informed that she does not have a valid business license or a Massage Identification Card and she cannot be there. During our inspection, we also noticed three other massage therapists there. While two were performing massage, one was providing esthetician services. None of them were wearing the proper uniforms as required by AMC 6418.20.C. There was also a manicurist present working on a client. We also inspected the Record of Treatments. They did not have them available for the clients that were at the salon getting massage. In addition, the Record of Treatments were unavailable to us and the ones that we were able to inspect were inadequate in content per AMC 6418.20.S. While we were there, a gentleman walked in and after discovering that we were from the City indicated that he was there without an appointment for a pedicure. The pedicurist stated that she did not take walk -ins. Later we were told that the gentleman was there for a massage. As a result of this inspection, Ms. Moore issued 3 citations; 1 to the business owner and 2 to the massage therapists who were not wearing the proper uniforms. Today 4 New Beautiful College Girls Pamper You for Real 4 Hands 2 HNDS THE BEST... Page 1 of 4 posted: August 13, 2010, 09:10 AM Jaackoaoe.com los angeles adult entertainment Jos anaeles body rubs Inappropriate content los angeles, ca free classifieds wrong category 1 report Today 4 New Beautiful College Girls Pamper You for Real 4 Hands 2 HNDS THE BEST PLACE for a relaxing 20 I over posted 1 Reply: click here Today 4 New Beautiful College Girls Pamper You for Real 4 Hands 2 HNDS THE BEST PLACE for a relaxing HAPPY Magical Healing Touch Are you looking for a great Massage? You found it here. Try 4 HANDS 2 GIRLS MASSAGE $100 /hr Try 4 HANDS 2 GIRLS MASSAGE $100 /hr 1004 4 http:// losangeles .backpage.com/BodyRubs/ today -4- new beautiful- college girls- pamper -yo... 8/18/2010 Today 4 New Beautiful College Girls Pamper You for Real 4 Hands 2 HNDS THE BEST... Page 2 of 4 All New and Young in 20's For Real You won't Regret if you come! Thanks god! So good! I do want leave! We Want To Give U a Precise Balance Between Comfort and Elegance, Relaxation and Therapy BEAUTIFUL GIRLS It is our pleasure to introduce to you several treatments that will make your visit with us the ultimate journey in MASSAGE experience. Beautiful College Girls Pamper You Like A KING .4 Hands 2 Girls, Relax your Body soul 4 Hands 2 Girls, Relax your Body soul 4 Hands 2 Girls, Relax your Body soul 4 Hands 2 Girls, Relax your Body soul NEW BEAUTIFUL COLLEGE GIRLS PAMPER YOU LIKE A KING, 4 HANDS 2 GIRLS. New 4 Beautiful College Girl Pamper You Like A KING 4 Hands 2 Girls. THERE ARE LOTS OF PARKING IN REAR,PLEASE COME IN REAR ENTER. THE BEST PLACE for a relaxing and therapeutic massage by beautiful CMT The Best place to Relax your Body Soul It is our pleasure to introduce to you several treatments that will make your visit with us the ultimate journey in MASSAGE experience. Designed to resemble a modern CHINESE ORCHID MASSAGE We bring traditions of Eastem and Westem approaches for healing. At ORCHID SPA, we want to give you a precise balance between comfort and elegance, relaxation and therapy. The guest is invited to a single treatment or to spend a few hours in an elegant appointed "VIP room" or to a designed treatment with the help of our extensive menu or with the help of a well trained technician who will assist you and guide you on every step of the way to create for you a therapeutic experience that you expect from a Cozy Comfy resort. Come to ORCHID MASSAGE to pamper your body, mind and spirit. Price List: $10 OFF for early Birds for 1 hour treatment, $50 /hr Swedish Oil Massage BEFORE 12PM NOON) You want great massage, Well, you've found itl! We are LICENSED, PROFESSIONAL, EXPERIENCED. and HIGHLY SKILLED MASSAGE THERAPIST.. Swedish, Deep Tissue, Thai, Sports, Shiatsu, Hot Stones, 4 Hands Massage available., or we can Walk on your back If you like it.. http: losangeles .backpage.com /BodyRubs/ today -4- new beautiful- college girls- pamper -yo... 8/18/2010 Today 4 New Beautiful College Girls Pamper You for Real 4 Hands 2 HNDS THE BEST... Page 3 of 4 (626) 254-1867. 1004 N SANTA ANITA AVE. ARCADIA,CA 91006 (NEXT TO LIQUOR STORE) THERE ARE LOTS OF PARKING IN REAR,PLEASE COME IN REAR ENTER. Accept Visa/MasterCard. 10AM -9PM. Thanks.. Can't wait to meet youl! FREE BODY SCRUB SHOWER CANDEL LIGHT ROOM HOT STONE FOUR HANDS MASSAGE 0.5 Minute to 210 FRWY ,EXIT SANTA ANITA,SOUTH OF FOOTHILL. Beautiful Place Beautiful Girl 0.5 Minute to 210 FRWY ,EXIT SANTA ANITA,SOUTH EAST CORNER OF FOOTHILL SANTA ANIT. 1004 N SANTA ANITA AVE.,ARCADIA,CA 91006. ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY s sr W Orange Grove Ave L Orange Grove Ave Santa Anita SUPER BEST MASSAGE W syrcamnre Ave W Ibo1hdl blvd W Foral Ave W Fired Ave, w Cokxedo Blvd s 9 I 2 a 8 SAn yi n fK E jff E Floral Ave Ar 1 Cnksado give 16' fit Poster's age: 20 Location: I AM 22, SHE IS 25 SHE IS 29 FOR REAL SU Post ID: 11107969 la Pone Sl f Sycamore two f. foothill alVd Lewd Ave I L forest Ave t Haven Ave t Newman Ave byte Ave f L St lostem St Z t 9mte Clara St Z X 9i k a 9 i W Huntingl N Huntin9rgn [)r S >w S 2nd Ave v, I AM 22, SHE IS 25 SHE IS 29 FOR REAL SUPPER Other ads by this user: New Girls We all in 20'8 Good Heart Good looking Asian airMS It I8 Our pleasure tO MASSAGE U 20 (4 HANDS MASSAGE ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA) adult entertainment: podv rubs We all in 20's Good Heart Good lookina Young alrls I It 18 Our pleasure to MASSAGE 20 VS (4 HANDS MASSAGE ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA) adult entertainment: body rubs Today 4 New Beautiful Colleae Girls Pamper You for Real 4 Hands 2 HNDS THE BEST PLACE for a relaxing 22 is 0 AM 22, SHE IS 25 SHE IS 29 FOR REAL SU) adult entertainment: Jody rubs NEW GIRL 22 First Dav Arrive) We all in 20's Good Heart Good lookina Asian alrls It Is our oleasure 220 (4 HANDS MASSAGE ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA) adult entertainment: body rubs We all in 20'S Good Heart Good lookina Young aids I It IS Our pleasure to MASSAGE 20 *a (4 HANDS MASSAGE ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA) adult entertainment: body rubs http:// losangeles .backpage.com/BodyRubs/ today -4- new beautiful college girls pamper -yo... 8/18/2010 Today 4 New Beautiful College Girls Pamper You for Real 4 Hands 2 HNDS THE BEST... Page 4 of 4 Email this ad to a fiend Account Looin I Affiliate Prooram (new)1 lalo 1 1- ejp 1 Popular Adult Searches I Privacy Policy 1 Promote Lis 1 Terms of Use 1 backoaoe.com Copyright 2010 losangeles.backpage.com Is an interactive computer service that enables access by multiple users and should not be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider. http: /losangeles .backpage.com/BodyRubs today -4- new beautiful- college girls pamper -yo... 8/18/2010 We all in 20's Good Heart Good looking Young girls It is our pleasure to MASSAGE 1... Page 1 of 3 packoaoe.corn> Jos anaeles adult entertainment los anaeles bodv rubs We all in 20's Good Heart Good looking Young girls 1 It is our pleasure to MASSAGE 20 posted August 11, 2010, 08.05 AM Reply: click here We all in 20's Good Heart Good looking Young girls I It is our pleasure to MASSAGE We all in 20's Good Heart Good looking Asian We Want To Give U a Precise Balanc Between Comfort and Elegance, Relaxation and Therapy BEAUTIFUL GIRLS It is our pleasure to introduce to you several treatments that will make your visit with us the ultimate journey in MASSAGE experience. Deluxe MASSAGE BEAUTIFUL Girls *-*PAIN? STRESS? TENSION? GO AWAY report: los angeles, ca free classifieds inappropriate content 1 wrong C8 $gp7 All New and Young in 20's For Real You won't Regret if you come! Thanks god! So good! I do want leave! We Want To Give U a Precise Balance Between Comfort and Elegance, Relaxation and Therapy BEAUTIFUL GIRLS It is our pleasure to introduce to you several treatments that will make your visit with us the ultimate journey in MASSAGE experience. http:// losangeles .backpage.com/BodyRubs /we- all- in -20s- good -heart-good- looking young 8/18/2010 We all in 20's Good Heart Good looking Young girls It is our pleasure to MASSAGE 1... Page 2 of 3 Beautiful Friendly Girls! Relax your Body Soul THE BEST PLACE for a relaxing and therapeutic massage by beautiful CMT The Best place to Relax your Body Soul Designed to resemble a modern ORCHID MASSAGE We bring traditions of Eastern and Western approaches for healing At ORCHID SPA, we want to give you a pre balance between comfort and elegance, relaxation and therapy The guest is invited to a single treatment or to spend a few hours in an elegant appointed 'VIP room" or to a designed treatment with the help of our extensive menu or wi help of a well trained technician who will assist you and guide you on every step of the way to create for you a therapeutic experience that you expect from a Cozy Comfy Come to ORCHID MASSAGE to pamper your body, mind and spirit Price List: $10 OFF for early Birds for 1 hour treatment, $50 /hr Swedish Oil Massage BEFORE 12PM NOON $60 /HR (Regular was $65 /hr) 4 HANDS Massage by 2 Beautiful Asian Girls $110 /hr(Regular was $120 /hr) A San* Anita W *anima A W roothtll Blvd IT E Floral Ave W Floral Ave W Pores, Ave W CCIo ado Blvd ;f Colorado Blvd a IA Forte St r Sycamore Ave E foothill Blvd gg laurel Ave t Forest Ave 2 3 w/cc Ave s I 5t Joseph St z t Santa Cw.I Sr 1 z `a Huntington pr S2nd Ave c 1 2 E Haven Ave I, Newman Av.' Olen w w tfuntingt You want great massage, Well, you've found it!! htt l osangeles .backpage.conl/BodyRubs /we- all- in -20s- good -heart- good looking young 8/18/2010 We all in 20's Good Heart Good looking Young girls It is our pleasure to MASSAGE 1... Page 3 of 3 We are LICENSED, PROFESSIONAL, EXPERIENCED and HIGHLY SKILLED MASSAGE THERAPIST. Swedish, Deep Tissue, Thai, Sports, Shiatsu, Hot Stones, 4 Hands Massage available., or we can Walk on your back If you like it. Call (626) 254 -1867 or can text to 626- 297 -7568 1004 N SANTA ANITA AVE ARCADIA,CA 91006 (NEXT TO LIQUOR STORE) THERE ARE LOTS OF PARKING IN REAR,PLEASE COME IN REAR ENTER Accept Visa/MasterCard 10AM -9PM Thanks.. Can't wait to meet you!! FREE BODY SCRUB CANDEL LIGHT ROOM HOT STONE FOUR HANDS MASSAGE 0.5 Minute to 210 FRWY ,EXIT SANTA ANITA,SOUTH OF FOOTHILL Beautiful Place Beautiful Girl 0.5 Minute to 210 FRWY ,EXIT SANTA ANITA,SOUTH EAST CORNER OF FOOTHILL SANTA ANIT 4 HANDS MASSAGE ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY 1004 N SANTA ANITA AVE., ARCADIA,CA 91006 Poster's age: 20 Location: 4 HANDS MASSAGE ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA Post ID: 11085915 Other ads by this user: New Girls We all in 20's Goo. 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We all in 20'8 Good Heart Good looking Asian CMS It is our pleasure 22 tp1 (4 HANDS MASSAGE ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA) adult entertainment: body rubs We all in 20's Good Heart Good looking Young arts I It IS our pleasure to MASSAGE 20 (4 HANDS MASSAGE ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA) adult entertainment: bc Entail this ad to a frien4 Account Login 1 Affiliate Prooram (new)1 to Helo 1 Popular Adult Searches 1 Privacy Policy 1 Promote Us 1 Terms of Use 1 backpacie.com 0 Copyright 2010 losengeles.backpage.com is an interactive computer service that enables access by multiple users and should not be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider. http: /losangeles.backpage. comB odyRubs /we- all- in -20s- good -heart- good looking- young 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 1 of 9 backoage.com los angeles services los angeles therapeutic massage report: inappropriate content los angeles, ca free classifieds wrong category I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massage PAPER YOU posted: August 17, 2010, 09:05 AM over posted Reply: click here I AM 22,She is 25, She 18 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massage PAPER YOU 0707103 http://losangeles.backpage.com/TherapeuticMassage/i-am-22she-is-25-she-is-26-for-real-p... 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 2 of 9 http: /losangeles. backpage. com/ TherapeuticMassage /i- am- 22she- is -25- she- is -26- for real -p... 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 3 of 9 http: //losangeles. backpage. com/ TherapeuticMassage /i- am- 22she- is -25- she- is -26- for real -p... 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 4 of 9 .cam Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massage PAPER YOU. Come To Be My KING. Pamper your body, mind All New and Young in 20's For Real You won't Regret if you come! Thanks god! So good! I do want leave! We Want To Give U a Precise Balance Between Comfort and Elegance, Relaxation and Therapy BEAUTIFUL GIRLS It is our pleasure to introduce to you several treatments that will make your visit with us the ultimate journey in MASSAGE experience. LET BEAUTIFUL SWEET GIRLS AMAZING MASSAGE PAMPER YOU.COME TO BE MY KING. THERE ARE LOTS OF PARKING IN REAR,PLEASE COME IN REAR ENTER Fabulous Hands Beautiful Asian CMT, Honest SWEET therapists Relax your Body and calm your mind ORIENTAL RELAXING BODYWORK Peaceful, relaxing massage WE Offer an Excellent Massage, The stresses of modern day life can be lessened by allowing yourself time to renew ORIENTAL RELAXING BODYWORK WE Offer an Excellent Massage, http: /losangeles. backpage. com/ TherapeuticMassage /i- am- 22she -is -25 she- is -26- for real -p... 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 5 of 9 Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point,Tai, Shiatsu Acupressure, Hot Stones, 4 HANDS Massage... Come to Chinese ORCHID MASSAGE to pamper your body, mind and spirit Massage: br> Massage increases your flexibility and range of motion. And most important of all, IT FEELS GOOD! Price List: FREE SHOWER $60/1 hr Regular is $65) $90/1.5 hr Regular is $95) $110/ 1HR 4 HANDS Massage Regular is $120) You want great massage, Well, you've found it!! (626) 254 -1867 or text 626- 297 -7568 to MAKE AN APPIONTMENT (NEXT TO LIQUOR STORE) THERE ARE LOTS OF PARKING IN REAR,PLEASE COME IN REAR ENTE THERE ARE LOTS OF PARKING IN REAR,PLEASE COME IN REAR ENTER R Accept Visa /MasterCard 10AM -9PM http: /losangeles. backpage. com/ TherapeuticMassage /i- am- 22she- is -25- she- is -26- for real -p... 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 6 of 9 http:// losangeles. backpage. com/ TherapeuticMassage /i- am- 22she- is -25- she- is -26- for real -p... 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 7 of 9 tote 00 .00 SPA KEN DAVIS nJ S 14,*.1 it IN http: /losangeles. backpage. com/ TherapeuticMassage /i- am- 22she- is -25- she- is -26- for real -p... 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 8 of 9 a Arpoyada DT r Post ID: 11150060 4 W Orange Grove Ave E Orange Grave Ave P i v a gg E W SYremrxe Ave a 3 E Floral Ave W Foothill Blvd W Floral Ave W Forest Ave W Colorado Blvd I it Cnkxado Blvd Santa Anna Arcadia a La Porte St Location: ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SA E Sycamore Ave E Foothill Blvd Laurel Ave E Forest Ave E Newman Ave 2 Joyce Ave 1 Sr t St Joseph SS 2 4. 4 19 SS s?i E Santa Clara St a r>: t: Huntington Dr rn S2ndAve E Haven Ave 2 2 Q t Olen W S rn W Hulhtingl 4 HANDS MASSAGE,CANDEL LIGHT ROOM HOT STONE FOUR HANDS 0.5 Minute to 210 FRWY ,EXIT SANTA ANITA,SOUTH OF FOOTHILL 1004 N SANTA ANITA AVE.,ARCADIA,CA 91006 ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY 0.5 MIN FROM 210 FRWY MY KING 4HANDS 2 GIRLS 0.5 MIN TO 210 FR Other ads by this user: 4 GIRLS are in Our 20's! Sweet Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massage PAPER YOU (ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SA) services: therapeutic massage I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massage PAPER YOU IP (4 HANDS MASSAGE,CANDEL LIGHT ROOM HOT ST) services: therapeutic massage 5 NEW GIRL are in Our 20's! Sweet Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massage PAPER YOU (ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SA) services: therapeutic massage I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massage PAPER YOU (ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SA) services: therapeutic massage 5 NEW GIRL are in Our 20's! Sweet Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massage PAPER YOU< 7� (ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SA) services: therapeutic massage http: /losangeles. backpage. com/ TherapeuticMassage /i- am- 22she- is -25- she- is -26- for real -p... 8/18/2010 I AM 22,She is 25, She is 26 for Real photo Let Beautiful Sweet Girls AMAZING Massa... Page 9 of 9 Email this ad to a friend Account Login I Affiliate Program (new) I Bloq 1 Help 1 Popular Searches 1 Privacy Policy 1 Promote Us 1 Terms of Use 1 backpage.com Copyright 2010 losangeles.backpage.com is an interactive computer service that enables access by multiple users and should not be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider. http: /losangeles. backpage. com/ TherapeuticMassage /i- am- 22she- is -25- she- is -26- for real -p... 8/18/2010 NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Young and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The B... Page 1 of 4 backoaae.com Jos anaeles adult entertainment Jos anaeles body rubs 070710_1 Inappropriate content 1 los Angeles, ca free classifieds wrong category over posted report Girl Today We Are All in 20's Young and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The Best Massage in the 20 posted: August 14, 2010.. 00.07 AM Reply: click here NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Young and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The Best Massage in the World,BEAUTIFUL GET MASSAGE TODAY HAPPY AND RELAX http:// losangeles .backpage.com/BodyRubs/ new -girl- today -we- are all- in -20s- young and -pr... 8/18/2010 NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Young and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The B... Page 2 of 4 3._ All New and Youna in 20's For Real You won't Reoret if you come! Thanks aod! So aoodl I do want leave! We Want To Give U a Precise Balance Between Comfort and Elegance. Relaxation and Therapy BEAUTIFUL GIRLS It is our pleasure to introduce to you several treatments that will make your visit with us the ultimate ioumev in MASSAGE experience. BEAUTIFUL GIRLS BEAUTIFUL SMILE AND BEAUTIFUL HEART. COME IN BE MY DATE THERE ARE LOTS OF PARKING IN REAR.PLEASE COME IN REAR ENTER http:// losangeles.backpage.comBodyRubs/ new -girl- today -we- are all- in -20s- young- and -pr... 8/18/2010 NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Young and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The B... Page 3 of 4 SPA KFN F)AVV' Accept Visa /MasterCard 10AM -9PM Thanks.. Can't wait to meet ya!! ArpdVada Dt W Orange Grove Ave E Orange Grove Ave Santa Anita Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point and Shiatsu Acupressure Massage... HIGHLY SKILLED MASSAGE THERAPIST Receive 60 -90 120 Minutes WE Offer an Excellent Massage, (626) 254-1867 1004 N SANTA ANITA AVE ARCADIA,CA 91006 (X- STREET IS FOOTHILL,SOUTH EAST CORNER OF FOOTHILL AND SANTA ANITA) vt Sycamore Ave W I °WUtdl Blvd W fOral Ave W Forest At n a le W Colorado Blvd EC a d so over Sri z i I r Sycamore Ave t 5 E foothill Blvd N it E coral avc 'E CoAnadn Blvd H Arcaelia )s L A Porte St L forest Ave t Or S2nd Ave E Haven Ave t. NI"' Ave t. M losepii St 2 f snore Clara 5t 2 Olv W W Hunting' http: /losangeles.backpage. com/BodyRubs/ new -girl- today -we -are- all- in -20s- young and -pr... 8/18/2010 NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Young and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The B... Page 4 of 4 FREE CANDLE LIGHTS,0.5 minute to 210 FRWY ,EXIT SANTA ANITA,SOUTH OF FOOTHILL ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY 22 COLLEGE GIRL FREE CANDLE LIGHTS,0.5 minute to 210 FRWY 1004 N Santa Anita Ave, Arcadia,CA91006 Poster's age: 20 Location: ARCADIA PASADENA MOROVIA SIERRA MADRE SA Post ID: 11118486 Other ads by this user: NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Youna and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The Best Massaae in the 2Z ap (22 COLLEGE GIRL FREE CANDLE LIGHTS,0.5) adult entertainment: podv rubs NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Youna and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The Best Massaae in the 20 Vta (FREE CANDLE LIGHTS,0.5 minute to 210 FR) adult entertainment: body rubs NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Youna and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The Best Massaae in the 20 x1 (22 COLLEGE GIRL FREE CANDLE LIGHTS,0.5) adult entertainment: body rubs NEW Giri Today We Are All in 20'8 Youna and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The Best Massaae in the 22 Ng (NEW Girl YOMEI 22 COLLEGE GIRL FREE) adult entertainment: b5SlIXJ125 NEW Girl Today We Are All in 20's Youna and Pretty for REAL Fabulous Hands The Best Massaae in the 20 (FREE CANDLE LIGHTS,0.5 minute to 210 FR) adult entertainment: body nabs Email this ad to a frienQ Account Looin 1 Affiliate Prooram (new)' gJpp i help 1 Pooular Adult Searches 1 privacy Policy' promote Ua 1 Terms of Use 1 backoace.com Copyright 2010 losangeies.backpage.com Is an interactive computer service that enables access by multiple users and should not be treated as the publisher or speaker of any Information provided by another information content provider. http:// losangeles .backpage.com/BodyRubs/ new -girl- today -we- are all- in -20s- young and -pr... 8/18/2010 EXHIBIT 'D' ROLL CALL: MINUTES ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION GENERAL PLAN UPDATE STUDY SESSION 6:00 P.M. AND REGULAR MEETING 7 :00 P.M. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Arcadia City Council Chambers 6:00 P.M., City Council Chamber Conference Room, 240 W. Huntington Drive CALL TO ORDER PRESENT: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Beranek, Chiao and Parrille ABSENT: None OTHERS ATTENDING Assistant City Manager /Development Services Director, Jason Kruckeberg Deputy Development Services Director /City Engineer, Phil Wray Community Development Administrator, Jim Kasama Senior Planner, Lisa Flores Assistant Planner, Nick Baldwin Senior Administrative Assistant, Billie Tone SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS There were none. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON NON PUBLIC HEARING MATTERS Five minute time limit per person There were none. STUDY SESSION 1. OVERVIEW OF GENERAL PLAN MATERIALS Staff provided copies of the Draft General Plan, Draft Environmental Impact Report and Draft Zoning Code Amendments for review and discussion. Mr. Kruckeberg and Ms. Flores presented an overview of the General Plan Update project and related documents. Chairman Parrille asked if the Commissioners had any comments or questions. Commissioner Baderian suggested, after reviewing the material that the Commissioners email any questions they may have to staff. This will allow staff to determine if it is necessary to have a discussion Commission at the October 12 meeting to respond to the questions. Chairman ParriIle agreed and asked for a time slot to be held on the October 12 agenda for this item. Chairman ParrIle called a recess. 7:00 p.m., City Council Chamber RECONVENE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Beranek, Chiao and ParriIle ABSENT: None OTHERS ATTENDING Deputy Development Services Director /City Engineer, Phil Wray Community Development Administrator, Jim Kasama Assistant Planner, Nick Baldwin Senior Administrative Assistant, Billie Tone SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS There were none. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON NON PUBLIC HEARING MATTERS Five minute time limit per person PUBLIC HEARING All interested persons are invited to appear at the Public Hearing and to provide evidence or testimony concerning any of the proposed items set forth below for consideration. You are hereby advised that should you desire to legally challenge any action taken by the Planning Commission with respect to the proposed item for consideration, you may be limited to raising only those issues and objections, which you or someone else raises at or prior to the time of the Public Hearing. 2. MODIFICATION APPLICATION NO. MP 10 -04 AND SINGLE FAMILY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW NO. SFADR 10-61 400 W. Norman Avenue Sanyao International, Inc. (Designer) The applicant is requesting approval of the following Modifications and Single Family Architectural Design Review for a proposed new single family residence: PC MINUTES 9 -28-10 Page 2 1. A 25' -0" street side yard setback in lieu of the 40'-0" special setback required along Holly Avenue; 2. A 39' -3" front yard setback in lieu of the 48' -8" average required; and 3. Twenty -four (24) feet of garage opening for a three -car garage facing the side street (Holly Ave.) in lieu of a maximum 16' -0" of garage opening facing a street on a lot that is less than 100' -0" wide. Assistant Planner, Nick Baldwin, presented the staff report.' Chairman Parrille asked if the Commissioners had any questions. Commissioner Baderian asked about the first Modification item, which addressed the special setback required along Holly Avenue. Mr. Baldwin explained that this special setback was established a long time ago and although it has become outdated, the regulations are still in effect. Commissioner Baderian asked if this special setback is an example of the type of "clean -up" issue to be addressed by the Text Amendments discussed earlier under the General Plan Update. Mr. Kasama explained that there are several areas in the city where special setbacks have been maintained and that they would have to be evaluated on a case -by -case basis to determine if change is desirable. They will eventually be "cleaned -up" but not as part of the General Plan Update. The Public Hearing was opened. Chairman Perri Ile asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this project. Mr. Robert Tong, of Sanyao International, represented the applicants. He said that the applicants will comply with all conditions and he offered to answer questions on the project. Chairman Parriile asked if anyone wanted to speak in opposition to this project. There were none. MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Baderian to close the Public Hearing. Without objection the motion was approved. MOTION: Based on the finding that the Modifications will secure an appropriate improvement of the lot, it was moved by Commissioner Baderian, seconded by Commissioner Baerg, to approve Modification Application No. MP 10-04 and Single- Family Architectural Design Review No. SFADR 10-61, subject to the conditions in the staff report. PC MINUTES 9 -28-10 Page 3 ROLL CALL AYES: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Beranek, Chiao and Parrille NOES: None ABSENT: None There is a five working day appeal period after the approval/denial of the applications. Appeals are to be filed by 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 5, 2010. CONSENT ITEMS 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. CUP 09 -19 1741 South Baldwin Avenue Hope Intemational Church The applicant is requesting a one -year extension of Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -07 and Architectural Design Review No. ADR 09-02 (Resolution 1798) that approved a new 1,273 square -foot, one -story office building at an existing church complex. 4. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 MOTION: It was moved by Commissioner Beranek, seconded by Commissioner Baerg, to approve the time extension for Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 09 -19 and the minutes of September 14, 2010 as presented. ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Baderian, Baerg, Beranek, Chiao, and Parrille NOES: None ABSENT: None MATTERS FROM CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION None MODIFICATION COMMITTEE AGENDA Chairman Parrille reported that there were six items on the Modification Committee agenda this moming. The first one was continued to October 12, 2010, and the others were approved. PC MINUTES 9 -28-10 Page 4 MATTERS FROM STAFF UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Kasama said that a place will be held General Plan Update project and that a preliminary invitation to the Commissioners Road on October 27. ADJOURNED ATTEST: Secretary, Planning Commission on the agenda of the October 12 meeting for the local developer, Richard Tipping, has issued a to attend an open house at 2 and 6 West Pamela Chairman, Planning Commission 7:20 p.m. PC MINUTES 9 -28-10 Page 5